Quan tri Hop ang HOP DONG NAY dugc ky ket vao ngay 1 thang 1 nam 2018 Ngay 2/2/2018 DA NHAN (k-S , ten) GIffA

CONG TY TNHH B. BRAUN VIET NAM, mot ding ty dugc thanh lap va hog d'Ong hgp phap theo lust phap cfla Viet Nam, co van ph6ng clang kST dat tai Cam C8ng nghiep Thanh Oai, xa Bich Hem, huyen Thanh Oai, Ha N8i, Viet Nam (sau day ggi tat la "BBV VN")


CONG TY CO PHAN PI LOGISTICS, mot cong ty dugc thanh lap tai Viet Nam va có van phong dang ky tai s6285 throng DOi Can, phuerng Lieu Giai, quan Ba Dinh, thanh ph8 Ha NOi, Viet Nam (sau day g9i tat la "PI").

(BBV VN va PI sau day dugc g9i chung la "Cdc Ben" va ggi rieng la "Ben" trong van ban sau)


A. BBV VN hog d'Ong trong linh vat san xuat va cung cap cac san pham va thi'et hi y to va dirge pham.

B. PI la nha cung cap dich va hau can tong the va cung cap dich va to van chu6i cung ung, van chuyen, giao nhan hang hoa, quan 1Y7kho, kho bai va cac dich vu lien quan den hau can khdc. BBV VN mong muon chi dinh PI cung cap cac dich AT lien quan den nhieu loci san pham khdc nhau.

C. BBV VN mong muon chi dinh PI la nha cung cap dich vu hau can cua BBV VN a cung cap cho BBV VN dich vu quan 1ST kho bai, dich va quail 1S7 van chuyen hang hoa, mOi gioi khach hang va van chuyen va cac dich vu hau can gid tri gia tang khdc theo yeu cau bang van ban cita cac Ben, tuan theo cac that khoan va dieu kien trong tai lieu nay.



1.1 PI se cung cap chi tiet ve dich vu ("Dich va") dugc chi dinh trong ban liet ke dich vu (g9i chung la "Ban liet ke") se de cap den H9p dong Tong the nay ("MA") va se dugc ca. hai Ben thtrc hien. MA nay bao gom 8 ban liet ke kern theo day.

1.2 Pham vi Dich vu: (1) Dau moi nguyen lieu the) va Kho Thanh pham: 118 trg cac nha may dugc pham & y to dm BBV VN, cling nhu ho trg ban hang tir BBV VN cho khdch hang dia phuang a mien Bac va mien Trung Viet Nam, chuyen not bo den cac kho khdc nhau tai Viet Nam.

(2) Quan1S, kho tai nha may cila nha may Dugc pham va Y ye.

(3) Moi gieri hai quan va van chuyen

1.3 Dich vu se dugc thtrc hien theo cac tieu chuan cham soc, ky nang va can trong hien hanh dugc chap nhan chung ye chuyen mon va theo lust phdp, quy dinh va cac chi so hoat dOng chinh

hien hanh. M8i Ban hest ke se lien quan den bat kST mot hoac nhieu (cac) san pham ("San pham"), lien quan den Ban liet ke co nghia la cac san pham dugc mo to trong Ban het ke va lien quan den MA nay, tat ca hoac bat kSr san pham nao dugc de cap trong bat kSr Ban het ke nao va mai Ban Het, ke se chAa mot hoac nhieu ban ke khai cong,viec ("Ban ke khai") va cac phi hie lien quan den San pham. Mad Ban het ke cling cung cap cac chi so hieu suat chinh ("KPI") ma PI se dat dugc hieu suAt cua Dich vu.

M6i Ban het ke, Ban ke khai hoac phi lic nhu vay la mot "Tai lieu hop nhat". MA nay va cac Tai lieu hop nhat se tao thanh thoa thuan gitra cac Ben va la tai lieu tham kha.'o cho "Hop dong", c6 nghia la MA nay va tat ca cac Tai lieu hop nhat. Trong truamg hop cal xung d6t gala cac dieu khoan cua MA nay va cac dieu khoan cua bat, kSr Tai lieu hop nhat nao, cac dieu khoan cua MA nay se dugc kiem soar; tuy nhien, vari dieuien, k cac Ben c6 the Ay quyen 1.6 rang hoac cA the bang van ban rang mOt,dieu khoan hoac cac diui khoan c the dm Tai lieu hop that kiem soat mot dieu khoan cu the dm MA nay va sau do chi trong pham vi dugc cung cap trong Tai lieu hop nhat do.


2.1 Trir khi chAm dirt theo Khoan 3 dm MA nay, thari han cua MA nay se bat dau vao ngay ,1 thang 1 nam 2018 ("Ngay bat dau") va tiep ttic trong mot thai gian co din.h ba (3) nam cho an het ngay 31 thang 12 nam 2020 ( "Thari Ilan ban dau") va sau do, MA nay se ti d6ng dugc gia han cho cac thai han lien tiep trong hai (2) nam m6i7 lan (voi cung cac dieu khoan va dieu kien ngoai trir Phi se dugc dieu chinh theo th6a thudn chung cua cac Ben, trir khi mot trong hai Ben cung cap cho Ben kia, chin muoi (90) ngay truac ngay het han cua Thoi han ban dau hoac bat k-Sr thai han dugc gia han nao, thong bao bang van ban ve viec khong gia han.

2.2 Mac du da ,het thai han ban dau hoac bat kST, dieu khoan gia han nao, trong trugng hop PI tiepr, tic cung cap cac Dich vi dugc neu trong bat kSr Ban ke khai nao cho BBV VN va BBV VN tiep tic chap nhan Dich vi sau khi het thai hail ban dau hoac bat kSr dieu khoan gia han nao va cac Ben kh6ng tham gia vao van ban gia han dm Ban ke khai do, sau do Ban khai (bao gom cac mire gia va phi c6 hieu lire khi het han dm Thai han ban dau hoac bat IcSr then han dugc gia han nao) se van c6 hieu ltrc theo timg thang het han cho den khi cham dirt bang van ban bari mot trong hai ben sau ba mum (30) ngay truarc thong bao bang van ban.

2.3 Bat ke khoan 2.1 va 2.2, thgi han dm MA nay se het hieu ltrc khi het han tat ca cac Tai lieu hop nhat theo dieu khoan cua chimg.


