INSIDE Singleschart,6-7; Album chart, 17; New Singles, 18; NewAlbums, 13; Airplay guide, 14-15; Independent Labels, 12; Retailing, 9. May 31, 1982VOLUME FIVENumber 8 65p Imports guide Trade critical of could damage Conifer -Deacon single -sided 45s CONIFER RECORDS chief John Deacon last week hit out at the way the SINGLE -SIDEDsingles are alreadypotential. "I can't see any great saving and it wastes an opportunity to present a BPI has presented its Guide On Im- under fire, a few days after hitting the ports for retailers, concerned that they market, with dealersclaimingthattrack which is not on an album, or show another facet of an artist." may become the target of legal action either the dealer price should be lower or for stocking unauthorised pressings the selling price higher. WoolworthrecordbuyerPaddy Alan Davison, vice-chairman of theToomey is concerned that the introduc- from overseas. tion of the single -sided single creates a "I think this could be damaging to Record and Video Retailers Organisa- my business," commented Deacon, tion, contactedRBto pour cold waterthird price bracket. "It is a complication we do not need when we are selling the one import company which can on the claims of RCA and Don Ellis that claim BPI membership. "Six of the dealers could make a full margin on a3,000 singles a week in some stores." countries mentioned in the Guide as retail price of 99p. So far no companies have followed the RCA lead - prefering to wait and see - likely to be the source of infringing He is selling the single, Bow Wow records are countries that I deal with, Wow's 'I Want Candy', for £1.15 andand CBS, which is testing the concept in the US, has no plans. with the blessing of the record com- experiencing no customer reluctance. panies concerned." "The kids don't mind even paying £1.25 In the UK copyright is fixed at 61/4 per cent of the retail selling price - regard-MEET THE new Mayor of the Lon- Deacon noted that Conifer is the for a single," he further claims. official importer of EMI repertoire Davison warns that telling the publicless of the number of tracks - and whiledon Borough of Sutton - better known it would mean fewer songs being used,to the disc trade as Record Merchan-from Australia, India, Finland, Spain that singles are too expensive could well and Sweden. He is also the importer be harmful. "They should be telling thethe writer, producer and publisher ofdisers sales administration manager the 'A' side would share the whole of theTed Pascoe, who is thought to be thefrom Sweden of repertoire manufac- public what good value records are," he tured by the government -owned label said. proceeds. This was describedasafirst record industry executive to rise HMV views the form as another interest-"swings and roundabouts situation" byto such an exalted position. He hasCaprice, and from the US of albums ing novelty but marketing director IanMusic Publishers Association secretarybeen with RM for ten years and isreleased on the Nonesuch label. Gray said he could not see any long termPeter Dadswell. pictured above with wife Anne. While the BPI guide is obviously designed to discourage dealers from stocking parallel imports, it does not provide any direction for retailers as to CBS to join WEA & EMI in video games rush what constitutes a legal import. The implication is that any imported RECORDCOMPANY involvement Tony Woollcott, CBS senior director, He anticipated that the most likelyrecord, including those carrying the with the booming area of video gamesconfirmed that the British company wasretail outlets would be the multiples, butMCPS stamp, is possibly infringing looks like being further developed whenlikely to be involved in video games inthat owner -operated specialist recordthe Copyright Act, unless it is being CBS climbs on to the bandwagon later inreadiness for the Christmas market. Hestores might find video games a moresold with the consent of the UK the year. WEA isalready handlingdisclosed that as well as the Bally deal,attractive proposition than video casset-licensee -ownerinthesoundre- distribution of the Atari range, plus nineCBS was investigating the possibility oftes, particularly since sale rather thancording. titles on behalf of Thorn EMI VideoUK representation of six other Amer-rental was more likely to be a basis for It does not seek to differentiate Programmes. ican companies specialising in videotrading. between parallel imports and those games. It also appears that Thorn EMI will berecords which are shipped in through In America, CBS recently signed an "I think that by the third or fourthbeefing up its involvement in games inapproved importers who are prepared agreement with the Bally Manufactur-week in June we should have completedthe Autumn.The company is previewingto deal in quantities of insufficient size ing Corp. to make and market theour feasibility studies and know more20 Atari -compatible titles at the CESto justify a direct UK release. company's range of home games. Theclearly about what we shall be doing,"show in Chicago this month with a view "We deal directly with the record four-year deal will give CBS the rights toWoollcott toldRB."In America videoto an American launch in time for thecompanies in the purchase of material. make and sell cartridges compatiblegames are a happening thing and allChristmas season. It is expected thatWe don't bring in any parallel imports with the Atari and Mattell Intellivisionindications point to the activity beingThorn's UK range will be expanded to formats. mirfored in the UK and Europe." take account of the new titles. TO P.2. 