

( , New Meteorite Finds At Imilac No. 47 - 1987 H. PEDERSEN, ESO, and F. GARe/A, elo ESO

Introduction hand, depend more on the preserving some 7,500 meteorites were recovered Stones falling from the sky have been conditions of the terrain, and the extent by Japanese and American expeditions. collected since prehistoric times. They to which it allows meteorites to be spot­ They come from a smaller, but yet un­ were, until recently, the only source of ted. Most meteorites are found by known number of independent falls. The extraterrestrial material available for chance. Active searching is, in general, meteorites appear where glaciers are laboratory studies and they remain, too time consuming to be of interest. pressed up towards a mountain range, even in our space age, a valuable However, the blue-ice fields of Antarctis allowing the ice to evaporate. Some source for investigation of the solar sys­ have proven to be a happy hunting have been Iying in the ice for as much as tem's early history. ground. During the last two decades 700,000 . It is estimated that, on the average, each square kilometre of the 's surface is hit once every million years by a meteorite heavier than 500 grammes. Most are lost in the oceans, or fall in sparsely populated regions. As a result, museums around the world receive as few as about 6 meteorites annually from witnessed falls. Others are due to acci­ dental finds. These have most often fallen in prehistoric times. Each of the two groups, 'falls' and 'finds', consists of material from about one thousand catalogued, individual meteorites. The total number of frag­ ments is considerably higher, since many break up when hitting the atmo­ sphere. Mineralogically, they can be di­ vided into three classes: stones, irons and stony-irons. Falls are largely stony, while finds have a high percentage of irons. This is due to the stony meteor­ ites' faster erosion and lesser visibility. The geographical pattern of falls is strongly correlated with population den­ sity: most are reported from Europe and North America. Finds, on the other

Supernova 1987A in LMC: Figure 1: The 19-kg fragment in its BO-em diameter erater. The meteorite protrudes about see pp. 26-35 5 em above the erater floor and reaehes approximately 1B em below. It is remarkable that sueh a small strueture has resisted erosion during 166 years, possibly mueh longer. Imilac Meteorites

Other areas where many meteorites are found are some of the world's desert regions, e. g. Western Australia, the North American prairies, and the Ataca­ ma desert in Chile. At the latter, the annual precipitation is lower than any­ where else on the earth, less than 5 mm, wh ich obviously eases the meteorites' preservation. As a result, one of the Atacamenean meteorites, found at Tamarugal, has a terrestrial age of 2,700,000 years, the oldest known. Dur­ ing the last century, many mineral pros­ pectors travelled thraugh Atacama, in search for precious ores. Occasionally, they came upon iron meteorites which they brought home, often unaware of the material's true character. They gave much less attention to stony meteorites, though these undoubtedly also have been preserved in large numbers. f.·'~~!.~~,b"'J~·~' ~v~• The Atacama desert is noted for its / f deposits of nitrates. These were ex­ Figure 2: The 35-kg fragment before exeavation. The diameter of the erater is 125 em. The meteorite reaehed about 6 em above and 14 em below the erater floor. ploited, on a huge scale, during the first decades of this century. In the process, several meteorites were found. Many Chilean meteorites are of the rare Pallasite type (see box), for wh ich way to many museums and private col­ posed, in circular impact craters (Fi­ reason they most likely stem a lections, all over the world. The largest gure 1 and 2) of diameter 80 and single fall. They carry names which specimen known, 198 kg, is in the Brit­ 125 cm. In both cases, the crater floors correspond to geographical locations ish Museum. Another fragment, original­ were about 15 cm below level and co­ scattered over a 100 by 100 km area. In Iy 95 kg, is in Copiapo. The total amount vered with sm aller pebbles than the most cases, however, the find site was of recovered material, plausibly originat­ surraunding desert. The edges were reported without precision and, until ing at Imilac, is calculated at 500 kg white, bringing into view a soft under­ recently, it was believed that the (Buchwald, 1975). ground material, rich in gypsum. The meteorites had been picked up inside a crater of the 35-kg meteorite did not 100 by 500 metre area near the small have an elevated rim, except possibly The New Finds salt-pan Salar de Imilac, about 170 km towards east. This can be concluded from Antofagasta. At this place, there is Following the visit of several expedi­ from the inspection of a stereo-photo a crater-like excavation, 8 metres in tions, it was believed that all large taken prior to the excavation. Its depth diameter. This may have been made by meteorites had been collected. We can, is estimated at 5 to 10 cm. The 5-kg iron Indians in search for the fancied iran however, report the recent discovery of was Iying, nearly fully exposed, on top of vein. Several minor excavations on the three more meteorites, totalling 59 kg. the desert surface, and apparently not neighbouring hills indicate places The find was made by one of the au­ 'in situ'. Therefore, we cannot exclude where, in the past, meteorites have been thors (F. G.) who is a geologist'. During the possibility that it is a transported collected. Still, the top-soil contains water prospection for a mining enter­ mass, originally found somewhere else. many small iron fragments, weighing ty­ prise he learned about the meteorite fall The 5-kg meteorite measures 16 by pically 1 gramme. at Imilac. A local resident told him that 13.5 by 10 cm. It is an elongated lump There is no reliable account of the some meteorites had been found sever­ without any sharp corners. The 19-kg meteorite's fall. The first fragments were al kilometres -west of the 'crater'. meteorite is roughly cubic, 23.5 by 18.5 found around 1820. Buchwald (1975) During his own search he managed to by 18 cm. One of its edges is quite estimates that the fall occurred several locate a further three. They have masses sharp, clearly indicating the meteorite as hundred years earlier. Fram geological of 5, 19 and 35 kg, respectively. a fragment. The 35-kg meteorite is considerations, Martinez (private com­ The new meteorites were spotted at slightly banana-shaped and measures munication) deduces an age of about 3,250 metres altitude, on some promon­ 50 by 24 by 15 cm. All three meteorites 500 years before present. Nearby, an­ tories wh ich stretch towards east and have specific near 4.6 gram­ cient Indian populations could conceiv­ north-east from a 3,870 m high moun­ mes/cm3, which is typical for Pallasites. ably have forged tools or ornaments tain, Morro de La Mina. The find loca­ The submerged parts of the two large from meteoritic iran. This might put a tions form an appraximately equilateral specimens are covered by a thin crust of minimum age to the fall. However, no triangle, with side lengths of 900 metres. corrosion products, due to the presence such artifacts have yet been identified. The centre of that triangle is 7 km south­ of nitrates in the soil. Another dating method relates to the west of the 'crater'. The two largest Universidad dei Norte in Antofagasta decay of radioactive isotopes, activated meteorites were Iying, only partially ex- has inspected two of the meteorites and by cosmic ray irradiation prior to the fall. classified them as Pallasites. For To our knowledge, no such measure­ reasons of similar surface texture and • Editor's note: F.G. is the husband of ESO's ments have been published. secretary in Santiago. Mariam G., through whom specific , we believe that also the Imilac meteorites have made their scientists at La Silla were informed about lhe find. third meteorite belongs to that group.

2 Since, from the whole Earth, only 33 rich in olivine silicates (Greenberg and Pallasite-finds (and 2 falls) have been , 1984). Following the as­ Tentative Time-table described, this is a strong indication that teroid's colling, the top layer of silicates the new specimens are part of the well­ may have been stripped off, exposing of Council Sessions known Imilac fall. the now contracted and cracked Pallasi­ and Committee Meetings The site of the old crater-like excava­ tic layer to erosion. for First Half of 1987 tion was also visited. In the 'splinters The asteroidal origin could, in princi­ May 18 area' about 1 kg of minor fragments (0.1 pie be ascertained by orbital calculation Users Committee May 19 Scientific Technical to approximately 250 grammes were of meteorite falls. This has been done on Committee collected. A few particles were found up three occasions (the falls at Pffbram, May 20-21 Finance Committee to 1,000 m north-east of the 'crater'. Lost City, Innisfree) but none of the May 26-27 Observing Pro­ Otherwise, we can confirm Buchwald's meteorites in question were Pallasites. grammes Committee, statements as to the shape and extent Ground-based observations may Venice of the area. We estimate that it still holds nevertheless help solving the question. June 3 Committee 01 Coun­ of the order of 1,000 kg of meteoritic By infrared spectroscopy three candi­ eil, Bruges iron. date parent- have been found: June 4 Council, Bruges 246 Asporina, 289 Nenetta, 446 Aeter­ All meetings will take place at ESO in nitas (Cruikshank and Hartmann, 1984, Garehing unless stated otherwise. The Imilac Strewn-Field Scott, 1984). Their spectra show an ab­ The existence of the splinters area sorption band at 1.06 l-lm, as does indicates that a large chunk of the olivine in its meteoritic form. Also the References meteorite suffered a violent break-up. general trend of the spectra is consis­ This must have happened at a late point tent with the presence of a metallic Buchwald, V. F., 1975, Handbook of lron of the trajectory through the atmo­ phase. Meteorites, University of California press, sphere. Its mass exceeded, by far, those It is rare that asteroids can be associ­ Berkeley, vol. 1-3. which fell further to the south-west. ated with one particular type of mineral. Cruikshank, D. P., and Hartmann, W. K., Therefore, it seems likely that the parent Detailed studies of asteroids and com­ 1984, Seienee 223,281. body arrived from south-west, rather ets will, in general, require spacecraft to Greenberg, R., and Chapman, C. R., 1984, learus, 57, 267. than opposite. The splinters area is ap­ do "sample-return" missions. Such are, Nininger, H. H., 1952, Out of the Sky, Dover, proximately aligned with the new find in fact, being considered. But perhaps it New York. locations, giving a further argument for is superfluous to include Asporina, Peck, E., 1979, Sky and Teleseope, 58, their association. Measured from north Nenetta or Aeternitas in the itinerary: the p.126. over east, the azimuth of the combined stuff may already be in our hands ... Scott, E. R. D., Nature, 311, 708. strewn-field is 47°+/-3°. The new finds show that the strewn­ field is at least 8 km long and about 1 km wide. It cannot be excluded that Pallasite Meteorites the nearby 3.5-km diameter Steinheim Ba­ some of the meteorites collected a long sin. There is geologieal evidenee that both Meteorites ean be divided into three clas­ time aga were found in the 'new' area. are meteoritie, but the proof (meteoritie ses: Stones, Irons, and Stony Irons. A sub­ We did, in fact, notice a small number of materialj is not yet found. It may long sinee group of the latter is quite peeuliar: an iron/ minor holes from where it is conceivable have weathered away. nickel mixture forms a sponge-like strue­ that specimens (in the 1O-kg class) have ture. Olivine erystals, of eross-seetion 1 to been picked up. Indications are that the 10 mm fill out the holes, so that the volume Strewn-fields strewn-field is even longer than men­ ratio metal/olivine is about 1 : 1. The first tioned. This topic, and other aspects of such meteorite was found in 1771/72 by the The hyper-sonie velocity, 15 to 72 km/ the Imilac fall, are discussed in a forth­ German explorer Peter Simon Pallas, dur­ sec, with whieh meteorites enter the Earth's coming thesis work by E. Martfnez, Uni­ ing his travels through East Russia. Palla­ atmosphere, ereates a shoek, whieh offen versidad dei Norte. The total weight of site meteorites are quite rare: less than 1 forees the meteorite to break up. Masses less than a few tons will reaeh the ground recovered material is now about 560 kg. per cent of all falls and 3.5 per cent of all finds belong to this group. with sub-sonie speed, 100-300 metres per To this adds the estimated 1,000 kg of seeond. Small partieles tend to fall along small meteorite particles stillieft in the Meteorite Craters steeper trajeetories than heavier ones. This top-soil. Although impressive, at least ereates a eharaeteristie elliptie distribution one other Pallasite find is larger. That at Upon hitting the ground, a large meteor­ pattern, with partiele size inereasing along Brenham, USA, had a mass of 4.5 tons ite may form a erater. If the terminal velocity the major axis, in the direetion of flight. This (Nininger, 1957, Peck, 1979). It too is suffieiently high, the eonversion ofkinetie simple pieture holds, if just one event of suffered violent fragmentation. energy will lead to the meteorite's instan­ fragmentation took plaee. Strewn-fields taneous evaporation. An explosion erater is ean reaeh eonsiderable sizes. The Gibeon­ thereby formed. Smaller masses may form fall at South-West Afriea eovered approxi­ Asteroidal Origin for Pallasites impact eraters. 13 genuine meteor eraters mately 100 by 400 km. (or erater fjelds) are known and some 100 Pallasite meteorites form a rather others are eonsidered probable. The largest homogeneous group, clearly distinct is the meteorite erater in Arizona, USA, Meteorite Collections from the other type of stony-irons, the whieh has a diameter of 1,200 metres. Third Colleetions of meteorites exist at many mesosiderites. They may hold clues to on the list is the more than 100,000- museums. Prominent between these are the origin of solar-system bodies. Their old, 370-m diameter erater at Monturaqui. the museums of natural history in London, creation is therefore a much debated This is only 60 km from the loeation men­ Paris, Vienna, and the Aeademy of Sei­ issue between 'cosmogonists'. One tioned in the artiele, but unrelated. Euro­ enees, Moseow. The heaviest meteorite on pean probable meteorite eraters inelude the theory says that they formed in as­ display in Europe is 'Agpalilik', a 14-ton iron 15-million-year-old, 27-km-diameter Nörd• from Greenland, now at the Geologieal teroids, at the interface between a mol­ linger Ries strueture in West Germany and Museum, Copenhagen. ten core and a partially molten mantle,

