Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1997 No. 1 House of Representatives This being the day fixed by the 20th The CLERK. Representatives-elect, Hunter Miller Sanchez Kim Packard Sherman amendment of the Constitution of the this is the day fixed by the 20th amend- Lantos Pelosi Stark United States, and Public Law 104±296 ment to the Constitution and Public Lewis Pombo Tauscher for the meeting of the Congress of the Law 104±296 for the meeting of the 105th Lofgren Radanovich Thomas United States, the Members-elect of Congress and, as the law directs, the Martinez Riggs Torres Matsui Rogan Waters the 105th Congress met in their Hall, Clerk of the House has prepared the of- McKeon Rohrabacher Waxman and at 12 noon were called to order by ficial roll of the Representatives-elect. Millender- Roybal-Allard Woolsey the Clerk of the House of Representa- Certificates of election covering 435 McDonald Royce tives, Hon. Robin H. Carle. seats in the 105th Congress have been COLORADO The Chaplain, Rev. James David received by the Clerk of the House, and Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- DeGette McInnis Schaffer the names of those persons whose cre- Hefley Schaefer Skaggs er: dentials show that they were regularly Oh, gracious God, from whom we CONNECTICUT elected as Representatives in accord- have come and to whom we belong, we ance with the laws of their respective DeLauro Johnson Maloney offer this prayer of thanksgiving and Gejdenson Kennelly Shays States or of the United States will be gratitude for all the blessings You have called. DELAWARE freely bestowed on us and the people of Castle this Nation, and also for the respon- Without objection, the Representa- sibilities that You have entrusted to tives-elect will record their presence FLORIDA by electronic device and their names those who serve in this place. Bilirakis Fowler Scarborough On this first day of a new Congress, will be reported in alphabetical order Boyd Goss Shaw we speak with the words of the Psalm- by States, beginning with the State of Brown Hastings Stearns Alabama, to determine whether a Canady McCollum Thurman ist: Oh, give thanks to the Lord for He Davis Meek Weldon is good, for His steadfast love endures quorum is present. Deutsch Mica Wexler forever. Grant us, oh God, a keen There was no objection. Diaz-Balart Miller Young awareness of the areas of life where we The call was taken by electronic de- Foley Ros-Lehtinen can serve the people of the land, and, vice, and the following Representa- GEORGIA as the scripture says, let justice flow tives-elect responded to their names: Barr Deal Linder down as waters and righteousness like [Roll No. 1] Bishop Gingrich McKinney Chambliss Kingston Norwood an ever flowing stream. ANSWERED ``PRESENT''Ð432 May we continue to build on the Collins Lewis ALABAMA foundations laid down from the early HAWAII days of the Nation, that in all things Aderholt Cramer Riley Bachus Everett Abercrombie Mink we may do justice, love mercy, and Callahan Hilliard ever walk humbly with you. IDAHO May Your benediction, oh God, that ALASKA Chenoweth Crapo Young is new every morning and is with us all ILLINOIS the days of our lives, be upon all who ARIZONA Blagojevich Gutierrez Porter serve in this place now and evermore, Hayworth Pastor Shadegg Costello Hastert Poshard amen. Kolbe Salmon Stump Crane Hyde Rush f Davis Jackson Shimkus ARKANSAS Evans LaHood Weller PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Berry Hutchinson Ewing Lipinski Yates Dickey Snyder Fawell Manzullo The CLERK. The Members-elect and their guests will please rise and join in CALIFORNIA INDIANA the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Becerra Condit Eshoo Burton Hostettler Souder The Clerk led the Pledge of Alle- Berman Cox Farr Buyer McIntosh Visclosky giance as follows: Bilbray Cunningham Fazio Carson Pease Bono Dellums Filner Hamilton Roemer I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Unit- Brown Dixon Gallegly ed States of America, and to the Republic for Calvert Dooley Harman IOWA which it stands, one Nation under God, indi- Campbell Doolittle Herger Boswell Latham Nussle visible, with liberty and justice for all. Capps Dreier Horn Ganske Leach b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1 H2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE January 7, 1997 KANSAS Kaptur Oxley Stokes election of the Honorable ELEANOR Kasich Portman Strickland Moran Snowbarger OLMES ORTON Kucinich Pryce Traficant H N as Delegate from the Ryun Tiahrt LaTourette Regula District of Columbia; the election of KENTUCKY Ney Sawyer the Honorable DONNA M. CHRISTIAN- Baesler Lewis Rogers OKLAHOMA GREEN as Delegate from the Virgin Is- lands; the election of the Honorable Bunning Northup Whitfield Coburn Largent Watkins Istook Lucas Watts ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA as Delegate LOUISIANA from American Samoa; and the elec- OREGON Baker John Tauzin tion of the Honorable ROBERT A. Cooksey Livingston Blumenauer Furse Smith UNDERWOOD as Delegate from Guam. Jefferson McCrery DeFazio Hooley f MAINE PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION OF SPEAKER Allen Baldacci Borski Gekas McDade MARYLAND Coyne Goodling McHale The CLERK. Pursuant to law and to Doyle Greenwood Murtha precedent, the next order of business is Bartlett Ehrlich Morella English Holden Peterson Cardin Gilchrest Wynn Fattah Kanjorski Pitts the election of the Speaker of the Cummings Hoyer Foglietta Klink Shuster House of Representatives for the 105th Fox Mascara Weldon MASSACHUSETTS Congress. RHODE ISLAND Nominations are now in order. Delahunt McGovern Olver The Clerk recognizes the gentleman Frank Meehan Tierney Kennedy Weygand Kennedy Moakley from Ohio [Mr. BOEHNER]. Markey Neal SOUTH