'Wooly Bully' - BEAU WEEVIL NOW 4. AVAILABLE 00 Yliliy : ...,,.., TWOEXCITING . GPI- , 4.,. NEWSINGLES I ,: FROM e FOREVERRECORDS it" 2 'I Can,k.Imagine' - QUAZIMODO I I I I I PHONE THE PINNACLE HOTLINE: 0689 73146 FINi461 CeSTURMON HEWS McNay's manifesto for BPI Council election CHERRY RED Records boss Iainhas fewer stores and these will be moreemphasis onthequalityof disc McNay has taken the unheard-of stepeasily identifiableto the companypressing. of launching a campaign to get himselfsales teams due to the new cash tills His final stand is on broadcast music elected to the BPI Council. Ballotingnecessary for compilation. needletime agreements. will take place at the industry watch- "There should also be a real fine for "We should work towards a 24 -hour dog's annual meeting on June 7. hyping records," continued McNay,Radio -1. I think it is a myth that extra This year's election will see ten"And by extending the singles chartradio play reduces sales of records, candidates chasing seven places on thedown to 150 places, the BPI couldand we certainly need more specialist council. Four members - Gerry Bron,reduce the psychological effect ofshows in the airwaves to expose music Monty Lewis, Tony Morrisandgaining a chart position." like heavy metal, jazz, folk and ambi- Maurice Oberstein - are retiring by He is convinced the BPI's anti -homeence. People won't realise that theseEATON MUSIC head Terry Oates, rotation and offering themselves fortaping campaign is a waste of valuabledifferent forms of music are availableright, looks happy as he concludes a re-election. Three council members,time and suggests record companiesunless they hear them. This is not piedeal for UK sub -publishing of Espy Richard Branson, Monty Presky andshould improve the packaging of pre-in the sky - I have talked to people atMusic and Ranlar Enterprises, both Dave Robinson, have resigned, whilerecorded tape to make it more attrac-the BBC and they are favourable." formed by Kim Espy, centre. On the six people have been proposed astive. He also wants to put more McNay is seeking a place on PPL.left is Geoff Goy, vp UK and Euro- candidates for office. They are Colin pean operations for Espy. Ashby, Simon Draper, Iain McNay, Monty Presky (representing his new Mont Music company) Stuart Watson and Michael Levy. Disc trade snubbed British talent. McNay is aiming to become the first fcrlorimveAprerivre indie label chief on the council and has formulated a manifesto that appealsin video disc launch strongly to the BPI's many new inde-PHILIPS ISto spend £1.6 millionDunkley said: "We have always saidA&M RECORDS is embarking upon a pendent label members. marketing its revolutionary LaserVisionthat to launch an innovative system likeUK talent drive and promising a major Among his proposals are radicalvideo disc in the first year it is on sale inthis, we would have to retail the hard-investment in new artists this year. changes to the industry chart and thethe UK with £400,000 of that goingware and software from the same in- The company's a&r director Mike way it is compiled. towards the initial launch campaign thatstore location. Noble has recently appointed two new "I would like to see the distributionbegan this week. "Our market research indicates thattalentacquisition managers - John of free singles to chart shops out- But despite the hopes of the recordthisisthe right approach, althoughHewlett and independent American lawed," he told RB. "Freebies only there will be no objection to selling theproducer and engineer Wally Brill - and mean the major companies competingtrade that the disc could be its safest and most economical route into the expand-hardware and software separately atthe push for new acts will be based among themselves and they certainly some stage in the future." don't increase overall record video market, Philips has no plans to around them. allow retailers to sell the disc separately There are more than 120 titles avail- "We have had a highly successful a&r The big companies say they make able on LaserVision disc ranging inpolicy to date and now we plan to stores more aware of what is availablefrom the LaserVision hardware for the foreseeable future.
