Data of Geochemistry
Data of Geochemistry * Chapter T. Nondetrital Siliceous Sediments GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 440-T Data of Geochemistry Michael Fleischer, Technical Editor Chapter T. Nondetrital Siliceous Sediments By EARLE R. CRESSMAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 440-T Tabulation and discussion of chemical analyses of chert with respect to mineralogic composition, petrographic type, and geologic occurrence UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1962 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEW ART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.C. DATA OP GEOCHEMISTRY, SIXTH EDITION Michael Fleischer, Technical Editor The first edition of the Data of Geochemistry, by F. W. Clarke, was published in 1908 as U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 330. Later editions, also by Clarke, were published in 1911, 1916, 1920, and 1924 as Bul letins 491, 616, 695, and 770. This, the sixth edition, has been written by several scientists in the Geological Survey and in other institutions in the United States and abroad, each preparing a chapter on his special field. The current edition is being published in individual chapters, titles of which are listed below. Chapters already published are indicated by boldface type. CHAPTER A. The chemical elements B. Cosmochemistry C. Internal structure and composition of the Earth D. Composition of the earth's crust E. Chemistry of the atmosphere F. Chemical composition of subsurface waters, by Donald E. White, John D. Hem, and G. A. Waring G. Chemical composition of rivers and lakes, by Daniel A. Livingstone H. Chemistry of the oceans I.
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