2005. Fra Galta Til Geitungen
AM-Profil 7 LOTTE SELSING, ENDRE ElVESTAD, HARALD HAMRE, JENS FLEMMING KRØGER, ANNE MIDTRØD & ARNE JOHAN NÆRØY (RED.) Fra Galta til Geitungen Kystkultur og fjæresteinsarkeologi i Sørvest-Norge AM-Profil 7 Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger Museum of Archaeology, Stavanger Redaksjon/Editorial office: Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger Museum of Archaeology, Stavanger Redaktør av serien/Editor of the series: Lotte Selsing Redaktører av dette volum/Editors of this volume: Lotte Selsing, Endre Elvestad, Harald Hamre, Jens Flemming Krøger, Anne Midtrød & Arne Johan Nærøy Redaksjonssekretær/Editorial secretary: Tove Solheim Andersen Redaksjonsutvalg/Editorial board: Tove Solheim Andersen Arne Johan Nærøy Einar Solheim Pedersen Lotte Selsing Utgiver/Publisher: Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger PO Box 478 N-4002 STAVANGER NORWAY Tel.: (+47) 51846000 Fax: (+47) 51846199 ams@ark.museum.no Stavanger 20.12.2005 ISSN 2387-5437 ISBN 82-7760-124-7 2 Abstract Selsing, L., Elvestad, E., Hamre, H., Krøger, J.F., Midtrød, A. & Nærøy, A.J. (red.) 2005: From Galta to Geitungen: coastal culture and archaeology close to the transection between the land and sea in Southwest Norway. AM-Profil 7, 96 pp, Stavanger. ISSN 2387-5437, ISBN 82-7760-124-7 It is a big challenge to understand the relation between people’s use of the area close to the transection between the land and sea in a 10 000 years perspective. This is primarily because the time span is so large, the cultural traces so manifold and partly unidentifiable. Secondarily it is because the material and immaterial culture of the coastal people have not been the focus of research and management. The limited knowledge has resulted in damage to many cultural monuments and many are in danger of being spoiled.
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