KNOT A FANZINE #1 December 2020 Produced by Marc Ortlieb P.O. Box 215, Forest Hill, Vic 3131 Australia who doesn’t do that sort of thing anymore.
[email protected] NOTES FROM THE SPECTACLE CASE A number of years ago I decided that I wasn’t going to produce fanzines any more. The cost of postage was ridiculously high and I’d pretty much severed my connections with fandom, with the exception of the occasional poker game with Julian Warner, Seth Lockwood, Carey Handfield, Cindy Clarkson and Justin Ackroyd, none of whom produced fanzines any more either. I had limited contact with some fannish friends, via Facebook. I even dropped in on a couple of Melbourne conventions - albeit usually briefly. But I’d discovered an alternate “fandom” - Scouting - which managed to expand to the point that I was looking after a District of Cub Scouts, was looking after a Box Hill Scout Group, was assisting on courses training Cub Scout Leaders, was on the committee for a major annual camp for Scout Leaders and was attending Cub Scout camps at Pack, District and State level. I also managed to fit in working full time as a Science Teacher. Anyway, things changed. In October 2018, ANZAPA (The Australia New Zealand Amateur Press Association) celebrated its 50th anniversary and, given that I’d first joined in 1975, I figured that I should contribute to the mailing. I’d retired from teaching and, though my involvement in Scouting hadn’t decreased (and still hasn’t) I found that I had time on my hands.