Invest in Guidebook

Investment opportunities, legal and economic environment


In today’s dynamically changing world, each may reckon on when considering prospects of opening and every state’s successin promotion of foreign business in our country. direct investment is largely determined by its ability National Agency of Investment and Privatization to not only perceive present, but also envisage serves as a reliable and competent partner for future needs of businesses and, consequently, act businesses through all stages of investment projects proactively while creating a favorable investment realization in Belarus, employing its long-time climate. experience and expertise while rendering free-of-charge Drawing on its key competitive advantages – professional consultative, communication and unique location, considerable human, industrial and organizational assistance to investors. logistical potential, and forward-looking legislation – This edition encompasses the most up-to-date Belarus today continues to consistently enhance information on the top priority sectors for FDI, conditions for doing business, adequately adjusting opportunities available within various preferential to new realities and successfully implementing regimes, judicial aspects of investments, Belarus’s digital transformation of the national economy. primary avenues of multi-faceted international Stable domestic political situation, high level of cooperation and even more. public security, coherent and constantly improving I am confident, inside You will find a complete legal regulations of investment activity aimed to answer to the question “Why more and more mitigate risks and lower costs for investors, diversity investors today opt for Belarus?”. of preferential regimes and individual approach make up just a small part of privileges every single investor Aleksandr Chervyakov Minister of Economy, Republic of Belarus Belarus in world rankings: Food Industry strong potential,  IT Industry good performance One-stop shop for investors: Promising sectors for National Agency of Investment investment and Privatization Pharmaceutical industry Services Renewable energy Public private partnership Transport and Logistics (PPP) program Automotive Industry Step-by-step algorithms for an investor

Economy of Belarus International cooperation and overview foreign capital in Belarus Consumer price index FDI on net basis International trade Eurasian integration Belarus-European Union relations: long way from neighborhood to partnership Belarus-China : towards the new level of cooperation International economic organizations  Legal Environment for

Foreign Investment ...... 

. Investment laws ...... 6 . Corporate law: setting up a Business in Belarus.Main organisational and legal forms ......  . Privatization ......  . Merger filing requirements in Belarus ...... 7  TAXES ......  . Financial regulation . Corporate profit tax (CPT) .  in Belarus ...... 7 . Withholding tax (WHT) . . .  . Legal status of land . Personal income tax (PIT) .  and other real property . . . . 7 . Social security . Intellectual property contributions (SSC) ......  protection ...... 7 . VAT ......  . Employment specifics ...... 7 . Land tax ......  . Dispute resolution ...... 7 . Real estate (RET) ......  . Offshore duty ......  . Ecological tax and Natural resources tax ......  . Taxation treaties ......  


According to a report published by the growth of the number of residents from many World Bank, Belarus currently ranks th on parts of the world and a noticeable boost in its Ease of Doing Business scale ( position revenues. up). Belarus has progress in such areas as In addition, Belarus has become one of “Getting Credit” ( positions up) and “Trad- the first countries in the world to create a ing across borders” ( positions up). In our legal framework for cryptocurrencies and opinion, this reflects Belarus Government’s initial coin offerings. Our jurisdiction has consistent efforts to stay competitive in never offered more exciting opportunities to attracting investors, collaborating with business than before. partners, improving its legal framework for business, and modernizing the economy. After an almost three year recession, the Kind regards, national economy is growing again. Some of the growth drivers are breakthrough projects such as High Tech Park (already nicknamed Maksim Salahub, by some as “Silicon Valley of the Eastern Partner at Sorainen Europe) and Belarus Industrial Park “Great Stone “

Investment Opportunities 

Belarus in world rankings: One-stop shop for investors: strong potential, National Agency of Investment good performance and Privatization Promising sectors for Services investment Public private partnership Pharmaceutical industry (PPP) program Renewable energy Step-by-step algorithms Transport and Logistics for an investor Automotive Industry Food Industry  IT Industry 8  . BELARUS IN WORLD RANKINGS: STRONG POTENTIAL, GOOD PERFORMANCE

Since 99, Belarus has been constantly improving its Human Development Index rank. According to the 9 Human Development Report, Belarus is categorized as the country with the very high human development level. 

In the Doing Business  ranking , Belarus occupies 49th place.

According to the data of the World Bank, the Near-term external financing risks have Republic of Belarus has maintained its leading declined due to the preemptive government position in the total number of reforms aimed at borrowings, and due to an increase in international improving business climate. In the ranking of Doing reserves. The rating also takes into account such Business , the Republic is on the 9th position factors as the improved terms of trade, the risks of among 9 countries. In the Starting a Business the financial sector, the state of the government ranking Belarus occupies the th position. Belarus budget and the economic growth prospects. made starting a business easier by abolishing the Estimations of international rating agencies requirement to register the book of Registry of reveal the strengthening of the financial reputation Inspections, and allowing its purchase within six of the Republic of Belarus. months of incorporation. By the Dealing with Belarus also ranked 66th among  countries Construction Permits ranking, Belarus is on the 8th in the Transparency International Corruption position. Belarus made dealing with construction Perceptions Index for 9. permits easier by streamlining the process at the Belarus has been ranked 72nd in the world and one-stop shop. th in Europe in the Global Innovation Index (GII) In January , the Organization for Economic 9 prepared jointly by Cornell University, INSEAD Cooperation and Development (OECD) improved the Business School and the World Intellectual Property position of Belarus in the classification of country Organization (WIPO). The country has climbed  risks and moved the country from the th to the 6th places up since the last year, taking its place between category. Currently Belarus maintains its position. Brunei and Argentina. One of the main drivers that The improvement in the OECD risk rating position improved Belarus’ ranking in the GII is mobile app reduced the cost of credit resources provided by development. The country is now ranked th foreign banks to Belarusian importing enterprises and worldwide in the «Mobile app creation» indicator. became a positive moment in building the country’s It should be noted, that Belarus is ranked rd credit image. in the world in the percentage of white collar Standard & Poor's has upgraded Belarus' long- (intellectual) workers to the total number of term sovereign credit rating for foreign employees. The country is also No.  in the world liabilities to "B"level (stable outlook). Moody's in the proportion of females with an advanced Investors Servicehas upgraded Belarus' long-term academic degree to the total number of people sovereign credit rating to "B" (stableoutlook). employed in the economy. The ratings have been changed due to the improved economic growth and external financing. Fitch Ratings has upgraded Belarus' longterm sovereign credit rating for foreign and domestic currency liabilities to "B" level (stable outlook). 

According to the Human Development Report 9, 8 IT-companies with development offices in Belarus Belarus ranks th out ofУAловите 9 countries свое in the Human were included in "The  Global Outsourcing " Development Index. Belarus is included to the very rating. This is a rating of the  best outsources in high human development category. the world according to the International Association Belarus ranks 8th out of 9 in the Social of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP). The Belarus- Progress Index 9. Belarus has improved its position in based companies included in the top- best comparison with the previous results. Belarus has the outsourcers were as follows: A1QA, Bell Integrator, highest scores on the following components of social Ciklum, IBA Group, Intetics, Itransition, iTechArt Group, progress: access to basic knowledge, nutrition and Qulix. The main selection criteria were a company's basic medical care, water and sanitation, shelter, profitability, team growth, the best projects, customer personal safety. recommendations and the level of corporate social According to the ranking of the International responsibility and innovation. Telecommunication Union, published in , the According to the rating of European Cities and Republic of Belarus occupies nd place out of  Regions of the Future -, compiled by fDi countries in the Information and Communication Intelligence (division of The Financial Times), Minsk Technology Index (Belarus is ahead of and entered the top- Best Cities for Cost Effectiveness Kazakhstan). in Europe, taking the second place after Tbilisi. The According to the UN E-Government Survey  European Cities and Regions of the Future - “E-Government in Support of Sustainable Development”, rating is an analysis of European cities in terms of the Republic of Belarus ranked th in the E-government business and investment development. Readiness Index out of 9 countries, having moved  The research was carried out by the leading experts positions up as compared with the 6. It was the first of the Foreign Direct Investment division and was time the country entered the top- list. The Republic based on the analysis of the economic potential, of Belarus was the first country in the CIS to complete human resources, level of costs of doing business, living the transition to digital broadcasting. standards, quality of infrastructure, ease of doing business, strategy to attract foreign direct investment.

