Psycho-Sociological Models – Revised Release

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Psycho-Sociological Models – Revised Release Ref. Ares(2020)4906139 - 18/09/2020 Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union PREVISION - Grant Agreement 833115 Deliverable D1.4 Title: Predictive Policing – Psycho-sociological Models – Revised Release Dissemination Level: CO Nature of the Deliverable: R Date: 18/09/2020 Distribution: WP1 Editors: IfmPt Reviewers: PPM, HfoeD Contributors: ALL Abstract: In this document, various theoretical and practical approaches that can contribute to combat cybercrime, organised crime and terrorism are presented, whereby special focus is on predictive policing methods and models. To meet the requirements of the LEAs formulated in the use cases, concrete concepts of tools and services to support the fight against the mentioned crime fields are described. Since the use of predictive policing is particularly beneficial for the fight against and the prevention of terrorism (and especially radicalisation), special attention is paid to this. * Dissemination Level: PU= Public, RE= Restricted to a group specified by the Consortium, PP= Restricted to other program participants (including the Commission services), CO= Confidential, only for members of the Consortium (including the Commission services) ** Nature of the Deliverable: P= Prototype, R= Report, S= Specification, T= Tool, O= Other D1.4 Predictive Policing – Psycho-sociological Models – Revised Release Disclaimer This document contains material, which is copyright of certain PREVISION consortium parties and may not be reproduced or copied without permission. The information contained in this document is the proprietary confidential information of certain PREVISION consortium parties and may not be disclosed except in accordance with the consortium agreement. The commercial use of any information in this document may require a license from the proprietor of that information. Neither the PREVISION consortium as a whole, nor any certain party of the PREVISION consortium warrants that the information contained in this document is capable of use, or that use of the information is free from risk, and accepts no liability for loss or damage suffered by any person using the information. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the PREVISION consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission. H2020-SU-FCT03-2018-833115 PREVISION Project Page 2 of 116 D1.4 Predictive Policing – Psycho-sociological Models – Revised Release Revision History Date Rev. Description Partner 18/05/2020 0.1 Initial Draft IfmPt 14/07/2020 0.2 Integration of Requirements and Methods IfmPt 13/08/2020 0.3 Writing conclusions from the Taskforce Predictive IfmPt Policing and Radicalisation 09/09/2020 0.4 Input for chapter 4.2 IfmPt/ KEMEA, 10/09/2020 1.0 Final draft for review IfmPt 16/09/2020 1.1 SAB Review HfoeD 17/09/2020 1.2 Final Review and comments IfmPT,/PPM 18/09/2020 2.0 Final Version for submission (D1.4) IfmPT H2020-SU-FCT03-2018-833115 PREVISION Project Page 3 of 116 D1.4 Predictive Policing – Psycho-sociological Models – Revised Release List of Authors Partner Author IfmPt Dr. Thomas Schweer, Kira Langanki, Günter Okon KEMEA Eleni Darra H2020-SU-FCT03-2018-833115 PREVISION Project Page 4 of 116 D1.4 Predictive Policing – Psycho-sociological Models – Revised Release Table of Contents Revision History ............................................................................................................................................ 3 List of Authors ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Index of figures ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Index of tables ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Glossary ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 10 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 11 2. Main Definitions – Organised Crime, Extremism/Terrorism and Cybercrime .................................... 13 2.1 Organised Crime ...................................................................................................................... 13 2.2 Extremism/Terrorism .............................................................................................................. 17 2.3 Cyber Crime ............................................................................................................................. 23 3. Prediction/ Forecasting Methods ....................................................................................................... 24 3.1 Criminal Prognosis................................................................................................................... 25 3.2 Intuitive Method ..................................................................................................................... 25 3.3 The Statistical-Nomothetical Prognosis .................................................................................. 26 3.4 The Clinical Idiographic Prognosis ........................................................................................... 27 3.5 Methodology of Criminal Forecasting..................................................................................... 27 4. Criminological Theories ....................................................................................................................... 29 4.1 Criminological Theories in the context of Predictive Policing................................................. 29 4.1.1 Rational Choice Theory ....................................................................................................... 29 4.1.2 Learning Theories ................................................................................................................ 30 4.1.3 Routine Activity Approach .................................................................................................. 30 4.1.4 The Ecological Approach ..................................................................................................... 31 4.2 Criminological Theories in the context of the use cases (in Cooperation with KEMEA) .................. 33 5. Prediction of Criminal Behaviour – State of Research and description of methods .......................... 47 5.1 Investigation support technologies ........................................................................................ 47 5.1.1 Face Recognition ................................................................................................................. 47 5.1.2 Video Surveillance ............................................................................................................... 48 5.2 Predictive Models to support Security Measures ................................................................... 49 H2020-SU-FCT03-2018-833115 PREVISION Project Page 5 of 116 D1.4 Predictive Policing – Psycho-sociological Models – Revised Release 5.2.1 Space and Personal Approaches ......................................................................................... 51 5.2.2 Further Predictive Approaches ........................................................................................... 71 6. Concepts of Predictive Policing Tools ................................................................................................. 86 6.1 Person-related Predictive Policing System ............................................................................. 86 6.2 Web-Monitoring System ......................................................................................................... 92 6.3 Network Analysis..................................................................................................................... 94 7. Ethical and Data Protection Aspects of Predictive Policing ................................................................ 99 8. Summary and conclusions ................................................................................................................ 102 9. References ........................................................................................................................................ 106 H2020-SU-FCT03-2018-833115 PREVISION Project Page 6 of 116 D1.4 Predictive Policing – Psycho-sociological Models – Revised Release Index of figures Figure 1: Victims of terrorist attacks in Western Europe [24] .................................................................... 20 Figure 2: Terrorist attacks in Western Europe per Year [25] ...................................................................... 20 Figure 3: Moghaddam model of radicalisation [85] ................................................................................... 43 Figure 4: Model of Online Terrorist Recruitment Progression ................................................................... 46 Figure 5: Comparison
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