CENTURIONYOUR NEWSPAPER FROM BOROUGH COUNCIL | NOVEMBER 2020 A Turner on display at the Castle For the first time in its history, sketches painted in the open air - a Fund and a private donor, the painting Colchester Castle is currently home practice which was to be become a was successfully saved for the East to an English masterpiece. significant element to his work, and of . JMW Turner’s classic painting one making this painting so significant. For more information on how ‘Walton Bridges’ is on display at the The nationally important piece of art Colchester + Ipswich Museums was in danger of leaving the country, Castle until 28 March 2021, thanks were involved in a bid to help save following its sale to a foreign buyer. this masterpiece visit the Colchester to a generous contribution towards However, a bid in July 2019 involving Museums website. exhibiting costs from Friends of Colchester + Ipswich Museums and To pre-book tickets to see this Colchester Museums. the Norfolk Museum Service helped historic picture call 01206 282939. Painted near Turner’s home on the save it for the nation. Entry includes full access to Colchester River Thames, it is the first oil painting With the help of major grants from Castle Museum and Turner At by Turner to have been based on oil the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Art The Castle.

Prestigious double Response to Covid-19: national award wins for council Council and its partners is Colchester Borough Council has received two top national awards for its work with its commercial trading doing the borough proud company Colchester Commercial Holdings Ltd (CCHL). Colchester Borough Council’s The council was named ‘Best leaders have praised the efforts of Commercial Council’ in the the council’s staff and partners for Municipal Journal (MJ) Achievement ensuring residents and businesses were Awards and ‘Entrepreneurial supported through the first national Council’ at the Local Government Covid-19 lockdown. Chronicle awards. Both these annual Throughout the national lockdown, awards mark the very best in local council staff and members ensured government. the response to the needs of our The awards recognise the council’s communities and businesses was agile vision in setting up CCHL and and effective. We worked with a range its three subsidiary companies - of organisations and continue to play a Colchester Amphora Energy Ltd; full part in the effort to stop the virus Colchester Amphora Homes Ltd spreading and help those in need. through the One Colchester “The work we and our partners have and Colchester Amphora Trading This included supporting those partnership. undertaken has been very important Ltd – and their ongoing work and shielding and delivering food and Our fast and co-ordinated approach to our residents, communities and success. CCHL’s achievements other essentials to thousands of to Covid-19, was among those businesses. include a £95 million borough- residents. highlighted by the District Council’s “Lots of effort has gone into the wide housebuilding programme We became one of the first councils Network as an example of good support we have and are continuing combining private housing with to help those struggling to pay their practice. You can find out more about to provide, in particular to ensure it is 30% council-owned homes bills through providing financial our work with partners on page 8. being taken forward in a sustainable for affordable rent, the 76-acre advice, support and grants. We swiftly These efforts have provided a solid and proactive way as we continue Colchester Northern Gateway distributed over £33.6 millions of foundation for working with a range to balance the restrictions and ever- Sports Park, and providing ultrafast Government and council discretionary of partners to ensure businesses and changing risks to our communities.” gigabyte broadband to new homes grants and supplemented this with residents are aware of the current Deputy Leader of the Council, Cllr and businesses. advice to businesses and help to those lockdown restrictions – and the efforts Julie Young, said: “While this has been The judges at the MJ awards in need. to prevent the spread of coronavirus a situation no one would have wanted also recognised our employee The formation of a Community in the borough. it has been a tremendous example of Cezara Cosma in the ‘Rising Response Team, working with Leader of the Council, Cllr Mark how we can do things differently in Star’ category, with a ‘Highly Community 360 to give dedicated Cory said: “I am proud of our work response to a crisis. Commended’ for her ambition to support and advice, has been very and the achievements of our hard- “We are lucky to have so many make a difference to people’s lives successful, as has the ongoing work working council staff through the great assets in the borough and our and determination to best support with police, health, education, the coronavirus lockdown and as we come partnership working has never been the communities business community and others out the other side. better. It is a testament to all involved.” she serves.

@enjoycolchester INSIDE THIS ISSUE... @yourcolchester Page 2 Council’s budget challenge Page 3 Town deal update colchester.gov.uk Page 5 CAReless campaign Page 7 Help keep Colchester litter free The publication is produced by Colchester Borough Council. To contact us please email [email protected].