GLOBAL INNOVATION INDEX HUMAN DEVELOPMENT THE SOCIAL PROGRESS INDEX DOING BUSINESS   REPORT  Country DB index ranking Country Index ranking Country Index ranking Country Index ranking New Zealand  Switzerland  Norway  Norway  Lithuania  Poland  Poland  Lithuania  Kazakhstan  Russia  Russia  Poland  Russia  7 Belarus  Belarus  Belarus  Belarus 7 Kazahstan  Russia  Ukraine  Kazahst an 7 Turkey  Kazahst an  Uzbekistan  Azerbaijan  Armenia  Ukraine  Kyrgyz Republi c  Kyrgyz Republi c  Ukraine  Kyrgyz R epubli c   . PROMISING SECTORS FOR INVESTMENT

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 7 as of  May, , determines a list of priority sectors of economy for investment:

information and sugar and railway and construction, reconstruction communications confectionery industry air transport and equipping checkpoints technologies across the state border Belarus

production of electrical, leather and footwear metallurgy grain processing industry optical-mechanical, industry instrument-making commodities

recycling of secondary construction, reconstruction and textile industry canning industry material resources equipping of checkpoints across the state border of Belarus

culture public service activities oil and fat industry creation and development of the logistics system

mechanical engineering   . PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Manufacturing of pharmaceutical products in Belarus provides duty-free access to the large and dynamic market of  member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan).

HIGH-LEVEL HR POTENTIAL GOVERNMENTAL SUPPORT OF INVESTMENT PROJECTS IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Pharmaceutical industry of the Republic of Belarus employs more than 8 thsd. Belarus has adopted a comprehensive state professionals of different qualification levels program for the development of the pharmaceutical possessing a wide range of skills. Each year, they industry. According to the program, the share of are joined by  graduates. This creates a stable locally produced medicines consumed in the country basis for a personnel inflow into new enterprises should reach 5% by the end of  (in 9, this and segments of the industry. indicator amounted to .% in monetary terms).

PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION IN BELARUS, The objectives of the Belarusian pharmaceutical USD MLN industry for the period up to the end of  are as follows: +6,% +,% • creation of a modern research infrastructure for  , 6  8 development and production of innovative 68, +9,% pharmaceutical products, including reconstruction of 9,6 existing enterprises and construction of modern production facilities, which will meet international quality standards, • cooperation with leading pharmaceutical manufacturers through the organization of joint ventures and foreign enterprises.

 8 9

Аs of January , the amount of medicines produced in Belarus amounted to ,6 items (in 8 - 5 items) 

In general, over the past few years, a positive growth trend has been observed in the pharmaceutical market of Belarus, significantly exceeding GDP growth.

The production of pharmaceutical products over the past four years increased SHARE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC by .% and amounted to USD . mln. DRUGS (IN VALUE TERMS, %) In , production increased by .% compared to .

, 3, 3, , ,*

The geographical structure of pharmaceutical products import to Belarus is      quite diversified. Thus, the largest shares come *planned from Russia (.0%), Germany (.%), Share of domestic drugs France (.%), India (.7%), Slovenia (3.%) Share of imported drugs and the USA (3.%).



3. .

   

EXPORT OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS FROM BELARUS , USD MLN . Implementation of the import substitution .6 program in the pharmaceutical industry is to a great extent dependent on the availability . of raw materials and active pharmaceutical ingredients, which, however, are not produced in Belarus. Thus, about 6 substances for the production of medicines are synthesized    in the country and more than 8 are imported. Generally, substances are bought in countries with significant competitive advantages in the Source: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus production costs, namely India, Pakistan and China. Since the production of substances is very expensive and based on scale effect, and also has low marginality, it is more appropriate to In order to reduce dependence on produce finished pharmaceutical products (FPPs) import and increase domestic production, in Belarus. the Republic of Belarus adopted the “State Program on development of import- In , growth in the export of pharmaceuticals substituting production of pharmaceuticals, and pharmaceutical products compared to  medicines and diagnostic tools for amounted to .%. The geographical structure -4 and for the period until ”. of export reveals the significant impact of the CIS According to this program, the share of countries. More than % of export goes the Russa. domestic drugs in the Belarusian The mass segment and low prices are the main pharmaceutical market should reach 5% competitive advantages of Belarusian medicines in value terms by the end of . It should producers. be noted that in  Belarusian drugs occupied . % of the market in value terms. Belarus has a high level of integration into the international system of pre-production testing and medicines quality control.   . REN EWABLE ENERGY


The Republic of Belarus has at its disposal a significant resource potential for development of renewable energy sources (thereafter – RES).

• Belarus has sufficient wind energy resources • Belarus has large economic potential for the for the development of wind energy. The use of biogas and biomass, as well the average annual background wind speed in the availability of the necessary raw materials country is about .5 m/s at an altitude of  m. (municipal solid waste, agricultural waste, At the altitudes of 8- m from the surface wastewater treatment facilities, etc.) of the earth wind speed reaches average values from 5. to 5. m/s. According to the research findings,  regions of the country are the most promising for the development of wind energy. , places for potential wind farms with possible energy potential of ,6 MW were identified in Belarus • In Belarus, the annual arrival of solar radiation per unit of area is comparable with the figures for Germany, Poland and other countries where this type of energy is developing rapidly

• As for hydropower, the economically feasible potential for using hydropower resources is concentrated in Grodno, and Mogilev regions on the river basins of Neman, Western Dvina and Dnepr • Wood fuel is still remainig the most used type of RES. Illiquid wood, logging and woodworking ] According to the country's energy waste could be used most effectively by reprocessing security concept, the share of primary into wood chips or pellets energy production from RES should reach % in the gross fuel and energy resources consumption by the end of , and % by the end of 5. 


According to the current legislation, the state purchases energy produced by RES power plants at a preferential tariff.

Electric energy produced by plants The coefficient may be decreased on that were created within the limits of the initiative of a particular investor, who quotas distributed before November , 9, has an intent to build RES power plant is purchased using increasing coefficients, within quotas. and within the limits of quotas distributed after this date, using coefficients that stimulate the use of RES. Since 9, identical coefficients are applied for all types of green energy. Within the first  years after RES power plant commissioning the size of the coefficients depends on the capacity of the plant.

CURRENT USE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES IN BELARUS Annual electricity generation* 6.5 biogas energy . biomass energy .3 solar energy 6.7 hydro energy 7.6 wind energy

  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *Total:.6thsd kWh/year

Number of installations*

 biogas energy  biomass energy

solar energy  5 hydro energy 5 wind energy

   6      *Total:55 installations SOURCE: State Committee for Standardization of Belarus 


The use of RES in Belarus is one of the b) stimulating state policy priority areas for energy sector development. • the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. - Systematic work on development of the as of December ,  “On Renewable renewable energy sector is organized and Energy Sources” supported by all level state authorities and • the Decree No.  as of September , 9 is expressed in: “On Renewable Energy Sources” a) providing legal guarantees • the Resolution of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation of the Republic of Belarus No. 73 • guaranteed connection to the state power as of September , 8 “On Tariffs for Electric supply network; Energy Generated from Renewable Energy Sources” • guaranteed purchase by the state energy • State Program "Energy saving" for - company of all the proposed energy produced from RES; • guaranteed payment for all energy produced c) The RES inclusion in the country’s fuel and from RES at preferential tariffs. energy complex

As of the beginning of , RES power plants, operating in the Republic of Belarus, are as follows: - 5 photovoltaic power stations with a total electric capacity of approximately . MW, the largest - Rechitsa PPS PA Belorusneft -  MW - hydroelectric power stations with a total installed capacity of 9. MW; the largest are (. MW) and Vitebsk ( MW) hydroelectric power stations - 99 wind power plants with a total installed capacity of almost 8 MW, the largest wind farm (6 combined wind turbines) - Novogrudok district (9 MW, RUE "Grodnoenergo") -  biogas plants with a total electric capacity of about 3 MW, the largest is SEC Dawn them. KP Orlovsky - .8 MW - 9 mini-CHP on wood fuel with a technical capacity of  MW.  . T RANSPORT AND LOGISTICS


The transport complex is an essential part of economic and social infrastructure of the country and is aimed to meet efficiently the needs of the population in transport services, maintain activity of all sectors of the economy and provide national security. The Republic of Belarus is located at the intersection of major pan-European transport corridors (II "West-East" and IX "North-South"), and its advantageous geographical position has determined a well-developed transport infrastructure. The trans-European transport corridor, as well as its branch, provides access for cargo owners from the regions of Eastern Ukraine and Central Russia to the specialized seaports of Klaipeda, Ventspils and Kaliningrad. The transport infrastructure of Belarus includes a wide network of railways, air routes, highways, river and pipeline transport. The main share in the structure of goods transit by type of transport belongs to road transportation - %, railroad transportation - 4% and pipeline - %. Export of transport services in 9 reached  9.9 mln USD, which is . % up as compared with 8.

