CHARACTER OPTIONS TALENTS III Mannix "Dragonix"Sample Manansala file The 3rd Book From The Platinum Best Selling Series! Over 375+ New Talents to Choose From! Credits Design and Development Andrew Mannix "Dragonix" Manansala Email:
[email protected] Cover Illustrator Sandeson Gonzaga Email:
[email protected] Interior Illustrators DMG Creator Resource Art/WoTC Various Artists, Elite Design Elements © Rising Phoenix Games, Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with per- mission. All rights reserved., Louis Porter, Jr. Design, Forrest Imel, Matt Morrow, Brett Neufeld, Jonathan Elliot. Editors About the Cover Justin M. Cole, Marco Pasamba Once again, I wanted to pay homage to another classic cover. This time around, it's for Larry Elmore's 1983 classic Basic Red Box set. Around that time I was also reading Playtesters the Dragonlance books, so each time I would see the cover, Mycko David, Kirby Gonzaga, Teddy Gonzaga, Marky I always thought that was Caramon squaring off with the red dragon. So I asked my hardworking cover artist Sands Erquiza, James Manansala, Marco Pasamba, Jeff Gonzaga to create one, but had him add two more charac- Quilala, Raffy San Antonio, TJ Sese, Teejay Suaring, ters to make it more even-sided. Hope you liked it! Michael Tiongson, Dave Young, Rowell Zaragoza, Wena Zaragoza About this Book It's been a quite a while since I did another Talents book, and it's been a very humbling experience. Never have I thought all Talents books would become Platinum best-sellers. I felt I owe it to those who Acknowledgement made that possible to probably do one more and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten finally cover all the standard 5e races that came out.