Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947

Wind power in up to the year 2025—‘soft’ scenarios based on expert views Vilja Varhoa,*, Petri Tapiob a Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 27, University of Helsinki, Fin-00014 Helsinki, Finland b Finland Futures Research Centre, Korkeavuorenkatu 25 A 6, Fin-00130 Helsinki, Finland


In this article we present a method of constructing ‘soft’ scenarios applied to the development in Finland up to the year 2025. We asked 14 experts to describe probable and preferable futures using a quantitative questionnaire and qualitative interviews. Wind power production grows in all scenarios but there were differences in the order of magnitude of 10. The growth rate of electricity consumption slows down in all scenarios. Qualitative arguments varied even within clusters, with wind power policy emerging as the main dividing factor. The differences revealed diverse values and political objectives, as well as great uncertainties in assumptions about future developments. These influence wind power policy and were also believed to have contributed to the slow development of wind power in Finland. Re-thinking of the Finnish wind power policy is recommended. The ‘soft’ scenario method is considered valuable in finding diverse views, constructing transparent scenarios and assisting energy policy making. r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Wind power; Scenario; Expert interview

1. Introduction This has inspired Finnish policy makers and Finnish industries that produce components and materials for Wind power made a remarkable entry to the energy the wind turbines. So far, the growth of domestic sector during the 1990s. The growth of cumulative wind capacity has been quite slow, however, leaving Finland power capacity in the world was staggering, with growth in a unique position in which the current domestic wind ranging from 26 to 37 percent yearly from 1996 to 2001 power capacity was 44 megawatts (MW) in the end of (BTM Consult ApS, 2002)(Fig. 1). year 2003 (Laakso, 2004), providing only 0.1% of Wind power is renewable, practically emission-free electricity consumption, although a considerable wind and at the same time very modern, using highly power industry exists. In 2001 Finnish wind power sophisticated technology, as the growth of wind power components had a global market share of approximately capacity has been accompanied by rapid technological 5%, even as the installed capacity in Finland was only development (see McGowan and Connors, 2000). Wind about 0.2% of the global capacity (Holttinen et al., power represents both a reduction of emissions from the 2002). Despite (and because) the current limitations of energy sector and a development of a new branch of the Finnish wind power sector, it has a great potential industry (turbine manufacture). Therefore it may be for growth and change. seen as an example of ecological modernisation, which In this article we present different expert view-based has been defined as a social development in which the scenarios of the development of wind power in Finland interests of environment and economy are compatible up to the year 2025. A number of typologies of different (Massa, 1995; Andersen and Massa, 2000). methods of constructing scenarios have been presented in the literature (e.g. de Jouvenel, 1967; Hirschhorn, 1980; Amara, 1981; Nijkamp et al., 1998; Tapio, 2002). *Corresponding author. Tel.: +358-9-1915-8839; fax: +358-9-1915- To frame the approach of the study, three basic 8462. E-mail addresses: (V. Varho), petri.tapio@ methodologies of constructing scenarios can be dis- (P. Tapio). cerned: (1) business-as-usual modelling, (2) what-if URL: modelling and (3) heuristic images of the future (Tapio,

0301-4215/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2004.03.006 ARTICLE IN PRESS V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 1931

30000 through the arguments given by interviewees (Section 5). Our findings are discussed in the Section 6, and in the final section we present our conclusions. 20000

2. Wind power policy context in Finland

10000 The battle against climate change is one of the main motives for supporting wind power in Finland, although wind’s contribution is not expected to be very notable in