The length of railways amounts to ,  km, The length of motor roads is . thousand km, including , km of electrified sections. including . thousand km of hard-surface roads

The total pipeline length is nearly The total length of the operated waterways amounts  thousand km, /3 of which are gas pipelines. to , km

Currently, a set of measures is being implemented in the Republic of Belarus in order to develop the logistics system and transit potential. 

WATER TRANSPORT Navigation in the Republic of Belarus is carried out by inland waterways (the , Berezina, Sozh, Pripyat, Western Dvina, 8. ths tons  mln Nieman rivers, Dnieper-Bug and Mikashevichy of cargo were passengers were channels). The total length of Belarusian inland transported transported waterways amounts to ,. km, including ,8. km of the waterways with guaranteed The development of Belarusian air transport is depth. associated with continuous work to increase the Water transport is important since its energy capacity of airports, expand the transportation consumption per unit of transport work is much geography, increase the efficiency of regional airports, lower than that of road transport and .- replace equipment of automated control systems, use times less than that of rail transport. visualization systems and tools, increase aviation In this regard, it is very important to security, etc. reanimate the former waterways connecting In , implementation of investment projects will the Black and Baltic Seas basins . Among them continue (including construction of the aircraft repair is the Dnieper-Vistula-Oder water transport plant in the territory adjacent to the Minsk National connection. Airport as well as reconstruction of the first artificial A number of export-import freight flows runway at the Minsk National Airport). of Belarus, Poland, Ukraine and other European countries, as well as flows from Scandinavia, AUTOMOBILE TRANSPORT the volume of which is estimated at millions Road transport in conjunction with urban electric of tons, are connected to this transport system. transport and the metro carries about  percent of Water tourism development, reconstruction the total passenger traffic. In addition, about  of inland waterways, which provide access to percent of the total freight traffic is transported by road. the territory of Ukraine and to the Black Sea, Increase in the share of EURO- vehicles providing infrastructure development on the international international transport in the total volume of all waterway E-, transport fleet modernization, purchased pull vehicles, implementation of a creation of the State administration of water coordinated transport policy within the framework of transport and other measures contribute to the EEU, transition to a non-permissive system to/from improving the system of water transport. the third countries for road cargo carriers by , implementation of electronic and information technologies in the system of international road transport will contribute to the accelerated attraction of foreign investment to in this area. . million tons  thsd of cargo were passengers were transported transported

. million tons  . mln AIR TRANSPORT of cargo were passengers were Air transport of the Republic of Belarus is a transported transported complex of enterprises and organizations About . million units of cars, motorcycles and transporting passengers and cargo by air both trailers are registered in Belarus (.% are in in the Republic of Belarus and outside, as well personal use, .9% belong to legal persons), as performing aerial work. In the Republic of including about . million cars (according to the Belarus, every major regional city has its State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of airport. Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus as of January , ). According to the Association of International Road Carriers “BAMAP”, there are over  thousand vehicles registered in Belarus, which are capable of international cargo transportation (about  thousand economic entities).


RAIL TRANSPORT of energy-sources from Russia to the European Railway transport is one of the most important Union through Belarus. The total length of elements of the transport system of the Republic pipelines is within  thousand km, / of which of Belarus. are gas pipelines. The share of pipeline transport The state association “Belarusian Railways” is the in the total cargo turnover of Belarus is .%. operator of the Belarusian railway network, which The growth of cargo flows on Belarusian routes provides about % of all freight traffic in the is achieved through timely response to changes country. The operational length of the railways is in the transport services market, optimization of . thousand km. transport schemes for basic foreign trade goods and improvement of tariff conditions. The main volume of goods exported by the EEU member states is transported by sea/river (.% of export volume), pipeline (.%) and rail (6.6 %) transport. . mln tons . mln Within the 9-9 period, in the Republic of of cargo were passengers were Belarus transport services accounted for almost a third transported transported of the services exports growth (. percentage points compared with . pp of the total increase) and grew The Belarusian railway is one of the most up by . times: from US$ . billion in  to important links in ensuring trade and economic US$  billion in 9. The main consumers of transport ties between the countries of the European Union services from the Republic of Belarus are Russia, and the Asia-Pacific region. Germany, USA, Lithuania. It is predicted that in the Such measures as participation in large - scale medium term, the growth in export of transport projects, including organization of container services will be determined by the increase in transport between China and Western Europe, commodity circulation and by  will amount interlinking of the EEU and the to about .-. billion US dollars. "One Belt One Road" project, improvement of LOGISTICS INFRASTRUCTURE cargo transportation technologies by The sharp increase in the number of logistics centers implementing direct accelerated container trains, in the Republic of Belarus, which was largely due to renewal of rolling stock and other will create the low launching base, was replaced by a period of prerequisites for building capacity in the qualitative development. It is precisely with qualitative development of railway transport. changes in the former quantitative boundaries that PIPELINE TRANSPORT logistics responds to crisis phenomena in the economy. Druzhba (large oil pipeline) and Yamal-Europe According to the World Bank, in developed countries, (main gas pipeline) pipelines are of particular logistics services provide from  to % of a country's importance, providing transit transportation GDP with a tendency to increase. In the European Union, –% of GDP is formed due to logistics. Volume of freight forwarding services In recent years, the trend towards increasing the share (Association of International Freight of logistics services in GDP has been observed in Belarus. Forwarders and Logistics «BAIF»)

. Volume of freight forwarding services rendered (by type of transport), million US dollars: . . . . . . .  . . .        Under agreements with non-residents    of the Republic of Belarus Under agreements with residents of the Republic of Belarus Source: Association of International Freight Forwarders and Logistics «BAIF» 

Currently, about  logistics centers operate in Belarus, of which Minsk accounts for more than %. About % of the existing logistics centers are state-owned, while the rest were created by domestic (OMA, Prostor, Euroopt, etc.) and foreign investors (from Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran and China). According to the BAIF, in , the area of warehouse space of "A" class is planned to exceed  million square meters. As for the distribution of warehouse space by consumers in Minsk and Minsk region, as of the beginning of 9, suppliers and online stores occupied the lion's share - %, followed by retail chains - %, logistics - % and manufacturers - 8% (according to the data announced at the "Warehouse real estate/logistics services" conference). In , the average rental rates in Minsk were as follows: . -  euros for class A , . euros for class B,  euros for class C. Сlass B warehouses with an area of  to  square meters are the most popular. As you move - km away from the Minsk Ring Highway, the rental rates are reduced by an average of  EUR per  m² compared to similar properties located inside the Minsk Ring Highway area (according to Colliers International). Built-in administrative premises with good visibility and access from the Minsk Ring Highway are in high demand among investors. As a rule, premises of this format are vended at the construction stage already: a sale is carried out or lease agreements are signed. Rental rates for such property are - euros per square meter including VAT. As for the regions, class C warehouses and production facilities prevail there. The most attractive are property units on the territory of the free economic zones and at the logistics centers of enterprises. As before, Minsk (outside the Minsk Ring Highway, near the II and IX trans-European transport corridors) and Brest (the border with Poland) remain the most attractive regions for construction of logistics centers. With the purpose of integration into global logistics schemes two special economic zones have been created in the Republic of Belarus – the China-Belarus Industrial Park «Great Stone» and «Bremino-». A comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of logistics activities is presented in the World Bank Logistics Performance Index (LPI). The LPI index assesses the ease of delivery of goods and the state of trade logistics at the national and international level. Belarus occupies the  place in World Bank Logistic Efficiency Rating. The warehouse real estate market is stable, supply and demand are balanced . AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Mechanical engineering is one of the main industries that determine the development of the world economic system.Its technological level dictates the price and quality parameters of products of industrial enterprises , and ensures their competitiveness

The machine-building complex of Belarus communication, aerospace), the use of the latest includes production of electrical equipment, materials with specified properties, and achievements machinery and equipment, computer, electronic of micro - and photoelectronics, which form the and optical products, as well as transport vehicles technological basis of the knowledge economy. and equipment. It accounts for more than % of The production potential of the machine-building the Republic's manufacturing industry. Modern industry in Belarus is comprised of the highly innovative processes in Belarusian mechanical qualified workforce and extended infrastructure, engineering are based on higher-level technologies which includes know-how, scientific organizations, (bio -, nanotechnology, information and supply and distribution channels. 

