March 5, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E303 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

RECOGNIZING THE MINORITY classes and arranging exhibits. In 1987, the form in this area. The federal flood insurance BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AGEN- name was officially changed to the Orlando program is $24 billion in debt, and its below- CY ON ITS 45TH ANNIVERSARY Museum of Art, and within two years, it was market rates encourage development in envi- acclaimed as one of the best in the region. ronmentally sensitive and flood prone areas. HON. CEDRIC L. RICHMOND The Museum features a dynamic set of collec- Having said that, it has also become abun- OF LOUISIANA tions ranging from contemporary art to Golden dantly clear that the transition to market-based Age masterpieces and has hosted various rates under the original Biggert-Waters bill has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES high-profile exhibits. been unduly onerous for many homeowners, Wednesday, March 5, 2014 The Museum has maintained its national ac- and the pace of that transition is in need of Mr. RICHMOND. Mr. Speaker, I rise today credited status by the American Association of adjustment. to applaud the Minority Business Development Museums without interruption for over 40 Today’s bipartisan compromise attempts to Agency on this its 45th Anniversary. Estab- years and continues to provide excellence in provide that adjustment in the form of greater lished in 1969, the MBDA has worked tire- the visual arts. I thank the Orlando Museum of predictability around rate increases for cov- lessly and diligently to promote the growth and Art for its ongoing dedication to advancing the ered properties, paid for with a surcharge on global competitiveness of a critical segment of arts in our community. all policyholders. While there were certainly the U.S. Economy, the minority business com- f other ways to address this issue, and I could munity. have supported more reform than appears in Why is this important? Well Mr. Speaker it H. STEVEN SMEDLEY, WEST HAN- this particular bill, I will vote for tonight’s com- is important because investing in contracts, OVER TOWNSHIP FIRE COMPANY promise in order to move this program for- capital and counseling for our minority owned NO. 1 ward. businesses will yield significant results for mi- f nority communities. If we help our minority HON. LOU BARLETTA businesses help themselves, their success will OF PENNSYLVANIA PERSONAL EXPLANATION bring sustainable economic growth and trans- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES generational wealth creation that will transform Wednesday, March 5, 2014 HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE many of our hardest hit areas. OF TEXAS At the time of the Agency’s creation there Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES were only 322,000 minority-owned firms in the H. Steven Smedley, a member of West Han- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 nation. Today, that number stands at 5.8 mil- over Township Fire Company No. 1 and the lion firms contributing $1 trillion towards our recipient of the organization’s Lifetime Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, on March nation’s economy. MBDA has been a signifi- Achievement Award. 4, 2014, I was unavoidably detained attending cant part of this impressive growth story. Over Mr. Smedley joined the West Hanover Twp. to representational activities in my congres- the last five years in particular, MBDA has Fire Co. No. 1 on November 4, 1980 and sional district and thus unable to return in time helped firms gain access to over $19 billion in quickly developed a passion for the fire serv- for rollcall votes No. 91 and 92. contracts and capital resulting in the creation ice. In the 33 years he has been with the Fire Had I been present I would have voted as and retention of nearly 60,000 jobs. These are Company, he has taken on many important follows: On rollcall No. 91, I would have voted great numbers, Mr. Speaker and we have to leadership roles including 1st and 2nd Lieuten- ‘‘aye’’ (March 4) (H.R. 3370, Homeowner thank the MBDA and its team for their efforts. ant; 1st and 2nd Captain; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 But we have more work to do. Assistant Chief; and Deputy Chief. Addition- (Rep. GRIMM—Financial Services)); On rollcall I thank MBDA for all it has accomplished ally, he has served as Recording Secretary, No. 92, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ (March 4) over the last 45 years. In the coming years, Vice President, President and Trustee and ful- (H. Res. 488, Supporting the people of Ven- the growth of America’s workforce will come filled the duties of an Apparatus Truck Fore- ezuela as they protest peacefully for demo- from partnerships between the public and pri- man and Chief Engineer for the organization. cratic change and calling to end the violence vate sector. MBDA serves as a bridge con- Outside the fire company, Mr. Smedley has (Rep. Ros-LEHTINEN—Foreign Affairs)). necting government and private resources to been active in the Dauphin County Fireman’s f leverage existing competencies in service to Association, Dauphin County Fire Chief’s As- the growth of the minority business sector. I sociation, and the Dauphin County Hazardous JAYSON TERDIMAN, 2014 U.S. applaud MBDA’s mission and will continue to Materials Response Team. OLYMPIC LUGE TEAM support it in the decades ahead. Mr. Speaker, for 33 years H. Steven f Smedley has devoted his life to West Hanover HON. LOU BARLETTA Township Fire Company No. 1. Therefore, I OF PENNSYLVANIA RECOGNIZING THE ORLANDO commend him for his hard work and dedica- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MUSEUM OF ART tion and wish him the best in his future en- deavors. Wednesday, March 5, 2014 HON. DANIEL WEBSTER f Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor OF FLORIDA Jayson Terdiman of Berwick, Pennsylvania HOMEOWNER FLOOD INSURANCE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who represented the United States in the AFFORDABILITY ACT OF 2014 men’s doubles and team relay luge competi- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 tions in the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, SPEECH OF Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I Russia. rise today to recognize the 90th anniversary of HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Since the age of five, Jayson has been an the Orlando Museum of Art. Since its found- OF MARYLAND active member of Berwick’s athletic commu- ing, the Museum has remained committed to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity, playing basketball, hockey, and baseball enriching the cultural life of Florida and devel- and running cross-country. He continued to oping inclusive programs that serve every seg- Tuesday, March 4, 2014 pursue many of these activities during his time ment of a diverse community. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, as the at Berwick High School, eventually graduating In 1924, the Orlando Museum of Art began ranking member of the House Budget Com- in 2007 with distinguished honors. as a small group of artists who met informally mittee and someone who supported the origi- Despite his other athletic commitments, to display and discuss their work. They formed nal Biggert-Waters flood insurance reauthor- Jayson got his start in luge early, becoming a the Orlando Art Association, teaching art ization, I am keenly aware of the need for re- member of the USA Luge Development Team

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05MR8.001 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 5, 2014 at age 12. His devotion to the sport helped RECOGNIZING MERNI FITZGERALD Hurricane Isabel in 2003, which damaged mul- him make the USA Luge Candidate Team and ON THE OCCASION OF HER RE- tiple roads and properties across the county the USA Luge Junior National Team, before TIREMENT FROM FAIRFAX and resulted in the loss of drinking water for earning a spot on the 2014 U.S. Olympic COUNTY most residents for several days; the shooting Team. of two police officers outside the Sully District Jayson has received numerous accolades HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Station in 2006; a dustup over local soup for his achievements in luge. From 2007 to OF VIRGINIA kitchens caused by an over-zealous bureauc- 2008, he won three Junior World Cup Bronze IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES racy; the recent record snow storms, which lit- erally shutdown the region for days; and an Medals and the Junior World Luge Champion- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 ship Bronze Medal. He is also a two-time U.S. earthquake in 2011. Interspersed through Junior National Doubles Champion. In 2008, Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- those events, she coordinated public informa- he was the Norton U.S. Nationals Doubles ognize and commend Merni Fitzgerald on the tion about annual multi-million dollar bond ref- champion, and he and his doubles partner, occasion of her retirement after a long and erendums and countless Board ‘‘presen- Chris Mazdzer, were named the 2008 Luge distinguished career in public service for the tations.’’ Team of the Year. In 2010, he won the World residents of Fairfax County, Virginia. For the Most people probably don’t know Merni is a Cup Bronze Medal, and he won silver medals past 13 years, Merni has been the director of published author. Earlier in her career, Merni in the World Cup Team Relay competition in the Office of Public Affairs, serving as the was an assistant to the Press Officer at the 2011 and 2013. During the 2014 Olympic Win- ‘‘voice of Fairfax County.’’ Prior to that, she Peace Corps, an agency close to my heart ter games, he placed eleventh in the men’s spent 15 years as the public information offi- given my international relations background doubles competition with his partner Christian cer for the Fairfax County Park Authority. and seat on the House Foreign Affairs Com- Niccum, and he helped the U.S. place sixth in Throughout her career, Merni dedicated her- mittee. During her time with the Corps, Merni the team relay. self to keeping Fairfax citizens well informed authored two books for school-age children: one commemorating the Peace Corps’ 25th Mr. Speaker, every four years, our nation about the great work of their local government, Anniversary and another on the role of Voice sends our very best athletes to represent us in while promoting engagement in our commu- of America radio programming in U.S. efforts the Winter Olympics. Therefore, I commend nity. In her role as Director of Public Affairs, she managed external and internal commu- overseas. Jayson Terdiman for his hard work and As Merni begins this new chapter in her life, achievements as part of the United States nications for the largest county government in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Na- I want to extend my warmest regards to her luge team, and I wish him the best in his fu- and her family. I hope she is able to find a ture endeavors. tional Capital Region. She and her staff pro- vided communications strategy and services suitable new home for the growing collection of nutcrackers that adorn her office at the f for more than 40 county agencies and cus- tomer service to residents and visitors. Government Center, and I have no doubt she CELEBRATING THE BICENTENNIAL From routine communications about Board will find a way to continue making contribu- OF THE CITY OF GREENVILLE, of Supervisors meetings to emergency alerts, tions to our community even in retirement. ILLINOIS Merni ensured Fairfax remained in constant Mr. Speaker, Merni Fitzgerald’s commitment contact with its constituents, and she was in- to public service has set an example that will strumental in pushing the County onto social benefit our community for generations to HON. JOHN SHIMKUS media to foster more opportunities for two-way come. Her accomplishments are truly out- OF ILLINOIS communications. Whether she was sharing standing and deserving of our sincere appre- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES news and information about a notable accom- ciation. When I was Chairman of the County Board, we often joked when retirement an- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 plishment or a natural disaster, Merni was a calm, soothing, and informative voice for the nouncements like this came before the Board Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to County. that we should not allow such talented and honor the City of Greenville, Illinois, on its Bi- Well-respected by her peers, Merni chaired dedicated staff to leave public service, and I centennial Celebration. The city will celebrate the Northern Virginia communicators group certainly wish that was the case here. throughout the year with a variety of commu- and a similar committee at the Metropolitan I wish Merni the best of luck in her retire- nity events, including a Labor Day gala fea- Washington Council of Governments, which ment, and I ask my colleagues in the House turing a parade, historic re-enactments and encompasses 21 jurisdictions in Virginia, to join me in expressing our appreciation for musical performances, a July 4th opening of a Maryland and the District of Columbia. In that her long and fruitful service to the residents of time capsule buried in 1990, and the burial of role, she coordinated communications for the Fairfax County and the National Capital Re- a new time capsule on New Year’s Eve with regional Emergency Preparedness Council, gion. mementos from the year’s festivities. The city where we worked together for a number of f will also erect a permanent monument within years. RECOGNIZING NACDS RxIMPACT city limits to commemorate this historic occa- Prior to her current position, Merni served DAY sion. two terms on the Falls Church City Council. The City of Greenville was founded in 1815 She also served as Chairman of the Northern HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS by pioneer George Davidson and is one of the Virginia Regional Commission. Her keen polit- OF WASHINGTON oldest communities in the state. Throughout its ical sense, expert communications skills, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES history, Greenville has played host to many firm grasp of the news business has earned important events. Notably, the city served as a her the trust of the elected leadership through- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 key stop on the Underground Railroad, shep- out the region. She was recognized as the Vir- Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, herding slaves to freedom from the slave- ginia Communicator of the Year in 2000, and I rise to recognize the Sixth Annual NACDS holding southern states. The city also hosted in 2007 she was recognized as one of PR RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill. This is a spe- speeches by Abraham Lincoln and Stephen News magazine’s PR Professionals of the cial day where we recognize pharmacy’s con- Douglas during their 1858 campaign for the Year for her ‘‘untiring service to the community tribution to the American healthcare system. United States Senate. and the media.’’ This year’s event, organized by the National Since its founding, the city has grown and I can certainly attest to that. I had the dis- Association of Chain Drug Stores, takes place now is the home to more than 7,000 residents. tinct pleasure of working with Merni during my on March 12–13. Nearly 400 individuals from Over the past 200 years, Greenville has pro- 14 years of service on the Fairfax County the pharmacy community—including practicing duced numerous noteworthy individuals. It was Board of Supervisors. She was a trusted pharmacists, pharmacy school faculty and stu- once the home of Colorado Governor Job member of our leadership team and helped dents, state pharmacy leaders and pharmacy Adams Cooper, Emmy-Winning television pro- the county manage numerous crises including: company executives—will visit Capitol Hill. ducer Robert Brinner and Nobel Prize Lau- the tragic events of 9/11, which occurred They will share their views with Congress reate Edwin G. Krebs, among others. shortly after her appointment as director of about the importance of supporting legislation I extend my congratulations to the City of public affairs; local anthrax attacks, during that protects access to community and neigh- Greenville upon this special occasion. It is my which the government center became a borhood pharmacies and that utilizes phar- prayer that the Lord blesses its residents with screening facility and medical distribution cen- macists to improve the quality and reduce the another 200 years of health and prosperity. ter; the 2002 Washington sniper shootings; costs of providing healthcare.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05MR8.004 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 5, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E305 Advocates from 40 states have travelled to TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT PERSONAL EXPLANATION Washington to talk about the pharmacy com- COLONEL JOHN RAFFERTY munity’s contributions in over 40,000 commu- HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ nity pharmacies nationwide. These important HON. JOHN R. CARTER OF PENNSYLVANIA healthcare providers are here to educate Con- OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gress about the value of pharmacists and pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, March 5, 2014 tect access to the essential services they pro- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 Ms. SCHWARTZ. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall vide as part of our healthcare delivery system. No. 90, I was unable to attend the vote. And just as these providers travelled to meet Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib- ute to Lieutenant Colonel John Rafferty of the Had I been present, I would have voted with us, Members of Congress have toured re- ‘‘no.’’ tail chain pharmacies in our own communities United States Army for his extraordinary dedi- f more than 250 times since 2009. There are cation to duty and service to our nation at the 106 chain pharmacies in my own Congres- Deputy of the Army House Liaison Division on RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS sional District, and those stores employ nearly Capitol Hill. Lieutenant Colonel Rafferty will OF JAXSON’S ICE CREAM 10,000 Washingtonians. soon transition to the Legislative Director for PARLOUR the Commander of the International Security Patients have always relied on their local Assistance Force in Kabul, Afghanistan. HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS pharmacist to meet their healthcare needs. Army Congressional Liaison officers provide OF FLORIDA The local pharmacist is a trusted, highly ac- an invaluable service to both the military and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cessible healthcare provider deeply committed Congress. They assist Members and staff in to providing the highest quality care in the understanding the Army’s policies, actions, op- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 most efficient manner possible. erations, and requirements. Their firsthand Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I As demand for healthcare services con- knowledge of military needs, culture, and tradi- rise today to recognize Mr. Monroe Udell and tinues to grow, pharmacists have expanded tion is a tremendous benefit to Congressional Ms. Linda Zakeheim, the owners of Jaxson’s their role in healthcare delivery, partnering offices. Ice Cream Parlour located in Dania Beach, with physicians, nurses and other healthcare A native of Great Falls, Virginia, Lieutenant Florida. providers to meet their patients’ needs. Inno- Colonel Rafferty enlisted in the Army in 1987 Jaxson’s has long been a staple in Dania vative services provided by pharmacists do and served in Germany with the 8th Infantry Beach and this cultural landmark currently em- even more to improve patient healthcare. Division. Two years later, he left the active ploys more than 70 people. Now, Monroe and Pharmacists are highly valued by those that Army to return to college and pursue a com- Linda have taken it upon themselves to im- rely on them most—those in rural and under- mission as an Army Officer. He received his prove the standard of living for their employ- served areas, as well as older Americans, and commission as Second Lieutenant in the Reg- ees. On February 24, 2014—the day of Monroe’s 86th birthday—Jaxson’s raised their those struggling to manage chronic diseases. ular Army as a Field Artillery officer. During the next twenty years, LTC Rafferty served in minimum wage from $7.93 to $10.10 an hour. Pharmacy services improve patients’ quality of Monroe and Linda have always appreciated a variety of tactical assignments, including life as well as healthcare affordability. By help- the work their employees do to create a top service in 1st and 3rd Battalions of the 75th ing patients take their medications effectively rated restaurant. This higher minimum wage Ranger Regiment, staff officer in the 25th In- and providing preventive services, pharmacists will allow their employees to enjoy a better fantry Division, command of two artillery bat- help avoid more costly forms of care. Phar- standard of living and improved economic se- macists also help patients identify strategies to teries in the 1st Armored Division, and com- curity. It will allow them to contribute more to save money, such as through better under- mand of 1st Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Ar- the South Florida economy. And, it will show standing of their pharmacy benefits, using ge- tillery Regiment of the 82nd Airborne Division. other businesses in the region that paying a neric medications, and obtaining 90-day sup- Along with becoming an Army Ranger and higher wage is possible, profitable, and the plies of prescription drugs from local phar- Master Parachutist, he served multiple combat right thing to do. macies. tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Additionally, he In 1965, Boisey Waiters, Dania’s first Afri- was selected as an exchange officer for the Pharmacists are the nation’s most acces- can American City Commissioner, told me U.S. Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare sible healthcare providers. In many commu- about Jaxson’s, and I instantly became a fan. School and for the United Kingdom Joint Serv- nities, especially in rural areas, the local phar- Monroe first opened the restaurant in 1953, ices Command and Staff College with the Brit- macist is a patient’s most direct link to and even then, it was a beacon. At that time, ish Military. healthcare. Eighty-nine percent of Americans most establishments in Broward County did Lieutenant Colonel Rafferty is both warrior reside within a five-mile radius of a community not serve colored people. Yet, from the very and scholar. He holds a Bachelor of Arts De- pharmacy. Pharmacists are one of our nation’s beginning Monroe took a stand against seg- gree in History from Longwood College, a most trusted healthcare professionals. Utilizing regation by hiring and serving all restaurant Master of Arts in Defense Policy from King’s their specialized education, pharmacists play a patrons, regardless of race. That is why I was College-London, and a Master of Strategic major role in medication therapy management, not surprised to hear that Monroe and Linda Studies from the U.S. Army War College. acted on their own conscience to help their disease-state management, immunizations, His devotion to his country is matched only employees afford a better lifestyle. Sixty-one healthcare screenings, and other healthcare by his commitment to family. Lieutenant Colo- years later, Jaxson’s is still showing the way services designed to improve patient health nel Rafferty is married to the lovely Tracey with their actions to better support their em- and reduce overall healthcare costs. Phar- Lowery Rafferty. They’re proud parents of a ployees. macists are also expanding their role into new thirteen-year-old daughter, Erin, and a twelve- The employees of Jaxson’s have worked models of care based on quality of services year-old son, Evan. tirelessly to develop the reputation of a res- and outcomes, such as accountable care or- Lieutenant Colonel Rafferty’s great work has taurant that provides excellent food, great ice ganizations (ACOs) and medical homes. not gone unnoticed. His military awards in- cream, and a family friendly atmosphere. As we refine healthcare reform and seek clude the Combat Action Badge, Expert Infan- Mr. Speaker, I am so pleased to acknowl- new strategies to improve patient care, phar- try Badge, three Bronze Star Medals, and the edge and thank Monroe Udell, Linda macists will play a critical role. I believe Con- Iraq and Afghanistan Campaign Medals. He Zakeheim, General Manager Jerry Smith, as gress should look at every opportunity to was inducted into the Honorable Order of well as all the employees working at Jaxson’s. make sure that pharmacists are allowed to uti- Saint Barbara and is a Distinguished Member I wish them many more years of success. lize their training to the fullest to provide the of both the 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regi- f services that can improve care and lower ment and 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment. RECOGNIZING DAN ‘‘OX’’ OCHSNER costs. In recognition of the Sixth Annual Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to recognize the NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill, I selfless service of Lieutenant Colonel John would like to congratulate pharmacy leaders, Rafferty as he proceeds into the next chapter HON. MICHELE BACHMANN OF MINNESOTA pharmacists, students, executives, and the en- of his remarkable career and continues to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tire pharmacy community represented by the serve the United States of America. I wish him National Association of Chain Drug Stores, for the best as he continues to serve our great Wednesday, March 5, 2014 their contributions to the good health of the Nation and proceeds to the next chapter in his Mrs. BACHMANN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today American people. remarkable career. to honor Dan ‘‘Ox’’ Ochsner for more than a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05MR8.003 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E306 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 5, 2014 decade of work as a radio host in St. Cloud, successful battle with Hodgkin lymphoma. She rifice ultimately saved the lives of several civil- MN. is also a proud wife, mother, and grand- ians and his fellow soldiers. Originally from Fargo, ND, Ox began his mother. Eddie was a native of Salinas, California, radio career in 1991 as a rock DJ out of Fer- Mr. Speaker, for her committed service to graduating from North High School. Soon after gus Falls. He’s come a long way since then, the Benevolent and Protective Order of the graduation, he felt the call to serve his coun- now hosting an afternoon show on weekdays Elks, I commend Maria Pedriani and congratu- try. Following in the footsteps of others in his in St. Cloud with popularity in the Twin Cities late her for being named the Hazleton Lodge family, he joined the Army in 1991. During his and here in D.C. #200 ‘‘2013–2014 Elk of the Year.’’ distinguished career, Eddie received many ac- He’s not only an on-air personality and radio f colades including the Bronze Star Medal and entrepreneur. Ox and his wife, Jan, have the Purple Heart during his many deployments made an effort to stay involved and connected RECOGNIZING THE NORTHERN in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was an inspiration in the community. His involvement with Jay- VIRGINIA CONSERVATION TRUST to all who served with him. Eddie made him- cees, Sertoma, Chamber of Commerce and self available to talk with younger soldiers, the Boy Scouts haven’t gone unnoticed. The HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY mentoring them and offering both professional St. Cloud Times named him one of the top 40 OF VIRGINIA and personal advice. most influential people of the decade (2000– IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Eddie was also a devout family man. He often spoke fondly of his wife, Kristy Balli, and 2010). Wednesday, March 5, 2014 As I continue on in my final year in the his three children, Michael, Momilani, and House of Representatives, I look back with ap- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- Desirae. To his family he was more than just preciation and respect for the people of the gratulate the Northern Virginia Conservation a soldier. He was a kind and loving husband, 6th District. One of those special people is Trust for receiving accreditation by the Na- father, brother and son who had an infectious Dan Ochsner. With a personality as fiery as tional Land Trust Accreditation Commission. humor and quirky personality. His family was his hair, he can always be counted on to pro- The accreditation process is very rigorous and proud of his patriotic service to his country vide a humorous take on current events to the signifies the highest standards of excellence in and the care he demonstrated for his fellow people of central Minnesota. land conservation. soldiers. There are few people kinder, funnier, and When Congress first passed the tax incen- That caring personality, as both a soldier more genuine than Ox. It’s an honor to rep- tives for land conservation, it placed a high and a family man, is what made Eddie an ex- resent a district in the halls of Congress with degree of trust in non-profit land trusts to man- traordinary person. He was an exemplary sol- talented individuals like Dan. The 6th District age these transactions properly. Over the dier, family man, and friend who put the needs of Minnesota is lucky to call Dan Ochsner one years, land conservation has become increas- of others before his own. of their own. ingly complex and requires careful adherence Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the mem- f to the national Land Trust Standards and ory of a true patriot and hero, Chief Warrant Practices. This accreditation process helps Officer 2 Edward Balli. Our nation is grateful PERSONAL EXPLANATION give taxpayers confidence that land trusts are for his service and we promise that his life, a worthy public investment. legacy, and his sacrifice for our country will HON. ERIC A. ‘‘RICK’’ CRAWFORD I want to thank the Northern Virginia Con- not be forgotten. OF ARKANSAS servation Trust for its dedication and effective- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ness in educating the public about the impor- tance of conservation and preserving local HOMEOWNER FLOOD INSURANCE Wednesday, March 5, 2014 natural areas, trails, streams, and parks. Its AFFORDABILITY ACT OF 2014 Mr. CRAWFORD. Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday, work helps to protect wildlife habitat, water SPEECH OF March 4th, 2014 I was inadvertently detained quality and healthy communities. Since its on rollcall Votes 91 and 92. Had I been founding 20 years ago, the Trust has pro- HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER present to vote I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on tected 5,370 acres across Northern Virginia. OF MISSOURI both. And, by achieving national accreditation, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Northern Virginia Conservation Trust has ex- f Tuesday, March 4, 2014 panded its capacity to accomplish this mission MARIA PEDRIANI, HAZLETON far into the future. Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise LODGE #200 ‘‘2013–2014 ELK OF Mr. Speaker, I invite my colleagues to join today to address some of the many lingering THE YEAR’’ me in commending the Northern Virginia Con- issues surrounding the National Flood Insur- servation Trust for its hard work and commit- ance Program (NFIP). HON. LOU BARLETTA ment to our community. I wish the Trust and The bill passed by the House yesterday will OF PENNSYLVANIA its supporters continued success in their con- help a significant number of Missourians who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES servation efforts. have been saddled with inconceivable rate in- f creases, who cannot sell their property, and Wednesday, March 5, 2014 who run the risk of losing their homes. I have Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor IN HONOR OF CHIEF WARRANT OF- heard from one constituent in particular who Maria Pedriani, the Hazleton Lodge #200 FICER 2 EDWARD ‘‘EDDIE’’ BALLI told of an unexpected premium increase that ‘‘2013–2014 Elk of the Year,’’ for her loyal jumped from under $1,800 to more than service to the Benevolent and Protective HON. SAM FARR $11,000, a cost difference that she and her Order of Elks. OF CALIFORNIA husband will have difficulty meeting. It is my Mrs. Pedriani has been a resident of Hazle- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sincere hope that this legislation helps to ad- ton, Pennsylvania for 36 years. After grad- dress these issues. uating from Mahanoy Area High School, she Wednesday, March 5, 2014 While I supported H.R. 3370, I regret that took post graduate courses at Luzerne County Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the bill presented no opportunities for an in- Community College and owned her own cos- honor Chief Warrant Officer 2 Edward ‘‘Eddie’’ creased presence for the private insurance metology business in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsyl- Balli, an American hero who gave his life in market. One of the primary public policy goals vania. Since joining the Elks two years ago, service to his country. Eddie loved his job as associated with NFIP has been to spur private Mrs. Pedriani has been an outstanding asset an Unmanned Aerial System Operations Offi- insurers to enter the flood insurance space. As in accomplishing lodge goals and is well cer Platoon Leader for the 2nd Calvary Regi- long as NFIP generously subsidizes risk, how- known for her superb cooking abilities. ment. He provided the eyes in the sky for the ever, the private market will remain a sec- Beyond her involvement with the Hazleton soldiers on the ground. ondary player in the program. We must create Elks, Mrs. Pedriani has been an active mem- On January 20, Eddie’s unit was attacked a program that becomes, over time, actuari- ber of the local community. She served on the by insurgents in the Kandahar province of ally-sound and creates a greater role for the board of ‘‘Helping Hands’’ and is a member of southern Afghanistan. Believing it was his duty private sector while reducing the government’s the Holy Rosary Church. In 2011, she was the to place the safety of his fellow troops before role. keynote speaker at the American Cancer Soci- his own; Eddie was killed while providing Yesterday the House took a step towards ety—Relay for Life where she spoke about her cover to protect the rest of his unit. His sac- ensuring that our constituents are not saddled

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05MR8.007 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 5, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E307 with impossible premium increases, but our Mayor Lumumba was a nationally renowned However, we must find a balance between work on this issue is far from done. More must attorney who was licensed in Mississippi, fiscal stability and punishing homeowners who be done to reign in FEMA, create more ac- Michigan and U.S. Federal Courts. He has followed the rules. This legislation brings fair- countability in NFIP, and ensure the program represented clients in over 16 jurisdictions, in- ness to homeowners and much-needed sta- is on sound footing. We must also demand cluding Canada and the Choctaw Court. bility to the NFIP. more accountability from FEMA and NFIP and Mayor Lumumba has won settlements and/or I am pleased this bill restores the work to ensure that flood maps are accurate judgments for victims of medical malpractice, grandfathering provision, the home improve- and not overly encompassing. employment discrimination, sexual harassment ment provision clause, and provides meaning- If NFIP has taught us anything, it is that and police misconduct. He has worked in high ful protection to Pre-Firm properties. I look for- Federal government should not be involved in profile cases such as the representation of the ward to FEMA improving the flood mapping the insurance industry. Many living in Mis- late Tupac Shakur. In 2011, he helped win the process to help inform the decision-makers in souri’s Third Congressional District are in des- release of the Scott Sisters who had served communities across America. perate need of relief, and NFIP is in desperate 16 years of double life prison sentences for an Local leaders must be vigilant in managing need of reform. Private insurance companies $11.00 (eleven-dollar) robbery. He success- the growth of our neighborhoods in South Lou- have a role to play, and the program should fully represented Lance Parker who was false- isiana to ensure they are using the best avail- be changed to allow the private market to par- ly accused of assault during the 1992 Los An- able data to drive our zoning requirements, ticipate. I will continue to work to make the geles uprising which followed the brutal beat- our building codes, and our insurance ratings. program sustainable, reliable and more func- ing of Rodney King. Congress must remain engaged in its over- tional than it is today, and hope that my col- Since 1968, Mayor Lumumba has criss- sight of this program and its implementation in leagues will join me in the effort to increase crossed the globe to fight for ‘‘Human Rights the years ahead. It must be committed to find- the private sector role in flood insurance. for Human Beings.’’ He supported the sur- ing creative ways to further strengthen the f vivors of Katrina by serving on the Board of NFIP without harming policy holders or the the People’s Hurricane Relief Fund and orga- general public. COMMEMORATING THE ANNIVER- nizing other activists to form the Mississippi f SARY OF POGROM AT SUMGAIT Disaster Relief Coalition and co-organizing the Gulf Coast Survivors Assembly. Mayor HONORING TORIN KOOS HON. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ Lumumba’s work as a community activist has OF CALIFORNIA spanned over four decades. He has worked HON. DAVID G. REICHERT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with organizations such as the Jackson OF WASHINGTON Wednesday, March 5, 2014 Human Rights Coalition, which pressured the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES State to retry the person who murdered Wednesday, March 5, 2014 Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of California. Mr. Medgar Evers. He has worked for over twenty Speaker, I rise today to recognize the anniver- years organizing, directing, coaching, and Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to sary of the pogrom that took place in Sumgait, mentoring youth through programs such as honor an Olympic athlete from Washington Azerbaijan against people of Armenian de- the Jackson Panthers Basketball Organization. State’s 8th District, Mr. Torin Koos. Mr. Koos scent. A pogrom is a violent riot aimed at He was also a devout member of Word and just returned from representing our nation in massacre or persecution of an ethnic or reli- Worship Christian Church. the XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, Rus- gious group. On the evening of February 27, Prior to his election as Mayor, Mr. Lumumba sia. Mr. Koos is an incredible athlete who has 1988 hundreds of Armenians were massacred served as Jackson City Councilman for Ward reached the pinnacle of his sport and com- in the seaside town of Sumgait in Soviet Azer- 2. Widowed by his late wife Nubia Alake, peted in the Men’s Sprint Free Qualification. baijan. This violence against Armenians con- Mayor Lumumba was a loving and devoted fa- I applaud both his achievement and the tinued for three days and resulted in the re- ther to his three children, Kambon Mutope, hard-work and perseverance that paid off dur- ported killing of 32 people, with countless oth- Rukia Kai and . He ing these games. Simply to attend the Olym- ers that remain unaccounted for. was also the proud grandfather of Qadir pics is to be among an elite group of people. It is my hope that by speaking out publicly Lumumba-Benjamin. I thank Mr. Koos for representing America so against atrocities suffered by our brethren Mr. Speaker, I take great pride in recog- well, and I am proud to call him a constituent around the world, we will help reaffirm Amer- nizing Mayor Chokwe Lumumba as a bright, and a Washingtonian. ica’s commitment to an enduring, peaceful and caring, and humble individual. I commend his f democratic resolution. outstanding and historical contributions to the RECOGNIZING THE ANNIVERSARY I ask that my colleagues join me in solemnly City of Jackson, the State of Mississippi, the OF THE KHOJALY TRAGEDY commemorating the death of these innocent Civil Rights Movement, and national politics. lives. My thoughts are with the Armenian com- f munity, especially those that lost loved ones HON. BILL SHUSTER during the pogrom at Sumgait 26 years ago. PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF PENNSYLVANIA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. CHARLES W. BOUSTANY, JR. TRIBUTE TO MAYOR CHOKWE Wednesday, March 5, 2014 OF LOUISIANA LUMUMBA Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, Azerbaijan is a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES key strategic partner of the United States, and HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Wednesday, March 5, 2014 I am honored to be Co-Chairman of the House OF MISSISSIPPI Mr. BOUSTANY. Mr. Speaker, due to in- Azerbaijan Caucus. Azerbaijan has been a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES clement weather on the morning of Tuesday, key ally in a post 9/11 era, emerging as one March 4, my flight was unable to leave for of the first countries to offer strong support Wednesday, March 5, 2014 Washington, DC, from Lafayette, Louisiana. and assistance to the United States. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Therefore, I was unable to return in time for I would like to take a moment to recognize er, I rise today to recognize the life and legacy votes. Had I been present to vote, my voting the anniversary of the tragedy that took place of Mayor Chokwe Lumumba of Jackson, Mis- record would reflect the following: H.R. 3370— in Khojaly, Azerbaijan, a town and towns- sissippi. ‘‘yea’’; H. Res. 488—‘‘yea.’’ people that were destroyed on February 26, Mayor Chokwe Lumumba was born August I also offer the following statement in favor 1992. 2, 1947, in , Michigan. He was the sec- of the Homeowner Flood Insurance Afford- We just marked the 22nd anniversary of that ond of eight children born to Lucien and Pris- ability Act: devastating and heartbreaking day. Sadly, cilla Francis Taliaferro. Mayor Lumumba I support H.R. 3370, responsible legislation today there is little attention or interest paid to earned his Bachelor’s degree in Political keeping thousands of Louisiana homeowners the plight of Khojaly outside of Azerbaijan. Science from in Kala- from facing dramatic increases in their flood However, one of our greatest strengths as mazoo, Michigan. He later finished first in his insurance premiums. elected officials is the opportunity to bring to law school freshman class before graduating The National Flood Insurance Program must light truths that are little known and command cum laude from Law be financially sustainable and it is irrespon- recognition. As a friend of Azerbaijan, I am School. sible for it to carry a debt of $24 billion. proud to remind my colleagues that we must

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05MR8.010 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 5, 2014 never forget the tragedy that took place at has been the regional planning partnership in Agreement, CPA, to end the long civil war and Khojaly. Southeast Michigan. Over that time, our area provide the steps for a mutually beneficial At the time, the Khojaly tragedy was widely has seen an astonishing amount of change. peace and productive coexistence. Unfortu- documented by the international media, includ- SEMCOG’s task has been to recognize the nately, the rebellion in the Darfur region dis- ing the Boston Globe, Washington Post, New changing circumstances and needs in our tracted from efforts to fulfill that agreement. York Times, Financial Times, and many other area—whether it’s land use, transportation, air Khartoum’s alliance with the Janjaweed European and Russian news agencies. quality, water infrastructure, or economic de- Arabs resulted in mass killings and displace- Khojaly, a town in the Nagorno-Karabakh velopment—and help our communities shape ment in Darfur. An estimated 1.9 million peo- region of Azerbaijan, now under the control of a regional public policy that is responsive and ple were displaced, more than 240,000 people Armenian forces, was the site of the largest dynamic. Paul has played a key role in were forced into neighboring Chad, and an es- killing of ethnic Azerbaijani civilians. With a SEMCOG’s work and effectiveness. timated 450,000 people were killed. At the population of approximately 7,000, Khojaly Among his many other accomplishments, time, Congress insisted that this was geno- was one of the largest urban settlements of Paul is the devoted husband of Chris. They cide. Eventually, the Bush administration con- the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. have four children and six grandchildren. curred, but the United Nations declined to go According to Human Rights Watch and Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me so far in their terminology, calling what hap- other international observers the massacre in recognizing Paul Tait for his leadership at pened in Darfur ‘‘crimes against humanity.’’ was committed by the ethnic Armenian armed SEMCOG and his commitment to the citizens A peace agreement between the main rebel forces, reportedly with the help of the Russian of Southeast Michigan. force in Darfur and the Government of Sudan 366th Motor Rifle Regiment. Human Rights f was signed in May 2006, but it did not last. In Watch described the Khojaly Massacre as fact, no sustained agreement has been ‘‘the largest massacre to date in the conflict’’ OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL reached between the government and Darfur over Nagorna-Karabakh. In a 1993 report, the DEBT rebel groups—partly because these groups watchdog group stated ‘‘there are no exact fig- have continued to split and form offshoots, but ures for the number of Azeri civilians killed be- HON. MIKE COFFMAN also because the Khartoum government has cause Karabakh Armenian forces gained con- OF COLORADO not appeared willing to resolve the Darfur situ- trol of the area after the massacre’’ and ‘‘while IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ation constructively. In June 2005, the Inter- it is widely accepted that 200 Azeris were national Criminal Court initiated an investiga- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 murdered, as many as 500–1,000 may have tion that resulted in arrest warrants for Sudan died.’’ Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January President Omar al-Bashir and three other gov- Azerbaijan has been a strong strategic part- 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- ernment officials and militia leaders. None of ner and friend of the United States. The trag- fice, the national debt was these warrants has been served, none of the edy of Khojaly was a crime against humanity $10,626,877,048,913.08. four have been taken into custody and the and I urge my colleagues to join me in stand- Today, it is $17,444,385,246,890.50. We’ve Government of Sudan has refused to cooper- ing with Azerbaijanis as they commemorate added $6,817,508,197,977.42 to our debt in 5 ate with the ICC. this tragedy. years. This is over $6.8 trillion in debt our na- Meanwhile, the CPA remained f tion, our economy, and our children could unimplemented. In January 2011, South have avoided with a balanced budget amend- Sudan, which had been a semiautonomous re- RECOGNIZING PAUL TAIT ment. gion of the country since the signing of the f CPA, voted in a referendum on whether to re- HON. SANDER M. LEVIN main part of Sudan or become independent. OF MICHIGAN U.S. POLICY TOWARD SUDAN AND Having been marginalized and mistreated for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SOUTH SUDAN decades, it was not surprising that southern Wednesday, March 5, 2014 Sudanese voted overwhelmingly—at the level Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH of 98.8 percent—to become an independent tribute to Paul Tait on the occasion of his re- OF NEW JERSEY nation. On July 9, 2011, South Sudan became tirement from the Southeast Michigan Council IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the world’s newest nation. However, these of Governments (SEMCOG) after 42 years of Wednesday, March 5, 2014 unimplemented elements of the CPA would dedicated service. bedevil the new country from its birth. Paul attained his undergraduate and grad- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, last A referendum in the disputed Abyei region uate degrees from the University of Michigan. week, I chaired a subcommittee hearing on and consultations on the status of Sudan’s He came to SEMCOG in 1972, and was U.S. policy toward Sudan and South Sudan. Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states were named Executive Director of that organization The hearing was very important, and not only never completed. In May 2011, Sudanese in 1998. Under Paul’s leadership, SEMCOG because the United States Government has armed forces assumed control of towns in has used data and information to help make been involved in Sudan and its various crises Abyei, quickly forcing at least 40,000 residents decisions resulting in literally billions of dollars for the past three decades. Many of us first to flee. Within weeks, fighting spread to South- in road, transit, and water infrastructure invest- became interested in Sudan in the 1980s be- ern Kordofan and Blue Nile states, as Khar- ment. cause of the persistent reports of modern-day toum sought to crush the Sudan People’s Lib- As important as data and information are to slavery, in which northern Arabs enslaved Afri- eration Army—North, which had fought with regional planning, local government actions can southerners. My office helped to bring one southerners in the North-South civil war. are also critical. Paul recognized this and of these unfortunate people to America for Northern attacks on residents in those three worked to give all communities—large and medical treatment after he was freed, and his areas continue unabated. small—a voice in the process. story affected me deeply. Last year, Sudan and South Sudan en- In a speech at the National Defense Execu- Ker Deng had been kidnapped into slavery gaged in a conflict over oil supplies from the tive Reserve Conference in 1957, President while still a child, and while he was an adoles- South, involving allegations that Khartoum was Eisenhower, who of course had served as Su- cent, the man who held him in bondage undercounting the level of oil flow to cheat preme Commander of the Allied Forces in Eu- rubbed peppers in his eyes, blinded him and South Sudan, as well as the southern seizure rope during World War II, made this remark- later abandoned him. Ker is studying here in of the oil town of Heglig. Again, this dispute able assertion: ‘‘Plans are worthless, but plan- the United States thanks to his benefactor, was largely the result of unresolved issues ning is everything.’’ He went on to say that Ellen Ratner, and is awaiting a second oper- from the CPA. while there are indeed some immutable truths, ation to help him recover at least some of his South Sudan continues to be engaged in a most of what we confront in our daily lives eyesight. How many other Sudanese will conflict that began last December, despite a changes over time. President Eisenhower’s never have that opportunity or even achieve cessation of hostilities agreement. Thousands basic point was that we shouldn’t put too their freedom? For example, Ker’s mother has have been killed and tens of thousands have much faith in static plans, but rather invest in never been freed from bondage. been displaced. Exact figures are constantly planning that assumes that conditions will We began supporting southern Sudanese shifting because this conflict continues. I will change. efforts to end the oppression from the North in soon introduce a resolution offering a Eisenhower’s admonition is relevant be- the mid-1990s. In 2005, we helped both North sequenced approach to reaching a lasting res- cause, for more than four decades, SEMCOG and South achieve the Comprehensive Peace olution to this newest crisis. This conflict also

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05MR8.013 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 5, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E309 is the result of too little attention paid to the HOMEOWNER FLOOD INSURANCE munity development. Nearly seventy percent warning signs because of preoccupation with AFFORDABILITY ACT OF 2014 of Missouri’s taxpayer funded research is pro- one of the many crises in the two Sudans. duced by the land grant universities. This in- SPEECH OF Over the last three decades, I and other formation is used to enhance vital industries committee and subcommittee chairs have held HON. KATHY CASTOR like agriculture, business, and healthcare. The numerous hearings on Sudan—from the OF FLORIDA state of Missouri has benefitted immensely North-South civil war to the Darfur conflict to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through the active role of the Extension pro- the fighting in Abyei, Southern Kordofan and Tuesday, March 4, 2014 grams which equip our communities with vital Blue Nile to the current conflict in South information and educational programs. Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise For the advances made possible in Missouri Sudan. All this attention is more than justified, to urge all of my colleagues to pass H.R. and across the nation by the Cooperative Ex- but our approach to addressing them has 3370, the Homeowner Flood Insurance Afford- tension Service, it is my pleasure to recognize been intermittent. Too often, each crisis is ability Act. the 100th Anniversary of the National Cooper- seen as a problem unto itself, unrelated to If this bill passes we will keep middle class ative Extensions in the House of Representa- other issues in these two countries. families in their homes, bring relief to our local tives. economy and provide needed reliability to mid- In fact, successive administrations and Con- f gresses, advocacy groups and humanitarian dle class friends and neighbors. organizations have focused so much on indi- Since November 2013, I have urged action UNITED STATES-ISRAEL STRA- vidual crises and issues that no one has cre- on flood insurance on every bill that moved TEGIC PARTNERSHIP ACT OF 2014 ated a panoramic view which shows how all through the Rules Committee to the floor of SPEECH OF these individual crises interrelate with each the U.S. House. other. This ‘‘stovepiping’’ of government policy Families who were facing massive flood in- HON. LOIS FRANKEL and public attention has meant that long-term surance premium increases will now be able OF FLORIDA to breathe easier. The reforms will help ensure solutions have been neglected while short- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that flood insurance will be there in times of term eruptions have had to be dealt with. In Tuesday, March 4, 2014 reality, the two Sudans are inexorably linked disaster. and no crisis in either can be resolved suc- This legislation allows individuals purchasing Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, any- cessfully without taking into account the entire covered homes to also assume the predeter- one who turns on the news for even a few Sudan-South Sudan panorama. mined rates and restores grandfathered prop- minutes will see our good friend Israel in a re- erties under prior law so that owners would gion of chaos and unrest. We must end this cycle of myopic policy for- pay rates applicable to the original flood risk. War in Syria—with refugees pouring into mulation based on the crisis of the moment We have learned that we must keep a close Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon. Violence in and adopt a long-term, holistic vision of what eye on FEMA and flood maps and this legisla- Iraq. Upheaval in Egypt. And of course, the the best interest of the people of Sudan and tion gives us more tools to do so. I credit the threat of nuclear advancement in Iran. South Sudan demands—indeed, what would outcry many of our neighbors, realtors, cham- And yet, Israel remains a strong, stable, and be in the best interest of the entire region. bers of commerce and others who helped reliable ally. As we learned in our subcommittee hearing focus the pressure on the Republican leaders More than ever, we must do all we can to on the Sahel crisis last May, Islamic extrem- in Congress to act. strengthen our critical relationship. ists have their sights set on making inroads This has been an anxious time for home- H.R. 938, the United States-Israel Strategic wherever there is conflict, across the belt of owners, but the immense pressure by families Partnership Act of 2013, will do just that. Central Africa stretching from Senegal to and the business community on the House It designates Israel as a ‘‘major strategic Sudan and beyond. Continuing unrest in the GOP was an effort that paid off. This Con- partner’’ and increases our mutually beneficial two Sudans only serves to provide training gress has an unfortunate reputation for not ad- cooperation in the areas of energy, science, grounds or bases of operation for terrorists. dressing the challenges that middle class fam- water, agriculture, alternative fuel tech- Hardened ethnic conflict can spread to long- ilies face. Today, we can come together to do nologies, and homeland security. term enmity that no peace agreement alone just that. At a time of deep political division in Con- can resolve. Hopefully, this will not be the I thank my Florida colleagues who worked gress, this bill has across the board support, case in South Sudan, but that conflict is head- in a bipartisan manner to bring relief to more with 351 cosponsors, a reflection that our alli- ed in that ominous direction. than two million National Flood Insurance Pro- ance with Israel is rooted in shared national gram policyholders in our state and I urge a interests, common values of democracy and Two years ago, I held a meeting in my of- ‘‘yes’’ vote on the bill. freedom, and a recognition that the same fice with representatives from Sudan’s Nubian, f forces threatening Israel also threaten the Darfuri, Beja and Nuba communities, who all United States. believe that Khartoum is engaged in a long- 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE NA- I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- term effort to exterminate non-Arab Sudanese. TIONAL COOPERATIVE EXTEN- porting H.R. 938. Have we missed such a pernicious campaign SION SERVICE f while hopping from one crisis to another as each appeared? HON. JASON T. SMITH NAGORNO KARABAKH ANTONOMOUS REGION OF AZER- The purpose of last week’s hearing was to OF MISSOURI BAIJAN examine current U.S. policy toward Sudan and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES South Sudan to see how we can unify our pol- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 HON. JUDY CHU icy in order to more effectively end long-run- Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise ning tragedies that appear get worse despite OF CALIFORNIA today to honor the 100th Anniversary of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all the busy attention to which we pay them. National Cooperative Extension Service. The This involves more than what the Department Smith-Lever Act of 1914 created this edu- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 of State and other executive agencies do, or cational partnership which began between the Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, twenty-six years even what support Congress can provide. Ad- U.S. Department of Agriculture and the na- ago, the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Re- vocacy and humanitarian organizations also tion’s land-grant universities. The Cooperative gion of Azerbaijan petitioned to become part must join government in seeing the forest and Extension Service grants state universities of Armenia. Their desire to determine their not just the trees, so to speak. funds to produce significant research which is own future was met with brutal force and vio- We must develop, support and implement available for the use of the public across the lence that was tragically reminiscent to events policies toward Sudan and South Sudan that nation. In addition, research based education preceding the Armenian Genocide. make sense in the long term and not just programs have improved the lives of many For the next two years, the Armenian popu- produce temporarily satisfying peace accords through the advancements made in farming, lation was the target of racially motivated po- that have no sustainability. Peace and pros- business, health services, and emergency groms. Hundreds were murdered, many more perity for both countries are linked, and we management. were wounded, and the Armenian community must act accordingly. The hearing, we hope, In the Show-Me State, the Missouri Exten- still grapples with the scars from the horrific will serve to highlight what must be done. sion Services have been fundamental to com- attacks in Sumgait, Kirovabad, and Baku.