Jane Shen-Miller Food Innovation Fellowships Prize
November/December 2019 • Volume 46, Number 6 p. 13 p. 15 p. 17 Leon Kochian ASPB Members Where Are They Receives Receive HHMI Now? International Hanna Gray Jane Shen-Miller Food Innovation Fellowships Prize THE NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLANT BIOLOGISTS President’s Letter The Transparency Project BY JUDY CALLIS ASPB President, University of California, Davis he word transparent has multiple mean- ings. For us scientists, we might first Tthink of a solution in a tube or vial be- ing transparent, defined by Merriam-Webster Blake Meyers as “having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies Appointed Next lying beyond are seen clearly” (https://www. merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transpar- Editor of ent). As in, did your chemical dissolve? But the The Plant Cell transparency to which I refer is the second set of definitions in the dictionary: “free from pre- tense or deceit,” “readily understood,” and most relevant for this letter, “characterized by vis- SPB is pleased to announce the ap- ibility or accessibility of information especially pointment of Blake C. Meyers as concerning business practices.” editor-in-chief of The Plant Cell be- A ASPB is an active and multifaceted orga- ginning January 1, 2020. The Plant Cell pub- nization with diverse activities including lishes novel research of particular significance outreach, professional development, publish- in plant biology, especially in the areas of ing, and advocacy, among others. Because of well. In the fall of 2015, the main leadership cellular biology, molecular biology, genetics, these various endeavors, understanding how committee, previously called the Executive development, and evolution.
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