3 Giant H 11 Regions and the Quest for the Hubble Constant J. MELNICK, ESO

The search for yardsticks with which The Friedmann solutions have a ground out to distances of about 5 Mpc. to measure cosmic distances is one of singularity where the radius of the Uni­ One of the major tasks of the Hubble the fundamental endeavours of obser­ verse is zero and mass density infinite. Space Telescope will be to extend these vational but this is a difficult In fact the Hubble relation (V = HoR) observations to larger distances. Our task and it was not until the beginning of implies that some time in the past all is a member of a group of this century, when astronomy was al­ were on top of each other. For galaxies (the Local Group) of roughly ready hundreds of years old, that the obvious onomatopoeic reasons the sin­ 1 Mpc in diameter of which the An­ size of our own could be deter­ gularity is called the "Big-Bang"; thus dromeda is also a member. The mined. The yardstick which made this the singularity is interpreted as a magni­ Local Group is itself member of a larger possible was the discovery, by Miss ficent cosmic firework which marked the agglomeration of galaxies known as Henrietta Swan Leavitt, of a relation be­ beginning of time. Friedmann cos­ the Local Supercluster which is domi­ tween the period of pulsation of Delta mologies can be parametrized in terms nated by the Virgo cluster, distant Cephei and their . The of the expansion rate Ho, the mass den­ 15-20 Mpc from the Local Group. Cepheid period-Iuminosity relation was sity Qo, and an elusive parameter called Thus, the expansion of the Universe is subsequently calibrated by Harlow the cosmological constant, 1\., which perturbed at small distances by these Shapley who then used it together with has bedeviled cosmology since it was mass concentrations and it is necessary the absolute magnitudes of RR Lyrae first introduced by himself. to measure velocites and distances to stars to measure the Milky Way. Einstein's theory allows for the ex ist­ galaxies beyond the Virgo cluster in or­ Soon after the galactic distance scale ence of this additive constant which der to derive a meaningful value for the was determined by Shapley, a great represents either an additional attractive Hubble constant. Hubble's own deter­ controversy arose as to whether the spi­ or repulsive "gravitational" force but mination was too large because of a ral nebulae, wh ich were weil known there is no compelling reason in the n'umber of errors, including a large error at the time from the work of William and general theory of relativity for this force in Shapley's calibration of the cepheid John Herschel and others, were galactic to exist in nature. It is merely allowed by period-Iuminosity relation. But even to­ or extragalactic objects. The contro­ the mathematical structure of the equa­ day, almost 60 years after the pioneer­ versy was not settled until after the 100­ tions. Einstein found that in order to ing work of Hubble and Humason, as­ inch Hooker telescope was brought into construct a statical model for the Uni­ tronomers have not yet agreed on the operation at Mount Wilson, and Hubble verse, he had to introduce arepulsion exact value of Ho although most agree discovered cepheid variables in the term to balance gravity. Of course, in that it lies between 50 and 100 km/sec/ Great Andromeda Nebula (M 31) in 1924 1917 everybody, including Einstein, Mpc. In fact, the opinions are divided in and later in other spiral nebulae. The thought that the Universe was static! two groups; the Ho = 50 camp cham­ "island universe" hypothesis of Kant With no cosmological constant (I\. = pioned by Sandage and Tammann, and was thus proved and for the first time it 0), Friedmann's models give simple rela­ the Ho = 100 camp whose strongest was observationally established that the tionships between the age of the Uni­ advocates are Aaronson and co-work­ Universe extends far beyond the limits verse (Ta, the time elapsed since the ers and G. de Vaucouleurs. Both camps of the Milky Way. Big-Bang) and the Hubble constant and defend their cause with excellent obser­ Soon after the work of Hubble, sever­ Qo' In general Ta is always smaller than vations but the controversy is still far al began to measure radial Ho-1 and it is equal to Ho-1 if the mass from being resolved. The discrepancy is velocities of galaxies and discovered density is zero (Qo = 0). also philosophical; at Ho = 50, the Big­ that these velocities increased linearly Thus, the calibration of the Hubble Bang age of the Universe is consistent with distance. Thus, if R is the distance relation provides not only the most pow­ with the age of the oldest stars in our of a galaxy and V its , the erful cosmic yardstick but also a means Galaxy while for Ho = 100 that age is too two are related as, of determining the age of the Universe. It short and, in order to maintain consis­ is not yet known how important the de­ tency with the Friedmann models, the V = Ho x R celeration and the gravitational repul­ cosmological constant must be revived. where Ho is a universal constant. In sion terms in Friedmann models are but, In this article I would Iike to present a 1931, Hubble and Humason calibrated at least in principle, they can be deter­ new method (in fact a new version of an this relationship in galaxies where they mined observationally and this is one of old method), developed in collaboration had previously found Cepheid variables the major tasks of modern observational with Roberto Terlevich from the RGO and obtained a value of Ho = 558 km/ cosmology. An important constraint on and Mariano Moles from the IM in sec/Mpc for this constant wh ich is now the Hubble constant is that, for !\. = 0, Granada, wh ich uses the properties of known as the Hubble constant. Almost Ho-1 must be larger than the age of the giant H 11 regions as distance indicators. ten years before the work of Hubble and Galaxy. At the time of Hubble's work, Humason, the Russian mathematician this limit was the age of the earth, about Giant H 11 Regions as Distance In­ Friedmann had found a solu­ 4,000 million years. Today, from the dicators tion of Einstein's General Relativity theory of and from ob­ equations which predicted that the Uni­ servations of globular clusters the age of In the early 1960s Sersic discovered verse should be either expanding or our galaxy is estimated to be more than that the diameters of the largest H 11 contracting according to a linear relation 16,000 million years. regions in spiral galaxies increase with between velocity and distance. Thus, galaxy . This correlation was immediately after Hubble's results were further developed by Sandage and it The Determination of Ho published, the idea that our Universe is has since been used by many workers expanding gained universal accept­ Periods and luminosities of Cepheids as a cosmic yardstick. The correlation, ance. can be reliably determined from the however, is not useful much beyond

