1 "Everything we learn begins with suspicion."



3 SPACE : PLANETS The International Astronomical Union ( IAU ) recognizes that there are 8 planets in total. However, the discovery of Pluto in 1930 caused controversy among astronomers. While it was said that there were 9 planets in total and considered as a planet when it was discovered, The International Astronomical Union decided to call Pluto a dwarf planet in 2006.

All planets are grouped under 3 main headings;

-TERRESTRIAL PLANETS: As the name suggest, they took this name because a large part of their surface consist of land. Earth, Mars, Venus also called inner planets, are among this group. -JOVIAN PLANETS: Unlike terrestrial planets, they are larger and gaseous. These planets, also called exoplanets, are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. -DWARF PLANETS: The dwarf planet that defined as ‘’ The rotation of another object around the Sun without a satellite, being big enough to rotate by its own gravity and having a clean orbit’’ is Pluto. Before moving on to the order of planets in the Solar system, let’s talk about the properties of the Sun;


The Sun, which is a star, consist almost entirely of helium and hydrogen gas. The distance of the sun, the closest star to the Earth, to our planet is 149.500.000. It rotates around its axis at a speed of 70,000 km per hour. It completes a full tour in 25 days.

MERCURY Mercury is the closest planet to Sun and there is a distance of 58.910.000 km between them. The temperature of the face facing the Sun reaches 450 degress. İt drops to -170 degrees that night. Its area is 74.800.000 km and it is the smallest planet in the solar system. The planet Mercury has no satellites. İts orbit is 88 days and is the fastest planet in the Solar system. 4 VENUS

Venus, the second planet of the Solar system, is close to Earth in size. It is hotter than Mercury, it is known to heat up to 456 degrees. Its distance from the Sun is 108.200.000 km, and the Sun completes one complete rotation around it in224.7 Earth days. Venus is very hot because it does not release the Sun rays and there is no season because it does not have an Axis tilt Unlike the other planets, Venus rotates in the opposite direction. WORLD Our planet is the 3rd planet closest to the Sun. Earth’s atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% other gases. İt is the only known planet that can be lived. Each year 1.5 cm away from the Sun. It completes its rotation around itself in 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds. Around the Sun, it takes 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds for 365 days.

MARS The 4th plane Mars turns red due to he iron oxide on it. It has two stellates named Phobos and Deimos. 144.800.000 km square. Average temperature on Mars is known as -60 degrees. It is the planet that is thought to be life because it is very similar to Earth and therefore it was the planet that was sent the most spacecraft.

JUPITER Jupiter, the fifth planet closest to the Sun, has a small core and is mainly composed of liquid hydrogen. Its radius is 69,911 km and it is the largest planet in the Solar system. Jupiter also has a storm that has been going on for about 350 years, so a red stain appears to it. One complete rotation around the Sun takes 12 years. It has 79 satellites and the largest is ‘’ Ganymede’’. The average temperature of Jupiter is -140 degrees.

5 SATURN It is the 6th closest planet to the Sun. It is the lowest density planet in the Solar system. Known for its rings of rocks and ice, Saturn has 62 moons. It has 62 moons. It completes one full rotation around the Sun in 29.5 years.

URANUS It is the 7th planet closest to the Sun. Its equator is the only planet that is almost perpendicular to its orbit. Astronomers interpret this as the result of collision with a planet-sized object long ago. This slope has resulted in seasons lasting more than 20 years. It has 13 rings around it. Its average temperature is -224 degrees. Only one spacecraft ever visited Uranus

NEPTUNE It is the farthest planet from the Sun. Neptune, with a radius of 24.622 km, completes a full tour in its orbit in 165 years. Its average temperature is -214 degrees. Neptune, which is 17 times the size of the Earth, has 14 moons. It is constantly stormy and storms occur at a speed of 1340 km per second

DWARF PLANET PLUTO Pluto, which is mostly made up of rocks, completes one complete orbit in 248 year. It is 1/6 of the Moon and is made of gas, rock and ice. Its radius is 1,188,3 km.


Dinosaurs At least 500 living species have been extinct in the world so far. Among these endangered animals, dinosaurs are of course the best known. Dinosaurs dominated land life for 160 million years. Until today, many claims have been made about how dinosaurs disappeared. The view put forward by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Luis Alvarez and geologist Walter Alvarez is that 'the generations of dinosaurs ended 65 million years ago when an asteroid hit Earth. Of the 1000 dinosaur species on earth, it is known to have been extinct 65 million years ago.

Caspian Tiger Caspian tiger in the west, Turkey, Iran, the Caucasus, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia, and of course the name with which it lived around the northern part of the Caspian Sea. It is known that the Caspian tigers died out in 1970 with the death of the last member of the species in Russia.

Moa Bird Although moa are considered to be the biggest bird species in the world, their generations have been destroyed by humans. It lives in the forests and plains of New Zealand. They are a bird that can’t fly. They were not carnivores. They ate only grasses, fruits, and leaves.

Tasmanian Wolf The Tasmanian wolf, a large carnivorous marsupial native to Australia, lived until the 1930s. Kangaroos, sheep and birds are their staple food. The reason for extinction is that those who migrated from Europe began to destroy nature.

North Pacific Whales North Pacific whales have become extinct rapidly, especially due to the whaling that started in the 1960s. The age of these whales, which weigh 70 tons, is revealed thanks to their teeth. They feed on dense copepod and Cyrillic populations.

7 Feathered Mammoth Feathered Mammoths, which went extinct 4000 years ago, lived in the polar regions of Asia and North America. They became extinct as they were hunted by humans for their flesh, bones, and teeth. They fed on grass and straw weed.

Irish Deer The Irish Deer, known as the largest deer species ever to exist, is claimed to have become extinct 7700 years ago. Human hunting has a great contribution to their extinction. Same time; the decrease in the calcium resources required for the large horns because the retreating ice is effective in this animal extinction.

The Golden Frog It is stated that the Golden Toad living in Costa Rica became extinct in 1939. Climate change brought about by global warming has caused the extinction. It can also eat other insects that live in the moist soils of the forest, such as crickets, bugs, flies or termites.

Pinta Island Turtle The last Pinta Island Turtle living in Pinta, one of the Galapagos archipelagos, died in 2012 when he was 100 years old. They feed on herbs, leaves, cacti, lichens, and fruits. Like other saddleback turtles, the Pinta Island subspecies lived mainly in arid plains, but probably made seasonal migrations at higher altitudes to more humid areas.

Black Western Rhino They became extinct in 2011 as a result of illegal hunting. The black rhino is an animal from the order of "ungulates" living in Kenya, Tanzania, Cameroon, South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe. They feed on leaves, fruit and soft plant parts of trees.


