Îñíîâíûå âûâîäû îáçîðà The EurAsEC Transport Corridors Sector Report March 2009 The Eurasian Development Bank is an international financial institution established to promote economic growth and integration processes in Eurasia. The Bank was founded by the intergovernmental agreement signed in January 2006 by the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Negotiations are currently under way with a number of neighbouring countries. Electric power, water and energy, transportation infrastructure and high-tech and innovative industries are the key areas for Bank’s financing activity. The Bank, as part of its mission, provides quality research and analysis of contemporary development issues and trends in the region with particular focus on Eurasian integration. The Bank conducts regular conferences and round tables addressing various aspects of integration. In 2008, the Bank launched quarterly academic and analytical Journal of Eurasian Economic Integration and an annual EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook. In addition, the Bank publishes regular analytical digests covering regional integration, development banks’ activities and investment projects in the post-Soviet space. The Bank’s Strategy and Research Department publishes detailed Sector and Country Analytical Reports. It also plans to realise a number of research and technical assistance projects. The “System of Indicators of Eurasian Integration” project is the first in the project pipeline. Address: Republic of Kazakhstan 050000, Almaty, Panfilov St. 98 Eurasian Development Bank Tel.: +7 (727) 244 40 44 ext. 6146 Fax: +7 (727) 244 65 70, 291 42 63 E-mail:
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