AIRWAVES DUB GREEN FUTURES FESTIVAL RADIO + TuneIn Radio Thurs - 9-late - Cornerstone feat.Baps DESTINY RADIO 105.1FM FIRST WEDNESDAY of each month – 8-10pm – RIDDIM SHOW feat. Leo B. Strictly roots. Sat – 10-1am – Cornerstone feat.Baps Sun – 4-6pm – Sir Sambo Sound feat. King Lloyd, DJ Elvis and Jeni Dami Sun – 10-1am – DestaNation feat. Ras Hugo and Jah Sticks. Strictly roots. Wed – 10-midnight – Sir Sambo Sound NATURAL VIBEZ RADIO.COM Daddy Mark sessions Mon – 10-midnight Sun – 9-midday. Strictly roots. LOVERS ROCK RADIO.COM Mon - 10-midnight – Angela Grant aka Empress Vibez. Roots Reggae as well as lo Editorial Dub Dear Reader First comments, especially of gratitude, must go to Danny B of Soundworks and Nick Lokko of DAT Sound. First salute must go to them. When you read inside, you'll see why. May their days overflow with blessings. This will be the first issue available only online. But for those that want hard copies, contact Parchment Printers: £1 a copy! We've done well to have issued fourteen in hard copy, when you think that Fire! (of the Harlem Renaissance), Legitime Defense and Pan African were one issue publications - and Revue du Monde Noir was issued six times. We're lucky to have what they didn't have – the online link. So I salute again the support we have from Sista Mariana at Rastaites and Marco Fregnan of Reggaediscography. Another salute also to Ali Zion, for taking The Dub to Aylesbury (five venues) - and here, there and everywhere she goes.
THEFriday, October 10, 2014 - Volume 61.5 14049 Scenic Highway,BAGPIPE Lookout Mountain, Georgia, 30750 Burning at Help: Graduating and the Stage Highland Games. Kilts Galore. Headed into Law BY KRISITE JAYA BY MARK MAKKAR Burning at the Stage took place Life after Covenant can either be on Thursday (10/3) night. The exciting or foreboding, but hear- Overlook was crowded with music ing from people who are already performances, friends huddling there always helps in lighting the around straw-bales, and marshmal- path that is to come. During the lows roasting atop fire pits. Alumni Law Career Panel, organized by who happened to be in town for the Center for Calling & Career, Homecoming contributed to the students listened to three Covenant festivities, exchanging squeals and alumni who have pursued work in hugs with familiar faces. The event, the field of law since graduating. according to the Senior Class Dr. Richard R. Follet introduced Cabinet member Sam Moreland, the meeting by stating that “Cov- “has taken different forms over the enant has a list of 60 graduates that years, but tends to have the ele- have gone into some kind of law ments of music, the Overlook, fire after graduating from Covenant.” and s’mores, and relaxed fellowship Three of them were able to make as commonalities.” it to the Panel. Josh Reif, John Many have long associated the Huisman, and Pete Johnson shared event with the Homecoming tradi- stories about when they were at tion, but Burning at the Stage is an BYGARRET SISSON Around 150 people attended was featured as the announcer.
Négociations Fondation Maeght : Entre Célébrations Monaco - Union Européenne Et Polémique R 28240 - F : 2,50 € Michel Roger S’Explique
FOOT : SANS FALCAO ET JAMES, QUELLES AMBITIONS POUR L’ASM ? 2,50 € Numéro 135 - Septembre 2014 - SOCIÉTÉ USINE D’INCINÉRATION : LES SCÉNARIOS POSSIBLES ECOLOGIE CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE : POURQUOI IL FAUT RÉAGIR CULTURE NÉGOCIATIONS FONDATION MAEGHT : ENTRE CÉLÉBRATIONS MONACO - UNION EUROPÉENNE ET POLÉMIQUE R 28240 - F : 2,50 € MICHEL ROGER S’EXPLIQUE 3 782824 002503 01350 pour lui Solavie pag Observateur 09/2014.indd 2 08/09/14 15:51 LA PHOTO DU MOIS CRAINTES epuis des mois, dans certains milieux, on ne parle que de ça. En principauté, le lancement des négociations avec l’Union européenne (UE) inquiète pas mal de monde. Notamment les professions libérales qui craignent Dde voir tomber le presque total monopole qu’ont les Monégasques sur ces professions très encadrées réglementairement. « Ceci entraînerait à très court terme la disparition de notre profession telle qu’elle existe depuis des siècles. Ce qui est très préoccupant. D’autant plus que ce sera la même chose pour les médecins, les architectes, les experts-comptables monégasques… », a expliqué à L’Obs’ le bâtonnier de l’ordre des avocats de Monaco, Me Richard Mullot. Une crainte qui a poussé les avocats, les dentistes, les médecins et les architectes à se réunir pour réfléchir à la création d’un collectif. Objectif : défendre auprès du gou- vernement leurs positions et leurs spécificités qui restent propres à chaque profession. En face, le gouvernement cherche à rassurer. Dans l’interview qu’il a accordée à L’Obs’, le ministre d’Etat, Michel Roger, le répète. Il est hors de ques - tion de brader ce qui a fait le succès de la princi- pauté : « Il n’y aura pas d’accord si Monaco devait perdre sa souveraineté ou si ses spécificités devaient être menacées.
