• ESSEX is one of the metropolitan ,hil'es and takes its The Thames flows through London to the :Sorth Sea, name· from the commonwealth of the }:a:O;t .Saxons (one h;n-iug several quay~, but no great haven on the Essex • of tbe English hordes which settled in South Britain), shore, and the limits of the port of London extend to and of which Mid<lle;ex, London anu Hertfordshire after- . Haveugore creek in this county. The Lee, and its head, wards furmeu part. _\fter the }:usl<arrlian,; and Celts ' the Stort, are navigable, pa.;;sing through Bishop Stort had been driven out, }:s<e:>: was held by the Belgic tribe furd, Harlow and \Valtham Abbey; the Roding rises in of the Trinobantes until the Roman inroad. Of the 1 Easton Park, near Dunrnow, and flows south for about 36 Romans it wa_o; a great :seat and here wa.s- their city uf \ ntile,; past Ongar to llford, where it becomes- navigable, Camulodunun1. The 1\'Plch, again becoming nla.-;ters, ] and, pa~sing Barking, joins the 'l,hame~: the Bourne were driven out by the }~ast Saxon:-;. The chief dans ~ hrook, 12 n1iles long-, falls into the Than1es at Dagenham: concerned in the ~ettlen1ent u·ere the-· 'rilling, Halling, the Ingerbuurne rise5 in South lVeald and falls into the_ . Denning, Thnrring, BPmrin~, Billing, Htll'uing, ~Ianning, Than1es near Uainham: the Marditch, 12 mile3> long; Totting, Bucking- ~and lhumiug, being the smue as tlwse fo1·ms a creek at Purfieet: the Crouch, 25 miles long, engaged in the settlement of East .!uglia.
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