Industry leaders: Electric transport development in Belarus Belarusian machine building industry In order to stimulate demand and create is widely known abroad for such national favorable conditions for the development brands as BELAZ dump trucks, “Belarus” of the production of electric vehicles and tractors, and MAZ trucks. Amkodor's special automotive components, the Presidential equipment and Gomselmash's agricultural Decree of the Republic of Belarus "On the machinery have also found their own markets, Promotion of the Use of Electric Cars" was constantly expanding the geography of signed in March . The Decree provides exports. benefits for the owners of electric vehicles, In , engineering products output such as exemption from road tolls and public totaled $. bln US dollars. The largest parking charges; exemption of individuals from increase was in the production of transport VAT when purchasing an electric vehicle for vehicles and equipment (+.%). The personal use; exemption of electric charging production of motor cars, trailers and stations from VAT, etc. Also, according to the semitrailers for agricultural machinery Decree, land property for electric charging increased almost  times, and the output stations will be provided without auctions. of fertilizer application machines - Motorization coefficient in Belarus is one  times. Also, in , Belarusian export of the largest among former Soviet states and of engineering products such as accounted for  passenger cars per  tractors and auto parts increased by population at the beginning of . % in physical terms. More than % In , , new cars were sold by of Belarusian engineering products are Belarusian dealers (+% as compared with sold abroad. 8). As of the beginning of , LADA occupied the first place by the number of new cars sold in the country. Renault ranked the second, Volkswagen the third, and the fourth place belonged to Geely.



 Minsk 39  Mogilev region Grodno region 4 Minsk region

48  Brest region region

Source: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus 


The existence of the Eurasian Economic Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan offers the entirely new prospects for foreign investors in Belarus. Belarus is the largest supplier of food products to the CIS countries and has a favorable geographical position to gain leading status in the region.

GROWTH POTENTIAL (th place in the world), .% of potatoes, .% of sugar It is projected that the growth beet, .% of milk; the country occupies th place in potential of the food industry will the world by cranberry production. remain at a high level in the coming The major commodities in the structure of supplies years, which offers good opportunities to the common market of the Eurasian Economic Union for domestic and foreign investors. from the Republic of Belarus are as follows: dairy FEEDSTOCK products, meat and by-products,finished meat and fish products, vegetables, sugar and finished cereal The food industry plays a leading role products ( %). in the structure of the industrial production The Republic of Belarus is the leader among the CIS in Belarus. Along with metallurgic and fuel countries in the production of dairy and meat products, complexes, the food industry is a leader in as well as in growing potatoes. Thus, in , the largest the production of industrial goods. Belarus growth of supply to the Russian Federation in the value has a high potential for the food industry terms was observed for such products as cheese and development due to the feedstock availability cottage cheese (+.% as compared with ), and abundance of agricultural products, as well butter (+.9%), condensed and dry milk and as labor and land resources in the countryside. cream (+.%). Belarusian agricultural production ensures Belarus is steadily ahead of its EEU partners in the national food security. production of milk and eggs per capita. In 9, In , output of food, beverages and tobacco Belarusian export of meat and offal to non-CIS countries products accounted for .% of total industrial increased . times in physical terms as compared with production in the Republic. the previous year. Sugar exports to non-CIS countries Belarus accounts for .% of the world's flax grew . times in physical terms in . The most fiber production (rd place in the world), % of the significant increase in the value of export deliveries world's triticale production (th place in the world), is demonstrated by cheese and cottage cheese .% of the world's rye production (+.% compared to ).

Rank of Belarus among Belarus’ export share in export top 20 exporters turnover of  top-exporters, by physical volume (8) % by physical volume (8)

Meat of bovine animals fresh/chilled  . % Cheese and curd  . % Butter  .3 % Dairy spreads  . % Milk not concentrated nor sweetened (–% fat)  . % Milk and cream not concentrated and unsweetened exceeding % fat  . % Milk powder not exceeding .% fat  3. %  . IT INDUSTRY

Information and communication technologies cast The Republic of Belarus is one of the world's the role of an essential development tool for the high-tech leading exporters of IT services per capita. sector of the economy, providing conditions for the HTP Belarus is one of the largest clusters in transition to the digital economy, improving the Central and Eastern Europe for companies institutional and creating a favorable business environment. interested in IT business development. The share of the gross added value of the ICT sector in The uniqueness of HTP is in the successful the GDP has almost doubled in five years and reached .%. combination of high-quality technical education Further increase in the number of residents of the and high level of professionalism of IT-specialists Hi-Tech Park Belarus (HTP Belarus) played the pivotal on the one side and governmental support of the role in the added value growth. HTP Belarus was IT-industry on the other. established in order to increase the competitiveness Consumers of Belarusian software created by of the industry and to attract new investors. Since the HTP residents are the well-known global beginning of ,  residents have joined HTP. As corporations, such as Microsoft, HP, Coca-Cola, of the beginning of , the total amount of HTP Colgate-Palmolive, Google, Toyota, Citibank, MTV, residents, including development centers of foreign Expedia, Reuters, Samsung, HTC, Mitsubishi, companies, reached  units, and the staff British Petroleum, British Telecom, the accounted for over  thousand people. There was also London stock exchange, the World Bank and an increase in exports of computer services (+.% as others. HTP resident companies are included in compared with  and more than  times compared to the list of the largest software developers and ), as well as of information services (+.% suppliers"Software ", published by Software against ). Magazine, an influential publication of the global According to Belstat, the share of the ICT sector IT industry, and successfully compete in the exports in  amounted to .% of the total value high-tech markets of North America and of services exports (the second after transport services). Western Europe. Since , the share of services Computer services are the fastest-growing type of service: exports of the HTP residents in the total volume in , their export value reached USD $.. They also of ICT services exports has doubled. made the largest contribution to the growth of services Belarus is introducing one of the most exports over the decade – . p.p. out of . p. p. progressive legal systems in the world in the field of the total growth. The reasons for the rapid of digital economy. Currently, legal conditions development of exports of computer services are the have been established for ICO, as well as for growth of external demand, extended infrastructure, solid the use of cryptocurrency and the introduction engineering and technical background of the human of smart contracts. resources, as well as significant tax benefits within Belarus is becoming the first jurisdiction in the HTP. the world with comprehensive legal regulation of The Decree No.  "On the development of the digital businesses based on blockchain technology. economy" (commenced on March , ), which Conditions for the development of IT product improved and extended the special HTP regime until companies in the country are provided.  and expanded the list of the activities encouraged, It is expected that the number of companies became a powerful incentive for the development of the operating in the country and producing intelligent IT sector in Belarus. products sought-after around the world will grow Thus, a significant growth was achieved and the rapidly. The Republic of Belarus will gain a basis for accelerated development of the product foothold of the leading IT-country in the model of the IT-business was established. Eastern European region. The share of foreign investment in the ICT sector in the total foreign investment has also increased  times since  and amounted to .%. Residents of the HTP have the largest share in the total volume of the foreign direct investment attracted .


