I T a L Y!!! for Centuries All the Greatest Musicians Throughout Europe (From Josquin Des Prez, Adrian Willaert, Orlando Di Lasso to Wolfgang A
Richie and Elaine Henzler of COURTLY MUSIC UNLIMITED Lead you on a musical journey through I T A L Y!!! For centuries all the greatest musicians throughout Europe (from Josquin des Prez, Adrian Willaert, Orlando di Lasso to Wolfgang A. Mozart and so many others) would make a pilgrimage to Italy to hear and learn its beautiful music. The focus of the day will be music of the Italian Renaissance and its glorious repertoire of Instrumental and Vocal Music. Adrian Willaert, although from the Netherlands, was the founder of the Venetian School and teacher of Lasso, and both Gabrielis. The great Orlando di Lasso (from Flanders) spent 10 years in Italy working in Ferrara, Mantua, Milan, Naples and Rome where he worked for Cosimo I di Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany. We’ll also play works by Andrea Gabrieli (uncle of Giovanni). In 1562 Andrea went to Munich to study with Orlando di Lasso who had moved there earlier. Andrea became head of music at St Marks Cathedral in Venice. Giovanni Gabrieli studied at St. Marks with his uncle and in 1562 also went to Munich to study under Lasso. Giovanni’s music became the culmination of the Venetian musical style. Lasso returned to Italy in 1580 to visit Italy and encounter the most modern styles and trends in music. Also featured will be Lodovico Viadana who composed a series of Sinfonias with titles of various Italian cities such as Bologna, Ferrara, Florence, Rome, Padua, Parma, Mantua, Venice and more. These city states are also associated with the delicious food of Italy, some of which we’ll incorporate into the lunch offering.
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