4 HII Galaxies obtained with the 3.6-m and 2.2-m tele­ scopes at La Silla and the line-widths with the Echelle spectrograph at the 4-m telescope of Cerro Tololo. • The slope of the correlation is ...... 4.5 ± 0.3 and rms scatter is ologL (H rl) = ~ • I 0.32 but the dispersion is correlated (f) 41 • • with the chemical composition of the (f) nebular gas. A Principal Component CJ) •• L • • • Analysis of the data leads to the follow­ (1) •• • ing relation. '-.../ • Log L(H } = 5 logo - 10g(O/H} + constant ...... Q::l.. 40 ß :r: '-.../ ... • Figure 2 presents a plot of L(H rl} ver­ --l • •••• sus the distance independent parameter CJ) • Mz = 05/(O/H} for 29 H 11 galaxies with 0 accurate . --l 39 The linear fit to the data has a slope of 1.03 ± 0.05 and an rms scatter of olog (L(H fl)) = 0.21, which is comparable to • the scatter of the Tully-Fisher relation. Since H 11 galaxies can be easily ob­ 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 served out to very large distances, the correlation between L(H ß} and Mz can Log () (km s-1) _indeed be a very useful cosmic Figure 1: Logarithmic plot of the integrated Hf, luminosities ofH 11 galaxies as a function of their yardstick provided its zero point can be line-profile widths in velocity units. Ho = 100 km/sec/Mpc is assumed. accurately determined. As I discussed above, the extragalac­ tic distance scale is tied to the galactic scale via cepheid variables. Thus, in or­ 20 Mpc where the angular diameters of or more extremely luminous giant H 11 der to calibrate the zero point of the even the largest giant H 11 regions be­ regions, others are essentially -like (L(H 1l), Mz} relation for H 11 galaxies we come comparable with the seeing disks. objects where only the giant H 11 region must use giant H 11 regions in nearby However, the linear diameters of giant component is visible and are probably spiral galaxies. The properties of many H 11 regions correlate very weil with the truly intergalactic, galaxy-size H 11 re­ such H 11 regions have been extensively widths of the nebular emission lines, gions. Figure 1 presents a log plot of studied mainly by Sandage and which in these bright H 11 regions are L(H fl} versus 0 for a sampie of H 11 galax­ Tammann who used the Sersic-San­ extremely easy to measure. ies for which the luminosities have been dage correlation to calibrate distances. Thus, replacing H 11 region diameters by line-widths in the Sersic-Sandage correlations, a new powerful distance indicator is obtained. However, the emission line profile widths also corre­ Giant HII regions late extremely weil with the luminosities of giant H 11 regions and this correlation has the advantages (over the previous 40 • ones) that it does not require inclination corrections for the magnitudes of the ...... '<" parent galaxies and that the reddening I corrections to the giant H I1 region (f) luminosities can be done in a self-con­ (f) CJ) • sistent way using the decre­ L (1) ments. Thus, the method I am going to '-.../ discuss here relies on the correlation • between Hfl luminosity (L(H 1l)), the emis­ sion line-profile widths (o) and the Oxy­ • gen abundances (O/H) of giant H 11 re­ • gions. Since, to obtain a meaningful value of Ho, we must observe galaxies beyond • the Virgo cluster we have applied the • method not to giant H 11 regions in dis­ tant spiral galaxies (wh ich would be too faint) but to the so-called "intergalactic H 11 regions" or "H 11 Galaxies" wh ich 1.1 1.2 1.3 may be defined as being dwarf galaxies with the spectrum of giant H 11 regions. Log () (km s-1) In fact, while some H 11 galaxies are Figure 2: Logarithmic plot of the integrated HfI luminosities of giant HI/ regions in nearby clearly dwarf irregular galaxies with one galaxies as a function of fine-profile width.

5 TABLE 1: The local distance scale luminosities predicted by this equation to the observed fluxes corrected for ex­ Galaxy Number ot Distance (Kpc) Notes tinction. Before discussing the results, HII regions adopted ST however, I must say a few words about LMC 1 50.1 52.2 Local Group radial velocities and about Malmquist SMC 1 60.0 71.4 Local Group bias. NGC 6822 2 457 616 Local Group M 33 4 682 817 Local Group NGC 2366 3 3160 3250 M81 group Corrections ... NGC 2403 3 3160 3250 M81 group Holmb 11 1 3160 3250 M81 group (a) The Radial Velocities IC 2574 2 3160 3250 M81 group If one knows velocities and distances, NGC 4236 2 3160 3250 M81 group Ho is simply obtained as Ho = V/R. The M101 3 6920 6920 radial velocity of almost any galaxy can be easily obtained with present-day in­ strumentation from the shift of We have studied the correlations be­ galaxies, the global luminosities of giant their spectral features. In the case of H 11 tween internal parameters for 22 giant H 11 regions are a function only of their galaxies, for example, even at large dis­ H II regions in galaxies whose distances velocity dispersion, radii and chemical tances the Doppler shifts of the emis­ have been determined trom studies of composition. Moreover, the RC 02 de­ sion lines can be obtained with expo­ Cepheid variables. Table 1 summarizes pendence is strongly reminiscent of the sures of only a few seconds. However, the relevant parameters of these galax­ Vi rial theory and Terlevich and I have the Earth, the and the Galaxy are ies together with the distances we have proposed that giant H II regions are moving and therefore we must subtract adopted. Also listed in the Table are the gravitationally bound objects, in which from the observed velocities the motion distances adopted by Sandage and case the correlations would have a very of our frame of reference. Thus, we must Tammann (ST) in their calibration of the simple physical interpretation. But, as remove the motions of the Sun around Hubble constant. .almost everything in astronomy, this in­ the centre of our Galaxy, of the Galaxy in In a few cases there are differences terpretation is controversial and its dis­ the Local Group, of the Local Group between the scale adopted here, which cussion will take us far from our present towards the Virgo Cluster and of the is essentially the scale adopted by goal of getting to Ho. Virgo Cluster relative to the Cosmic Mi­ Aaronson and co-workers in their cali­ From the (L{HIIL Mz) relation for giant crowave Background. In addition, the bration of the Tully-Fisher relation, and H 11 regions we obtain a zero point of galaxies themselves may be falling into the Sandage-Tammann scale. These 41.32 ± 0.08 and therefore the cosmic Virgo or drifting relative to the Cosmic discrepancies have to do with the way in yardstick for H 11 galaxies is the equa­ Microwave Background and these which the Cepheid luminosities are tion, peculiar velocities must also be re­ corrected for extinction in their parent 5 moved to extract the purely expansional 0 galaxies and, although the local dis­ Log L{H f1) = Log (O/H) + 41.32 velocities. Our radial velocities incorpo­ tance scale is still the subject of consid­ rate all these corrections with the ex­ erable controversy, its discussion is far The distances for H 1I galaxies can ception of streaming motions relative to beyond the scope of this article. then be obtained by comparing the the Microwave Background which at Figure 3 shows a logarithmic plot of L{H rj) versus 0 for giant H I1 regions. The slope of this relation if 4.2 _ 0.5 and the HII Galaxies rms scatter is olog (L{H fj)) = 0.23. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for H I1 regions shows again the o presence of 3 parameters of the form, 2 Log L{H ) = Log RC 0 - Log{O/H) + • r1 41 - .. constant • . where Rc is a measure of the radius of giant H II regions introduced by San­ dage and Tammann which they called the core radius. This relation cannot be directly compared with H II galaxies be­ cause we lack core radii for these dis­ ••• tant objects. However, in giant H II re­ • • 0 • gions, the core radii corelate with veloci­ 3 ty dispersion approximately as Rc - 0 . Thus, the parameter Rc 02 is equivalent 39 to the parameter 05 which we found for H II galaxies. Indeed, the PCA analysis 5 of H 11 galaxies in the (L{HrIL 0 , O/H) • domain and of giant H 11 regions in the 2 -3 -2 -1 o (L{H 1l), Rc0 , O/H) domain give essen­ tially identical eigenvalues and eigen­ vectors. Log Mz = 5 Log (J - Log (OjH) This leads us to conclude that, inde­ Figure 3: Logarithmic plot of integrated H,! luminosity as a function of the distance indicator pendently of the mass of the parent Mz. O/H is the oxygen abundance of the nebular component.

6 present are very poorly understood. The TABLE 2: The Hubble eonstant most recent results tend to show that as far as they can be observed, all galaxies Malmquist Number range km/sec/Mpc correction of galaxies move relative to the CMWB with a ve­ locity of several hundred kilometres per Full sampie 94 ± 5 -11 29 second in the direction of Centaurus. Excluding Virgo 97 ± 5 -12 24 Thus, it is not clear at what distance one Redshift > 2000 99 ± 5 -14 21 should start correcting the velocities for Redshift > 4000 102 _ 6 -16 16 this effect or if one should correct them at all!