1-) THE ADVENT OF THE TURKEY CORONA VIRUS AND CONTAINMENT OF EFFECTS OF The description of this article is 3 pages later. 2-) 2020 IS THE HOTTEST YEAR One of the most important issues that marked the year 2020 was the impact of climate change on the world. In 2020, where more attention was paid to fires, melting glaciers and greenhouse gas emissions, thermometers in Yakutsk region in Siberia, known as the coldest place in the world, went up to 38 degrees, while the United Nations announced that 2020 was the hottest year ever measured.

3-) 100 THOUSAND FIRES IN AMAZON FORESTS With the statement made in October, the number of fires in the Amazon forests, which broke out about 100 thousand fires in 2020, reached the peak of the last 12 years. While the Amazon forests, known as the “lungs of the world”, provide 20 percent of the earth’s oxygen, in 2020, natural life was damaged more and more every day in the forests where 10 percent of the world’s plant and animal species live.

4-) BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT The non-governmental organization named “Black Lives Matter”, founded in 2013, organized demonstrations in the USA and even in various parts of the world after 46-year-old George Floyd was unable to breathe for a long time and died. While the Black Lives Matter movement, which was attended by nearly 20 million people from various parts of the world, became one of the biggest movements in the world history, the US police announced that more than 10 thousand protesters were detained. As the protests across the country turned into violence and looting, a “curfew” was declared in many cities and the National Guard was assigned to control the events 5-) BEYRUT PORT EXPLOSION On August 4, a fire broke out in the warehouse number 12 in the Port of Beirut, where explosives were found, and then a very powerful explosion took place that shook the whole city. President Michel Naim Aoun said that the explosion was caused by 2,750 tons of Ammonium nitrate kept in a warehouse at the port for 6 years.

9 6-) YEARS LATER, SATURN AND URANUS MET The ‘great conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn has been seen with the naked eye for the first time in 800 years. The’ Jupiter- Saturn Convergence ‘occurred on December 21, 2020. The Solar System’s two largest planets have been seen so close to each other for the first time in 800 years. The two planets appeared like a “double planet” above the horizon just after sunset. Many people have had the chance to watch this event with the naked eye, seen hundreds of years later.

7-) KOBE BRYANT The year 2020 was recorded as the year in which two great athletes who made their mark on the history of sports died. On January 26, 2020, Kobe Bryant, 41, one of the legendary players of the American Basketball League (NBA), died in a helicopter crash in the city of Calabasas. Having won 5 NBA championships with the Los Angeles Lakers, who lost his life in a helicopter crash with his 13-year-old daughter Gianna, was chosen 18 times as an all-star, won the most valuable player (MVP) of the regular season in 2008 and the final series in 2009 and 2010, USA the death of Kobe Bryant, who won a gold medal in the 2008 and 2012 Olympics with his national team, drowned the sports world. 8-) NASA CONFIRMED WATER PRESENCE ON THE MONTH In a written statement by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Infrared Astronomy Stratosphere Observatory has confirmed for the first time the presence of water on the sunny surface of the Moon. This discovery shows that the water may have been scattered on the lunar surface and not limited to cold and shady places. ‘’ Expression was given. In addition, in September, the US Aviation and Space Agency (NASA) announced that it plans to send two astronauts to the Moon in 2024, and a male and a female astronaut will be sent to the surface of the Moon in 2024 under the program called “Artemis”. 9-) DEATH OF GEORGE FLOYD On May 25, while 46 George Floyd was detained in Minneapolis on suspicion of fraud in the USA, the words “I can’t breathe” for minutes when a policeman pressed his neck with his knee for a long time was one of the highlights of this year. It was announced that Floyd died in the hospital where he was taken to the hospital where he was taken by emergency medical teams, and the footage recorded by passers-by on their mobile phones attracted great reaction on social media. Thereupon, discussions of police violence against black people flared up again and sparked protests in the city, including in Minneapolis. 10 CORONAVIRUS (Covid-19)

What is the “Corona”? Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause respiratory illness in humans. They get their name “Corona” from the many crown-like spikes on the surface of the virus. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and the common cold are examples of Coronaviruses that cause illness in humans.

Where did “Corona” show up? The new strain of Coronavirus, COVID-19, was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and It has been continuing at the present time. Doctors haven’t been giving exact ending date.

How many people have been affected by the “Corona” so far? According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 111,000,000 people in the world have been infected. Over 2,400,000 people have died. Some 192 countries and territories on all continents (except Antarctica) have now reported cases of COVID-19. The U.S. has the highest number of cases, with more than 28,000,000 people infected and nearly 500,000 deaths at.

Which does “Corona” affect your body? COVID-19 enters your body through your mouth, nose or eyes (directly from the airborne droplets or from transfer of the virus from your hands to your face). The virus travels to the back of your nasal passages and mucous membrane in the back of your throat. It attaches to cells there, begins to multiply and moves into lung tissue. From there, the virus can spread to other body tissues.

11 Where does “Corona” come from? Coronaviruses are often found in bats, cats and camels. The viruses live in but do not infect the animals. Sometimes these viruses then spread to different animal species. The viruses may change (mutate) as they transfer to other species. Eventually, the virus can jump from animal species and begins to infect humans. In the case of COVID-19, the first people infected in Wuhan, China are thought to have contracted the virus at a food market that sold meat, fish and live animals but they are still investigating. Also, they already have evidence that the virus can be spread directly from person to person through close contact.

What is the best way to defend from “Corona”? Until everything about COVID-19 is fully understood, the best advice from healthcare providers to remain safe is to: ⦁ Stay six feet away from others whenever possible. ⦁ Wear a cloth mask that covers your mouth and nose when around others. ⦁ Wash your hands often. If soap is not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. ⦁ Avoid crowded indoor spaces. Bring in outdoor air as much as possible. ⦁ Stay self-isolated at home if you are feeling ill with symptoms that could be COVID-19 or have a positive test for COVID-19. ⦁ Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

What is the corona vaccine? What does the corona vaccine protect us from? To bring this pandemic to an end, a large share of the world needs to be immune to the virus. The safest way to achieve this is with a vaccine. Vaccines are a technology that humanity has often relied on in the past to bring down the death toll of infectious diseases. Within less than 12 months after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, several research teams rose to the challenge and developed vaccines that protect from SARS- CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.