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WASH HANDS Delivering a Better Colchester Help play your part in tackling Colchester Borough Council’s Budget Challenge

Residents are being asked to help Colchester Borough Council understand what matters most to COLCHESTER BOROUGH COUNCIL HAS them as part of a survey launched as the council works to close the budget £10 MILLION LESS THAN LAST YEAR gap it is facing. The online survey, launched on Monday 9 November, is designed to help us understand where residents think money should be spent and saved, ahead of councillors agreeing the budget next January for 2021/2022. We are currently facing a gap of around £2 million this year – around 10% of our net budget - and £3.5 million next year which is around 17% of our net budget. This is due to lost revenue from SOME OF OUR KEY SOURCES OF INCOME AT CBC ARE… services such as leisure centres, museums and car parks, as a result of the first national lockdown and the Government’s failure to fulfill its promise of ensuring councils were fully supported against the loss of any income. WEDDINGS VIC COMMERCIAL EVENTS CAR PARKS LEISURE WORLD MUSEUMS Through changes to the way councils & AQUA SPRINGS have been funded over recent years, we RENTS have lost around £11 million in funding from the Government. The Covid-19 lockdown meant much of this income So this year The Government has encouraged stopped completely, and our costs have increased (2020/21) we councils to become more commercially expect to have focused, leading us to set up Colchester over £10m less Commercial Holdings Ltd. Through than we were the companies under (CCHL) we expecting, to pay for essential make money from a range of activities services… including events, that help pay for essential services. Throughout the first lockdown, we worked with partners to support The Government And an estimated vulnerable members of our community budget gap of £3.5m and businesses. However, the lockdown has since provided £2m for 2021/22 measures meant many of the ways we in additional generate income were halted. funding to the While we have received some Council and we Government support it has not covered are claiming However this still the money we have lost and a full around £1m means that we have review of everything we deliver has for furloughed over £1.5m in losses been undertaken. Our initial plans to staff… to recover this year… close this gap include smarter ways of working, raising income where possible and reducing costs - including job losses where these cannot be avoided. We will To address this we are working on We will continue to use reserves to help ease the funding a budget strategy, including lobby the Government gap we’re facing this year – but once . reviewing our strategic PRIORITIES to secure a better these are used, they can’t be used again. financial settlement . maximising COMMERICAL for 2021/22 We will continue to lobby the potential Government to ensure they make good on their promise – but if they don’t, . driving EFFICIENCY in the way we work Difficult decisions may need difficult decisions will need to be made. to be made to balance the As part of the survey residents are . looking at our SERVICE PROVISION budget also asked how well informed they feel . exploring COMMUNITY about the council’s budget challenge relationships and to rank the council’s services in importance to them. The survey, which will run until WE’LL MAKE SURE WE KEEP YOU UPDATED ON THIS JOURNEY Friday 4 December, can be found on EVERY STEP OF THE WAY our website.

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Delivering a Better Colchester #BETTERCOLCHESTER

we better connect the borough’s digital and transport infrastructure, grow the borough’s economy in an inclusive New parklets way, and make Colchester an even better place to live. Projects that have scheme to make been included in the bid are: High Street · the creation of digital work hubs · transforming facilities for young greener for all people A new project is seeking to make · a digital skills hub at the Wilson the High Street an even more Marriage Centre vibrant place by converting some · public realm improvements in the loading bays into open and green town centre areas for shoppers and visitors to sit and relax. · restoration of Holy Trinity Church Under a joint initiative · the first phase in restoring ‘Jumbo’ between Colchester Borough Ambitious We Are · transformation of community Council and the Our Colchester facilities in Greenstead Business Improvement District · the accelerated introduction of 5G five ‘parklets’ will be installed in, Colchester plan for · improved walking and cycling links various locations along the High across the town Street. These new areas, which will £25m improvements The plan will also be used to lever in be designed and maintained by funding from other sources to help a local Colchester company, are turn the vision into reality. aimed at transforming existing submitted We Are Colchester is chaired by loading bays by creating new an independent representative from seating areas supported by the Colchester’s business community – planting of trees and seasonal An ambitious plan, seeking up to £25 that Colchester was one of 100 the managing Director of Kent Blaxill plants. million of Government funding for areas being given the opportunity to Group, Simon Blaxill. They will help provide projects enhancing Colchester town bid for up to £25 million from the Mr Blaxill said: “ I believe that we additional footway space to help centre and the surrounding area over Government’s Town Deal scheme. have submitted a very strong bid for with social distancing. the next 25 years, has been submitted. The plan submitted was developed in this money. The list of projects chosen, It is hoped the ‘parklets’ will be Drawn up by We Are Colchester - a consultation with over 1,000 residents will make a long lasting, positive sited outside Heavenly Desserts, dynamic partnership involving public, and businesses as well as with the We difference to our town. Barclays, Moss Bros, Sharp’s and private and voluntary organisations set are Colchester board, assembly and “They will promote skills Marc Jason Shoeworld. up to develop a long-term vision for advisory group. development, create jobs for local unlocking more jobs and prosperity It looks to help overcome some of people, make our communities more for Colchester – it was submitted at the challenges Colchester faces in attractive and with better facilities. The the end of October. ensuring its future economic growth Town Deal provides Colchester with The partnership - made up of including its reliance on retail and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to Colchester Borough Council, service sectors, the current transport make our town an even better place infrastructure and continuing to live, work and visit.” County Council, local businesses and deprivation in parts of the borough. other organisations – was formed A decision by the Government is following last year’s announcement A key part of the plan seeks to ensure expected by February. Work underway on four sites to Smarter help deliver new council homes Parking Work has started on the first of 24 new council homes for local people, at four Pay and stay the easy way sites across the borough. with the MiPermit app. Construction work has started on new homes in Hardings Close and Benefits include contracts have been awarded to build . Contactless the new homes at Buffett Way, Scarfe payments Way, and Military Road. . The homes are being delivered Parking offers through our wholly owned housing . Easily extend development company Colchester your stay Amphora Homes Limited and once built, they will be managed by Get started Colchester Borough Homes to provide shower room and fitted kitchen are scheme, or other properties depending with this homes for families on the council’s planned to replace the existing outdated on the market at the time. short video! housing register. The projects form sheltered accommodation complex. The types of homes purchased will part of Colchester Borough Council’s Other schemes helping to deliver reflect the greatest needs of those on ambitious plans to deliver up to 350 much-needed new affordable homes the housing register, and that can be new affordable homes by 2024. include a £22 million scheme to buy an adapted for wheelchair users and those These new homes could be additional 100 homes for local families. with restricted mobility. They will also supplemented through the Under the scheme, the council will be made as energy efficient as possible, redevelopment of Elfreda House, where look to buy former council homes to contribute to our climate emergency 36 flats each with balcony or patio area, previously sold under the Right to Buy commitments.