Hawkwind – 50th Anniversary Live (58:39 + 48:56, CD, Vinyl, Cherry Red Records, 2020) So kennt man die Space-Rock- Urgesteine. Da feiern Hawkwind ihr 50-jähriges Jubiläum, aber statt darum ein Riesenbrimborium zu veranstalten bauen die Mannen um Dave Brock völlig unprätentiös eine Setlist aus einiges unverwüstlichen Klassikern, aber ebenfalls Material des aktuellen Studioalbums „All Aboard The Skylark“ zusammen. Optisch ansprechend verpackt mit einer Laserhsow, dazu als Gast den langzeitig freundschaftlich verbundenen Kompagnon Phil Campbell – seines Zeichens Gitarrist bei Motörhead – und fertig ist das individuelle Geburtstagspaket. Der Mitschnitt zu diesem Livealbum entstand auf dem Abschlusskonzert der „50th Anniversay Tour“ im November 2019 in der legendären Royal Albert Hall in London. Es steht zwar „50“ drauf, aber letztendlich steckt natürlich etwas weniger drinnen. Denn Hawkwind streifen eben nur einige Stationen ihrer umfangreichen Karriere, setzen zwar in erster Linie auf die Klassiker der 70er wie z.B. ‚Born To Go‘, ‚Space Is Deep‘, ‚Spirit Of The Age‘, ‚The Watcher‘, ‚Silver Machine‘ oder die beiden Doppelpacks ‚Assault And Battery / The Golden Void‘ und ‚Master Of The Universe / Welcome To The Future‘. Doch genauso bekommen insgesamt fünf Stücke aus „All Aboard The Skylark“ ihr Recht. Letztendlich ist dies ein teilweise übergangslos ineinander greifender Mix aus offensichtlichen Klassikern, wenngleich ohne die ganz großen Überraschungen. Dazu noch ein kurzes Blitzlicht in die 80er und 90er, angereichert um aktuelle Stücke. Immerhin gedenkt man beim unverwüstlichen ‚Silver Machine‘ dem legendären ehemaligen Bandmitglied Lemmy Kilmister, wobei ebenfalls der typische augenzwinkernde Humor nicht fehlen darf. Denn der bei diesem Stück den Gesang übernehmende Schlagzeuger Richard Chadwick kontert ganz locker die Frage „Richard verliert seine Stimme, möchtest Du noch ‚Silver Machine‘ singen?“ mit einem klaren „Es geht noch“ und schon geht die sprichwörtliche und gut geölte Space-Rock-Post, der Trip in weite Sphären, mit Volldampf ab.
Issues of Image and Performance in the Beatles' Films
“All I’ve got to do is Act Naturally”: Issues of Image and Performance in the Beatles’ Films Submitted by Stephanie Anne Piotrowski, AHEA, to the University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in English (Film Studies), 01 October 2008. This thesis is available for Library use on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement. I certify that all material in this thesis which in not my own work has been identified and that no material has previously been submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other University. (signed)…………Stephanie Piotrowski ……………… Piotrowski 2 Abstract In this thesis, I examine the Beatles’ five feature films in order to argue how undermining generic convention and manipulating performance codes allowed the band to control their relationship with their audience and to gain autonomy over their output. Drawing from P. David Marshall’s work on defining performance codes from the music, film, and television industries, I examine film form and style to illustrate how the Beatles’ filmmakers used these codes in different combinations from previous pop and classical musicals in order to illicit certain responses from the audience. In doing so, the role of the audience from passive viewer to active participant changed the way musicians used film to communicate with their fans. I also consider how the Beatles’ image changed throughout their career as reflected in their films as a way of charting the band’s journey from pop stars to musicians, while also considering the social and cultural factors represented in the band’s image.
