Clerk to the Council: Mrs Kelly Holland Tel: 01702 257457 33 Rowan Way Email: [email protected] SS4 3PD

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Ashingdon and East Hawkwell Memorial Hall on Monday 5 th March 2018 at 7.30pm.

Present: Chairman: Cllr. T. Flowers

Councillors: Cllr. D. Catchpole Cllr. D. Constable Cllr. G. Dryhurst Cllr. D. Parsons

Officers: Kelly Holland, Parish Clerk

Members of press and public: None

17/261 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs. S. Chittenden, R. Clark and D. McCarthy. No apologies were received from Cllr. S. Williamson.

RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted.

17/262 Minutes

RESOLVED that subject to an amendment the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5 th February 2018 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

17/263 Progress Report

7.11.16 16/164 (b) Grant application for Enovert being prepared.

8.5.17 17/46 (a) Quote awaited from District Council, permission from Essex County Council awaited. 2.10.17 17/144 Published on 4.10.17, two responses received. Published again on Facebook 13.11.17. 6.11.17 17/163(c;) Committee advised, awaiting invoice.

6.11.17 17/163(i) Request submitted.

8.1.18 17/222(d) Awaiting for further information from Metro Bank.

8.1.18 17/226(d) Contractor instructed. 8.1.18 17/226(g) Awaiting verge licence information from Essex County Council.

5.2.18 17/248('c) Details being arranged with Council.

5.2.18 17/249 The Commissioner will attend the Parish Council meeting on 9th April 2018.

17/264 Declaration of Interests and Dispensations

Cllr. D. Constable declared a non pecuniary interest in item 9(b) as she was the Parish Council’s representative on the Old Peoples Welfare Committee.

17/265 Public participation session

None present.

17/266 District Councillors Report

None present.

17/267 Co-option

There was one vacancy in Ashingdon ward and one vacancy in Ashingdon south west ward; no candidates were present to be considered for co-option.

17/268 Finance

Members received the schedule of payments for approval along with the bank reconciliation figures for January 2018.


(a) the following payments/cheques be approved for payment and signed:

Essex Pension Fund 800009 £238.62 HM Revenue & Customs 800010 £350.77 Acumen Wages 800011 £24.00 J & P Prior 800012 £105.00 A & J Lighting Solutions 800013 £149.22 Viking Direct 800014 £69.42 Essex Association of Local Councils 800015 £45.00 Ashingdon & East Hawkwell Memorial Hall 800016 £122.50 Malcolm Lane & Sons 800017 £2,168.40 Essex Wildlife Trust 800018 £40.00 Campaign to Protect Rural 800019 £36.00

(b) the bank reconciliation figures for January 2018 be approved and accepted

17/269 Grant Applications/Donations

Consideration was given to two applications.


(a) a grant of £150.00 be made to KAOS youth club towards a recreational event of the children, the cheque was to be made payable to Bounce Village;

Bounce Vilage 800020 £150.00

(b) a grant of £100.00 be made to the Old People’s Welfare Committee towards replacing the mini bus.

Old People’s Welfare for Rochford & District 800021 £100.00

17/270 Planning


(a) the minutes from the Planning Committee meeting held on 5 th February 2018 be noted;

(b) the list of applications determined by Rochford District Council in February 2018 be noted.

17/271 Highways/PROW/Environment/Transport/Street Lighting

A transport report was received; two quotations had been received to refurbish the youth shelter and consideration was given to forming a working group to survey all footpaths in the parish.

A further meeting was to be arranged with Rochford District Council regarding the community hub/toilets at King George’s Field and information was received regarding future broadband provision in the parish.


(a) G. W. Finch be instructed to repaint the youth shelter and replace the missing panels at a cost of £1850.00. The Parish Council also approved that if required, the graffiti be removed before the shelter is painted, at an additional cost of £710.00;

(b) a working group be formed to survey the footpaths in the parish;

(c) the item relating to the community hub/toilets at King George’s Field be deferred to the next meeting of the Parish Council.

17/272 Christmas Buffet

Consideration was given to the arrangements for the event, the date was awaiting confirmation.


(a) the raffle beneficiary would be the Old People’s Welfare Committee, proceeds to the replacement minibus;

(b) the remaining arrangements be deferred to the next meeting of the Parish Council.

17/273 Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour

A report was received.

17/274 Reports from the representatives for outside committees

(a) Ashingdon and East Hawkwell Memorial Hall – Cllr. S. Chittenden; No meetings had taken place.

(b) Rochford Hundred Association of Local Councils – Cllr. D. Constable; No meetings had taken place.

(c) Local Community Meeting – Cllr. T. Flowers; No meetings had taken place.

(d) RSPB Local Liaison Group – Cllr. G. Dryhurst A report was received.

(e) Coastal Community Team Stakeholder Event – Cllr. G. Dryhurst No meetings had taken place.

(f) Parish Parks Forum A report was received.

17/275 Training and Events

RESOLVED that Cllr. D. Catchpole be authorised to attend the Planning Briefing on 10 th March 2018 at a cost of £45.00

17/276 Date of next meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting is on Monday 9th April 2018 at 7.30pm.

The meeting was closed at 8.55pm.

Chairman’s Signature Dated 9th April 2018