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COVER FACE Delivering a Better Colchester Colchester’s Northern Gateway Sports Park opening Easter 2021 for families to enjoy - all of which will introduced around coronavirus to be managed by the council. ensure the safety of contractors on site. The Sports Park is part of a wider As part of the development we sport and leisure development project are working in partnership with managed by Colchester Amphora Highways England and Breheny Trading Ltd, one of the council’s Civil Engineering Ltd to deliver safer commercial companies. pedestrian and cycling routes at the This will also include a new state- nearby junction with the A12. of-the-art rugby facility which will Until 15 January 2021 this will see become the home of the Colchester the slip roads to and from Junction 28 Rugby Football Club, two all-weather closed overnight (between 8pm and pitches, additional grass pitches and an 6am), with signed diversion routes in archery range for local clubs to enjoy. place and only slip roads on one side Colchester Northern Gateway Sports families, the 76-acre facility will The £28.7 million development of the junction will be closed at any Park, the new flagship multi-million- include a one-mile floodlit cycle track, has received funding from multiple one time. pound state-of-the-art venue being provisions for cycling for people with partners, including £590,000 from Anyone interested in finding out developed by Colchester Borough disabilities and those with special British Cycling and £100,000 from more about hiring the new sport Council, is on track to open at Easter needs. England and Wales Cricket Club. facilities can complete an expression of 2021. It will also house a multi-use sports It had been planned that the Sports interest form by visiting the Northern Designed to enable residents and centre, indoor cricket facility, a fitness Park would be opened in September Gateway Sports Park website. visitors to shape healthy and active suite, exercise and cycle studios, a café, 2020, however work had to be curtailed For more information about the A12 lifestyles for themselves and their meeting rooms and open green spaces as a result of the lockdown regulations roadworks please visit our website.

New Turnstone plans for Colchester Northern Gateway A 12-screen cinema, up to seven restaurants and a 90-bed hotel are just some of the key attractions proposed as part of Colchester Borough Council’s Northern Gateway leisure development. The site could also include two drive-thru restaurants, two indoor Better Connected active leisure units, a high-quality Homes and businesses across landscaped piazza and parking for Colchester are starting to reap the 750 cars – including electric car rapid benefits of the drive to bring brand- charging points. new, gigabit broadband connectivity The council is currently to the borough. undertaking further due diligence on The work is being made possible the scheme in the light of the impact after Colchester Amphora Trading of coronavirus on the leisure and Ltd (CATL) secured a £3.3 million hospitality sector. Any development investment from the Government’s would be project managed by Local Full Fibre Network Fund (LFFN) Colchester Amphora Trading Ltd, to deliver the essential infrastructure. one of the council’s commercial Since work began in March, companies set up in 2018 which has significant upgrades to core data helped the council recently receive distribution facilities have been two prestigious national awards (see carried out, including 12 nodes P1). across suburban Colchester to bring The Turnstone scheme forms part gigabit broadband to all parts of urban of a wider development at the site Colchester. A very high capacity data including the Colchester Northern link to London is due to be completed Gateway Sports Park and up to 350 at the end of October. new homes, healthcare provision The LFFN funding is part of a with older persons accommodation, package of £13.5 million Government and commercial floorspace. and private investment to help provide The whole development would gigabit speed broadband across benefit from a carbon-reduction Colchester. District Heat Network, using natural Over the next five years, a further energy to provide heating and hot 90km of network will be laid across the water for the whole area, and an borough to enable around 25,000 more integral digital network providing customers to get connected. ultra-fast broadband to homes and For more information visit the businesses. colchester fibrewebsite .

