Websites for Hessian Soldiers

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Websites for Hessian Soldiers Websites for Hessian Soldiers JOHANNES SCHWALM HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, INC. GERMAN AUXILIARY SOLDIERS WHO REMAINED IN NORTH AMERICA AFTER THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND WHOSE MILITARY SERVICE AND FAMILY HISTORIES HAVE BEEN RESEARCHED AND PUBLISHED OR DOCUMENTED BY THE JSHA The JSHA regrets to inform it's readers that this registry was last updated in late 2004 and at this time no one is updating this list. If you have questions regarding the information that led to this listing, please contact the F&M College Archives to determine if there is any information in their repository on the person listed on this registry, If you are interested in helping JSHA update this registry in the future, please contact us. Army and German Town of origin; Military rank or rating; Military unit; Source of military record; Personal Name information and source for additional information, if any. Hesse-Cassel; Brethausen; Private; von Knyphausen Co 1; Ackerman, Johannes HETRINA Vol III; deserted 16 Jan 1780 from NYC. Brunswick; Apperode/Brandenburg; rank unknown; Smith Allenstein, Gottleib (Rimpau); Deserted from POW status likely at Charlottesville. Hesse-Cassel; Wichmannhausen; Private; Hesse-Kassel Erbprinz Reg., Co. 5; HETRINA Vol III; Captured at Arnold, Justus Yorktown; Deserted from POW status and settled in Loudoun County, Va. Hesse-Cassel; Hoheneiche; Private; Erb Prinz Reg., Co. 5; Assmann, Johann HETRINA Vol III; Captured 19 Aug. 1779; Indentured to Adolph Johann Jacob Faesch at Mt. Hope Furnace; Deserted May 1783; Married Elinor Phillips; Profile in JSHA 1990 Journal. Hesse-Cassel, Holzhausen; Private; von Linsingen Co. 3; HETRINA Vol III; Deserted between 1778 and 1781 near Aubel, Konrad Philadelphia; Married Barbara Ziebold; Profile in JSHA 1987 Journal. Hesse-Cassel, Festenberg, Silesia; Private; von Bose, Co von Muenchhausen; HETRINA Vol. II; Scheer Report, JSHA Aulick, Carl V (1993); Captured at Yorktown; Deserted from POW Christopher Edman status; Went to Baltimore and then settled in Winchester, Va.; Straight line genealogy established. Hesse-Hanau, Bobenhausen; Musketeer; Erb Prinz Co. 2; Aumann, Johann HETRINA Vol VI; Indentured himself at Reading, PA on 24 Heinrich Oct 1782; Married Maria Beatern; Profile in JSHA 1996 Journal Hesse-Cassel; Hersfeld; Private; JAG Co 2; HETRINA Vol Baetz, Konrad VI; captured near Trenton and joined Americans in Mar 1777. Hesse-Cassel, Reichenbach; Private; Rall Co. 2; HETRINA Bahner, Johann Vol III; Deserted 11 Apr. 1779 near Savannah, GA; Married Nicholas (Bahnert) Margaret Steger; Story in JSHA 1987 Journal. Hesse-Cassel; Schorbach; Private; von Knyphausen Reg, Bambey, Johann Co. 4; HETRINA Vol III; deserted on march from Kaspar Runklestown to Freehold, NJ 25 June 1778; Married Phillippina Hallman and settled in Berks County, PA. Banse, Dietmar Waldeck; Besse; Private; Company 4; HETRINA Vol V; (Banzer) Deserted from POW status May 1778 at Lancaster Hesse-Cassel; unknown; Second Lieutenant, von Ditfurth Bardeleben, von, Regiment; HETRINA Vol II; separated in 1777 near Franz Ferdinand