obtained the wrang value for Ho. This the following works where complete (b) Malmquist Bias illustrates the philosophical prejudices lists of references can be found: This is an unpleasant effect which has involved in cosmology; this is only caused and continues to cause endless natural because Cosmology reaches the (1) R. Kippenhahn: Light from the Depths of troubles to those who engage in the boundary between and religion. Time (Springer) for the history of the Hub­ quest for the Hubble constant. Malm­ Personally, I find the story of Adam and ble constant. quist bias occurs because all correla­ Eve more elegant and easier to believe (2) A. Sandage: "The Dynamical parameters of the Universe", in First ESO/CERN Sym­ tions used to determine distances have than the Big-Bang! posium, Large Seale Structure ofthe Uni­ Nevertheless, observers must forsake considerable cosmic scatter. So if one verse, Cosmology and Fundamental Phy­ selects galaxies which are brighter than philosophical and theoretical prejudices sies, p. 127, for a modern account of the a certain limiting value, close to this in the analysis of the weak points of our quest for the Hubble constant and the value one tends to observe galaxies own data. In the case of giant H II re­ defence of Ho = 50. which are systematically brighter than gions, the caveat is that the Hfl lumi­ (3) M. Aaronson and co-workers in As­ the luminosities one would predict from nosities of same H 11 galaxies may come trophysical Journal Vol. 302, p. 536 the distance indicator in the absence of from more than one giant H II region (1986) for a detailed discussion of the bias. This causes the distances to be superimposed along the line of sight. Tully-Fisher method, the various radial velocity corrections and a defence of the biased towards lower values. This would not only bias the luminosities Ho = 100 view. towards larger values but also introduce I am very fortunate to have Edmond (4) J. Melnick and co-workers in ESO pre­ Giraud ("Mr. Malmquist Bias") next the gravitational potential of the parent print number 440 (1986) for a discussion doors who showed me how to correct galaxies as an additional parameter. As of the use of giant H I1 regions as distance limited sampies for this far as we can tell from deep CCD pic­ indicators. effect. Because at any distance H II tures and spatially resolved spectros­ galaxies span a very large range of copy, the effect of multiplicity in our luminosities, and because there are sampie is small. The fact that the scatter luminous H I1 galaxies at sm all dis­ of the H II galaxy correlations is similar to Visiting tances, the Malmquist effect on the dis­ that exhibited by the giant H II region tance indicator is, as we shall see, very sampie lends strang support to this Astronomers small. conclusion. It is clear, however, that if the emis­ (April 1- October 1, 1987) sion-line component of all H II galaxies The Hubble Constant from Giant Observing time has now been allocated for consisted of four identical giant H 1I re­ HII Regions Period 39 (April 1-0ctober 1, 1987). The gions of exactly the same redshift demand for telescope time was again much The resulting values for Ho are given in superimposed along the line of sight we greater than the time actually available. Table 2 for different redshift cuts of the would not distinguish them from single The following list gives the names of the data. objects but our value of Ho would be visiting astronomers, by telescope and in The errors quoted are 1 a deviations overestimated by a factor of 2! chronological order. The complete list, with from the mean of all galaxies and do dates, equipment and programme titles, is available from ESO-Garching. not include the zero point errar. When Epilogue this is included, our best estimate is Ho = 85 ± 10 km/sec/Mpc. this value A large value of Ho is only one of a 3.6-rn Telescope compares very weil with the value of Ho number of new observations which are = 92 _ 1 found by Aaronson and co­ beginning to erade the old edifice of April: MartineVJarvis/Pfenniger/Bacon, workers using the Tully-Fisher relation Big-Bang cosmology. Inflation, dark Franx/illingworth, 1I0vaisky/Chevalier/v. d. (the error they quote does not include matter, superstrings and other scaffold­ Klis/v. Paradijs/Pedersen, Mathys/Stenflo, Frangois/Spite M/Spite F, Jeffery/Hunger/ zero point uncertainties). Gur value dis­ ings are being used to save the "stan­ Heber/Schönberner, Hunger/HeberlWerner/ agrees with the value of Ho = 50 ± 7 km/ dard" Big-Bang but in the end it will Rauch, Miley/Macchetto/Heckman, Kollat­ sec/Mpc obtained by Sandage and surely fall. This should not worry us, for schny/Fricke, MaccagniNettolani. Tammann. If we use the Sandage­ we know that new buildings are always May: MaccagniNettolani, Keel, Ortolani/ Tammann local distance scale (Table 1) more solid than old structures. Unfortu­ Rosino, Cacciari/Clementini/Pn§voVLind­ we obtain a value of 78 ± 10 which still nately, however, there are very few gren, Barbuy/Ortolani/Bica, Gratton/Ortolani, disagrees at the 3 a level with Ho = 50. modern buildings that are nicer than the Lub/de Geus/ Blaauw/dc Zeeuw/Mathieu, old ones they replace. CacciarilClementini/Pn§voVLindgren, Moor­ wood/Oliva, Danziger/Oliva/Moorwood, Caveats Tapia/Persi/Ferrari-Toniolo/Roth, Lacombe/ References Lena/Rouan/Slezak. Recently, a well-known cosmologist June: Lacombe/Lena/Rouan/Slezak, told me: "Your results are very nice, For the sake of brevity I have not Chelli/Reipurth/Cruz-G., Richichi/Salinari/ so ... what's wrong with them?" What included formal references to the work I Lisi, Zinnecker/Perrier, Perrier/Mariotti, Hab­ he meant, of course, was that I had quoted. I have based the discussion on ing/van der Veen, Sicardy/Brahic/Lecacheux/ 7 Roques/Le Borgne/Barucci, Azzopardi/Rich, Alioin/PelaVPhillips M/Phillips D, Pauls/ 50-ern ESO Photometrie AzzopardilLequeuxlRebeiroVRich, Baessgen Kohoutek. Teleseope M/Baessgen G/Grewing/Bianchi. July: Pauls/Kohoutek, Acker/Stenholm/ July: Baessgen M/Baessgen G/Grewing/ Lundström, Reichen/LanziGolay, Cour­ April: ManfroidNreuxiMagain, Mekkaden/ Bianchi, Seitter, AngebauIVPakuli/Beuer­ voisier/Bouchet, MetzlHäfner/Barwig/ Geyer, Kohoutek. mann/Motch, Barwig/Häfner/Mantel/ Schoembs/Roth, Kameswara Rao/Nandy, AI­ May: Kohoulek, Fischerström/Lindroos/ Schoembs, BertolalGuzzo, SchulziSchmidt­ 10in/PelaVPhillips M/Phillips D. Liseau, Manfroid/Arpigny/Häfner/Sterken. Kaler, MelzlHäfner/Barwig, Schoembs/Rolh, August: Alioin/PelaVPhillips M/Phillips D, June: van GenderenlThe, ThelWesterlund, HouziauxiKameswara Rao. Kameswara Rao/Nandy, Mantegazza, Ma­ Busso/Scaltriti/Corcione/Silvestre. August: HouziauxiKameswara Rao, gain, Alioin/PelaVPhillips M/Phillips D, Tanzi/ July: Busso/Scallriti/Corcione/Silvestre, D'Odorico/Pettini, PizzichinilPedersen, De BoucheVFalomolTreves. Group for Long Term of Vari­ LapparenVMazure, Sparks/Macchetto. September: Alioin/PelaVPhillips M/Phillips ables. September: Ardeberg/Lindgren/Lund- D, Balkowski/ProusVTalavera, Alioin/PelaV August: MetzlHäfner/Barwig/Schoembs/ ström, WebbNidal-Madjar/Carswell/Ferlel, Phillips M/Phillips D, LorteVTestor. Roth, Group for Long Term Photometry of Wolf/Baschek/ScholziKrautter/Reilermann, Variables. Fosbury/Robinson/Danziger, Guzzo/Focardi, September: Group for Long Term Photo­ Rocca-Volmerange/Azzopardi/Guiderdoni/ 1.4-rn CAT metry of Variables. Roland, Danziger/Gilmozzi/GriffilhslWard, Shaver/Clowes/lovino/Cristiani, Christiani/ April: VreuxiManfroid/Magain, Arpigny/ Barbieri/lovino/Nola, Wampler. Dossin/Manfroid/Häfner, , Lucy/ GPO 40-em Astrograph Baade, Malaney, Gustafsson/Edvardsson/ Magain/Nissen. April: Scardia. May: Gustafsson/Edvardsson/Magain/ May: Scardia, BöhnhardtiDrechsel/Ko• 2.2-m Teleseope Nissen, Arpigny/Dossin/Manfroid/Häfner, de houtek. Jager/Nieuwenhuijzen, Pottasch/Sahu, July: Seitter/Duerbeck/Horstmann, Dom­ April: Le Bertre/Chelli/Perrier, MartineV Pottasch/Srinivasan/Sahu/Desai, FerleWi­ manget. Jarvis/Pfenniger/Bacon, Jarvis/Martinet, Ar­ dal-Madjar/Gry/Lallement, Andreani/FerleV August: Dommanget, Elstilvanovai pigny/Dossin/Manfroid/Häfner, VreuxiMan­ Vidal-Madjar, Lagrange/FerleWidal-Madjar, Shkodrov/Geffert. froid/Magain, Trefzger/Grenon, Reinsch/ Reipurth/Lago. September: ElsVlvanovalShkodrov/Gef­ Pakull/Festou, Gouiffes/Cristiani, Loose/ June: Reipurth/Lago, Baade/Stahl, Man­ fert, Debehogne/Machado/CaldeiraIVieirai Thuan/Kollatschny, Röser/H iltner/Meisen­ dolesi/Palazzi/Crane/Hegyi, Crane/Blades/ Netto/Mourao/ZappalaiDe Sanctis/Lager­ heimer, Magain/Courvoisier/Kühr/Surdej/ Palazzi, Crane/Blades/Mandolesi/Palazzi, kvisVProtitch-Benishek/Javanshir. Swings/Djorgovski, SchmutziHamann/ Crane/Palazzi/, /van Dis­ Nussbaumer/SmithNogel. hoeck/Habing. May: SchmutziHamann/Nussbaumer/ July: de Vries/van Dishoeck/Habing, The/ SmithNogel, Le Bertre/Chelli/Perrier, Gallel­ 1.5-m Danish Teleseope Tjin A Djie/Monderen, Waelkens, Foing/ ta, Reipurth/Zinnecker, Seggewiss/Moffal, Beckman/Castelli/CrivellariNladilo. Gouiffes/Cristiani, Reinsch/Pakull/Festou, April: LeibundguVTammann, Rasmussen/ August: Crivellari/Beckman/Arribas/Cas­ Capaccioli, Paresce/BurrowsNidal-Madjar, Meiler, Reipurth.. telliNiadilo/Foing, Foing/Beckman/Castelli/ Christensen/Sommer-Larsen, de Jong/v. d. May: Reipurth, Sinachopolus, ArsenaulV CrivellariNiadilo, Chmielewski/Lambert, Ma­ Broek/Lub. Roy, Ortolani/Gratton, Reimers/Koester/ gain, LenhartiGrewing/Beck. June: de Jong/v. d. Broek/Lub, Cour­ Schröder, Giraud. September: LenhartiGrewing/Beck, da voisier/Melnick/Mathys/Binette/Maeder. June: Giraud, de Jong/v. d. Broek/Lub, SilvaiSpite FNieira Costa, BurkhartiCoupry/ July: de VriesNerter/Habing, Gouiffes/ Christensen, ReizlPiirola. van't Veer. Cristiani, Binette/Fosbury/Courvoisier, Ma­ July: ReizlPiirola, VeilletiDourneau/Oberti/ gain/Courvoisier/Kühr/Surdej/Swings/Djor• Mignard//Lazzaro, Griffin RF/Griffin REM/Mayor/Clube, Mayor/Duquennoy/An­ govski, Fusi, Pecci/Buonanno/Corsi/Ferraro, 1-m Photometrie Teleseope Ulrich, MetzlHäfner/Barwig/Schoembs/Roth. dersen/Nordström, /Stobie/MacGilliv­ ray/Heydon-Dumbleton/Shanks, Schulzl August: MetzlHäfner/Barwig/Schoembs/ April: Le Bertre/Chelli/Perrier, Schultz, -Kaler, Castellani/Caloi, v. Paradijs/ Roth, SchwarziAspin/Magalhaes/Schulle­ Persi/Preite-MartineziFerrari-Toniolo, v.d. Klis. Ladbeck, Chini/Krügel, Gouiffes/Cristiani, Reinsch/Pakull/Festou, Mermilliod/Claria, August: Rasmussen/Möller. Skiliman/MelnickITerlevich, Prugniel/ Jockers/Geyer. September: Ardeberg/Lindgren/Lund- DavousVNieto, PizzichinilPedersen, Ortolani/ May: Jockers/Geyer, Reinsch/Pakull/Fes­ ström, ClementinilCacciari/PrevotiLindgren, Piotto/Rosino, v. Paradijs/Pedersen. tou, Silvestro/Busso/Robberto/Scaltriti, de Trefzger/Mayor/Pel, Grenon/Mayor. September: v. Paradijs/Pedersen, Jager/Nieuwenhuijzen, Cacciari/Clemenlini/ Schwope/Beuermann, Coyne/Magalhaes, PrevoVLindgren, Reinsch/Pakull/Festou, Fi­ Danziger/Dalgarno, StangalRodriguez-E.I scherström/Lindroos/Liseau, Bues/Rup­ Binette, Leitherer/Appenzeller, Westerlund/ prechVPragal. 50-ern Danish Teleseope Azzopardi/Breysacher/Rebeirot, Veron, Cel­ June: TapiaiPersi/Ferrari-Toniolo/Roth, April: Franco. ty-Veron, LorteVTestor. Richichi/Salinari/Lisi, Reipurth/Zinnecker, May: Olsen/Gray, Grenon/Hög/Petersen. Perrier/Mariotti, van GenderenlThe, Habing/ June: Waelkens/Cuypers. van der Veen/Geballe, Courvoisier/Bouchet, July: Waelkens/Cuypers, Verschueren/ BoucheVCetty-VeronNeron, Antonello/Con­ 1.5-m Speetrographie Teleseope Sterken/Hensberge. coni/MantegazzaiPoretti. August: Ardeberg/Lindgren/Lundström. April: RafanellilMarziani, Trefzger/Grenon, July: Antonello/Conconi/Manlegazzo/ September: Ardeberg/Lindgren/Lund- Mathys/Maeder, Courvoisier/Bouchet, Rosal Poretti, Kroll/Catalano F, Courvoisier/ ström. Richter, Kollatschny/Hellwig. Bouchet, Spinoglio/Persi/Ferrari-Toniolo/ May: Kollatschny/Hellwig, Schmutzl Coe, Barwig/Häfner/Ritter/Schoembs/Man• Hamann/HungerlWessolowski, Arpigny/ tel, Magain. gO-em Duteh Teleseope Dossin/Manfroid/Häfner, de Jager/ August: Magain, BrazlEpchtein, Wargau/ Nieuwenhuijzen, Pottasch/Pecker/Karoji/ Chini, Steiner/Jablonski/Cieslinski, Barucci/ April: van Genderen/van der HuchtlRött• Sahu, Bues/RupprechVPragal, Ouintanalde Fulchignoni/Harris/ZappalaiDi Martino/Bin­ gering. Souza. zel/Lagerkvist. May: de Jager/Nieuwenhuijzen, Trefzger/ June: Ouintanalde Souza, Schulte-Lad­ September: Barucci/Fulchignoni/Harris/ Pel/Blaauw, de Zeeuw/Lub/de Geus/Blaauw. beck/Kraulter, van GenderenlThe, Tozzi/ ZappalaiDi Martino/Binzel/Lagerkvisl, Cle­ June: de Zeeuw/Lub/de Geus/Blaauw. -Falchi/Falciani/Smaldone, Alloin/ mentini/Cacciari/PrevoVLindgren, Bergvall/ July: Grenon/Lub, Waelkens/Heynderickx. PelaVPhillips M/Phillips D, HunVTrinchieri, Johansson/Olofsson, Liller/Alcaino. August: Waelkens/Heynderickx.

