Breviary Offices from Lauds to Compline Inclusive, Tr. From

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Breviary Offices from Lauds to Compline Inclusive, Tr. From This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. IBi 1111 mm ' *"■.••-••'' ■ ■■ WSsmm VSM;g£&%B&. ^H^^« 60008871 ■ BREVIARY OFFICES. ©ambrilige 'v PRINTED BY J. PALMER, 23, JESUS LANE. 3Brebtarg ©fficea FROM LAUDS TO COMPLINE INCLUSIVE, Cranslatrti from tf)e Sarum #ooft, AND SUPPLEMENTED FHOM (§alltcan anfci JHonasttc Uu%. f\ / ^vS LONDON : J. T. HAYES, LYALL PLACE, EATON SQUARE; and 4, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. BRIGHTON : G. WAKELING, NORTH STREET. MDCCCLXXJV. /3P. f /A- Sit otsepium serbitutia nostrae rationaJule facias: Cc rogamtis, atrtii not. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE FAQK Bubrics viii Of Apostles 212 Kalendar ..... xvii Of Martyrs 217 Table of Moveable Feasts . xxx Of Bishops - . 222 Prayers before and after Office . xxxi Of Abbots and Monks . 225 Of Confessors .... 228 falter. Of Virgins 230 Of Matrons 233 Lauds 1 Anniversary of the Dedication of Prime 23 a Church .... 235 Tierce 3G II. Occasional Offices. Sexts 39 Gradual Psalms and Litany . 240 42 Penitential Psalms . 247 45 Intercessory Office for the Sick . 252 Compline 65 Order for the Commendation of a Soul 253 gropes of Seasons. Office of the Dead . 260 Advent 73 Itinerary 268 Christmas . 87 Epiphany 109 proper of Saints. 121 December 272 Lent . 127 January 276 Passion tide 147 February Easter 279 160 March Ascension tide 282 176 April . 287 Whitsun tide 183 287 Trinity 188 June . 293 July . 299 ©ommon of Saints. August 306 September 316 I. Common of Holy Days. October 322 Memorials 203 November 326 Office of tbe Blessed Sacrament . 206 Common of Vigils 331 Of the Blessed Virgin Mary . 209 Proper of Scotland 331 rpHAT a community of women should offer to the English Church a new hook of Offices, -*- appears presumptuous as well as unnecessary, unless some explanation be given of the causes which led to the attempt. S. Margaret's Sisterhood, founded by the Rev. J. M. Neale, in 1854, was early provided with a Ms. translation, abridged and simplified, of the shorter Sarum Hours, and with various other offices, selected from Roman or Gallican uses, where Sarum was insufficient or apparently unsatisfactory. For although Dr. Neale considered the Sarum book as that of which the adoption was generally binding upon us, he preferred a degree of eclecticism to a servile following of the old English use, when better offices were to be found elsewhere. Other persons, aware of our possessing many Mss., asked us to prepare a book which should supply offices yet wanting in existing manuals, and provide abundance of materials for devotion from which they might select portions suitable for use. We have thus endeavoured to respond to their request, and the present volume is the careful, but very imperfect result of our labours, containing, besides much supplementary matter, the Breviary Offices from Prime to Compline inclusive, Matins being already in course of publication separately. In this compilation, our founder's plan has been retained; i.e. Sarum has been followed wherever possible. The Psalter, and Proper of Seasons exactly reproduce Sarum, with a few abbreviations and simplifications ; except a few alterations, mentioned below.* If it be asked wby the Roman books would not suffice us, and why we should try to resuscitate a use long dead, we answer that the Gallican breviaries present us with rich and varied treasures of Scriptural applications, and mystical interpretations, which might be sought vainly in the Roman forms ; and that Sarum far surpasses Rome in the dignity and variety of its daily office ; in its absence of unseemly haste, (as when Rome continually replaces longer Psalms by Ps. cxvii.) and in its sedulous and hearty use of continual intercession for living and dead.-t But when we arrive at the Common and Proper of Saints, Sarum shines no more. Every one acquainted with the Roman breviary must have been struck by the excessive poverty of the Offices of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where one commonplace idea is repeated continually, with mere transposition of words, and almost the whole mass of Old Testament type and prophecy is neglected or ignored, (if not misapplied, as in the case of Ecclus. xxiv.). Sarum disappointingly * The Antiphons to the Psalms are doubled at certain times, according to ordinary present use. The Christmas Eve Vesper Hymn is continued through the Octave, as in the Benedictine Breviary, instead of, as in Sarum, using A soils ortus both at Lauds and Vespers. The proper Office of S. Thomas of Canterbury is changed for the Common of a Martyr, the Antiphon, "9". and R7. to the Memorial, being all that are retained from the