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ESSEX L 2 ESSEX • ESSEX is one of the metropolitan ,hil'es and takes its The Thames flows through London to the :Sorth Sea, name· from the commonwealth of the }:a:O;t .Saxons (one h;n-iug several quay~, but no great haven on the Essex • of tbe English hordes which settled in South Britain), shore, and the limits of the port of London extend to and of which Mid<lle;ex, London anu Hertfordshire after- . Haveugore creek in this county. The Lee, and its head, wards furmeu part. _\fter the }:usl<arrlian,; and Celts ' the Stort, are navigable, pa.;;sing through Bishop Stort­ had been driven out, }:s<e:>: was held by the Belgic tribe furd, Harlow and \Valtham Abbey; the Roding rises in of the Trinobantes until the Roman inroad. Of the 1 Easton Park, near Dunrnow, and flows south for about 36 Romans it wa_o; a great :seat and here wa.s- their city uf \ ntile,; past Ongar to llford, where it becomes- navigable, Camulodunun1. The 1\'Plch, again becoming nla.-;ters, ] and, pa~sing Barking, joins the 'l,hame~: the Bourne were driven out by the }~ast Saxon:-;. The chief dans ~ hrook, 12 n1iles long-, falls into the Than1es at Dagenham: concerned in the ~ettlen1ent u·ere the-· 'rilling, Halling, the Ingerbuurne rise5 in South lVeald and falls into the_ . Denning, Thnrring, BPmrin~, Billing, Htll'uing, ~Ianning, Than1es near Uainham: the Marditch, 12 mile3> long; Totting, Bucking- ~and lhumiug, being the smue as tlwse fo1·ms a creek at Purfieet: the Crouch, 25 miles long, engaged in the settlement of East .!uglia. In 823 it carne waters south-east Essex and is navigable from Hull Bridge under the sway uf the \\'est Saxuns under }~gbert, tbough I tu the ~orth Sea; Bumham is its port: the Brornhill is a. more thau ouce givPu np to the Danes. crPPk, 10 1nile~ long, aiHl navigable fur 7 ri1iles to near The county is uf an irregular shape, being in its Rochford: the river Chelmer, -1-6 mi1es long, I'ising in the greatest length, frun1 north-east_ to .5outh-wes~~ 63 ~Iile.~, \north-west_ near Debden, and. fi~wing south~ passes Dun­ ·lnd from north to •unth 48 mile,;. By the •• Con!irma- , mow and Chelmsford, where 1t 1s made nangable, thenct. '!ion Act (~o. q), 1895.'' the parishes uf Heydon, Great I east to Maldon Ots port), receiving the Ter, 13 miles long, piishaU a~d ~ittle Chi shall and part"< of those of Haver- 1 the \~id and Cann, q miles .lo~~· and the Sandon Br~k, bill and Kedmgton were tran,ferred, the hr.,t three to ro miles long; near :Maldon 1t JOillS the Blackwater, which l"ambridgeshire ami the two last to Suffolk, and th<> cuunty has fur it> feeder the Pods brook: the Colne, 35 miles long, Dow contajns 979,585 acres, 1Jein_e the tenth English shire ri~es on the northern border near Birdbrookt becon1es for size. In 188I its population was 576,43-+; and in navigable at Colchester, anll t•eceiving the Roman river, 18gr was 78+258; males, 389,949; females, 394,309; I flows into the :-<orth Sea: the Holland creek falls into the the number of inhabited houses in r8g1 was 146,047; ::>orth Sea at Little Holland: the Stom· is about 50 miles miinhabited, 9,6g8 ; being built, 1,354- On the cast and long, becomes navigable at Sudbury and pa>ses the ports south-east the c<mnty is honncled hy the ~o1'th Sea; on of :Manningtree and Harwich to the ~o1·th Sea: in the tb .. south by the Thames, which liows between it and I north-west the Cam and Slade brooks pass into Cam- ~ent; on the. west hy the L~e against ::\iiddlese::.: and by J·bridgeshire. · t~~ Stort agamst Hertfunblme: un t'he I~orth, l~y .Cam-~ , The railw~1ys in this count! are controlled _by t_he Great hndge ~nul on the nmt.h-ea~t hy the. :-:;tout, :-o.l-'IMI.ahng It }....a.