Southwest A Greentours Trip Report 21st March – 2nd April 2010 Led by Başak Gardner

Day 1 Journey to Antalya 21.03.10

I met the group at the airport and directly drove to the hotel. It was around 10 pm.

Day 2 Journey to Ibradı 22.03.10

With good news from the meteorology the tour started. Alpine Swifts were flying around and Yellow-vented Bulbuls were singing from the roof as we were having our breakfast by the pool. A very short visit to the bank to change and get some money gave a chance for the group to take some pictures of the castle walls and gate. We even did some botanizing. The walls of the very old houses in the old town were almost covered by Cymbalaria longipes.

We were on the road before 10 am and our first stop was by a graveyard where Pyrus serikensis, which is an endangered endemic pear tree, was in full bloom. But the main we were looking for was a bit over, however we managed to find some fresh reticulately-patterned masia. Along with these were some comosum, Anemone coronaria and a single plant of Gladiolus italicus. Val spotted our first butterfly an Eastern Festoon and both Large White and Orange Tip were also seen as well as Danford’s Lizard.

We made another stop both to have lunch and to look for some . Along an old track by the picnic site we encountered many Ophrys mammosa spikes in good . We had a good lunch with some Turkish tea our driver prepared for us among the Bellis annua .

Driving along the road stopping for several photo stops we reached our destination for many good . First we noted Hyacinthella heldreichii and a lovely peduncularis and searching the area a bit more produced a nice elwesii and several spikes of Orchis anatolica. Daphne sericea impressed everyone by its showy pink flowers and nice scent. We turned back from this point stopping once more to photograph a fully flowered Cercis siliquastrum with a superb view of Taurus Mountains.

Back on the main road to Akseki another stop by some rock boulders produced the plant of the day for me, Muscari muscarimi. Although they required a little bit of climbing everyone managed to photograph the sweetly scented . I wish there was a way to paste this scent to the pictures 

There were other Muscari species waiting for us further along the Ibradi road now. Muscari anatolicum with white tips to the flowers and Muscari armeniacum with its nice purplish blue

1 colour were flowering on the same hillside. Just before we left Val spotted another Fritillaria that turned out to be Fritillaria elwesii again.

Soon we were at the hotel where the friendly owners had prepared a traditional dinner for us. It didn’t take long to get relaxed after dinner in the warm room.

Day 3 Gembos Yayla 23.03.10

Our welcoming owner prepared a great breakfast full of local tastes and a speciality home made flat bread with cheese and parsley in it.

We departed for Gembos with full sunshine. As we climbed the spectacular clear views of mountains made us stop several times picking up Green-veined White as the first butterfly of the day. The reason for our next stop were sunbathing Agamas on the rocks. Jay, Mistle Thrush, Serin and Coal Tits were flitting around the impressive Cedrus libani and Abies cilicica trees some with Viscum album on them. When we examined a bit closer around us we found Viola heldreichiana flowering right by the van. As we were driving to our main location we spotted Hoopoe and White Wagtail. Our main location was such a heaven. We had just enough time before lunch to examine some of the area looking first at Eranthis hyemalis as it was the main plant in the area. Among them there were many Crocus hybrids between Crocus chrysanthus and Crocus biflorus ssp. isauricus. We managed to find a few pure Crocus biflorus ssp. isauricus. Scilla bifolia were at their best flowering under the shades of trees. Corydalis wendelboi, Gagea foliosa and Ornithogalum oligophyllum were the other beauties of the area. We had a good look at Krüper’s Nuthatch before we had lunch by a very old Juniper tree.

After lunch we stayed in the same area, maybe just one hundred metres further back. Both sides of the main road were covered by Crocus chrysanthus and some hybrids too. In a small wet area we encountered some Colchicum szovitzii and Ranunculus ficaria. We started to walk up hill towards snow patches slowly and had to stop every five minutes to photograph something on the ground. On this side of the hill we also noted white and blue colored Anemone blanda. A few Rock Buntings showed well as well as Chaffinches and as I was showing the impressive cones of Juniperus drupacea a Rock Nuthatch screamed and revealed himself. A huge group of Alpine Choughs flew across as we heading towards the top of the hill where another very nice surprise was waiting for us with what we all decided that was the best Crocus biflorus ssp. isauricus clump of the day.

Finally we decided to go back and made several stops by the very old houses in the town also seeing a Syrian Woodpecker very well.

Dinner was taken in the cosy dining room.

Day 4 Uzumdere, Kuyucak, Bademli 24.03.10

We had a very productive early birdwatching session starting with several Syrian Woodpeckers tapping, drumming and screaming, then good views of two Lesser-spotted

2 Woodpeckers. Walking in the orchards we saw a singing Rüppell’s Warbler and Jay, Corn Bunting and Bonelli’s Warbler were also seen during the session.

After another good breakfast and just before we arrived at the Manavgat River a big flock of Alpine Swifts flew over. We first stopped by the river to examine the rocks on the side with Conringia grandiflora and Valeriana dioscoridis that were attractive to butterflies like Brimstone and Orange Tip. We made three more brief stops along the river the first for another good view of Rüppell’s Warbler, the second was for a huge worn moth very similar to an Emperor Moth and the third to search for Iris pamphylica among the rocks.

When we met the river again we stopped where Thalictrum orientale was showing well for photographers. On the side of a little stream two Large Tortoiseshells were fluttering. Driving through Pine forest we criss-crossed little rivers several times before we reached our lunch spot where we could also see Romulea bulbocodium ssp. crocea. A group of them were shining in the sun giving good shots to everyone. Val saw a female Lacerta pamphylica that quickly disappeared.

We were on the road again intent on finding Iris stenophylla but when we came to the location, we saw that all Iris were finished already but Fritillaria pinardii were all flowering instead. It was getting cool and late so we returned to the hotel giving some time for checklists before dinner.

Day 5 Cimi Yayla 25.03.10

The sun was shining again this morning as we were having our breakfast and it stayed with us all day. We headed for Cimi Yayla. Our first few stops produced great birds such as Finsch’s Wheatear and Black-eared Wheatear and there was a fresh Nettle-tree Butterfly flying together with Large Tortoiseshell.

Passing through the fields we arrived at a rocky area where we encountered Muscari anatolicum in the crevices, a male Rüppell’s Warbler was singing beautifully on top of an Abies tree and there were also Coal Tits around. Some of us had to chase a False Apollo for a while to get a good pose. In the open area a little bit further on we saw the interesting Berberidaceae family member Leontice leontopetalum flowering well. Shortly after moving we stopped again seeing a Snowfinch briefly and there were Rock Nuthatch and Sombre Tit as well.

