Miscellaneous Notes & Reports in Natural History, No 001 Ecology, Conservation and Resources Management 2003 Plant collections from Ethiopia Desalegn Desissa & Pierre Binggeli List of plants collected by Desalegn Desissa and Pierre Binggeli as part of the biodiversity assessment of church and monastery vegetation in Ethiopia in 2001-2002. The information presented is a slightly edited version of what appears on the herbarium labels (an asci-delimited version of the information is available from
[email protected]). Sheets are held at the Addis Ababa and Geneva herberia. Abutilon longicuspe Hochst. ex A. Rich Malvaceae Acacia etbaica Schweinf. Fabaceae Desalgen Desissa & Pierre Binggeli DD416 Desalegn Desissa & Pierre Binggeli DD432 Date: 02-01-2002 Date: 25-01-2002 Location: Ethiopia, Shewa, Zena Markos Location: Ethiopia, Tigray, Mekele Map: 0939A1 Grid reference: EA091905 Map: 1339C2 Grid reference: Lat. 09º52’ N Long. 39º04’ E Alt. 2560 m Lat. 13º29' N Long. 39º29' E Alt. 2150 m Site: Debir and Dey Promontary is situated 8 km to the West of Site: Debre Genet Medihane Alem is situated at the edge of Mekele Inewari Town. The Zena Markos Monastery is located just below Town at the base of a small escarpment. The site is dissected by a the ridge and overlooks the Derek Wenz Canyon River by 1200 m. stream that was dry at the time of the visit. For site details go to: The woodland is right below the cliff on a scree slope. Growing on a http://members.lycos.co.uk/ethiopianplants/sacredgrove/woodland.html large rock. For site details go to: Vegetation: Secondary scrubby vegetation dominated by Hibiscus, http://members.lycos.co.uk/ethiopianplants/sacredgrove/woodland.html Opuntia, Justicia, Rumex, Euphorbia.