3.1 Khong anh huarng den cac dieu khoan ci the dugc neu trong Khoan 2 a ten, Hop dong nay co the bit cham dirt tn.rac khi het Thai hail ban ddu hoac bat kSr dieu khoan dugc gia han nao theo cac dieu kien duOi day dugc thong bao bang van ban ye 37r dinh chain dirt dugc dua ra bad mot trong hai ben,‘nhu twang hop c6 the, dugc coi la da dugc nhan neu no da dugc giri hoac giao tan tay hoac bang fax, vao ngay giao va,giri fax do, hoac,neu dugc giri qua thu din dang 147, trong vOng nam (5) ngay lam viec ke ngay danh dau teen thu:- i. BBV VN bang each girl thong bao bang van ban truac Ba (3) thang cho PI neu PI se ban, nhugng lai, uy quyen hoac chuyen nhugng bat kST neu quyen va/hoac nghia vu cAa minh theo Hop dong nay ma khong c6 si dong 3'7 truac bang van ban cua BBV VN; bOi BBV VN bang each gun thong bao bang van ban truerc Ba mum (30) ngay cho PI neu PI khong dap ing cing Ban liet ke KPI trong ba thang lien tiep. b6i PI bang each gin th6ng bao bang van ban truac Ba ,(3) thang cho BBV VN neu BBV VN ban, nhugng lai, Ay quyen hoac chuyen giao bat kSr quyen va/hoac nghia vi nao cua minh theo cac dieu khoan dm Hop dong nay ma khong co sir dOng y tn.rofc 2 bang van ban dm PI; iv. trong truang hop mot trong hai Ben vi pham bat kY nghia vu nao do sir bat can dm minh theo cac dieu khoan dm Hap d6ng nay (bao g8m nhung khong gioi han a cac chi so hoat &Ong chinh) clan den tac deng clang ke den doanh nghiep dm Ben kia va (trong truang hop vi pham c6 kha nang doge khac phge) se khong dirge khac phgc trong yang 60 ngdy ke tir khi ea, yeu cau bang van ban de khac phuc toting to doi vai bat kST vi pham lan 1 nao. Trong truang hgp vi pham tuong to dirge lap lai lan thir 2, Ben bi anh huang se c6 ca hei khac phgc tucrng to trong yang 30 ngay ke tir khi co yeu cau bang van ban. Trong moi trireng hop,, vi pham se khong doge khac phgc sau lan thu 2 trong yang 30 ngay ke khi co yeu cau khac phgc bang van ban; , v. beri mot trong hai Ben bang each dua ra thong bao ngay lap Mc neu Ben kia tra thanh doi Mang to nguyen hoac khong to nguyen hoan thanh, tiep nhan hoactien trinh mat kha hang thanh toan khac hoac thgc hien bat kST sap xep hoac thanh phan nao vai cac Chu ng efia minh hoac th6ng qua nghi quyet hoan thanh hoac neu hen nghi hoan thanh da &me trinh len tea an; va vi. bed mot trong hai Ben khi c6 sir pha huy clang ke hoac town be Co sa nam trong th6a thuan chung cua cac Ben sau khi sfra chila hoac xay dung.

3.2 Trong twang hop Hop dong nay bi cham dirt vi bat kjr 1S7 do nao dugc quy dinh tai Khoan 3.1 cua MA nay, cac Ben se thgc hien nhu sau:

i) Thao raj va van chuyen: PI ho tra BBV VN thao ra cac san pham va hang ton kho cua BBV VN khoi bat y co sa nao dm PI not cac San pharn va hang ton kho doge hru tri hoac tam gifr den dia chi dirge chi dinh mai tai Viet Nam, chi phi van chuyen lien quan den vice chuyen San pham sang nha cung cap dich vu hau can moi tai Viet Nam se do Ben vi pham hoac Ben cham dirt chin trach nhiem; So luting co phieu 100% se duge thgc hien ten San pham va trong twang hop thieu but gicra so luang va so ghi chep hang ton kho cua BBV VN, PI se tra cho (i) BBV VN chi phi thay the cho sir thieu but do. ii) Tra lai Tai,san khi ChAm dirt: PI nhanh chOng tra. lai cho BBV VN neu BBV VN cung cap tat ca cac may moc va thiet bi bao gem may tinh va mdu dien thoai, kieu mau, danh mgc, tai lieu quang cao, thong so ky thuat va cac tai lieu khac dirge da doge cung cap cho PI lien quan den Hgp &Ong nay.

3.3 Cac Ben se cung,cAp cac tai khoan cuel eimg trong,vong ba muoi (30) ngay ngay xuat hoa don. PI se boi thu6rng cho BBV VN vai bat 1(37 San pham bi loi, hu hong, v8", mop meo, bi mat, San pham bi thiet hai va/hoac mat mat trong khi San pham doge luu trir va/hoac gift va/hoac do each xir IST/tai/dolvan chuyen dm PI , nhan vien, (cac) dai VT va/hoac (cac) nha thau phat sinh true tiep tir PI, so suat cua nhan vien hoac nha thau phu, so suat va hanh vi sai trai co T theo cac gioi han theo quy dinh tai khoan 5.2 efia MA nay hoac cac Ban ke khai lien quan va PI efing se boi thuang cho BBV VN doi v6ri cac San pham da het han neu San pham het han bi bo lai hoac tiep tic dirge km frit va/hoac bi PI gift do khong ap dung FEFO (Het han tnrot, Xuat tnroc) trong kho va giao cac San pham theo cac giori han theo quy dinh tai Dieu 5.2 dm MA nay hoac cac Ban ke khai lien quan.

3.4 Ca hai Ben d'Ong Si rang khong Ben nao phai chiu trach nhiem cho Ben Ida ve viec b8i thueing thiet hai duai bat IcS7 hinh thirc hoac dac diem nao phat sinh tit viec cham dirt Hop dong nay, cho du la do ton that cua BBV VN hoac PI doi vOi lgi nhuan hien tai hoac lgi nhuan tiem nang hoac ban hang hoac ban hang dg kien, hoac chi tieu, dau to hoac cam ket dugc the hien nao co lien quan, trir khi c6 quy dinh khde trong Hop dong nay.


4.1 PI thira nhan quyen so hau cua BBV VN (va/hoac cac doanh nghiep lien quan efia BBV VN) 3 tat ca cac bang sang che, nhan hieu, ten thuong mai, ten nhan hieu, nhan hieu va thiet ke trong cac San pham (sau day g9i la "S6 hiru tri tue"). PI se khong yeu cau bat kST quyen nao doi voi Sa hum tri tue vi 15T,do H9p &Ong nay va trong tiled han H9p dong nay va tuan theo dieu khoan va diet' kien trong tai lieu nay. PI se khong, cho du trong thgi han cua Hop dong nay va bat kST Inc nao sau do du tire tie') hoac thong qua bat kST ben thir ba nao c6 dirge hoac tim cach thu dugc bat kST lgi ich nao trong Sa huu tri tue va se khong tim each lay holac clang 14- bat kST bang sang che, hoac clang 14T nao cua Sa him tri tue.

4.2 PI khong dirge sir dung bat kST ten Si him tri tue hoac ten BBV VN nao Ude ngoai su cho phep cua BBV VN theo Khoan 4.2 nay hoac theo each khac duge BBV VN cho phep bang van ban. Dac biet PI kh6ng duge sir dang bat kST Thuong hieu va ten BBV VN nao cua BBV VN lien quan den bat kST hoat dong kinh doanh hoac hoat dong nao dm PI, cho mixe dich quang ba San pham hoac sir dang S6 huu tri tue cua BBV VN hoac Ten thuong hieu khac cua BBV VN hon la dirge dan tren San pham phai CO sir cho phep tnr6c cua BBV VN, c6 the dirge cung cap hoac giu lai theo quyet dinh rieng cua BBV VN

4.3 BBV VN thira nhan quyen so hair dm PI (va/hoac cac doanh nghiep lien quan den PI) tat ca cac bang sang che, nhan hieu, ten thuong mai, ten thuong hieu va nhan hieu thuec PI (sau day g9i la "S6 him tri tue"). BBV VN se khOng c6 dirge bat kST quyen nao doi voi Sa hau tri tue vi VT do dm Hgp dong nay va trong thoi han cua Hgp dong nay va. theo cac dieu khoan va dieu kien cua BBV VN, se khong, cho du trong thei han cita Them thuan Hgp dong nay va bat kST luc nao sau do du tivc tiep hay thong qua bat kST ben thin ba nao c6 dugc hoac tim each c6 dirge bat kST lgi ich nao doi voi Sa hitu tri tue va se khong tim each lay hoac clang I4T bat kST bang sang che, hoac dang ky ciia bat kST S6 him tri tire nao.

4.4 BBV VN khong dugc sir clang bat kST ten S6 hair tri tue hoac ten PI nao khde ngoai sir cho phep ciia PI theo Khoan 4.4 nay hoac theo each khac co the dirge PI cho phep bang van ban. Bat kST viec sir clang Sa hiru tri tue PI nao cling can phai c6 sir cho phep truge cila PI ma co the dirge cung cap hoac gift lai theo quyet dinh rieng dm PI.