\ ^^9^^ 30p FORTNlGHTiy March 20-Aprii 2 1980 Words t0^ TOPr includi Ator-* Hap House €oir Underground to GAR! SKias in coioui GfiRR/£V£f/ mjlt< H/Kim TEEIM THAT TU/W imv UGCfMONSTERS/ J /f yO(/ WOULD LIKE A FREE COLOUR POSTER COPY OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT, FILL IN THE COUPON AND RETURN IT TO: HULK POSTER, PO BOXt, SUDBURY, SUFFOLK C010 6SL. I AGE (PLEASE TICK THE APPROPRIATE SOX) UNDER 13[JI3-f7\JlS AND OVER U OFFER CLOSES ON APRIL 30TH 1980 ALLOW 28 DAYS FOR DELIVERY (swcKCAmisMASi) I I I iNAME ADDRESS.. SHt ' -*^' L.-**^ ¥• Mar 20-April 2 1980 Vol 2 No. 6 ECHO BEACH Martha Muffins 4 First of all, a big hi to all new &The readers of Smash Hits, and ANOTHER NAIL IN MY HEART welcome to the magazine that Squeeze 4 brings your vinyl alive! A warm welcome back too to all our much GOING UNDERGROUND loved regular readers. In addition The Jam 5 to all your usual news, features and chart songwords, we've got ATOMIC some extras for you — your free Blondie 6 record, a mini-P/ as crossword prize — as well as an extra song HELLO I AM YOUR HEART and revamping our Bette Bright 13 reviews/opinion section. We've also got a brand new regular ROSIE feature starting this issue — Joan Armatrading 13 regular coverage of the independent label scene (on page Managing Editor KOOL IN THE KAFTAN Nick Logan 26) plus the results of the Smash B. A. Robertson 16 Hits Readers Poll which are on Editor pages 1 4 and 1 5.
Radio 2 Paradeplaat Last Change Artiest: Titel: 1977 1 Elvis Presley
Radio 2 Paradeplaat last change artiest: titel: 1977 1 Elvis Presley Moody Blue 10 2 David Dundas Jeans On 15 3 Chicago Wishing You Were Here 13 4 Julie Covington Don't Cry For Me Argentina 1 5 Abba Knowing Me Knowing You 2 6 Gerard Lenorman Voici Les Cles 51 7 Mary MacGregor Torn Between Two Lovers 11 8 Rockaway Boulevard Boogie Man 10 9 Gary Glitter It Takes All Night Long 19 10 Paul Nicholas If You Were The Only Girl In The World 51 11 Racing Cars They Shoot Horses Don't they 21 12 Mr. Big Romeo 24 13 Dream Express A Million In 1,2,3, 51 14 Stevie Wonder Sir Duke 19 15 Champagne Oh Me Oh My Goodbye 2 16 10CC Good Morning Judge 12 17 Glen Campbell Southern Nights 15 18 Andrew Gold Lonely Boy 28 43 Carly Simon Nobody Does It Better 51 44 Patsy Gallant From New York to L.A. 15 45 Frankie Miller Be Good To Yourself 51 46 Mistral Jamie 7 47 Steve Miller Band Swingtown 51 48 Sheila & Black Devotion Singin' In the Rain 4 49 Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers Egyptian Reggae 2 1978 11 Chaplin Band Let's Have A Party 19 1979 47 Paul McCartney Wonderful Christmas time 16 1984 24 Fox the Fox Precious little diamond 11 52 Stevie Wonder Don't drive drunk 20 1993 24 Stef Bos & Johannes Kerkorrel Awuwa 51 25 Michael Jackson Will you be there 3 26 The Jungle Book Groove The Jungle Book Groove 51 27 Juan Luis Guerra Frio, frio 51 28 Bis Angeline 51 31 Gloria Estefan Mi tierra 27 32 Mariah Carey Dreamlover 9 33 Willeke Alberti Het wijnfeest 24 34 Gordon t Is zo weer voorbij 15 35 Oleta Adams Window of hope 13 36 BZN Desanya 15 37 Aretha Franklin Like
INSIDE Singleschart, 6-7;Album chart,17; New Singles, 18; NewAlbums, 13; Airplay guide, 14-15; lndpendent Labels, 8; Retailing 5. June 28, 1982 VOLUME FIVE Number 12 65p RCA sets price Industry puts brave rises on both face on plunging LPs & singles RCAis implementing itsfirst wide- ranging increase in prices since January Summer disc sales 1981. Then its new 77p dealer price for singles sparked trade controversy but ALL THE efforts of the record industryfor the £s that records appear to be old the rest of the industry followed in due to hold down prices and generate excite-hat. People who are renting a VCR are course. ment in recorded music are meeting amaking monthly payment equivalent to With the new prices coming into stubbornly flat market. purchasing one LP a week," he said. effect on July 1, RCA claims now to be Brave faces are being worn around the Among the major companies howev- merely coming into line with other major companies but itis becominger, there is steadfast resistance to gloom. companies. clear that the business is in the middle of Paul Russell, md of CBS, puts the New dealer price for singles will be an even worse early Summer depressionproblem down to weak releases and is 85p (ex VAT) with 12 -inch releases than that of 1981. happy to be having success with Joan costing £1.49, a rise of 16p. On tapes The volume of sales mentioned by theJett, The Clash, Neil Diamond andWHETHER IT likes it or not, Polydorand albums the 3000 series goes from RB chart department shows a decline ofAltered Images with the prospect of bigis now heavy metal outfit Samson's£2.76 to £2.95, the 6000 series from between 20 and 30 percent over the samereleases from Judas Priest and REOrecord company.