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Delivering a Better Colchester #BETTERCOLCHESTER Stay at home, New CAReless pollution grow your own A partnership between Colchester Borough Council and Abberton Rural Training (ART) launched during the campaign launched first national lockdown has helped a scheme giving people everything air quality. Local people are now needed to start growing small food being encouraged to keep up positive produce at home take root. habits to support their health, such as Working jointly with ART, we switching from car driving to cycling provided 150 free planting starter kits and walking, as well as adopting new in a scheme funded through a grant helpful driving habits. from Essex County Council Public Research shows that only 15% of Health – and all of them were snapped people in Colchester regularly switch up in 24 hours. off their engine when their car is not While there are currently no further moving and yet 87% are concerned kits, free resources are available for about the air quality in town. those that want to start growing their The new CAReless campaign aims to own produce, e.g. using seeds from set out the link between air quality and food such as tomatoes and peppers switching off engines while stationary and food packaging to propagate the with the hope of encouraging residents seeds. and those who regularly drive in Easy to follow online information is Colchester to take action to improve available on ART’s YouTube channel the air we all breathe. and website. Backed by DEFRA funding, The scheme also helps support the Motorists are being urged to switch off when the engine is left running. CAReless pollution will run until larger local growing scheme including their engines when stationary under a There is strong evidence that air May 2021 and include events in and the council’s Colchester Woodland new campaign launched by Colchester pollution causes the development of around Colchester working closely and Biodiversity Project and the Borough Council to improve the heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease with local schools and businesses to ‘Together We Grow CiC’, a not-for- borough’s air quality and the health of and lung cancer, all of which lead to change people’s car driving behaviour. profit social enterprise helping local the borough’s residents. reduced life expectancy. New signs will also be appearing communities to explore food, the land, ‘CAReless pollution’ calls on people In Colchester one in 20 deaths is along main roads to remind drivers community and nature. not to leave their car engines running linked to air pollution and the main to switch off their engines. Find out more here. while they wait at traffic lights, level source of air pollution in the town is The campaign also supports the crossings or outside schools. exhaust fumes. work we are undertaking across Most people are unaware that keeping Switching off your car engine is a the council to protect the borough’s their vehicle’s engine running when simple action that brings an important environment after being one of the stationary can affect them as well as health benefit to all residents, car drivers first councils in the country to declare the air quality of the local area. Air and their passengers. a climate emergency. pollution inside the car can be up to During lockdown there were To find out more about CAReless seven times worse than outside the car significant improvements in Colchester’s pollution visit the website. Nominate your community heroes A new community recognition with cutting their lawn. residents who are nominated award scheme has been launched Nominations for an award can will receive a signed certificate by Colchester Borough Council to be made by anyone - neighbours, by the Mayor of Colchester and mark and celebrate individuals and community groups, councillors, community groups will receive a community groups who have given community wardens – using the plaque. Recipients are encouraged their time and efforts to make a lasting special online form. to display these in their local area, to impact within their communities. In recognition of their efforts, help boost community pride.  The Together We Can awards have already attracted more than 40 different nominations and are open  for anyone to nominate someone or a group who have helped enhance the  quality of life for people living in their local area.  As well as celebrating residents’   efforts, time and inspiration within     their communities, the award scheme      aims to support local Covid-19 recovery initiatives. This may be through improving mental health,     tackling isolation and loneliness,   or increasing physical activity and   wellbeing by encouraging more  outdoor activities. It is hoped the scheme may also  further help support communities by    helping identify residents who may   need additional support, for example, Page 5

NOVEMBER 2020 CENTURION MAKE SPACE Delivering a Better Colchester

~UNTIL MARCH 2021~ Colchester’s Climate Emergency Response


July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 October 2019 SA FE, WELL, Climate Emergency 57% less chewing gum Joint top climate Clean Air for Colchester WARM & Declared on town centre streets friendly area in East of survey with residents, England schools and businesses CONNECTED THIS WINTER THAT’S WHY WE ARE HELPING COLCHESTER February 2020 January 2020 January 2020 November 2019 10,000+ trees Climate Emergency Action 40% reduction in Commit to end the use of RESIDENTS WHO ARE given out Plan published carbon emissions glyphosate weed killer AT RISK FROM THE

February COLD CONTACT US 2020 TO FIND OUT MORE Phasing out of plastics in Council March 2020 May 2020 June 2020 Sept 2020 01206 505250 operations 4,486 trees planted in Received funding for Colchester Orbital Plan agreed to end using [email protected] 19/20 for the Woodland 25 electric cargo bikes maps produced glyphosate-based weed community360.org Project killers by April 2021 @community360.org