Şerife Feriha SANERK Şerife Feriha Sanerk was born on July 1, 1923, in İzmir. Şerife Sanerk, the first female police shef, entered University Faculty of Political Sciences in 1945. Sanerk, the only female student at the school for four years, entered the district governorship course in 1951 and won. However, Sanerk was not appointed because she is a woman. Sanerk was later appointed to the Police Headquarters as a deputy commissioner. Entering the police force, Sanerk was promoted to the rank of police chief in 1953. However, it was reported that she could not be the chief of police because she is still woman. Saner Feriha started legal action against the sheriff, the same year by winning this fight Turkey’s first female chief of police after the opened the way for all women to enter this profession. Feriha Sanerk, the mother of two daughters retired in 1974, settled in Antalya. Şerife Feriha Sanerk suddenly became ill at the house of her daughter Nurdan Canca, who was also the police chief, in Antalya and died on 20 November



Mihri Müşfik was born in İstanbul as a pasha’s T

daughter. She received an education from palace HE

painter Zonaro. At the age of the seventeen, she

escaped to Rome, after living in this city for a while, FIRST she moved to . She married Müşfik Selami, son of Selami Pasha. Mihri Müşfik trained many

women painters and teachers. Some of them are

Nazlı Ecevit, Aliye Berger and Fahrel Nisa Zeyd. TURK During her time in İstanbul, her friendship with Tevfik Fikret attracted attention, along with many

painters such as İbrahim Şallı and Hikmet Onat.

Because she drew portraits of poets almost every FEMALE day in the house of the poet Tevfik Fikret. When Mihri Müşfik returned from Rome in 1919, the marriage that did not go well ended in divorce. In 1922, she made a portrait of Mustafa Kemal in

Marshal’s uniform. Later, when her nephew, who PAINTER was a painter, loses Halet Asaf, he went to the United States. In this country, she worked at universities as a professor and teacher children of wealthy families. In 1928, she opened her personal exhibition in a museum in New York. Her next life

was in poverty, and she died in New York in 1954 and was buried in the cemetery of the orphans 13 Remziye HİSAR

Remziye Hisar was born in 1902 in . Republic

of Turkey is considered as the first female chemists. She is also the first Turkish woman to graduate from the Sorbonne University of France. She is the mother of the world-famous physicist . Remziye Hisar, who had a successful education life, faced many difficulties in her professional life. Sadness because of the absence of a name, which will represent Turkey in the field of chemistry, has dragged her to , Baku but also fell in the middle of a war. She did not lose hope, she continued her profession tirelessly. During the problems such as the continuation of the problems, the Soviet Russia ending the independence of Azerbaijan, she met doctor Reşit Süreyya Gürsey and returned to Istanbul after getting married. After a while, she went to Paris with her husband, where she started to study in the chemistry department of the Sorbonne University. Hisar returned to Turkey at Istanbul University in the years 1933-1936, she served as an assistant professor of chemistry and physical chemistry. Remziye Hisar, who became a professor in 1959, retired in 1973. She died in THE FIRST CHEMIST FEMALE TURK THEFIRST Istanbul in 1992.

Safiye ALİ

Safiye Ali was born on February 2, 1894, in Istanbul. FIRST THE FEMALE TURK DOCTOR Safiye Ali, the first female doctor, was the daughter of a family known for her various services during the . She graduated from the American College for Girls. She decided to become a doctor after seeing many wounded people from the front during the Balkan War. It is very difficult for her to realize this request because it is impossible for a woman to study medicine at that time. Safiye Ali, who attracted attention with her talented and successful personality, went to Germany to study medicine with the help of Minister of Education. She received training on gynecology and pediatrics here and returned home at the end of the War of Independence and started her treatments at the clinic she opened in Cağaloğlu. Milk and nursing homes also working Safiye Ali, who has represented medical congress held in Turkey abroad. Then she moved to Germany with her husband due to health problems. She took care of the injured and sick in Germany during World War II. After the war she returned to Turkey because of cancer and was captured in 1952 she died. 14 Sabiha GÖKÇEN Sabiha Gökçen was born on March 22, 1913, in Bursa. Sabiha Gökçen, the first Turk female pilot and

the first female fighter pilot, was educated by Atatürk. She met with him in Bursa, and she said to him that she wants to go to school. Atatürk adopted her and took her to Istanbul. She finished primary school and entered to high school there. She studied in Uskudar American High School. She went to Paris to improve her French. Then, she entered to Turkkusu Civil Aviation School in 1935. She was sent with 7 male students to Crimean Russia and completed her gliding education there. She entered to Eskisehir Military Aviation School in 1936 and became a fighter pilot. After she did so many military missions, she was considered worthy to medal of honor by Turk Aviation Institution. She took the greatest award of her career in 1996. She was selected as “one of the 20 aviators who made her name in World History” at the ceremony at the Maxwell Air Base, which she attended as honored guest of the Eagles Meeting that it was organized for the graduation ceremony of the American Air Staff Collage. She is the first and only female pilot who was considered worthy to this award. She did her last flight when she was 83 years old in


Süreyya AĞAOĞLU FIRST THE FEMALE TURK LAWYER Süreyya Ağaoğlu was born in 1903 in Shusha, Azerbaijan. Süreyya Ağaoğlu, the first Turk female lawyer, was the daughter of Ahmet Ağaoğlu, a prominent Azebaijan and Turkish politician. She studied in Istanbul Girls High School. Then, she entered to Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 1921. She is the first female student who entered to this school. She finished the school and became a lawyer. She took her self-employed attorney’s license. She attended to International Women Lawyers Union. She represented Turkey in many international conferences. At the time of 1960 revolution, she became the mayor of Istanbul of New Turkey Party. She wrote many juridical books like “What I Saw in London and One Life Passed Just Like This”. She is founder of Child’s Friends Association. She died on December 29, 1989, in Istanbul.

15 THAT DAY IN HISTORY On 5 January 2005: The largest known dwarf plant “Eris” was discovered. On 11 January 1922: Insulin, which is the treatment of diabetes, tested on people. On 12 January 1967: Dr James Bedford became the first human being frozen to be revived in the future. On 17 January 1605: Cervantes’ novel “Don Quixote” was published for the first time. The second part was published 10 years later. On 18 January 1896: X-rays introduced to the public for the first time in New York. The name X symbolized the unknown. On 23 January 1849: Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman who received a medical degree. On 27 January 1299: Ottoman Empire was established. On 29 January 1595: William Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet” was staged for the first time. On 18 February 1867: For the first time a ship passed through the Suez Canal. On 20 February 1970: The first foundation of Bosphorus Bridge was laid in Istanbul. On 27 February 1863: The first known painting exhibition in Turkey was opened in Istanbul with the support of the Ottoman Abdulaziz. On 4 March 1918: Spanish flu emerged. On 6 April 1909: For the first time a foot landed on the North Pole. On 7 April 1948: WHO (World Health Organization) was founded. On 20 April 1841: First detective novel “Morgue Street Murders” was published. On 23 April 2005: First YouTube video “Me at The Zoo” was shared on the site. On 26 April 1986: Chernobyl explosion happened.