FORTNIGHTLY March 6-19 1980 i: fcMrstfjg i TH LYING LIZARDS .;! albums STS EDMUNDS )ur GRRk/£V£t/HlfLK HATES 7EEJM THAT TVf^ itav UGLYMONSTERS/ ^A \ / ^ / AAGHi. IF THERE'S ONE THING THATMAKES HULK REALLYAM6RY, IT'S PEOPLE WHO DON'T LOOK AFTER THEIRT€€TH! HULK GOES MAD UNLESS PEOPLE CLEAN THEIR TEETH THOROUGHLY EVERY DAY (ESPECIALLY LAST THING ATNIGHT). HE GOES SSRSfRK IFTHEY DON'T VISITTHE DENTIST REGULARLY! IF YOU D0N7 LOOKAFTER YOUR TEETH, SOMEBODY MAY COME BURSTING INTO YOUR HOUSE IN A TERRIBLE TEMPER AND IT WON'T BE THE MamAM...... 1 ! IF YOU WOULD LIKE A FREE COLOUR POSTER COPY OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT, FlU IN THE COUPON AND RETURN IT TO: HULK POSTER P.O BOX 1, SUDBURY, SUFFOLK COlO 6SL. tAeE(PUASETICKTHEAPPROPRIATEBOir)UNDERI3\Z\i3-l7\3lSANDOVER\JOFFERCLOSESONAPRIL30THmO.AUOW2SDAYSFORDELIVERY(sioaMPmisniA5l}l SH 1 uNAME ADDRESS X. i ^i J4 > March 6-19 1980 Vol 2 No. 5 Phew! Talk about moving ANIMATION mountains — we must have The Skids 4 shifted about six Everests' worth of paper this fortnight, what with ALABAMA SONG your voting forms and Walt David Bowie 4 Jabsco entries. With a bit of luck we'll have the poll results ready SPACE ODDITY forthe next issue but you'll find David Bowie 5 our Jabsco winners on page 26 of this issue. There's also an CUBA incredibly generous Ska Gibson Brothers 8 competition on page 24, not to mention our BIG NEWS! Turn to ALL NIGHT LONG the inside back page and find out Rainbow 14 what we mean . I'VE DONE EVERYTHING FOR YOU Sammy Hagar 14 Managing Editor HOT DOG Nick Logan Shakin' Stevens 17 Editor HOLDIN'
Songs By Title Karaoke Night with the Patman Title Versions Title Versions 10 Years 3 Libras Wasteland SC Perfect Circle SI 10,000 Maniacs 3 Of Hearts Because The Night SC Love Is Enough SC Candy Everybody Wants DK 30 Seconds To Mars More Than This SC Kill SC These Are The Days SC 311 Trouble Me SC All Mixed Up SC 100 Proof Aged In Soul Don't Tread On Me SC Somebody's Been Sleeping SC Down SC 10CC Love Song SC I'm Not In Love DK You Wouldn't Believe SC Things We Do For Love SC 38 Special 112 Back Where You Belong SI Come See Me SC Caught Up In You SC Dance With Me SC Hold On Loosely AH It's Over Now SC If I'd Been The One SC Only You SC Rockin' Onto The Night SC Peaches And Cream SC Second Chance SC U Already Know SC Teacher, Teacher SC 12 Gauge Wild Eyed Southern Boys SC Dunkie Butt SC 3LW 1910 Fruitgum Co. No More (Baby I'm A Do Right) SC 1, 2, 3 Redlight SC 3T Simon Says DK Anything SC 1975 Tease Me SC The Sound SI 4 Non Blondes 2 Live Crew What's Up DK Doo Wah Diddy SC 4 P.M. Me So Horny SC Lay Down Your Love SC We Want Some Pussy SC Sukiyaki DK 2 Pac 4 Runner California Love (Original Version) SC Ripples SC Changes SC That Was Him SC Thugz Mansion SC 42nd Street 20 Fingers 42nd Street Song SC Short Dick Man SC We're In The Money SC 3 Doors Down 5 Seconds Of Summer Away From The Sun SC Amnesia SI Be Like That SC She Looks So Perfect SI Behind Those Eyes SC 5 Stairsteps Duck & Run SC Ooh Child SC Here By Me CB 50 Cent Here Without You CB Disco Inferno SC Kryptonite SC If I Can't SC Let Me Go SC In Da Club HT Live For Today SC P.I.M.P.