UNPRECEDENTED REGULATORY IT-EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT FOR THE CIRCULATION HTP residents are allowed to engage in educational OF CRYPTOCURRENCIES AND activities in the field of ICT, according to the TOKENS HAS BEEN CREATED curricula approved by the HTP Administration. • The rights of physical and legal entities in terms of token circulation are defined; INVESTMENT ACCORDING • Legal entities are entitled to possess tokens, TO ENGLISH LAW IS ALLOWED create and list their own tokens through HTP HTP residents are allowed to sign agreements with residents, buy and exchange tokens, and perform third parties that are actively involved in other operations using tokens only through the international business. For example: cryptocurrency exchanges and cryptocurrency • Agreements on granting the right of the first refusal exchange operators; to execute contracts; • Individuals are entitled to possess tokens, perform • Convertible loan agreements; mining, exchange tokens, buy and sell them for • Property loss indemnity agreements; Belarusian , foreign currency and e-money, • Agreements, stipulating liability for labour pirating; as well as to present and bequeath tokens. • Non-compete agreements with employees with The mining activity of individuals, tokens payment of compensation for the period of purchasing and sale shall not be considered non-compete obligations; entrepreneurial activity; • Agreements to issue irrevocable power of attorney. • Tokens and income from operations with them shall not be a subject to declaration by the individuals; CONDITIONS FOR ATTRACTING • Turnovers, profits (income, proceeds) from HIGHLY-QUALIFIED SPECIALISTS TO various operations with tokens are not THE COUNTRY HAVE BEEN CREATED recognised as taxable items until January . • HTP residents no longer have to get permissions related to the employment of foreigners. Foreign HTP RESIDENTS’ ACTIVITIES employees will receive a temporary residence ARE SIMPLIFIED permit under the simplified procedure; Residents will have the right to: • Requirements for foreign employees and founders • Conduct operations with e-money without a range of the HTP residents to get visas are cancelled. of limitations; The maximum time limit of their temporary stay • Open accounts in foreign banks and other credit is increased up to  days. and financial institutions, and to receive money into these accounts without the permission of the National Bank; • Move capital through currency transactions if conducted after notifying the National Bank and with their permission; • Execute primary accounting documents personally, when performing business transactions with non-residents of the Republic of Belarus. • Subsidiary liability for HTP residents is abolished.  . ONE-STOP SHOP FOR INVESTORS NATIONAL AGENCY OF INVESTMENT AND PRIVATIZATION

The National Agency of Investment and Privatization aims to assist foreign investors to find a niche for doing business in Belarus. The Agency acts as a ‘one stop shop’ for foreign direct investors at no cost  . SERVICES

CONSULTING AND INFORMATION SITE SELECTION SUPPORT SERVICES FOR INVESTORS • Search for greenfield and brownfield • Handling investor enquiries project opportunities • Providing information on doing • Site visits business conditions and investment • Facilitation of liaising with local authorities climate in Belarus • Analysis of priority investment sectors • Investment proposals • Public-private partnership (PPP) projects AFTERCARE Agency provides re-investment promotion and enterprise development support, including: FAMILIARIZATION VISITS • Assistance in the selection of suitable site, TO BELARUS real estate and investment projects • Search for business partners • Visit arrangements (visa facilitation, • Arranging negotiations with local and state accommodation, logistics) authorities • Meetings schedule development • Assistance in solving problems with

(negotiations with local authorities, investment project implementation private institutions, potential partners) • Providing information about investment

• Support and assistance at meetings incentives • Follow-up • Transfer of investors’ proposals on improving the investment climate to the WWW. Belarusian Government, etc.

“INVESTOR'S ROADMAP” INTERACTIVE PORTAL ( PROJECT MANAGEMENT • Database of investment proposals, concessions • Developing of a roadmap for project and PPP projects implementation • Database of real estate and land property • Search for suppliers, service providers and • Analytical materials, competitive advantages JV partners of the regions of Belarus • Liaising with state bodies and industry regulators • Assistance in solving administrative issues • Assistance in dealing with issues related to PPP projects 


PPP is an institutional and organizational PPP DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION alliance of state and business with the aim to PROCESS IS AIMED AT: implement socially significant projects in the · consolidation of material, financial, intellectual, priority sectors of the economy of the scientific, technical and other resources; Republic of Belarus · ensuring the balance of interests and risks of both The Public-Private Partnership Center public and private sides; (PPP Center) in Belarus was established on · raising extra-budgetary funds to implement April ,  on the site of the Research investment projects, plans and initiatives to Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy. develop infrastructural facilities. On September , 6 the PPP Center was PPP PROJECT DEVELOPMENT INCLUDES THE moved to the structure of the Agency in order STAGES AS FOLLOWS: to increase the Center's potential and effectiveness of its interaction with state STAGE  authorities in attracting investments to the PREPARATION OF THE PPP PROPOSAL: Republic of Belarus. Public or private initiator prepares PPP project concept PPP Center searches for and promotes and submits it to the public PPP projects, attracts investors to implement authorities for their agreement these projects, cooperates with key state within the limits of their competence. stakeholders and international organizations After that the concept is brought to to develop PPP market in Belarus. the Interministerial Infrastructure Coordinating Board (hereinafter – IICB) or the Digital Economy Development Council (hereinafter – DEDC) (for PPP projects in ICT sphere).


In case the concept is approved STAGE  PPP LEGISLATION IN BELARUS TENDER TO CHOOSE A by the IICB or DEDC, the initiator Implementation of PPP projects in PRIVATE PARTNER: prepares proposal documentation, Belarus is carried out in which includes feasibility study, Public partner organizes the tender accordance with the following legal

passport of the project, draft PPP to choose a private partner, creates acts: agreement. Then the proposal tender commission and designs tender · The Law of the Republic of Belarus documentation is submitted to the documentation. Tender commission No. 3-З as of December 3, 5 public authorities for their agreement determines the winner. the "On Public Private Partnership"; within the limits of their competence. · Resolution of the Council of After that the Agency forms STAGE 4 Ministers of the Republic of comprehensive conclusion about CONCLUSION AND Belarus as of July , 6 No. 3 the proposal. In case of positive EXECUTION OF THE "On Measures for the Implementation conclusion, public initiator or PPP AGREEMENT of the Law of the Republic of Belarus as concerned public body (for private of December 3, 5" On Public- initiative) prepares package of PPP agreement is concluded for the period of the PPP project Private Partnership"; documents and submits it to the · the Decree of the Ministry of Economy of Monetary and Credit Commission implementation between public and private partners within twelve the Republic of Belarus as of July , 66 (hereinafter – MCC) or local executive No. 9 "On measures to implement the Law committee, depending on the level months from the day the winner of the tender is determined. of the Republic of Belarus dated of PPP project and amount of budget December 3, 5 "On Public- obligation, for their consideration. Private Partnership".

STAGE  ADOPTION OF LEGAL ACT TO AUTHORISE PPP PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: Subject to the approval by the FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE, MCC or local executive committee, public initiator or concerned public VISIT OUR DEDICATED WEBPAGE body (for private initiative) prepares in a prescribed manner draft legal act on PPP project implementation. The final decision about the project implementation is made by the President, Council of Ministers or local Council of Deputies, depending OR SEND US YOUR REQUEST VIA EMAIL on the public partnersubordination, [email protected] who accordingly signs the legal act.  .3 Step-by-step algorithms for an investor Concluding of an investment agreement with the Republic of Belarus

Does the investor need a Yes No land plot to implement the investment project?