We drove up to almost 1600 meters and found a good spot for lunch by a spring. Checking the area we encountered many again. A very deep coloured Crocus hybrid (Crocus biflorus subspecies isauricus X Crocus chrysanthus) was good to see and a pure yellow Crocus chrysanthus was photographed at the same spot as well. Ornithogalum weidemannii was flowering too and there were many Leontice leontopetalum still in bud.

After lunch we walked down for a while which was very productive first watching a Northern Wheatear, then views of Krüper’s Nuthatch, Sombre and Coal Tit and Chiffchaff in a small area made all of us happy. Peter even managed to get a good picture of Sombre Tit. Walking down the road just by the roadside we found a small colony of Corydalis oppositifolia and on the other side of the road there was a superb big rock full with so many colours of Muscari armeniacum

3 and Muscari anatolicum, Aubrieta canescens and Silene aegyptiaca. The light was also superb which I am sure helped everyone’s pictures.

We were back in the bus to make our way back home. Two brief stops for Asphodeline lutea and very clear views of Finsch’s Wheatear were made and then we made one last stop for cultural purposes by the village of Cimi before we drove back to Ibradi where visiting the old graveyard of Ibradi produced Fritillaria elwesii and Muscari caucasicum. There was also time to visit the monumental Sweet Chestnut Tree that is said to be 850 years old.

Day 6 to Sundance 26.03.10

We left a bit earlier than our usual time having a long way to go. Soon after departure Val pointed out a Long-legged Buzzard perched on top of a tree. A flock of Goldfinches flew across as well. After driving some time we stopped again to stretch our legs where there were several fruit stalls selling all sorts of things such as fruits and syrups of Ceratonia siliqua, almonds as well as oranges and bananas. A Scarce Swallowtail was noted here too.

Next we were in a graveyard to the west of Antalya where cypress trees were making nice shade. We noted one Limodorum abortivum still in bud. Obviously Ophrys heterochila and Ophrys lyciensis were finished or not even come out this year but we managed to find several spikes of Orchis syriaca. Three members of borage family Anchusa undulata, Echium plantagineum and Alkanna tinctoria were giving some colour to the ground.

We headed for Sundance for lunch where they always prepare superb dishes…this time too. After lunch we took a very short drive to Phaselis where we looked for some orchids by the roadside. First we found an almost finished Ophrys lyciensis but soon several fresh ones appeared, Coronilla parviflora was in flower with different colours, whilst Ajuga orientalis and Lupinus varia were seen too. After spending some time in the ruins we walked back to the hotel searching for coastal flora. Medicago marina was the first plant we encountered, making beautiful yellow-blue-green carpets in some parts and then we started to see Matthiola longipetala as well as Lotus halophilus and Cyperus capitatus.

Day 7 Kemer Valley 27.03.10

We woke up to another beautiful morning in a different hotel this time. After breakfast we made our first stop by a graveyard (not surprisingly). Muscari comosum was the first plant we noted there along with Anemone coronaria. After some searching we also found Serapias bergonii some in flower, some in bud. Although it was an early season Dracunculus vulgaris were still not in flower though Cynoglossum creticum was and Speckled Wood and Large White were flying around.

As we entered the Kemer Valley we had a brief stop by the lovely Paulownia tomentosa trees. Misopetes oronitum was flowering on the roadside. The girl’s team was watching the Yellow- vented Bulbuls while the boys were busy with photography. We soon stopped again by another graveyard where there were many more Serapias including one John found with very

4 pale lip that was very interesting. Eastern Festoon and Eastern Bath White were seen here as well.

Several short stops produced Acer monspessulanum, Euphorbia dendroides and Scrophularia lucida. Just before our lunch spot, we spent some time by a big rock colonised by Orchis anatolica, Polypodium australe and several other ferns. There was also Iris unguicularis ssp. carica, Trifolium physodes and a superb plant of Ophrys climacis that was photographed by everyone. A short walk before lunch produced an Orchis italica and the lovely fern Anogramma leptophylla. During lunch all of us sat together like Night Herons in a tree to keep ourselves in the scant shade.

We were back in the sunshine after lunch but it was worth suffering when we encountered beautiful plants like Astragalus lusitanicus and Fritillaria acmopetala ssp. acmopetala. Searching a little bit more we found Aristolochia lycica almost finished but five minutes later John found very good ones with Ophrys reinholdii flowering next to it. A Turkish Vernal Copper was very cooperative so everyone had chance for a photo but a Long-tailed Blue wasn’t nearly so obliging. While we were busy in the field, our driver prepared tea for us and while having tea we witnessed a territorial fight between two male Danford’s Lizards.

Before we turned back to the hotel we made a nice walk to see a monumental Plane Tree that is said to be 650 years old. A male Siskin showed well for some of us, Seda found one flowering Cyclamen alpinum and some Ornithogalum nutans were also seen on the way back. Long-tailed Tits said ‘goodbye’ to us.

It was another lovely day.

Day 8 Tahtalı Mountain 28.03.10

No one told us that we should have set our time one hour ahead so we started the day one hour late. We drove up to Kemer Valley again to meet the jeeps. It didn’t take long to get ready and we were driving off road soon. After an hours drive we stopped by a huge Plane Tree. Everyone was so impressed by the tree that no one saw the lovely flowering Peony right in front of us. It was a very nice surprise for us.

Driving a bit more we reached our main location. The mist was moving so quickly giving a moody atmosphere for photographers. We walked down the hill stopping to photograph beautiful Lamium garganicum groups or deep blue Anemone blanda or pale pink coloured Buglossoides incrassata. Colchicum triphyllum were mainly finished but there was enough to take pictures of. Our drivers made a little fire and kept it on while having lunch and that helped us from time to time to keep warm.

After lunch we walked down the road slowly examining the flowers like Gagea peduncularis, Ornithogalum oligophyllum and Cyclamen alpinum. Two flitting Goldcrests gave us a superb pose and unbelievably they stayed almost still for a long while. A little bit lower down we came across a great Galanthus elwesii population with some interesting variations from huge to very thin sepalled ones and several Mistle Thrushes were singing around us. After some time jeeps came down and collected us and we drove back to the place where we got back on our van and drove back to the hotel.

