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Meeting: & Community Network Panel

Date: 10 June 2021 – 6.30pm

Location: Microsoft Teams Present Title/Representing Cllr Carol Mould CC Wadebridge East &St.Minver & Lowlands Parish Council Cllr Robin Moorcroft (Chair) Wadebridge West & Cllr Stephen Rushworth Padstow Graham Martin St.Mabyn Parish Council Phil Mitchell Wadebridge Town Council Anne Minnis Wadebridge Town Council Ray Jarrett St.Breock Parish Council Nigel Davey Parish Council Zoe Newland-Hodges St.Tudy Parish Council Adrian McMahon St.Kew Parish Council Andy Penny St.Endellion Parish Council Amanda Pennington (Vice-Chair) Wadebridge Town Council James O’Keefe Padstow Town Council Kim Haywood St.Eval Parish Council Victoria Darnell St.Minver Highlanes Parish Council Robyn Harris Wadebridge Town Council Jacquie Rapier Community Link Officer Sally Sanders Communities Support Assistant Guests:

Apologies for absence: Peter Marsh (Senior Leadership Team Representative); Police Representatives & Dominic Fairman CC


Item Key/Action Points Log Number (Action by) 1. Teams etiquette and apologies

Jacquie Rapier informed the delegates of the Teams etiquette, she advised of the apologies for absence (as listed above). Information Classification: CONTROLLED

2. Election of Chair (and Vice-Chair)

Jacquie Rapier invited nominations from the Panel Members for Chairman of the Panel for 21/22.

Cllr Graham Martin nominated Robin Moorcroft CC, seconded by Cllr Nigel Davey. Steve Rushworth CC nominated Cllr Amanda Pennington, seconded by Cllr Victoria Darnell.

A vote was taken (8 votes in favour of Cllr Moorcroft and 6 votes in favour of Cllr Pennington) and the following was agreed:

AGREED: Robin Moorcroft CC was duly elected as the Wadebridge and Padstow Community Network Panel Chairman for the ensuing year.

Robin Moorcroft CC, invited nominations from the Members of the Panel for Vice-Chair of the Panel for 21/22.

Steven Rushworth CC nominated Cllr Amanda Pennington, seconded by Cllr Victoria Darnell.

A vote was taken 12 for; 2 against) and the following agreed:

AGREED: Councillor Amanda Pennington Vice-Chair of the Wadebridge and Padstow Community Network Panel for the ensuing year.

3. Terms of Reference

It was noted that there will be a Review taking place shortly regarding the Community Network Panels; it was agreed that no amendments would be made to the ToR pending the Review.

4. Schedule of Meetings

The future meeting dates; available below and on the website Wadebridge and Padstow - Council . It was noted that the dates could be reviewed during the year as appropriate.


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5. Welcome and Introductions

Stephen Rushworth CC is the Portfolio Holder for Economy Wadebridge & Padstow CN

Carol Mould CC is Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods Wadebridge & Padstow CN

Cllr Amanda Pennington is currently the Mayor for Wadebridge.

Robin Moorcroft CC thanked Phil Mitchell for his help and support over the last few years as Panel Chair.

Jacquie Rapier informed the group that St. Tudy is now in Dominic Fairman CC Electoral Division Councillor details - Dominic Fairman - so he may attend a future meeting.

Peter Marsh (add job title) attends the panel meeting regularly but is currently tied up with the G7 Summit.

The Police Representatives were unable attend due to G7 Summit commitments

6. Notes of the previous meeting (11 March 2021)

The notes were agreed

7. Cornwall Councillor Update

Carol Mould CC Councillor details - Carol Mould - Cornwall Council Briefing Meetings are taking place at the moment and getting to grips with Portfolios

Steve Rushworth CC Councillor details - Stephen Rushworth - Cornwall Council The Officers are very engaged with the new Cabinet Office and he feels very positive on moving forward.

He has been currently engaged with the G7 Summit over the last few days


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Robin Moorcoft CC Councillor details - Robin Moorcroft - Cornwall Council Current membership of the following committees at Cornwall Council • Licensing Act Committee • Licensing Act Sub Committee • Miscellaneous Licensing Committee (Substitutes) • Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee • Standards Committee • Street Trading Sub Committee

8. Town & Parish Council Update

St.Mabyn Parish Council (Cllr Graham Martin) Speed visors at Longstone PC have now opened up the carpark Looking into the Camel River pollution issue

St.Minver Lowlands Parish Council (Carol Mould CC) The Beach Ranger service at is full time having now been devolved to the St Minver Lowlands Parish Council. The RNLI are up and running The Parish Council have taken control of the gardens and the public toilets at Coronation Gardens, Polzeath have now been devolved. Still chasing double yellow lines Due to have a turn of the flashing speed visors within the Parish

St.Endellian (Cllr Andy Penny) Maintenance and Contracts Manager (Claire) is currently in place, looking after the car park, toilets and playing fields. Election took place, 16 people stood for 11 positions. 3 are completely new Cllrs. The Referendum of the Neighbourhood Development Plan is to take place on 15 July 2021.

Wadebridge Town Council (Cllr Amanda Pennington) There are currently a number of projects to undertaken including: Revising Climate Emergency Policy Upgrade of the public facilities Upgrade of the website


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Looking to become Wadebridge TC Housing Provider

St.Eval Parish Council (Cllr Kim Haywood) The Neighbourhood Development Plan is not working how it was intended so looking to tighten this up. Having issues with planning applications at There is now a Beach Committee Major problems with the toilets in the carpark Street lighting being installed at thanks to Stephen Rushworth CC Lots of local families in desperate need of housing

10. Panel Priorities – General Discussion

The items for future invited guest presenters are:

1. Andy Stewart re Polzeath Beach Ranger Service. 2. Jeremy Rowe re Concern Wadebridge. 3. Charlotte Barry – Climate Action 4. Representative from the Planning Service: NDP’s & Enforcement.

And the future themed work programme:-

1. Young People Forum/Panel consulting with young people through schools with a view of setting up engagement group to ascertain present and future facilities/needs. 2. Public Toilet Vandalism – if we could find a cure! 3. The Leisure Centre at Wadebridge.

Discussions took place around the pollution in the Camel River. Stephen Rushworth CC updated the panel delegates on the present situation regarding this and stated that Cornwall Council are keen to get the issue resolved due to planning issues.



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11. Dates for 2021 Meetings (for noting)

• Thursday 16 September 2021 • Thursday 11 November 2021 • Thursday 20 January 2022 • Thursday 10 March 2022