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Myanmar Holds Election Page 8 • Terror strike in Paris • COM: Tonga is cool El Gato • Friday,World December 4, 2015 • Los Gatos High School • Tragedy spreads throughout Paris after series of attacks by Jessica Blough and Rowyn Van Miltenburg band Eagles of Death Metal was playing a sold out Hollande has since called a three-month state world have reached out to France, offering their Center Editor and News Editor show when three attackers stormed into the hall of emergency for France. The day after the attacks, support. Monuments ranging from the Sydney Opera On Nov. 13, Paris fell victim to a series of coor- and opened fire on the crowd. Eighty-nine people he deployed ten thousand soldiers throughout Paris House to the Empire State Building temporarily lit dinated terrorist attacks that took the lives of 130 died immediately and ninety-nine were critically and other cities. Hollande also announced that the up their exteriors in red, white, and blue, mimicking people. The attacks occurred at six separate loca- injured. The attackers shouted “Allahu akbar” army, police force, and gendarmerie will all expand the Tricolore to show solidarity with Paris. tions in the city and a suburb, Saint Denis. These and referenced Iraq and Syria, the first evidence in the upcoming year. The European Union has After the attacks, Obama spoke of the attacks attacks come less than a year after two masked that the Islamic State might have a role in the also instituted stricter border controls. The United saying, “Our hearts broke too.” He added, “Nous gunmen targeted Charlie attacks. Moments later, Nations has urged all states able to do so to join the sommes tous Francais,” which means we are all Hebdo, a French satirical the gunmen rounded up fight against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. French. He said this in reference to a French head- magazine based in Paris, several hostages in front After the attacks, the French community has line published after the 9-11 attacks that read and killed several writers of the stage, holding them banded together in solidarity by showing its patri- “Nous sommes tous Americains.” Shortly after the and editors. for over two hours. otism. Even as spectators were evacuating the attacks, Obama welcomed President Hollande to The attacks began at Another suicide bomber Stade de France, they joined together singing La America. Hollande’s visit will be his first of a series 21:20 CET at the Stade set off an explosion in Marseillaise, the French National Anthem. There has of visits with many world leaders, including those de France, when a bomb Stade de France at 21:53. been an overwhelming movement of French citizens of Britain, Russia, Germany, and China. The goal exploded outside of a France At this point, French Pres- wishing to protect their country. Since the attacks, throughout these visits is to build an international vs Germany soccer game. ident Hollande declared the number of those seeking to enlist in the French coalition against ISIS. Two people died at the a state of emergency Army has quadrupled. Police offices are currently Following the attacks, President Hollande vowed scene: one suicide bomber ON PATROL: Soldiers are stationed at popular sights. throughout the country, inundated with applications. And while the French that “[France] will lead the fight and we will be and one passerby. Five min- increasing border controls. culture typically does not publicly display the flag, ruthless, and we had to be here among the people utes later, at 21:25, several gunmen arrived at French law enforcement entered Le Bataclan at sales of the French Tricolore have jumped by as much who were subject to these atrocities because when Rue Alibert and shot into two restaurants from the 00:20 on Nov. 14, at which point one attacker was as 400 percent. Even social media is covered in posts the terrorists are capable of doing such acts they street, Le Carillon and Le Petit Cambodge, killing shot and killed when his suicide vest exploded. The of the country’s flag. must know that they will face a France very deter- a total of 15 people. At 21:30, a second suicide two other attackers then detonated their vests and In the aftermath of the chaos, Parisians took mined – a France united.” bomb went off at the stadium. Only the suicide killed themselves. to social media with the hashtag #PorteOuverte, (Sources: CNN, BBC, NYTimes, US News) bomber was killed. Two minutes later, more gunmen The day after the attacks, French President Fran- or #OpenDoor in English. This hashtag was used to arrived at Rue de la Fontaine au Roi, where they cois Hollande spoke at the site of the most deadly offer refuge to those stranded in the midst of the opened fire outside of a bar and killed five civilians. attack, the Bataclan Concert Hall. He said, “France commotion. Other hashtags flooded social media. Outside La Belle Équipe restaurant, another group will not let itself be overwhelmed or frightened even One of the most prominent was #PrayForParis. In of attackers gunned down 19 people at 21:36. One if today we are overcome with sadness and emotion.” addition to social media, the popular French satir- more attack occurred at a restaurant on Boulevard The same day, Hollande stated the attacks were “an ical magazine Charlie Hebdo published a cover in Voltaire, where a suicide bomber detonated a bomb act of war, committed by a terrorist army… against solidarity. The cover read, “Ils ont les armes. On les in Le Comptoir Voltaire, killing himself and injuring France.” He added, “I want to state my solidarity and emmerde, on a le champagne!” which translates to, one civilian. compassion for all the families