63 Written Answers MAY 8, 1997 To Questions 64

(b) if so, the rate of growth of traffic during the ensure the implementation of said decision and whether last three years; Union Government propose to select additional trains for (c) whether the Airports Authority of India is await­ this purpose for the year 1996-97; and ing for clearance from the Government to build more (f) If so, the details thereof? terminals; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF (d) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the RAILWAYS (SHRI SATPAL MAHARAJ): (a) Yes, Sir. Government thereto? (b) A statement Is attached. THE MINISTER OF CIVIL AVIATION (SHRI C.M. IBRAHIM): (a) Yes, Sir. (c) and (d) Train Superintendents have been posted in 20 pairs of trains so far and in other trains, postings (b) The average growth of international traffic have been delayed due to non-availability of suitable staff during the last 3 years was around 8% and in respect of etc. domestic traffic it was 11%. (e) and (f) Decision to provide Train Superintendents (c) and (d) Proposals regarding construction of 2nd in other trains will be taken up only when the trains already Phase of International Passenger Terminal at Indira Gandhi specified are covered fully. All efforts are underway to post International Airport, New and construction of 2nd Train Superintendents in the selected trains. Phase of Domestic Passenger Terminal at Mumbai are being processed. Statement Facilities to Actors Going Abroad List of Trains:

5167. SHRI CHHITUBHAI GAMIT: Will the Minister of Central Railway: INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state: 1. 1037/1038 Punjab Mail.

(a) whether the Government have drawn up any 2. 1077/1078 . catalogue of troupe of dance, drama and music in the 3. 1081/1082 Mumbai VT-Kanniyakumari Express. country and to enable them to project the good image of our Nation while going abroad; 4. 1013/1014 Kurla-Bangalore Express.

(b) whether any facility is given to them by Gov­ 5. 1015/1016 Kushinagar Express. ernment for publishing and drawing up of programmes through Indian Missions; and 6. 1033/1034 Pushpak Express.

(c) if so, the details thereof in this regard? 7. 1093/1094 Mahanagri Express.

THE MINISTER OF INFORMATION AND BROAD­ 8. 1027/1028 Dadar-Amritsar Express. CASTING (SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY): (a) No, Sir. The Song Eastern Railway: and Drama Division does not have any scheme/provision to send troupes abroad. 1. 2303/2304 Poorva Express.

(b) and (c) Do not arise. 2. 2311/2312 Kalka Mail. [ Translation) 3. 2381/2382 Poorva Express.

Posting of Train Superintendents in Trains 4. 2391/2392 Maghad/Vikramshila Express. 5168. SHRI JAGDAMBI PRASAD YADAV: Will the 5 . 3003/3004 Howrah-Mumbai VT Mail. Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: 6. 3073/3074 Himgiri Express. (a) whether the Government had selected 50 trains to post train superintendents in the trains for the year 1995- Northern Railway: 96; 1. 2479/2480 Express. (b) if so, the details thereof; 2. 4067/4068 Express. (c) whether train superintendents have been posted in the said selected trains and necessary resources have 3. 2401/2402 Sharamjeevi Express. been made available to them; 4. 2473/2474 Sarvodaya Express.

(d) if not, the reasons therefor; 5. 2475/2476 Rajkot-Jammu Tawl Express.

(e) whether the Government are committed to 6. 2477/2478 Hapa-Jammu Tawl Express. 65 Written Answers VAISAKHA 18, 1919 (Saka) To Questions 66

7. 4055/4056 Brahamputra Mail. 3. 8475/8476 Neelanchal Express. 8. 4007/4008 Sadhbhavna Express. 4. 8045/8046 East-Coast Express. North Eastern Railway: 5. 8477/8478 Utkal Express.

1. 5063/5064 Awadh Express. 6. 2801/2802 Purushottam Express.

2. 5011/5012 Gorakhpur-Cochin Express. 7. 8029/8030 Howrah-Mumbai VT Express. 3. 5089/5090 Gorakhpur-Hyderabad Express. Western Railway:

4. 5645/5646 Dadar-Gawahati Express. 1. 2955/2956 Jaipur-Mumbai Central Express. 5. 5047/5048 Gorakhpur-Howrah Purvanchal Express. 2. 2915/2916 Chetak Express.

Southern Railway: Modernisation of Telegraph Service in Gujrat

1. 2617/2618 Mangala Express. 5169. SHRI KASHIRAM RANA: Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: 2. 6003/6004 Chennai-Howrah Mail. (a) whether the Government have taken any ini­ 3. 6039/6040 Ganga Kaveri Express. tiative for taking steps for modernisation of telegraph 4. 6059/6060 Charminar Express. services in Gujarat;

5. 6529/6530 Udyan Express. (b) if so, the details thereof, district-wise;

6. 6519/6520 Bangalore-Guwahati Express. (c) whether any budgetary allocation has made for this purpose during the current financial years; 7. 6313/6314 Cochin-Guwahati Express. (d) if so, the details thereof; and 8. 6321/6322 Trivandrum-Guwahati Express. (e) the time by which the modernisation work of 9. 6315/6316 Howrah Cochin Express. telegraph services is likely to be commenced?

10. 6335/6336 Gandhidham-Trivandrum Express. THE MINISTER OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI BENI PRASAD VARMA): (a) Yes, Sir. 11 6063/6064 Chennai Express. (b) The Microprocessor based Store and Forward 12. 6043/6044 Patna-Chennai Express. Message Switching Systems (SFMSS), Formatted Terminal Concentrators (FTCS), Electronic Key Board Concentrators 13. 6093/6094 Lucknow-Chennai Express. (EKBCs), Fax and Electronic Terminals have been provided South Central Railway: in Gujarat District-wise details are given in the statement enclosed. 1 7021/7022 Dakshin Express. (c) and (d) No separate budget has been made for South Eastern Railway: Telegraph Services.

1. 2815/2816 Puri Express. (e) The work of modernisation has already been commenced and progress has been made as per details 2. 8001/8002 Howrah-Mumbai VT Mail. in the statement of answer for (b) above. Statement

District-wise modem telegraph system in Gujarat circle

Name of Dist. No. of SFMSS T.P. FTCs EKBCs FAX 128 L 32 L CONC. 1

Ahmedabad 11

Gandhinagar 01 Amreli 01 Banaskantha 01