Mapping the Portion

In Torah Portion , we have a lot of traveling to do! You will need 3 colors to complete this map: red, blue and green. You can use whichever medium you wish: crayons, pencils or markers. Mapping can be done as you reach each verse in your portion, or as a separate activity. The goal of mapping is to familiarize yourself with the geography of the land, to visualize where important Biblical events happened and to bring Bible history to life!

Genesis 47:27 living in Goshen Color the area around Goshen in BLUE, including Rameses and Pithom Exodus They built Pithom and Rameses as store cities for 1:11 Pharoah Exodus Every boy that is born you must throw into the 1:22 Outline the Nile in RED Exodus But Moses fled from and went to live in 2:15 Midian Draw a path from Ramses to Midian in GREEN [Moses] led the flock to the far side of the desert Exodus and came to Horeb, the mountain of YHVH 3:1 (God) Draw a path to Mt. Sinai* in GREEN Exodus 4:18 Moses went back to Jethro Draw a path back to Midian in GREEN Exodus [Aaron] met Moses at the Mountain of YHVH 4:27 (God) Draw a path back to Mt. Sinai in GREEN Exodus 4:29 Met with Elders (in Egypt) Draw a path back to Rameses in GREEN Circle Jerusalem in RED. Draw a line in GREEN from the East to Jerusalem. You can start from Matthew Wise men from the East arrive in Jerusalem the edge of the page or at the word “East”- since we are not exactly sure where in they East they 2:1 looking for Yeshua (Jesus) came from! Matthew 2:8 Wise men travel to Bethlehem Circle Bethlehem in BLUE and draw a line in GREEN connecting Jerusalem to Bethlehem

The map provided was created based on our best research. Archeologists have different opinions on various locations, so we tried our best to use locations that were most widely agreed upon.

*Mt. Sinai, Mt. Horeb, Mt. Paran and “YHVH (God)’s Mountain” are all names for Mt. Sinai. It’s actual location is widely disputed. We chose this location based on research done by You can see their reasoning and research here: egypt/4012-what-do-mt-horeb-the-mountain-of-god-mt-paran-and-mt-seir-have-to-do-with-mt-sinai