original. The Ants. at Vespers in Epiphany-tide are according to York, Sarum retaining the Ants. of Christmas. The Saturday Ants. after Trinity are from the Roman Breviary : because it was necessary to take the lectionary for Matins from that source, and those Ants. must agree with the lectionary of the current month. The Memorials are simplified. The Whitsun-tide Sequence at Compline is exchanged for Veni Sancte Spiritvs. It should be added, that, also according to Dr. Neale's usage, in ac cordance with the present custom of the English Church, invocations of Saints and Angels are as a rule omitted, except when occurring in Psalms, Canticles, etc. + With regard to the last assertion it may be mentioned, that, as will be seen in the body of the book, the fifteen Gradual Psalms were recited daily in Lent, with the noble Litany, " for the whole Church of God" ; and that one nocturn of the Office of the Dead was to be said, whenever unhindered by Festivals, after Matins of the day. Our forefathers grudged no time nor pains in their prayers, and although it may not now be practicable for many to use them in extenso, it is as well, in these days of hurry, to have such full and leisurely Offices before our eyes. VI 1 falls to quite as low a level in this respect. Besides this, the Offices are disfigured by jingling and alliterative Antiphons, which indeed bear their testimony to the English love of the grotesque, but possess neither dignity nor beauty. For these Offices therefore, we have drawn extensively from other sources, principally the Breviaries of Paris, Rouen, Coutances, Beauvais, Noyon; besides the Benedictine, (whose authority in England ranks next to that of Sarum). Added to which, we have drawn from the Reformed Roman Breviary, for several points of practical utility. But we have invented nothing anywhere, except one Office in the Common of Saints :— Vespers for the Sick ; Matins and Lauds having been prepared long since by Dr. Neale from Card. Thomasius, who however furnishes scarce any hints for Vespers. In the Proper of Saints, the Offices of S. Andrew, Conversion of S. Paul, Nativity of S. John Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul, Commemoration of S. Paul, S. Mary Magdalene, Holy Name, 8. Michael and all Angels, (chiefly) are from Sarum. The rest are principally Gallican. In the Common of Holy-days, all the Hymns and the selection of Psalms, the Common of Apostles in Easter-tide, and through the year, are Sarum. The Common of the Blessed Virgin and the other Offices are chiefly Gallican. The Commendatory Prayers are from the Parisian and Benedictine books. The Office of the Dead is Roman. We are at a loss to express our sense of the extreme and unwearied kindness of all to whom we have applied for that assistance, without which, our task, difficult for us in any case, would have been entirely hopeless. For advice, information, loan of valuable books, permission to reprint translated Hymns, and the translation of several expressly for this book, we return thanks to the Revs. L. Alison, R. F. Littledale, G. Moultrie, W. J. Copeland, E. Caswall, and J. D. Chambers, Esq. ; and most especially to the Rev. W. J. Blew, " whose learning is only equalled by his courtesy," and who, in addition to other most important assistance, has been at the pains to draw out for this work a Sarum table of occurrence and concurrence. We have also to acknowledge the obliging politeness with which Mr. Masters and Messrs. Novello and Co. have permitted us to reprint many of Dr. Neale's copyright Hymns. Great pains have been taken to discover and secure the permission of the translators of the Hymns used in this book : but if any inadvertent mistake has been made in this matter, we beg to be apprised of it, in order to its correction in a future edition. GENERAL NOTES. Memorials. Memorials are made at Lauds and Vespers only. When the Office of any Feast or of a greater feria is superseded by that of a greater Feast, a Memorial is made of the day whose office is omitted altogether, or at first or second Vespers only. Memorials are formed thus : (1) Antiphon to Benedictus or Magnificat from the Office which is omitted. (2) V- and ty. following the Hymn in the same Office. (3) The Collect of the Office, preceded by The Lord be, etc., and Let us pray. Common Memorials are set down at the beginning of the Common of Saints, to be used on those Feasts, when it may appear expedient not to use the whole Office of the Saint. They will take precedence of the Memorials in the Psalter. These Feasts are marked * in the Kalendar and in the Proper of Saints. If a Feast having its own Office set down in the Proper of Saints be commemorated by a Memorial only, such Memorial may be formed from the Proper Office, according to the rule given above.
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