cumulative nominal capacity / MW 0 the near future. The other motive driving wind power 0 4 8 4 8 82 86 90 92 9 96 00 9 9 9 9 9 0 policy is the Finnish turbine manufacturing industry. 198 1 198 1 198 1 1 19 1 199 2 The most important political plan for the development time /years of Finnish wind power is the ‘‘Action Plan for Renew- Fig. 1. The growth of cumulative capacity of wind power in the world. able Energy Sources’’ (Ministry for Trade and Industry, Source: years 1980–1995 (Brown et al., 2000), years 1996–2001 (BTM 1999a), extending to the year 2025. This plan is the Consult ApS, 2002). result of a committee organised by the Ministry for Trade and Industry, which is responsible for energy 2002). Deterministic business-as-usual modelling has policy in Finland. The committee was composed of long been the standard in technical and economic members from e.g. different ministries, non-governmen- forecasting, although what-if modelling was increasingly tal organisations and other lobbying groups, as well as used in the 1990s (e.g. Nakicenovi! c! et al., 1998). In this the research sector. The Action Plan was endorsed by study, a ‘softer’ use of participants’ future images is the Parliament. A proposal for an update of the Action implemented. This is usually considered relevant in the Plan was recently introduced (Ministry for Trade and analysis of novel phenomena with potentially growing Industry, 2003). importance, that is, weak signals (see Mendon@a et al., In the plan there is an official target for wind power 2004). Although the growth of wind power is a rather development: 500 MW of installed capacity by 2010. For strong signal in international energy discussion, in the year 2025 there was no numerical target in the Finland it is still weak (see above). Action Plan. In the update the target for the year 2010 The scenarios presented here are made of presumptive was renewed, and an estimate of development possi- (Bell, 1997) or conjectural (de Jouvenel, 1967) beliefs bilities for 2025 was given as 2000 MW of installed about the future of wind power. The study of beliefs and capacity. It was acknowledged that in the long run wind expectations about the possible and the preferable future power has potential for a much greater use in Finland, is important, because they are part of the decision- but the working group considered that reaching this making process of today. For example, they influence capacity by 2025 would be very challenging with regard the setting of policy targets. These, in turn, matter to the present level. because global wind power capacity has grown largely Wind power is supported in Finland through infor- as a result of determined policies of different countries mation guidance to energy companies as well as to (Sawin, 2001). The images of preferred and probable consumers, and through funding technological research. futures enable the setting of political goals, the search of The main incentive, however, has been an investment means, as well as the comparison of different actors’ subsidy, which has been approximately 30% of the objectives, arguments and values. investment costs. In addition, wind electricity producers This paper is a part of a study on wind power policy receive a tax refund of 0.69 cents/kW h (Helynen et al., and its role in the development of the wind power sector 2003). in Finland. There are two objectives: first, we wish to Despite the subsidies, wind power growth has not widen the view of the possibilities of wind power in been as fast as anticipated or hoped for. During the Finland and to compare it with current policy and its years 1999–2003 the Finnish capacity grew only from 38 assumptions. The slow development of wind power in to 44 MW (Holttinen et al., 2001; Laakso, 2004). Even Finland, as well as the ongoing changes of the energy though there is no systematic analysis of the reasons for sector call for a new, close look at the issue. Second, we this, many explanations for the slow development have introduce a method for constructing expert view-based been mentioned. Some barriers have already been scenarios and consider its merits. overcome to a large extent; because of the harsh climate The Finnish wind power policy context is described in it has been necessary to develop Arctic applications, Section 2, and the material and methods used for such as blade heating to prevent icing (Peltola et al., creating the scenarios are presented in Section 3. We 1998). Not all barriers are technological, however. then describe the results in numbers (Section 4) and For example, Vesa (2001) described bureaucratic ARTICLE IN PRESS 1932 V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 constraints, such as the unclear legal requirements for 3.1. Experts wind power plant projects, and the land-use planning practices that do not take the needs of wind power into The experts were chosen through co-nomination, in account. which the first ones suggest further experts to be Additional factor is the low prices of electricity that included in the study. This method has been criticised, were experienced in Finland after the liberalisation of since if the original group is biased in some way, the the market. These lessen the profitability of building any final list of participants is likely to be skewed in a similar new electricity production capacity. Some uncertainty way. Therefore the original group was chosen carefully about the direction of Finnish energy sector develop- to cover the wind power sector in Finland, so that all ment was experienced in recent years, as the debate on a relevant fields (research, policy making and implemen- new nuclear power reactor dominated the energy tation, business community and lobbying groups) were discourse. In 2002 the Parliament granted a private represented.1 The first interviewees were chosen among company the political blessing to build a new reactor, those who participated in the working group that clarifying the situation to some extent. And finally, wind produced the Action Plan for Renewable Energy power represents a new and distributed form of Sources (Ministry for Trade and Industry, 1999a). A production. The difficulties this causes to the dissemina- full list of the interviewees is included in Appendix A. tion of renewables have been discussed e.g. by Fuchs Only two of the interviewees were female, and the and Arentsen (2002). gender bias seems to reflect the reality of the wind power There were many policy suggestions for supporting sector in Finland. Most (12 of 14) had a degree in wind power in the working group proposal (Ministry for technological or natural scientific fields. In fact, only one Trade and Industry, 2003), but these were mostly just had not graduated from a university. While it is clear recommendations for the further study and development that this group of experts does not mirror Finns in of the policies. Policies based on free markets and general, it is thought to be representative of the sectors voluntary action were emphasised, such as increases in influencing Finnish wind power. As it consists largely of R&D funding and tax credits. It was also recommended companies producing turbines, their components and that bureaucratic constraints be removed and that land- materials, as well as of the research sector, the Finnish use planning be improved. wind power sector is dominated by technological and Despite the apparent consensus presented by the natural scientific expertise. The same largely applies to Action Plan, the political debate on the future of wind the lobbying groups representing industries and the power continues. We next move on to construct diverse energy sector, and even to the Ministry for Trade and scenarios by asking expert views of the development of Industry. the field up to 2010 and 2025. Some of the interviewees are part of the wind sector itself, others have wind power as only one of their professional concerns. Therefore, even though all of 3. Material and methods those interviewees who gave material used in the clustering have a good understanding of wind power The empirical material for the study was collected in and its technical properties, perhaps only some of them the spring and summer of 2002 with a questionnaire could strictly speaking be classified as experts of wind which was followed by interviews. The questionnaire energy. The others have different type of expertise, for was sent to 22 experts of whom 18 returned it. Four example on design of energy policy, which is equally participants filled in the questionnaire incompletely, and valuable for the formation of scenarios and under- their views are not used in this article. Thus the material standing the progress of wind power. consists of 28 cases, of which there are 14 responses of Defining expertise and granting the status of an expert the probable future and 14 responses of the preferable are social constructions. The definition can be a form of future. The quantitative responses were grouped by struggle for power and have political importance (see cluster analysis as 28 scenarios would be too many to be e.g. Hajer, 1995). In part the definition depends on the illustrative. The emerging clusters were constructed into actual education, knowledge and experience of a person, scenarios using qualitative analysis of the interviews. but in part it is defined in the social context. It is The difference between the two is that clusters are necessary to have a society or audience that defines the groups of answers, formed solely on the basis of the criteria for expertise (Kaivo-oja et al., 1997). Often it is closeness of numerical values. Scenarios, on the other formal education and titles, professions and positions in hand, include also the ways and reasons for ending in organisations that give experts the authority to talk these numbers, the qualitative arguments and expecta- tions. A somewhat similar approach has been used 1 The consumers of wind electricity were excluded from the study, as previously by one of the authors in analysing the the emphasis was on wind energy policy, which the consumers prospects of transport (Tapio, 2002, 2003). influence only indirectly. ARTICLE IN PRESS V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 1933 about their field (Saaristo, 2000). The struggle for respondents in the questionnaire. Although the original authority has continued for hundreds of years, and questionnaire contained several issues, such as estimates requires the setting of boundaries between expertise and about the political power of various wind power policy non-expertise, valid and invalid knowledge (see Gieryn, actors, only three key variables were chosen to construct 1983). the core of the scenarios, specifically, the installed There have been calls for widening the definition of capacity of wind power in Finland, the electricity expertise, especially when it comes to understanding and produced with the said capacity, and the total con- solving complex problems, such as environmental sumption of electricity in Finland. These key variables problems that involve ecological, economic and social best describe the end result of policy, and the progress of aspects (e.g. Beck, 1994; Saaristo, 2000). the wind power sector. All three figures were collected The inclusion of representatives of many sectors for the years 2010 and 2025, for both probable and reflects the call for a wider expertise in this study: first, preferable futures. the experts are considered ‘informants’, sharing their The installed capacity of wind power is often used as knowledge. Different fields and organisations each have the yardstick with which to measure the progress of their own particular expertise to offer to the whole, but wind power. Official targets are most easily expressed as they also have their own ‘‘set of world views and installed capacity, as capacity does not vary as a result patterns of interpretation’’ (Bogner and Menz, 2001) of yearly wind conditions, for