Colchester Woodland and Biodiversity Project takes root Planting for the second year of killer, and encouraged residents and the Colchester Woodland and organisations to take part in seed- Biodiversity Project will kick off in gathering activity and grow their own the new year, with planting including trees for the future. a new Community Orchard at As well as the Community Orchard, Colchester Cemetery. nine further planting events will take Launched in 2019, the scheme plans place this planting season, with an to plant 200,000 trees over the next estimated 9,000 trees being planted, few years. The project not only strives kindly donated by the Woodland to make our borough greener but Trust. aims to manage our spaces without To ensure we can safely hold harming existing habitats, enhance planting events and comply with Electric cargo bikes take environments to create more space social distancing rules, anyone for nature to grow and thrive, and to wanting to come along and help encourage our communities to love plant will need to register via the to streets of Colchester and care for our environment. website. Once registered people will To further support our ‘green’ work be contacted with information about A fleet of 25 electric cargo bikes and encouraging others to try them as this year we have already reduced the day, and a time slot to come along five electric trailers will soon be seen well. There will be five eCargo bikes our grass-cutting regime in areas and get planting. operating across the borough as part and one e-trailer available to local across the borough, committed to the To keep up to date with the project of Colchester Borough Council’s businesses and organisations to try reduction of Glyphosate-based weed click here. pledge to be carbon neutral by 2030. out for short term loans. The three-year trial of the bikes has To use the bikes people must been funded by a successful bid for be trained to Bikeability level £136,912 funding from the Energy 3. Bikeability is a cycle training Savings Trust. programme which provides practical The zero-emissions bikes need less skills and understanding of how to kerb space to make deliveries and cycle on today’s roads. collections and offer quicker access Whether you are a beginner or a around streets where they can use bus seasoned cyclist, Bikeability provides lanes, cycle paths and other routes the opportunity to learn new skills, unavailable to cars and vans. improve knowledge and build As well as reducing carbon confidence. emissions the bikes can also help to Any business or organisation support a healthier workforce. wanting to find out more about Ten local organisations and trialing an eCargo bike should four of our council teams will be email ecargobikelibrary@colchester. championing the eCargo bikes and gov.uk Page 6

NOVEMBER 2020 CENTURION Delivering a Better Colchester #BETTERCOLCHESTER Play your part in keeping Colchester clean and litter free TAKE YOUR litter WITH YOU! Residents and visitors to Colchester time and puts additional strain on are being urged to play their part in our already stretched resources to keeping the borough clean and free clear up. from litter. One of our key priorities is to keep colchester.gov. uk A new campaign has been launched our borough clean and an attractive by Colchester Borough Council calling place to live and visit. In a bid to on people to take responsibility for crackdown on the increased levels of Leaving rubbish next to a bin is also been calling on the public to their own litter by taking it home or littering we have launched a new hard- classed as fly-tipping and where act responsibly, disposing of litter putting it in a bin rather than throwing hitting campaign, asking residents there is enough evidence, anyone correctly such as by taking it home it on the borough’s pavements, verges a series of questions via posters and caught littering or fly-tipping faces a if bins are full. It is also asking dog and open spaces. social media posts. Fixed Penalty Notice and fine of £100 walkers to make sure they clean up During lockdown the number of These questions include – Does and could end up with a criminal after their pets. incidents of littering and fly-tipping litter make you feel rubbish? What’s conviction. Last month we also supported increased across the borough. Since your dirty secret? And are you a Several Fixed Penalty Notices have the Keep Britain Tidy Great British the lockdown restrictions have (litter) tosser? been issued recently due to fly-tipping, September Clean 2020. This saw 174 eased we have even seen furniture, It is hoped the new campaign will with perpetrators identified through bags of general waste and a further household waste, asbestos and more encourage more people to do their items left in the rubbish. 28 bags of recyclable material being dumped across the borough. bit to keep Colchester clean and will Our campaign mirrors the steps collected at 23 special litter picking Not only is littering and fly-tipping influence people who litter to think being taken nationally. The District events. unsightly, harmful to the environment differently about simply throwing Councils’ Network - which represents Anyone seeing any acts of littering and potentially dangerous, it takes their rubbish on the ground. 187 district councils in England - has or fly tipping can report it to us here. Keeping tenants AVOID safe in their homes THE LINE! The work of a dedicated team of is suitable for the number of occupiers. Colchester Borough Council officers Also, all shared accommodation, is helping ensure people renting including houses and flats, occupied properties in the private sector are by five or more people from two or living in safe and healthy homes. more households and who share one or First digital national Our Private Sector Housing Team more basic amenity, must be licensed works with residents, landlords, letting as a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO). census coming to agents and property managers to ensure the borough’s privately rented Anyone wanting to know whether Colchester the property they live in has been Vote homes comply with all necessary Every ten years a national census licensed or requires a HMO licence is undertaken to develop the most regulations. can do so here. In the last year alone, the team accurate estimate of the population If anyone living in a privately rented of England and Wales. carried out around 500 inspections of property is concerned about its For the first time the next census - homes rented privately and removed condition or HMO licence they should planned for Saturday 21 March 2021 over 400 serious hazards, helping to contact the team at Housing.private@ – will be carried out digitally. improve the safety of 167 homes. colchester.gov.uk The information collected helps the The team also ensure shared Information on the rights and Government decide how services, accommodation in the borough responsibilities of tenants and their such as doctors’ surgeries, schools, meets safety and space standards and landlords can be found on the website. emergency services, housing, and bus routes, are planned and funded in local areas. Vote by post It is important everyone in the in next year’s borough completes the census as it could have a real impact on the day- elections to to-day lives of people who live, work, and visit Colchester. help stop the Most residents will get a letter with a unique access code to access the spread of Covid website, which can be done on any digital device. We are urging as many people as possible to fill in the online questionnaire. Please click here For more information visit our census 2021 webpage, here. The to sign up now. results from Colchester’s 2011 census can be viewed online.

