Volker Perthes (ed.) GERMANY AND THE MIDDLE EAST INTERESTS AND OPTIONS Published by the Heinrich Böll Foundation in co-operation with Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Volker Perthes (ed.), Germany and the Middle East. Interests and Options, published by the Heinrich Böll Foundation in co-operation with Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik First edition, Berlin 2002 © Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung; Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Design: push, Berlin Printing: Druckhaus Köthen ISBN 3-927760-42-0 Contact address: Heinrich Böll Foundation, Hackesche Höfe, Rosenthaler Straße 40/41, 10178 Berlin, Germany; Tel. +49 - 30 - 285 340; E-mail:
[email protected]; Internet: www.boell.de CONTENTS Publisher’s Foreword 7 Editor’s Foreword 9 1. Hermann Gröhe, Christoph Moosbauer, Volker Perthes, Christian Sterzing Evenhanded, not neutral: Points of reference for a German Middle East policy 11 2. Christian Sterzing, Jörn Böhme German and European contributions to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process 29 3. Volker Perthes The advantages of complementarity: US and European policies towards the Middle East peace process 53 4. Andreas Reinicke German-Israeli relations 76 5. Volker Perthes “Barcelona” and the German role in the Mediterranean Partnership 90 6. Christoph Moosbauer Relations with the Persian Gulf states 108 7. Volker Perthes Relations to the Arab World 129 8. Volkmar Wenzel North Africa and the Middle East in German security policy 140 9. Christian Sterzing German arms exports: A policy caught between morality and national interest 172 10. Volker Perthes German economic interests and economic co-operation with the Middle East and North African countries 187 11. Hermann Gröhe Human rights and democracy as aims of German foreign policy in relation to the states of the MENA region 204 Appendix 219 List of contributors 223 PUBLISHER’S FOREWORD North Africa and the Middle East, our neighbours across the Mediterranean, are linked to the EU and thus to Germany as well.