example. However, the that influence how people working within them observe electricity produced with the said capacity is more and discuss issues (see also Hajer, 1995). In order to important, as it is electricity, which is in demand in widen the scope of views to be included in the design of society. The two variables can also be used to indicate scenarios, a ‘‘plurality policy’’ can be recommended in how the productivity of wind power capacity develops choosing the expert panel (Kuusi, 1999, p. 181). over time, for example as a result of technological Second, it is also valuable to understand what people innovation or wind conditions at the sites that are taken think might happen, regardless of the expertise they use to use. to reach those conclusions. Even if the discussion of To set wind power in a context, we also asked about issues more than two decades from now is necessarily the overall electricity consumption in Finland. This can speculation, it does not mean that discussing them be used to consider the share wind power will hold in the would be irrelevant, as views about the future affect the energy sector, as well as to examine how the electricity decisions made today. Many of the experts included in market itself is changing. Comparing this factor in this study have the power to make decisions about wind probable and preferable futures also tells about the power policy or about investing the funds and efforts of attitudes towards electricity consumption. private companies to different forms of electricity We also asked how the gross domestic product (GDP) production, thereby influencing the development of the would change in Finland. This information was meant sector. For example, representatives of the Parliament, to be used in combination with the total consumption of ministries and different lobbying groups each have a electricity, to see whether there would be changes in the role in the formation of wind power policy. electricity intensity of the economy. Unfortunately, the Third, regardless of the level of expertise, all persons question was excluded from the scenarios as there were have subjective values. The respondents were chosen not a sufficient number of quantitative answers to it. from different organisations, but in this study they only represented themselves, and were promised anonymity 3.3. Time scale with respect to individual statements. This strategy allowed the interviewees to give their honest opinions The years 2010 and 2025 were chosen because they are instead of the political statements of their organisations. the years used in the ‘‘Action Plan for Renewable In addition, it was possible to discuss their values and Energy Sources’’ (Ministry for Trade and Industry, other personal issues, which had an impact on the 1999a). It would have been analytically clearer to use the ‘‘preferable’’ futures. A downside of anonymity is that evenly spaced years 2010 and 2020, with the possible the analysis is less transparent, but it removes the inclusion of 2030 as reference points in the scenarios. arguments and views from the danger of being labelled However, it was felt to be more informative to use the on the basis of the person giving them, and allows us to same years as those given in the Action Plan, as this consider them on their own merits (see e.g. Kaivo-oja made comparisons to official documents possible. In et al., 1997; Kuusi, 1999). the questionnaire, background figures were given for the years 1980, 1990 and 2000. In those years, the 3.2. Variables installed wind power capacity was 0, 0.3 and 40 MW, respectively (Laakso and Holttinen, 2001); wind power The 28 cases of future images presented here were production was measured at 0, 0.5 and 77 GW h, sampled from the numerical answers given by the respectively (Laakso and Holttinen, 2001); and the total ARTICLE IN PRESS 1934 V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 consumption of electricity was given as 40, 60 and in the future of wind power. Including electricity 80 TW h, respectively (Kara et al., 1999). consumption in turn sets wind power in a context (see Many experts complained about the long time scale, Section 3.2), and gives more depth to the analysis, as stating that it was impossible to speculate about events, factors other than those affecting wind power directly which will occur after such a long time span. However, a can be considered. shorter time scale would not have revealed changes that Cluster analysis cannot ultimately determine the take longer to emerge and include learning. number of clusters. How does a researcher know whether the number of clusters reveals the grouping 3.4. Probable and preferable futures present in the data? There seems to be no consensus on the matter in the literature of classification. Five Each expert who participated in the study was asked strategies might be useful: (1) statistical stopping rules; to express his/her probable and preferable image of the (2) external material; (3) theoretical categorisation; (4) future in the questionnaire. The probable future was applicability to decision-making and (5) heuristic sense- defined simply as the future the expert considered most making (Dubes and Jain, 1979; Milligan, 1996; Everitt probable, whereas the preferable future was defined as et al., 2001; Tapio, 2003). We used strategies 2, 4 and 5. the possible future he/she would like to see take place One problem with statistical stopping rules is that the (see Amara, 1981). It is important to note that the rules are made and tested by using artificial data in response about the preferable future was supposed to be which clusters do exist. The artificial composition of the possible in technical, economic and social terms, data might have a serious bias when applied to real data according to the respondent. While the preferable future in which the grouping cannot be known beforehand and of one expert is not necessarily possible in the opinion of may not even exist. External material might be useful, another, subjectively perceived possibility was used in but when tested quantitatively it would mean leaving the definition. Probable and preferable futures were some of the key variables out of the clustering. Hence, examined separately, so that each person produced two we used the qualitative material from the interviews as a cases. These have been marked as ‘‘pro’’ and ‘‘pre’’ in test for sensibility, as this material was not used in the the following Table 1 and Fig. 2. grouping. Some discussion of the internal consistency of the clusters based on the qualitative material is 3.5. Cluster analysis presented in Section 5. Theoretical categorisation might also be used, but we were not aware of an applicable The cases were grouped by a hierarchical cluster theoretical typology of different views of the future of analysis found in the SPSS 10.1 software, using the wind power. Furthest neighbour clustering algorithm (see Everitt The criteria of applicability to decision making and et al., 2001). The furthest neigbour (i.e. complete heuristic sense making were thus used. The first linkage) method belongs to the group of agglomerative supposes a default number between 4 and 7, as 1 gives clustering methods, which consider all the cases separate an idea of a ‘true’ description of the future, 2 easily gives in the beginning. Divisive methods in turn begin by the impression of a right and a wrong alternative and 3 regarding all the cases as one group. Furthest neighbour could give the impression that an apparent middle method begins by placing the furthest cases into course is being promoted. Higher numbers of scenarios different groups as opposed to the Nearest neighbour than 7 would be unillustrative as people have limits to method, which begins by fusing the two closest cases. handling alternatives (Robinson, 1990; Tapio, 2003). As the three variables were on different numerical The final choice was made by studying the clustering scales, they were standardised to the scale 0–1, that is, dendrogram (Fig. 2) and the differences between the the highest value received the numerical value of 1.00 clusters. The dendrogram is a tree-shaped hierarchy and the rest were given values linearly downwards. The which shows each partitioning and includes a scale normal Euclidean dissimilarity measure was used as all measuring the distance between combined cases/clusters the variables were on a relative scale. These standardised (Everitt et al., 2001). values were summed up to calculate the total difference SPSS output also included a dissimilarity matrix between cases presented in a dissimilarity matrix and to showing the absolute distance between each pair of cases maximise the difference between clusters by the furthest and a vertical ‘icicle’ displaying the order of partitioning neighbour method. of each case/cluster in the agglomeration process. The All three variables were given equal weight in the icicle is useful if there is question about the exact order clustering. The first two (capacity and electricity of clustering or if there is a theoretical reason to form produced with the said capacity) are obviously not clusters not apparent in the dendrogram. The dissim- independent. Although the wind power variables thus ilarity matrix is useful in large sets of data including very have more weight in the clustering, it was deemed many variables but when the study sample and matrix acceptable to use no weighting as the main interest was are not too large, it is more illustrative to look at the ARTICLE IN PRESS V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 1935 b Share of wind in el. cons. 2025% b Share of wind in el. cons. 2010% and the share of such electricity in total a Electricity consumption 2025 TW h a ). c Electricity consumption 2010 TW h >) and +20% ( o 10% ( Wind electricity 2025 GW h 7 Wind electricity 2010 GW h . These were interpreted as c Wind capacity 2025 MW , > and o 500500 1250 1250 1000 1000319450 3000550 3000 1400 93 2000 93 2200500 674 1200 100 1320 100 2778813 3405 6000 1.08 7200 1.08 1165 95 3875 90 3.00 85.5 3.00 7413 1925 109 100 95 89 10 000 0.71 1.33 1.54 93 93 3.11 6.00 7.58 105 1.31 2.08 7.96 9.52 2010 MW 1500 4000 3676 10 470 89 86 4.15 12.17 c d c d CaseA-pro Wind capacity A-pre F-proB-proC-proD-proE-proD-pre 300G-pro 300H-pro 200I-pro 300J-pro 200G-pre 300 2000 200 2500 300K-pro 700 300L-pro 700 250L-pre 1300 500 700F-pre 1000 740M-pro 500 2000B-pre 500 447H-pre 600 2000 400E-pre 1500 600 1500 500 4800 500 400 6200 650J-pre 500 2000M-pre 500 1564 720I-pre 2000 500 500 1000 3000N-pro 90 3000 3600 95 3000 1000 1200 750 1000 4500K-pre 92 3000C-pre 4000 90 5200 1000 90 4000 500 2500 3000 1200 90 1100 110N-pre 95 100 100 1200 1500 6000 3000 3000 1100 104 107 1500 100 105 1000 100 4500 100 5000 100 8600 3000 0.78 8000 120 120 2000 0.78 2000 90 7500 4000 10 000 120 0.49 2700 4000 110 0.67 1000 130 6000 0.44 90 0.67 15 90 000 4.36 4000 0.42 0.65 95 8000 6.20 8000 90 3352 95 12 0.69 000 1.46 80 12 0.50 000 1.90 1.00 3.00 6000 100 3.00 95 12 000 90 90 0.83 100 3.75 1.33 95 90 8940 4.33 95 70 3.64 2.31 37 000 1.33 85 1.22 100 100 1.26 92 100 1.22 6.32 120 1.25 88 8.60 8.42 80 2.22 2.22 7.50 11.11 92 2.84 1.05 100 8.57 4.71 8.00 8.00 12.00 3.64 10.00 6.82 15.00 9.72 37.00 Market shares were not specifically asked for fromRespondent respondents. L They gave were numbers calculated including from the figures symbols in the previous four columns. The value for consumption was not given directly in the WG, but is calculated from the figures given for electricity production from renewable sources, Respondent A gave ranges. The arithmetic means of the given ranges were used. a b c d consumption. Table 1 Details of the cases grouped into five clusters and the working group proposal (WG) (Ministry for Trade and Industry, 2003) Cluster 1 Mean Cluster 2 Mean Cluster 3 Mean Cluster 4 Mean Cluster 5 WG 500 2000 1100 5100 93 106 1.2 4.8 ARTICLE IN PRESS 1936 V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947

