Extensions of Remarks E2010 HON. JAMES A. TRAFICANT

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Extensions of Remarks E2010 HON. JAMES A. TRAFICANT E2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 6, 2001 in an executive profile for the Fresno Business colleagues to join me in wishing Mr. Fortune gave you back some rental that had been Journal newspaper. The question and answer many more years of continued success. paid for your space at 11 Overhill Rd. They Executive Profile, printed in the Fresno Busi- said that I gave you part of what I received f for my pay. They also said I earned more ness Journal on August 6, 2001, reads as fol- PAPERS OF MISCONDUCT, U.S. AT- money than I should have while on your lows: staff. In general, they said that I was in vio- Q. What is your essential business philos- TORNEY’S OFFICE OF THE DIS- TRICT OF OHIO lation of many laws and that if I admitted to ophy? these violations so they could ‘‘get you’’ A. By attracting and utilizing the most ex- they would really ‘‘protect me.’’ perienced and professional agents in the HON. JAMES A. TRAFICANT, JR. Jim, as you know, I am not a criminal law- market we can give the most experienced OF OHIO yer, I was absolutely puzzled and certainly and professional service to our clientele. felt intimidated. I have never been accused Q. What is your best professional accom- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of violating the law or even violating ethics plishment? Tuesday, November 6, 2001 as a lawyer. I really pondered over whether A. The recruitment and engagement of our I should contact you because I know how current sales staff. Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, these pages busy you are and how many things are on Q. If you could effect any change in the are hereby memorialized in the RECORD to your mind at all times. But, the other day, I community, what would it be? document prosecutorial misconduct in the U.S. really received a shock. A. I would reduce taxes, fees and red tape Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of A local FBI agent, Jeff Danik, called me so as to lure employment to the Fresno area. Ohio. and informed me that the Youngstown fel- Q. Goal yet to be achieved? JANUARY 24, 2000. lows had asked him to serve a subpoena on A. I have many goals, not least of which Congressman JAMES A. TRAFICANT, Jr., me. We finally got together on January 20, are: Overhill Rd. 2000. To my continued amazement, the sub- 1. Write a book. Youngstown, OH. poena requested that I appear in Cleveland, 2. Produce a TV series about agriculture in DEAR JIM: On November 1, 1999 I reached Ohio on February 1, 2000 to testify regarding the San Joaquin Valley. my 70th birthday. As you know, I retired for John Doe. Of course, I know they are refer- 3. Travel throughout Russia, the Orient good on January 2, 1999, after practicing law ring to you as ‘‘John Doe’’. and Africa. for almost 47 years. Also, after having been First of all, they did not give me much no- 4. Get two kids through college and off the one of your staff members for 14 years. tice. Also, I live in Florida and am retired. Larry scholarship plan. My relationship with you was a most re- Why should I pay my own expenses to travel 5. Start a landscape award program in warding experience in my life. I found the to Cleveland? In winter to boot. I have had Fresno. work I did interesting and profoundly excit- to hire legal counsel to protect myself. How Q. What is a good yardstick of success? ing because I was able to do something good can the Government do this and get away A. Each time a current customer refers a for people and our community of Youngs- with it? new client to us, we are being successful. Jim, I certainly did deny and am denying Q. What is the best way to keep your com- town-Mahoning Valley, Ohio. It took me the most part of last year to try that I have violated any laws anywhere. The petitive edge? office building, as you know, was transferred A. We continually talk with accomplished, to relax and try to enjoy life without the workaholic tendencies I had for most of my out of my name when I discovered during experienced and professional agents in the your orientation as a new Congressman that community always looking for a mutually adult life. The arrival of our gorgeous grand- daughter, Lara, certainly helped me to be I could not keep the building in my name. I beneficial situation. was informed by the appropriate Congres- Q. Toughest business decision? able to sit back and start ‘‘smelling the roses.’’ sional Committee that I did not have to be A. To switch from a ‘‘residential’’ office to the one who was designated to report my as- a ‘‘commercial’’ office in 1995. A most disconcerting event took place on Thursday, January 13, 2000. I thought that I sets etc. Q. Who has been your mentor? I also was informed that I did not surpass should call it to your attention because you A. My father, Don who died four years ago. the earnings where I could not still practice appear to be the ‘‘main target’’ and I was ob- Hardly a day goes by without somebody in law. I also don’t see how I could have shared viously contacted in their attempt coerce me the community reminding me of what a my pay with you or anyone when I know I to agree to certain allegations that are abso- ‘‘great, trustworthy friend’’ my father was. was losing income by being with you. Also, I lutely not true. The following is what hap- Q. Three words that best describe you? know I don’t have to tell you what I did and pened. A. Happy-Alive-Family how many hours I worked while on your On Thursday morning at about 8:30 AM Q. Person you are most interested in meet- staff. All of this is nonsense. someone called me on the downstairs ing? I wish that all of this would go away but as phone—I live in a high-rise condominium A. My children when they are adults. a lawyer of many years I guess I should know here on Singer Island, Florida. I was in- Q. What is your organization’s five year vi- better. Since I have known you, I have formed that I should let him in because they sion? learned that your intellect and judgment had to talk to me about you. He would not A. We believe that we will maintain our would surpass anyone I have ever met—and I tell me what it was all about. At this point, position as one of Fresno’s top two or three mean that it just doesn’t seem fair that I can I felt coerced and compelled to let them preeminent commercial brokerages, not by be intimidated, coerced and whatever else come up to our apartment and I did. expanding but by continuously providing the during my retirement and at this time of my Three gentlemen came in and showed me same high level of professional, competent life. their credentials and then gave me their service that got us where we are today. I hope it is not some desperate political cards. Two of them were real bruisers, or Q. What is the community service project, maneuver on someone’s part. If it is, I shall maybe I should say ‘‘big’’. The two FBI per- organization or event closest to your heart? really lose my faith in our system. A. Tree Fresno has probably done more to sons were, Michael S. Pikunas of Youngs- I am very sorry that I must discombobu- better the appearance of Fresno and raise town, Ohio and John E. Stoll, also of late your mind with all of this. I am trying the community pride in the last several Youngstown, Ohio. The other fellow was to ease my discomfort a bit but I also feel years than any other organization. Charles L. Perkins, Special Agent for the In- compelled to let you know what is hap- Q. Best business advice you’ve ever re- ternal Revenue Service, Criminal Investiga- pening. ceived? tions. At this point I really felt intimidated. Please let me know if you have some words A. That even though customers sometimes They made it clear that they were out to of comfort and maybe some advice. I really do not want to hear the truth, they will al- find information that could or would be used am confused and agitated at this point. ways remember favorably the person who against you. In fact, they made it clear that Sincerely, if I admitted what they brought up they tells the truth. HENRY A. DIBLASIO. Q. Three greatest passions? would protect me. A. My wife, my kids, my business. At my age, and in my poor health condi- STATE OF OHIO, COUNTY OF MAHONING— Q. Favorite way to spend leisure time? tion, I am surprised I did not collapse. They AFFIDAVIT OF JOHN INNELLA A. Traveling or working in the yard. said that others in your office and elsewhere Q. Most influential book? had said certain things about me that vio- After being duly cautioned on my oath in A. Winning Through Intimidation by Rob- lated Federal Laws. I was absolutely aston- accordance with the law, I, John Innella, ert Ringer. ished. By the way, they never read me my hereby depose and say: Q.
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