ICID: International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage

The International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage was established in 1950 as a non-profit, non-governmental international organization with headquarters in New Delhi India. The Commission is dedicated to enhancing worldwide supply of food and fiber for all people by improving water and land management and the productivity of irrigated and drained lands through appropriate management of water, environment and application of irrigation, drainage and flood management techniques.

UKCID: Ukrainian Committee on Irrigation and Drainage:

Ukraine is a member of ICID since 1996 and has been regularly contributing towards its activities. All the activities of ICID are coordinated and managed by the Ukrainian National Committee of International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (UKCID), with its secretariat located in Ukrainian institute of hydraulic engineering and land- reclamation, . Director of the institute acts as Chairman UKCID and a head of a department as Secretary UKCID. Members of UKCID regularly attend the annual meetings held at various venues around the world.

Dear colleagues and friends,

The Organizing Committee of the Conference and the Ukrainian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage have the honour to invite all of the National committees of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) to participate in the 23 rd European Regional Conference on “ Progress in Managing Water for Food and Rural Development”. The event will take place in , , from 17 till 24 May 2009. The Conference is devoted to the issues of current importance on water and land resources management, especially it will focus on progressive methods and technologies developed and applied in the European countries. I hope for an active participation of known scientists, researchers, experts and young professionals who just begin the activity in this sphere. Holding this important international event will promote exchange of experience and practical application of progressive methods for water resources management, and also it will be useful for an expansion of business and scientific connections of Ukrainian experts with their foreign colleagues.

Our native land Ukraine is a very hospitable country, and we will try to do our best your participation in the Conference and stay in Ukraine will be useful and pleasant. Welcome to Ukraine!

Sincerely yours,

Peter Kovalenko Vice President of ICID Head of the Ukrainian National Committee of ICID Director of Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation of Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences Ukraine:

Ukraine, the largest state in Europe, appeared on the map of the world in 1991. It was recognized by the international community and more than 100 countries established diplomatic relations with it. Ukrainian independence is seventeen years old, but it has an ancient history. The ancestors of Ukrainians chose this land to live during the Trypilska period several thousand years ago. In ancient times today's Ukrainian lands were inhabited by Antes and Rosses, the ancestors of Eastern Slavs. And it was here, that in the 9th century one of the most powerful states of medieval Europe was founded. This was Kyivska Rus, which included Kyiv, Novgorod, Chernihiv, Galich, Polotsk, Smolensk, Rostov, Suzdal and later Moscow, which was founded by the Kievites, a large territory from Baltica to the Black Sea and Kuban and from Zakarpatya to the Volga. The famous Dnipro route «from the Varagians to the Greeks» ran through Kyiv and the Zalizny route to the Azov Sea as well. This was a period of power and glory. In 988 Prince Volodymyr introduced Christianity as the offi- cial state religion. The christening of Kyivska Rus took place in Kyiv on the Dnipro river. Two monks settled in the caves under Kyiv hills in the 11th century. Soon a cave monastery sprang up there. Now it is known in the whole world as Kyevo-Pechcrska Lavra. At the lime of Kyivska Rus Kyiv was one of the richest and most developed cities of Europe. The high level of skills of Kyiv craftsmen can be proved by the number of buried treasures found on the territory of the ancient city and by its monuments of architecture and monumental art. e.g. St. Sophia Cathedral, the Golden Gate of Kyiv, Kyevo-Pecherska Lavra (Kyiv Cave Monastery). However, in 1240, the Tatar-Mongols captured Kyiv. Thousands of people were killed and much of the city was razed. Kyiv fell into a prolonged period of decline. The Tatar-Mongols ruled for almost three centuries thereafter. The Kyivska Rus state disintegrated and some of its territory came under the rule of Moscovia and Belorussia. The world heard about Ukraine again during times of the Cossack Republic - Zaporizka Sich - at the end of the 15th century. The long road to independence by the Ukrainian people began with Cossack military campaigns. In 1648-1654 Cossack armies, headed by Hetman (military leader) Bohdan Khmclnytstky waged wars to liberate Ukraine. Faced with ravaging attacks by the armies of Polish and Lithuanian feudists, Bohdan Khmelnytsky sought the protection of the Russian Tzar, formalizing the union of Ukraine and Russia by the Treaty of Pereyaslav. Unfortunately, after this Ukraine plunged into a long period of domination by the Russian Empire. Despite such repression and severe Tzarist autocratic rule, Ukraine in the 17th and 18th centuries managed to preserve some riches of political, economic, cultural, and religious development. Kyiv Mohyliyanska Academy, founded by the Metropolitan Petro Mohyla in the 17th century, became the first East European University. In that period the Ukrainian people were one of the most educated in the world and almost totally literate. Books were printed, philosophy was studied, music, literature and painting flourished. The first Constitution appeared in Ukraine at the time of the Cossacks (1711). In January 1918 when the Russian Empire fell, the independence of Ukraine was proclaimed and the Ukrainian People's Republic was created. Mykhaylo Hrushcvsky became the first President of Ukraine. But at that time Ukrainian statehood was not defended. It is only recently that this became possible. Ukraine is a very large country. Its territory is 603,7 thousand sq km, stretching from the west to the east for 1316 km and from the north to the south for 893 km. The geographic centre of Europe is located near the little Ukrainian town of Rakhiv. Neighbouring Ukraine are the countries of Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Rumania. The population of our country is about 46 million people, consisting of a variety of nationalities. Ukrainians, Russians, Belarussians, Jews, Moldovans, Tatars, Poles, Hungarians, Rumanians and Greeks are the groups that are predominantly represented. The urban population comprises 66% of the total population. There are 71 thousand rivers and streams in Ukraine, their total length being 248 thousand km. The most important of them are the Dnipro, the Dnister, the Southern Bug, the Prypyat, the Desna. The Dnipro river is the major river in the country and the third longest in Europe. Its total length is 2285 km. 1205 km over the territory of Ukraine. The Dunav river connects Ukraine with 7 European countries. The capital of Ukraine Kyiv, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, Cherkasy and Kherson are situated on the banks of this river. The waters of the Black and Azov Seas wash Ukraine's coastline. Ukraine is a land of gorgeous nature, which is much the same as it was during ancient times. Fields, meadows, hills dotted with green forests, mountains and valleys full of beautiful flowers create the unique landscape of our country. The real Ukraine is a land of natural beauty, still untouched by the modern world. The climate in Ukraine is pleasant. It is continental apart from the Crimea were it is subtropical and Medi- terranean. Spring comes early. Summer is sunny and green. Autumn is ablaze with colours. Winter is mild and white. The Carpathian and the Crimean mountains are very picturesque. Dozens of tourist routes pass through them. Hoverla (2061 m) is the highest peak of the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains and to travel there is extremely interesting. Anyone who loves hiking dreams of a trip in the Carpathians to admire its dense forests and to listen to the sound of waterfalls. Fauna of Ukrainian forests is extremely diverse, you can meet deer, roe deer, elks, and pheasants. It is not only nature that Ukraine can be proud of. Magic voices of Ukrainian singers, ballet performances, works of our painters and sculptors are known everywhere in the world. Ukraine is extremely rich in natural resources and has an enormous scientific potential. But, perhaps, the greatest value of Ukraine is its people who are benevolent, merry, hospitable and generous. We invite you to discover the wonders of Ukraine.

Welcome to Lviv:

Now Lviv is one of Ukraine’s largest cities, with the population of over 800 thousand, the important cultural, political, scientifical and economical center of the western region of Ukraine. There are over 2000 monuments of architecture and culture in Lviv. The central part of the city was declared a historical and cultural preserve and was included on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. Every stone here is a living legend and living history that has survived the passage of lime. Lviv is the ancient capital of Galychyna, one of the oldest and most unique cities of Europe. Lviv, «lion's city», was named by its founder, the Galycian- Volynian king, Danylo Galytsky, in honour of his son Lev. The city was first mentioned in the Galycian-Volynian Chronicle in 1256. In the centre of the city there is a hill where a fortress, which protected Lviv from enemy attacks, stood. The fortress no longer remains, but from its hill, which is called The High Castle, you can see a wonderful panorama of the old city. Busy trade led to the city's dramatic development and prosperity. Secular and religious gentry, rich merchants, artisans and craftsmen lived within the narrow circle of the city walls. Local Lviv dwellers used to take care of their city. As early as the 15th century the city had its own mint, water supply system and regular international post. The streets were paved with cobbled stones and new houses were constantly being built. Of course you will take a walk along the streets of the defensive bastions - the 16th century Gunpowder Tower and the City Arsenal (its coeval), where a museum of ancient weapons is now located. You are sure to stop at the Uspensky Church too, where you can admire its stern and monumental forms as well as the imposing and dynamic building of the Dominican (former Roman Catholic) Church (1745-1764) of the Baroque epoch. Stavropigievska Street will lead you to Market Square. Nearly six centuries of Lviv history are connected with this square. The market square of the old city performed the function of an economical, political and administrative centre up to the end of the 19th century. This was an exclusive residential area, where the mansions and stores of urban nobility and wealthy merchants used to stand. Today Market Square is the core of a historical and architectural conservation area, which boasts 45 monuments of architecture, reflecting elements of many architectural styles, including Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo. Black Palace and the palaces of Korniyakt, Bandinelli and Counts Lyubomyrsky are unique examples of architectural art. Complemented by old street lamps and Empire style Statue-Fountains they compose a charming and harmonious ensemble, which is living evidence of Lviv's architectural history. Centuries have passed and the heritage of time has endowed the city with numerous works of art. The National Museum, Art Gallery, Museum of History, Museum of Ethnography and Crafts and Antique Armoury (City Arsenal) are famous for their collections. The development of the pharmaceutical trade in Ukraine is represented by the collection of the Pharmaceutical Museum - the oldest functioning pharmacy of Lviv (1735). Lviv is a great cultural centre of Ukraine. Besides its 16 museums, a Philharmonic society and circus several theatres perform in Lviv. The Opera House of Ivan Franko makes Lvivites especially proud. Extravagant, with a richly decorated facade, it has an exclusive interior. In terms of its architecture Lviv Opera (1897-1900) belongs to the three best theatres of Europe. The city is famous for its places of recreation. There are interesting park and garden sights such as Striysky, Vysoky Zamok, Lychakivsky and Ivan Franko parks. Shevchenkivsky Hay is another picturesque sight of Lviv worth seeing. Here on 60 hectares of territory you can find the Museum of Folk Architecture and Lifestyle (Shevchenkivsky Hay). More than ten thousand items of craft work from various ethnographic regions of our country are on display here. A beautiful natural landscape supplements the unique atmosphere of charming Ukrainian villages. The magnificent sights of Lviv, its architecture and European traditions, from ancient times, have been shaping the beautiful city. Modern art, bright national traditions of different peoples and sincere hospitality are the features that best characterize the present day Lviv. Lviv is a European city you mustn’t miss.

Conference Theme:

Progress in managing water for food and rural development

Topic 1: Integrated management of water and land resources

• EU Water Framework Directive in the context of water policies in European countries • Preservation and conservation of water resources • Technologies of research, institutional reform and legislative base in irrigation management • Implemented and proposed processes (frameworks, methods, indices)

Topic 2: Irrigation and Drainage

• Operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems • Sustainable management of water and land resources • Transformation and rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage systems in Europe

Topic 3: Flood management

• Flood modelling and risk analyses for polder systems management • Flood related emergency management

Topic 4: Monitoring and evaluation • Ecological stability of reclaimed areas • Landscape-reclamation zoning • Role of water resources in climate changes • Control of soil degradation processes

Young Professionals Forum Role of young professionals in decision-making process on topical questions on water and land management for food and rural development


Sunday 17 May 10:00 – 11:00 Registration 11:00 – 13:00 ERWG working group meeting 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 19:00 Visiting of the Opera House

Monday 18 May 8:30 Registration 9:00 – 10:30 Opening ceremonies and plenary session 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 – 13:00 Conjoined workshops on questions 1 – 4 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 15:00 Poster presentations 15:00 – 16:30 Conjoined workshops on questions 1 – 4 16:30 – 17:00 Coffee break 17:00 Lviv sightseeing