Fig. 3. Wind power capacity in Finland in 2000 and six scenarios for the years 2010 and 2025. Note that x-axis (time) is not on scale.

Fig. 2. Clustering dendrogram using the furthest neighbour method. The block letters stand for the respondents, the abbreviation ‘‘pro’’ stands for probable future and ‘‘pre’’ stands for preferred future.

newly grouped matrix of original data and consider whether the grouping makes sense (Table 1). Fig. 4. Production of wind electricity in Finland in 2000 and six 3.6. Interviews scenarios for the years 2010 and 2025. Note that x-axis (time) is not on scale. The thematic interviews lasted 1–2 h each and covered a number of topics, such as the benefits and disadvan- tages associated with the use of wind power, the availability of knowledge on wind power, different actors’ influences on the growth of the sector in Finland, the likely development and desirability of policy instruments, and the development of wind power technology and costs. The questions were not identical in each interview, although the themes remained the same. Interviews were taped and transcribed before analysis. After the cases had been grouped into clusters, explanations for the differences between clusters were sought from the arguments given in the questionnaires and interviews. The clusters are presented below in figures and numbers (Figs. 3–5 and Table 1). Section 5 contains Fig. 5. Consumption of electricity in Finland 1980–2000 and six the arguments behind the numerical values. The scenarios for the years 2010 and 2025. Note that x-axis (time) is not on scale. Value for consumption was not given directly in the working combination of a quantitative cluster and the qualitative group proposal (WG), but is calculated from the figures given for arguments of the cases within the cluster is here electricity production from renewable sources, and the share of such considered a scenario. electricity in total consumption. ARTICLE IN PRESS V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 1937

