BOOK OF ABSTRACTS ABSTRACT BOOK OF 5th INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH CONGRESS Edited by Prof. Dr. Susanne KOCH Prof. Dr. Nevide AKPINAR DELLAL The responsibility of the abstracts contained in this book belongs to the authors. Abstract Book of 5th International Contemporary Educational Research Congress, Frankfurt am Main, 2019 i ABSTRACT BOOK OF 5th INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH CONGRESS Edited by Prof. Dr. Susanne KOCH Prof. Dr. Nevide AKPINAR DELLAL CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION ÇAĞDAġ EĞITIM ARAġTIRMALARI DERNEĞI All Rights Reserved. The responsibility of the abstracts contained in the book belongs to the authors. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. Contact:
[email protected] Abstract Book of 5th International Contemporary Educational Research Congress, Frankfurt am Main, 2019 ii PRESIDENTS OF THE CONGRESS Prof. Dr. Frank E. P. DIEVERNICH President of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Dr. Witold STANKOWSKI Rector of the Captain Witold Pilecki State University of Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Nevide AKPINAR DELLAL President of Contemporary Educational Research Association Academic Member of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University PRESIDENTS OF THE ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Prof. Dr. Susanne KOCH Academic Member of Frankfurt University of Applied Science Prof. Dr. Nevide AKPINAR DELLAL President of Contemporary Educational Research Association Academic Member of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Abstract Book of 5th International Contemporary Educational Research Congress, Frankfurt am Main, 2019 iii MEMBERS OF ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Kemal TURSUN, M. Sc., Res.