.Selecting a land plot from the list of plots intended for subsequent provision to investors and (or) organizations for the construction of facilities stipulated by investment agreements with the Republic of Belarus

. Application for an investment agreement . Draft investment contract and its electronic copy . For legal entities: a copy of the investor's certificate of state registration (for . Preparation of a package of residents of the Republic of Belarus), anextract from the commercial register of the documents for concluding an investor's country of incorporation, or other equivalent proof of the legal status investment agreement with the of the investor (for non-residents of the Republic of Belarus) Republic of Belarus* . For individuals: an attested copy of the identity document of the investor . Copies of documents confirming the investor’s intentions to conclude an investment agreement, as well as documents confirming the authority of the No Yes person who signed the draft investment agreement Does the investor intentd to . Copies of constituent documents of the investor apply for additional benefits? .Copies of the audit report (forresidents of theRepublic of Belarus), or the report of financial Due Diligence, or the audit report according to the international ..Preparation of an additional standard ISO  with translation intoBelarusian or Russian (for non-residents of package of documents** the Republic of Belarus) – for  years preceding the date of registration of the application for concluding an investment agreement, and for the investor, which was created less than  years before – for the whole period of activity, bank statement on the balance of funds in the bank account, letters from banks or other documents confirming lenders intention to provide funds for the . Submission of the documents to a implementation of the investment project governmental body . Financial feasibility study of the investment project

. investment project business plan . Consideration of the documents . the initiator's annual financial statements for  years preceding the by the state body, reconciliation of planned year for the start of the investment project (for the initiators created less the documents by the state body than  years prior to the planned year for the start of the investment project - for the with parties involved whole period of activity), as well as financial statements for the current period (as for the first day of the month preceding the month of submission of the package of documents) .documents confirming the reliability of investment expenditures for the . If the decision is positive: equipment being purchased, including contracts, if any, for its supply . documents confirming the calculation or estimation of construction costs, signing of the investment including the conclusion (if any) of the state examination of project documentation agreement and its registration in the . loan agreement or its project or other documents (conclusions) of creditors State Register of Investment (lenders), foreign creditors, confirming the intentions and conditions of rendering Agreements credits (loans) for the implementation of the investment project .constituent documents of the initiator . other documents as statutorily require 3 Concluding of an investment agreement with the Republic of Belarus (continued)

Yes Does the investor need a land plot to No implement the investment project?

6. Submission of an application to the region or city executive committee (depending on the location of the land plot), obtaining a decision

7. Processing of land cadastral documentation and approval of the land allocation certificate

. Elaboration of design documentation and approval of the engineering layout

9. State registration of the land allocation and acquisition of a right for it

. Obtaining the certificate of state registration

Implementation of the investment project

* for details of the requirements for the list, translation, legalization of the documents - see paragraph  of the Regulation on the procedure for concluding, amending and terminating investment agreements between an investor (investors) and the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July ,  N  ** Chapter  of the Regulation on the procedure for concluding, amending and terminating investment agreements between an investor (investors) and the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July ,  N ; clause  of the Regulation on the organization of the development, approval and consideration of business plans for investment projects, as well as the examination of investment projects, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May ,  No. 

Benefiting from preferential regimes of the Republic of Belarus: registration as a resident of a Free Economic Zone (FEZ), Belarus Hi-Tech Park, or the Great Stone Industrial Park

. Contacting the National Agency of Investment and Privatization for advice (free of charge) on the choice of preferential regime*

. Application to the administration of the FEZ/ Hi-Tech Park / Great Stone Industrial Park for a preliminary consultation about the .application possibility of registering as a resident . attested copies of constituent documents with the presentation of the original documents (for legal entities) . Preparation and submission of the documents to the administration . a copy of the certificate of state of the FEZ / Hi-Tech Park / Great Stone Industrial Park registration with the presentation of the original document . investment project business plan . Consideration of documents by the administration of the FEZ / . payment document confirming payment of the state fee for registration as a resident Hi-Tech Park / Great Stone Industrial Park

** The step is optional, but allows to simplify and speed up . Signing the agreement with the administration of the FEZ / Hi-Tech obtaining information about further procedures Park / Great Stone Industrial Park and obtaining a certificate of registration as a resident 4

The procedure for creating a legal entity

Investor The National Agency of Investment and Privatization

.Contacting the Agency for advice (free of charge) on Consultations on the conditions of doing the conditions for doing business in the Republic of business in the Republic of Belarus Belarus *

Database of locations for investment projects at the Investor's Roadmap interactive portal . Selecting the location for the legal entity Assistance in determining the location

Organization of field visits . Selecting the legal form of the enterprise for the implementation of the investment project

. Obtaining approval for the name of the legal entity

. Adopting a decision on the establishment of the legal entity, preparation and approval of constituent documents, payment of state duty


. Submission of the application for state registration Providing additional information and a package of documents to the registration authority

. State registration of the legal entity

8. Appointment of the head of the legal entity

9. Opening an account of the legal entity

. Formation of the authorized capital of the legal entity

* The step is optional, but allows to simplify and speed up obtaining information about further procedures 5 Belarusian Economy

 International cooperation and foreign capital in Belarus . . . .  . FDI on net basis ......  . Eurasian integration ...... 3 Economy of Belarus. . Belarus–European Union Overview ......  relations. Long way from . Consumer price index ...... 8 neighborhood to . International Trade ......  partnership ...... 6 . Belarus-China: towards new level of cooperation ......  . International economic organizations ...... 3 6 . ECONOMY OF BELARUS OVERVIEW REA L GDP GROWTH



3.   .4  1. -.   9 -3.


    9

Source: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus

GDP growth in Belarus amounted to .% in 9. (the growth rate of GVA was .%). In general, Belarusian GDP increased by 3% in On a large scale, the achieved results were comparable prices within -9 period, while provided due to the positive dynamics of the labor productivity increased by 9.%. development in information activities and The main drivers of economic growth in Belarus are communications (the GVA growth rate was .%). the service sector (the growth rate of GVA in the service Agriculture and construction also had a positive sector was .% in  and provided about . p.p. impact on GDP dynamics, with the same GVA of the . p.p. GDP growth) and industry growth rate of 3.%.

7 Effective monetary policy of the National Bank Dynamics of the average interest rates kept inflation rate at the level of .%. Since in the financial market February 9, , the refinancing rate has been set at 8.7% (the lowest level since ).  The impact of interest rates on the economy is % per annum assessed as a neutral one. Taking into account the  slowdown in inflation at the end of , the National Bank continued to reduce interest rates.  A narrow and symmetric corridor of the National Bank’s interest rates on standing facilities was  formed around the refinancing rate. The gradual decrease in interest rates on credits contributed             to an increase in the availability of credit 5  9 resources in the national currency Average interest rate,overnight internight interbank market Average interest rates on natural persons` new time deposits Average interest rates on banks` new loans (except for concessional ones) Source: the National Bank


. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . .          

in national curren c y in foreign curren c y Source: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

Foreign Trade

As of the end of , a positive contribution to the The industry sector produces about growth of exports was provided by the export of consumer a quarter of the gross domestic product, goods (the growth rate amounted to .%). In the accumulates about % of the total fixed assets geographical structure of goods exports, the share of the of the republic and employs .% of the total EEU countries reached .% (+ .% compared to ). number of people employed in the economy. Belarus The Republic of Belarus is an export-oriented state ranks th in the world upon the industrial with the developed services sector and agriculture. The competitiveness index, leaving the CIS countries key sectors of the economy are industry, agriculture, far behind, except for the Russian Federation. construction, trade, transport, information and The Republic of Belarus is the regional leader communication. Despite the lack of domestic fuel by the tractor production. The country produces and energy resources, as well as of the essential raw about % of the total amount of tractors materials, and regardless of the external economic manufactured in the countries of the Eurasian shocks in recent years, Belarus has retained its Economic Union. Belarus is also the major producer industrial potential. The development of industry of agricultural machinery - combines, various determines to a significant extent the major economic types of forage harvesting equipment and aggregates. trends in the country.  . CONSUMER PRICE INDEX The dynamics of free prices in 9 Q4 was formed under the conditions of the restrictive monetary policy, slowing down of inflation processes in the countries being trade partners, primarily in the Russian Federation, moderate consumption activity, as well as normalization of situation in the agricultural products market.

In  Q4, the annual inflation continued on the whole, a disinflationary impact. A decline to slow down. In December , consumer in import prices alsо contributed to restraining prices growth slowed down by .% and inflation in the domestic market in , Q4. amounted to .7% in annual terms, with the The annual increase in regulated prices and tariffs target level no more than 5%. A deceleration remained at 7.5% in December . This was due to in food prices had the major impact on the a more restrained increase in retail prices for fuel downward trajectory of the free prices in  versus the previous year under the conditions movement. Monetary conditions, accumulating of lower average global prices for oil. the aggregate influence of interest rates and the On the background of the moderate dynamics of exchange rate on the economy, made, inflationary processes, a decline in the inflationary expectations of households was observed. Dynamics of agricultural producers` prices in annual terms

 Dynamics of industrial producers` prices in annual terms 

%  5

% 

 5             5  9  Alimentary goods in the consumer market Crop farming products             Animal farming products 5  9 Source: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Core inflation Growth in prices of industrial and techical goods producers Growth in prices of consumer goods producers CONSUMER PRICE INDEX Growth in prices of industrial goods producers 4 Consumer prices growth Source: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus  . . . . .

