5980 THE GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1881.

Iii Parliament.—Session.1882. southern fence of the said Launceston and South Devon Railway. North Railway. Railway No; 3.—A railway, commencing in (Incorporation* of Company; Construction of the parish of , in the said county Railways from to the and of Cornwall, by a junction with the Bodmin Wadebridge Railway at Wadebridge to Lauu- and Wadebridge Railway at a point 7^ chains ceston, and to the Holsworthy Line of the or thereabouts from and to the southward London and South Western Railway Company ; of the bridge carrying that railway over the * Alteration and Improvements of Bodmin and , near Pendevey Farm, and ter- Wadebridge Railway, and Provisions autho- minating in the. said parish of Egloshayle by rising and requiring them to be made by a junction with the Railway No. 2 above des- Company or Bodmin and "Wadebridge Railway cribed, in a field in the occupation of William Company ; Special Powers to Limited Owners ; Lyne Blight, and at a point 7 chains or Working and other Agreements with Powers thereabouts to the north-westward of Pen- of Construction, Subscription, Guarantee, devey Farm House, and 18 chains or there- Raising, and application of Funds, and other abouts north-eastward of the said bridge. powers to and Running Powers and Facilities Railway No. 4.—A railway, commencing by a over Railways and Works of Bodmin and junction with Railway No. 2 at the termination Wadebridge, Great Western, and London and thereof as above described, and terminating South Western Railway Companies; Pro- in the parish of St. Stephens-by-Launceston visions requiring Great Western Railway by a junction with the Launceston and South Company to lay down Narrow Gauge Rail on Devon line of the Great Western Railway their Railway'between Launceston and Lidford, Company, at a point 20 chains or thereabouts and Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway Company from and to the eastward of the end of that to sell their Undertaking to Company, and to line at the passengerstatioubuilding at Laun- make alterations and Improvements in their ceston. Line; Agreements with and Powers of Con- Railway No. 5.—A railway, commencing by a struction and Appointment of Directors ; Con- junction with Railway No. 2 at the termina- tribution, Raising, and Application of Funds, tion thereof as above described, and ter- and other Powers, to Corporations of Laun- minating in the parish of Halwill, otherwise ceston and Boclmin and Local Authorities ; Halwell, in the county, of Devon, by a junc- Other Powers; Amendment or Repeal of Acts.) tion with the Holsworthy Branch Railway of OTICE is hereby given, that application is the London and South Western Railway N intended to be made to' Parliament in the Company, at a point on that branch railway ensuing Session for leave to bring in a Bill for 16 chains or thereabouts from and to the north- the following, or some of the following, among westward of the Halwill, otherwise Halwell, other purposes (that is to say) :— and Beaworthy station-house. 1. To incorporate a Company (hereinafter To authorise and require the Company and the called "the Company"), and to authorise the Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway Company, or Company to make and maintain the railways either of them, to make and maintain alterations hereinafter described, or some or one of them, or and improvements of the line and levels of the some part or parts thereof respectively, together Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway, and in con- with all proper and necessary stations, sidings, nection therewith to make and maintain the junctions, approaches, communications, works, deviation railways hereinafter described/ with all and conveniences connected therewith or inci- proper and necessary stations, sidings, junctions, dental thereto respectively (that is to say) : works, and conveniences connected therewith, or Railway No. 1.—A railway commencing in incidental thereto respectively (that is to say) :— the Parish of Padstow, in the County of A Deviation Railway (No. 1) commencing in Cornwall, on the south quay of the the Parish of St. Breock, in the County of harbour belonging to the Padstow Harbour Cornwall, by a junction with the Bodmin and Commissioners, and terminating at Wade- Wadebridge Railway, at a point thereon 10 bridge, in the Parish of St. Breock, in the said chains or thereabouts from and to the south- county, by a junction with the Bodmin and eastward of the Market House at Wade- Wadebridge Railway at a point thereon bridge, and terminating in the same parish by sixty yards or thereabouts from and to the a junction with the said railway at a point north-westward of the Market House at thereon 33 chains or thereabouts from and to Wadebridge: the south-eastward of the said Market House Railway No. 2.—A railway commencing in the at Wadebridge; said parish of St. Breock by a junction with A Deviation Railway (No. 2) commencing in the Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway at the Parish of Egloshayle, in the Countyo a point 18 chains or thereabouts from and Cornwall, by a junction with the Bodmin and to the northwards of the bridge carrying that Wadebridge Railway at a point 13 chains or railway over the River Camel, nearPendevey thereabouts from and to the south-eastward of Farm, and terminating at Launceston, in the the mile-post, thereon denoting 3 miles from parish St. Stephens-by-Launceston, in the Wadebridge, and terminating in the same said county of Cornwall, in a field situate on parish by a junction with the said railway at the south side of the Launceston and South a point 8 chains or thereabouts from and to Devon Line of the Great Western Railway, the northward of the last-mentioned mile-post; Company and numbered 209 on the Tithe Com- A Deviation Railway (No. 3) commencing in mutation map of the said parish of St. Stepheus- the Parish of Egloshayle, in the County of by-Launceston, and at a point in the Cornwall, by a junction with the Bodmin and western end of the said field five chains or Wadebridge Railway, at a point 14 chains or thereabouts measured in a . south-easterly thereabouts from and to the south-eastward direction, from the south-eastern corner of of the mile-post, thereon denoting '3£ miles the passenger station building at Laun- from Wadebridge, and terminating in the ceston, which point is also three-quarters of same parish by a junction with the said rail- a chain or thereabouts southward of the way at or near the last-mentioned mile-post;