March 5, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E303 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING THE MINORITY classes and arranging exhibits. In 1987, the form in this area. The federal flood insurance BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AGEN- name was officially changed to the Orlando program is $24 billion in debt, and its below- CY ON ITS 45TH ANNIVERSARY Museum of Art, and within two years, it was market rates encourage development in envi- acclaimed as one of the best in the region. ronmentally sensitive and flood prone areas. HON. CEDRIC L. RICHMOND The Museum features a dynamic set of collec- Having said that, it has also become abun- OF LOUISIANA tions ranging from contemporary art to Golden dantly clear that the transition to market-based Age masterpieces and has hosted various rates under the original Biggert-Waters bill has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES high-profile exhibits. been unduly onerous for many homeowners, Wednesday, March 5, 2014 The Museum has maintained its national ac- and the pace of that transition is in need of Mr. RICHMOND. Mr. Speaker, I rise today credited status by the American Association of adjustment. to applaud the Minority Business Development Museums without interruption for over 40 Today’s bipartisan compromise attempts to Agency on this its 45th Anniversary. Estab- years and continues to provide excellence in provide that adjustment in the form of greater lished in 1969, the MBDA has worked tire- the visual arts. I thank the Orlando Museum of predictability around rate increases for cov- lessly and diligently to promote the growth and Art for its ongoing dedication to advancing the ered properties, paid for with a surcharge on global competitiveness of a critical segment of arts in our community. all policyholders. While there were certainly the U.S. Economy, the minority business com- f other ways to address this issue, and I could munity. have supported more reform than appears in Why is this important? Well Mr. Speaker it H. STEVEN SMEDLEY, WEST HAN- this particular bill, I will vote for tonight’s com- is important because investing in contracts, OVER TOWNSHIP FIRE COMPANY promise in order to move this program for- capital and counseling for our minority owned NO. 1 ward. businesses will yield significant results for mi- f nority communities. If we help our minority HON. LOU BARLETTA businesses help themselves, their success will OF PENNSYLVANIA PERSONAL EXPLANATION bring sustainable economic growth and trans- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES generational wealth creation that will transform Wednesday, March 5, 2014 HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE many of our hardest hit areas. OF TEXAS At the time of the Agency’s creation there Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES were only 322,000 minority-owned firms in the H. Steven Smedley, a member of West Han- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 nation. Today, that number stands at 5.8 mil- over Township Fire Company No. 1 and the lion firms contributing $1 trillion towards our recipient of the organization’s Lifetime Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, on March nation’s economy. MBDA has been a signifi- Achievement Award. 4, 2014, I was unavoidably detained attending cant part of this impressive growth story. Over Mr. Smedley joined the West Hanover Twp. to representational activities in my congres- the last five years in particular, MBDA has Fire Co. No. 1 on November 4, 1980 and sional district and thus unable to return in time helped firms gain access to over $19 billion in quickly developed a passion for the fire serv- for rollcall votes No. 91 and 92. contracts and capital resulting in the creation ice. In the 33 years he has been with the Fire Had I been present I would have voted as and retention of nearly 60,000 jobs. These are Company, he has taken on many important follows: On rollcall No. 91, I would have voted great numbers, Mr. Speaker and we have to leadership roles including 1st and 2nd Lieuten- ‘‘aye’’ (March 4) (H.R. 3370, Homeowner thank the MBDA and its team for their efforts. ant; 1st and 2nd Captain; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 But we have more work to do. Assistant Chief; and Deputy Chief. Addition- (Rep. GRIMM—Financial Services)); On rollcall I thank MBDA for all it has accomplished ally, he has served as Recording Secretary, No. 92, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ (March 4) over the last 45 years. In the coming years, Vice President, President and Trustee and ful- (H. Res. 488, Supporting the people of Ven- the growth of America’s workforce will come filled the duties of an Apparatus Truck Fore- ezuela as they protest peacefully for demo- from partnerships between the public and pri- man and Chief Engineer for the organization. cratic change and calling to end the violence vate sector. MBDA serves as a bridge con- Outside the fire company, Mr. Smedley has (Rep. Ros-LEHTINEN—Foreign Affairs)). necting government and private resources to been active in the Dauphin County Fireman’s f leverage existing competencies in service to Association, Dauphin County Fire Chief’s As- the growth of the minority business sector. I sociation, and the Dauphin County Hazardous JAYSON TERDIMAN, 2014 U.S. applaud MBDA’s mission and will continue to Materials Response Team. OLYMPIC LUGE TEAM support it in the decades ahead. Mr. Speaker, for 33 years H. Steven f Smedley has devoted his life to West Hanover HON. LOU BARLETTA Township Fire Company No. 1. Therefore, I OF PENNSYLVANIA RECOGNIZING THE ORLANDO commend him for his hard work and dedica- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MUSEUM OF ART tion and wish him the best in his future en- deavors. Wednesday, March 5, 2014 HON. DANIEL WEBSTER f Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor OF FLORIDA Jayson Terdiman of Berwick, Pennsylvania HOMEOWNER FLOOD INSURANCE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who represented the United States in the AFFORDABILITY ACT OF 2014 men’s doubles and team relay luge competi- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 tions in the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, SPEECH OF Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I Russia. rise today to recognize the 90th anniversary of HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Since the age of five, Jayson has been an the Orlando Museum of Art. Since its found- OF MARYLAND active member of Berwick’s athletic commu- ing, the Museum has remained committed to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity, playing basketball, hockey, and baseball enriching the cultural life of Florida and devel- and running cross-country. He continued to oping inclusive programs that serve every seg- Tuesday, March 4, 2014 pursue many of these activities during his time ment of a diverse community. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, as the at Berwick High School, eventually graduating In 1924, the Orlando Museum of Art began ranking member of the House Budget Com- in 2007 with distinguished honors. as a small group of artists who met informally mittee and someone who supported the origi- Despite his other athletic commitments, to display and discuss their work. They formed nal Biggert-Waters flood insurance reauthor- Jayson got his start in luge early, becoming a the Orlando Art Association, teaching art ization, I am keenly aware of the need for re- member of the USA Luge Development Team ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:28 Mar 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05MR8.001 E05MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 5, 2014 at age 12. His devotion to the sport helped RECOGNIZING MERNI FITZGERALD Hurricane Isabel in 2003, which damaged mul- him make the USA Luge Candidate Team and ON THE OCCASION OF HER RE- tiple roads and properties across the county the USA Luge Junior National Team, before TIREMENT FROM FAIRFAX and resulted in the loss of drinking water for earning a spot on the 2014 U.S. Olympic COUNTY most residents for several days; the shooting Team. of two police officers outside the Sully District Jayson has received numerous accolades HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Station in 2006; a dustup over local soup for his achievements in luge. From 2007 to OF VIRGINIA kitchens caused by an over-zealous bureauc- 2008, he won three Junior World Cup Bronze IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES racy; the recent record snow storms, which lit- erally shutdown the region for days; and an Medals and the Junior World Luge Champion- Wednesday, March 5, 2014 ship Bronze Medal. He is also a two-time U.S. earthquake in 2011. Interspersed through Junior National Doubles Champion. In 2008, Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- those events, she coordinated public informa- he was the Norton U.S. Nationals Doubles ognize and commend Merni Fitzgerald on the tion about annual multi-million dollar bond ref- champion, and he and his doubles partner, occasion of her retirement after a long and erendums and countless Board ‘‘presen- Chris Mazdzer, were named the 2008 Luge distinguished career in public service for the tations.’’ Team of the Year. In 2010, he won the World residents of Fairfax County, Virginia. For the Most people probably don’t know Merni is a Cup Bronze Medal, and he won silver medals past 13 years, Merni has been the director of published author. Earlier in her career, Merni in the World Cup Team Relay competition in the Office of Public Affairs, serving as the was an assistant to the Press Officer at the 2011 and 2013.
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