1 5   8 9

Source: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus 9 . INTERN ATI O NA L TRADE In , the foreign trade balance was negative and The export of goods amounted to amounted to .3 billion US dollars or .% of GDP. The . billion US dollars (.1% of GDP), which is exports of goods and services in  amounted to . billion US dollars, or .% less than in 8. The .9 billion US dollars (66.% of GDP) and decreased decrease in the exports value was mainly caused by a by .8% compared to 8. The foreign trade turnover reduction in the supply of mineral products (by .9% of goods and services increased by .% up to as compared to 8). . billion US dollars. In , a significant share in the commodity structure The trade balance with the European Union countries of exports was taken by mineral products (.% of the was positive at . billion US dollars. total volume of exports of goods), food products and agricultural raw materials (6.6%) and chemical Commodity structure of exports of the Republic of Belarus products (.%). in 2018-2019, in percent of total Exports of services totaled .9 billion dollars .9 billion dollars 9.6 billion US dollars (.2% of GDP) and increased by 8.8 % in  as compared with the previous year. .% .% Mineral products Transport services (.%), telecommunication, computer Food goods and agricultural and information services .% raw materials (.%), services related to .% trips of non-residents to the Products of chemical and Republic of Belarus (9.%), and .% .% related industries construction services (.%) accounted for the largest share 8.8% Transport vehicles in the total value of services .% exports.Residents of the EU .% Machinery and equipment .% countries were the major consumers of Belarusian Non-precious metals .% .% services (.% of all services Other rendered), including Germany .% .% (.6%) and Poland (6.9%). The EEU member states accounted for .% of Belarusian services exports   (the Russian Federation Source: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus accounted for . %). Structure of services exports of the Republic of Belarus in 2018-2019, in percent of total  9

.% .% Other services 9.% .% .% Construction .% Travels .% Telecommunications, computer, .% and information services Transport services .% .% 

Owing to the completion of the construction of the The imports of goods amounted to st unit at the Belarusian nuclear power plant, the growth 6.4 billion US dollars (5.% of GDP) in , which is an rate of imports outstripped the growth rate of exports increase by . billion US dollars (+.%) as compared in . The value of imports of goods and services to 8. The growth of imports value occurred alongside increased by .%. an increase of the physical volume of imports (by .%) and a decrease of average import prices (by .%). The commodity structure of imports was dominated by

Commodity structure of imports to the Republic of Belarus mineral products (.6% of total imports of goods), in 2018-2019, in percent of total machinery and equipment (.%), food products and agricultural raw materials (.%), as well as non- . billion dollars . billion dollars precious metals (9.%).

.% .% Mineral products Food goods and agricultural raw materials .% .% Products of chemical and .% related industries .% .% Transport vehicles .% Machinery and equipment .% .6% .% Non-precious metals .% Other .% .% In , imports of services amounted to .8 billion US dollars (9.% of GDP) and increased by . million US dollars (.9%) compared to 8.   Transport services (.%), services related to trips of Source: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian citizens abroad (9.%), and construction services (8.%) accounted for the largest share of imports.

Residents of the Russian Federation provided 9.6% of the total volume of Belarusian imports of services, Lithuania provided 9.6%, China - 6.8%, Poland - .%, Ukraine - .% and Germany - .%

Structure of services imports to the Republic of Belarus in 2018-2019, in percent of total  9

.% .% Other services .% .% Construction .% .9% Travels Telecommunications, computer, .% .% and information services Transport services .% 9.%  . INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND FOREIGN CAPITAL IN BELARUS

The industry structure has determined a high degree Transport services make up .% of the total of openness of the Belarusian economy, its focus on Belarusian export of services, reflecting favorable foreign markets. More than  percent of goods geographical position of the country. IT- and produced in the country are delivered for export. construction services are also among the major After the global financial crisis, the foreign trade of export positions. The EU countries and Russia are Belarus changed its structure. Today the country the main trade partners of Belarus in the export of implements a trade policy aimed at increasing the services (.% and .%, accordingly). share of high-tech products in exports and Belarus is constantly developing cooperation diversifying supplies to foreign markets. with partner countries within the boundaries of Traditionally, the Republic of Belarus implements a integration associations and organizations of the multi-vector foreign trade policy, supports trade post-Soviet countries: the Commonwealth of contacts with foreign countries and actively Independent States (CIS), the Eurasian Economic participates in international integration processes. Union (EAEU) and Collective Security Treaty Today Belarus has trade relations with more than Organization (CSTO). 190 countries around the world. The Russian Federation Efforts are underway to develop deeper is the major trade partner of the Republic of Belarus, cooperation with the key economic and financial it accounts for .% of export of goods and more than organizations, such as the International Monetary a half of import. The European Union is the second- Fund, the World Bank, the European Bank for largest trade partner of the Republic of Belarus, it Reconstruction and Development, the UN Economic accounts for more than % of export of goods Commission for Europe and the UN Conference on and % of import. The main partners in the EU are Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Germany, Poland, the United Kingdom, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Italy.  . FD I ON NET BASIS

In 9, foreign investors invested . billion US dollars in the real sector of the economy of Belarus, including . billion US dollars of foreign direct investment (FDI).

In , FDI admission on a net basis (excluding debt to direct investors for goods, works and services) to the economy of the Republic of Belarus amounted to . billion US dollars. As of January ,  there are 6, 6 registered companies with foreign capital in the Republic of Belarus. In , a significant amount of foreign direct investment came from the Russian Federation (.3 billion US dollars), which accounted for 25.8% of the total net inflow of direct investment from abroad. Significant amounts of direct investment in the Belarusian economy, except for the residents of the Russian Federation, were made by residents of Cyprus, China, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, and Germany. The largest amounts of foreign direct investment were directed to manufacturing industry, financial and insurance activities, information and communication sector.

The structure of accumulated foreign investment is as follows: Russia occupies the st place ( .%), Cyprus - the nd (.%), the Netherlands are at the rd place ( . %), and China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan) at the 4th (. %).

TOP- DONOR-COUNTRIES OF FDI IN BELARUS .8% Cyprus 6.% Russia Russia 5.8% China .5% Germany .9% .¹ % Austria .% Other Poland .% Netherlands .% Lithuania .% Other .% SOURCE: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus 6.6% Cyprus As of the 16th of April, , due to the ongoing policy on attracting investments,  investment .% agreements with total investment volume of .9 billion US dollars were registered at the China State Register of Investment Agreements with .9% .% the Republic of Belarus, including 98 agreements Germany .% .% .% Lithuania with an investment volume of 8. billion US dollars. Austria Poland Netherlands  .E URASIAN INTEGRATION

The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is an international organization of regional economic integration with international legal personality.