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05MR8.016 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 5, 2014 On February 20, 1988, Nagorno Karabakh contributions to our communities are equally PERSONAL EXPLANATION began its national liberation movement with a impactful. Tom dedicated his time and energy resolution to secede from Azerbaijan, and on to numerous nonprofit agencies including the HON. LUIS V. GUTIE´RREZ December 10, 1991, Nagorno Karabakh offi- Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences, Tama- OF ILLINOIS cially declared independence, becoming a rack Foundation, United Way of West Virginia, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES democratic state committed to freedom and Hospice, Charleston Area Medical Center, and respect for human rights. But today, the peo- the American Cancer Society. He served on Wednesday, March 5, 2014 ple of Nagorno Karabakh are still forced to live the Lewisburg Building Commission, West Vir- Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- under the constant threat of violence from ginia Education Fund, YMCA Spirit of the Val- avoidably absent in the House chamber for Azerbaijan. ley, and the West Virginia Economic Develop- votes on Tuesday, March 4, 2014. As we commemorate the somber anniver- ment Authority, along with a host of other val- Had I been present, I would have voted sary of the beginnings of their struggle, we uable community and state organizations. And ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall vote 91 in support of passage wish for the peaceful resolution of this conflict lastly, the Shepherd Center of the Greenbrier of the Homeowner Flood Insurance Afford- and the right of the Nagorno Karabakh people Valley, who is honoring him with its Commu- ability Act of 2014. to determine their own future. nity Service Award for Tom’s fulfillment of its Had I been present, I would have voted f three tenets: lifelong learning, service to oth- ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall vote 92 in support of H. Res. ers, and spiritual growth. 488 supporting the people of Venezuela. The PERSONAL EXPLANATION Tom Bulla resides in Lewisburg, West Vir- Venezuelan people have the right to protest ginia with his wife, Nancy. Known affection- peacefully without fear of violence or intimida- HON. JIM GERLACH ately as ‘‘Papa’’ or ‘‘Papa T’’ by his grand- tion. OF PENNSYLVANIA children, Tom enjoys spending time with his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES extended family and his lifelong love: auto- f Wednesday, March 5, 2014 mobiles. THE 25TH SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr. Speaker, the State of West Virginia, our Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, unfortunately, OF THE CONGRESSIONAL BLACK communities, and indeed, the United States of CAUCUS VETERANS BRAINTRUST on February 25, 2014, I missed two recorded America owe Tom Bulla a debt of gratitude for votes on the House floor. Had I been present, his many years of distinguished service in his I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 63 and professional and personal life. I am honored to HON. CORRINE BROWN ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 64. call him a friend and fellow West Virginian. OF FLORIDA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRIBUTE TO L. TOM BULLA f Wednesday, March 5, 2014 THE IMPORTANCE OF WOMEN PAR- Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO TICIPATING IN A PEACEFUL to commemorate March 5, Boston’s Crispus OF WEST VIRGINIA RESOLUTION TO THE CONFLICT Attucks Day, and to celebrate the 25th Silver IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN SYRIA Anniversary of the Congressional Black Cau- cus Veterans Braintrust which took place this Wednesday, March 5, 2014 past September within a truly unique historical Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. ALBIO SIRES and contemporary context of Black, or African recognize the career and contributions of Mr. OF NEW JERSEY American military service and sacrifice. First, a L. Tom Bulla, upon the occasion of his receipt IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES series of national commemorations: the 200th of the Shepherd Center of Greenbrier Valley’s Wednesday, March 5, 2014 anniversary of the War of 1812, the 150th an- Community Service Award. Mr. Bulla’s work niversary of the Civil War to Save the Union ethic and volunteer spirit are truly deserving of Mr. SIRES. Mr. Speaker, this month marks and End Slavery, the 100th anniversary of the this award, as he has proudly served commu- the 3 year anniversary of the conflict in Syria. death of Harriet Tubman, known as ‘‘The Gen- nities, both in his professional and private life. This conflict is destabilizing the region and has eral,’’ the 90th anniversary of the burial of Col. Tom began his career in 1962 and worked created the largest humanitarian crises we Charles Young, the third black graduate from diligently to build a solid reputation as a cred- have ever seen. Over 100,000 people have al- West Point, the 70th anniversary of the D-Day ible leader in the North Carolina and Virginia ready been killed and 9 million people are cur- Invasion, the 60th anniversary of the Korean banking communities. In 1981, he was hired rently in desperate need of humanitarian as- War, the 50th anniversary of the assassination as president, CEO, and director of Huntington sistance. 3 million people are in hard to reach of Medgar Evers, World War II veteran and Trust and Savings Bank in West Virginia. In areas and over 250,000 people have been cut Civil Rights Hero, 50th anniversary of the Viet- 1985, Tom oversaw the successful merger of off from assistance for over a year. The UN nam War, and the 12th anniversary of 9/11; Huntington Trust with the First Huntington Na- has characterized the situation as ‘‘dramatic and second, amid the drum beat of war, with tional Bank. Shortly thereafter, his services beyond description.’’ There have already been the U.S. threatened bombing of Syria, the were requested at Charleston National Bank, multiple failed attempts at peace-talks and senseless violence of Aaron Alexis and the where he would serve as president and CEO, cease-fires. The international community and Washington, DC, Navy Yard shooting ram- and again direct the merger of two West Vir- Syrian forces must come together to find a page, and the battle of the budget, or yet an- ginia banks; Charleston National with Bank long over-due peaceful agreement and end other governmental shutdown on October 1st, One, in 1993. A year later, Tom accepted a these inhumane and debilitating acts of vio- affecting more than 800,000 employees at a position as president, CEO, and director of lence. cost of $25 billion. According to the U.S. Of- First National Bankshares Corporation and As we celebrate International Women’s Day fice of Personnel Management, a dispropor- The First National Bank in Ronceverte, West on March 8th, 2014, there is no better time to tionate number of the furloughed federal work- Virginia. Tom was very active in the West Vir- recognize the role of women in these pro- ers were Black, or African American, who ginia Bankers’ Association, serving both on its tracted conflicts. They are not just the victims made up 17.7 percent of the workforce. Board of Directors and as its Chairman from of violence; they are the resilient leaders work- Chaplain Michael McCoy, Sr., provided the 1996 through 1997. Additionally, Tom was se- ing tirelessly to keep their families safe. Veterans Braintrust forum’s invocation and lected by his colleagues to serve on the Fed- Women leaders, who are pushing for peace benediction because we know from experi- eral Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh’s Board of can help further peace negotiations, under- ence that Washington forums that start with an Directors from 1997 until 2000. stand a country’s needs for an inclusive transi- invocation and end with a benediction are Tom’s career shepherded him into public tion process and put Syrians on a path to rec- blessed occasions. Welcoming remarks were service with an appointment from Governor onciliation. given by Representatives CHARLES RANGEL JOE MANCHIN as the state’s first Secretary of While we continue to search for solutions, (NY–13), SANFORD BISHOP, Jr. (GA–02), EDDIE Commerce, where he successfully managed the United States joined by the rest of the BERNICE JOHNSON (TX–30) and myself. With the consolidation of seven government agen- world must do all it can to have an inclusive Representative SANFORD BISHOP, Jr. speaking cies. peace process that alleviates the tremendous in his role as the Ranking Democrat on the As impressive as Tom’s achievements in amount of suffering being inflicted on Syria’s House Appropriations Subcommittee on Mili- banking and the public sector have been, his civilian population. tary Construction and Veterans Affairs, and as

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05MR8.020 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 5, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E311 Co-Chair of the bi-partisan Congressional Mili- ductions for the upcoming Montford Point Ma- added proposition for the business community, tary Family Caucus expressing a keen aware- rines movie ‘‘Black Boots.’’ and hiring a veteran is not only the right thing, ness of the dangers sequestration and fur- Our distinguished panel consisted of Keith but also a smart business decision. Also when loughs are having on our nation’s Miller, President, Foundation for Advancement considering a veteran, do not fixate on their servicemembers, military families, and vet- in Science and Education (FASE); Dr. Mike military rank, or job title—instead, view their erans, and further reductions to the active-duty Haynie, Executive Director and Founder of the attributes. Equally important, realize they are Army, National Guard and the Army Reserves. Institute for Veterans and Military Families coming from a very different culture, have con- In addition, as the representative in the U.S. (IVMF) at Syracuse University; Darlene vertible task-oriented skill, years of leadership House for Fort Benning, the third largest Army Young, National President of Blacks in Gov- experience, a code of ethics, and winner’s atti- Base in the country where sequestration will ernment (BIG); Col. Kevin Preston, USA, Ret., tude. Moreover, our nation’s veterans rep- have a dramatic impact on the soldiers, their Director of the Veterans Initiative for the Walt resent our society’s best, so ‘‘hire a vet.’’ families, and the Columbus, GA, community. Disney Company/ESPN; Lewis Runnion, Di- Mr. Runnion described how Bank of Amer- Further, he emphasized, if sequestration goes rector of the Military Affairs Advisory Group at ica’s (BOA) Military Affairs Advisory Group forward, the Army will reduce over 210,000 Bank of America (BOA); Mayor Setti Warren was formed to bring together partners from soldiers to meet their budgetary requirements. of Newton, Massachusetts, Chairman of the across the company to help service members Afterward Members were called away to the Community Development and Housing Com- reintegrate into the civilian workforce through Capitol to talk on the floor and vote on the mittee, U.S. Conference of Mayors; Mike Betz, education, employment, wellness and housing. budget, and the forum was turned over to General Manager, Military Student Initiatives, Additionally, how BOA supports our nation’s moderator Ron E. Armstead, Executive Direc- Education Corporation of America (ECA); Ed- active-duty military and veterans in three tor. Yet the forum remained well attended, ward Jennings, Jr., U.S. Department of Hous- major areas: (1) Recruiting and Employment, powerful, and there was a tremendous amount ing and Urban Development, Southeast Re- (2) Customer Support, and (3) Community of energy in the room. gional Administrator; John Moran, Deputy As- Outreach. One specific example he shared The keynote address was given by the first sistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor was BOA’s three-year commitment to make up African American to obtain the rank of Three Veterans Employment and Training Service to 1,000 properties available to military vet- Star Admiral in the U.S. Coast Guard, Admiral (VETS); Everett Kelley, National Vice Presi- eran support organizations and other non-prof- Manson K. Brown, a native of Washington, dent for the American Federation of Govern- it, community-based groups, which provide DC, who brought greetings from the 24th ment Employees (AFGE); and Dr. Shelley housing to military veterans and their families. Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, Admi- MacDermid Wadsworth, Director, Military Fam- Again, he reasserted, BOA has supported the ral Robert J. Papp, Jr. As Commanding Officer ily Research Institute and Center for Families U.S. military for more than 90 years, by con- of Coast Guard Headquarters he asked all at Purdue University. Their presentations were tributing to military non-profits, providing bank- veterans to stand and be recognized, and to lively and moving, but also very informative ing services to military service members, and let our Navy friends, colleagues and family and focused to the point, thus holding the au- recruiting and retaining military veterans, members know that our thoughts and prayers dience to the end and well worth it. Guard and Reservists, and military spouses. continued to be with them over the tragic loss Mr. Miller read a statement about DC resi- Mayor Warren cited the U.S. Conference of of so many lives at the Washington, DC, Navy dent Shirley Gibson, a real hero. She and Mayors Hunger and Homeless Survey (De- Yard. Adm. Brown went on to say the key ob- other critical incident stress management team cember, 2012), sharing excerpts from the ex- jective during the sequester has been to pre- members, along with rescue workers, put their ecutive summary—lack of affordable housing serve the ability of the Coast Guard to meet health on the line in the aftermath of New as a leading cause, followed by poverty, un- the highest priority mission activities, including York City’s 9/11 tragedy, and were later employment, evictions and violence. In addi- search and rescue, critical security operations, helped by an innovative detoxification treat- tion, he discussed sequestration’s impact on and emergency response. In addition, he ment that was made available to them. Such U.S. cities at the local level. While pointing out pointed out that as part of Adm. Papp’s com- innovative treatments as this rely on research that cities are the laboratories of innovation, mitment to support the President and First funding. Unfortunately such funding is often and along with their surrounding suburbs rep- Lady’s efforts to strengthen military families the first to go when there are budget cuts. resent 90 percent of the nation’s wage and over the last three years, the Coast Guard has Consequently, sequestration is a threat to both salary income, which drives the national econ- strengthened their military housing program, the quality of life and health of our veterans. omy. Subsequently, 163 mayors have signed enhanced child development services, and im- Dr. Haynie commented on the applications the U.S. Conference of Mayor’s letter express- proved communications between operational of sequester, and more broadly programmed ing opposition to sequester cuts that will deep- commanders and families by strengthening reductions in federal spending, as the reduc- ly impact cities, for example, Community De- their Ombudsman network. They also tions are positioned to impact the employment velopment Block Grants (the largest and most launched a military family campaign, bringing situation of our nation’s veterans and their flexible stream of federal dollars to cities and a specific focus to strengthening their linkage families. To begin, one of the most immediate municipalities), particularly in addressing the with retirees, over the year, in order to create consequences of sequester for veterans is the needs of homeless veterans and homeless a vibrant national retiree network as a way to fact that 27.3 percent of the federal workforce veterans supportive services organizations, enhance outreach to Coast Guard veterans at is composed of military veterans, many of now, and leading up to 2015, or President large. In short, he reported that the Coast which will more than likely be furloughed. The Obama’s promise to end chronic homeless- Guard as a military service is managing DoD workforce will be particularly impacted, ness among veterans. through sequestration and shielding the im- as it will sustain approximately 52 percent of Mr. Betz, discussed today’s trends in edu- pacts where they can for military families and the total planned budget cuts. 44 percent of cation, as a result of troop drawdown and in- veterans. However, this is a delicate balancing the DoD workforce are military veterans— creased separation from the military. First, at act based on tough choices that senior Coast which speaks volumes about the potential ef- a time when overall educational enrollment is Guard leaders must make between military fects on our military readiness, due to the re- declining, student veteran enrollment con- families and veterans, or non-mission-critical sulting loss of valuable knowledge, skills and tinues to increase. Second, additional assist- training, air and surface operations reductions, experience. In the end, adding veterans cur- ance and coordination with the private employ- ships, aircraft and shore facilities deferred rently employed by the federal government to ment sector is needed to insure employment maintenance, as well as personnel staffing the ranks of the nation’s unemployed is posi- opportunities for our transitioning student vet- and travel cuts. In closing, Admiral Brown tioned to potentially overwhelm supportive erans where they may provide adequately for said, ‘‘In terms of today’s important Congres- services and community-based infrastructure their families. Third, he cautioned against our sional budgetary discussions, this situation already strained by limited resources. Re- growing regulatory environment, which threat- bears watching into an uncertain future.’’ search also suggests that many of our military ens to restrict awareness and access to train- The keynote address was followed by two and veterans families are already economi- ing for our transitioning veterans and limits in- very special presentations. The first recog- cally vulnerable, and in the face of Congres- stitutional choice. nized Harlem’s own, the late Dr. Joseph War- sional budget battles those families are likely Mr. Kelley, an Army veteran stressed how ren, a gifted scholar, teacher and leader who to become ‘‘collateral damage’’ of sequester— AFGE’s members know firsthand the pain that inspired many. Second, the Montford Point an indiscriminate and ill-conceived approach sequestration and furloughs inflict on lower Marines Associations recognized my efforts in to addressing the Nation’s fiscal challenges. wage federal workers and their families. Stat- the 2012 awarding of the Congressional Gold Retired Army Colonel Preston commented ing ‘‘the current assault on federal employers Medal, including Rebecca Lungren of 69 Pro- that our nation’s veterans represent a value- is one of the most vicious we have ever seen.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05MR8.025 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 5, 2014 We all know the real agenda behind seques- are unwillingly sent to the civilian job market Mungin, Commissioner of Women at Veterans tration and reduction in force: weakening gov- will need much more special assistance to en- Are Still Warriors, Veterans Serving Veterans, ernment programs that try to level the playing sure that they find jobs and/or positions that Inc., Ervin ‘‘Tootsie’’ Russell, USA, Vietnam field for the other 99 percent.’’ Further, for the maintain their present trajectories. veteran, AMERICAL Division. Posthumous: past five years, the VA has targeted low wage A fourth challenge that is in part an artifact Capt. William Cooke, USA, WWII; John D. positions filled primarily by minorities, vet- of the sequester and in-part a result of the al- O’Bryant, USA; Dr. Jay Carrington Chunn, II, erans, the disabled and women for ‘‘reclassi- ways-evolving diversity of families, especially USMC; Eddie Lee Washington, USA, an ac- fication.’’ Or those positions that Congress now that it is clear that marriage is an imper- complished musician & educator and Sgt. created after the Vietnam War to provide fect way to define military families. Because it John Wesley Motley, Jr., USA, Korean War. entry-level job opportunities for disabled vet- doesn’t address the families of single service Historic Groups, and Film: the Crispus Attucks erans. Similar, to broader-based budget cuts members whose parents, or sibling may con- Museum of Indianapolis, Jack Hadley Black at other federal agencies under sequestration, stitute their primary support system, and it History Museum in Thomasville, GA, and the VA’s downgrading initiative is both arbitrary doesn’t address committed partners who are film ‘‘Veterans of Color,’’ produced by the and vicious. Furthermore, we still have a great unmarried. In this period of financial con- Manasota Branch of the Association for the deal of work to do to fulfill President Obama’s straint, it might be tempting to forget about Study of African American Life and History mandate in Executive Order 13518 to make families. But every First Sergeant knows that (ASALH) in Florida, and music culminating federal government the leader in creating new families are key in the minds of service mem- with Ray Charles soulful rendition of ‘‘America job opportunities for veterans. Veterans com- bers, families are who they worry about while the Beautiful.’’ prise nearly 42 percent of DOD’s workforce, they serve, families make it possible for them Equally important, our once in a lifetime nearly 25 percent of Homeland Securities to serve, families support them while they awards guest speaker was none other than workforce, and nearly 28 percent of VA’s serve, and families care for them when they Dr. Mark Attucks, the fifth generation descend- workforce. In conclusion, he said, ‘‘we need to come home, especially when they are wound- ant of Crispus Attucks, the first American mar- find a solution to the sequester, and not hold ed or injured. Consequently, families are far tyr to die during the Boston Massacre on our military and their civilian supporters hos- too important to ignore, but she feels that is March 5, 1770, a prelude to the American tage.’’ That is why AFGE is supporting HR what could happen because of the perfect Revolution, accompanied by his father Jesse 2785 introduced by Congressman TIMOTHY storm of sequester and policy complexities. Attucks, Jr., a decorated U.S. Marine who WALZ (MN–01), to expand veterans preference The question and answer period provided served in Vietnam. His ancestor was the first rights for reservists, and for employees of the the attendees a long awaited opportunity to of more than 5,000 African American Patriots VA health care system who do not have title both comment and ask questions of the pan- who served our country in the Revolutionary five appeal rights. elist. War. In 1888, a monument was built to honor And Dr. MacDermid Wadsworth, reiterated, While the government shutdown lasted 16 his forefather and the events of that fateful African Americans comprise a significant per- days, five fewer than in 1995—the budget bat- day in our nation’s history. The following poem centage of service members and veterans, tles, partisanship, gridlock and Congressional was written and read at the dedication cere- and have fought for the right to fight. And inaction have left many Americans confidence mony by John Boyle O’Reilly. there is solid scientific evidence that shows shaken with respect to the government ac- ‘‘Where shall we seek for a hero, and where the military has provided an environment for cording to several recent polls. American trust shall we find a story? African American service members and their in government, and belief that it can solve Our laurels are wreathed for conquest, our families that allows them to avoid some of the pressing problems is at an all-time low. How- songs for completed glory; But we significant inequities that plague civilian soci- ever, despite highly negative views of govern- honor a shrine unfinished, a column with pride, ety. For example, in civilian society, Black ment, particularly Congress, according to Rep- If we sing the deed that was sown like seed men are far less likely to marry and far more resentative SANFORD BISHOP, Jr., the recent when Crispus Attucks died. likely to divorce than their white counterparts. veterans unemployment rate, the lowest since ‘‘Honor to Crispus Attucks, who was leader In the military, these differentials disappear, 2001, tells a very different story. Post 9/11 and voice that day largely because economic resources are less veteran’s unemployment is now below the na- The first to defy, and the first to die, with likely to be tied to race. The military has also tional average, and for the first time since Maverick, Carr and Gray provided career opportunities and resources 2001 veterans are being hired at a faster rate Call it riot or revolution, his hand first for single parents, ensuring that their children than non-veterans. This improvement dem- clenched at the crown have access to health care and childcare— onstrates that when Congress works together His feet were the first in perilous place to something their enlisted parents would have for a common cause we can make a dif- pull the King’s flag down His breast was the first one rent apart that great difficulty obtaining in the civilian labor ference. liberty’s stream might flow force with just a high school education. More- The 25th silver anniversary gala reception For our freedom now and forever, his head over, she said, the sequester and the military and awards ceremony was held in veterans was the first laid low drawdown pose a number of significant chal- hearing room 334 of the Cannon House Office Call it riot or revolution, or mob or crowd, lenges. Building, and consisted of both church, and as you may First, the sequester has had a cascading ef- club music. Church in terms of the fellowship, Such deaths have been seed of nations, and fect on family support in DOD. Because the spiritually uplifting and awe inspiring presen- such lives shall be honored for aye.’’ rules of the sequester limit the ways that DOD tation of special Congressional Awards to Sgt. In 1998, the U.S. Mint authorized a com- can implement reductions, the pressure to cut James Guilford, Jr., USA, WWII (102 years memorative silver dollar honoring Crispus programs that help to minimize the corrosion old); Kenneth Guscott, U.S. Army Air Force, Attucks and the Black Revolutionary War Pa- that military service can impose on families is WWII; Hon. Federal Judge George Leighton, triots. However, two little known facts stand- especially intense. The furlough’s have effec- Ret., USA, WWII (100 years old); Dr. Rodney out: First, his name Attucks does not have any tively reduced much of the workforce by 20 Atkins, Co-Chair, Annual Texas African Amer- European roots. Simply speaking the current percent, and prevented the replacement of de- ican Soldiers Recognition Day; Johnnie Col- spelling is not a ‘‘slave’’ name. Second, from parting workers. For example: 30 percent of lins, Jr., Executive Director, AMVETS, Depart- the American Revolution to the present day an family support positions in the Army are cur- ment of DC; James ‘‘Jack’’ Hadley, Founder & Attucks has served in the military, fighting for rently unable to be filled. Curator of the Jack Hadley Black History Mu- America’s freedom, making Attucks the na- Second, the sequester is causing reductions seum; Chaplain Michael McCoy, Sr., National tion’s longest serving military family. that may be disproportionately hurtful to the President of the Military Chaplain Association Lastly, special 25th Silver Anniversary thank programs that prevent and reduce child mal- & Associate Director Diversity Development, yous go to Dr. Frank Smith, Jr., Dr. William treatment, interpersonal violence, and other U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; Philadel- Lawson, Dr. Donna Holland Barnes, Shannon important family-related issues. phia City Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, Gopaul, Clyde Sims, Jr., James Gordon, Jr., Third, the drawdown will pose difficult chal- Widow of Hon. Lucien Blackwell (PA–02), a Charles Henderson, Edward Daniels II, Lela lenges in terms of reducing military opportuni- decorated Korean War veteran, Ari Campbell, Carolyn Williams, Rev. Marsina ties in the future for African Americans to pur- Merretazon, 1st Vice President of Pointman Mungin, Cathy Santos, Chaplain Michael sue careers in an environment free of many Soldiers McCoy, Sr., Ralph ‘‘Coop’’ Cooper, Ernest inequities we have been unable to erase in ci- Heart Ministry & 2012 Black Male Engage- Washington, Jr., Anthony ‘‘Tony’’ Hawkins, vilian society. Careers already underway will ment (BME) Leadership Award Winner for Vet- Clarence ‘‘Tiger’’ Davis, LeRoy Colston II, be cut short. The black service members who erans Community Development, Rev. Marsena Thomas ‘‘Tom’’ Harris, Mildred ‘‘Milli’’ Smith,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05MR8.026 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 5, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E313 Morocco ‘‘Roc’’ Coleman, Robert ‘‘Big Bob’’ PERSONAL EXPLANATION optometry in the Jackson Ward neighborhood. Blackwell, Cheryl Holland-Jones, the Edu- He was an active member of the Virginia, Na- cational Corporation of America (ECA), T. Mi- HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ tional and American optometric societies and chael Sullivan and the William Joiner Institute OF PENNSYLVANIA was chosen as Virginia’s Optometrist of the Year in 1980. for the Study of War and Social Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sequences, and Congressional staff members Benny came to the Virginia General Assem- Ronnie Simmons, Lee Footer, Stephanie Wednesday, March 5, 2014 bly after years of political and civic activism, Anim-Yankah, Jonathan Halpern, Adam Ms. SCHWARTZ. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall which helped him to become a very influential McCombs, George Henry, Hannah Kim, and No. 85, I was unable to attend the vote. Had and effective legislator during his 30 year ten- Reba Raffaelli. I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ ure. He severed on several committees in the Congratulations on 25 years, during which f General Assembly, including Education and the journey has been the destination. Health, General Laws, Privileges and Elec- HONORING PATRICK DENEEN tions, General Government, and Health and f Human Resources. He also has the distinction HON. DAVID G. REICHERT of being the first African American in the 20th PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF WASHINGTON century to serve on the Virginia Senate Fi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nance Committee. Additionally, he chaired the Subcommittees HON. JOAQUIN CASTRO Wednesday, March 5, 2014 on Higher Education and General Govern- OF TEXAS Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to ment, the Brown v. Board Scholarship Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor an Olympic athlete from Washington mission, and the Lead Abatement Sub- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 State’s 8th District, Mr. Patrick Deneen. Mr. committee. Benny also served as a member of Deneen just returned from representing our the Joint Commission on Health Care, the Mr. CASTRO of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on roll- nation in the XXII Olympic Winter Games in Joint Subcommittee Studying the Election call No. 91 on H.R. 3370, Homeowner Flood Sochi, Russia. Mr. Deneen is an incredible Process and Voting Technologies, the Dr. Insurance Affordability Act of 2013, I am not athlete who has reached the pinnacle of his Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commission, recorded. Had I been present, I would have sport and achieved a well-deserved 6th place the Commission on State Employees Health voted ‘‘yea.’’ finish in the Men’s Moguls event. Benefits Reform, and the Virginia Legislative I applaud both his achievement and the Black Caucus. In 2010, Governor Bob McDon- f hard work and perseverance that paid off dur- nell appointed him vice chair of the Commis- CONGRATULATING THE MINORITY ing these games. Simply to attend the Olym- sion on Government Reform and Restruc- BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AGEN- pics is an honor, and to do so well is a testa- turing. CY ON ITS 45TH ANNIVERSARY ment to everything Mr. Deneen has accom- Outside of government, Benny had a very AND THE OPENING OF MBDA plished. I thank him for representing America active civic life. He was a member of the BUSINESS CENTER AT HOUSTON so well, and I am proud to call him a con- NAACP, the Richmond Crusade for Voters, COMMUNITY COLLEGE stituent and a Washingtonian. the Jackson Ward Civic Association, the Rich- mond Jaycees, the North Richmond YMCA, f and he served on the board of his alma mater, HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY Virginia Union University. Benny was also an OF TEXAS OF DR. BENJAMIN J. LAMBERT III active member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Inc. Benny devoted his career in and out of pub- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT lic service to the citizens of Richmond and OF VIRGINIA Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise Central Virginia, always doing what he thought IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to congratulate the Minority Business was best for his community, regardless of the Development Agency, MBDA, on its 45th anni- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 political consequences. versary and commend its commitment and Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. Speaker, words alone cannot express success in promoting the growth and competi- today to honor the life and legacy of my friend the tremendous loss to the Richmond commu- tiveness of a critical segment of the U.S. and former colleague in the Virginia General nity and the Commonwealth of Virginia with economy, the minority business community. Assembly, Dr. Benjamin J. Lambert III, who Benny’s passing. Benny Lambert was a hum- For the past 45 years, the MBDA has provided passed away on Sunday, March 2, 2014. ble optometrist that achieved so much on be- an essential service to this nation, working to Benny, as he was affectionately known by half of his community during his 77 years of level the playing field for minority-owned busi- his friends, family, and constituents, was a life. My thoughts and prayers are with Benny’s nesses. pioneering figure in Virginia politics. We were wife Carolyn, his children and grandchildren, The results speak for themselves. At the both elected to the Virginia House of Dele- and his many friends and admirers during this time of MBDA’s creation there were only gates in 1977. In 1980, Benny became the difficult time. 322,000 minority-owned firms in the nation. first African American elected to represent the f Today, the number stands at 5.8 million; Commonwealth on the Democratic National RED BANK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 215,000 of which are in the City of Houston. Committee. In 1985, he was elected over- BUSINESS MENTOR PROGRAM Over the last five years in particular, the whelmingly to fill the seat vacated by then- MBDA has assisted firms gain access to over Lieutenant Governor Doug Wilder. During my $19 billion in contracts and capital resulting in time serving alongside Benny, I always ad- HON. JOE WILSON OF SOUTH CAROLINA the creation and retention of nearly 60,000 mired his ability to build strong relationships IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES jobs. with his colleagues, work across the aisle, and Today, the MBDA is celebrating this day in take the tough positions that were not always Wednesday, March 5, 2014 my district by launching a new MBDA Busi- politically popular but were the ones he be- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- ness Center at Houston Community College, lieved were right for his constituents. er, The American Dream is attainable with which was awarded a three-year $900,000 Benny was born in Richmond on January hard work and dedication. South Carolina is grant to operate the MBDA Business Center. 29, 1937 to Frances and Benjamin J. Lambert, very fortunate to have devoted teachers who HCC’s MBDA Business Center will help boost Jr. He attended Henrico County Schools at a dedicated to helping every child succeed. This job creation and global competitiveness of mi- time when they were still racially segregated. week, a group of teachers and students from nority-owned businesses across the nation. I He graduated from Virginia Randolph High Red Bank Elementary School in Lexington, look forward to continuing to work with MBDA School in Glen Allen, just outside of Rich- South Carolina, are visiting Washington to see and Houston Community College to create mond. He went on to earn his undergraduate the government at work. I am very proud of jobs locally so that we may thrive globally. degree from Virginia Union University, and his this group of young people, as they are dedi- Congratulations, MBDA, on 45 years of graduate degree from the Massachusetts Col- cated to achieving a bright future by partici- great work. May the next 45 years be even lege of Optometry. After graduate school, pating in their school’s Business Mentor Pro- better. Benny returned to Richmond and practiced gram.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05MR8.026 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 5, 2014 The Red Bank Elementary School Business entirely new street in downtown Pensacola, is a shining example of the kind of world-class Mentor Program engages children in learning which was given to the City of Pensacola at newspaper envisioned by our Founding Fa- by connecting them with local mentors affili- no cost to the taxpayer. thers. They have enriched Northwest Florida ated with businesses in the Midlands commu- With the space available in its new location, for 125 years, and my wife Vicki and I send nity. Leaders from Michelin Tire Corporation, the News-Journal Company constructed one our congratulations to all the staff of the News Lexington Medical Center, Prysmian Group, of the most modern and advanced newspaper Journal, both current and former, and wish Riverbanks Zoo and Botanical Garden, and he structures in the Southeast. The company’s them continued success in the future. South Carolina State Museum have impacted meteoric growth continued throughout the f 1950s when it added a new pressroom and close to 150 students over the past three HONORING MIDFIELD HIGH brand new state-of-the-art three-unit Goss years. By connecting the skills each student SCHOOL AS ’S CLASS Headliner Press. By the end of the decade, learns in the classroom to a professional envi- 3A BOY’S STATE BASKETBALL the paper required even more room to operate ronment, these bright children are given the CHAMPIONS opportunity to chase their dreams. its growing enterprise, and by 1960 the News- As a member of the House Education and Journal company headquarters had more than the Workforce Committee, I am encouraged doubled in space and added two additional HON. TERRI A. SEWELL by the opportunities these young students are press units. OF ALABAMA able to enjoy and appreciate the business Thanks to the two papers’ well-earned rep- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mentors for contributing to their future. utation for quality journalism, the first-rate pub- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 f lication infrastructure, and robust circulations, Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I the News-Journal Company was acquired by rise today to pay tribute to the Midfield High RECOGNIZING THE 125TH ANNIVER- the Nation’s largest newspaper publisher, School Patriots for their victory in the 2014 SARY OF THE PENSACOLA NEWS Gannett Company, Inc., in 1969 for $15.5 mil- Class 3A Alabama State Basketball Cham- JOURNAL lion. Six years after the purchase, the News- pionship. On behalf of the 7th Congressional Journal building underwent another renova- District, I congratulate the Patriots for the tre- HON. JEFF MILLER tion, highlighted by the construction of a new mendous athleticism and teamwork they dis- OF FLORIDA plant that was on the cutting edge of news- played throughout the season under the out- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES paper technology. standing leadership of Head Coach Darrell After operating under the same roof for Wednesday, March 5, 2014 Barber and his coaching staff. Midfield High more than six decades, the Pensacola Daily School won its second state championship in Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise News and the Pensacola Journal were com- three years with its victory over Barbour Coun- to recognize the 125th anniversary of the Pen- bined in 1985, to create one morning news- ty on Saturday, March 1. These young men sacola News Journal. During its incredible 125 paper called the News Journal. The News and their coaches pursued excellence and year history, the News Journal has been an Journal carried on the proud traditions of both were driven by hard work and determination invaluable resource for the people of Pensa- long-time Pensacola institutions and continued during every game of the season. The Patriots cola and Northwest Florida, and we are proud its commitment to meeting the needs of the finished the season undefeated in their region to have such a first-class newspaper in our expanding Northwest Florida community. A and lost only 7 games overall. community. new Goss Headliner offset press was installed As the daughter of a high school basketball In 1889, two local newspapermen, John to enhance the quality of their printing oper- coach, I know this decisive victory is the result O’Connor and John C. Witt, gathered support ation, and the paper won several national of the tremendous efforts of both the players from the local business community to start a newspaper awards for investigative reporting and coaching staff of Midfield High School. daily morning paper. The paper, originally and environmental coverage. Coach Barber is known for setting high expec- known as the Daily News, was first published In 2004, the News Journal expanded into tations for his players and assisting them in on March 5, 1889, with a staff of ten people the digital age during coverage of the dev- meeting those expectations. The exemplary working to write and produce the paper in astating Hurricane Ivan. Despite the cata- leadership and dedicated support from the downtown Pensacola. The newly created strophic impact of the storm, which caused coaching staff was a major factor in the suc- paper quickly began to flourish and within a nearly $20 billion in economic damages, the cess of the Midfield Patriots. decade had a daily circulation of more than News Journal was able to use its generator In the championship game, the Midfield Pa- 1,500. Thanks to the success of the Daily and one working phone line to transmit photo- triots defeated Barbour County by 22 points News, a rival paper, the Pensacola Journal graphs and news coverage of the storm to a for a final score of 62–40. The Patriots forced was started by M. Loftin in March 1897. The sister paper to post on the News Journal’s 11 turnovers, but only gave up the ball seven following year, the Pensacola Journal became website. During this difficult time, the News times. In the second half, the Midfield Patriots led a daily and began directly competing with the Journal relayed stories to millions across the by as many as 25 points and never less than Daily News through publication of a highly re- world, aid their outstanding coverage earned 13 points. During the entire fourth quarter, the garded afternoon daily. the newspaper a Pulitzer Prize finalist nomina- Patriots never led by less than 20 points. For more than two decades, these two com- tion, the second in the paper’s history. Tournament MVP Aaron Gaines scored 22 peting papers fought to expand their reach in Pensacola’s proud newspaper tradition con- points with four 3-pointers. Alvin Murry com- the growing Pensacola community. While this tinues today as the Pensacola News Journal pleted the game with 15 points and 10 re- fierce competition raised the quality of both celebrates its 125th anniversary. The News bounds. Jermaine Turner scored 11 points papers, it also required constant innovation Journal continues to provide excellent cov- and made eight assists and seven rebounds. and expansion, leaving them both in precar- erage to more than 31,000 daily and 47,000 Following the victory, Head Coach Darrell ious financial shape. In 1922, John H. Perry, Sunday subscribers. In addition, the paper’s Barber thanked God, his family and the Mid- a Kentucky native, arrived in Pensacola and website,, provides constant news to field community for supporting the Patriots decided to purchase the Pensacola Journal. more than 500,000 visitors, logging more than throughout the season. He explained how the Two years later, he purchased the Daily News 4.3 million page views per month. The News nay-sayers gave the team motivation making and merged the two publications to under the Journal’s tradition of evolving to meet the them more dedicated to win. ‘‘It gave us a little News-Journal Company umbrella. needs of the community will continue this fuel,’’ he told following the victory. ‘‘As With the reporting resources of both papers summer when the company moves into a new you all know myself and my guys, we play now working together and the business acu- digital facility that will help the paper continue with a chip on our shoulder and we coach with men of the News-Journal Company leader- to provide the quality reporting that local resi- a chip on our shoulder to get this program rec- ship, the two papers began an era of unbri- dents have grown to trust. ognition.’’ dled growth and expansion. The News-Journal Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States Winning the state championship is a proud Company moved to a new larger location in Congress, I am privileged to recognize the moment these boys achieved through hard downtown Pensacola; however, because of 125th anniversary of the Pensacola News work and commitment. Members of the team the meteoric growth of the papers, they quick- Journal. Freedom of the Press, as guaranteed include: Eric Billups, Kelvin Eatmon, Aaron ly outgrew this location and began plans for by the First Amendment, is one of the corner- Gaines, Ahmad Isaac, Derrick Morse, Jabril further development. In order to meet the stones of our Nation’s democracy, and it has Muhammad, Alvin Murry, Joseph Murry, Jer- needs of this growing company, the News- helped pave the way for American success emy Shields, Jermaine Turner, and Cedric Journal Company funded the creation of an and innovation. The Pensacola News Journal Russell.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05MR8.032 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 5, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E315 I would like to commend the Midfield coach- RECOGNIZING TECH MOLDED ple and technology. In the mid-1990s, Tech ing staff under the leadership of Head Coach PLASTICS AS PLASTICS NEWS Molded erected the factory building that now Darrell Barber and the assistant coaches in- PROCESSOR OF THE YEAR houses its company headquarters. In 2011, cluding Coaches Matthew Epps, Courtney AWARD the company expanded again by purchasing Jones, and Charles Thomas and the bus driv- the building adjacent to it with an investment of more than $1.5 million. Today, sons Scott, er, Mr. Rod Isaac. HON. MIKE KELLY OF PENNSYLVANIA Mark, and Doug still run the family business On behalf of the 7th Congressional District, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES along with their mother, Eva, manufacturing the State of Alabama and this nation, I ask my precision parts for the electronics, automotive, Wednesday, March 5, 2014 colleagues to join me in congratulating the ac- and medical industry. Employing 120 Penn- complishments of the Midfield High School Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I sylvanians and generating sales of $17.7 mil- Boys Basketball Team for their victory in the rise today to offer my heartiest congratulations lion, Tech Molded Plastics embodies the best to Tech Molded Plastics Inc., a family-owned Class 3A Alabama State Championship. Con- of America’s family-owned small businesses. injection mold company, on being named Mr. Speaker, in light of being awarded Proc- gratulations. Go Patriots. Plastics News’ Processor of the Year. Located in Meadville, Pennsylvania, Tech essor of the Year, I ask that my colleagues Molded Plastics celebrated its 40th year in join with me today in recognizing Tech Molded business just last year. In 1973, Bill Hanaway Plastics for its national leadership in the plas- and his wife Eva started their family business tics industry and for the invaluable contribu- in a rented garage. Over the years, Tech tions of the Hanaway family to the citizens of Molded has expanded and diversified its busi- Meadville and Western Pennsylvania. ness through smart investments in their peo-