4. Clusters in numbers Table 2 Annual growth rates of wind power capacity in the clusters, 2000–2010

The most illustrative output form of the hierarchical Annual growth Annual growth cluster analysis is the dendrogram (Fig. 2), as it shows 2000–2010 (%) 2011–2025 (%) clearly which cases are grouped together at each phase. Cluster 1 23 10 Drawing vertical lines helps in determining the choice of Cluster 2 29 12 an appropriate number of clusters. Considering this data, Cluster 3 35 11 it seems that the possible number of clusters could be 3, Cluster 4 44 6.6 4, 5, 6 or 9. Choosing three or fewer would result in Cluster 5 54 11 clusters of very different sizes. Nine would be too many WG 29 9.7 to be very illustrative. Choosing six clusters seems to only produce another cluster of just one case as compared to choosing five. Shifting from four to five breaks a larger Before we move on to arranging these clusters into cluster into two, and as the number 5 falls into the range scenarios, the growth rates found in the clusters are of 4–7 it would be useful for decision making. However, noteworthy. Table 2 presents the approximate annual we invite the reader to ponder whether clusters 2 and 3 growth rates that would result in the capacities are similar enough to be combined. Or, should cluster 3 envisioned in the clusters. be divided into two, resulting in six clusters? The five It would be interesting to compare these to the growth clusters are presented in Table 1 in detail. rate before the year 2000, but the Finnish wind power Figs. 3–5 display the arithmetic means of each capacity grew intermittently during the 1990s, and the variable in the clusters. For example, cluster 1 had 13 annual growth rates varied between 0% and 281% answers to ‘‘how much wind power capacity will there (Laakso and Holttinen, 2001). However, if the growth be in 2010’’, and the mean 319 MW has been used in had been constant, the capacity would have grown by Fig. 3. Since the values for wind power capacity and 62% annually from 1990 to 2000. If such a rate were to wind electricity production were so small in 1980 and continue, the capacity would reach nearly 5000 MW by 1990, they are not given in Figs. 3 and 4. In addition to 2010. the five bars signifying the five clusters, there is a bar As long as the capacity is very small, an addition of marked ‘‘WG’’, which stands for the ‘‘target’’ (in the even one or two power plants is significant, but the case of 2010) and ‘‘vision’’ (in the case of 2025) of the growth rates are likely to slow down over time. working group proposal for the update of the Action Nevertheless, very high capacity growth rates have been Plan (Ministry for Trade and Industry, 2003). Even experienced recently in countries fairly rich in wind though the proposal has not yet been formally adopted power. For example, in the average annual as the state policy, it represents the newest semi-official growth was 43.2% during the years 1998–2000, in , view of the future of wind power in Finland. 76.9%, and in Greece, 111%. In Germany this meant The represents the average production adding 793–1665 MW a year, in Spain 368–1024 MW of electricity from a certain capacity. It is given as a and in Greece 26–116 MW a year (BTM Consult ApS, percentage of the total electricity that would be obtained 2001). if the wind power plant operated throughout the year at its nominal capacity. In Finland the capacity factor varied between 19% and 23% during 1994–2001, but it 5. Scenarios: going behind the numbers fell to 17% in 2002, as a result of lower than average wind speeds across the country and technical problems In this section the quantitative clusters are arranged with some turbines. However, every year since 1997 into scenarios with the qualitative material from the some turbines at the best sites have reached a capacity interviews. In order to protect the anonymity of the factor of 30% or more (Laakso, 2003). respondents we refer to all respondents with the There was some variation in regard to this factor pronoun ‘‘he’’. between clusters. However, as there was significant variation within clusters, and moreover as the differences 5.1. Working group proposal levelled out between clusters and were fairly minor by 2025, no special emphasis should be given to such The numbers for wind power in the working group differences. Of more importance is the fact that all proposal are based mainly on the original Action Plan clusters included improvement. The capacity factor grew for Renewable Energy Sources (Ministry for Trade and to 28–30% in 2025, in all clusters as well as in the WG. Industry, 1999a) and in the Background Report for the Increases in productivity were usually attributed to Plan (Ministry for Trade and Industry, 1999b). The improving technology and to offshore installations estimates for installed capacity in 2010 were based on (wind speeds are higher at sea, giving better yields). data about wind conditions in different parts of the ARTICLE IN PRESS 1938 V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 country as well as information about the grids and energy policy to support wind power as much as they existing land-use plans. However, the estimates were hoped. In some cases, criticism was directed towards the slightly higher than what the existing information allows quantity of support, but many also considered the for. For example, there was no reliable data on inland existing instruments, primarily investment subsidy, to be wind conditions, but in the Background Report 50 MW unsuitable for large-scale development. Unless new were estimated to have been built inland by the year 2015. policy instruments were to be taken into use, wind In the Background Report there are references to the power would develop slowly in Finland. lowering of the cost of wind power as a result of In this scenario, then, current policies would continue learning, but no estimates as to how fast the further in a more or less similar way as now. Since the subsidy development would be. There were no estimates about has been approximately 30% of the investment costs, the increasing competitiveness of wind power in the and it was not expected that the funds for subsidies working group proposal, even though competitiveness would be raised very much, subsidies would only be was named as the primary goal of renewable energy available for a relatively small number of turbines. policy. Nor was this issue mentioned when discussing There are not yet any offshore wind farms in Finland. the future need for subsidies. Policies based on free The rate of offshore building is rather slow in the markets and voluntary action were emphasised, as scenario Calm. Respondent G did not believe in large- described in Section 2. scale offshore development even in the long run, as he Estimates about electricity consumption were based expected that it would be both environmentally and on the business-as-usual scenario presented in the economically constrained. Most respondents, however, National Climate Strategy (Ministry for Trade and believed that offshore wind farms would meet with less Industry, 2001). It was estimated that the production of public resistance, though building would be restrained energy intensive industries would grow more slowly than by higher costs. Nevertheless, with better wind condi- the production on average. Population growth would be tions and fewer siting problems it was expected that the slow and stop around the year 2015. Energy taxes were majority of Finnish capacity would be found offshore by expected to be raised in 2003. All these factors would 2025. By 2010, however, there would be only one or two reduce the rate of growth of electricity consumption. pilot projects, in which it would be tested how well the However, the working group proposal does not discuss turbines and their foundations can withstand the electricity consumption in detail but concentrates on the pressure of ice. support of renewable sources instead. According to respondent J, Finnish companies would hesitate to commit to notable offshore investments, but 5.2. Scenario 1: Calm after 2010 foreign companies would discover the shallow waters of the Finnish coast. The first cluster showed the slowest growth of wind Electricity consumption would grow at least until power, hence the name ‘‘Calm’’ for this scenario, 2025 in the scenario, though most believed that the rate although electricity consumption grows faster than in of growth would be slower than in the past decades. In any other cluster. The working group’s scenario was the the case of G-pre the rate would remain at the same level most similar to this one, even though it was also rather of approximately 20 TW h/decade that was experienced similar to scenario 2. in 1970–2000. This he considered preferable not only There were 10 responses of the probable future, and because electricity is an important factor of production, three of the preferable future that formed the Calm but also because electricity would replace other forms of scenario. The preferable futures of respondents A, D energy, especially in traffic. This would lower the total and G were rather similar to their probable ones, and in emissions from energy consumption. Most respondents, the case of respondent A, the two were in fact identical. however, were unhappy about the continuous growth of These three experts did not expect wind power to be electricity consumption. competitive without subsidies even in the year 2025. The respondents doubted that Finns would begin to Other respondents who contributed to this scenario were buy wind electricity voluntarily on a large scale. It was much more optimistic about competitiveness. However, felt that there is a significant difference between Finns even though they expected the production costs of wind and people in other Nordic countries in the degree of power to diminish, their main argument for increased willingness to buy environmentally better but more competitiveness was that the price of electricity would expensive products. rise in general. This would result from internalising the There were two views among the respondents of the external costs of other, more polluting energy sources, Calm scenario about the importance of the green through e.g. environmental taxes. electricity market. Some argued that without demand Many of those who had probable futures in this there would be no supply, and that the state should not cluster and more optimistic preferable futures in other interfere with the market. Others called for the state to clusters explained that they did not expect Finnish take responsibility for the change. They felt the ARTICLE IN PRESS V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 1939 responsibility for the ‘‘greening’’ of the electricity market is characterised by a relatively high growth of both wind should not be left to individual consumers. Respondent power and electricity consumption. The share of wind D was the only one to express doubts about whether power in electricity consumption would be almost 10% wind electricity is, in fact, environmentally beneficial. by 2025, signifying a great change from the current share of 0.1%. 5.3. Scenario 2: Breeze As electricity consumption would also grow signifi- cantly, and presumably the economy with it (unfortu- There were eight cases in cluster 2, three probable nately it was impossible to use the GDP in the ones and five preferable ones. The cases were more clustering), this scenario seems to represent ecological optimistic in terms of wind power growth than in the modernisation. Reduced environmental impact would Calm scenario, but more pessimistic than in the other coexist with economic growth. three, hence the name Breeze for this scenario. All four respondents seemed to agree that the main In the Breeze scenario, the growth of wind power impediment preventing the preferable future from being capacity is seen to be constrained by environmental and probable is the Finnish energy policy. Firstly, they did economic factors. Finding more suitable sites would be not consider the current policy consistent enough. difficult. The respondents believed that especially in the Secondly, it was also argued that the main instrument, short run (up to 2010) there would be bureaucratic investment subsidy, is ineffective at least in its current constraints, such as land-use planning practices that do form, in which subsidies are directed to pilot and not take wind power sufficiently into consideration. demonstration projects. In addition to measures that Offshore development would not proceed rapidly before support wind power directly, the respondents called for 2010. stricter taxes or other environmentally motivated Several respondents argued that the current Finnish instruments that would raise the price of more polluting wind power policy is not effective or pro-active enough. energy sources. Some found the investment subsidy to be a rather According to respondents J, M and I, such policy practical tool, however. For instance, respondent L measures could result in the preferable development remarked that with this instrument it is possible to direct seen here. In the