CAROLINA Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Clerk, as chairman of the Republican Con- MICHIGAN Clyburn Inglis Spence Graham Sanford Spratt ference, I am honored and privileged to Barcia Hoekstra Smith welcome my colleagues, their families, Bonior Kildee Stabenow SOUTH DAKOTA and the American people to this his- Camp Kilpatrick Stupak Thune Conyers Knollenberg Upton toric day. Dingell Levin TENNESSEE Two years ago we began a new chap- Ehlers Rivers Bryant Ford Jenkins ter in American history, one of faith in MINNESOTA Clement Gordon Tanner the strength, creativity and goodness Duncan Hilleary Wamp Gutknecht Oberstar Sabo of Americans; one where we humbly Luther Peterson Vento TEXAS recognize that although the people sent Minge Ramstad Archer Frost Paul us here to do their business, we cannot MISSISSIPPI Armey Gonzalez Reyes do our job without their consent and Barton Granger Sandlin their support. Parker Taylor Wicker Bentsen Green Sessions Pickering Thompson Bonilla Hall Smith With their support, we began to change America by reforming Washing- MISSOURI Brady Hinojosa Stenholm Combest Jackson-Lee Tejeda ton. And together, we will ensure our Blunt Emerson McCarthy DeLay Johnson Thornberry reforms improve Americans' quality of Clay Gephardt Skelton Doggett Lampson Turner Danner Hulshof Talent Edwards Ortiz life. We will balance the budget, pro- vide permanent tax relief, safer streets, MONTANA UTAH better schools, a cleaner environment, Hill Cannon Cook Hansen and longer healthier lives with more NEBRASKA VERMONT affordable health care. It is an ambi- Barrett Bereuter Christensen Sanders tious agenda, but it is what we were sent here to do. And we owe the Amer- NEVADA VIRGINIA ican people nothing less. Ensign Gibbons Bateman Goode Scott With pride in what we have accom- Bliley Goodlatte Sisisky NEW HAMPSHIRE plished in the past and anticipation of Boucher Moran Wolf what we can do together in the future, Bass Sununu Davis Pickett I am directed by a unanimous vote of NEW JERSEY WASHINGTON the Republican Conference to present Andrews Pallone Roukema Dicks McDermott Smith, Adam the name of the Honorable NEWT GING- Dunn Metcalf Smith, Linda Franks Pappas Saxton RICH, a Representative-elect from the Hastings Nethercutt White Frelinghuysen Pascrell Smith State of Georgia, for election to the of- LoBiondo Payne WEST VIRGINIA Menendez Rothman fice of Speaker of the House of Rep- Mollohan Rahall Wise resentatives for the 105th Congress. NEW MEXICO WISCONSIN QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE OFFERED BY MR. FAZIO Richardson Schiff Skeen OF CALIFORNIA Barrett Kleczka Obey NEW YORK Johnson Klug Petri The CLERK. The Clerk now recognizes Ackerman Lazio Quinn Kind Neumann Sensenbrenner the gentleman from California [Mr. Boehlert Lowey Rangel WYOMING FAZIO] for a nomination. Engel Maloney Schumer Mr. FAZIO of California. Madam Flake Manton Serrano Cubin Clerk, I rise to a question of the high- Forbes McCarthy Slaughter Gilman McHugh Solomon b 1233 est constitutional privilege. I offer a Hinchey McNulty Towns resolution which calls for the postpone- The CLERK. The quorum call dis- Houghton Molinari Velazquez ment of the election of the Speaker of closes that 432 Representatives-elect Kelly Nadler Walsh the House until the Committee on King Owens have responded to their name. A Standards of Official Conduct com- LaFalce Paxon quorum is present. pletes its work on the matters concern- NORTH CAROLINA f ing Representative NEWT GINGRICH of Ballenger Etheridge Myrick Georgia. The resolution requires the Burr Hefner Price ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CLERK Clayton Jones Taylor House to proceed immediately to the Coble McIntyre Watt The CLERK. The Clerk will state that election of an interim Speaker who credentials, regular in form, have been will preside over the House until that NORTH DAKOTA received showing the election of the time. Pomeroy Honorable CARLOS ROMERO-BARCELOÂ as I ask for the immediate consider- OHIO Resident Commissioner from the Com- ation of the resolution. Boehner Chabot Hall monwealth of Puerto Rico for a term of The CLERK.
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    1 WWOR – Secaucus, NJ This report covers the time period November 1, 2005 to October 31, 2007 (except where otherwise specifically noted). I. PROGRAMMING: a. Local Newscasts: WWOR‐TV airs seven hours of local news each week, at the following times: Monday – Sunday: 10 p.m. ‐11 p.m. b. Breaking News Updates: WWOR broke into and/or preempted regularly scheduled programming on numerous occasions during the period covered by this report in order to bring its viewers breaking news or disaster information. This coverage included extended reporting on severe weather warnings, amber alerts, school closings, and other emergencies. A comprehensive list of cut‐ins and crawls is attached as Exhibit 1 c. Local News Stories: WWOR’s Investigative and Special Projects Unit (“I‐ Team”) dedicates itself to providing the public with important consumer stories as well as investigations that are aimed at assisting the public. Over the last few years, the dedication of this unit has provided its viewers with valuable information and resources that together have helped to protect and inform the community. Provided below are some important news stories that were aired during the report period: o Bad Contractor: During this report, a serially bad long Island contractor who has left homeowners in the lurch is exposed. As a result of the report, Suffolk county officials seized the contractor’s truck and equipment under a new law. The contractor was also sentenced to jail time. (Air Date: 9/30/05) o Text Spam: A channel 9 viewer contacted the station about concerns over receiving SPAM text messages.
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