State 0F Minnesota in the Supreme Court Order It Is
STATE 0F MINNESOTA IN THE SUPREME COURT ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that a hearing to be held before this Court in the Supreme Court, State Capitol Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on Thursday, March 17, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. on the proposed Rules of Evidence, recommended by the Advisory Committee on the Rules of Evidence. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that true and correct copies of the proposed Rules of Evidence be made available after January 10, 1977 upon request to persons who have registered their names with the clerk of this Court for the purpose of receiving such copy and who have paid a fee to be specified at that time to defray the expense. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that advance notice of the hearing be given by publication of this Order once in the Supreme Court Edition of FINANCE AND COMMERCEand THE ST. PAUL LEGAL LEDGER. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that interested persons show cause, if ! any the:y have, why the proposed rules should or should not be adopted. j All persons desiring to be heard shall file briefs or petitions setting \ forth their views and shall also notify the Clerk of the Supreme Court ;I in writing on or before March 1, 1977. I DATED: December 20, 1976 ! ! DAKOTACOUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY ATTORNEY Yarch 16, 1977 John 0. Sonsteng Dakota County Government Cents 1560 Highway 55 Hastings, Minnesota 55033 (612) 437-3191, Ext. 222. 223 CIVIL DIVISION Robert F. Carolan Robert R. Distad Michael R. Ring Assistant County Attorneys ulr. John C. McCarthy CRIMINAL DIVISION Thomas F.
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