Extensions of Remarks 25591
July 29, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25591 By Mr. VANIK: from gross income for social agency, legal, By Mr. CRONIN: H.R. 16152. A bill to amenr. title 28 of the and related expenses incurred in connection H. Res. 1275. Resolution calling for a do United States Code to permit the cumula with the adoption of a child by the tax mestic summit to develop a unified .plan tion of amounts in controversy as between payer; to the Committee on Ways and Means. of action to l'estore. stability and prosperity members of a class for the purposes of United By Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland (for to the American economy; to the Committee States district court jurisdiction in class himself, Mr. BADILLO, Mr. TIERNAN, on Banking and Currency. actions; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. KEMP, Mr. HAWKINS, Mr. DEL• By Mr. GUDE (for himself, Mr. FRASER, H.R. 16153. A bill to amend title 28 of the LUMS, Mr. HELSTOSKI, Mr. LoNG of Mr. BADILLO, Mr. ADDABBO, Mr. WAL United States Code to increase the availa Maryland, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. STARK, DIE, Mr. HELSTOSKI, Mr. BOLAND, Mr. bility of the class action mechanism in Fed• Mr. YOUNG Of Georgia, Mr. CONYERS, CORMAN, Mr. ROSENTHAL, Mr. MOAK eral cases by permitting the creation of man Mr. FAUNTROY, Mr. RANGEL, Mrs. COL• LEY, Mr. LEHMAN, Mr. FAUNTROY, Mr. ageable subclasses; to the Committee on the LINS of Illinois, Ms. ABZUG, and Mr. WON PAT, Mr. ANDERSON OF Illinois, Judiciary. STOKES); Mrs. CoLLINS of Illinois, and Mr. By Mr. WOLFF: H.R.
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