Welfare beyond the state The Big Society and the third sector Pete Alcock, University of Birmingham
[email protected] Introduction – The Big Society discourse ery; and where he referred to the Big Society as The Big Society was a central feature of Conserv- his ‘great passion’. ative Party policy planning in the run up to the 2010 election, and in particular was promoted by Although it was, and has remained, closely asso- David Cameron himself, who first mentioned it ciated with David Cameron, the Big Society has in his Hugo Young speech in 2009, and repeated had a range of other proponents and support- it in an election speech in 2010. In practice the ers both inside and outside Government. For idea received a mixed reception in the election instance, Nick Hurd was appointed as Minister campaign itself and it was not the centre piece for Civil Society within the Cabinet Office; and, of the Party’s campaigning. Nevertheless, shortly shortly after the 2010 election, Cameron ele- after the election and the formation of the new vated Nat Wei to the House of Lords to be an Coalition Government, Cameron again took the unpaid advisor on the Big Society. Conservative lead in launching the Big Society as a policy ini- MP Jesse Norman lent his support publishing a tiative in the garden of No.10 Downing Street book on the subject, which sought to trace the in May 2010, with the Deputy Prime Minister idea back through traditional Conservative think- Nick Clegg. Here Cameron confirmed that the ing over two centuries (Norman, 2010).