Charleston, SC. Straight-line genealogy established. Hesse-Cassel, Friedenwald; Private; Jaeger Corps Co. 2; HETRINA Vol II; captured 4 Jan 1777 and joined American Bartholomey, Johann forces 1 Mar 1777; Settled in Upper Mt. Bethel Township, Heinrich Northampton County, PA; Married Catharina Wiedman: story in JSHA 1999 Journal. Hesse-Cassel; Schrecksbach; Private; von Knyphausen Reg., Co. 1; HETRINA Vol. III; Wounded and captured at Bast, Johann Georg Trenton; May have joined the American forces; Settled near Gettysburg, PA. Anspach/Bayreuth; town unknown; Private, Bayreuth Reg., Baumgaertel, Co. 2; Smith (Staedtler); Captured at Yorktown; Deserted Leonhardt from POW status at Winchester, VA; Joined Armand’s (Baumgardner) Legion; Married Margaret Dinkle and settled at York, PA; Story in JSHA 1989 Journal (The Hessians of Lewis Miller). Hesse-Cassel, Leipzig; Assistant Medical Officer; von Bose Co. 5; HETRINA Vol II; Deserted on 5 June 1779 while Bayer, Karl Gottlieb enroute to NYC from Dobbs Ferry; Took oath of allegiance (Beyer) to PA on 13 Nov 1782 as Carl Beyer; Married Polly Heilman and settled in Lewisburg, PA. Hesse-Cassel; Melsungen; Private; von Mirbach Reg. Co. 5; HETRINA Vol II; Deserted 16 Nov. 1783 from garrison in Beinhaur, Friedrich NYC; Married Sophia Wilhelmina Henrietta Christina Zeiss and settled in NYC. Brunswick; Osterwieck; Private; von Barner Batt., Lieb Co.; Bense, Peter Smith (Rimpau) & Claus Reuter; Captured at Saratoga; Christian Deserted from POW status at Hanover, PA on Dec. 25, 1778; Had a wife in Germany. Hesse-Hanau; Niederzell;Private; Erbprinz Reg., Co. 5; HETRINA Vol VI; Captured at Saratoga; Indentured himself Bensing, Philipp at Reading or Lancaster in Nov. 1782; Married Anna Marie Weinholt of Berks County, PA and settled in that area. Berck, Johann Brunswick; Hessen Territory; Smith (Rimpau); listed as (Andreas?) deserting in Canada in 1783. Brunswick; Steinbach; Musketeer; von Riedesel Reg., Co. 4; Smith (Rimpau); Captured at Saratoga, held prisoner until Bergmann, Johann he sold himself as indentured servant in late 1782; Married Josef Catherine Hess and settled Heidelberg Township, PA; Profile in JSHA 1992 Journal. Ansbach-Bayreuth, unknown; Cannoneer; Anspach- Bayreuth artilliary; Staedtler; Deserted 29 Aug 1781 while in Berngruber, Sixtus Virginia; Settled in the Shenandoah Valley, VA and then to KY and OH. Hesse-Cassel; Town unknown; Laborer; von Knyphausen Reg., Co. 4; HETRINA Vol III; Captured at Trenton; Possibly Bierwirth, Johannes exchanged in June 1778; May have deserted and settled in Quebec. Hesse-Cassel; Town unknown; Ensign; Landgraf Reg.; Bilsingslowen, von, HETRINA Vol III; Received discharge in America 24 Sep Karl 1778 and remained in America. Hesse-Cassel; Niederbeisheim; Private; Grendadier Battalion Block, Co. 2; HETRINA Vol. II; Captured 2 Jan Bingemann, 1777 near Trenton; Farmed out at Lancaster; Did not return Johannes to his unit; Married Anna Reed; Profile in JSHA 1990 Journal. Hesse-Hanau, Ahlersbach; Grenadier; Erb Prinz Co. 6; Blum, Johann Georg HETRINA Vol VI and C.N. Smith Mono. 5; Deserted 8 Jan (Bloom) 1779 at Louisbourg (Petersburg), VA; Married three times; Profile in JSHA 1995 Journal. Brunswick; Gross Rhueden; Private; Riedesel Reg. Co. 