5.1 Giay to. xac nhan quyen s6 him cho tat ca. cac San pham bi tam gift hoac kiem soat PI ding voi bat kST khoan tien nao tir viec ban cac San pham do se luon dirge duy tri voi BBV VN va se 'thong dirge chuyen cho PI trong m9i truemg hop,

5.2 PI phai,chiu trach nhiem thiet hai va/hoac mat mat d6i voi cac San pham trong khi cac San pham do dang dirge xir VT/tai/d6 xuong va trong pham vi Dich vu cua PF dirge liet ke trong Ban liet ke so 1 (trir khi van chuyen) va clued du giam he, charn soc hoac kiem soat dm PI, cong chirc, dai VT va nhan vien phat sinh tir PF, so suat cong chuc, dai VT va nhan vien, so suat va hanh vi coydoi voi gia tri thay the doi voi BBV VN dOi voi cac San pham bi hu hong va/hoac bi mat doi voi tong the Vol da Sau ty va ba tram trieu dong Viet Nam (6.300.000.000 d6ng) gep hang nam.

Doi voi cac San pham bi ha hong va/hoac bi mat trong qua trinh, van chuyen ghat sinh tir PF, ngued. phuc vu, dai VT, nhan vien/hoac nha thau h9, so suat tho, so suat va hanh vi sai trai co y, PI phai trach nhiem ve thiet hai va/hoac mat gia tri dm chi phi thay the cho BBV VN doi voi San pham bi hu hong va/hoac bi mat; chili tong so tien toi da la hai tST va met tram trieu dong Viet Nam ( d6ng) moi lan xay ra.

5.3 Ca hai ben dong y rang trong trugng hop c6 giai phap thay the hieu qua hon ye chi phi de khac phuc thiet hai cho San pham, PI se thanh toan cho cac chi phi hop ly lien quan truc tiep tad bien phap khac phuc. Tong gia tri khieu nai khong dirge vugt qua Chi phi thay the ciia 4 San plAm; tuan theo gioi han trach nhiem phap 1ST quy dinh tai khoan 5.2.

5.4 PI se mua bao hiem sau day bang chi phi dm minh de bao hiem San pham. Pham vi bao hiem Han mire Trach nhiem nguari gift kho 6.300.000.000 dtmg Viet Nam

5.5.1. PI se cung cap kip thai cac ban sao giay chimg nhan bao hiem va gia han cho BBV VN de lam bang chirng ve,pham vi bao hiem neu ten. Cac chirng nhan nay se dirge duy tri trong suot Then han ban dau va moi thoi han dirge gia han.

5.6 BB V VN, bang chi phi dm minh, dam bao town b'9 gia tri dm hang h6a va San pham dang van chuyen, den hoac ben trong Co so ciia PI, trong suot thai gian Hop &Ong nay cho den khi San pham red kh6i Ca so., thong qua cac chinh sach bao hiem ("Bao hiem nhom") throe duy tri boi B. Braun Melsungen AG cho chinh minh va cac ding ty con (g9i chung la Tap down B. Braun) theo cac loai sau a) Chinh sach ma hang hai b) Tat ca cac rim ro cong nghiep

5.7 Trong truing hop yeu cau b6i thuong d6i \Teri Bao hiem nh6m va dirge xac dinh bai cac cong ty bao hiem rang thiet hai cho San pham la do bat kST nhan vien, dai cong chirc hoac nha thau nao dm PI gay ra, thi PI se boi thueng cho BBV VN moi khoan phi bao hiem gia tang ma BBV VN c6 the phai tra khi tiep tic Bao hiem nhom.

5.8 Dieu khoan 5 nay se ton tai khi het han hoac cham dirt Hgp d6ng nay.


6.1 M61 Ben ("Ben b6i thuang") se b6i thuong, bao ve va gift vet hai cho Ben Ida va moi thpc the lien ket va kiem soat cila,Ben va tat ca. giarn doe, nhan vien hoac can b6 h9 (trong moi truing hop "Ben dune boi thuong") tir va chong lai tat ca cac trach nhiem phap 1ST, khieu nai, kien cao, yeu cau, to tpng, phat tien, thiet hai, ton that, mat mat, phi ton va cong tic phi dm ben thin ba (bao gom ca phi luat su hop 1)'7) ("Khieu nai") ve thuang tich hoac tir vong cua bat kS7ngueri nao ho4c thiet hai hoac mat mat bat Ong san va cai thien ngay sau d6 ho4c tai san ca nhan hau hinh trong pham vi gay ra hoac xuat phat tir hanh vi bat can hoac thieu sot cila Ben d6 hoac cua snhan vien minh ngoai trir truing h9p gay ra ben, Ben dirge boi thuan, tuy nhien, vai dieu kin, Dieu khoan nay se" khong ap ding cho bat kST ton that hoac phi hity, hoac bat kST thiet ham nao doi vori cae, San pham va san BBV VN, trong do Dich vi throe cung cap va. thiet hai cho San pham se dirge dieu chinh theo Khoan 5.


7.1 Trir khi ce, thoa thuan khde bang van ban gicia cac Ben, PI se lap h6a don cho BBV VN hang thing cho cac phi ton va cong tic phi (Le phi) phai tra cho PI. BBV VN cam ket xem xet va tra 16.i PI ten tat ca cac ghi chit ghi ng do PI dua ra trong yang 5 ngdy lam viec nhung khong muon hon ngay lam viec cuoi ding cua thing ke tir ngdy BBV VN nhan dirge ghi chit ghi ng d6 qua email. Tat ca cac h6a don dirge neu theo Khoan 7.1 se throe thanh than cho PI trong yang ba muai (30) ngay ke tir ngay BBV VN nhan hoa don d6 dm PI cho BBV VN. Trong truing hop c6 tranh chap ngay lap tire ye so tien phai tra cho bat kST h6a don nao, BBV VN se thanh town cac h6a don khong bi tranh chap trong yang ba muoi (30) ngdy va se bao cao kip tiled cac hoa don dang tranh chap cho PI. BBV VN se thanh town so tien ma hai ben da them thuan la do bat kST hoa don tranh chap nao trong yang muoi bOn (14) ngay sau khi giai quyet tranh chap d6.

7.2 BBV VN se thanh town bat kST khoan thanh town nao chinh xac theo thing theo s6 tien dirge 5 lap hoa don bed PI. BBV VN se khong thanh toan bat kY so tien xem xet hoec tinh toan iai nao, ma PI cid lap hoa don vugt qua ba (03) thang ke tir ngdy BBV VN xac nhan cac ghi chit ghi ng do PI dua ra. Bat kST truing hop ngoai le nao trong ba (03) thang se dugc cac Ben dong y trong cong Warn tai chinh.

7.3 Neu BBV VN khong thanh toan bit kST khoan tien nao khong bi tranh chip khi PI dun ra hoa don dung han trong 3 (ba) thang, PI se c6 quyen tinh phi thanh toan tre then khong phai bay lam (0,75%) mei thang hoec, neu thip han, tji le cao nhat dugc luat phap hien hanh cho phep. Khoan phi thanh toan trg se dugc tinh ke tir ngdy so tien tranh chap chua dugc thanh toan den han va se dugc cong gOp hang thang trong khoang thad gian ma so tien do van chua dugc thanh toan. So tien tranh chip phai dugc hai ben dong y.