Orsay Museum (Musée d’Orsay) / Paris, France

It is a state museum located next to the Seine River. It was converted from an old train station. In the museum; there are sculptures, paintings, furniture and photographs of French Art made between 1845 and 1915. In the museum; famous artworks of important artists such as Van Gogh, Monet, Cézanne, Renoir and Rodin. Osman Hamdi Bey’s artwork “Şehzade Türbesinde Derviş” is also included in the artworks. The museum; by dint of its bright hall, high ceiling and panoramic view, it makes you tour without getting bored. For virtual tour: www.artsandculture.google.com

The Museum of Modern Art / Manhattan, New York

In 1929, it was founded under the leadership of female members of Rockefeller Family. In this building which has 6 floors and 59.000 square metres of exhibition space, there aren’t only painting collections. By dint of temporary exhibitions, course programs and educational activities; it looks like a school. Additionally; it has restaurants, cafes, shop store, cinema and terrace. Moreover, even the building in its new form is an artwork. In the museum, there are artworks of modern artists as well as world-famous artists such as Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo. Furthermore, thanks to last restoration you can visit the museum to meet with your friends, eat or chat.

For virtual tour: www.artsandculture.google.com

18 Uffizi Gallery (Galleria degli Uffizi) / Florence, Italy

It is the only museum & gallery where you can observe the development of art from the 13th- 14th centuries to the 18th-19th centuries. You can see the renaissance and previous-posterior periodsMetropolitan with almost all of artists Museum. The structure of Art is / New York City, ABD U-shaped and it was built as an office. There are 101 halls and you can see the development of art by dint of the chronological sequence of the artworks. The Ufizzi Collection consists of the artworks of many famous artist such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raffaello. Every year several exhibition rooms are closed and restored. In the museum, there are 3 stores, a cafe and a post office for sending gifts to loved ones.

For virtual tour: www.artsandculture.google.com

The Prado Museum (Museo Nacional del Prado) / Madrid, Spain

In 1819, it was founded on the order of the King of Spain. Queen Isabella collected collections from all the kingdoms and nobles in the country to expand the museum Metropolitan Museum ofcollection Art / New. This Yorkis what City, makes ABD it special because consist of collections of Spanish Royal Families. In addition, the queen changed the old name of the museum from “Royal Painting and Sculpture Museum” to “Prado Museum”. In the museum there are thousands of paintings, sculptures, antique items and by dint of modern airy structure, it doesn’t bore visitors. Furthermore; in the shop of the museum, there are puzzle versions of the artworks found there. For virtual tour: www.museodelprado.es

19 Louvre Museum (Musée du Louvre) / Paris, France

It is the largest and most famous art museum, located in the Louvre Palace, on an area of 72.000 square metres. Moreover, it is the first state museum in the world. Originally, it was built as a castle, later used as a royal palace and became a museum in 1793. The famous Louvre Pyramids are located in the centre of the museum courtyard. In the museum,Metropolitan there are 8 main Museum departments of and Art 3 / New York City, ABD different wings. The most crowded of them is Denon Wing, because of the world-famous Mona Lisa painting behind bullet glass. In the museum, there are about 35.000 artworks, 38.000 object and if you spend 1 minute for each artwork, you have to tour for 65 days. The basic of collection is created by the artworks of important artists such as Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael. Additionally, there are thousands of artworks from West-East Europe, Egypt and İslamic Civilizations. On the other hand, there is a tour for Da Vinci fans and this tour is for you to track the main characters of the book. In addition, the museum has a shop. For virtual tour: www.louvre.fr

Metropolitan Museum of Art / New York City, ABD

In 1872, it was founded to promote and develop fine arts. Located near the Central Park, this museum is the largest art Metropolitan Museum of Artmuseum / New in the York country City, and ABD there are classic artworks, paintings, sculptures and an extensive collection of American modern art in it. The museum consists of parts such as Egyptian Art, Greek and Ancient Roman, African Art, American Art, Asian Art and there are one-hour talks for each gallery. Intercalarily, the museum has a research library, a part for kids and an active educational exhibition. For virtual tour: www.artsandculture.google.com 20 Step By Step Thoughts


In Amsterdam, People Hunt Cycling, Not Fish, As A Full Time Job

Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is world famous for its beautiful

canals and about 2 million bicycles that the inhabitants of the Netherlands can TUĞBA AK pedal. When these two features come together, the city needs a very special profession: Bicycle hunting. According to the report in Public Radio International, workers use hydraulic grabs to remove about 15,000 bikes from the canals every year .They have been doing this job since the 1960s and it looks like they will continue to do this for a long time .So why are the Dutch throwing their bicycles

into the canal end masse? There are various explanations on this subject, but according to some, this event dates back to the past: The canals in Amsterdam used to be the city’s sewage system. Also, in the Dutch capital, bicycles are seen as a cheap means of transport rather than an expensive investment. Most of these bikes that paint the bottom of the canals are probably old models.

Queue Keeper

Don’t you want to sit at desk? Isn’t it a problem for you stand? If waiting for a long time isn’t problem, this job is for you. You can be a professional queue keeper. Japanese people are known for their hard work so they give other people money to wait in line. So, both sides win. I think this job very boring but you can earn easy money. Actually, not that easy, first you have to find a queue but this queue must be long so people wants to do business

with you. If you use this time with good quality this job would be a good TUBA USLU TUBA

choice for you. I forgot. Sometimes people don’t want to wait because of bad weather, not because of long queues. If you are going to do this job, you must have good body resistance.


Bird Repellent at The Airport

ZEYNEP The work is described by the German newspaper FAZ as a kind

of living scarecrow. When the person doing the job heard that İKBAL there was a flock of birds on the

runway where the plane will land, he jumped in his car and went to BUDAK the runway to distribute the flock. The person who fires warning shots when necessary, is therefore called the airport scarecrow.


First of all, most of the time I study alone because if we get

together in group, we will dive into the conversation so, studying alone is best. Besides that, I study in my room, sitting on my chair because when I lie down on the sofa, I feel sleepy, but honestly, this is very pleasurable and sometimes I do. When I study in low light, I feel as sleepy as when I study on the sofa. I guess I am looking for an excuse to sleep. That’s why, I listen to music when I write something, but only when I write something because I get very confused if I listen to music when I memorize something or solve tests. Finally, I don’t have any regular schedule because I study all the time, even at the weekends but the most important thing for me is to take AYTÖRE SAFİYE GENÇER AYTÖRE regular breaks and I pay close attention to this, usually every thirty minutes because when I don’t take any break, my productivity decreases, most of the time I don’t want to study again.


