Lives O F Two Boys Lost in R Ailroad

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Lives O F Two Boys Lost in R Ailroad Minit-Ed is something - maybe the one thing we should copy;' TO* being the kind of unquestioning loyalty that Haaoi has been able to ignite among certain Americans. One of them being Rep. Elizabeth Boltzmann of Brooklyn. This gal left the rains of her district to investigate conditions among the Malaysians etc. She also found Hanoi at war and SOUTH-BERGEN REVIEW again. Not Hanoi’s fault, of course. China, she reported, was the aggressor. And about Hanoi invading Cambodia? Well, the Cambodian’s government, cruel and rapacious, deserved it. Among Hanoi lovers, Hanoi can do no wrong. 20 C«nl* p a r copy P ublish'd a* M l U g t Id.. Lyndhurtt ^ N J. VOL. 57, NO. 3# THURSDAY, MARCH 1 ,1S79 r Subscription $6.00 Published W**kly Lives O f Two Boys Lost In G i r l H o o d l u m s S c o u ts R ailroad No- M an’s Land 6 0th I n v a d e Two young boys last same to the question: Who his size and he could, ac­ Neighbors who live near Sixty years of Girl Thursday lost their lives in cording to his teammates, has responsibility for the the railroad are shocked by Scouting in Lyndhurst will no-man's land. ‘‘hit the ball a m ile.” railroad? the sight of boys —and girls b e c e le b ra te d at an It was on the railroad Nobody seems to know — crossing the tracks on R ichard w as the son of S. H. School anniversary party March 4 tracks of what is known now More and more the their way to school. It is Mrs. Isabel A yres Natiello of to be attended by Scouts, S a c re d Heart Church young viewers around the as Conrail, what once was railroad has become easier to reach Valley Brook Summit Ave., Lyndhurst, le a d e r s , former S co u ts, parishioners were shocked country Delaware, Lackawanna and nobody's child, the stations Avenue and Sacred Heart and Samuel Natiello of Mayor Joseph Carucci and Sunday to learn that a band TTie invaders struck the Western Railroad and then, and trackbeds no man's School by crossing the tracks F lorida state Senator* Anthony of seven hoodlums, some school at the lunch-hour in its next to last emergence, land. than to walk up Ridge Road E d w ard Bode w as a student Scardino. wearing Lyndhurst High Here is the way the as Erie Lackawanna, that TTie stations have been rip ­ and cross the bridge. in the seventh grade of Highlighting the program Scliool jackets, and m asks, incident was described in the Richard Natiello, 13, and ped apart by vandals as The fence that separates Alfred Faust Middle School. will be a fashion parade of raced throdgh the Sacred Bulletin: R obert Bode, 12, w ere killed. police say the task of the tracks is broken in spots East Rutherford. He was a uniforms covering six Heart school spreading "a This Friday just past, at Reasons for their deaths guarding the facilities is that Some youngsters crawl member of the school 's Boys decades Commentator will gooey substance " on the 12 30 p.m. seven teen-agers, are many and varied. of the railroad. The railroad, through the openings. Others Chorus. be Libby Lindsay, who has floors of the corridors some with Lyndhurst High Tlie boys apparently were now government owned, merely climb over the fence. A funeral service was held been active in Lyndhurst The news of the assault School jackets, rushed into tossing snowballs at the and, thus, public property, It was in this setting that for him Saturday at Diffily 's Girl Scouting for 54 years was carried in the Sacred Sacred Heart School with departing rear of an says it doesn’t have the Richard Natiello and Robert Funeral Home, Rutherford She first joined as a girl in Heart Bulletin which is masks on their faces and east bound commuter train manpower —or the concern. Bode were taking advantage A m ass was said for him at 1925, and today serves as distributed at all masses spread a gooey substance just as it left the Kingsland of the snow tid the fact they S t Joseph’s R.C. Church, A short time ago railroad leader for B row nie Troop 990 P o lic e , investigating, through the corridors of the Station, the structure that were free from school for the where he, his parents. Mr men left tons of debris under E d w a r d G . B o d e , a n d Junior Troop 997. believe the incident may school, exploded a large fire­ stands on the tunnel over week by virtue of the week- and Mrs. Edward Bode, a the