theory of ecological modernisation it more support to certain energy forms. In contrast, if has also been expected that increased policy measures wind power had to compete against other renewables on would be needed (Andersen and Massa, 2000). In this equal terms, it would probably lose. He pointed out that respect, as well, the Brisk wind scenario is in keeping electricity produced from biomass is currently cheaper with the theory. than wind electricity. However, N considered the wind power capacity of Estimates about technological development are rather this case to be almost a minimum level, saying that ‘‘a optimistic in the Breeze scenario. One contributing share of at least some 10% seems to be inevitable’’ in factor is the currently small turbine size in Finland, spite of the virtual obstruction of renewables by the state which the respondents expected to grow significantly, policies. His preferable future case included much higher improving cost-effectiveness. numbers. It was this case (N-pro) which would have After 2010 wind power would become gradually formed a cluster of its own, if we had chosen six clusters competitive without financial support mechanisms. instead of five. In the light of the arguments presented The price of other forms of electricity production, above, that might have been reasonable choice. especially fossil fuels, would rise as a result of The criticism against Finnish policy makers was a internalising their external costs. Of course, this would unifying factor, however. For example, N accused the not only affect wind power: respondent B expected Finnish policy makers of almost wilful blindness to the green electricity to become rather redundant by 2025, positive experiences of other countries. Respondent M assuming that all electricity production would be less criticised environmental officials for paying too much polluting than nowadays. attention to issues he considered to be of secondary Electricity consumption grows in the Breeze scenario, environmental importance, such as turbine noise and the but interviewees expected a saturation point to be impact on landscape. The public sector was also urged reached. This would result largely from efforts in energy to show good example through buying green electricity, conservation, which would take place both in industry which further emphasises the importance of the decision and households. In addition, ‘‘natural’’ factors such as makers of the public sector. the ageing of the population would contribute. In all the cases electricity consumption was seen to increase. One of the contributing factors, according to 5.4. Scenario 3: Brisk wind respondents J and N, is the recent decision to build a fifth nuclear reactor in Finland, which they believed Cluster 3 consists of four cases, three of which were of would give the energy intensive industry a boost. the preferable future. The resulting Brisk wind scenario Respondent I had similar thoughts about the impact ARTICLE IN PRESS 1940 V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 of nuclear power, but in his preferable future case the electricity, but they both agreed that wind power could new power plant would not be built after all. Respon- benefit significantly from a market mechanism that dent M did not believe that wind power would suffer differentiated between different sources of energy. because of nuclear power, as he argued that the motive Therefore in this scenario wind electricity would be sold for building each differs (nuclear power provides a primarily as green electricity, but this would result from steady supply for industrial needs whereas wind power is officially set quotas. useful for environmental reasons). Interestingly, M had Despite the respondents’ scepticism about environ- a slightly higher figure for electricity consumption in his mental awareness, in the scenario Storm people would preferable future case than in the probable one. This grow used to seeing wind turbines and/or value their development would be preferable for wind energy positive environmental impact, and consequently there because it would mean an increased demand for it. would be few problems in finding sites for them. All respondents of the Brisk wind scenario were Wind power would be competitive without financial rather relieved, however, that the long nuclear debate support mechanisms sometime after the year 2010, was finally over. They stated that as the environmental- certainly well before the year 2025. C and K referred ists had often brought up wind power as an alternative to such technological advances as the growth of turbine for nuclear power, and the powerful pro-nuclear faction size, and the ability to start electricity production at had responded by downplaying the potential of wind lower wind speeds. Additionally, the economies of scale power, the altercation had rendered any normal wind achieved with larger projects would lower costs. power planning and lobbying practically impossible. Even though the importance of political measures was emphasised, both respondents criticised the use of the 5.5. Scenario 4: Storm investment subsidy, considering it a very inefficient tool for creating a viable market for wind power. The Cluster 4 was the first cluster that only contained subsidy was considered suitable for assisting in techno- cases of the preferable futures and is formed of just two logical development, especially in pilot and demonstra- cases. This Storm scenario is characterised by high tion projects, but not for creating market demand. growth in wind power but slow growth and later even a small decrease in the consumption of electricity. 5.6. Scenario 5: Hurricane It indicates ecological structural change, i.e. ‘‘delinking economic growth from the consumption of ecologi- Cluster 5 consisted of only one case (N-pre). It is in a cally significant resources, like energy and materials’’ league completely of its own, with its 37% share of wind (Simonis, 1994). electricity in consumption, hence the dramatic name The respondents of the Storm scenario argued that Hurricane. Here the capacity in 2025 is extremely high, stopping the growth of electricity consumption would be in fact, it is three times as much as the second highest possible with a more efficient use of energy. This growth figure given in all the other cases. in efficiency would require political measures, which Not surprisingly, N attached very positive values to would raise the price of electricity. Prices set too low are wind power, emphasising the environmental benefits. He likely to increase the use of electricity, in space heating, argued that even compared to other renewable energy for example. sources, not to mention fossil fuels, the ecological Respondent K especially emphasised the importance impact of wind power is quite low. N also emphasised of knowledge and technology in the economy. As long the huge resource that wind energy represents, stating as the price of electricity remains at a low level, there is that even in Finland only a small fraction of this an incentive to invest in energy-intensive industry, which resource would have to be utilised in order to provide a he did not consider optimal for the development of the significant share of electricity (e.g. 20%). country, the environment, or the economy in the long Unlike previous scenarios, in which the current run. growth of wind power is perceived as a weak signal, N In K’s opinion, the current energy discourse focuses considers it to be a strong signal (see Mendon@a et al., too much on the price of electricity. He argued that in a 2004), and believes a prosperous future of wind power to free electricity market only price matters, and innovative be almost inevitable. However, the extent of growth technology or environmental issues do not give a depends much on policies, and political will is the key to significant edge in competition. Therefore, what is this scenario, as it was to scenario Storm. N proposed needed for a more sustainable future is political will, certain policy measures, which he argued would not demonstrated in both declarations and environmental cause undue financial strain to any actors. An example is policy instruments. legislation requiring that all municipalities appoint Neither C nor K had a very high opinion about the suitable areas for wind power development. environmental consciousness of Finns. They did not In this scenario, the very large capacity in 2025 believe that consumers would start buying green (15,000 MW) would be achieved mainly through ARTICLE IN PRESS V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 1941 offshore wind farms (12,000 MW), but also through the biomass; others believed that wind power could supply use of inland resources as well as small-scale applica- 10% or even a third of all Finnish electricity. tions. For example, structures from lampposts to radio These scenarios should not be considered in the light link towers and the roofs of supermarkets could be of probabilities. Instead, we should consider what causes utilised for small turbines, often using vertical axis the differences between them. Obviously, one of the solutions. The efficiency of such turbines, as well as large factors is the experts’ attitudes towards wind power as turbines in inland locations, is lower than that of large they were asked to create images of a future they turbines in better locations. This will lower the personally considered preferable. This does not, how- productivity of the installed capacity, but allow for ever, explain all the differences. many more installations, which in turn will allow It was also notable that the scenarios were found not economies of scale to reduce the costs of wind power. to be entirely consistent, as the arguments varied among Unlike most other experts, N did not give the the different cases in some clusters. This obviously technological research of wind power a high priority. resulted from the dominance of the quantitative data in N argued that what matters most is taking the existing the construction of the clusters. Using the arguments as technology into large-scale use, instead of waiting for a test of the sensibility of the cluster grouping, we can further technical development. Furthermore, he referred see that some clusters should perhaps be further divided, to learning curves, and estimated reductions of 20–40% especially scenario Calm, which included almost half in the costs of onshore wind power within the decade, of the cases. It seems that it was possible to arrive simply as a result of capacity being built in the European at similar numbers from very different perspectives. Union. For the cost reduction For example, the relatively slow growth of wind would be even more remarkable, as its development is in power capacity in the Calm scenario was blamed in an early phase. some cases on the lack of a market for wind electricity One of the main measures that would improve the and the high costs of the technology, and in other cases competitiveness of wind power in the scenario Hurri- on the lack of the political will to create a market that cane would be the introduction of higher taxes for more would lead to lower costs. When making alternative polluting forms of energy. N believed that if all the costs scenarios for policy making, an attempt should be made were truly internalised, this alone would allow wind to solve the remaining inconsistencies by logical analysis, power to compete successfully. In the beginning (2010) empirical experience, negotiation and heuristic sense wind power would be sold as green electricity, but by making. For our purposes, however, it is more valuable 2025 it would be able to compete on its price alone. to note that the analysis reveals the great uncertainties Problems in siting are expected to be less severe than lying behind the assumptions about future development. envisioned by some other interviewees. People would Let us now look in more detail at some of the grow accustomed to the turbines and learn to consider arguments behind the different responses, concentrating them normal and even beautiful additions to the on factors contributing to the competitiveness of wind landscape. This, according to respondent N, has been power.2 All but three of the experts who contributed the case in countries where wind power is more cases believed that wind power would be competitive prevalent. without subsidies by (or much before) the year 2025. Consumption of electricity would increase from the Few cited any numerical estimates about the costs of current level, but more slowly than during the last wind power, however, and the few estimates varied decades. It would even be possible to stabilise the yearly considerably. The prices were expected to be lowered consumption to the level of 100 TW h, but this would through economies of scale, technological development require much more attention to energy saving than is the and the increase of project management know-how. case today. A low price for electricity is considered also Perhaps most important, however, was the expected rise in the Hurricane scenario to deter the efficient use of of electricity prices. energy.