Let’s start with how important families are in our country. Families are the most important structure of

our country, but unfortunately, family structures have TAYYİBESARIGÜLZEYNEP changed in the last ten years. For example, my father has 14 siblings but I have only 2. So, I think present families are smaller than old ones. I think in the future families will be smaller than present families and the authority within the family will decrease. At least, according to present families. Of course the most authoritarian families are the past ones. Because in the past, families lived with their elderly parents and elderly parents provided authority in the family, unfortunately this authority does not exist in today’s families. People send their elderly parents to the nursing home. However, this task is not government’s job. People don’t want to take care of their parents as they get older. I find this very ridiculous. I think whatever happens, you should take care of the people who grew up you. That is all. Thanks for listening.


In zoos, people can see animals they have never seen before. That’s why people think zoos are beautiful and useful places. So, does this fun also apply to animals? Or have you ever thought about these situations in terms of animals? Today I will talk

about whether zoos should be closed or not. I believe zoos or animal theme parks should be closed. Because zoos limit animals’ right to life. If you’ve ever visited a zoo, you may have noticed that animals are often unhappy. In fact, animals that stay in the zoo for years and are then released to nature cannot adapt to nature and die. It is also a harmful event in terms of this species population. Although the main purpose of zoos is to protect the species, zoos should be closed because living conditions are

ZEYNEP İKBAL BUDAK ZEYNEP BUDAK İKBAL restricted for the animals whose species are not at risk. Although zoos are good places to protect species, they should be closed as they have come out of this purpose over time. The most logical solution is to open centers to protect only the species at risk instead of zoos. 23 5-) LET’S TALK SOMETHING ABOUT HOMEWORK

Extremism of Homework Most of the students believe that homework is needless and waste of time. In my judgment, there is not an exact answer for this. Because

banning of homework is unacceptable but this is such a condition that we find GÜMÜŞ FİRDEVS ourselves protesting homework. Because sometimes students feel like they are struggling with torment when they do homework. In my opinion, we should tackle this both as beneficial homework. Of course, doing practice or revising the subject that we learnt are the main rules of learning something. But I do not think that we are supposed to write or prepare a presentation about the things that we learnt. I mean, writing or reading page after page of notes can cause us to lose interest about it. That’s why, homework should be given in moderation and if it is necessary. In this way, learning will get easy in every part of education for students. Because the easiest way to learn is to find a way to remember the information and it is almost impossible to remember the information that seems like a torment to us while learning.


Homework is the most important problem of education. The reason of this, there are positive aspects in both ways. In my opinion, we shouldn’t ban because problem is not the homework, but the lack of

ER quality and quantity. According to the research, Ç children who do homework less than three hours a day are more successful than children who do more

because by dint of practical, research and creative YE YE GEN

İ homework, this time is enough. Students who do homework in this way both refresh their knowledge, become responsible, and they can spend time for themselves. On the other hand, if we ban homework, they only become sociable and they will be missing

from other qualities. In a nutshell, what we need to do AYTÖRE SAF AYTÖRE is not to ban homework, but to pay attention to its quantity and quality. By means of this, children can develop in many ways.


The Way to Peace is Very Simple What do you do when you really get tired of the lessons? Do you want me to tell you something that is not bothers, addictive you and really good? We’ve all been with music since we were little. When you were little, you made a rhythm by hitting something. Our mothers make us sleep with lullabies, and there are songs that you learn in kindergarten. We start playing instrument in primary school. So, we get acquainted with music. Sometimes when we are sad and sometimes when we are happy, music is always good for us. Today I will tell you the importance of music and play instrument first and then why it should be taught in schools. TUBAUSLU Firstly, why is music important? When you listen to music and playing instrument, your heartbeat changes and adapts to the rhythm of the music you are listening to. Thus, music calms us down. When making an important decision or when you get very angry, decide what to do by listening to music. You will see that you will have made very correct decisions. You will also prevent future heart problems because the heart learns better with music to go in a rhythm. Secondly, Homework and exams usually given in schools make us very nervous. When we get home, we want to do homework and go to bed as we are tired. So, how can we get rid of this stress the easiest? Of course, with music. As I said before, when we are calm, we think and understand better. Music lessons between classes both relax us and raise our average. Be sure, increase our loyalty to each other as well as the musical instruments that we rhythm with your friends and play. Wouldn’t it be nice if you were playing the same song all together? In Conclusion, every moment we grew up we were in music and in rhythm. We also experienced the pleasure of playing an instrument. We have noticed that these can relieve both our heart and mental health. I hope you like playing an instrument, too.


I think, ideal school is a good teacher-student relationship. Also, the prestige of school is important. We should have workshops where we can improve ourselves in all fields. I think, educators should support students in the professions they want to do. According to me, people shouldn’t judge students in the lesson they can’t do. If these happen, students won’t anyway choose profession to earn money.

They will choose their professions for what FİRDEVS FİRDEVS GÜMÜŞ they want to do. In this way, the school will be a more fun place for students.


How to Be Successful? There are many things you need to do to be successful. First, you have to set yourself a goal. Second of all, you have to find out how you better understand a subject covered in the lesson, that is, discover which direction your own perception tends to be. There are three aspects of comprehension, these understand by hearing, seeing or writing. You can understand by listening to the teacher in the lesson, your auditory comprehension aspect is at the forefront, or if the subject remains in your mind as your teacher wrote on the board, your visual understanding is at the forefront, if not both of these and you can understand give up the subject better by taking notes, your understanding by writing is at the forefront. If you discover how you understand better, you will work extra emphasis on that direction and you will be more successful. Third, you have to work hard. Finally, you should never

How to overcome exam anxiety? What is Exam Anxiety? Exam anxiety; It is defined as intense anxiety that prevents the effective use of the previously learned knowledge during the exam and leads to a decrease in success. What are the ways to deal with exam anxiety? Ways to deal with exam anxiety: Questioning thoughts and beliefs re-evaluating unrealistic thinking habits from a different perspective, breathing exercises, relaxation exercises, trying to recognize and not suppress anxiety, but to acknowledge and recognize it. The technique of stopping thoughts, Focusing attention on other points are ways of coping that can be used. Don’t stop, focus your attention on other points. Did you know these about studying?