7.4 Trong truing hop gia ca leo thang, bao gem nhtmg khong giori han ve diu, tST le lam phat va tat ca chi phi gia tang khac dugc khoi xuang beri chinh quyen dia phuong, ca quan chinh phit va/hoec cac to chirc c6 lien quan, nam ngoai sit kiem soat cua cac Ben (Phu phi), PI CO the tity chgn sira doi Cac khoan phi bi anh huong va dugc hai ben dong y. Doi vii Phu phi nhien lieu khi gia nhien lieu dao &Ong tir 10% trer len, PI se ap dung cong thirc sau: Phu phi nhien lieu = Gia van chuyen cu x 35% x [(gia diu diesel mai - gia diu diesel cu)/gia dau diesel cu Gia yen chuyen mai = Gia yen chuyen cu + Phu phi nhien lieu Dia diem: o Gia yen chuyen cu = Gia hop dong gec trong ban liet ke 2 hoc gia dugc xem xet lan cuoi o Gia Diesel cu = 12.950VND (tai RFQ dirge giri vao thang 7) ten m8i lit diesel dugc lay ty le (0,25S) cua Petrolimex ( vao ngay 5 thang 7 (tham khan tai https: //www.petrolimex chi/thong-cao-bao-chi-so-17-2017- plx-tcbc-tap-doan-xang-dau-viet-nam-dieu- chinh-gia -xang-dau-tu-17-gio-00-ngay-05-07-2017.html) o Gia Diesel mai = Ty 1e diesel mei dugc cong be (0,25S) cila Petrolimex (


8.1 Truy cap thong tin: Mei Ben ("Ben nhan") thira nhan rang trong than han cua Hop dong nay, h9 co the c6 quyen truy cep vao thong tin khong cong khai Ben Ida (Ben tiet 1'6) ve cac san pham hoec giao dich hien c6 hoc dirge de xuat ("Thong tin bao met"), nhftng thong tin do la tai san quan tr9ng cita Ben tiet 16 va viec tiet 16 hoc sir dung trai phep cac thong tin nay se gay ra thiOt hai khong the khac phuc dugc cho Ben tiet 16.

8.2 Thong tin bao gem va loai trir: Thong tin bao met bao gem, nhtmg khong giari (i) thong tin dirge danh dau hoc chi dinh khac ben Ben tiet 10 la bi met, (ii) thong tin ma Ben tiet to khong chi dinh la thong tin cong khai va (iii) thong tin dugc cung cap cho Ben tiet 16 bed cac ben thir ba rang h9 c6 nghia vu phai gift bi met. Thong tin bao met c6 the dugc viet, noi, the hien trong cac san pham (ke ca trong tnrong hop cua BBV VN, cac San pham bao gem trong truing hgp cita PI, gia ca, quy trinh cong nghe, mo hinh kinh doanh) hoc duai cac hinh thirc khac. Thong tin bao mat khong bao gem thong tin dirge biet den cong khai, ngoai viec vi pham nghia vu cita bat kST ngtrad nao doi vii Ben tiet 16 hoe bgi cac hanh dong hoe that bai trong vi'ec ngan chin tiet be dm Ben nhan. Thuc to thi cac phan Thong tin bao met co the dugc cong khai se khong anh huong den cac nghia vu ciia Ben nhen doi vii phan thong tin can lai hoec doi vii cong thdc hoec phan tong hop cu the dugc tiet 1'6 beri Ben tiet 16.

8.3 }Chong tiet 16: Ben nhan se khong tiet 16 cho nguoi khac hoe sir dung bit kST Thong tin bao 6 mat nao cho bat kST mac dich nao khac ngoai yeu eau thgc hien nghia vg caa minh theo Hop dong nay. Ben nhan c6 the tiet lo Thong tin bao mat cho nhan vien cua minh, nhimg nguai can biet thong tin lien quan den Hop dong nay, nhung nguoi nhan thirc dirge tinh bao mat cita thong tin va nhimg nguai co nghia vg tuan thu cac han the do Khoan 4 nay quy dinh.

8.4 Tra lai: Khi het han hoac cham dirt, H9p dOng nay, Ben nhan nhanh chong hay hoac tra lai cho Ben tiet vi Ben tiet h) co the chi dao, tat ca cac tai lieu hau hinh da cung cap cho Ben nhan ke ca. Thong tin bao mat va se xoa hoac x6a tat ca. Thong tin bao mat do gom nhieu phuong tien km trir tit tir tinh, quang h9c hoac tircmg to hoac dirge luu trC hoac bao quan teen bat kST thiet bi hm trir va/hoac tray xuat thong tin nao.

8.5 Quyen so hau: Tat ca cac bang gia, mau, tai lieu, hO so, cong van, tep, thu tit., van kien, bao cao, dank sach khach hang, tai lieu quang cao, ho tro ban hang va bat kST Thong tin bao mat, gia ca, mo hinh kinh doanh, quy trinh cong nghe dirge PI cung cap hoac duy tri bed Ben nhan trong qua trinh thgc hien cac nghia vu cua minh theo Hop &mg nay hoac, neu c6 the, BBV VN voi to cach la Ben nhan theo H9p dong nay la tai san dOc quyen cua BBV VN hoac PI va tat ca cac mat hang do (bao gom cac ban sao va trich xuat tit do) se dugc chuyen ngay cho BBV VN hoac PI khi cham dirt H9p dOng nay hoac theo yeu cau cua BBV VN hoac PI, neu ap dung bat cur lac nao truac khi cham dirt.

8.4. Gia tri ap dung: Cac nghia vg quy dinh tai Khoan 8 nay c6 gia tri ap dung khi het han hoac cham dirt Hop dOng nay.


9.1 Bao hru cac thoa thuan dal dirge thong bao theo Khoan 9.2, PI tan thanh, trong suOt thiyi gian cua H9p &Ong nay, khong dirge tham gia vao viec san xuat, phan phoi,va/hoac quang cac san pham c6 the dugc hieu mot cach hop 1ST de canh tranh yeti San pham PI xir 1ST cho BBV VN du true tiep hay gian tiep, va duo trong nu& hay ngoai Viet Nam.

9.2 Neu PI coy dinh lam nha phan phi hoac dai 1ST phan phi cho bat kST thgc the nao khac ma san xuat hoac kinh doanh hoac phan phoi cac san pham c6 the dugc coi la canh tranh true tiep voi bat IcST san pham nao throe san xuat hoac ban boi BBV VN, bat Ic.ST thanh vien nao khac caa B. Braun Group, sau do PI se yeu cau sg &Ong ST ,tnxac bang van ban ciia BBV VN. Neu PI c6 dinh lam nha cung,cap Bich vg hau can cho bat IcS7 don nao khac ma san xuat hoac kinh doanh hoac phan phoi cac san pham c6 the dugc coi la canh tranh true tiep yogi bat lcST san pham nao dirge san xuat hoac ban boi BBV VN va cac thanh vien khac cua B. Braun Group, PI se thong bao cho BBV VN ye y Binh cua minh de thut hien theo.


10.1 PI dOng ST rang mOi quan he dm h9 voi BBV VN la mOi quan he dm nha thau hoac thuang gia, hoan toan dOc lap voi BBV VN va khong c6 gi o day dirge hieu la cac ben tham gia voi to cach la dai ly — giam doc, dOi tac hoac lien doanh.


11.1 DOng y va thira nhan rang trong m9i truomg hgp, bat IcST hanh dOng nao cua chinh pha, dieu kien chien tranh, hod hoar}, chay no, lu lut, dinh cong, bao lon hoac bat IcSThanh dOng hay su xuat hien nao khac, vuot ra ngoai tam kiem sok ciia mot trong hai ben co the ngan can hoac lam cham tre trong viec tuan cac dieu khoan va dieu kien Hop dong dm Ben mot trong hai ben, viec khong tuan din hoac cham tre nay se dugc mien trir trong twang hop xay ra dieu kien bat kha khang voi dieu kien la truerng,h9p nay tiep tgc kelp dai han ba magi (30) ngay, Hop Tong nay c6 the dirge don phuong chain dirt bOi mot trong hai ben trong yang ba magi 7 (30) ngay ke to ngay thir 31 xay ra trueyng hop bdt kha khang do.

