CP Final Poland 7596/2007 Country Profile
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EUROPEAN COMMISSION HEALTH & CONSUMERS DIRECTORATE-GENERAL Directorate F - Food and Veterinary Office DG (SANCO)/7596/2007 - CP Final FINAL COUNTRY PROFILE OF POLAND ON FOOD AND FEED SAFETY, ANIMAL HEALTH, ANIMAL WELFARE AND PLANT HEALTH 127820 Valid as of April 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 3 1. COMPETENT AUTHORITIES AND OVERALL DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................................................. 4 2. COMPETENT AUTHORITIES AND DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES IN RELATION TO INDIVIDUAL CONTROL SYSTEMS................................................................................................................. 14 2.1. Control system for animal health .................................................................... 14 2.2. Control system for food of animal origin........................................................ 17 2.3. Control system for imports of animals and food of animal origin.................. 20 2.4. Control system for feedingstuffs and animal nutrition.................................... 22 2.5. Control system for TSE/ABP.......................................................................... 24 2.6. Control system for veterinary medicines and residues.................................... 29 2.7. Control system for foodstuffs and food hygiene............................................. 32 2.8. Control system for imports of food of plant origin ......................................... 37 2.9. Control system for plant protection products (PPP)........................................ 40 2.10. Control system for animal welfare .................................................................. 45 2.11. Control system for plant health ....................................................................... 48 3. FOLLOW-UP OF FVO INSPECTIONS .................................................................. 51 3.1. Animal health.................................................................................................. 55 3.2. Food of animal origin...................................................................................... 59 3.3. Imports of animals and food of animal origin................................................. 61 3.4. Feedingstuffs and animal nutrition.................................................................. 63 3.5. TSE/ABP......................................................................................................... 63 3.6. Veterinary medicines and residues.................................................................. 67 3.7. Foodstuffs and food hygiene ........................................................................... 67 3.8. Imports of food of plant origin........................................................................ 68 3.9. Plant Protection Products ................................................................................ 69 3.10. Animal welfare................................................................................................ 70 3.11. Plant health...................................................................................................... 71 3.12. Overview of more recent inspections.............................................................. 72 ANNEX I – ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMS .................... 73 ANNEX II – OVERVIEW OF STAFF RESOURCES..................................................... 76 ANNEX III – TRAINING SYSTEMS.............................................................................. 77 2 Valid as of April 2008 INTRODUCTION This country profile has been drawn up by the Food and Veterinary Office (FVO), a directorate of the Directorate-General for Health and Consumers of the European Commission. The aim is to present in summary form the latest information available to the FVO on how control systems for food and feed safety, animal health, animal welfare and plant health are organised in Poland. The information in the country profile has been compiled from: • recent written submissions and background documentation from the Polish authorities detailing how control systems are organised; • the results of missions to Poland carried out in recent years by teams from the FVO and, in particular, the general review mission in Poland in December 2007 to analyse the full range of control systems for food and feed safety, animal health, animal welfare and plant health. The country profile is presented in three parts: • Part 1 describes the overall organisation of the Polish authorities and the respective responsibilities of the ministries and government agencies in relation to the different components of the control system. A chart is used to help the reader better understand the inter-relationships between the responsibilities of the different bodies. • Part 2 gives a more detailed description of the main responsibilities for each of the eleven separate systems that form the complete range of control systems in Poland covering the whole chain of plant, animal and food production. Flow charts are used to help the reader. • Part 3 contains an overview of the missions carried out by the FVO to Poland since 2003 and, for each control system, gives an assessment of specific recommendations reviewed in the general review mission of December 2007. The country profile will be updated at regular intervals based on the results of future missions and other relevant information received by the Commission from the Polish competent authorities. Acronyms are used extensively throughout this report for the sake of brevity. A list of acronyms, abbreviations and special terms is given in Annex I to the report as a guide for the reader. 3 Valid as of April 2008 1. COMPETENT AUTHORITIES AND OVERALL DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES The Republic of Poland has an organisational structure consisting of a central level, 16 Voivodships (regions), 379 Poviats (districts) and 2,478 Gminas (municipalities). In relation to the control systems for food and feed safety, animal health, animal welfare and plant health, the central level has overall responsibility. Most implementation and enforcement activities are carried out at Voivodship and/or Poviat level, with a vertical chain of command between central, Voivodship and Poviat levels. The number of sub- units at Poviat level varies slightly between the different organisations. The main organisations involved are the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the Ministry of Health (MH). Co-operation and information exchange between the ministries is governed by co-operation agreements, which are replicated at regional and district levels. The following table lists the relevant authorities with responsibility for animal health, feed and food safety, animal welfare and plant health in Poland. Where available, links to internet web pages are also given. An overview of the staff resources of these authorities is given at Annex II. Website (if Central level available) MARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural http://www.minrol. Development gov.pl GVI General Veterinary Inspectorate http://www.wetgiw. gov.pl/ ARMA Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation http://www.arimr.g of Agriculture ov.pl/ MISPHSIS Main Inspectorate of State Plant Health and http://www.piorin. Seeds Inspection Service gov.pl/ MIAFQI Main Inspectorate of Agricultural and Food http://www.ijhars.g Quality Inspection ov.pl MH Ministry of Health http://www.mz.gov. pl CSI Chief Sanitary Inspectorate of the State http://www.gis.gov. Sanitary Inspection (SSI) pl/ MPI Main Pharmaceutical Inspectorate http://www.gif.gov. pl MF Ministry of Finance http://www.mofnet. gov.pl MT Ministry of Transport RTI Road Transport Inspection (under the http://www.gitd.go Ministry of Transport) v.pl Regional/District Level CC Custom Chambers http://www.mf.gov. pl VVI Voivodship Veterinary Inspectorate (regional level) PVI Poviat Veterinary Inspectorate (district level) BVI Border Veterinary Inspectorate VSPHSIS Voivodship Inspectorate of SPHSIS 4 Valid as of April 2007 Field and Border units of SPHSIS VSES Voivodship Sanitary and Epidemiological http://www.gis.gov. Station (of CSI) pl/ PSES Poviat Sanitary and Epidemiological Station http://www.gis.gov. (of CSI) pl/ BSES Border Sanitary and Epidemiological Station http://www.gis.gov. (of CSI) pl/ VPI Voivodship Pharmaceutical Inspectorate www.gif.gov.pl VTI Voivodship Transport Inspectorates VIAFQI Voivodship Inspectorate of Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection Laboratories NVRI The National Veterinary Research Institute http://www.piwet.pu situated in Pulawy lawy.pl RVL 16 Regional Veterinary Laboratories (+ 16 branches) SSI 16 integrated official food control laboratories http://www.gis.gov. (Regional level) pl/ National Institute Reference laboratory www.pzh.gov.pl of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene (NIPH - NIH) Food and Reference laboratory www.izz.waw.pl Nutrition Institute (FNI) VSES Rzeszow - Reference laboratory (GMO in food) http://www.pis.rzesz Tarnobrzeg ow.pl/ division CL of SPHSIS Central Laboratory of the Main Inspectorate of the SPHSIS RL of the Regional Laboratories of VSPHSIS (16) VSPHSIS SPHSIS BIP Diagnostic Units in Border Inspection Posts (12) PPI Plant Protection Institute with 5 branches RIPF Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture IIOC Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry AFQIL 12 official MIAFQI laboratories at national level