5 Day 9 Journey to Finike 29.03.10

Another sunny day, another nice breakfast and loading the bus on time we were off. We first stopped to check what was around in the pine forest along the main road. We encountered different shades of Iris unguicularis ssp. carica first and then Val found very nice Fritillaria acmopetala ssp. acmopetala followed by an Ophrys heterochila. A little bit more searching around produced Serapias bergonii and Orchis syriaca and a superb group of Ophrys fusca. They were a bit dusty (pollen from pine) so we had to do a bit of cleaning operation before photographing them. Half way down the Chimera road we made another stop where just by the road we noted Orchis italica, then Ophrys lyciensis and several Ophrys umbilicata. trifoliata was in flower too whilst a Rüppell’s Warbler was calling as we left. From here we got to the Olympos road. As we were driving down my eyes were suddenly were onto a very special rare endemic species – Lathyrus belinensis. It was a new site for it and we stopped without any hesitation. Beautiful pictures were taken of this lovely flower and the café by the site provided fresh orange juice for those who wanted.

Our lunch spot was another good place to find stuff. The grassy areas were full of Ophrys fusca and Fritillaria acmopetala ssp. acmopetala as well as Bellevalia clusiana. On the forest edge there were many more Ophrys lyciensis and Gagea graeca growing together with approximately twenty Violet Limodores that were all in bud next to each other.

Going towards the beach we stopped by a pine forest where flowers of Tulipa orphanidae were flashing orange in the sun. Many of them were in perfect condition. Driving back towards Finike we came to our usual Lathyrus belinensis site and here as well they were flowering nicely. Eastern Dappled White, several blues and a Scarce Swallowtail flew around.

Our last stop was enjoyable. We parked the bus and there was a Dracunculus vulgaris in full flower - that impressed everyone. In the forest were Gladiolus illyricus, Muscari comosum and Aristolochia hirta in flower as well.

Finally we arrived at our new hotel just by the harbour.

Day 10 Avlan Lake, Limyra 30.03.10

This holiday the sun hadn’t left us even for an hour. We had our breakfast with a nice view of Finike Harbour and the sea. Then we started to drive to Avlan Lake not stopping until we reached the lake. There were good birds in the lake such as Ruddy Shelduck, Grey Heron, Great-crested Grebe, Cormorant and White Stork. When we started to walk on the side of the lake we witnessed a loving moment from a couple of Rock Nuthatches. Chiffchaff, Serin, Rock Bunting, Rüppell’s Warbler and Redstart were all seen there before we climbed up the hill to see many Fritillaria pinardii flowering.

Next we moved to see another beautiful – Fritillaria carica. They were all in very good condition. The group walked a kilometre or so down to lunch spot while the lunch was being prepared and that walk produced Orchis x sezikana, Helianthemum nummularia and Queen of Spain Fritillary. A woodpecker that didn’t show himself was tapping as we were having our lunch.

6 After lunch we started to drive down saying we shouldn’t have a day without stopping at a graveyard, we found one and in it were Ophrys sicula, Orchis syriaca and Ophrys reinholdii. Medicago minima and Lathyrus setifolius were also there. Our other orchid spot wasn’t so productive this year although we noted many many buds or totally finished ones, there was nothing in between but a good sample of Arum dioscoridis was worth seeing.

We stopped chasing the plants for the day and made a cultural stop at the site of Limyra but in truth the botanazing never stops and we looked at the plants on the walls such as Fumaria capreolata, Verbascum levantina and ferns. Along the stream we noted two sunbathing Stripe- necked Terrapins.

Day 11 Alacadağ 31.03.10

We left the hotel at our usual time and headed for Alacadağ located just behind Finike. We made many stops before we reached the topmost of them for photo stops but several of them were for flowers. A lovely group of Orchis x sezikana was a good reason to stop and we also noted Alkanna orientalis there. Orange Tip, Nettle-tree Butterfly and Eastern Festoon were flying around. Another stop was for the best Anthemis species Anthemis rosea (both for how it looks and its easy identification). From the viewpoint you could see the Finike and Kumluca towns and the glasshouse fields of Kumluca as two Long-legged Buzzards circled in the air. Our last stop before lunch produced Muscari muscarimi and Ornithogalum nutans. We went right up to the top to have lunch to a good location with a sort of table and chairs and flowers as well. Peter found the only flowering Centaurea reuterana that is a beautiful endemic species.

After lunch we walked down the valley that has a great habitat with Cedar, Acer and Ostrya carpinifolia trees and a lush flora underneath them. Cyclamen alpinum were finished but Muscari latifolium were very nice. Fritillaria acmopetala ssp. wendelboi were all in bud. Wren, Long-tailed Tit and a Hoopoe were noted. Our driver came down and collected us after a while and we moved on to our next stop. On the way Euphorbia dendroides were photographed but there was some time to go for the Iris purpureabractea to flower but flowers of Vicia cypria and Galium verticillatum were covering the ground on our next location. Corydalis paschei and Chionodoxa forbesii were the other beauties there. Because of the road conditions we had to go back all the way down to Finike and take another way up to our next location stopping briefly to photograph a flowering Paeonia mascula.

Anthemis chia was carpeting the grounds and the huge acorns of Quercus macrolepis were interesting to see, whilst in the graveyard were Aristlochia hirta, Fritillaria elwesii and endemic Onosma rutilum in flower.

We had a very scenic road back to the hotel.

7 Day 12 Journey back to Antalya 01.04.10

John and Val were rewarded with a Kingfisher by the stream by the hotel this morning.

After breakfast, the minibus was loaded and we moved on. We stopped by our daily graveyard and were pretty lucky to get Limodorum abortivum in flower. Although the Himontoglossum robertianum were finished, there were many other orchids around such as many different forms of Ophrys lyciensis, Ophrys fusca and Serapias bergonii. Lovely pink flowers of Lathyrus stenophyllus were showing well as well.

Our next stop was much more productive orchid wise. First we noted a very fresh group of Ophrys sicula. Walking around produced more of Ophrys lyciensis, a few Ophrys reinholdii and an Ophrys heterochila. Serapias bergonii and Orchis anatolica were there too. Just before we left Peter found a nice Orobanche pubescens.

We tried a new location for lunch but it turned out not to be rich plantwise but thistlewise. Finally it was time to see the flames of Chimera coming out of the rocks directly. Pregnant women (me) and artificial knee ones couldn’t but the rest of the group managed to go up to the flames. The rest examined the plants around. A beautiful Alyssum discolor was identified growing on serpentine rocks of Chimera and Hypericum montbretii was in flower too. When the walking group came back we went on directly to Antalya for our last night checklist and dinner.