6.1. Rising electricity prices

6. Discussion Electricity prices were considered by many experts to be unreasonably low in Finland, and to have deterred In this study, Finnish experts presented their images the installation of any new production capacity. Prices of probable and preferable futures of wind power. There 2 were clear differences in the assumptions about the While issues such as finding suitable sites for wind power development are obviously a crucial issue, and there were differences future of wind power: Some believed that wind power of opinion about them in the material, they were considered slightly would remain marginal even in the renewable electricity outside the focus of this paper. Siting and related environmental issues sector in Finland, being always overshadowed by are discussed in the reference Varho (2003). ARTICLE IN PRESS 1942 V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 were expected to rise as a result of new capacity that 6.3. Technological development must be built in order to replace decommissioned plants as well as to fulfil a rising demand for electricity. The Technological development of wind power was opening of the European-wide electricity market could envisioned by all experts, and the main difference also contribute to the rise, as electricity prices are higher between the views was in how R&D efforts were valued. in Central Europe than in Finland. Respondent K, for example, emphasised the importance Respondents were all in agreement that the costs of of education, research and innovation in economic fossil fuels would also rise as a result of political action, development in general; respondent A stressed the such as carbon quotas or environmental taxes, resulting importance of R&D efforts in reaching competitiveness; in increased competitiveness of non-fossil energy but respondent N saw little need for new R&D funding, sources. This issue of internalising the external costs of emphasising instead the economies of scale. One expert fossil fuels has been around for some time in visions argued that most of the technological development takes about the development of wind power (e.g. Street and place outside of Finland, making domestic R&D input Miles, 1996). The view that CO2 emission permits or fairly insignificant in the process of lowering costs. similar measures support wind power more than policies It is not difficult to imagine that these views reflect that are directed at wind power dissemination has also attitudes about much more than just technological been strengthened by the results of the bottom-up development. For example, some respondents did not scenarios created for the USA by Hadley and Short accept the use of such demand-side policies as minimum (2001), and the recent study of Finnish energy sector by quotas of renewables for electricity suppliers, as they Honkatukia et al. (2003). were not considered compatible with the liberalised Given the policies of the European Union, the electricity market. R&D funding, however, seemed a optimism about the rising costs of fossil fuels does not more neutral, politically acceptable way of improving seem unfounded today. However, it should be noted competitiveness. It is also a measure that could be that this process is hard to predict. For example, the particularly helpful to Finnish wind power manufac- negotiations on harmonising energy taxation in the EU turers who compete in the international market. have been extremely long and difficult, and there is still In the end, it is impossible to estimate the real impact considerable uncertainty about the price of the new CO2 of R&D. According to Hadley and Short (2001), there emission permits. In addition, only in the scenario are no reliable quantitative methods to predict how Hurricane was this internalising considered sufficient, in R&D funding increases improve the cost and perfor- other scenarios also the need for improved technological mance of advanced energy technologies. This uncer- and economic performance of wind power was empha- tainty about future costs has also been observed by sised. McDonald and Schrattenholzer (2001), who found a wide variety of learning rates3 for wind power in 6.2. Green electricity market literature, ranging from 4% to 32%. Therefore it is not surprising that the scenarios were not very One of the ways to increase the competitiveness of consistent in their views about technological develop- wind power could be the creation of a market for ment and its impact on costs. environmentally friendlier electricity. There was great Those who are most sceptical about wind power may scepticism among the interviewees about the voluntary also be most likely to believe pessimistic estimates about purchase of this so-called green electricity, as Finns were its development, whereas those who value wind power not considered environmentally conscious enough. for its environmental benefits may be overly optimistic. Current experiences in Finland as well as in many other As this issue has crucial political importance, there countries do not support the faith in the existence of seems to be an ongoing lobbying struggle over estimates ‘‘green’’ customers (e.g., Anderson, 2003). of the future costs of wind power. Scenarios Brisk wind and Storm contained the idea of green electricity as a driver for wind power, but this was based on demand created by legislation (see Section 6.4) 6.4. Policy choices or public consumption. Some respondents feared that it would be against the regulations of the European Union Especially in the scenarios Brisk wind, Storm and for public bodies to buy green electricity. The same Hurricane, the political will to support wind power was worry has influenced the green electricity market in emphasised. Some experts contributing to scenarios (Kaberger,( 2003). The use of renewable energy Calm and Breeze thought that since everything that can by companies was not considered probable in a large be done for wind power also will be done, there is little scale. This is consistent with the results of Luukkanen (2003) who studied the views of paper industry in 3 The costs of technologies can often be seen to decline by a steady Finland. percentage (=learning rate) over each doubling of cumulative sales. ARTICLE IN PRESS V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 1943 difference between probable and preferable futures. spite of the market liberalisation (Swedish Energy Others believed that additional, effective policy instru- Agency, 2003), and many interviewees recommended ments could be taken into use if there was sufficient their use also in Finland. More on motives for wind political will, but as this is lacking, the full potential of power policy in Finland, see Varho (2003). wind power will remain unrealised. However, policy choices are obviously not based entirely on the perceived 6.5. Electricity consumption effectiveness of the instruments. Instead, it is often a question of what is considered politically possible and As opposed to wind power issues, when it comes to acceptable in the market environment. the total consumption of electricity, both the numbers The suitability and effectiveness of policy instruments and the arguments were much closer to each other were argued rather heatedly in all interviews. Some among the different scenarios. Still, there were signifi- considered the existing policies to be almost a hindrance cant differences. The experts mainly believed that the to the development of wind power in Finland. There was growth of consumption would slow down but never- not a single policy instrument suggested that would theless continue, or at best stabilise after 2010. There have won the approbation of all interviewees, although were only two cases in which the consumption was less R&D funding and information guidance were fairly in 2025 than in 2010. popular. The reduction in the growth rate was expected to There is a variety of wind power policy measures in result from both ‘‘natural’’ factors, such as the ageing of use around the world. In Germany, for example, the the population, and from ‘‘political’’ factors, such as the market grew dramatically as a result of a feed-in tariff rise of electricity prices as a result of environmental that guarantees a market and minimum price for wind taxes and energy conservation policies. A change of electricity. The system has been criticised, however, for focus in the national economy to less energy intensive having low impact on the technology costs. There are fields in which knowledge and expertise are most plans to harmonise the support to renewables within the important, was considered to be a partly natural European Union, which may affect Finnish policy in the process, and partly a result of technology and education future. policies. The interviewed were divided most strongly to those The growth of electricity consumption was primarily advocating instruments that would lower the costs of seen as a negative development, which seems under- wind power technology (such as the investment subsidy standable given the problems associated with all forms directed at pilot projects) and those arguing for of electricity production. Considering the current con- instruments that directly create demand (such as feed- sensus on the need for energy efficiency and saving, in tariffs or mandatory quotas for green electricity). The it is surprising that a few interviewees had higher first type of policy measures may benefit the Finnish figures for consumption in their preferable cases than in most. It would help the industry the probable ones. Clearly there is still disagreement that relies on continuous innovation to test new even on this issue about the preferable direction of inventions in Finnish projects, i.e. on the home ground, development. before introducing these innovations to the export market. However, these measures may not be as effective in increasing the installed capacity of wind 7. Conclusions power in Finland, as they emphasise pilot projects, not large-scale development. In this way the policy choices This paper had two objectives: to look at the future of may reflect the priorities of interviewees, for many of wind power and wind power policy in Finland, and to whom the Finnish industry is an important motive for introduce and evaluate a method of constructing ‘soft’ supporting wind power. energy scenarios based on expert views. The views were However, the policy choices also clearly reflect the grouped by using cluster analysis of the quantitative respondents’ opinions about the appropriateness of responses and constructed into scenarios using qualita- policies in the liberalised electricity market. In the tive arguments. The results were discussed in detail in ongoing liberalisation of the European electricity Sections 4–6, and here we present some conclusions on markets, Finland and other Nordic countries have been the overall objectives. forerunners: the Finnish market was opened to competi- As a methodological conclusion, it can be said that tion already in mid-1990s. Many felt that there is no point in liberalising the market, if we then introduce (a) even though the qualitative arguments were some- mandatory quotas for renewable energy forms, or other times very different, the numerical estimates were instruments that they saw as incompatible with free similar, competition. However, Sweden recently created manda- (b) where the arguments were similar, the numerical tory quotas of renewable electricity for consumers in results often were not. ARTICLE IN PRESS 1944 V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947