12.0 GHI CHU

12.1 Bdt kST thong bao, yeu cAu, sir d6ng y hoac th6ng tin lien lac nao khac duai day se dugc gui bang van ban cho ben dugc neu tai cac,dia chi va fax nhu.duge neu duai day va dirge coi la da dugc cung cap hop neu dugc gdi bang tay, tiled diem giao hang dO, neu dugc gui bang thu dien to dal dirge clang ky hoac dirge chimg nhan, ba ngay ke tir ngay Tang, neu dirge gui bang fax khi truyen fax va nhan dugc bao cao xac nhan rang fax da dugc truyen di: -

i) toi BBV VN: CONG TY TNHH B. BRAUN VIET NAM Cijm Cong nghiep Thanh Oai, xa Bich Hoa, huyen Thanh Oai, Ha N6i, Viet Nam Gui cho: Ong Nguyen Viet Hung/Ba Vu Phuong Lien

ii) toi PI:

CONG TY CO PHAN PI LOGISTICS Tang 5, Tem HKC, 208 Duerng DOi Can, Quan Ba Dinh, Thanh ph6 Ha N6i, Viet Nam Giri cho: Ong Nguy6n Due Ninh/ Ong NO Hac Khien


13.1 Khong ben nao doge chuyen nInrcmg town bo ho4c mot phAn, tnrc tiep hoac gian tiep,hoac ngau nhien trir khi co sir dong truac bang van ban cila Ben kia va PI se khong c6 sir&Ong ST truac bang van ban cna BBV VN chi dinh cac nha phan ph6i phu flute hien bAt kST chine nang nao cua minh tai day.


14.0 Su vo hieu hoac khong the flux thi cua bdt kST phAn nao dm Hop d6ng nay vi bAt kST 1ST do gi se khong anh huang hoac anh hugng den hieu lire hoac kha nang third thi cna cac phan con lai trong tai lieu nay.


15.1 Hgp d6ng nay chnra town 1)0 thoa thuan gitia,cac Ben vathay the moi th6a thuan truer c bang van ban hoac bang mieng. Sira dpi va thay dpi Hop &mg nay chi rang buOc neu doge kST bpi dai dien fry quyen cua ca hai Ben.


16.1 Quyen cua cac ben theo Hop d6ng nay se dirge dieu chinh bpi phap lust Viet Nam.


17.1 Cac Ben se no lire de giai quyet bdt kST tranh chdp nao phat sinh mot each nhanh thong va voi thai dO hoa giai. Trong twang hop cac tranh chap do khong the dupe giai quyet mot each than thien thi cac tranh chap do se. dirge dtra ra phan xu tai Trung tam Trong tai Quoc to Viet Nam ("VIAC") tai Phong Cong thucrng Viet Nam. Viet tien hanh to Umg trong tai phai bang tieng Anh va vied chi dinh trong tai vien ding nhu tien hanh trong tai se tuAn theo cac quy tac hien hanh cua VIAC, Phan quyet trong tai se la quyet dinh cu6i cang va rang buOc dpi \Teri cac Ben.

18.0 TiNH CHIA CAT 8 18.1 Neu bat kSr dieu khoan nao cua Hcyp dmg nay dugc hieu hoc bi coi la vo hieu, khong hop khong hgp phap hoc khong the thi hanh, theo, lenh, nghi dinh hoc phan quyetscila tea an c6 tham quyen, cac,dieu khoan con lai cila Hop Tong nay se khong bi anh hirang day hieu lure va neu bat kS7 dieu khoan nao cua Hgp dong nay dirge hieu la khong hop 1e, khong hop phap hoc khOng the thuc thi dirge vi 1ST do cila dieu khoan do, thi Hop dong nay se dugc coi la sira dei de dua vao dieu khoan do trong pham vi phap lust cho phep dei hei nhu vay


19.1 Trong Hgp dog nay c6 chira: i. cac tir nhap gi6i tinh nam chi bao g6m gi6i tinh nu va trung tinh; ii. cac tir nhap so it chi bao gom so nhieu va ngugc lai; iii. cac tir ap dung cho the nhan bao gtim bat kY cong ty hoc tap down. iv. Neu c6 bat 14 mau thuan hoc xung dot hoc khac biet nao gitra cac dieu khoan cua Hop dong nay va cac dieu khoan va dieu kien dirge quy dinh trong cac Phu luc nay, thi cac quy dinh cua Hgp dong nay se dugc ap dung, trir khi c6 quy dinh khac trong Hop don. v. Cac tieu de ye not dung dm cac down cu the chi dirge cung cap de thuan tien va khong c6 each nao dirge hieu la mot phan dm Hop d'eng nay hoc la mot gioi han ve pham vi efia doan cu the ma chfing de cap. vi. Khong to be beri bat IcSr Ben nao lien quan den bat ky vi pham hoc mac dinh hoc bat ky quyen hoSc bien phap khac phuc nao, va khong c6 qua trinh xir ISr, se dugc coi la to be bat kjr vi pham hoc mac dinh nao khac hoc bat kSi- quyen hoc bien phap khac phuc nao khac, trir khi sir tir be do dugc viet va l4 bai Bang de dirge san Ring.


20.1 Thei gian dirge de cap den dirge xem la theri gian thue hien ciia Hop ding nay.

De lam chung, Hop dong nay da dugc 14 be.i nguari dai dien dirge uy quyen hop phap efia cac ben, m8i Ben gift lai ba (03) ban tucmg ung.

Dirge 14 bai Dai dien va thay mat Ten: Roman Kuebler Cong ty TNHH B.Braun Viet Nam Chirc T8ng giam doe (da kf) va (long d eiu) Du6i sir CO mat Ten: Nguyen Viet Hung Chirc Giam doe tai chinh (da

Dirge 14 bei Ten: Ngo Hanh Quyen Chirc Giam doe Dai dien va thay mat CONG TY CO PHAN PI LOGISTICS (da kf) va dong deiu)

Diroi sir c6 mat caa: Ten: Ngo Hac Khien Chat Quan ly phat trien kinh doanh Oa 19)

9 Toi, Tran Thi Thao, bien dich vien cua Cong ty TNHH Dich thu4t Bach Viet, cam ket da dich chinh xac van ban dinh kern tir tieng Anh sang tieng Viet.

Ha N0i, ngay 23/ 04/2019 Bien dich vien

la 0

TrAn. Thi. Thao

Horn nay, ngdy 23 thang 04 nam 2019, tai tni so Cong ty TNHH Dich thu4t Bach Viet, Chirng nh4n ba Tran Thi Thao, bien dich vien cua Cong ty TNHH Dich thuast Bach Viet, la ngtroi da dich van ban dinh kern tir tieng Anh sang tieng Viet va cam ket not dung .cila ban dich chinh xac, khong vi pham phap luat, khong trai voi dao dirt xa hOi;

Se chimg n14.n: 87 ; Quyen se: 01 /2019

PHO GIAM DOC 44w aft- ca4 %taw



THIS AGREEMENT is made on the 1th January, 2018 BETWEEN

B. BRAUN COMPANY LTD, a company duly registered in and according to the laws of Vietnam, with its registered office situated at Thanh Gal Industrial Complex, Bich Hoa Commune, Thanh Oai , , Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as "BBV VN"), And PI LOGISTICS COPORATION, a company incorporated in Vietnam and having its registered office at 285 Doi Can Street, Lieu Giai Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi City, Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as "PI"). (BBV VN and PI are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties" and individually as a "Party", the latter as the context dictates)

WHEREAS: A. BBV VN is engaged in the manufacturing and supply of medical and pharmaceutical products and devices.