~ tern railway, and oon.s.1st of two mmn line.s and 1 from Sufiolk. Ou the east the shore is broken hy the numerous branches. The principal line from Loudon to deep friths aml creeks of the. Stonr, CulnP., Blackwater, (.~a In bridge runs along the western side of this county Crouch mul Thauu•s autl hy tht~- inlet~ l'tJUHll Hor:;ey, anrl the eastern of Hertford>hire, from Tottenham tu .Mersea and HavPngure i:-:Jands. Bishop Stortford, and then cuts acros,; the north-\wst Time of High 'Yater on the l'ull awl L'lmage of the :\'loon ! angle of Esse::.: to Chesterford and thence to Cambridge: at the fulluwiug place~ ou the coast of Essex:- 1 the branches from this line are one fl'Om Broxbourne to I HitTh,., 'Yare and Hertford, from which again a branch leaving I Water 1-GJ S.E. * , St. Margarets goes to Buntiugford, these two branches PL.lCJ-:. Full & [ !wing aetually in Hertfordshire ; one from Bishop Stort­ <~hange. Hprings. · Xeaps. \ fnnl g-uing due east through Dunmow to Braintree, and ... --. ~---·-·-- -, h. Jll. feet. ,-f-t-ee .. I then south-east until. it J"oins the Ipswich line at \Vitham, l Harwich Harbour --------·--------- 0 6 I I -;,o- 9} ami a third branch leaves 'Yeetlen;; Ambo and runs through Orwell River, Pimnill ............ 0 20 12 Saffron ·walden to the Haverhill and Sudburv line. '.fhe I • Orwelllti,·er, llownham Reach. 0 27 12 I • other main line, that to Ipswich, :Sorwich &c. enters the Orwell H.i.-er, Ipswich ........... 0 35 ,;tonr River, \Vrabness ........... 0 29 12 county at Stratford, where two short branch lines go Stour River, Mistley Quay .•.... 0 48 north to Chingford awl Chipping Ongat· and one south to stour River, Cattawatlc Bridge. I 1 8 I \ ~orth \Voolwich. The main line passe> through RomfOTd, 1·rhe Naze ............................. 0 ,,- 10 Ingatestone, Che]m,<ford aud a little· north of Colchester, 'Colne River, Colne Point ..•.•.... noon 1-1 IO :Colne River, Wivenhoe..•..•...... 0 10 ' I- IO mul leaves the county at ).1auningtree; the branche.:; • 'Blackwater River, Scales Point. noon ·' IO Ll-} frum it are one fmm Sheufield to Billericav,• \Yickfonl Blackwater River, Heybridge ... , 0 20 12 3 (where a branch run;; oti to :Maldun, with another leaving 'Chelmer River, ::\Ialdon ......... 0 ~2 10 6 · it at 1Voodham Ferris for Burnham and Southminster) !Guntle,et Sand, N.E. End ........ 11 -10·' 12 3 'CCrouch R:iver, Foulness........... o 5 , q~ 10 ~ Rawley, Rochford and SouthenJ: another branch leaves I rouch Rrver, Hull Brrdge ...... o' 25 , I6 1 I Witham for )'laldon, where it joins the branch from Wick- \M_a_p_l_i_n_L_i_g_h_t_.. _ ... _._-·_·_· ·------·~·-·_- -_·:.-.·_--.__ 0 __ .s_! _I4?E __1~- ford. 'I' he next branch is from Marks 'l'ey northward to *Hy the rise of t.he tide is n1ennt its vertical rise above the Sudbury, where it turns westward and runs along the mean low water level of sp•·ing ti<le.<;. 1 northern hurder of the county a> far as Linton, having a· ESSEX l 2 ESSEX. [KELLY's short branch from Burslow to Saffron Walden and Audley Ingrave, Laindon, Langdon or Laindon ·Hills, Little • • End from St. Botolph on the Ipswich main line: a branch Burstead, Little Thurrock, Mucking, Nevendon, North rnns to 1Valton-on-the-Naze ha>ing <branches from Wi>en­ Benfleet, Orsea, Pitsea, Ramsden Bellhouse, Ramsden hoe to Brightlingsea and from Thm·pe to Clacton-on-Sea, Crays, Shenfield, South Benlleet, Stanford-le-Hope, and from Manningtree a branch runs to Parkestone Quay Thundersley (part of), Yange, West Horndon, West and Harwich. The London, Tilburv and Southend