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NOVEMBER 2020 CENTURION WASH HANDS Delivering a Better Colchester Delivering a Better Colchester #BETTERCOLCHESTER Who we are and what we do Colchester Borough Council and local partners have been working together as One Colchester, to help the borough’s most vulnerable people during the • We’ve made sure that3,223 households coronavirus outbreak and support the borough’s recovery in a have enough food and medicines for people Covid-secure way. struggling to feed their families Since lockdown began in March, the partners involved in One Colchester have been working hard to ensure the most vulnerable residents, businesses and community groups in Colchester receive the support they need. • 95,762 phone calls, texts, One Colchester involves Colchester Borough Council, the voluntary sector, police, health, education, the business community and other organisations. visits, leaflets made The work it has undertaken includes the delivery of food, toiletries and to support vulnerable medicine direct to people’s doors, befriending phone calls to provide people who need to • All whilst delivering poems, art packs, necessary advice, fast-tracking volunteer applications and coordinating the stay safe in their history fun, dance, exercise, theatre, grow roles in the community, processing business grants, patrolling the towns’ businesses and showcasing virtual theatre performances and poetry. homes your own packs and so much more to over Here are just some of the highlights of the ways in which the One 152,792 homes. Colchester partnership has supported the borough through the Covid-19 outbreak between March and September.

We have given£33,585,000 Cllr Martin Goss, Liberal Democrats Group leader, said: • Congratulations to the Amey “Colchester's Neighbourhood's teams have carried out in grants to local businesses and family, who were the winners sterling work collecting waste and keeping our hours of police patrols, of Colchester Borough neighbourhoods safe and clean.” 6,073 supporting the town centre safely Council’s rainbow competition. They produced this fantastic display to show support to the Cllr Tina Bourne, Labour Group Leader, said: “'I was borough and nation’s key workers, by adding a little very impressed with Colchester Borough Homes’ daily piece to the design each day over several weeks as phone calls to tenants experiencing isolation and part of the ‘lockdown laughter’ activities. vulnerability.' • 300 patients discharged after They were awarded a family pass to visit Colchester being treated for COVID-19 and 400 Castle and a family swimming pass at Colchester Cllr Paul Dundas, Conservative Group Leader, said: Leisure World. The design also featured on the “I have been very impressed, and very proud, of the hospital video appointments delivered council’s social media pages. outstanding work and commitment of all CBC & CBH staff during the pandemic crisis”.

Pam Donnelly, Chair of the One Colchester Partnership, said: “I’m so pleased and proud of the way in which volunteers, organisations and charities have adapted to this changing situation and continue to support the people of Colchester during this difficult time. Cllr Beverley Oxford, Highwoods Independent Group “The role of One Colchester was to bring everyone together, to share information, avoid duplication, enable and ensure our response Leader, said: “This pandemic has shown just how caring was joined up making it so much more effective than working as individual organisations could ever have been.” Colchester is. Thank you everyone who has helped and cared for all you have done and continue to do.” If you need volunteer help, or would like to volunteer, please email [email protected] or call 01206 505250.