who are impacted “They have the weapons. Screw them, we have the The largest and most deadly attack of the and I want to point out once again how efficient champagne!” Charlie Hebdo’s response comes less night occurred at Le Bataclan concert venue on the security forces were in carrying out their duty than a year after the publication was attacked itself. Boulevard Voltaire, at 21:40. The Californian rock in the extremely difficult conditions.” In response to the attacks, countries around the REINFORCING: French soldiers patrol the Champ de Elysees. Myanmar holds election G20 leaders plan for future by Neil Lugovoy are not part of the Burmese group are still wary of by Lark Breen resource mobilization.” National Editor her rule and view the NLD’s victory with caution. Culture Editor This Summit meeting was the first to feature For the first time in 50 years, Myanmar will no Many of her supporters have strong anti-Muslim Between Nov. 14 and 15, the G20, or Group of a meeting of the energy ministers, who decided longer be ruled by the military party USDP (Union views that will make complete unification difficult. 20, met at the G20 Leaders’ Summit at Antalya, upon the G20 Energy Access Action Plan: Voluntary Solidarity and Development Party). On Nov. 8 Suu Kyi has said, like many of the ethnic groups Turkey, to discuss current global economic issues. Collaboration on Energy Access, which first focuses Myanmar held its general election, and the National she was competing with, she wants a federal union. The Group 20 consists of 20 of the world’s major on helping sub-saharan Africa gain access to elec- League for Democracy Party (NLD) won a majority This may have simply been a promise that she economies, which together account for 80 per- tricity. They also committed to diversifying energy by winning 390 of the 664 seats in the Myanmarian made to gain votes, since she has failed to clarify cent of world trade and two thirds of the world sources and making a globally fair plan to combat Parliament. Despite this victory, the USDP is con- exactly what the term means. population. Among the countries that attend the climate change. stitutionally required to control 25 percent of the Suu Kyi’s toughest challenge will be overcom- G20 convention are the United States, Russia, The G20 discussed the refugee crisis at length seats in the parliament and has veto power over any ing the power of the military. It has the ability and France. 26 countries actually attended the and came to the conclusion that the crisis is a constitutional changes. to appoint ministers in the government and has meeting with the three word theme “inclusiveness, globally pressing issue that must be addressed with While the NLD had been gaining support shown a willingness to use violence to quiet dis- investment, and implementation.” “a coordinated and comprehensive response” that recently, most pre-election predictions had them senters. Recently, international pressures from One issue discussed was global economic intends to aid all refugees. The G20 called upon all failing to achieve a majority due to the ethnic divi- economic sanctions have encouraged the military growth, which the leaders agreed was uneven countries and even individuals to help out with sions within Myanmar. The NLD is mostly comprised to transition towards more democratic measures. and demanded attention. Their solutions were the situation. of the elite Burmese ethnic group, and other groups The military had hoped that implementing these to continue implementing cooperative macroeco- In the closing statement of the Leaders’ Com- feared that if brought to power, the NLD would progressive changes and making peace with ethnic nomic policies and flexible fiscal policies in order munique, the group asserted that it would “remain neglect them. This situation led many to speculate groups ahead of the election would win them favor to achieve more stable and sustainable economic resolute to continue our collective action to lift that the vote would be split between the smaller in the polls.
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    ISSN 2421-4442 La Rivista semestrale Sicurezza, Terrorismo e Società intende la Sicurezza come una 7 condizione che risulta dallo stabilizzarsi e dal mantenersi di misure proattive capaci di promuovere il benessere e la qualità della vita dei cittadini e la vitalità democratica delle istituzioni; affronta il fenomeno del Terrorismo come un processo complesso, di lungo periodo, che affonda le sue radici nelle dimensioni culturale, religiosa, politica ed economica che caratterizzano i sistemi sociali; propone alla Società – quella degli studiosi e degli operatori e quella ampia di cittadini e istituzioni – strumenti di com- prensione, analisi e scenari di tali fenomeni e indirizzi di gestione delle crisi. Sicurezza, Terrorismo e Società si avvale dei contributi di studiosi, policy maker, analisti, operatori della sicurezza e dei media interessati all’ambito della sicurezza, del terrorismo e del crisis management. Essa si rivolge a tutti coloro che operano in tali settori, volendo rappresentare un momento di confronto partecipativo e aperto al dibattito. La rivista ospita contributi in più lingue, preferendo l’italiano e l’inglese, per ciascuno dei quali è pubblicato un Executive Summary in entrambe le lingue. La redazione solle- cita particolarmente contributi interdisciplinari, commenti, analisi e ricerche attenti alle principali tendenze provenienti dal mondo delle pratiche. Sicurezza, Terrorismo e Società è un semestrale che pubblica 2 numeri all’anno. Oltre ai due numeri programmati possono essere previsti e pubblicati numeri speciali.
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