NPA-13 Office of the Dead
THE SARUM RITE Sarum Breviary Noted. Performing Edition. Volume A. Part . Pages []-[]. Vigils of the Dead. The Commendation of the Souls. Edited by William Renwick. HAMILTON ONTARIO . THE GREGORIAN INSTITUTE OF CANADA . MMXII. The Sarum Rite is published by The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégorien du Canada, Mercer Street, Dundas, Ontario, Canada LH N. The Gregorien Institute of Canada is affiliated with the School of the Arts, McMaster University. The Sarum Rite is distributed over the internet through .pdf files located at: This document first published January , . Revised March , June , September , November , October . All rights reserved. This publication may be downloaded and stored on personal computers, and may be printed for purposes of research, study, education, and performance. No part of this publication may be uploaded, printed for sale or distribution, or otherwise transmitted or sold, without the prior permission in writing of the Gregorian Institute of Canada. The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégorien du Canada is a charitable organization registered by the Federal Government of Canada. © The Gregorian Institute of Canada, . Office of the Dead. Vigils of the Dead. Vespers. Placebo Domino. 1. Ant. III.iv. I will walk. Ps. I am well pleas ed. Psalm . Dilexi quoniam. cxiiij. ~ . ˆ am well pleased ´ : that the ver my´ soul. ~ . Lord hath heard the voiceˆ Gracious is the Lord,ˆ~ and right- ´ I . ´ ~ ˆ. ´ of my prayer ; eous : yea, our God is merciful. ~ ~ That he hath inclined his earˆ un- ´ The Lord preservethˆ the simple ´ : . to me : therefore will I call upon him I was in misery,~ andˆ he helped ´ me.
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