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COVER FACE Delivering a Better Colchester Support for our older and vulnerable council tenants Homeowner with Additionally, the team supported a spare room? with GP referrals, food parcel and prescription deliveries (working Resident looking with Community First responders and Community360), maintaining for affordable fire safety checks in sheltered accommodation?* accommodation and responding to tenant requests following activation of their pullcords. Colchester Borough Homes is now They also introduced a bi-weekly working with Solo Housing to newsletter outlining Government provide accommodation for single guidelines, updates on the service and residents. Homeowners can advice on staying well at home including receive up to £7500 tax-free extra exercises, recipes and quizzes. income. Click to find out more. Communal facilities such as *This service may be distrupted during Vulnerable and older residents across vulnerable and self-isolating tenants, lounges were closed, and sheltered Covid restrictions the borough received dedicated staff made thousands of calls each schemes received increased cleaning. support throughout the coronavirus month - contacting all sheltered Anyone reporting potential symptoms lockdown from Colchester Borough housing tenants weekly to check their of Covid-19 received an arranged Homes’ Older Person service. health and wellbeing and making daily Covid-19 test and a deep sanitising Working from home to protect calls to the most vulnerable tenants. clean was carried out.

Generous and vital Rough Sleeper Outreach team Local Council Tax Support Scheme provide crucial support to proposed to continue Colchester Borough Council is set to continue providing one of the most help vulnerable residents generous Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) schemes in the county in Colchester Borough Homes’ (CBH) 2021-2022. Rough Sleeper Outreach team played The scheme provides vital support a key role in supporting those sleeping for residents on low incomes needing rough across the borough during the help to pay their council tax. first national lockdown introduced to Currently under the scheme we help prevent the spread of Covid-19. distribute £8.5 million in support to On the 26 March, the Government residents across the borough. called on all local authorities in England The scheme is being reviewed by to house those who were rough sleeping the council next month, but it is being or placed in hostels and night shelters. proposed that the same criteria would During the first week following be used for next year’s scheme. This the Government’s ‘Everybody is to enable us to be able to support in’ announcement, the team those residents whose situation may accommodated 38 people who had been have been adversely impacted by the referred to CBH as rough sleeping. In pandemic and national lockdown. in” announcement gave the team and white goods and continued to total 57 rough sleepers were provided We have also awarded 5,964 hardship an opportunity to bring Robin into support him during the move to help with emergency accommodation as payments this year, totalling £888,100. emergency accommodation and they reduce the anxiety of moving. part of the drive. These payments provide discounts of began targeted, intensive work to Speaking about the support he up to £150 to working age residents Alongside this, the team helped support him. This was easier while received, Robin said “The outreach in receipt of LCTS, as part of the move individuals out of emergency he was in accommodation and his team supported me before I was Government’s response to Covid-19. accommodation and into permanent movements and opportunity to buy housed, making sure I was safe and To check if you are eligible for housing with appropriate housing- alcohol and drugs was limited. well. If it wasn’t for the team I would related support. support through LCTS visit the The team maintained daily contact still be on the streets - the team go out website. One of the people the team provided with him to undertake welfare checks of their way to help everyone.” valuable support to was Robin (name and ensure relevant appointments were The emergency hotel accommodation changed to protect his identity) who attended. With continued support from the team used to provide homes for was rough sleeping in Colchester at the the team when applying for housing, he rough sleepers has now been returned start of Covid-19. was accepted for a supported tenancy. to the owner and work is continuing to Following a Streetlink referral, Robin was reconnected with his resettle and support those remaining which was responded to on the day it estranged family and received help into more settled homes. was received, the team identified the identifying what he would need when If anyone is concerned about the support Robin would need and paired moving into supported housing. The welfare of a rough sleeper, please alert him to the relevant local services. team also worked with local agencies us using the Street Link app or the The Government’s “Everybody to support him with essential furniture website. Page 10


Delivering a Better Colchester #BETTERCOLCHESTER New vision to help build an even Better Colchester A new strategic plan for Colchester Borough Council for the next three years has been agreed. Aimed at further building on the council’s work to develop an even Better Colchester, as well as meeting the challenges arising from the coronavirus crisis and subsequent lockdown, it is split into five key themes. Under each of these themes are three key priorities including the goals the council is seeking to achieve which would be used as a way of measuring the vision’s success. It also outlines what is aimed to be delivered this year. A copy of the vision can be seen on website.

The Better Colchester Strategic Plan 2020–2023


Tackling the Creating safe, Delivering Growing a fair Celebrating climate healthy and homes for economy so our heritage challenge and active people who everyone and culture leading communities need them benefits sustainability

Colchester Borough Council

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MAKE SPACE Delivering a Better Colchester Whatever your plans, Colchester has something great on offer...