Tuesday 19 May 8:30 Registration 9:00 – 11:00 Conjoined workshops on questions 1 – 4 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break 11:30 – 13:00 Conjoined workshops on questions 1 – 4 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 15:00 Poster presentations 15:00 – 16:30 Conjoined workshops on questions 1 – 4 16:30 – 17:00 Coffee break 17:00 – 19:00 Seminar on European Water Directive

Wednesday 20 May 8:00 Registration 8:30 – 19:30 Technical tour to the Carpathian region (waterworks facilities, flood protection works and measures on elimination of flood damage) Lunch during tour

Thursday 21 May 8:30 Registration 9:00 – 11:00 Young professionals Forum “Role of young professionals in decision- making process on topical questions on water and land management for food and rural development” 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break 11:30 – 13:00 Closing ceremonies 18:00 – Farewell Dinner and Cultural Show

Friday 22 May 9:30 Registration 10:00-18:00 “Gold horseshoe” sightseeing tour of the Castles of Lviv region.

Saturday, Sunday 23-25 May Technical tour to Southern regions of Ukraine. Visit some irrigation systems and waterworks facilities.

Registration Category Registration Fee Early Booking Discount Up to 1 st May 2009 Delegate € 450 € 400 Ukrainian Delegate 500 grn. 500 grn. Young Professional (up to 40 yrs) € 250 € 200 Ukrainian Young Professional 300 grn. 300 grn.

Accompanying Person € 200 € 150

The registration fee of a participant includes: participation in all event of the Conference, “set of a participant”, abstracts of the Conference papers, disc CD-ROM with complete texts of the papers, a list of participants of the Conference, reception and farewell dinner.

Following payment options are available to pay the registration fee:

1. At venue from 17th to 24th May

2. For the participants from foreign countries t hrough bank draft payable to Ukrsotsbank Bank, Bank Account 26002043100411, Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation UAAS, 37 Vasylkivska Str., 03022, Kiev, Ukraine

Swift Code for online payment UKRSUAUX

We kindly ask you to indicate the purpose of payment only as “participation in a conference”.

Please, return the copy of a payment draft to the UKCID – Secretariat

Payment of the Post-Conference and Technical tours is to be made by the participants at venue from 17th to 24th May

COMMITTEES of the Conference

International Scientific Committee

Prof. Kovalenko, Vice President, ICID, Kyiv, Ukraine, [email protected] Co-Chairman on Conference Dr.-Ing. Eiko L ьbbe , Vice President, ICID, Chairman Eiko.Luebbe@bmelv .bund.de of ERWG, Germany, Co-Chairman on Conference Prof. Gurin V.A., University for Water Economy, [email protected] , Ukraine Prof. Kireicheva L.V., All-Russian Research for [email protected] Engineering and Land Reclamation, Moscow, Russia Prof. Snigovuy, Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian [email protected] Science, Kyiv, Ukraine Prof. Snitunskiy V.V., Lvov’s Agrarian University, [email protected] Lviv, Ukraine Prof. Vysochansky V.S., Lvov’s State University, [email protected] Lviv, Ukraine Prof. Bart Schultz , Utrecht, the Netherlands bart.schultz@rws .nl Prof. Brane Maticic, Ljubljana, Slovenia brane.maticic@guest .arnes.si Prof. Ferenc Ligetvari, Budapest, Hungary Ligetvari.Ferenc@mkk .szie.hu Prof. Joachim Quast, Muncheberg, Germany [email protected] Prof. Vukelic Zvonimir, Macedonia [email protected] Prof. Waldemar Mioduszevski, Falenty, Poland w.mioduszewski@imuz .edu.pl

Organizing Committee

Stashuk V.A., Head of the State Committee for [email protected] Water Economy Kozak V.S., Zakarpatskiy Oblvodkhoz [email protected]

Vatamanyuk G.M., Ivano-Frankovskiy Oblvodkhoz [email protected]

Khomin Y.B., Lvov’s National University [email protected] Bilanuk V.I., Lvov State National University [email protected] Prof. Dr. Georgiy Cherevko, Lviv State Agrarian [email protected] University Prof. Dr. Stupen M.G., , Lviv State Agrarian [email protected] University

______, Germany [email protected]


Voroshnov Sergey, UKCID, Co-Chairman, Ukraine [email protected]

