Table of Contents

A Treasure for Prayer A Lucky Coincidence — Christian High Feasts and the Passion — Prayer Books between Library and Treasury - Girdle Books for Men — Little Treasures for Women — A Delightful Tradition until the era of Emperor Rudolf II-A Unique Binding from Prague around 1600— And Yet Another Happy Coincidence 13

A Book Made for Claude of France Remembrance of the Parents in the Office of the Dead and the Penitential Psalms - Elements of Personalisation of Books of Hours at the Court of Anne of Brittany - Miniature Formats for Kings and Queens - The Miniaturisation of Script Parental and Novercal Heraldry in the Margins Destined for Claude of France - The Miniaturised Format for Myopics? 25

The Illuminator Sterling's Definition of the Master of Claude of France —Janet Backhouse's Objections The Basis for Further Attributions — Illumination in Tours in the Aftermath of Fouquet and the Changing Perspectives of Scholarly Attributions - A Rapidly Growing CEuvre since 1975 48

From Bourdichon's Specialist of Border Decoration to the Court Painter of the Queen? Floral Borders and Renaissance Decorum in the Work of the Master of Claude of France - Between Bourdichon and Poyer - An Apprentice of the Master of the della Rovere Missals? - Figurative Miniatures by the Master of Claude of France - The Relation between the Two Prayer Books of Claude of France - A Name for the Master of Claude of France: Eloy Tassart? - The Hours of Claude of France between Traditional Beliefs and the 60

THE SEQUENCE OF TEXT AND IMAGE 81 The Calendar Layout - The Choice of Saints - Personal References to of France in the Border Design — The Illustrations 82

7 The Office of the Virgin and the Mixed Hours of the Holy Cross, Hours of the Holy Spirit and the Hours of the Conception of the Virgin The Annunciation to the Virgin Mary for of the Office of the Virgin (fol. 14v)— The Visitation for (fol. 30) — The Crucifixion for Matins of the Holy Cross (fol. 38) - Pentecost for Matins of the Holy Spirit (fol. 40) — The Meeting at the Golden Gate for Matins of the Conception of the Virgin (fol. 42) - The Adoration of the Child for Prime (fol. 44) — The Annunciation to the Shepherds for (fol. 50) - The Adoration of the Magi for (fol. 55) — The Presentation in the Temple for None (fol. 60) — The Flight to Egypt for (fol. 65)— The Coronation of the Virgin for (fol. 70) 90

The Penitential Psalms and the Litany The Selection of Saints — Nathan Forces David to Do Penitence for the Opening of the Penitential Psalms (fol. 78) 107

The Office of the Dead An Image of fob for Vespers (fol. 91)-fob's Friends and fob on the Dung Heap for Matins (fol. 97) - Job on the Dung Heap Discussing with His Friends for Lauds (fol. 112) 111

Annotations 115

Resume in Form of a Catalogue Entry Technical Notes - The Binding — Provenance — Text and Illustrations - Script and Decoration The Master of Claude of France: Eloy Tassart — Scholarship on Our 127

Annex I On the Provenance of the Hours of Queen Claude of France 135

Annex II Two Printed Books of Hours from the Bibermiihle Collection That Are Probably Related to Claude of France 142

Plates 145

Bibliography Exhibition Catalogues — Contributions Listed by Author 265