24/7 emergency home response and lifting service

Contact us for more information 01206 769779 • helplineplus.co.uk

Get unlimited entry to Colchester Castle for a whole year with the Resident Pass! Voucher can be used up to and including 28th February 2021


Wedding Open Day

Colchester Town Hall Sunday 11 April 2021 11am - 4pm Sunday 25 April 2021 | Charter Hall, Colchester

Katherine Ryan Missus Ben Fogle JOHN BISHOP Tuesday 19 October 2021 | Charter Hall, Colchester Thursday 20 January 2022 | Charter Hall, Colchester Friday 17 September 2021 | Charter Hall, Colchester

CASTLE PARK COLCHESTER CASTLE CHARTER HALL TOWN HALL ALL TICKETS ON SALE NOW For listings, tickets and to sign up for Colchester Events News visit: colchester-events.co.uk

Castle Park - Castle Park, High Street, Colchester CO1 1UG Colchester Castle - Castle Park, High Street Colchester CO1 1TJ Charter Hall - Colchester Leisure World, Cowdray Avenue, Colchester CO1 1YH Town Hall - High Street, Colchester, CO1 1PJ @colchestereventscompany


Delivering a Better Colchester #BETTERCOLCHESTER WhoWho provides provides youryour council council servicesservices in in Colchester? Colchester? Colchester residents benefit from and can access a wide range of council services across the borough. These services will either be delivered by Colchester Borough Council or Essex County Council. This is because in Colchester, like most other parts of Essex, the local borough or district council run services purely focused in their local area, while the county council provides services spanning the whole county. This is what is known as two-tier local government. Below is a guide to who provides what key services across the borough.

Incuding Neighbourhood Team, Food Hygiene, Licensing

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NOVEMBER 2020 CENTURION Delivering a Better Colchester

WASH HANDS Delivering a Better Colchester Meet your councillors

Cllr Christopher Arnold Cllr Lewis Barber Cllr Nick Barlow Cllr Lyn Barton Cllr Kevin Bentley Cllr Tina Bourne Cllr Roger Buston Cllr Nigel Chapman Rural North Lexden & Braiswick Castle Shrub End Marks Tey & Layer Greenstead Prettygate Rural North Conservatives Conservatives Liberal Democrats Liberal Democrats Conservatives Labour Conservatives Conservatives

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Cllr Peter Chillingworth Cllr Helen Chuah Cllr Phil Coleman Cllr Nick Cope Cllr Mark Cory Cllr Simon Crow Cllr Robert Davidson Cllr Paul Dundas Rural North St Anne’s & St John’s Mile End New Town & Christ Church Castle Stanway Conservatives Liberal Democrats LibeCllrral Democrats picturesLiberal Democrats Liberal Democrats Conservatives Conservatives Conservatives Leader of the Council PFH – Strategy, Customers

Cllr John Elliott Cllr Andrew Ellis Cllr Adam Fox Cllr Mark Goacher Cllr Martin Goss Cllr Dave Harris Cllr Chris Hayter Cllr Pauline Hazell Tiptree Marks Tey & Layer Old Heath & The Hythe Castle Mile End Berechurch St Anne’s & St John’s Shrub End Conservatives Conservatives Labour & Co-operative Green Party Liberal Democrats Labour Conservative Conservative PFH - Housing PFH - Waste, Environment & Transportation

Cllr Theresa Higgins Cllr Mike Hogg Cllr Brian Jarvis Cllr John Jowers Cllr David King Cllr Cyril Liddy Cllr Michael Lilley Cllr Sue Lissimore New Town & Christ Church St Anne’s & St John’s Lexden & Braiswick Mile End Wivenhoe Old Heath & The Hythe Prettygate Liberal Democrats Liberal Democrats Conservatives Conservatives Liberal Democrats Labour & Co-operative Labour Conservative PFH - Commercial Services PFH - Business & Resources PFH - Communities, Wellbeing & Public Safety

Cllr Derek Loveland Cllr Andrea Cllr Fiona Maclean Cllr Jackie Maclean Councillor Sam McCarthy Cllr Patricia Moore Cllr Beverley Oxford Cllr Gerard Oxford Tiptree Luxford Vaughan Stanway Marks Tey & Layer Shrub End Highwoods Highwoods Conservative Wivenhoe Conservatives Conservatives Liberal Democrat Conservatives Independent Independent Liberal Democrats

Cllr Philip Oxford Cllr Chris Pearson Cllr Lee Scordis Cllr Lesley Scott-Boutell Cllr Martyn Warnes Cllr Lorcan Whitehead Cllr Dennis Willetts Cllr Barbara Wood Highwoods Berechurch Old Heath & The Hythe Stanway Berechurch New Town & Christ Church Lexden & Braiswick Tiptree Independent Labour & Co-operative Labour Liberal Democrats Labour & Co-operative Labour Conservatives Conservatives

PFH - means Portfolio Holder. The Cabinet has eight Portfolio Holders, each of whom is responsible for a specific area, known as a Portfolio. If you wish to contact your local councillor, please contact them using the following format: (first name).(surname)@colchester.gov.uk Cllr Julie Young Cllr Tim Young One vacant seat Greenstead Greenstead Prettygate For more information regarding your local councillor, please visit our Labour Labour website. Dep. Leader of the Council PFH - Culture & Performance

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