Ridge Road tunnel. One Employed by the town’s have been caused by the cracker in a class room, set long winter school vacation. s i s t e r , Kamilla and a Ridge Road. night it was set afire and school system for 37 years. motion picture ‘ The up a poster with the words On Saturday services were brother, David, are As the eastbound train b u rn e d furiously u n til Miss L indsay is a clerk in the Warriors,” which is now “Black Sabbath” and then held for Richard. There were parishioners. went by the boys apparently firemen battled it out. Jefferson School. playing in nearby theaters set fire to it. The police over 300 m ourners at Sacred crossed to the westbound The station has been P o l i c e have c l e a r e d Four hundred persons are The movie has been under responded quickly, but we Heart Catholic Church side, unaware that, another criticized for filth, for Robert Dorrmann, 54, of expected at the anniversary attack because it depicts have simply no protection Lyndburst. Among them commtitertraln was .P o m p te n Plains a n d party, which will be held at gang violence in New York against such barbarism on fireman, David Zavardino,« the Sacred Heart Social in such a way it is inciting the p art of v andals 32, * Park Ridge, who w ere Center on Valley Brook Nsbfpii tea the train, of Avenue from 2 to 5 p.m. i also paid tribute to E lin o r J Ferdon, president of the Girl Scout Vandalism a t the lp|Sollto- ^Hpweyer, Det; Capt. Council of Bergen County, th e . _* , IHOtK. « m i ' t t t e n d the 00th youngster slashed Richard Was a good full report wi 11 be sent to the w tegs of the engine. natured, heavy-set boy who prosecutor's office in anniversary festivities. Also Outbreak What were the boys doing there will be attorney Kathy and, when would have been an Hackensack where the One local youth has been Later that morning investigation will b e Donovan, a Lyndhurst near, vandalize the outstanding athlete in high apprehended to date as the Detective Captain Everett The answer must be the structure. school. He was agile despite com pleted. resident who is associated , ' --M'V with the firm of Phillip J. result of a rash of vandalism Golembieski reported the Paul, Esq. A cadette troop to L yndhurst stores. Most of front door at Muschio s leader. Ms Donovan serves the vandalism consists of Restaurant. 123 Ridge Hoad, Ralph DeNisco on the Board of Directors of broken store windows or shattered front doors, the violence oc­ the Bergen County Girl On S aturday at 5:09 a. m a Scout Council, a position she curring during the early A $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 W i n n e r hours orthe morning. fire at Carroll's Liquors. 214 first held as a senior Girl Stuyvesant Avenue was Ralph DeNisco, 290 Chase Thursday with the regular Scout. One of her former Gilbert Violante was ap­ reported. The fire was so far Ave., Lyndhurst, father of six-digit winning number. leaders is M iss Lindsey. prehended after a witness advanced that the entire School Trustee DeNisco, has During the last eight Additional information on noticed him breaking the stock was ruined Damage won the top (Mize of $50,000 in years, the New Jersey the anniversary party is front door glass at the was estimated to be at ap­ N ew J e r s e y ’s ‘‘New Lottery has created 67 a v a ila b le from Priscilla ‘‘Hutch,” a luncheonette on proxim ately $36,000 Weekly” Lottery. He Millionaires through its Tamaro at the Girl Scout Ridge Road about 16 minutes At 7 33 a m an explosion operates a tavern on Chase Weekly, instant and special Service Center, Bergen Mall past midnight last Tuesday was reported at the Sansui Ave. games. offices. 201-845-4700. o r early Wednesday Electronics firm at 450 morning. Police ap The announcement was Valley Brook Avenue. The made in Trenton today by prehended the youth at the noise was caused by the Operation scene. He was released after Gloria A. Decker, executive cavein of the roof reportedly posting $1000 bail set by director of the Lottery. Identified tion weakened by excessive M unicipal Ju d g e Jo h n C. Mrs. Decker said NeNisco The Lyndhurst Junior Woman’s CM> in conjunction rainfall. Detectives Charles with the Lyndhurst Police Department is once again G arde had the winning six-digit Muldoon and Thomas Geary urging al] residents to utilize operation identification, At 2:25 a.m.
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