Filipenko Larisa, UKCID, Ukraine [email protected] Logunova Nataliya, UKCID, Ukraine [email protected] Vlasova Helena, UKCID, Ukraine [email protected] Hoffman Michael, UKCID, Ukraine [email protected] Ponomarenko Dmitriy, UKCID, Ukraine [email protected] Dyl Kostyantyn [email protected]

International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage Ukrainian National Committee ICID

23rd European Regional Conference 2009 Progress in Managing Water for F/ood and Rural Development

17-24 May 2009 Lviv, Ukraine

Call for Papers

The conference with its four topics will put emphasis on scientific-technical problems and economical, socio-economical, and ecological aspects. Papers shall contribute to identify the state-of-the-art of latest research activities as well as to report on applied solutions and practical experience. Discipline-specific approaches shall be supplemented by multidisciplinary, directing the attention to cross-disciplinary perspectives.

Working languages The working language at the sessions, working groups and other working bodies of the European Regional Conference will be English, including the provision of synchronous translation into Ukrainian, Russian and vice versa at the some sessions of the working bodies at the choice of the Organization Committee. Abstracts Submission

Authors who wish to give a presentation (oral or poster) will submit an abstract (in WinWord.doc format and send it as attached file, to the following e-mail address:

Ukrainian Committee on Irrigation and Drainage 37, Vasilkivska Str., Kyiv, 03022 Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] ;

Fax +380-44-257-4001 not later January 20, 2009.

The submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation that it is actually presented at the conference by one of the authors!

Guidelines for Preparing Abstracts

Abstracts should be written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure. The text should be short, clear and concise. The length of an abstract is about 200-300 words, in electronic form. Abstracts must include the title, author(s), affiliation(s) and the text.

To provide uniformity, the abstracts should be prepared according to the following guidelines:

- Paper Size: A4 (210 x 297 mm or 8.27 x 11.69 inches) - Page Margins: Right: 35.0 mm 1.38 in Left: 35.0 mm 1.38 in Top: 38.1 mm 1.50 in Bottom:38,1 mm 1.50 in - Font: Times New Roman - Line spacing: 1 - Title: Bold, 12 points centred, all uppercase ("Title" Format). The title should reflect the content and emphasis of the project described in the report. It should be as short as possible and include essential key words. Leave four blank lines between the title and the author(s). - Author(s): Mixed upper and lowercase, 10 points centred ("Author" Format). If there is more than one author, underline the presenting author's name. The name(s) of the author(s) should be listed first name and last name; do not include titles or degrees. -Affiliation(s): Mixed upper and lowercase, Italic, 10 points left alignment ("Address" Format). Address, phone and e-mail for each author, do not use a hyperlink in the email address. Leave two blank lines before beginning the text. -Text of abstract: 10 points justified ("Text" Format).


The Form should be filled out by authors of paper and together with papers submitted to the Ukrainian National Committee of ICID to the following e-mail address:

Ukrainian Committee on Irrigation and Drainage 37, Vasilkivska Str., Kyiv, 03022 Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] ;

Tel +380-44-257- 3348, Fax +380-44-257-4001

No later than 20 January 2009

Title: Name: First name:


Address: Phone Fax:: e-mail: I intend to contribute: Oral presentation Poster presentation Paper only (without oral presentation)

Title of my paper or poster:


Please assign your contribution to one or more of the following five conference topics:

Topic 1: Iintegrated management of water and land resources Topic 2: Irrigation and drainage Topic 3: Flood management Topic 4: Monitoring and evaluation Date: Signature:

Note: Registration form will be available via web-site http://europeicid2009.org

See web-site for further details: http://europeicid2009.org

Deadlines for 23 rd European Regional Conference “Progress in Managing for Food and Rural Development”

• Submission of Abstracts of about • 20 January 2009 500-600 words of the proposed paper to Organizing Committee of the Conference with proforma at Annex 1 • Intimation of acceptance of • 01 February 2009 Abstracts of proposed paper by Organizing Committee of the Conference to authors • Receipt of full text of accepted • 01 March 2009 papers in electronic format in the Organizing Committee of the Conference

For more information please visit the site http://europeicid2009.org .