City University of New York (CUNY) CUNY Academic Works The Reporter Archives 1956 The Reporter, November 7, 1956 How does access to this work benefit ou?y Let us know! More information about this work at: Discover additional works at: This work is made publicly available by the City University of New York (CUNY). Contact: THE . ���ili ( .. r,.•3) � r\ "Have WondeTful : (S .. P,g•5) • I<. Ep QR1!!1��t� COCCICf'JtU•� Only Volume LI . 1 ·o. 8 By Subscription Former City Mid-East Conflict Affects Students E.�. student t Council' Pres. the male gathering, felt more than shor survey by this paper f?und WI ns $44,000 By James Cox t r t t t a little relieved. For to them, �n- tha mo e studen s a he Busmess The overflowing crowds in the t . t r t o her Korean-tyre ?ol!ce ac 10n Center are reading mo e news- elevision lounge and Lounge C t . t r r n OW l Wins M al t t would mean_ rad g m their tex - pape s to bone, up on the wa Q TV sh ed watching and lis ening o President m t t t t r t t agains Isa:real, Eisenhower speak to he na ion books f�r ifles; to some for he Egyp is figh ing Herb Stempel who was once ewbold Morris, former pres t t France, and England. r t t Wednesday e,,ening pointed up he second ime.
MUSIC WEEK MAY 19, 1984 Album Tern Rulings Outside Top 20 End Top 50:- •• Good, ••Loir -Poor Soles Predicted in Oivn Specialist Market
MUSIC WEEK MAY 19, 1984 Album tern rulings outside Top 20 end Top 50:- •• good, ••loir -poor soles predicted in oivn specialist market. Star rating under General■ heading indicates sales potential in general pop rock market, mlh • • •rating indicating onny Into lite lonicr hall ■ of chart only. High Road To China is the new film starring Tom "Magnum" Solleck and the music has been composed by that well- TOP 50 known film score veteran, John Barry. Nostalgia That's Entertainment Records has proved BRUCE FOXTON the sales potential in this area of the Touch Sensitive. Arista 206251. music market and A&R plans to release NOEL COWARD Producers: Stan Shaw/Steve Lilly- both new scores and re-issues of classic The Revues. World Records SHB 44. white. Mild-mannered rock from the film music. VARIOUS former Jam bassist. It's pleasant enough Film Themes of the 40's and 50's. SH in a conventional format, but lacks CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD 384. dynamism — even on those tracks with Salute The General. HDH/Demon LOUIS ARMSTRONG production supremo Lillywhite at the Records LP 001. Distribution: Rough The Legend 1925-26. SH 404. controls. Ultimately a little disappointing, Trade and the Cartel. Recordings JOE LOSS but will chart, as his singles have, on the originally released on the Holland-Dozier- Party Dance Time, SH 1078251. strength of the Jam connection. Holland label Invictus now making their FELIX MENDELSSOHN FELA ANIKULAPO KUTI reappearance on vinyl via the HDH label Serenade to Hawaii, SH 1078261. Live In Amsterdam. EMI FELA 24 0129 deal with Demon.