B. PI is a total logistics service provider and provides supply chain consultancy, transportation, freight forwarding, warehouse management, warehousing and other logistics related services BBV VN is desirous of appointment PI to provide services in relation to various range(s) of products. C. BBV VN desires to avail itself of, and appoint PI as BBV VN's logistics service provider to provide .BBV VN with warehousing management services, freight management services, custom brokerage and haulage and other value added logistics services where required in writing by the mutual agreement of Parties, subject to the terms and conditions herein contained.

NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:- 1.0 STRUCTURE OF T1-114, AGREEMENT. 1.1 PI shall provide the services ("Services") detail specified in the service schedules (collectively referred to as "Schedules") which will refer to this Master Agreement ("MA") and will be executed by both Parties. This MA includes 8 schedules enclosed herewith.

1.2 The scope of Service:

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(1) Raw Material Hub & Finished Good Warehouse: to support BBV WI's. Pharmaceutical & Medical plant(s), as well as to support the sales from BBV VN to local customers in the North and Central of Vietnam, internal transfer to various warehouses in Vietnam. (2) Manage in-plant warehouse facility of Pharmaceutical and Medical plarKs). (3) Custom brokerage and haulage 1.3 The Services shall be performed in accordance with the prevailing standards of care, skill and diligence generally accepted in the profession and in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and key perfbrmance indicators. Each Schedule shall be in respect of any one or more range(s) of products ("Products" which shall, in relation to a Schedule mean the products described in the Schedule, and in relation to this MA, all or any of the products referred to in any of the Schedules) and each Schedule shall contain one or more statements of work ("Statement") and exhibits in relation to the Products. Each Schedule shall also provide key performance indicators ("KPI") which PI shall achieve in the performance of the Services, Each such Schedule,. Statement, or exhibit is an "Incorporated Document". This MA and the Incorporated Documents shall constitute the agreement between the Parties and references to "Agreement" shall mean. this MA and all Incorporated Documents. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this MA and the terms of any Incorporated Document, the terms of this MA shall control; provided however, the Parties, may expressly or specifically authorize in writing that a particular term or terms of an Incorporated Document shall control over a particular term of this MA and then only to the extent provided in such Incorporated Document.

2.0 TERM 2.1 Unless terminated in accordance with Clause 3 of this MA, the term of this MA will commence on 1 Jan 2018 ("Commencement Date") and continues for a fixed period of three (3) years until the end of 31 December 2020 (the "Initial Term"), and thereafter this MA shall automatically be renewed for additional successive terms of two (2) years each (on the same terms and conditions except for Fees which shall be adjusted in accordance with the mutual agreement by the Parties, unless either Party, provides to the other Party, a prior ninety (90) days before the expiration date of the Initial Term or any renewed term, written notice of non-renewal.

2.2 Notwithstanding the expiry of the Initial Term or any renewal term, in the event that PI continues to provide the Services set forth in any Statement to BBV VN and BBV VN continues to accept the Services following the expiration of the Initial Term or any renewal term, and the Parties fail to enter into a written extension of such Statement, then the Statement (including rates and charges in effect on the expiration of the Initial. Term or any renewed term) shall remain in effect on a month-to-month basis after the expiration date until terminated in writing by either Party upon thirty (30) days prior written notice.

Page 2 of 45 13 Notwithstanding. Clause 2.1 and 2.2, the term of this MA shall expire upon expiry of all Incorporated Documents in accordance with their terms.

3.0 11,RMINATION 3.1 Without prejudice to the specific provisions expressed in Clause 2 above, this Agreement may be terminated prior to the expiry of the Initial Term or any renewed term under the conditions stated below provided that written notice of intent to terminate shall_ have been given by either party, as the case may be, which shall be deemed to have been received if it has been personally delivered or delivered by fax , on the date of such delivery and fax transmission, or if sent by registered mail, within five (5) working days from the date of such post mark :- i) by BBV VN giving a prior Three (3) months written notice to PI if PI shall sell, assign, delegate or otherwise transfer any if its rights and/or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of BBV ITN; ii) by BBV VN giving a prior. Thirty (30) days' written notice to PI if PI fails to meet the same KPI Schedules for three consecutive months. by PI giving a prior Three (3) months written notice to BBV VN if BBV VN shall sell, assign, delegate or otherwise transfer any of its rights and/or obligations 'under this Agreement without the prior written consent of PI; iv) in the event that either Party commits any breath of any obligation due to its negligence under this Agreement ('including but not limited to the key performance indicators) which results in significant impact to the other. Party's business and which (in the case of a breach capable of being remedied) shall not have been remedied within 60 days of a written request to remedy the same for any 1st time breaches. In the event the same breach is repeated the 2nd time, the affected Party shall be given the opportunity to further remedy the same within 30 days of a written request. In any case, the breach shall not have been remedied after the 2nd time within 30 days of a written request to remedy; v) by either Party giving immediate notice if the other Party should become the subject of a. voluntary or involuntary winding up, receivership or other insolvency proceeding or makes any arrangement or composition with its creditors or passes a resolution for the winding up or if a petition for its winding up has been presented to the court; and ° by either Party upon a substantial or total destruction of the Facility that is in the mutual agreement of the Parties beyond repair or construction.

3.2 In the event this Agreement is terminated for any reasons stipulated in Clause 3,1 ofthis MA, the Parties shall perform as follows :

) Removal and Transportation: PI to assist BBV VN to remove BBV VN's products and inventory from any of PI's premises where such Products and inventory are stored or in custody to new designated address in Vietnam, the transportation costs in relation to transferring the Products to the new logistics service provider within Vietnam shall be borne by the breaching or the terminating Party. A 100% stock count shall be conducted

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on the Products and in the event of a shortfall between the count and the stock records of. BBV VN, PI shall pay to (i) BBV VN the replacement cost for such shortfall.

ii) Return of Property on Termination: PI shall promptly return to BBV VN otherwise as. BBV VN instructs all machinery and equipment including computers and telephone samples, patterns, catalogues, advertising material, specifications and other material supplied to PI in connection with this Agreement

3.3 The Parties shall render fmal accounts within thirty (30) days of invoice date. PI shall indemnify BBV VN for any defective, spoilt, broken, dented, lost Products where such damage and/or loss occurred whilst the Product was stored and/or in the custody and/or by the handling/loading /unloading /transporting of PI, its staff, agent(s), and/or contractor(s) arising directly from PI's, its staff or sub-contractors' gross negligence, negligence and wilful misconduct and subject to the limitations as stipulated in Clause 5.2 ofthis MA or the relevant Statements, and PI shall also indemnify BBV VN for expired Products if the expired Product is left or continued to be stored, and/or in custody by PI due to a failure to apply YE.E.0 (Wirst Expiry, First Out") in the warehousing and delivery of the Products subject to the limitations as;stipulated in Clause 52 of this MA or the relevant Statements.

3A Both Parties agree that neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for compensation or for damages of any kind or character whatsoever arising from termination of this Agreement, whether on account of the loss suffered by BBV VN or PI of present or prospective profits or on sales or anticipated sales, or expenditure, investments, or commitment made in connection therewith, unless expressly, otherwise stated in this Agreement.