Day 13 Departure 02.04.10

We left early morning for the flights out of Antalya Airport.

8 Systematic List Number 1 The Flora

The majority of the nomenclature has been taken from the Turkish Flora (edited by P H Davis) although the more recent treatment of the orchids in Die Orchideen der Turkei (C. A. J. Kreutz) has been preferred for that group. Non-woody dicot and monocot species are in flower unless otherwise stated.  Blue indicates the species seen in 2010

Aceraceae Acer platanoides Norway Maple scattered Acer sempervirens Gembos & Avlan Lake areas Acer monspessulanum Kemer Valley

Aizoaceae Carpobrotus edulis Red Hottentot Fig coast near Phaselis and Antalya

Anacardiaceae Pistacia lentiscus Mastic Tree scattered throughout [ pinnate without an end leaflet, rachis winged] Pistacia terebrinthus Terebrinth Scattered throughout [leaves pinnate with an end leaflet, rachis unwinged]

Apiaceae Apium nodiflorum Limyra Artedia squamata Adrasan area Caucaulis nodosa Olimpos area Eryngium maritimum Sea Holly beach at Finike Oenanthe pimpinelloides near Finike Scandix pecten-veneris Shepherd’s-needle scattered throughout Tordylium apulum Tordylium widespread Lecokia cretica Scattered Smyrnium olusatrum Alexanders Gembos [Deep green, shiny lvs]

Apocynaceae Nerium oleander Oleander noted in along rivers etc Vinca herbacea Phaselis Vinca major Greater Periwinkle widespread many planted

Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia hirta Lvs in Kemer Valley and Noted near Olimpos, above Finike Aristolochia lycica Kemer Valley

Asteraceae Anthemis ammophila coastal areas Anthemis chia widespread [Flw bracts with brown margins] Anthemis cretica widespread

9 Anthemis rosea carnea stunning! Pink daisy common on Alacadağ and some in Chiemera Anthemis tomentosa Phaselis Bellis perennis Daisy scattered Bellis annua Gundogmus area Calendula arvensis scattered Centaurea reuterana Alacadag [said to be C. bourgei on the tour] Chrysanthemum coronarium scattered Chrysanthemum segetum coastal areas Cnicus benedictus St Benedict’s Thiatle Sundance, Belen Doronicum orientale Kemer Valley Echinops onopordum leaves only. Kemer Valley Helichrysum stoechas scattered Inula viscosa widespread Matricaria matricarioides widespread Pallenis spinosa Olimpos area Phagnalon graecum scattered Ptilostemon chamaepeuce widespread on cliffs etc Reichardia sp scattered throughout Rhagadiola stellatus scattered Taraxacum helenicum Alacadağ Tragopogon porrifolius scattered Senecio vernalis widespread Senecio vulgaris Common Groundsel widespread Silybum marianum Milk Thistle widespread Sonchus aster Kemer Valley Sonchus oleraceus Smooth Sow-Thistle widespread Sonchus tenerrimus widespread Urospermum picroides scattered

Berberidaceae Berberis crataegina Gembos area Leontice leontopetalum Gembos area

Betulaceae Alnus orientalis Gülmez Mountains

Boraginaceae Alkanna attilae Ördübek Yaylası Alkanna orientalis Alacadağ Alkanna tinctoria scattered Alkanna tubulosa Alacadağ Anchusa aggregata sandy shores at Sundance Anchuza arvensis Murtiçi Anchusa azurea Large Blue Alkannet Olimpos Anchusa undulata hybrida scattered throughout Cynoglossum creticum Blue Houndstongue scattered Echium plantagineum Purple Viper’s-Bugloss scattered Lithospernum arvensis Corn Gromwell scattered

10 Onosma frutescens Scattered Onosma mite Along the coast road near Phaselis Onosma nydeggeri Kemer Valley Onosma strigossisimum Kemer Valley Symphytum brachycalyx Kemer Valley

Brassicaceae Alyssum discolor Chiemera Alyssum minus Avlan Lake Alyssum strigosum Scattered Arabis aucheri Ördübek Yaylası Arabis caucasica Scattered Arabis davisiana Murtiçi Arabis verna Spring Rockcress Scattered Aubretia canescens Ördübek Yaylası Biscutella didyma Biscutella scattered Brassica oleracea Kemer Valley Cakile maritima beaches at Sundance and Finike Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd’s-purse scattered Capsella rubella Phaselis Cardamine graeca widespread Cardamine hirsuta Avlan area Conringia grandiflora Akdağ, Phaselis Erophila verna Early Whitlow Grass widespread Eruca sativa scattered Fibigia eriocarpa Gembos, Kemer Valley Isatis lusitanica pamphyllica Olimpos area Isatis tinctoria Finike area Lepidium sp probably several seen? Mathiola chia coasts Mathiola longipetala Kemer Valley Mathiola maritima Phaselis Mathiola tricuspidata Sundance Nasturtium officinale Olimpos area Raphanus raphinastrum widespread Ricotia carnosula Kemer Valley Ricotia sinuata along coast road near Phaselis etc Sinapis alba Kemer valley Thlaspi perfoliatum Kemer Valley

Cactaceae Opuntia ficus-indica Prickly Pear Scattered

Campanulaceae Campanula drabifolia widespread Campanula lyrata coastal areas Campanula phrygia Scattered Legousia speculum-veneris Venus Looking-glass Scattered throughout

11 Caryophyllaceae Cerastium glomeratum Scattered Holosteum umbellatum Alacadağ Petrohagia velutina scattered at low altitudes Silene aegyptiaca Scattered throughout Silene behen Olimpos area Silena colorata coasts, where common Stelleria cilicica scattered Stelleria media Gembos area, Alacadag

Cistaceae Cistus creticus widespread at low altitudes Cistus salvifolius Sage-leaved Cistus widespread at low altitudes Fumana arabica Fumana scattered Fumana thymifolia Adrasan Helianthemum nummularia hills above Finike Helianthemum salicifolium scattered Tuberaria guttata Phaselis

Convolvulaceae Convolvulus arvensis above Finike Convolvulus cantabrica Murtiçi

Cornaceae Cornus mas Akdağ & Gembos area

Crassulaceae Rosularia globularifolia reasonably common in low rocky areas Sedum littoreum Finike Umbilicus rupestris scattered

Ericaceae Arbutus andrachne Locally common Erica arborea Locally abundant at low altitude Erica manupuliflora scattered in coastal regions Erica sicula rocks alongside coastal highway