8 61-ern Boehum Teleseope

June: Pauls/Kohoutek, Barwig/Häfner/ Ritter/Schoembs/Mantel. July: Barwig/Häfner/Ritter/Schoembs/ Mantel. September: Debehogne/Di Martino/ ZappalalDi Sanctis.

Italian Delegation Visits ESO

An Italian delegation, headed by the Italian Ambassador to the Federal Re­ public of Germany, His Excellency Prof. Luigi Vittorio Ferraris, and the Acting Italian Consul General in Munich, Or. Lelio Crivellaro, visited the ESO entific and technical activities at ESO. eral; Prof. Giancarlo Setti, ESO; the Am­ Headquarters in the afternoon of Janu­ This photo was taken in the Optical bassador; Ms. Ursula Geiger, Italian ary 14, 1987. After a show of the ESO Laboratory (trom left to right: Prof. Wolf­ General Consulate in Munich; Prof. film, the delegation had the opportunity gang Alles, Seientifie Attaehe at the Ita­ Romano Toschi, Oireetor of the NET to familiarize itself with a variety of sci- lian Embassy in Bonn; the Consul Gen- Prajeet, MPI, Garching).

List of ESO Preprints Deeember 1986-February 1987

476. T.J.-L. Courvoisier et al.: The Radio to H-Burning Stars. Astronomy and As­ 488. O. Stahl, B. Wolf and F.-J. Zickgraf: X-ray Continuum emission of the trophysics. February 1987. Photometry and Spectroscopy of the Quasar 3C 273 and its Temporal Varia­ 486. M. Azzopardi: : Eclipsing P Cygni Star R 81 of the Large tions. Astronomy and Astrophysics. De­ Hy Equivalent Widths and Luminosity Magellanic Cloud. Astronomy and As­ cember 1987. Classes of the Brightest Blue Star trophysics. February 1987. 477. T. Le Bertre: The Opacity of the Dust Members. Astronomy and Astrophysics 489. G.A. Tammann: The Cosmic Distance Around Carbon Star IRC + 10216. As­ Supplement Series. February 1987. Scale. February 1987. tronomy and Astrophysics. December 487. A. Tornambe and F. Matteucci: Sub­ 490. A. Robinson et al.: Emission Une Activi­ 1986. luminous Type I SNe: Their Theoretical ty in Radio Galaxies. Monthly Notices of 478. S. Cristiani and B. Koehler: of Rate in Our Galaxy and in Ellipticals. the Royal Astronomical Society. Febru­ Quasar Candidates. Astronomy and Astrophysical Journal. February 1987. ary 1987. Astrophysics. December 1986. 479. 1. Le Bertre and N. Epchtein: Optical and Infrared Observations of Two Oxy­ gen Rich Unidentified IRAS Sources. Astronomy and Astrophysics. De­ cember 1986. First Announeernent 480. D. Baade and L. B. Lucy: A Search for Coronal Une Emission from Early-type A conference organized by NOAO (National Optical Astronomical Obser­ Stars. I. Zeta Puppis. Astronomy and vatories) and ESO on Astrophysics. January 1987. 481. E.J. Wampler: Observational Study of the Hubble Diagram. Astronomy and High-Resolution Imaging Astrophysics. January 1987. 482. C. N. Tadhunter et al.: Detached Nu­ by Interferometry clear-like Activity in the Radio Galaxy will be held from 15 18 March 1988 at ESO in Garehing, FRG. PKS 2152-69. Nature. January 1987. to 483. J.-L. Nieto, A. L1ebaria and S. di Serego The scope of this conference is ground-based interferometry at visible and Alighieri: Photon-counting Detectors in infrared wavelengths. Time-resolved Imaging Mode: Image The programme will include the following topics: Recentring and Selection Aigorithms. Astronomy and Astrophysics. January • Scientific Goals 1987. • Interferometric Imaging with Single-Oish Telescopes 484. R. N. Wilson, F. Franza and L. Noethe: • Graund-Based Long-Baseline Interferometer Projects Active Optics I: A System for Optimizing • Methods for Reconstructing Images and Spectral Information fram Optical the Optical Quality and Reducing the Long-Baseline Interferograms Costs of Large Telescopes. Optica Acta. January 1987. For more information please write to F. Merkle, European Southern Observa­ 485. E. Brocato and V. Castellani: Evolutio­ tory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, 0-8046 Garching bei München, Federal Re­ nary Constraints for Young Stellar Clus­ publie of Germany. ters: I. The Luminosity Function of

9 Lang-term Photometrie Campaign at ESO and the New Eelipsing P Cygni Star R 81 in the LMC 2 3 4 B. WOLF 1, C. STERKEN , 0. STAHL and J. MANFROIo

1Landessternwarte Heide/berg, 2Vrije Universiteit Brusse/s, 3ESO, 4 Universite de Liege

1. A Programme for Long-term ticipants who work in a tight team with approach is a very efficient and useful Photometry of Variable Stars the principal investigators. From the be­ one. Besides the direct yield of data, the ginning we aimed at obtaining several project also offers to young scientists At the ESO workshop The Most Mas­ months of observing time each observ­ (e. g. Ph. O. students) the possibility to sive Stars in November 1981 (Eds. ing season, and this for a time span of at get into contact with the fields of re­ O'Odorico, Baade and Kjär), C. Sterken least one decade. search of the other participants, wh ich presented results of his observations of A project of that size, including the substantially contributes to their obser­ HO 160529 during a time span of more interpretation of measurements ob­ vational experience. than 8 years. HO 160529 is an A2 hyper­ tained at different telescopes and by giant wh ich was found to be variable by different observers cannot work without 2. R 81, the Counterpart of P Cyg Wolf et al. (1974) in an irregular way with astriet agreement on observing proce­ in the LMC an amplitude of several hundredths of a dures and reduction techniques. Espe­ magnitude. Sterken continued the cially for what concerns the data reduc­ P Cygni is one of the most outstand­ monitoring of this star at every possible tion, high requirements are needed so ing stars of the Galaxy. It had a remark­ occasion in the period 1973-1981 and that the final data may be of the highest able outburst in 1600 and is particularly found evidence for the presence of obtainable accuracy. It was decided distinguished by its unusual spectrum. periodic light variation of about 100 that all reductions would be done cen­ The so-called P Cygni profiles in the days. From the phase diagram he con­ trally (and not by the individual obser­ visual range (wh ich have been disco­ cluded that in spite of the intensive ob­ vers) at the University of Liege by J. vered already in the 19th century) are servations by one person, there still re­ Manfroid. The reduction algorithm is a named after this prototype and indicate long gaps in the phase diagram. If generalized method developed by Man­ that this star is losing mass at an ex­ sampling of observations happens in froid and Heck (1983) and is charac­ cessive rate. P Cygni belongs to the such an irregular way (gaps caused by terized by the use of practically every luminous (Mbol = -9 to -11) blue vari­ irregularly allocated short observing measurement of any non-. ables (LBV's) which have been recog­ runs), long-term orbital effects may be In doing so, all measurements are trans­ nized during the past few years as key­ hidden by or ascribed to the super­ formed into a standard system and the objects for the understanding of the giant's irregular intrinsic fluctuations. It observations obtained during different evolution of the very massive (initial was therefore suggested that the obser­ seasons and with different instruments masses ~ 50 MCi)) stars. According to vations of e. g. variable supergiants be can be re-evaluated regularly so that the current evolutionary models (cf. e. g. done by a larger team of observers at a homogeneity of the data is assured. Humphreys 1986, Chiosi and Maeder dedicated small instrument. Such an Because of the availability of the suit­ 1986) these very massive stars do not approach would also be very useful for able photometers on the ESO 50 cm become red supergiants; instead a criti­ all differential photometry on a basis of and the Oanish 50 cm telescopes. and cal luminosity boundary exists (calIed one measurement per night or less: for the usefulness for astrophysical in­ Humphreys Davidson limit) beyond supergiants, Be stars, Ap stars ... terpretation of the data. we decided to which the most luminous stars do not Ouring the discussions following the carry out all measurements in the evolve. The LBV's are located close to talk, several colleagues expressed their Strämgren uvby system. Since we deal this boundary and are supposed to be interest in the idea, and by the end of the with variable stars, preference was gi­ the immediate progenitors of the Wolf­ Workshop, the project Long-term ven to differential measurements with Rayet stars. Photometry of Variables was . In two comparison stars (although we have The physical properties of P Cygni February 1982 a meeting was held at also carried out absolute measure­ have been scrutinized during the past the University of Brussels, and the pro­ ments). few years at a wide wavelength range ject finally started with an application for In practice the participants may ex­ from the UV with IUE to the IR with observing time submitted in April 1982. pect to receive their data not later than IRAS! A drawback of P Cygni is that The participants (originally about 15) three to six weeks after termination of both its interstellar reddening and its merged the objects for wh ich photome­ the observing run. Since 1982 the distance are difficult to determine (see try on a long-time basis was needed into number of participants has doubled, e. g. Lamers, de Groot and Cassatella one object list of about 70 entries, and and this is also so for the number of 1983). For this reason we searched the then the file was split in seven sections stars. At least 30 stars, for which zoo of the luminous blue supergiants of according to the nature of the variable enough data were obtained, have been the (LMC). As stars (see Sterken, 1983). Later on, an omitted from the object list. 26 observ­ outlined e. g. in our recent of high eighth section (Peculiar Late Type Stars) ing runs with a duration of about one dispersion spectra of luminous LMC was added. For each section a principal month length each have already been stars (Stahl et al. 1985) the P Cygni type investigator and a co-investigator were allotted by ESO and a huge amount of stars form in fact a populous group appointed. These scientists decide ab­ data are already available. The results among the peculiar emission line stars. out which objects need monitoring, and have already led to more that 20 pub­ Already in 1981 Wolf et al. presented they carry out and/or supervise the lished scientific papers. a detailed spectroscopic and photome­ analysis of the data of the stars be/ong­ The nature of some discoveries (Iike trie study of R 81 of the LMC. R 81 ing to their sections. We agreed that the e. g. the binary nature of R 81 wh ich is turned out to be a particularly close observers would be volunteering par- described below) clearly proofs that this counterpart of the galactic star P Cygni.