1-) Choosing the place of study is very 2-)Before starting to study, fatigue, important. The study place should be tidy, insomnia, pain, feeling of sorrow, fear, simple, stable and calm as possible and also anger, excessive anxiety, excessive physical problems such as light and heat excitement, anxiety, hunger, extreme should be solved. Not being able to provide satiety, family troubles, below and above a separate place should not be a reason for normal physical conditions (such as very escaping from studying, and they should get hot, very cold) factors such as haste, used to studying under unfavorable rush, lack of tools and equipment should conditions. Lying on the bed, sofa and sofa be eliminated as much as possible. will make it difficult to concentrate attention and cause the student to lose more time to study. 26 EASY WAYS TO LEARN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE

Study Language In That Country

Study Language In That Country Remember that whatever language you want to learn, the best thing you can do is study a language in that country. Knowing that the easiest and most efficient way to learn a foreign language on the spot, go to language school consciously. This trend will show you that you can easily learn a new language or improve your existing language much faster. The more you are exposed to a language, the sooner you can learn it. So give yourself a change and meet a brand new culture with a language. To learn a foreign language easily, study a language in that country.

Benefit From YouTube Videos

YouTube videos, which are the most practical way to learn foreign language, will allow you to master a language quickly, especially in a short time. If you find an easy-to-explain channel that you can understand, you will realize that learning a language is not difficult at all. The phenomenon channels that make funny videos on YouTube will help you understand the culture in the language you want to learn.

Read Easy Books

Reading a book, a classic language learning method that we all hear from people, does it really work? When was the last time you applied this classic exercise, which can be called constant with experience, to learn a language? Choosing an easy and understandable book will contribute to your language learning with a very rich content in terms of both the use of the language, the use of time (tense) and the development of the vocabulary.

27 Talk To Yourself What You Learned

Speaking to yourself, which is one of the easiest, most practical ways to learn a foreign language, is a very efficent exercise. Telling yourself what you have learned in front of the mirror will make it easy to realize how well you have a command of the language and your language accent. You record your voice while talking to yourself from the extras, while listening to your recordings, it will give you an idea about the foreign language you want to learn. Most of the time, we proceed by assuming that we have learned, and after a while we realize that we have forgotten most things ... Listening to your own voice will not allow you to easily forget the words you just learned.

Watch Foreign TV Series/ Movies with Subtitles

Adding subtitles to the TV series or movies you watch while learning a foreign language will help you learn the language faster. It would be wrong to think of a simple language. Without ignoring the cultural element that feeds the language, the easiest and fastest way to get yourself closer to that culture is through foreign languages and films. This situation will not only teach you words and sentences with deep meanings such as idioms and proverbs that the language contains, but you will also learn the approach of that language and culture in different situations.

28 REPOTAGE A TURKISH FAMILY IN CANADA 1)Was it easy for you to get used to its culture of Canada? -Yes, it was easy. Because they are free and very respectful of any culture. I got used to it in a short time. 2)What do you think language is easy to learn? -Actually, this varies from person to person. Because each language has its own challenges. The important thing is that you take the time to learn that language and make enough effort. With this, anyone can learn a new language. If you take enough time and add that language to your daily life, you can easily learn it. 3)Is it easy to learn English? -Of course, it’s easy if you take enough time and trying to learning by adding it to your daily life. 4)What are the difficulties of living abroad? -Every country has its own unique culture. It was easy for me to get used to this culture, but it can vary from person to person. Also, when I first came to Canada, I did not speak English. If you don’t speak the language, everything is more difficult for you. And the rules of this place are also different from my country. It also took time to get used to these rules. That’s all the difficulties that come to my mind right now. But I can say that you get used to these difficulties in a short time and you start not to have difficulties anymore. 5)What are your recommendations for those who want to live abroad? -Learn the language of that country well. Do your research before you go so that you will be prepared for challenges when you get there. 6)How did you choose your country of residence? -Because there are many job opportunities here, my husband started a business here years ago. That’s why we live here. 7)How did you decide to live abroad? -I came for a short time for business. I started a business with the recommendation of my friends and started living here. 8)How was your adaptation process? How long did it take? -Actually, it was very easy for me to get used to it. Just like I said, I didn’t know the language of this place. Learning the language made everything easy. I think this is a process that will vary from person to person. 9)How are the living conditions? -Their economy is very good. And they value their citizens. They provide home to the homeless for a very low price. They give jobs to the unemployed. They are just insufficient in health. 10) How does it feel to be with people who speak the local language? -It definitely works very well in learning languages. You can practice all the time. And they are very kind and respectful to strangers. Therefore, you are very comfortable with them. 11)How are their perspectives on Muslim? -They are very respectful. They do not disrespect any religion. 12) How is the transportation? -There are various means of transport such as metro, bus, train and plane. Train is used for intercity transportation. However, the majority have their own private car and prefer transportation with it. 13)What are the climatic conditions? -There is no spring and autumn like in Turkey. There are only winter and summer seasons. But the summer season lasts about 3 weeks. 14)What is Canada’s native language? -English and French. But French is common only in the city of Montreal

29 Theatre Reflection

Romeo And Juliet Written by William Shakespeare, this play is undoubtedly one of the rare plays that made its mark in history. It is one of the most well-known works of the author. This play, which impressed everyone who reads and watches, is thought to have been written between 1591 and 1596. The plot of the play is the tragic love of Romeo and Juliet. Although at first, they are with different people, they fall in love as soon as they see each other. They do not approve of this love because their families are enemy to each other, but they marry in secret, but this reunion, unfortunately, does not last long. These lovers, who struggle so much to reunite, die tragically on this way. Families who learn that their children are dead, reconcile by ending hostility. But it is too late for everything. Shakespeare has carefully chosen every word in his work and has literally been kept alive by those who read it. If you are looking for a theater to read or watch, I recommend Romeo and Juliet. Because their love is worth watching. Although it ends tragically …

Book Reflection

And Then There Were None Written by the famous crime writer Agatha Christie, this book is one of the author’s most famous and ingenious books. The book tells about the mysterious deaths of 10 people who gathered on the island for vacation, one by one. Each of those who come to the island, finds a poem in their room, and each one is killed according to that poem. Sometime after this mysterious event, the confession letter of the killer in a bottle is found by the sailors. In this letter, it writes that these 10 people gathered on the island were killed for their past crimes, and the killer openly admits how they were all killed. Written with great skill, this book has deeply impressed everyone who reads it. I recommend this book that will blow your mind when you read it to all detective lovers.

30 Continuation of page 30… -Here is that mysterious letter that visitors found in their rooms:

Ten little Soldier boys went out to dine;

One choked his little self and then there were nine.

Nine little Soldier boys sat up very late;

One overslept himself and then there were eight.

Eight little Soldier boys traveling in Devon;

One said he’d stay there and then there were seven.