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfeni widespread Euphorbia dendroides local along the coast Euphorbia helioscopia scattered throughout Euphorbia hierosolymitana rocks along coastal highway Euphorbia kotschyana Gembos area Euphorbia peplus Petty Spurge scattered Euphorbia virgata scattered Mercurialis annua Annual Dogs Mercury Scattered Mercurialis perennis Perennial Dogs Mercury Alacadağ

12 Fabaceae Acacia cyanophylla roadsides Anagyris foetida scattered throughout Astragalus hamosus Adrasan area Astragalus lusitanicus Kemer Valley Astragalus angustifolius Scattered Biserrula pelecanus coastal areas mainly Bituminaria bituminosa Pitch Trefoil widespread Calycotome villosa Spiny Broom widespread Ceratonia siliqua Carob Locally common Cercis siliquastrum Jacob Tree Kemer Valley Colutea melanocalyx Kemer Valley Coronilla cretica widespread at low altitude Coronilla parviflora widespread at low altitude Coronilla emerus Scorpion Senna Kemer Valley Coronilla scorpioides scattered Genista acanthoclada Olimpos Hymenocarpus circinnatus Disc Trefoil scattered Lathyrus aphaca Yellow Vetchling widely scattered. Subspecies modestus in Kemer Valley Lathyrus belinensis Locally common endemic near Olimpos and Belen Lathyrus digitatus Adrasan Lathyrus gorgoni Adrasan area Lathyrus lycicus ?maybe this species near Phaselis Lathyrus phaselitanus ?maybe this species near Phaselis Lathyrus setifolius near Finike Lathyrus sphaericus Kemer Valley Lathyrus stenophyllus Olimpos Lotus halophilus Sundance Lupinus varius Phaselis Medicago arabica scattered throughout Medicago coronata Phaselis Medicago littoralis widespread on coasts Medicago marina widespread on coasts Medicago minima Limyra Medicago orbicularis scattered Medicago polymorpha near Finike Melilotus officinalis Adrasan Onobrychis aequidentata Çıralı Ononis natrix Olimpos area Ornithopus compressus Phaselis Pisum sativum Wild Pea scattered Robinia pseudacacia False Acacia widely planted Spartium junceum Spanish Broom widespread Scorpiurus muricatus Phaselis Trifolium campestre Hop Trefoil coastal areas mainly Trifolium cherleri Çıralı Trifolium clypeatum Shield Clover scattered Trifolium fragiferum Çıralı Trifolium hirtum Ördübek Yaylası

13 Trifolium physodes widespread Trifolium resupinatum Belen Trifolium squarrosum Sea Clover Finike Trifolium stellatum Star Clover locally common Trifolium tomentosum Woolly Trefoil locally very common Trifolium uniflorum Gembos area Trigonella balansae Belen Trigonella corniculata widespread Trigonella macrorhyncha Alacadağ Trigonella spruneriana scattered Tripodium tetraphylla Bladder Vetch widespread Vicia bithynica Olimpos area Vicia cassia Olimpos area Vicia cypria Alacadağ Vicia hirsuta scattered Vicia hybrida Hairy Yellow Vetchling Limyra Vicia narbonensis Kemer Valley Vicia sativa Common Vetch scattered Vicia tetrasperma Phaselis

Fagaceae Qouercus cerris Turkey Oak Gembos area Quercus coccifera Kermes Oak widespread Quercus infectoria scattered Quercus macrolepis Alacadağ Quercus trojana Phaselis

Geraniaceae Erodium ciconium Avlan Lake Erodium cicutarium Common Stork’s-bill widespread Erodium gruinum Long-beaked Storksbill above Finike Erodium malacoides Mallow-lvd Storksbill Alacadağ Erodium moschatum Avlan Lake Geranium dissectum Cut-leaved Cranesbill scattered Geranium glaberrimum on the rocks around Murtici Geranium lucidum Shining Cranesbill scattered Geranium molle Dovesfoot Cranesbill Avlan and Finike Geranium purpureum Herb Robert scattered Geranium robertianum Tahtalı M. Geranium rotundifolium Round-leaved Cranesbill scattered

Hypericaceae Hypericum montbretii Chiemera Hypericum polyphyllum ssp. lyceum Adrasan

Juglanaceae Juglans regia Walnut Scattered, esp. in gardens

14 Lamiaceae Ajuga orientalis widespread Ajuga bombycina Uzumdere, rocks in the Kemer Valley Ajuga chamaepitys Ground-Pine widespread. Subspecies chia and subspecies cypria in the Kemer Valley Calamintha pamphylica davisii common on rocks in the lower Kemer Valley Doristoechas hastata Local endemic. In flower in Olimpos and Adrasan areas Lamium amplexicaule Henbit Deadnettle widespread Lamium garganicum Olimpos area Lamium album scattered Lamium cariense Finike area Lamium macrodon Gembos area Lamium moschatum Sundance Lavandula stoechas French Lavender locally abundant Lycopus europaeus Gypsy-wort wet areas around Finike Mentha aquatica Water Mint scattered throughout Phlomis bourgaei Adrasan area Phlomis chimerae Olimpos area, near Antalya Phlomis leucofracta scattered Phlomis lycia Scattered Phlomis viscosa quite common in Finike area Prasium majus Prasium locally common Salvia fruticosa near Finike Salvia huminosa Olimpos area Salvia tomentosa Olimpos area Salvia viridis Red-topped Sage coastal areas in the main Satureja thymbra Satureja widespread Stachys arvensis Kemer Valley

Lauraceae Laurus nobilis widespread

Linaceae Linum bienne Pale Flax scattered Linum catharthicum Gembos area

Loranthaceae Viscum album Scattered

Malvaceae Malva cretica Finike area Malva sylvestris Olimpos Lavatera cretica Scattered

Moraceae Ficus carica Fig widespread

15 Myrtaceae Eucalyptus species planted here and there Myrtus communis widespread

Oleaceae Olea europea Olive widespread Phillyrea latifolia scattered

Orobanchaceae Orobanche ramosa Branched Broomrape Beldibi graveyard Orobanche pubescens Phaselis

Oxalidaceae Oxalis corniculata scattered Oxalis pres-caprae Bermuda Buttercup widespread and low altitudes