This reflects the significant uncertainties underneath estimated, however. One respondent argued that he the assumptions, as well as the diverse values and cannot create preferable and probable future images political objectives of people influencing the Finnish that are very different from one another, because he wind power policy. trusted in the numbers given by the experts in the Action What can be said about the future of wind power Plan for Renewable Energy Sources and its Background based on these results? The method brought to light Report. However, the person responsible for the wind many factors that influence the development of the power section of the Background Report also submitted sector. Certainly wind power policy choices seem to two cases, and these were not identical. The reliance on matter. They should not be discussed in isolation, but expertise can be excessive, especially if expertise is rather as a part of the energy policy. For example, the defined very narrowly. It is very easy to lose the diversity (expected) rise of fossil fuel costs was seen as a very of targets, arguments and values in a committee report, important part of wind power’s improving competitive- if the transparency of such differences is not considered ness, and it should be taken into account when a goal in itself. The method of producing ‘soft’ scenarios considering the need for future subsidies. based on anonymous expert views seems to avoid this The choice of instruments that directly advance wind pitfall. power should also be re-evaluated. The effectiveness of A further consideration is that some predictions current policies has been criticised and the slow growth may become self-fulfilling prophecies (e.g. van Vught, of capacity in recent years points to the same direction. 1987). All interviewees were aware of the official It seems that if the policies remain constant, a radical target of 500 MW by 2010, in fact, many had been change in wind power capacity is not to be expected. part of the original group that created it. The official However, here different actors end in very different status of the target was considered quite important: recommendations: some call for voluntary and market- several interviewees said that as the government had based policies, even though they are pessimistic about committed to this goal, it would find the means to the growth of demand for green electricity. Others reach it, as well. (It is notable that some were pleased demand public support, for example in the form of with this, while others considered it a less-than-rational mandatory quotas for renewable or specifically wind approach.) energy, but they also seem pessimistic about the The vision of 2000 MW by the year 2025 was given in likelihood of such policies. In fact, few people expect the working group proposal. The estimates of the any radical change in the policy environment or the experts interviewed for this study varied between 500 increase of wind power capacity, though some very and 5000 MW in probable cases and 1000–15,000 MW optimistic views were also presented. in preferable ones. All of these numbers were considered The emerging scenarios were here compared with the possible by at least some respondents, and are ‘‘official’’ view of Finnish wind power, the new update given some credence by international statistics. The of the Action Plan for Renewable Energy Sources development of the global wind power market was (Ministry for Trade and Industry, 1999a, 2003). The very rapid during the 1990s, when some countries assumptions this view was based on were not given in built over a thousand megawatts of wind power within much detail in the documents. For example, even 1 year. It is certainly difficult to make any kind of though the estimates for the technical potential of wind estimate about the state of wind power in Finland in power have been updated in recent years (Kiviluoma 2025. et al., 2001), there was no reference to them in the We should remember, however, that scenarios are not working group proposal. There were also no estimates predictions. Instead, they are tools to be used when about the increase of wind power’s economic competi- discussing the future and its possibilities. For example, tiveness. This may be in part because wind power does the rise of fossil fuel costs as a result of environmental not have a very high priority in the proposal. The main taxes was pointed out as a mechanism that would make emphasis in all plans for increasing the share of wind power more competitive. Whether the costs will renewables in the Finnish energy supply is on biomass, really rise is another question that a scenario cannot which the working group expected to fulfil 77% of the answer. total increase in renewable energy production between It is not the point whether any of these scenarios will the years 2001 and 2025 (Ministry for Trade and ever be realised. In a same way, it does not necessarily Industry, 2003). matter whether the people who make decisions about As the targets set in the governmental working group wind power are experts of wind power or not, as long as proposal were not based on particularly detailed they have views about the issue. The power of images of assumptions, there does not seem to be any reason to the future is in the way they influence the decisions made consider their figures to be significantly more realistic or today. For example, the fact that some people believe ‘right’ than those presented in the scenarios of this that wind power will be economically uncompetitive in article. Their impact on policy should not be under- 2025 is reflected in the way these people think wind ARTICLE IN PRESS V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947 1945 power should, or should not, be promoted. After all, it of the data better. We made a sensitivity analysis makes little sense for policy makers or the decision using the Ward method, which changed one case, makers of private companies to invest money, time N-pro from cluster 3 to cluster 2 (see Table 1). Another and effort on an energy form that is not going to be option would be to apply more sophisticated optimisa- standing on its own even after several decades of tion clustering algorithms and use a statistical stopping support. These views can therefore explain in part rule (Everitt et al., 2001). However, cluster analysis why Finnish companies may have been reluctant and stopping rules are tools to help thinking, not to to build wind power, and why the policy instruments replace thinking, and regardless of the choice of tools, in Finland seem to favour the wind power export the transparency of the method and arguments is industry over increasing the wind electricity production essential. capacity. One area where transparency is important are the Are we constricted in our thinking by official targets motives for policy. The different scenarios presented in and views, or are they an inspiring goal, an almost this paper reflected very diverse goals, such as the unattainable level? There is no simple answer to this, unhindered state of the electricity market, and the but certainly the official targets are rather conservative development of Finnish industry to less energy intensive in relation to the scenarios put forward by the direction. These kinds of motives influence the choice of respondents in this study. It seems that it is necessary policy instruments, and should be stated openly. When to continue to look at other, more varied visions of what different interest groups are involved, their views and is possible and preferable and to increase the transpar- expectations should be made visible. Our study could be ency of views and arguments. On the whole, it seems criticised for including rather many advocates of wind that a re-evaluation of Finnish wind power policy as power and few antagonists, but even so the results well as the policy-making process is needed. Hopefully showed a wide variety of views. Also, there are few open the scenarios presented in this study contribute to this opponents of wind power in Finland, partly because of work. its marginal position in the energy sector where it is not Finally, we consider the usefulness of the method perceived as a real threat to anyone. In addition, the presented for creating scenarios. It seems that there opponents may not have the kind of expertise they is a special value in creating scenarios with a broad themselves would consider necessary for giving numer- group of respondents. This method brought to light ical estimates. On a more general level, however, also the the importance of several sectors in society. Not inclusion of strong antagonists should be considered in only wind power itself, but many social and economic designing scenarios, in order to bring more views to the issues have an impact on its development. There discussion. were also great uncertainties, which were revealed All in all, we believe that when designing scenarios, through the analysis. Here the method of collecting expertise should be defined rather broadly, and un- both quantitative and qualitative responses, and using certainties, options, values and wishes should be made only the former to create clusters was useful. It transparent. Anonymity can help people to openness showed clearly how very similar end results could be and to focus on issues rather than people, and the achieved with different assumptions. The qualitative analysis of quantitative and qualitative answers system- analysis in turn revealed interesting factors resulting in atically in a same study can reveal otherwise hidden the ‘soft’ scenarios which might not emerge through uncertainties. more formal methods. This seems to be important especially when dealing with a weak signal, a trend at the beginning of its development. In such a situation it is Acknowledgements difficult to estimate the speed of growth, or quantita- tively measure the impact of different factors on growth. We wish to thank the experts who generously gave Small changes in assumptions can affect the results their time and insights about wind power, making this significantly. study possible. Thanks are also due to Professor Ilmo Depending on the use of scenarios it can be Massa, Professor Pekka Kauppi, Dr. Paivi. Tikka, Mr. decided whether to construct more consistent scenarios, Juha Kiviluoma and the anonymous reviewers for their in which case it may be necessary to move away valuable comments. Financing for this study by the from the results of the cluster analysis (see Siivonen Academy of Finland and Maj and Tor Nessling and Gronholm,. 2002). For example, in this analysis Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. we could have broken the scenario Calm in two based on the qualitative responses, even if the division would not reflect the clustering as shown in the Appendix A dendrogram. There are also alternative clustering algorithms available that might find the structure See Table 3. ARTICLE IN PRESS 1946 V. Varho, P. Tapio / Energy Policy 33 (2005) 1930–1947

Table 3 Experts participating in the study

Name Organisation

Provided quantitative material used in cluster analysis Esa Holttinen Electrowatt-Ekono (consultant) Hannele Holttinen Technical Research Centre of Finland Aarne Koutaniemi Lumituuli Ltd. (a small wind power producer) Ari Lampinen University of Jyvaskyl. a. Peter Lund Helsinki University of Technology Folke Malmgren Vindkraftforeningen. (wind power association) Bernt Nordman Natur och Miljo. (a nature and environment association) Jaakko Ojala Ministry of the Environment Esa Peltola Technical Research Centre of Finland Jouni Punnonen The Confederation of Finnish Industry and Employers Bengt Tammelin Suomen tuulivoimayhdistys (Finnish Wind Power Association) Martti Tiuri Member of Parliament, chairman of the committee for the future (2002) Harry Viheriavaara. Finergy, Finnish Energy Industries Federation Sirkka Vilkamo Ministry for Trade and Industry

Were interviewed but did not provide sufficient quantitative information for the scenarios Veli-Matti Ja.askel. ainen. WinWinD (turbine manufacturer) Jorma Keva Ministry of the Environment Jerri Laine TEKES, Technology Development Centre of Finland Mauno Oksanen Vapo Oy Energia (medium-size producer of wind electricity) Leo Parkkonen Ministry of Treasury Gustav Tallqvist Oy Synoptia Ab (agent of BONUS Energy turbines in Finland) Pentti Tiusanen Member of Parliament, chairman of the environment committee Jyrki Virtanen Metso Drives Oy (producer of turbine components)

Interviewed abroad Jochen Twele Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V. (German wind power association)

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