rail- • Tilburv• and Wickford way, which starts from Fenchurch street, passes through Hundred of Becontree: Barking, Dagenham, East the southern part of the county from Plaistow via Barking, Ham, Little llford, Low Leyton, "'althamstow, Wan- Horndon, Pitsea, :!1\orth Benfleet, Southend to Shoelmry- • stead, "'est Ram and 1Voodford. ness, the old loop line of the ·same railway lea,·ing the line Hundred of Chafford :-Aveler, Brentwood, Childer- at Barking, running alongside the river by Tilbury and • ditch, Cranham, Grays Thurrock, Great 'Warley, Little rejoining tl•e new line at Pitsea, while another branch runs Warley, North Ockendon, Rainham, South Ockendon, from Romford to Tilbur• b> Chadwell Heath and Ocken- - • South Weald, Stifford, Upminster, "'cnnington and West don, and the Midland C'Jnnects with these railwaY>.. bv" a I Thurroc-. k · line -~rom St. Pancra;; ,~·ift ~~t~enham a:' d. Fore>t Gate to [ Hundred of Chelmsford :-Blackmore., Boreham, flarkmg. The Come 1 aile, Iailwa> rmh fwm Chappel, oiJ . B fi ld B tt b Cl f d Ch' 11 St J · ... \ room 1e , u- s urY, · te1 ms or , 1gna . ames, the Great Eastern Su<lbnr> branch, rift Castle Reding- Chi II S D. b E t H · fi ld F "' . gna .....,n1ea 1ey, an ur~p' as _ ann1ng e , ryern- ham and Yeldham to Haverhill. 1ng,. G rea t B a dd ow, G rea t L e1g· h s ( par·t o f) , G reat '"n'a- 1 The county has much rich meadow ground on the , tham, Ingatestone, Little _Baddow, Little Leighs, Little shores of the brooks and marsh lands, on the friths and Waltham, Margaretting, Mountnessing, Rettendon, Box­ creeks : on the shore are man~- mar>h islands, like those well, Runwell, Sandon, South Hanningfield, Springfield, of Holland; of these Canvey, hmlne>s, 1Yallasea, Mersea, Stock, West Hanningfield, 'Yidford, 'Yoodham }'errers Hor>ea, Havengore and Potton are the greatest : much of and Writtle. the shore is sheltered against the tides and storms by Hundred of C!avering :~Berden, Clavering, Farnham, dykes and sea walls.
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    ASHINGDON PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Council: Mrs Kelly Holland Tel: 01702 257457 33 Rowan Way Email: [email protected] Canewdon Essex SS4 3PD Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Ashingdon and East Hawkwell Memorial Hall on Monday 5 th March 2018 at 7.30pm. Present: Chairman: Cllr. T. Flowers Councillors: Cllr. D. Catchpole Cllr. D. Constable Cllr. G. Dryhurst Cllr. D. Parsons Officers: Kelly Holland, Parish Clerk Members of press and public: None 17/261 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Cllrs. S. Chittenden, R. Clark and D. McCarthy. No apologies were received from Cllr. S. Williamson. RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted. 17/262 Minutes RESOLVED that subject to an amendment the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5 th February 2018 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 17/263 Progress Report 7.11.16 16/164 (b) Grant application for Enovert being prepared. 8.5.17 17/46 (a) Quote awaited from Rochford District Council, permission from Essex County Council awaited. 2.10.17 17/144 Published on 4.10.17, two responses received. Published again on Facebook 13.11.17. 6.11.17 17/163(c;) Committee advised, awaiting invoice. 6.11.17 17/163(i) Request submitted. 8.1.18 17/222(d) Awaiting for further information from Metro Bank. 8.1.18 17/226(d) Contractor instructed. 8.1.18 17/226(g) Awaiting verge licence information from Essex County Council. 5.2.18 17/248('c) Details being arranged with Rochford District Council.
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