Papaveraceae Fumaria capreolata scattered Fumaria officinalis widespread Fumaria parviflora Scattered Corydalis oppositifolia Cimi Yayla Corydalis paschei Alacadağ Corydalis wendelboi Gembos, Alacadağ Glaucium flavum Yellow Horned Poppy Sundance Hypecoum procumbens Sundance Papaver dubium widespread Papaver rhoeas Corn Poppy local in lowlands

Plantaginaceae Plantago cretica Olimpos Plantago lagopus scattered Plantago lanceolata Ribwort Plantain widespread Plantago major Greater Plantain widespread Plantago conopus Tahtalı and Kemer valley Plantago afra scattered

Platanaceae Platanus orientalis Oriental Plane locally common

Polygonaceae Rumex bucephalophorus Bull’s-head Dock scattered

Primulaceae Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel scattered Cyclamen alpinum Kemer Valley, Alacadağ Cyclamen coum in flower slopes south of Avlan Lake Cyclamen graecum in leaf Phaselis

16 Ranunculaceae Anemone blanda Gembos, Alacadağ Anemone coronaria scattered in the lowlands Ceratocephalus falcatus above Finike Clematis cirrhosa Finike area Clematis flammula Phaselis Eranthis hyemalis Gembos, Alacadağ Ranunculus arvensis Adrasan Ranunculus chius rough ground by coastal highway Ranunculus constantinopolitanus upper Kemer Valley, Limyra Ranunculus ficaria Gembos Ranunculus ficaria calthifolia Lesser Celandine the very large leaved form. Kemer Valley Ranunculus isthmicus stepporum locally common Ranunculus illyricus Phaselis Ranunculus marginatus trachycarpus widespread Ranunculus millefoliatus scattered Ranunculus muricatus Adrasan, Limyra Ranunculus neopolitanus Phaselis Ranunculus ophioglossifolius local in ponds in the woods between and inland of Phaselis and Sundance Ranunculus repens Creeping Buttercup scattered Ranunculus rionii small water crowfoot noted in Olimpos area Ranunculus rumelicus Alacadağ Thalictrum orientale Akdağ

Rhamnaceae Paliurus spina-cristi scattered Rhus coriaria Alacadağ

Rosaceae Amygdalus graeca Akdağ Amygdalus orientalis Avlan Lake Crataegus nummularia Tahtalı M. Ornithopus compressus? Murtiçi Poterium verracosum Salad Burnet scattered Prunus dulcis Gembos area Prunus spinosa Blackthorn Alacadağ Pyrus communis Gembos area Pyrus serikensis near Antalya Pyrus sezikana ?probably this species near Phaselis Sanquisorba minor scattered Sarcopoterium spinosum locally common

Rubiaceae Galium aparine Cleavers widespread Galium verticillatum Alacadağ Sherardia arvensis Sherardia widespread

17 Valantia hispida widespread

Salicaceae Populus ozbestanica planted Salix alba White Willow Avlan Lake

Santalaceae Osiris alba Osyris scattered

Saxifragaceae Saxifraga tridactylites along Manavgat River Saxifraga hederecea Gundogmus area

Scrophulariaceae Bellardia trixago scattered at lower altitudes Cymbalaria longipes widespread on rocks Cymbalaria microcalyx also widespread on rocks Linaria chalepensis scattered throughout Linaria simplex Olimpos Misopates orontium Weasel’s Snout widespread Parentucellia latifolia widespread and locally dominant Parentucellia viscosa Yellow Bartsia scattered Scrophularia lucida Kemer Valley Scrophularia peregrina scattered Verbascum levantina Kemer Valley Verbascum orientale Phaselis Verbascum cheiranthifolium Kemer Valley Veronica anagallis-aquatica scattered Veronica arvensis scattered Veronica catenata Pink Water Speedwell Phaselis Veronica cymbalaria White Speedwell widespread Veronica hederifolium Veronica lycica Alacadağ and Ördübek Yaylası Veronica pectinata lvs only Veronica persica Persian Speedwell scattered Veronica syriaca scattered

Solanaceae Atropa belladonna Deadly Nightshade Kemer Valley Hyoscyamus aureus Phaselis and Sundance Mandragora officinalis Mandrake Avlan , Alacadağ & near Finike Solanum nigrum scattered Solanum sp one or more in coastal areas

Styracaceae Styrax officinalis Storax widespread

Tamaricaceae Tamarix smyrnensis Adrasan & Phaselis

18 Thymelaeaceae Daphne gnidioides widespread Daphne sericea scatteres throughout

Ulmaceae Carpinus betulus Kemer Valley Carpinus orientalis Alacadağ Ostrya carpiniifolia Alacadağ Ulmus minor scattered

Urticaceae Parietaria diffusa Finike Urtica pilulifera Finike

Valerianaceae Valeriana dioscoridis scattered Valerianella discoidea Adrasan Valerianella obtusiloba Kemer Valley

Violaceae Viola alba purple flowered forms in Gembos area and Finike Viola arvensis Finike Viola crassifolia There is some disagreement about which species this is ?? Erek Dağı on Alacadağ Viola kitaibeliana scattered Viola heldreichiana Scattered Viola odorata Gembos?? Kemer Valley Viola siehana Gembos Viola parvula Gembos

Vitaceae Amphelopsis orientale Akdağ


Amaryllidaceae Galanthus elwesii Gembos area Narcissus tazetta Gembos area

Araceae Arisarum vulgare Friar’s Cowl near Antalya, mostly just leaves but seen in flower on Alacadağ Arum dioscoridis scattered – some fine plants Dracunculus vulgaris Dragon Arum leaves only - scattered

Cyperaceae Carex distans Limyra Carex leersii ‘Grey Sedge’ scattered Cyperus capitatus near Phaselis

Dioscoraceae Tamus communis Black Bryony Adrasan

Graminaceae Aegilops sp probably several present Anisantha sterilis Kemer Valley Arundo donax Giant Reed locally common Briza maxima Large Quaking Grass Ciralı Briza media Chiemera Briza minor Belen Lagurus ovatus scattered Phragmites australis Reed Adrasan Piptatherum virescens Chiemera

Iridaceae Crocus biflorus isuaricus Very good specimens in Gembos area and Ördübek Yaylası also in Tahtali M. Crocus chrysanthus Gembos area Crocus danfordiae Tahtali Mount. Gladiolus italicus Finike area Gladiolus illyricus Mavikent Gladiolus micranthus scattered Gladiolus anatolicus in pinewoods near Finike Gynandriris sisyrinchium near Antalya Iris albicans Sundance Iris germanica cultivated Iris masia Serik Iris pamphylica Gembos area, Akdağ Iris purpureobractea In bud on Alacadağ Iris stenophylla Akdağ Iris unguicularis carica Olimpos area

20 Iris xanthospuria Limyra Romulea tempskyana Alacadağ Romulea bulbocodium ssp. crocea Akdağ, Tahtalı M. Romulea columnae Belen

Juncaceae Juncus acutus Sundance Juncus bufonius Adrasan

Liliaceae Allium neapolitanum Alacadağ Allium subhirsutum widespread Asparagus acutifolius widespread Asphodelus aestivus widespread Asphodeline lutea Finike area Bellevalia clusiana Gembos area Bellevalia dubia Belen Bellevalia tauri Alacadağ Bellevalia trifoliata Olimpos and Belen Chionodoxa forbesii Gülmez M. Colchicum burtii Akdağ Colchicum minutum Gembos area Colchicum szovitzii Gembos Colchicum triphyllum scattered Drimia maritima leaves only Fritillaria acmopetala acmopetala widespread – some fine forms Fritillaria carica in flw Avlan Lake area Fritillaria elwesii Gembos area, Alacadağ Fritillaria pinardii Bademli, Avlan Lake Gagea granatelli common on Ördübek Yaylası and Alacadağ Gagea graeca scattered Gagea fibrosa Gembos area Gagea foliosa Murtiçi Gagea juliae Cimi Yayla Gagea peduncularis Gembos area, Kemer Valley Gagea uliginosa ?what appeared to be this species on Ördübek Yaylası. Had the same red- backed and slight jizz but may be another species as it is a long west of any previous records Gagea villosa quite common Hyacinthella heldreichii Gembos area Hyacinthus orientalis Gembos area Muscari anatolicum Gembos area Muscari armeniacum Gembos area Muscari comosum Tassel Hyacinth Finike area Muscari latifolium Alacadağ Muscari muscarimi superb! Murtiçi &Alacadağ Muscari macrocarpum in fruit. Cliffs near Phaselis and Cirali Muscari neglectum scattered

21 Muscari weissii Belen Ornithogalum alpigenum Gembos area Ornithogalum montanum Ördübek Yaylası Ornithogalum narbonense Finike area Ornithogalum nutans Kemer Valley, Alacadağ Ornithogalum oligophyllum Ördübek Yaylası Ornithogalum orthophyllum Alacadağ Ornithogalum umbellatum scattered Ornithogalum weidemannii Cimi Yayla Ruscus aculeatus scattered Scilla bifolia Gembos area & Alacadağ Smilax aspera scattered, common at low altitudes Tulipa orphanidea Çıralı Tulipa whittallii the little red tulip was probably this species but still not certain!

Orchidaceae Limodorum abortivum Violet Limodore scattered at lower altitudes in bud! Ophrys apifera in bud near Belen Ophrys bornmuelleri A fine little example seen near Belen seems sure to be this species in which case it is much further west than previous records Ophrys climacis 1 specimen senn in Kemer Valley Ophrys cinereophila a good population near Belen Ophrys ferrum-equinum Kemer Valley and Olympos Ophrys ferrum-equinum f. labiosa a good population above Finike Ophrys fusca Belen Ophrys heterochila quite common at the Beldibi cemetery and near Belen& Finike Ophrys holoserica in bud near Belen Ophrys iricolor Rainbow Ophrys above Finike Ophrys lyciensis/minoa Common Ophrys mammosa Mammose Ophrys Akseki road and near Belen Ophrys omegifera ssp. israelitica Murtiçi Ophrys phryganae leaders only! Seen in pinewoods southwest of Sundance, Kemer Valley Ophrys reinholdii scattered Ophrys sicula scattered Ophrys speculum above Finike Ophrys straussii one seen near Belen Ophrys tenthredinifera Kemer Valley Ophrys umbilicata good numbers near Belen Orchis anatolica Anatolian Orchid scattered throughout Orchis fragrans in bud in Chiemera Orchis italica Naked Man Orchid scattered Orchis papilionacea Pink Butterfly Orchid a few in Kemer Valley Orchis sancta Holy Orchid in bud near Finike Orchis sezikana locally quite common, especially on the Alacadağ Orchis simia Monkey Orchid a few in the Kemer Valley

22 Orchis syriaca locally common Himontoglossum (Barlia) robertiana Giant Orchid Finike area Serapias bergonii locally common

Pteridophyta Adiantum capillus-veneris aidenhair Fern Kemer Valley Anogramma leptophylla Adrasan Asplenium bourgaei Kemer Valley Asplenium ceterach Rusyback Fern common Asplenium onopteris Kemer Valley Cheilanthes fragrans cliffs Gembos area & near Phaselis Cheilanthes persica Limyra Dryopteris pallida Kemer Valley Polypodium australe Kemer Valley Polypodium cambricum Southern Polypody Kemer Valley Pteris vittata near Olimpos Selaginella denticulata scattered

Cupressaceae Cupressus sempervirens widespread Juniperus drupacea scattered in Gembos area Juniperus foetidissima widespread Juniperus oxycedrus scattered Juniperus excelsa widespread

Pinaceae Abies cilicica ssp isaurica Gembos area Cedrus libani Cedar-of-Lebanon frequent to dominant at higher altitudes Pinus brutia Calabrian Pine dominant at low to mid levels Pinus pinea Stone Pine coastal

23 Systematic List Number 2 Birds

The and order of the following list largely follows Voous (1977, List of Recent Holarctic Bird Species). An indication of frequency of sightings is given by the number of days out of 12 a species was seen on – thus 3/12 means a species was noted on three days during the holiday. The arrival and departure days are not included.

Little Grebe Tachbaptus ruficollis 2/12 pairs at Phaselis, Avlan Lake Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus 1/12 Avlan Lake

Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo 1/12 Avlan Lake Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 1/12 Avlan Lake Purple Heron Ardea purpurea 1/12 1 at Manavgat White Stork Ciconia ciconia 1/12 Avlan Lake

Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea 1/12 Avlan Lake Teal Anas crecca 1/12 Avlan Lake Mallard Anas plathyrhyncos 1/12 Avlan Lake Pintail Anas acuta 1/12 Avlan Lake Pochard Aythya farina 1/12 Avlan Lake

Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus 1/12 Tahtali Mountain Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus 1/12 a superb male at Manavgat Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus 1/12 Gembos Common Buzzard Buteo buteo 1/12 Tahtali M. Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus 1/12 Sundance Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus Scattered Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 1/12 Gembos Peregrine Falco peregrinus 2/12 Kuyucak, Tahtali M.