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05MR8.034 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 5, 2014 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS agement of High Seas Fishery Re- 10 a.m. Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, sources in the South Pacific Ocean, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs agreed to by the Senate of February 4, done at Auckland, New Zealand, No- vember 14, 2009 (Treaty Doc.113–01), Subcommittee on Housing, Transpor- 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- Convention on the Conservation and tation, and Community Development tem for a computerized schedule of all Management of High Seas Fisheries To hold hearings to examine Superstorm meetings and hearings of Senate com- Resources in the North Pacific Ocean, Sandy recovery, focusing on ensuring mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- done at Tokyo on February 24, 2012, strong coordination among Federal, tees, and committees of conference. and signed by the United States on state, and local stakeholders. This title requires all such committees May 2, 2012 (Treaty Doc.113–02), Amend- SD–538 to notify the Office of the Senate Daily ment to the Convention on Future Committee on Health, Education, Labor, Digest—designated by the Rules Com- Multilateral Cooperation in the North- and Pensions mittee—of the time, place and purpose west Atlantic Fisheries, adopted on To hold hearings to examine how a fair of the meetings, when scheduled and September 28, 2007, at the twenty-ninth minimum wage will help working fami- lies succeed. any cancellations or changes in the Annual Meeting of the North Atlantic SD–430 meetings as they occur. Fisheries Organization (NAFO) (Treaty Doc.113–03), S. Res. 361, recognizing the Committee on Homeland Security and As an additional procedure along Governmental Affairs threats to freedom of the press and ex- with the computerization of this infor- To hold hearings to examine manage- pression in the People’s Republic of mation, the Office of the Senate Daily ment, focusing on creating a 21st cen- China and urging the Government of Digest will prepare this information for tury government. the People’s Republic of China to take printing in the Extensions of Remarks SD–342 meaningful steps to improve freedom Committee on the Judiciary section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD of expression as fitting of a responsible on Monday and Wednesday of each To hold hearings to examine certain international stakeholder, original nominations. week. Ukraine legislation, and the nomina- Meetings scheduled for Thursday, SD–226 tions of Bathsheba Nell Crocker, of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs March 6, 2014 may be found in the Daily District of Columbia, to be Assistant To hold a joint hearing with the House Digest of today’s RECORD. Secretary for International Organiza- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to ex- tion Affairs, Robert A. Wood, of New amine the legislative presentation of MEETINGS SCHEDULED York, for the rank of Ambassador dur- the Air Force Sergeants Association, ing his tenure of service as U.S. Rep- MARCH 11 American Ex-Prisoners of War, Fleet resentative to the Conference on Disar- Reserve Association, Gold Star Wives, 10 a.m. mament, Luis G. Moreno, of Texas, to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of Committee on Banking, Housing, and be Ambassador to Jamaica, John L. America, Non Commissioned Officers Urban Affairs Estrada, of Florida, to be Ambassador Association, Paralyzed Veterans of Subcommittee on Financial Institutions to the Republic of Trinidad and To- America, and Wounded Warrior and Consumer Protection bago, Joseph William Westphal, of New Project. To hold hearings to examine finding the York, to be Ambassador to the King- SD–G50 right capital regulations for insurers. 10:30 a.m. SD–538 dom of Saudi Arabia, Douglas Alan Committee on Appropriations Committee on Health, Education, Labor, Silliman, of Texas, to be Ambassador Subcommittee on Department of Defense and Pensions to the State of Kuwait, Mark Gilbert, To hold hearings to examine defense Subcommittee on Primary Health and of Florida, to be Ambassador to New health programs. Aging Zealand, and to serve concurrently and SD–192 To hold hearings to examine what the without additional compensation as Committee on the Budget U.S. health care system can learn from Ambassador to the Independent State To hold hearings to examine the Presi- other countries. of Samoa, and Matthew H. Tueller, of dent’s proposed budget request and rev- SD–430 Utah, to be Ambassador to the Repub- enue proposals for fiscal year 2015. Committee on Homeland Security and lic of Yemen, all of the Department of SD–608 Governmental Affairs State. 2 p.m. Subcommittee on Financial and Con- S–116 tracting Oversight Committee on Appropriations 2:30 p.m. Subcommittee on Department of Home- To hold hearings to examine whistle- Committee on Appropriations blower retaliation at the Hanford nu- land Security Subcommittee on Legislative Branch To hold hearings to examine proposed clear site. To hold hearings to examine proposed SD–628 budget estimates for fiscal year 2015 for budget estimates for fiscal year 2015 for 10:15 a.m. the Department of Homeland Security. the Congressional Budget Office and Committee on the Judiciary SD–138 the Government Accountability Office. To hold hearings to examine open gov- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs ernment and freedom of information, SD–192 To hold hearings to examine the Presi- focusing on reinvigorating the Free- Committee on Homeland Security and dent’s proposed budget request for fis- dom of Information Act for the digital Governmental Affairs cal year 2015 for Veterans’ Programs. age. Subcommittee on the Efficiency and Effec- SR–418 SD–226 tiveness of Federal Programs and the 2:30 p.m. 2:15 p.m. Federal Workforce Committee on Armed Services Committee on Armed Services To hold hearings to examine more effi- Subcommittee on Strategic Forces Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and cient and effective government, focus- To hold hearings to examine military Capabilities ing on improving the regulatory frame- space programs in review of the De- To hold closed hearings to examine work. fense Authorization Request for fiscal United States Special Operations Com- SD–419 year 2015 and the Future Years Defense mand in review of the Defense Author- Program. ization Request for fiscal year 2015 and MARCH 12 SR–222 the Future Years Defense Program; Committee on Banking, Housing, and 9:30 a.m. with the possibility of a closed session Urban Affairs Committee on Armed Services in SVC–217 following the open session. Subcommittee on Economic Policy To hold hearings to examine the situa- SR–222 To hold hearings to examine the state of Committee on Foreign Relations tion in Afghanistan. United States retirement security, fo- Business meeting to consider Agreement SH–216 cusing on the middle class. on Port State Measures to Prevent, 9:45 a.m. SD–538 Deter, and Eliminate Illegal, Unre- Committee on Rules and Administration Committee on Commerce, Science, and ported, and Unregulated Fishing, done To hold hearings to examine election ad- Transportation at the Food and Agriculture Organiza- ministration, focusing on innovation, Business meeting to consider S. 1014, to tion of the United Nations, in Rome, administrative improvements and cost reduce sports-related concussions in Italy, on November 22, 2009 (the savings. youth, S. 1406, to amend the Horse Pro- ‘‘Agreement’’) (Treaty Doc.112–04) Con- SR–301 tection Act to designate additional un- vention on the Conservation and Man- lawful acts under the Act, strengthen

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M05MR8.000 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 5, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E317 penalties for violations of the Act, im- Urban Development, and J. Mark view of the Defense Authorization Re- prove Department of Agriculture en- McWatters, of Texas, to be a Member of quest for fiscal year 2015 and the Fu- forcement of the Act, S. 1468, to require the National Credit Union Administra- ture Years Defense Program. the Secretary of Commerce to establish tion. SD–G50 the Network for Manufacturing Inno- SD–538 vation and for other purposes, S. 2022, Committee on Homeland Security and APRIL 1 to establish scientific standards and Governmental Affairs 9:30 a.m. protocols across forensic disciplines, S. To hold hearings to examine the Presi- 2028, to amend the law relating to sport dent’s proposed budget request for fis- Committee on Armed Services fish restoration and recreational boat- cal year 2015 for the Department of To hold hearings to examine U.S. Euro- ing safety, S. 2049, to curb unfair and Homeland Security. pean Command and U.S. Transpor- deceptive practices during assertion of SD–342 tation Command in review of the De- patents, H.R. 2052, to direct the Sec- Committee on Indian Affairs fense Authorization Request for fiscal retary of Commerce, in coordination To hold an oversight hearing to examine year 2015 and the Future Years Defense with the heads of other relevant Fed- tribal transportation, focusing on path- Program. eral departments and agencies, to con- ways to infrastructure and economic SD–G50 duct an interagency review of and re- development in Indian country. 2:15 p.m. port to Congress on ways to increase SD–628 Committee on Armed Services the global competitiveness of the 2:30 p.m. Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and United States in attracting foreign di- Committee on Homeland Security and Capabilities rect investment, an original bill enti- Governmental Affairs To hold hearings to examine prolifera- tled, ‘‘U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Subcommittee on Emergency Manage- tion prevention programs at the De- of Visitors Enhancement Act’’, and the ment, Intergovernmental Relations, partment of Energy and at the Depart- nominations of Kelly R. Welsh, of Illi- and the District of Columbia ment of Defense in review of the De- nois, to be General Counsel of the De- To hold hearings to examine the Presi- fense Authorization Request for fiscal partment of Commerce, Kathryn B. dent’s proposed budget request for fis- year 2015 and the Future Years Defense Thomson, of Virginia, to be General cal year 2015 for the Federal Emer- Program; with the possibility of a Counsel of the Department of Trans- gency Management Agency. closed session in SVC–217 following the portation, David J. Arroyo, of New SD–342 open session. York, to be a Member of the Board of SR–222 Directors of the Corporation for Public MARCH 25 Broadcasting, and nominations for pro- 9:30 a.m. APRIL 2 motion in the United States Coast Committee on Armed Services Guard. 9:30 a.m. To hold hearings to examine U.S. Pacific SR–253 Committee on Armed Services Command and U.S. Forces Korea in re- Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Readiness and Manage- view of the Defense Authorization Re- To hold hearings to examine national se- ment Support quest for fiscal year 2015 and the Fu- curity and foreign policy priorities in To hold hearings to examine military ture Years Defense Program. the President’s proposed budget re- construction, environmental, energy, SD–G50 quest for fiscal year 2015 for Inter- and base closure programs in review of national Affairs. the Defense Authorization Request for MARCH 26 SD–419 fiscal year 2015 and the Future Years 10 a.m. Defense Program. MARCH 13 Committee on Veterans’ Affairs SR–232A 9:30 a.m. To hold a joint hearing with the House Committee on Armed Services Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to ex- APRIL 3 To hold hearings to examine United amine the legislative presentation of The American Legion. 9:30 a.m. States Northern Command and United Committee on Armed Services States Southern Command in review of SD–G50 2:30 p.m. To hold hearings to examine the posture the Defense Authorization Request for of the Department of the Army in re- fiscal year 2015 and the Future Years Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness and Manage- view of the Defense Authorization Re- Defense Program. quest for fiscal year 2015 and the Fu- SD–G50 ment Support ture Years Defense Program. 10 a.m. To hold hearings to examine the the cur- SD–G50 Committee on Banking, Housing, and rent readiness of United States forces Urban Affairs in review of the Defense Authorization APRIL 10 To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Request for fiscal year 2015 and the Fu- tions of Stanley Fischer, of New York, ture Years Defense Program. 9:30 a.m. Jerome H. Powell, of Maryland, and SR–232A Committee on Armed Services Lael Brainard, of the District of Co- To hold hearings to examine the posture lumbia, all to be a Member of the MARCH 27 of the Department of the Air Force in Board of Governors of the Federal Re- 9:30 a.m. review of the Defense Authorization serve System, Gustavo Velasquez Committee on Armed Services Request for fiscal year 2015 and the Fu- Aguilar, of the District of Columbia, to To hold hearings to examine the posture ture Years Defense Program. be Assistant Secretary of Housing and of the Department of the Navy in re- SD–106

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M05MR8.000 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS