Extensions of Remarks 25591
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July 29, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25591 By Mr. VANIK: from gross income for social agency, legal, By Mr. CRONIN: H.R. 16152. A bill to amenr. title 28 of the and related expenses incurred in connection H. Res. 1275. Resolution calling for a do United States Code to permit the cumula with the adoption of a child by the tax mestic summit to develop a unified .plan tion of amounts in controversy as between payer; to the Committee on Ways and Means. of action to l'estore. stability and prosperity members of a class for the purposes of United By Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland (for to the American economy; to the Committee States district court jurisdiction in class himself, Mr. BADILLO, Mr. TIERNAN, on Banking and Currency. actions; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. KEMP, Mr. HAWKINS, Mr. DEL• By Mr. GUDE (for himself, Mr. FRASER, H.R. 16153. A bill to amend title 28 of the LUMS, Mr. HELSTOSKI, Mr. LoNG of Mr. BADILLO, Mr. ADDABBO, Mr. WAL United States Code to increase the availa Maryland, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. STARK, DIE, Mr. HELSTOSKI, Mr. BOLAND, Mr. bility of the class action mechanism in Fed• Mr. YOUNG Of Georgia, Mr. CONYERS, CORMAN, Mr. ROSENTHAL, Mr. MOAK eral cases by permitting the creation of man Mr. FAUNTROY, Mr. RANGEL, Mrs. COL• LEY, Mr. LEHMAN, Mr. FAUNTROY, Mr. ageable subclasses; to the Committee on the LINS of Illinois, Ms. ABZUG, and Mr. WON PAT, Mr. ANDERSON OF Illinois, Judiciary. STOKES); Mrs. CoLLINS of Illinois, and Mr. By Mr. WOLFF: H.R. 16160. A bill to limit the use of prison RIEGLE): H.R. 16154. A bill to amend the Noise Con inmates in medical research; to the Commit H. Res. 1276. Resolution expressing the trol Act of 1972 and the Federal Aviation tee on the Judiciary. sense of the House that the U.S. Government Act of 1958 to provide that the Administra By Mr. PRICE of Texas: should seek agreement with other members tor of the Environmental Protection Agen H.R. 16161. A bill to provide tax incentives of the United Nations on prohibition of cy shall prescribe standards for the control to encourage physicians, dentists, and op weather modification activity as a weapon of and abatement of aircraft noise and sonic tometrists to practice in physician shortage war; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. boom; to the Committee on Interstate and areas; to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. HALEY: Foreign Commerce. By Mr. CLEVELAND: H. Res. 1277. Resolution calling for a do By Mr. ARMSTRONG (for himself and H.J. Res. 1100. Joint resolution proposing mestic summit to develop a unified plan of Mr. MONTGOMERY) : an amendment to the Constitution of the action to restore stability and prosperity to H.R. 16155. A bill to amend section 615 u:rlited States relating to the ratification of the American economy; to the Committee on (a) of title 10, United States Code, relating treaties: to the Committee on the Judiciary. Banking and Currency. to required service of members of the Armed By Mr. CRONIN (for himself, Mr. BA· By Mr. SHOUP: Forces; to the Committee on Armed Services. FALIS, Mr. YATRON, Mr. GILMAN, and H. Res. 1278. Resolution to create a Select By Mr. CONTE (for himself, Mr. Mr. KYROS); Committee on Aging; to the Committee on BOLAND, Ms. ABZUG, Mr. HARRINGTON, H.J. Res 1101. Joint resolution congratu Rules. and Ml . COLLINS of I111nois): lating the Greek democracy on its efforts to H.R. 16156. A bill to obtain adequate in achieve domestic peace and unity; to the PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS formation essential to the decisions of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Congress; to the Joint Committee on Atomic By Mr. ANDERSON of California: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Energy. H. Res. 1273. Resolution in support of con Mr. CONTE introduced a bill (H.R. By Mr. GILMAN: tinued undiluted U.S. sovereignty and juris 16162) for the relief of Smith College, North H.R. 16157. A bill to amend the Internal diction over the U.S.-owned Canal Zone on hampton, Mass., which was referred to the Revenue Code of 1954 to exclude from gross the Isthmus of Panama; to the Committee Committee on Ways and Means. income the interest on deposits in certain on Foreign Affairs. savings institutions; to the Committee on By Mr. ANDERSON of Tilinois (for Ways and Means. himself and Mr. STEIGER of Wiscon PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. LUKEN: sin): H.R. 16158. A bill to amend section 5051 H. Res. 1274. Resolution providing for radio Under clause 1 of rule XXII, of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (relat and television broadcast coverage of proceed 464. The SPEAKER presented a petition ing to the Federal excise tax on beer) ; to the ings in the Chamber of the House of Rep of the Western Conference of the Council on Committee on Ways and Means. resentatives on any resolution to impeach State Governments, Salem, Oreg., relative to H.R. 16159. A bill to amend the Internal the President of the United States during Federal-aid highways, which was referred to Revenue Code of 1954 to allow a deduction the 93d Congress; to the Committee on Rules. the Committee on Public Works. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS JAMES A. FARLEY JAMES A. FARLEY: ELDER STATESMAN them in the Republican Party. As Jim says, (By Joe Murphy) the Irish largely voted as a bloc in the in One of the nicer tints brightening the terests of self protection, but they also political spectrum during recent years is the sought the protective coloration of the dom HON. HUGH L. CAREY universal admiration and affection exhibited inant party. "In Boston," Jim says, "they toward James A. Farley, a professional who became Democrats because there were Demo OF NEW YORK crats in Boston. But in Philadelphia politics IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has been to the wars without losing his in tegrity or his self respect. Although he was dominated by the Republicans, and in a Monday, July 29, 1974 scrupulously shuns donning the toga of an large measure they became Republicans." Elder Statesman, audiences, especially those CAREER BEGINNINGS Mr. CAREY of New York. Mr. Speaker, of a Democratic Party tinge, seem intent on Jim began his political career by getting last week's issue of the Irish Echo of communicating their vast esteem for him at himself elected district committeeman. Then, fered its readers an interesting article every opportunity. He is still much too vigor he was elected chairman, secretary and treas regarding a special friend of mine ous to hold still for the wise man role, but urer of the town committee, all three posi James A. Farley. people seem dedicated to placing him in a tions at once, when the other two members James Farley's -life, as many of YOli niche removed froJn the less seemly. facets of of the committee were at odds and couldn't know, has been a most rewarding one public life. · . agree, he recalls. "So I started from there and · and certainly one which has brought James Aloysius Farley was born in Grassy -I was elected town clerk and served eight much joy into the lives of those for Point, New York, in 1888. Jim recalls that years. Finally, supervisor. Went to the New when he went to visit his, father's peopl~. in . York. State Assembly one year, and now you· tunate enough to call him a friend. He is a. town called Verplanck's Point, only a few know the rest of it." always there with a kind word, a joke, miles away, he couldn't ·understand why all "The rest of it" is one of America;s great and his tremendous insight into people . the Irish tnere were Republicans: He said: success stories: Jim became .head of the New. and problems. "I couldn't ·understand how an Irishman York State Democratic Committee in 1930, · In light of the special qualities of could be a Republican because in the com and two years later successfully pushed the James A. Farley, I would like to take munity where I was born and raised all the presidential nomination of Franklin Delano this opportunity to include for the bene Catholics were Democrats. As a. matter of Roosevelt. Becoming chairman of the Na fact, in Grassy Point we had difficulty find tional Committee, Farley managed FD.R.'s fit of my colleagues the article which ing enough Republicans to man the election presidential campaign with equal success and recently appeared in the Irish Echo boards." landed up in the cabinet as Postmaster another fine tribute to a man who de Jim says he eventually learned that a General. He dropped out to mastermind serves special praise. Peeksk111 politician was helping the Irish get Roosevelt's 1936 campaign after which he The article follows: jobs in the local brickyard and enrolling stepped back into his old cabinet job. By 25592 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 29, 1974 1940, Jim had accumulated some presidential As I say, it's one of the nicer things I have for his crusty criticism of President Johnson aspirations of his own, and when Roosevelt seen recently, the spontaneous salute of sd and the Vietnam war, which sta.rted with a decided he wanted the job again, Farley mlrat1on and affection showered on James succinct "nay" that recorded his opposition dropped out of the cabinet and shed his A. Farley whenev~r people get the chance to to the Gulf of Tonkin resolution of Aug. 7, party chairmanship.