10 bound dust envelope since Stahl et al. R 81 I UE, LWR (1987) identified R 81 as an IRAS point source. The dust formation could be a 1982, Feb. 17 !SI (Y) consequence of their slow and dense N ~ Q) N Q) u:> N le N N u:> winds. le le N ~ le le le ~ ~ .... One of the most paradoxical results

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: derived from the IUE spectrum of P .. Cl Cl Cl Cygni (Cassatella et al. 1979) is that this ..,>-.. u.. u.. u.. u.. I I I I hot star with its unusual P Cygni profiles (l) c in the visual range is right the other way ..,CD distinguished by a lack of P Cygni pro­ C ..... files in the ultraviolet (which are other­ CD > wise so typical for hot stars in this .., range). Just this behaviour is found in 0 the case of R 81 as weil. Still more in­ CD L triguing is the fact that e. g. the Fe II lines of both stars agree even in details. The (Y) lf) complex profiles show a multiple com­ ....Cl ­+ + ponent structure (for R 81 see Fig.1) ascribed to the ejection of discrete shells (cf. Lamers et al. 1985 and Stahl et al. 1987). 0. In addition to the major historical out­ 2612. 2622. A[J.J 2632. bursts of P Cygni in the 17th century, Figure 1: A seetion of the IUE high-dispersion spectrogram around 2600 A. This wavelength irregular photometrie variations of 0.1 to range is dominated by Fell absorption lines. Like in P Cyg, different components are present. 0.2 magnitude have been reported dur­ The velocities of these components are indicated for different lines. ing this century by many authors. No strict periodicity has yet been found (van Gent and Lamers 1986). Likewise in the Both stars are (of course) characterized of the Hertzsprung- Diagram case of R 81, which until 1980 was re­ by strong P Cygni profiles of the Balmer (HRD) close to the Humphreys-­ peatedly observed during various ran­ lines and by very similar stellar parame­ son limit. The winds of both stars are domly distributed photometrie observ­ 1 ters: Teff = 20,000 K, Mbol = -10, and R slow (vmax = 250 to 300 km 5- ) and very ing runs, variations of about this am­ 5 I = 70 R0 for R 81 and Teff = 19,300 K, massive (M = 3 . 10- M0 yr- for R 81 plitude are quoted. Wolf et al. (1981) 5 1 Mbol = -9.9, and R = 76 R0 for P Cygni and M = 1.5 . 10- M0 yr- for P Cyg). regarded these variations as to be "of (for the data for P Cyg see Lamers et al. Like P Cyg ( and Wesselius 1986) irregular nature rather than of a periodic 1983). They are located in the same part R 81 is surrounded by a cool loosely one". Shortly after this the programme

I -I--r~ 1 R8l, y band IOllg-lcrm phololllcl.ry or variables lSl'" N'" I ~ o o 0 '80 0 .-< 0 ~o § l ~@ I 0 .-< 000 8 0() 0 0:: '" ~ (§J0 00 o 0 I o 8 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 '" - o '"M 0 0 0 0 I - o 0 0 0 B 8 0

'" 0 lf1'"

N 0 0 rlJj 0 I .-< @~~ ~ ~~.l w ~ ~ 0 fI .. '" 0 "'" I L -l- _1_ L ----l- ---l-- -L- -.L ---l- -L I). ('OO S. 10 6.200 6. 700 JD244- (1000 days) Figure 2: The differential in the y band for the observations of R 81 obtained within the programme of long-term photometry of variables. The upper part shows the observations in the sense C 1-R 81 and the 10 wer part shows on the same scale (but shifted) the differences of the two comparison stars. The y magnitudes of the comparison stars C 1 (= HO 34144) and C2 (= HO 34651) are 9.32 and 8.37, respectively. The scatter in the differences y (C 1-C2) of the two comparison stars is 0.007 which documents the quality of the photometry.

11 tions are shown in Figure 2. This data set was analysed with aperiod search­ ing algorithm and we finally found that the period of the variations was about es> +'. es> 74.6 days. With the period al ready es> o+.~ tn , .. +.;t:G. known with some precision, the obser­ I ~+ t +0 vations of Appenzeller (1972) could also -8 ~ ++ o. be tied in. They then define the period >- es> 0 es> '" particularly weil since they extend the C\J , time base by more than ten additional o o years (which is about 50 cycles). Taking + x + x .. • + all data together, we obtain aperiod of es> ...es> 74.59 ± 0.01 days. The phase diagram , of the y-band data wh ich was con­ o o structed by using this period is shown in Figure 3. This phase diagram clearly im­ plies that R 81 is an eclipsing binary. The light curve is very distorted which N u suggests that both components are in I close contact. -8 Obviously, the detection of a binary P >- Cyg star is very important since we might hope to derive the parameters of the system, specifically the mass. This is a very important undertaking, since Phase there are no direct mass determinations Figure 3: The phase diagram of the data shown in Figure 2. In addition the V data of of a P Cyg star available. So far, we Appenzeller (1972) have been included. The different symbols denote observations performed obtained two CASPEC spectra and one during different observing seasons (0 for 1982/1983,0 for 1983/1984.6 for 1985/1986, + for CES spectrum of R 81. A portion of the 1985/1986 and x for 1986/1987. Appenzeller's earlier observations (JD2441274 - 1292) are CASPEC spectra is shown in Figure 4. It denoted by.. The period of the eclipses is particularly weil defined due to the earlier is clear from this figure that most of the observations of Appenzeller. The eclipse with a depth of 0.4 mag can clearly be seen. The lines have a P Cyg profile or are blue­ shape of the light curve is particularly distinguished by the absence of a pronounced shifted absorption lines originating in secondary minimum and by a pre-eclipse dip of 0.15 mag at phase 0.80. the of R 81. They are thus not very useful to determine the orbital velocity of the star. From the very few of long-term photometry of variables addition, we found that the minima re­ photospheric lines in the spectra we described above was initiated. Un­ peated every 300 days. At that point we could so far not obtain a reliable radial doubtedly, a detailed knowledge of the realized that the variations of R 81 might velocity curve. In addition, no secondary time dependence of brightness varia­ be at least partly periodic and we de­ spectrum has been found so far. tions is important for the derivation of a cided to give this star a high priority in Luckily, some information can be ob­ physical model for P Cyg stars. Since "P the further observations since never be­ tained from the photometry: The ab­ Cyg of the Galaxy" has obviously never fore had strictly periodic variations been sence of a pronounced secondary been monitored during several years by found in a classical P Cyg star. Until now eclipse probably means that most of the high-precision photometry at sites with we have collected observations in 240 visual brightness is supplied by one comparable excellent weather condi­ different nights distributed over aperiod component. The depth of the eclipses tions as at La Silla, we included "P Cyg of more than four years. The observa- suggests that the eclipsing body has a of the LMC" (i. e. R 81) in the long-term photometry programme at ESO.