Seven little Soldier boys chopping up sticks;

One chopped himself in halves and then there were six.

Six little Soldier boys playing with a hive;

A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.

Five little Soldier boys going in for law;

One got into Chancery and then there were four.

Four little Soldier boys going out to sea;

A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.

Three little Soldier boys walking in the zoo;

A big bear hugged one and then there were two.

Two little Soldier boys playing with a gun;

One shot the other and then there was One.

One little Soldier boy left all alone;

He went out and hanged himself and then there were none.

31 Film Reflections

Coco (2017) Genres: Adventure, family, fantasy Director: Lee Unkrich Awards: The Best Animated Movie Oscar (2018)

Despite his family's baffling generations-old ban on music, Miguel dreams of becoming an accomplished musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz. Desperate to prove his talent, Miguel finds himself in the stunning and colorful Land of the Dead following a mysterious chain of events. Along the way, he meets charming trickster Hector, and together, they set off on an extraordinary journey to unlock the real story behind Miguel's family history.

3 Idiots (2009) Genres: Comedy Director: Rajkumar Hirani Awards: Filmfare and IIFA the Best Film

Farhan Qureshi and Raju Rastogi want to re-unite with their fellow collegian, Rancho, after faking a stroke aboard an Air India plane, and excusing himself from his wife trouser less-respectively. Chatur Ramalingam, now a successful businessman, who reminds them of a bet they had undertaken 10 years ago. The trio, while recollecting hilarious antics, including their run-ins with the Dean of Delhi's Imperial College of Engineering, Viru Sahastrabuddhe, race to locate Rancho, at his last known address little knowing the secret that was kept from them all this time.

32 Ayla (2017) Genres: Biography drama, history Director: Can Ulkay Nominations: Oscar for The Best Foreign Language Film (2018)

In 1950, amidst the ravages of the Korean War, Sergeant Süleyman stumbles upon a half-frozen little girl, with no parents and no help in sight. Frantic, scared and on the verge of death, this little girl captures the heart of Süleyman, who risks his own life to save her, smuggling her into his Army base and out of harm's way. Not knowing her name and unable to communicate with her, Süleyman names her Ayla, in reminiscence of the moon on the fateful night during which they met. The two form an instantaneous and inseparable bond, and Ayla, almost effortlessly, brings an uncanny joy to the Turkish brigade in the grip of war. As the war comes to a close however, Süleyman's brigade is told that they will be returning home. Süleyman cannot bear abandoning Ayla and does everything within his power to take her with him. After repeated failure, he is forced to give Ayla to an orphanage, but doesn't give up on the hope of one day reuniting with her. Will the two ever get back together?

Miracle in Cell No:7 (2013) Genres: Drama Director: Hwan-Kyung Lee Awards: Grand Bell for The Best Screenplay (2013)

A story about the love between a mentally-ill father and his lovingly adorable daughter. Wrongfully accused of murder and rape, Yong-Goo is imprisoned for murder, and builds friendships with the hardened criminals in his cell, who in return help him see his daughter again by smuggling her into the prison.

33 IDIOMS English idioms are old but familiar sayings that usually give advice. They are an important part of everyday English. Many are very old and have interesting histories. See how many of these sayings you know.

Call it a day: YourA blessing guess is as ingood disguise: as A good StopA blessing in disguise: A good mine:thing I have that no seemed idea. bad at first. workingthing thaton seemed bad at first. something.

A dime a dozen: BreakA blessing a leg: in disguise: A good Not worth a Good luck. cent. thing that seemed bad at first.

GetA outblessing of hand: in disguise: A good A blessing in disguise: A good Get out of Get your act control.thing that seemed bad at first. together:thing that Work seemed bad at first. better or leave.

A blessing in disguise: EasyA blessingdoes it: in disguise: A good A blessing in disguise: A good A good thing that Slow down. thing that seemed bad at first. seemedthing badthat at seemed first. bad at first.

No pain, no GoA backblessing to the indrawing disguise: A good gain:A blessing You have in disguise: A good board:thing Start that over. seemed bad at first. tothing work thatfor seemed bad at first. what you want.


Many a little What a nice day. makes a mickle.

Apple of my eye. A little bird told me.

35 -Would You Rather Questions-

How about making some fun choices? I think we will have a lot of fun with these choices. And also, you can learn about your personality by answering questions.

*Let’s start. * 1)Would you rather… A)Be forced to sing along B)Dance to every single song you hear? 2)Would you rather … A)Have everyone you know be able to read your thoughts B)For everyone you know to have access to your Internet history 3)Would you rather… A)Labor under a hot sun B)Extreme cold? 4)Would you rather… A)Buy 10 things you don’t need every time you go shopping B)Always forget the one thing that you need when you go to the store 5)Would you rather… A)Have a personal maid B)A personal chef 6)Would you rather… A)Lounge by the pool B)On the beach 7)Would you rather… A)Cuddle a koala B)Pal around with a panda?

*If the majority is A; The seaside makes you happy and comforting. You are a little shy person and you love loneliness. But if you can spend a little more time with people, you can overcome this shyness. *If the majority is B; You are a self-confident person. You are comfortable and you like spending time with people. You love animals. I think it’s time to own one.

36 Fun Break Sometimes fun breaks are required for rest and relaxation. Then let’s try some tongue twister!

*OK, first, let’s start with easier ones. *

1)SCREAM: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

2)FUZZY WUZZY: Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?

3)CHEWS SHOES: If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?

*Let’s make them a bit harder, huh? *

4)BETTY BOTTER’S BUTTER: Betty Botter bought some 5)UNDERSTAND: butter, but she said, “This If you understand, say “Understand”. If you don’t understand, say butter is bitter. Bitter butter “Don’t understand”. But if you understand and say “Don’t is bad for batter.”. So, she understand”, How do I understand that you understand? bought some better butter, Understand! to make her bitter batter better. 6)SOLVING A PROMLEM: A problem of solving a problem is not a problem, but when a problem solves a problem without any problem, then the problem is not at all a problem.

*I think you’re ready for the most difficult, aren’t you? * OK, here we go:

8)BISCUITS: I bought a bit of baking powder and baked a batch of biscuits. I bought a big basket of biscuits back to the bakery and baked a basket of big biscuits. Then I took the big basket of biscuits and the basket of big biscuits and mixed the big biscuits with the basket of biscuits that was next to the big basket and put a bunch of biscuits from the basket into a biscuit mixer and brought the basket of biscuits and the box of mixed biscuits and the biscuit mixer to the bakery and opened a tin of sardines.

*Yes, if you say all of these right, this means, you are really successful in spelling words. Congratulations.*

37 MUSIC PUZZLE BILLY JOEL – THE LONGEST TIME THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS – For the longest time, for the longest Maybe I've been hoping too hard ISTANBUL (NOT CONSTANTINOPLE) If you said goodbye to me ………... But I've gone this far Istanbul was Constantinople

There would still be music left to ……… And it's more than I hoped for Now it’s Istanbul, not Constantinople

What else could I do Who knows how much ………. we'll go on Been a ………… gone

I'm so ………. by you Maybe I'll be sorry when you're gone Old Constantinople’s still has Turkish delight on a ……………. That hasn't happened for the longest time I'll take my chances Every gal in Constantinople is in Once I thought my ………… was gone I forgot how nice …………. is Istanbul, not Constantinople

Now I know that happiness goes on I haven't been there for the longest time So, if you’ve ……… in Constantinople

That's where you found me I had second thoughts at the start She will be ………. in Istanbul

When you put your arms around me I said to myself Even old New York was once ………….

I haven't been there for the longest time Hold on to your heart Why they changed it, I can’t say

For the longest time, for the longest Now I know the woman that you are People just like it better that way

I'm that voice you're hearing in the ……. You're wonderful so far Take me back to Constantinople

And the greatest ………. of all And it's more than I hoped for No, you can’t go back to Is how I need you I don't care what …………… it brings Constantinople

And how you needed me too I have been a fool for lesser things Now it’s Istanbul not Constantinople

That hasn't happened for the longest time I want you so bad Why did Constantinople get the ……….? Maybe this won't last very long I think you ought to know that That’s nobody’s ………… but the Turks’ But you feel so right I ………… to hold you for the longest time Istanbul! And I could be wrong Istanbul!

Even old …………. was once New

THE BEATLES – HERE COMES THE SUN Amsterdam And I say it's all right Here comes the sun do, do, do Why they ………… it, I can’t say Sun, sun, sun here it comes Here comes the sun People just like it better that way Little darling, I feel that ice is And ……...... it's all right Take me back to Constantinople ………... Little darling, it's been a long cold ………. winter No, you can’t go back to Little darling, it seems like Constantinople Little darling, it seems like years ………… it's been here years since it's been ………... Now it’s Istanbul, not Constantinople Here comes the sun do, do, do Here comes the sun do, do, do Why did Constantinople get the Here comes the sun Here comes the sun …………? And I say it's all right And I say it's all right That’s nobody’s ………… but the Turks’ Little darling, the smiles ……….... to the faces Here comes the sun do, do, do Istanbul! Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here Here comes the sun Here comes the sun do, do, do It’s all right, it’s all right 38 Here comes the sun, 38

The Time to Use Your Imagination

Please keep the story going by using your imagination.

Wisdom Saves

Once, a wise monkey lived on a big mango tree on a river bank. Very near lived a crocodile in the river. They became intimate friends. Quite often the monkey gave ripe mangoes to his friend. One day, the crocodile demanded some mangoes for his wife. She had never tasted mangoes in her life. The generous monkey picked a big ripe mango and gave it to the crocodile. The crocodile’s wife liked the delicious mango very much. She was very cunning and wicked. She thought of eating the monkey itself. “One who eats such sweet mangoes, his heart must be very sweet,” said she. The poor crocodile was upset. He told his wife clearly that he would never allow to get such a friend killed. But the wicked wife made the crocodile’s life really miserable. At last, he gave in. The next day he went to the mango tree. He invited the monkey to have lunch with them. He took the monkey on his back. When they were in the middle of the river, the crocodile revealed the truth. His wife actually wanted to eat his heart. The wise monkey was quiet for a moment. Then he hit upon a plan. He said, “I’ve left my heart hanging on the mango tree. I want to go back and bring it.” Soon they were under the tree. The monkey lost no time in climbing up on the topmost branch. He pointed to his heart and said, “My heart is inside me. Go away and never come near the mango tree again. It’s the end of our friendship.” ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….


Find words with meanings then find them from the crossword and cross them over.

1-)Person helping bosses working in the office.

2-)Person who saves people drowning in the sea and in the pool.

3-)The person who designed the buildings . 4-)People who stop work after one age and not work.

5-)Translating languages together during the speech.

6-)The person who extinguishes the gigantic flames.

7-)The person that makes the decision in the courts.

8-)The Edison and Graham Bell.

9-)The person who helps people’s psychology recover.

10-)The person who delivers their letters to people.

40 What is Tangram and how is it done? Let’s learn together.

Tangram is a creative intelligence game based on creating various forms by bringing together seven geometrically shaped pieces made of stone, bone, plastic or wood.

Cut the pieces below and try to make the specified shapes with them

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF TANGRAM? Analytical thinking & reasoning, abstract thinking, problem solving, classification & sorting, see the similarities & separate the differences, establish all the relationships in the piece, visual spatial intelligence development, includes fun brain exercises for attention deficit training. It is effective in gaining values such as perseverance and patience.



First get many triangular pieces by following the steps shown.

Then put these pieces together as in the figure.

You can use your perfect swan in ready- made decoration.

Note: if you want, you can make some triangles out of colored paper and turn your swan into a colored swan. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF ORIGAMI? Today, origami has many benefits. First of all, hand and finger muscles, hand and eye coordination of children develop. Thus, children easily internalize one of the most important dynamics of life, transformation, by shaping ordinary pieces of paper beautifully. The general concentration of people interested in origami increases. Being interested in this art of origami changes people’s aesthetic perceptions and their view of the world. Children and adults also gain the ability to think logically and correctly in three dimensions.












•https://www.kafaterya.org/gunes-sisteminde-bulunan-gezegenler-ve- ozellikleri/ •https://www.milliyet.com.tr/nesli-tukenen-hayvanlar-nelerdir--nesli- tukenmek-uzere-olan-hayvanlar-molatik-605/ •www.ntv.com.tr •https://covid19.saglik.gov.tr/ •www.artsandculture.google.com , www.museodelprado.es , www.louvre.fr •https://edumag.net/galeri/yabanci-dil-ogrenmenin-10-kolay-yolu/ •https://cahighways.org/wordpress/?p=3151 •https://www.imdb.com/ •www.ef.com •https://parade.com/964027/parade/would-you-rather-questions/ •https://parade.com/1056235/marynliles/tongue-twisters/ •https://ingilizcebankasi.com/ •www.star.com.tr •www.hurriyet.com.tr

44 PREPARED BY Tuğba Ak Tuba Uslu Firdevs Gümüş Zeynep İkbal Budak Aytöre Safiye Gençer Tayyibe Zeynep Sarıgül

45 46