2; Claus Reuter; Captured at Saratoga; Deserted from POW Bode, Friedrich status in Charlottesville, VA; Married Christina Long and settled in Rockingham County, VA. Profile in JSHA 2003 Journal. Hesse-Cassel; Simmershausen; Grenadier, von Linsingen Battalion, Co. 3; HETRINA Vol I; Evidently deserted prior to Boerger, Johann his unit’s departure for Germany in 1783; Married Ann Henrich (Burger) Werner and settled in Botetourt County, VA; Story in JSHA 1982 Journal. Hesse-Cassel; Haine; Private; von Ditfurth Reg., Co. 3; HETRINA Vol. II; Record shows he deserted 7 Aug. 1781 Bohland, Johann while on march in SC. But he may have left earlier to join Heinrich (Boland) the S.C. Militia; Married widow Kuntz and, later, Anna Catharina Feltman and settled at Little Mountain. Brunswick; Hammersleben; Surgeon; von Reidesel Reg., Co. 5; Claus Reuter and Smith (Rimpau); Captured at Bollmann, Johann Saratoga and exchanged; Deserted at Halifax, N.S. in 1781; Daniel Settled at Lunenburg where he practiced medicine and served as a member of the House of Assembly. Hesse-Cassel; Ropperhausen; Private; von Knyphausen, Co 5; HETRINA Vol III; Captured at Trenton, exchanged Bonstein, Johann and recaptured in Oct 1777; Apparently escaped from POW Jacob status; Married Katrina Schnable and settled in Bethlehem Township, PA; Profile in JSHA 1991 Journal. Hesse-Hanau; Dorheim; Musketeer; Erb Printz Regiment, Company 2; HETRINA Vol VI; Captured at Saratoga Oct Boomersheim 1777; Deserted from POW status while on march near Heinrich Martinsburg, WVA Apr. 5, 1781; Married Magdelena (Boomershine) Swartzel and settled in PA and then Ohio. Story written by Ms. Karen Krugman, JSHA member Hesse-Kassel; Fischbach; Private; Landgraf Reg., Co. 3; Borjes, HETRINA Vol III; Deserted at Turkey Hill, RI on 21 Aug. JohannChristian 1778 and joined the American forces; Married Hannah (Burgess, Borges) Newland of Bristol, MA and settled in upstate NY near Lake George. Story in the JSHA 2001 Journal. Hesse-Cassel; Datterode; Private; Erbprinz Reg., Co, 2; HETRINA Vol III; Deserted on 14 May 1783 from POW Bornhaus, Christoph status at Frederick or enroute to NYC; Straight-line genealogy established. Hesse-Hanau; Oberssigheim;Musketeer; Hesse-Hanau Erbprinz Reg., Co.3; HETRINA Vol VI; Captured at Saratoga; Indentured himself at Reading or Lancaster in Bremer, Konrad 1771; Married Hennrietta Wolf in 1793 and, later, Rebecca Kuehner of Lebanon Township, PA. Straight-line genealogy established. Briede, Johann Hesse-Cassel; Niedermeiser; Private; Jaeger Corps, Co. 1; Georg HETRINA Vol. IV; Deserted 28 Dec. 1777 near Philadelphia; Married Mary Holt and settled in Frederick County, MD. Story in JSHA 2001 Journal. Anspach/Bayreuth; Zindorf; Private; Bayreuth Reg., Co. 2; Smith (Staedtler); Captured at Yorktown; Deserted from Budin, POW status at Winchester, VA; Joined Armand’s Legion; Konrad (Budding) Married Elizabeth Sechrist and settled at York, PA; Story in JSHA 1989 Journal (The Hessians of Lewis Miller). Anspach/Bayreuth; Langenzenn; Musketeer; Anspach Reg., Co. 4; Smith (Staedtler); Captured at Yorktown; Deserted Christhulf, Georg from POW status while on march to NY June 1783; Joined PA militia;
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