4.1 PI acknowledges BBV VN's (and /or BBV VN's related corporations) ownership of all patents, trademarks, trade names, brand names, labels and designs in the Products (hereinafter referred to as the 'Intellectual Property"). PI shall not acquire any rights to the Intellectual Property by reason of this Agreement and during the term of this Agreement and subject to the terms and conditions hereof_ PI shall not, whether during the term of this Agreement and any time thereafter whether directly or through any third party acquire or seek to acquire any interest in the Intellectual Property and shall not seek to take out or register any patents, or registrations of any of the Intellectual Property.

4.2 PI shall not use any of the Intellectual Property or BBV VN's name other than as permitted by BBV VN pursuant to this Clause 42 or as may otherwise be expressly permitted by BBV VN in writing. In particular PI may not use any of BBV VN's Trademarks and BBV VN's name in association with any of Pl's business or activities, whether for the purposes of promoting the Products or otherwise and any use of BBV VN's Intellectual Property or BBV VN's name or Trademark other than as affixed on the Products shall require prior permission of BBV VN which may be given or withheld at BBV VN's sole discretion,

Page 4 of 45 4.3 BBV VN acknowledges PI's (and /or Pi's related corporations) ownership of all patents, trademarks, trade names, brand names and labels belonging to PI (hereinafter referred to as the "Intellectual Property"). BBV VN shall not acquire any rights to the Intellectual Property by reason of this Agreement and during the term of this Agreement and subject to the terms and conditions hereof. BBV VN shall not, whether during the term of this Agreement and any time thereafter whether directly or through any third party acquire or seek to acquire any interest in the Intellectual Property and shall not seek to take out or register any patents, or registrations of any of the Intellectual Property.

4.4 BBV VN shall not use any of the Intellectual Property or PI's name other than as permitted by PI pursuant to this Clause 4.4 or as may otherwise be expressly permitted by PI in writing. Any use of PI's Intellectual Property shall require prior permission of PI which may be given or withheld at PI's sole discretion.


5.1 Title to all Products in the custody or control of PI together with any proceeds from the sale of such Products shall remain at all times with BBV VN and shall not pass to PI under any circumstances.

5.2 PI shall be liable for damage and/or loss to the Products whilst. such Products are being handled/loaded/unloaded by and within PT's scope of "Services" listed in. Schedule No.1 (excluding during transportation) and under the custody, care or control of P1, its servants, agents and employees arising out of Pr s, its servant's, agent's and employee's gross negligence, negligence and wilful misconduct to the value of the replacement cost to BBV VN of the Products damaged and/or lost subject to an overall maximum of Six billion and Three hundred million Vietnamese Dong (VND 6,300,000,000) per annual aggregate.

As for the Products damaged and/or lost during transportation arising out of PT's, its servant's, agent's, employee's /or contractor's, gross negligence, negligence and wilful misconduct, PI shall be liable for such damage and/or loss to the value of the replacement cost to BBV VN of the Products damaged and/or lost; subject to an overall maximum of Two billion and One hundred million Vietnamese Dong (VND 2,100,000,000) per occurrence.

5.3 Both Parties agree that in the event there is a more cost effective alternative to remedy the damage to the Product, PI shall pay for the reasonable direct associated costs of the remedy. The total claim value shall not exceed the Replacement Cost of the Product; subject to the limit ofliabilities stipulated in Clause 52.

5.4 PI shall procure the following insurance coverage at its own costs to insure the Products. Coverage Limits Warehousemen Liabilities VND 6,300,000,000

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5.5 PI shall promptly furnish copies of certificates of insurance and renewals of them to BBV VN as evidence of the above coverage. Such certificates shall be maintained throughout the Initial Term and any renewed term.

5.6 BBV VN shall, at its own costs, insure full value of its goods and Products that are in-transit to or inside PI's. Facility, throughout the duration of this Agreement until the Products leave the Facility, through insurance policies ("Group Tnsuranc&') maintained by B. Braun Melsungen AG for itself and it subsidiaries (collectively "B. Braun Group") the under the following categories a) Maline Open Policy b) Industrial All Risk 5.7 In the event of a claim against the Group Insurance and it is determined by the insurers that 44 damage to the Products is caused or contributed to by any of Pr s staff, agents, servants or 3' contractors, then PI shall indemnify BBV VN for any increase costs in premium which BBV VN q,' may have to pay towards continuing with the Group insurance.

5.8 This clause 5 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.

6.0 INDEMNITIES 6.1 Each Party ("Party Indemnifying") shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Party and any affiliated and controlling entities of such Party, and the directors, employees or officers of all of them (in each case "Party Indemnified") from and against all third party liabilities, claims, suits, demands, actions, fines, damages, losses, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) ("Claims") for injury to or death of any person or damage to or loss of real property and improvements thereon or tangible personal property to the extent caused by or resulting from such Party's negligent acts or omissions or those of its employees except to the extent caused by the Party Indemnified; provided, however, that this Clause shall not apply to any loss or destruction of, or any damage to, BBV VINPs Products and property for which. Services are provided and the damage to the Products shall be governed by Clause 5.

7.0 FEES, CHARGES AND EXPENSES 7.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties, PI shall invoice BBV VN monthly for the charges and expenses (Fees") payable to PI. BBV VN commits to review and reply to PI on all debit notes issued by PI within 5 working days but no later than the last working day of the month from the date of BBV VN receiving such debit notes via email. All invoices raised in accordance with Clause 7.1 shall be paid to PI within thirty (30) days from the date of BBV VN to receive such invoices by PI to BBV VN. In the event there exists a bona fide dispute regarding amounts due on any invoices, BBV VN shall pay the undisputed invoices within the thirty (30) days period and shall promptly report the disputed invoices to PI. BBV VN shall pay

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the amount mutually agreed to be due on any disputed invoices within fourteen (14) days after resolution of such dispute, 7.2 BBV VN shall pay any payment correct to the month by month amount invoiced by PI. BBV VN shall not pay any review or recalculation amount, which PI invoiced. exceed three (03) months from the date that BBV VN confirms the debit notes issued by PL Any exceptions to the three (03) months shall be mutually agreed by the Parties within the same financial year. 7.3 If BBV VN fails to make payment of any undisputed sums when due to PI on time for 3 (three) conservative months, PI shall be entitled to charge as a late payment Charge at the rate of point seventy-five (035%) per month or, if lower, the highest rate, allowed by applicable law. The late payment charge shall be calculated from the date that the unpaid undisputed amounts become due and shall be compounded monthly for the period during which any such amounts remain unpaid. Disputed amounts must be mutually agreed by both Parties.

7.4 In the event of any escalation in prices, which shall include without limitation to oil, the rate of inflation and all other price increase initiated by the relevant local, governmental authority and/or the relevant organisations, beyond the control of the Parties ("Surcharge"), PI shall have the option to revise the Fees affected and to be mutually agreed between the Parties. For Fuel Surcharges when the fuel prices fluctuate by 10% or more, PI shall apply the following formula:

Fuel Surcharge = Old Transportation Price x 35% s [(new diesel price - old diesel price) I old diesel price] New Transportation Price = Old Transport Price + Fuel Surcharge

Where: o Old Transportation Price = Original contract price in schedule 2 or last reviewed price

o Old Diesel Price = VND 12,950VND (at RFQ submitted in July) per litre taken from the diesel (0.25S) rate of Petrolimex ( at 5 July (refer at plx-tcbc-tap-doan-xang-dau-viet-nam-dieu-chinh-gia.-xang-dau-tu-17-gio-00-ngay-05- 07-2017.html) o New Diesel Price = New published diesel (0.25S) rate of Petrolimex (

8.0 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 8.1 Access to Information: Each Party ("Recipient Party") acknowledges that during the term of this Agreement it may have access to non-public information about the other Party's ("Disclosing Party•") existing or proposed business or products ("Confidential Information"), that such

Page 7 of 45 information is a valuable asset of the Disclosing Party, and that its disclosure or unauthorized use will cause Disclosing Party irreparable damage 8.2 Included and Excluded Information: Confidential Information includes, without limitation, (i)information marked or otherwise designated by Disclosing Party as confidential, (ii)information that Disclosing Party does not designate as public information, and (iii)information provided to Disclosing Party by third parties that it is obligated to keep confidential. Confidential information may be written, oral, embodied in products (including in the case of BBV VN, the Products including in the case of PI, pricing, process flow, business model), or in other forms. Confidential Information does not include information that is or becomes publicly known, other than as a result of a breach of obligations owed by any person to Disclosing Party or by Recipient Party's actions or failure to prevent disclosure. The fact that portions of Confidential Information may be publicly available shall not affect. Recipient Party's obligations with respect to the remaining portion or with respect to the particular formulation or compilation disclosed by Disclosing Party. 8.3 Non-Disclosure: Recipient Party shall not disclose to others or use any Confidential Information for any purpose other than as.equired to perform its obligations under this Agreement Recipient Party may disclose Confidential information to its employees who need to know the information in connection with this Agreement, who are made aware of its confidential nature, and who are obligated to comply with the restrictions imposed by this Clause 4.

8.4 Return: Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement, Recipient Party shall promptly destroy or return to Disclosing Party, as Disclosing Party may direct, all tangible materials provided to it by Disclosing Party that embody Confidential Information and shall erase or delete all such Confidential information embodied in any magnetic, optical, or similar medium or stored or maintained on any information storage and/or retrieval device.

8.5 Ownership: All price lists, samples, literature, records, files, correspondence, documents, reports, customer lists, advertising materials, sales aids and any Confidential Information, pricing, business model, process flow furnished to or maintained by PI as the Recipient. Party in the course of its duties under this Agreement or, if the case maybe, BBV VN as the Recipient Party under this Agreement are the exclusive property of BBV VN or PI and all such items (including copies thereof and extracts therefrom) shall be promptly delivered to BBV VN or PI, where applicable upon termination of this Agreement or upon the request of BBV VN or PI, where applicable at any time prior to such termination.

8.6 Survival: The obligations set forth in this Clause 8 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.


9.1 Save for the agreements which has been notified pursuant .to Clause 9.2, PI agrees, for the duration of this Agreement, not to be involved in manufacturing, distributing and/or promoting

Page 8 of 45 of products which can reasonably be construed to be in competition with the Products PI handles for BBV VN whether directly or indirectly, and whether within Vietnam or outside Vietnam. 9.2 If PI intends to act as a distributor or distribution agent for any other entity which manufactures or trades or distributes products which may be considered to be in direct competition with any products produced or sold by BBV VN any other members of the B. Braun Group, then PI shall seek BBV VN's prior written consent If PI intends to act as a logistics service provider for any other entity which manufactures or trades or distributes products which may be considered to be in direct competition with any products produced or sold by BBV VN and other members of the B. Braun Group, PI shall inform BBV VN of:its intention to do so accordingly.

10.0 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PI AND BBV VN 10,1 PI agrees that their relationship with BBV VN shall be that of a contractor or merchant totally independent from BBV VN and nothing herein shall be construed as constituting the parties as agents - principal, partners or joint ventures.

11.0 FORCE MAJEURE 11.1 It is agreed and acknowledged that in the event that any act of government, war conditions, fires, explosives, floods, strikes, typhoons, or any other act or occurrence of whatever nature, beyond the control of either Party shall prevent or delay compliance by either Party, with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, then such failure or delay in compliance by such Party shall be excused while such force majeure condition prevails PROVIDED ALWAYS that in the event the condition continues for a period exceeding thirty (30) days, this Agreement can be unilaterally terminated by either Party within thirty (30) days from 3Ist day of occurrence of such force majeure.

12.0 NOTICES 12.1 Any notice, request, consent or other communication hereunder shall be in writing addressed to the party stated at the addresses and fax as stated below and deemed to have been duly given, if delivered by hand, at the time of such delivery, if delivered by registered or certified mail, three days from the date of posting, if delivered by fax, upon transmission of the fax and receipt of the confirmation report that the fax has been transmitted:-

i) to BBV Vet:at : B. BRAUN VIETNAM COMPANY LTD Thanh Oai Industrial Complex, Bich floa Commune, , Hanoi, Vietnam Marked to the attention of: Mr. Nguyen. Viet Hung/Ms. Vu Phuong Lien

Page 9 of 45 ii) to PI at

PI LOGISTICS CORPORATION 5th Floor, HKC Building, 208 Doi Can Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi City, Vietnam

Marked to the attention of: Mr. Nguyen Due Ninhi Mr. Ngo Hac Khien


13.1 Neither Party shall assign in whole or in part, directly or indirectly or contingently except with the prior written consent of the other Party and PI shall not without the prior written consent of BBV VN appoint sub-distributors to perform any of its functions herein.


14.1 The invalidity or =enforceability of any part of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever shall not prejudice or affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining parts hereof.


15.1 This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior agreement written or oral. Modifications and changes to this Agreement are only binding if signed by the authorized representatives of both Parties.


16.1 The rights of the parties under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Vietnam.

17.0 ARBITRATION 17.1 The Parties shall endeavour to settle any disputes arising in an expeditious and amicable manner. In the event such disputes cannot be settled amicably such disputes shall be referred to arbitration at the Vietnam International Arbitration Centre ("VIAC") at the Vietnam Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The conduct of arbitration proceedhigs shall be in English and the appointment of arbitrators as well as the conduct of the arbitration shall be in accordance with the prevailing rules of the VIAC. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the Parties.

Page 10 of 45 18.0 SEVERABILITY

18.1 If any provisions of this Agreement shall be construed or held to be void, invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, by order, decree or judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby but shall remain in full force and effect and if any provisions of this Agreement shall be construed to be invalid, 'unlawful or unenforceable by reason of the extent of such pmvision, then this Agreement shall be deemed amended to incorporate such provision to the extent permissible by law if the law requires so.

19.0 INTERPRETATION 19.1 In this Agreement where the context so admits:- (i) words importing the masculine gender only include the feminine and neuter genders;

(ii) words importing the singular number only include the plural number and vice versa;

(iii) words applicable to natural persons include any company or corporation. (iv) Should there be any inconsistencies or conflict or variance between the provisions of this Agreement and the terms and conditions set out in the Appendices hereto, then the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail, except for otherwise stipulated expressly in the Agreement.

(v) Headings as to the contents of particular paragraphs are provided for convenience only and are in no way to be construed as part of this Agreement or as a limitation of the scope of the particular paragraph to which they refer.

(vi) No waiver by either Party with respect to any`breach or default or of any right or remedy, and no course of dealing, shall be deemed to constitute a continuing waiver of any other breach or default or of any other right or i-medy, unless such waiver is in writing and signed by the Party to be bound.

20.0 TIME OF THE ESSENCE 20.1 Time wherever mentioned shall be deemed to be of essence of the Agreement.

Page 11 of 45 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed by their duly authorised representative in sextuplicate, each Party retaining three (03) copies thereof, respectively.

Signed by vl 31,117 For and on behalf of B. Braun Vietnam Company Oman Kuebler eneral Director

in the presence of :

Name: en Viet Hung Title: Chief Financial Officer

Signed by For and on behalf of PI Logistics Corporation`"

in the presencODE CHUNU 1 tileiC BAN SAO BAG Vol BAN NH Name: Ngo Y.= Khien NGAY 2 3 -04- 2019 Title: Business Development Manager

S6 CT Quye'ns6. TPICC-SCTISG 3g 6 -

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