1. 500 3. The Eclipsing Binary R 81 R 81 was already found by Appenzel­ ler (1972) to exhibit variations with the rather large amplitude of 004 mag within two weeks. We subsequently observed ...·c R 81 in several years in observing runs ·c of about two weeks each, but we were ...·> unable to find a similar event. Only varia­ ~ 500 tions of about 0.15 mag, which seemed ~ 0. 1 to be irregular, were found. So R 81 was regarded as an irregularly variable P Cyg star, although the time coverage was I too incomplete to do a meaningful 0.0001 LI , .l.--l-l , period analysis. 4380.000 4430.000 4480.000 4530.000 4580.000 A. [Äl In the first three observing seasons of Figure 4: Comparison of two CASPEC spectra taken at phase 0.97 and 0.27, respectively. the long-term programme we had ob­ Variations can c/early be seen. During eclipse, numerous Felliines could be identified and the served each year once that R 81 had Hel lines and Mg/l ;. 4481 show a P Cyg profile. The velocities of the different lines are faded far below its normal brightness. In indicated in the Figure. 12 radius which is comparable to the radius wind lines, are not irregular but phase­ Macchetto, F., Penston, M., Selvelli, P. L., of the visible star, which is known from dependent. An important point to clarify Stickland, 0.: 1979, Astron. Astrophys. 79, the brightness, temperature and dis­ is also the nature of the secondary. No 223. tance of R 81. The width of the eclipses obvious secondary minimum is present, Chiosi, C., Maeder, A.: 1986, in Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 24, 329. so the star must be visually faint. New of the star with respect to the period Humphreys, R. M.: 1986, in Luminous stars then allows us to estimate the distance spectroscopic observations of high and associations in ga!axies, Symp. of both stars from each other and thus quality and good phase coverage are No. 116, eds. de Loore, Willis, Laskarides, from 's third law (with the period) badly needed. p.45. the total mass of the system. We find a The more general question is, of Lamers, H.J.G.L.M., de Groot, M.J.H., Cassatella, A.: 1983, Astron. Astrophys. mass of about 35 M0 for R 81. This course, whether many P Cyg stars are result is in good agreement with the binaries. Our finding certainly does not 128,299. expectations for a luminous P Cyg star, prove this. However, the small scatter Lamers, H. J. G. L. M., Korevaar, P., CassateI­ but note that it is the first direct mass around the mean light curve shows that la, A: 1985, Astron. Astrophys. 149,29. R 81 intrinsically is at most slightly vari­ Manfroid, J. Heck, A: 1983, Astron. Astro­ estimate for such astar. We note that phys. 120,302. this mass estimate is very uncertain so able. If other P Cyg stars (wh ich are Stahl, 0., Wolf, B., de Groot, M.J.H., Leith­ far and clearly more spectroscopy is observed to be variable with relatively . erer, C.: 1985, Astron. Astrophys. Suppt. needed in order to confirm this result. large amplitude) are similar to R 81 in 61,237. Interestingly, the scatter around the this respect, then the variability ob­ Stahl, 0., Wolf, B., Zickgraf, F.-J.: 1987, As­ mean curve of Figure 3 is only of the served in these stars requires an expla­ tron. Astrophys., submitted. order of 0.05 mag. This means that also nation. Sterken, C.: 1983, The Messenger 33,10. most of the smaller variability which we van Gent, R.H., Lamers, H.J.G.L.M.: 1986, Astron. Astrophys. 158, 335. observed between the eclipses is due to References Waters, L.B.F.M., Wesselius, P.P.: 1986, the changing aspects of the observa­ Aslfon.Aslfophys. 155, 104. tions and not intrinsic to the star. This Appenzeller, 1.: 1972, Pub!. Astron. Soc. Ja­ Wolf, B., Campusano, L., Sterken, C.: 1974, result leads to the suspicion that also pan 24, 483. Astron. Astrophys. 36, 87. other variations of R 81, e. g. the spec­ Cassatella, A, Beeckmans, F., Benvenuti, P., Wolf, B., Stahl, 0., de Groot, M. J. H., Ster­ troscopic variations of certain stellar Clavel, J., Heck, A., Lamers, H.J. G. L. M., ken, C.: 1981, Astron. Astrophys. 99, 351.

Blue Horizontal Branch Field Stars in the Outer Galactic Halo J. SOMMER-LARSEN and P. R. CHRISTENSEN, The Niels Institute, University of Copenhagen

1. Introduction dispersion was found to be - 60 km/so fields located at the SGP (I, b) = (38°, It is a well-known hypothesis that Even if one assumes that the velocity -51°) and (I, b) = (352°, 52°). In total galaxies are surrounded by extended distribution of these objects is isotropic, the catalogues cover 54 square degrees massive envelopes of "dark" matter a mass of only M = (2.6 ± 0.8) * 10" of the sky, and they are complete to V = reaching far beyond the visible edges of M0 is inferred. This does not support 18.5. By observing spectroscopically the galaxies. For our own Galaxy this the hypothesis that the mass of the faint blue stellar objects drawn from hypothesis is supported by kinematical Galaxy increases linearly with Galac­ these catalogues, using the selection and dynamical studies of globular clus­ tocentric distance to distances criterion 0.0 :5 B-V :5 0.2, a sampie of ters in the outer Galactic halo. ~ 100 kpc. 131 bhbf star candidates have been ob­ The usefulness of globular clusters as In order to clarify further on the prop­ tained. test objects for probing the mass dis­ erties of distant halo objects we have The observations were done with the tribution in the outer part of the Galaxy is identified and studied a sampie of blue ESO 2.2-m telescope during a number limited, however, for the following horizontal branch field (bhbf) stars in the of observing runs in the period reason: The sampie is small - the outer Galactic halo (r :5 40 kpc). The 1984-1986. The observational setup number of globular clusters with Galac­ observations are described in section 2, and procedure were the same during all tocentric distances between 15 and and the results are discussed in sec­ observing runs: The detector system 40 kpc, which can be used in a kinemat­ ti on 3. consisted of a Boiler and Chivens spec­ ical analysis, is 14. Furthermore, several trograph together with the dual Reticon recent remeasurements of globular Photon Counting System (RPCS) 2. Observations and Data cluster radial velocities have showl1 (Christensen et al., 1984). The two dec­ Analysis some of these to be substantially in ker holes, each projecting down onto its error. We have carried out a search for bhbf own Reticon-array, corresponded to an 2 Lynden-, and Godwin stars at large Galactocentric distances. area of 4*4 arcsec . With a slit the (1983) studied a sam pie of dwarf Part of the observations have been de­ aperture was reduced to 2 arcsec in the spheroidals situated at very large Galac­ scribed in Sommer-Larsen and Christ­ direction of dispersion. A 600 lines/mm tocentric distances (-100 kpc). They ensen (1985 and 1986). The basic mate­ grating blazed in the first order at found the objects to have quite low line rial was three stellar object catalogues, 4200 A was used yielding a reciprocal of sight velocities (relative to the Galac­ kindly provided by Drs. G. Gilmore and dispersion of -1 Aper channel. The tic restframe) - the line of sight velocity N. Reid. The catalogues cover three wavelength range covered was 13 175 very slowly relative to a Galactic rest­ frame: VROT = 10 ± 32 km/s assuming H31 v0 = 220 km/so This is consistent with 140 what is found in general for metal paar 0' stellar subsystems in the Galaxy. There z tH t t t t are indications that the velocity distribu­ ::> tion of bhbf stars is peaked in the radial >- lOS 0:: direction (towards and away from the <{ 0:: Galactic centre) everywhere in the inner t::: CD Galactic halo. 0:: ~ 70 The observed spatial and kinematical X ::> properties of the system of bhbf stars in -lu... the outer Galactic halo can be modelied without assuming that the Galaxy is em­ bedded in an extended, massive halo " ,,1- 01 , .',",t'\""'" "" .•/"" ,.''., ." ... ' ",,"1 n, ,"." ',I ,'/.,1, '.' "',"',~', "" .,'_ ","\",",.."', ""."~ '.' '.'':"'1 •••\. ,; ....'.....".,\.0\..,•• t,,,"/""'~·:'u,,:,'·,, ~~ ' characterized by an approximately flat ~ O'--_---'-__-L__~_--l__~____l.___"______l__~_ ___.J rotation curve to r 50 kpc. If the 3500 3800 4100 4400 4700 5000 Galaxy is embedded in such a massive WAVELENGTH (AANGSTROM) halo then the motion of bhbf stars in the Figure 1: Part of the spectrum obtained for the bhbfobject H31. The full drawn curve is the flux outer Galactic halo must be predomi­ spectrum. The dotted curve shows the 1 a level due to statistics. The magnitude of the object nantly tangential (Iow eccentricity or­ is V = 18.4, inferring a heliocentric distance of29. 6 kpc. The exposure time was 2, 700 sec. The bits). This contrasts with what is found arrows show the positions of the Balmer lines H 10 (3750 A) to Hf; (4861 A). The radial velocity for halo stars in the inner Galactic halo of this bhbf star was determined to be 20 ± 20 kms-'. and teils us samething about early Galactic history. It certainly does not support a rapid collapse picture for the 3200-5500 Ä. The intrinsic resolution of nique. The rms error was 20 km/s for the outer Galactic halo. It may suggest that the RPCS detector with this dispersion brighter stars, increasing to 25 km/s for the bhbf stars in the outer Galactic halo was - 2.0 Ä, but with the 2 arcsec wide the faintest stars. were formed out of turbulent gas rather slit, the resolution increased to 3.5 Ä. Balmer line widths were used to get a than out of gas with small macroscopic Each object was observed twice, rough estimate of the surface gravities motions. focusing the object in the two decker of the bhbf star candidates. 116 of the Our study of the inner and outer holes subsequently. He-Ar calibration 131 candidates could unambiguously Galactic halo is by no means complete. spectra were obtained after each pair of be identified as bhbf stars. The remain­ Observations of bhbf stars in consider­ exposures. Every star which had an A­ ing 15 may have tao high surface ably more fields probing other parts of star type spectrum, and therefore was a gravities to be bhbf stars and are tenta­ the Galactic halo would be of great in­ potential bhbf star, was exposed until at tively identified as field blue stragglers. terest in the light of the results obtained least 100 (sky-subtracted) counts per so far. Such observations are planned. channel had accumulated in the con­ 3. Discussion tinuum in the centre of the array. No (double) exposure lasted more than An analysis of the data obtained gives References 3,600 s. We were able to obtain such the following results: The system of bhbf spectra for bhbf stars as faint as stars in the Galactic halo is quite round Christensen, P.R. et al., 1984, The V = 18.7 with this combination of tele­ with an axial ratio q - 0.8. The density Messenger 38, 38. scope and detector. Such stars are distribution out to the limit of the sampIe Lynden-Bell, 0., Cannon, R. 0., and Godwin, P.J., 1983, Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 204, located at Galactocentric distances (r - 40 kpc) is weil described by apower Short. Comm., p. 87. r - 40 kpc. A spectrum of a V = 18.4 law with index v - -3. The system of Sommer-Larsen, J. and Christensen, P. R., bhbf star is shown in Figure 1. bhbf stars does neither expand nor con­ 1985, Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 212,851. Radial (Iine of sight) velocities were tract as would be expected for an old, Sommer-Larsen, J. and Christensen, P. R., obtained using the correlation tech- weil mixed system. It rotates, if at all, 1986, Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 219, 537.

And then there were Three ...