Chukar Alectoris chukar 3/12 heard at Gembos area

Water Rail Rallus aquaticus 1/12 1 near Finike Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Common Coot Fulica atra Common Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus 2/12 Finike Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius 2/12 Sundance, Phaselis Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 2/12 Phaselis, Sundance

Mediterranean Gull Larus melanocephalus 1/12 Finike Yellow-legged Herring Gull Larus cachinnans Common

Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto Common Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis 2/12 Antalya

Common Swift Apus apus common Alpine Swift Apus melba 2/12 Antalya, Above Finike

Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 1/12 Finike Hoopoe Upupa epops Common

24 Green Woodpecker Picus viridus Heard only Syrian Woodpecker Dendroscopos syriacus 1/12 Gembos area MiddleSpotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius 5/6 Gembos area

Crested Lark Galerida cristata Common Wood Lark Lullula arborea 1/12 Cimi Yayla

Sand Martin Riparia riparia 1/12 Manavgat Swallow Hirundo rustica Common Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica Scattered House Martin Delichon urbica Common

Black-headed Wagtail Motacilla (flava) feldegg 1/12 Manavgat Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea 2/12 Uzumdere, Kemer Valley White Wagtail Motacilla alba Common

Yellow-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus xanthopygus Common Dipper Cinclus cinclus 1/12 Uzumdere Wren Troglodytes troglodytes Scattered, heard mainly

Robin Erithacus rubecula scattered Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros Common Whinchat Saxicola rubetra 1/12 Uzumdere Stonechat Saxicola torquata 1/12 Gembos Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe Scattered Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica Scattered Finch’s Wheatear Oenanthe finschii 1/12 Cimi Yayla Blackbird Turdus merula Common

Cetti’s Warbler Cettia cetti Heard in several places Sedge Warbler Acrocephalusschoenobaenus 1/12 Finike Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus 1/12 Finike Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais olivetorum 1/12 Limyra Ruppell’s Warbler Sylvia rueppelli Common Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca 1/12 Sundance Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla 1/12 Finike Bonelli's Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli 2/12 Gembos area, Ordübek Yayla Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix 1/12 Uzumdere Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Common

Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus 2/12 Kemer Valley, above Finike Sombre Tit Parus lugubris 1/12 Gembos area Coal Tit Parus ater Common Blue Tit Parus caeruleus scattered Great Tit Parus major Common

Kruper’s Nuthatch Sitta krueperi 1/12 Gembos Nuthatch Sitta europaea 1/12 Gülmez Mount. Western Rock Nuthatch Sitta neumayer 4/12 Gembos, Ördübek, Gülmez Mount. Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria 1/12 Kemer Valley

25 Short-toed Treecreeper Certhia brachydactyla 2/12 Tahtali Mount., Ordubek Yayla

Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator 1/12 Sundance

Jay Garrulus glandarius Common Magpie Pica pica 2/12 Antalya, Istanbul Alpine Cough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax 1/12 Gembos Hooded Crow Corvus cornix Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris 2/12 Finike, Istanbul

House Sparrow Passer domesticus Common

Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Common Serin Serinus serinus scattered Greenfinch Carduelis chloris 1/12 Gembos Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 6/12 Common Linnet Carduelis cannabina 2/12 Gembos area, Kemer Valley,

Cirl Bunting Emberiza cirlus 1/12 a male at Avlan Lake Rock Bunting Emberiza cia 1/12 Gembos Cretzschmar's Bunting Emberiza caesia 1/12 at Limyra Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana 1/12 Gembos area Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra scattered

26 Systematic List Number 3 Butterflies The taxonomic nomenclature has been taken from Ahmet Baytaş’s excellent “Butterflies of Turkey” published by NTV (2007) with additional information from Hasselbarth’s ‘Die Tagfalter der Turkiye.

Papilionidae Eastern Festoon Zerynthia cerisyi Gembos False Apollo Archon apollinus Scattered

Pieridae Large White Pieris brassicae Common Small White Artogeia rapae Gembos Green-veined White Pieris napi Gembos Bath White Pontia daplidice Kemer Valley Eastern Dappled White Euchloe ausonia Sundance Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines Scattered Clouded Yellow Colias crocea Gembos Brimstone Gonepteryzx rhamni scattered

Lycaenidae Green Hairstreak Callophrys rubi 1 in the Kemer Valley Turkish Vernal Copper Tomares nogelli Noted in the Kemer Valley Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas Scattered Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus Belen Common Blue Polyommatus icarus Olimpos

Libytheidae Nettle-tree Butterfly Libythea celtis Uzumdere

Nymphalidae Large Tortoiseshell Nymphalis polychloros Scattered Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae Gembos Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta Scattered Painted Lady Cynthia cardui Scattered Comma Polygonia calbum Finike Queen of Spain Fritillary Issoria lathonia 1 seen at Ordubek Yayla

Satyridae Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria Scattered

Hesperiidae Dingy Skipper Erynnis tages 1 in Kemer Valley

27 Systematic List Number 4 Reptiles The taxonomic nomenclature has been taken from İbrohim Baran’s Amphibians and Reptiles of Turkey book.

Salamandridae Lycian Salamender Mertensiella luschani Scattered

Hylidae Tree Frog Hyla arborea Manavgat, Olimpos

Ranidae Marsh Frog Rana ridibunda Sundance, Adrasan, Limyra

Bufonidae Green Toad Bufo viridis Gembos

Bataguridae Stripe-necked Terrapin Mauremys caspica Sundance

Tesdudinidae Spur-tighed Tortoise Testudo graeca common

Agamidae Agama Leudakia stellio Gembos, Common above Finike

Chamaeleontidae Chameleon Chamaeleo chamaeleon 1 seen at Sundance

Anguidae Worm Lizard Blanus strauchi scattered

Lacertidae Danford’s Lizard Lacerta danfordii common Pamphylia Lizard Lacerta pamphylicus 1 seen at Kuyucak Green Lizard Lacerta trilineata scattered Italian/Istanbul Lizard Podarcis sicula seen at NGBB Snake-eyed Lizard Ophisops elegans Gembos area

Scincidae Snake-eyed Skink Ablepharus kitaibellii scattered Banded Skink Mabuya vittata scattered Colubridae Large Whip Snake Coluber jugularis Adrasan, Beşikçi Graveyard Dwarf Snake Eirenis modestus Adrasan, Beşikçi Graveyard Leopard Snake Elaphe situla 1 dead one at Gülmez Mount.