At the end of the article about the down'. Persistent efforts by Mr. Syuichi the published positions were somewhat recovered minor MALLY Nakano, who is spending one year at in error (one by more than 30 arc­ (Messenger 46, 11), the five remaining the lAU Centre in Cam­ seconds). Based on the improved mea­ 'lost' minor were enumerated. bridge, Mass., lead to the identification surements, Dr. Brian Marsden, who Readers of this journal may be in­ of (1026) INGRID with a minor planet heads the Minor Planet Centre, was able terested to learn, once more, that observed in early 1986. He sent the to find identifications with minor planets, things move fast in astronomy nowa­ resulting to ESO, where no less observed in 1940, 1981 and 1986. Three days, not only in front-line areas of high than six further images of this planet additional images were found in the energy astrophysics, but also in the were found on plates in the plate lib­ ESO plate library, definitely confirming classical backwaters of celestial rary. these identifications. mechanics. The remeasurement at ESO of the So, now there are only three left ... By early February 1987, two more original 1901 Heidelberg plates of (473) (there are rumours that some of the MP­ lost minor planets had been 'shot NOLLI, lost since that year, showed that people are busy). 14 Where Peculiars Turn Normal - IR Observations of CP Stars R. KROLL, Universitäts-Sternwarte Göttingen

Upper Stars niche, but a necessity in understanding tric calibrations, curve-of-growth analy­ stellar evolution in the presence of sis, etc. tend to produce rather uncer­ If you make all possible simplifica­ magnetic fields, which is a commonly tain, scattering results. 00 we have any tions in the theory of stellar atmo­ encountered configuration. The CP spectral window which is unaffected spheres -LTE, no convection, gas stars are not an accident in stellar evolu­ from the chemical peculiarity of the star, pressure two times the electron tion, but at least one possible branch, or where we can find astand? pressure, plane parallel atmosphere maybe even astate that every upper­ main-sequence star passes. with solar composition, etc. - and look, Infrared Observations of CP Stars where such a concept could actually But the variety of phenomena is dis­ work, you arrive at the upper main se­ couraging at the first glance; let us con­ In 1983 the last hope, the infrared part quence stars. And in fact, there has sider the most commonly observed of the spectrum, seemed to slip away. been much progress in understanding phenomena. In most cases we find a Large f1ux excesses at 5 microns were such atmospheres, the model atmo­ flux deficiency in the ultraviolet spec­ reported, measured at the ESO 1-m sphere grid calculated with Kurucz's trum and in turn a 'heating' of the visual photometric telescope by Groote and famous ATLAS programme as an out­ part which is understood as a ­ Kaufmann. These observations pointed standing example. warming effect from the enhanced metal to the existence of considerable circum­ Yet there is a large fraction (- 20 %) of abundances found in CP 2 stars. In other stellar matter around CP stars, with upper main-sequence stars that refuse words, flux is redistributed from the UV blackbody temperatures of 300 to to obey such simple physics. They show to optical wavelengths. This process 600 K, which must be connected to the large metal overabundance, photome­ works according to the individual CP phenomenon in one way, either be­ tric variability, magnetic fields, breath­ abundance pattern of the specific star, ing the cause of it, or an unavoidable taking spectra or curious flux distribu­ so all temperature estimates, photome- result. Both could hardly be understood tion. Following the systematic of Pres­ ton (1974) we call these stars 'chemical­ Iy peculiar' or shortly CP stars. ALL VoLues of Nov. 84 Compocgn ALL VoLues of Ocl. 86 Compocgn Two mainstreams are distinguished, ~ one that exhibits no magnetic fields and x consists of the metallic line (Am) stars ­ nowadays called CP 1 stars - and the -Manganese (HgMn or CP 3) x stars, and one that displays magnetic J fields up to some 10,000 Gauss on the ~+------,----,.------.-----i ~+---r----r---,----.,------!1 other hand. This article will mainly deal with these magnetic Ap stars, and refer­ E~ ence them, more up-to-date, as CP2 ",,0 stars. Here the physical situation is compli­ x x x cated a little, namely by the strong ~+------,----,.------.-----1 ~+---r----r---,----.,------1 magnetic field. This field in turn tries to be kind to the and keeps the second simplest form possible in most cases, that of a dipole, but inclined by some angle against the rotationa! axis. ~+----.-----.------,------j ~+------'r----r---,----.,------j This working model- the oblique rotator - can explain most of the observed characteristics of CP 2 stars, e. g. the photometric and spectroscopic variabil­ x ity, or polarity changes in the magnetic x L x field, but the question remains, what ~+----.-.,,-----.----r------j ~+---r-----.-----.-----,------j causes the variety of abundance x x x patterns in CP2 stars, which peak in x x x objects like the famous and infamous x x x x Przybylski's star HO 101 065, where " x from the 15 strongest metallic lines 11 ,(' belong to Rare Earth Elements, 6 of M i' M ~+----'-2.-.-"---.-1.-.---.'.•-----1 ~+------'o'.0--'2.-0-----,.'.0--".-0----1 these to the element Holmium, which is Magnitude Magnitude rarely encountered in any other branch Figure 1a: Catalogue minus observed brightness versus intrinsie magnitude for all standard of astrophysics. star measurements during the November 1984 eampaign. The nonlinearity effeet ehanges its Analysing the atmospheres of these slope eontinuously from J to M filter. stars is not a time consuming, unpro­ Figure 1b: Same as 1a, but for the Getober 1986 period. Note that the abszissa spans a ductive work in some astrophysical double range eompared to Figure 1a. Nonlinearity effeets have been greatly diminished. 15 tion a nonlinearity, whatever caused it. resulted in sufficient data for about eight After carefully correcting for that effect, CP stars. Of course we had to restrict

HD3980 none of our programme stars showed ourselves to objects with short periods. any sign of flux excess in the M-band, First of all we checked whether the HD1Z447 though many had been found to be ex­ awful nonlinearity effect was still present HD2Z470 cessive in the Groote and Kaufmann - and were pleased to see that it had HDZ4712 survey. Figure 2 shows this in a Ray­ been nearly totally removed. Note that in HD25267 leigh- diagnosis. We fitted a Figure 1b the abszissa spans now eight

HD28843 straight line through the logarithmic flux­ magnitudes instead of four in Figure 1a. es in the J, H, K and L filter and plotted it Differently to the observations one HD37017 against the of the wavelength. year ago we performed differential HD49333 Now the M value is excessive against a photometry, taking comparison stars in HD54118 blackbody flux distribution in the Ray­ the vicinity of the programme stars. This HDn968 leigh-Jeans approximation, if it lays allows a much higher accuracy, be-

HD74196 above this line. But this is not the case

HD203006 for any of the programme stars.

HD206088 J HKL L' M 12 25 60 100 HD220825 I I 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 The IRAS View HD221006 HD 206 088 HD221760 Though the 5 Il flux excess was dis­ 9400 K HD223640 proven this way, we were sensitized for the possible existence of circumstellar ~ ~-o- - <> <:>- -- -I- - I------, matter and looked far it in the IRAS point ... ..e sources catalogue. We found 40 CP stars of various types, for wh ich good Figure 2: Rayleigh-Jeans diagnosis. M values HD 20 320 above line would indicate flux excesses. All near IR data were present. From the observed stars are normal. CP 2 group none showed fluxes at the 8200 K IRAS wavelengths - which are 12, 25, ~ ~-o- - <> ---- 60 and 100 Il - that would not fit to a -I- - I------blackbody flux distribution. Two objects with the most promising attempts to were found where in fact circumstellar explain the forming up of chemical over­ dust was indicated, but they belong to HD 40 312 abundances, like Michaud's diffusion the He peculiar stars, or CP4 group, 24600 K theory. where we also find stars with Be charac­ But other researchers, like Bonsack teristics. Dust shells are not uncommon ~ ~-<>- - "<><:>- -- -I- - I------and Dyck were unable to verify the for these objects. Positively spoken, our claimed fluxes, so a careful reinvestiga­ result from the IRAS data is that CP tion of the subject was desirable. Franco stars show normal main-sequence HD 29 305 Catalano from CataniaiSicily joined a characteristics in the infrared as far as 11900 K group at Göttingen University Observa­ we can observe them. Figure 3 shows tory in that attempt. Our first observing some examples for various CP types. ~ ~-<>- - ~ - - -- -I- - T ------period dated November 19 (84 at the We may now savely conclude that all ESO 1-m telescope, equipped with its flux redistribution, caused by the curi­ liquid nitrogen cooled IR photometer ous chemistry of the CP stars has come HD 27 376 with InSb diode, which had undergone to an end at infrared wavelengths, and 14000 K of course some minor changes since the hence the infrared fluces are a superb time when Detlef Groote and Jens-Peter indicatar for the thermal properties of ~ ~-<>- - ~ ------1------Kaufmann had made their exciting mea­ the atmospheres and a solid stand for surements. further analysis. In the first moment the observations HD 61641 made by Franco Catalano looked puz­ = IR Light Curves zling to us, when they were reduced in 13600 K Göttingen. The calibration with standard The next logical step is to get precise stars from Koornneef's list was not light curves in the infrared, wh ich tell us :r satisfactory, because it showed a large what thermal changes take place, as the ~~-<>--~------scatter. During our attempts to localize brings different parts of 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 the reason for that scatter, we plotted the atmosphere into the line of sight of the difference between the expected the observer. For this project Franco log (A.) and the measured brightness against Catalano and I got ten nights of observ­ Figure 3: IRAS observations. Fluxes above the star's intrinsic magnitude in the ing time at the 1-m in October 1986. dashed line are excessive against a ­ specific filter. And here's the surprise Unfortunately the delayed spring made body with the indicated temperature, de­ (Fig. 1a)! this time shrink to merely four nights duced from the near IR colours. The CP4 star Instead of showing the expected effectively. HO 61641 shows indications ofa dust shell, which gives it Be type characteristics. All scatter around a horizontalline, a clear Another handicap was that in the be­ other stars show blackbody flux distribution correlation was seen, wh ich - even ginning we did not know which stars worse - reversed its trend with increas­ (HO 206088 and 20320 are cool CP2 stars, would show pronounced variability. Our HO 40312 and 29305 hot Si type CP2 stars, ing wavelength, from the J- to the M­ compromise in having many data points HO 27374 is a CP3 star). Error bars indicate filter. This effect may be called by defini- per star as weil as many st~rs checked, 30. 16 line of sight. So we have a total ex­ <-_ variation in flux corresponds to a 3 % X temperature change, which in the case X xX of a Oor gives 350 K. That means, the < x xxx -x< particular star the atmospheric varia­