Freedom of movement of goods, services, The Free Trade Agreement between the member states capital and labor, as well as coordinated, of the EAEU and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is in coherent and common policy in the key effect since 6. An Agreement on Trade and Economic sectors of economy are provided within Cooperation between the EAEU member states, on the the Union. one hand, and the People’s Republic of China, on the other, The Agreement on the Eurasian Economic as well as the Interim Agreement to establish a free trade Union was signed by the presidents of the zone between the EAEU member states, on the one hand, Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Islamic Republic of Iran, on the other, were signed and the Russian Federation on May , . in 8. The possibilities of launching free trade This Agreement came into force on January , 15. agreements with Singapore, Israel, India, Egypt, and of On January , 8, the Treaty on Customs Code unifying the trade regime with Serbia are being negotiated. came into force. In general, more than  countries demonstrate interest The Union membership is open for any state, in cooperation with the EAEU in different formats. which shares the goals and principles of the The EAEU member states have a great potential in the EAEU, on the terms agreed by Member States. leading sectors of the economy. The EAEU ranks first in Also, any interested State is provided with the the world in oil and natural gas production, second in the possibility to get an observer status within the production of mineral fertilizers and the length of railways, Union. third in the production of wheat and potatoes, iron On October , , the Treaty on accession production, fourth in the production of electricity and of the Republic of Armenia to the Agreement on meat, and fifth in the total length of roads and steel the EAEU (dated May 9, ) was signed during production. the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic In 9, the EAEU as a whole revealed positive dynamics Council (SEAEC) in Minsk. The Treaty came into of the main socio-economic indicators. force on January , . On December , , during the SEAEC EAEU main economic indicators (as a percentage of the meetingin Moscow the Heads of states signed the corresponding period of the previous year) Treaty on accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the industrial production Agreement on the EAEU. The Treaty came into  . force on August , . On May , 8, at the meeting of the SEAEC retail trade turnover 9 in Sochi the status of an observer state in the . .  EAEU was granted to the Republic of Moldova. agricultural production The Union is empowered to perform within its competence international activities, aimed to 7 solve the problems which the Union faces.

. 6. passenger turnover freight turnover January-December 9 г. January-December 8 г. 

Foreign trade in goods of the Eurasian Economic Union: In 9, the total volume of foreign trade in goods of the EAEU member states with third countries amounted to . billion US dollars, including exports of goods – . billion US dollars and imports – . billion US dollars.

EAEU foreign trade by major trading partner countries (share in the total volume of foreign trade)

billion US dollars

China .% 6.6 66. 6.9 Germany .% 9. 8. Netherlands .% . . Italy .% . . Korea .% . .6 Turkey .% . . USA .% . . Japan .% . . UK .% .8 . Poland .9% . . France .% . . Ukraine .% . . Finland .9% . .8 . 6. 4. . . . . 6. 8. Export Import

In 9, trade turnover of the Republic of Belarus with the EAEU member states amounted to . billion US dollars, including exports of goods – . billion US dollars and imports of goods – . billion US dollars. The share of the EAEU countries accounted for .% of the total export volume of the Republic of Belarus in 9 (in 8 – .%), of which the Russian Federation accounted for .% (.% in 8). The value of exports to the Russian Federation increased for all product groups, with the exception of energy products. Foreign trade in services of the Republic of Belarus with the EAEU member states amounted to . billion US dollars in  (exports of services – . billion US dollars, imports of services – . billion US dollars). The share of the EAEU countries accounted for .% of the total export of services of the Republic of Belarus in 9, of which Commodity structure of exports and imports in foreign the Russian Federation accounted for .%. trade in 2019 (in % of the total for the EAEU) The creation of the Union allows member states to coordinate Export Import their industrial policies so as not to duplicate production, as well as to organize production chains and supply components for joint .% production. .4% The Agreement on the EAEU provides that the formation of the .8% 6.% EAEU common market will be implemented step by step in some .% of the most sensitive sectors of economy. In particular, the .% .8% 9.% common market of drugs and medicine devices started operating .% at the end of , the common markets of electricity, oil and gas will come intooperation not later than in . .% 9.% .% .% The Heads of States have approved the Priority Directions for .8% implementation of the Digital Agenda of the Eurasian Economic .8% .% Union for the period till .The Action Plan (“road map”) for agro-food products mineral products implementation of the Priority Directions and Stages of carrying chemical products wood and paper products out coordinated (agreed) transportation policy by the EAEU textiles,textile products and shoes metals and metal products States for - has been adopted. machinery,equipment and other goods transport vehicles 

Participation of the Republic of Belarus in the EAEU opens up advanced opportunities for foreign investors:

 free movement of both  free access to the large  joint measures to promote domestic goods and common market of exports of goods of the goods from third countries goods and services of member states to third within the common market the EAEU for foreign countries contain a number of the Union; investors who invest of mechanisms to support in Belarus; exporters, such as insurance and export crediting,  common customs tariff  effective logistics projects international leasing, brand and non-tariff regulation with access to the EAEU promotion of “the EAEU and the EU markets due product” and a unified in trade with third countries to protect the interests of to the favorable marking of the EAEU domestic producers, geographical location products, exhibition and including foreign investment of Belarus; trade fair activities, advertising and image enterprises; promotion activities abroad;

 legal guarantees for investors, including the right to reparation and use of  relief from customs duty investment income, as well on the importation of as guarantee of the rights in manufacturing equipment, expropriation, procedures raw materials to implement for resolving investment investment projects (in case  implementation of the disputes through such raw materials are not single-window system arbitration and national produced in the member within the framework of the court or the states); Union will simplify and speed International Centre for up procedures of foreign Settlement of trade due to effective Investment Disputes; communication between  tariff preferences for the the state bodies and goods imported from third participants of foreign countries as a contribution economic activity. to the statutory fund of a company; 6


Belarus is geographically, historically and culturally an integral part of Europe, situated at the crossroads of major transportation and trade routes that link various regions of the European continent.  Following the recognition of Belarus as Negotiations on the Belarus – EU visa facilitation an independent state in December  by and readmission agreements are at the final stage. the European Community, EC/EU-Belarus Bilateral sectoral dialogues are ongoing between relations initially experienced steady progress. Belarus’ line ministries and the European Commission The diplomatic relations between Belarus in such areas as economy and finance, environment, and the EU were established in August . trade and customs. A human rights dialogue is In March 5, a Partnership and Cooperation under way. Agreement was signed between Belarus and The cooperation on border management and the EU in Brussels. energy matters is governed by the 9 Memorandum The European Commission opened its on launching practical cooperation between the diplomatic mission in Minsk (as of December State Border Committee of Belarus and the  – the Delegation of the European Union). FRONTEX agency for cooperation at external EU In  , Belarus became a full-fledged borders and the Declaration on cooperation participant of the EU Eastern between the Government of Belarus and the Partnership Initiative. European Commission in the energy field. Belarus In  Belarus – EU relations made a joined the European Higher Education Area (the big stride ahead. WTO accession talks resumed Bologna Process) and became an observer in the between Belarus and the EU. A joint Coordination Northern Dimension. Group was launched as a new framework for a In October , Belarus, the EU and seven of its structured comprehensive dialogue on the Member States (Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, entire spectrum of bilateral cooperation Poland, Romania, Finland) signed a Mobility between Belarus and the European Union Partnership Declaration. A list of joint projects is (the first meeting was held on April -,  currently being compiled for implementation under in Brussels). the Mobility Partnership. Belarus and the EU negotiate bilateral Belarus is an active stakeholder in the EU Eastern Partnership Priorities for  –  covering Partnership multilateral cooperation framework. four thematic strands: strengthening Belarusian representatives contribute to the institutions and good governance; economic activities of all four multilateral platforms of the development and market opportunities; Eastern Partnership (EaP) (“Democracy, Good connectivity, energy, environment and Governance and Stability”, “Economic Integration climate action; mobility and people-to-people and Approximation with EU Sectoral Policies”, contacts. “Energy Security” and “Contacts between People”), In September , the EU supported a new its panels and flagship initiatives.  – 9 European Bank for Reconstruction In cooperation with other countries Belarus and Development (EBRD) country strategy for promotes development of specific projects aimed Belarus empowering the Bank to fully extend at improving energy and transport interconnections, its activities to the public sector. strengthening regional energy security, countering The EU authorized the start of the European environmental risks, reinforcing border security, and Investment Bank’s (EIB) activity in Belarus. raising the efficiency of customs measures to On  August 7, a Belarus – EIB Framework facilitate trade between the EU and its Partner States. Agreement came into effect. A number of Following Belarus’ proposal, an EaP Business large-scale infrastructural projects were Forum was launched in  and an EaP Panel on considered for funding by the EIB and the Digital Markets Harmonization in  as platforms EBRD. for dialogue and cooperation among business Beginning on , annual country communities and economic institutions of the allocations for Belarus under the European Eastern Partners and the EU. Neighbourhood Instrument doubled up Belarus participates in EU-funded Poland – to  million euro. The funds are used to Belarus – Ukraine and Latvia – Lithuania – Belarus modernize border and customs Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Programmes. infrastructure, exchange experience In 7 –  several dozens of projects worth and implement pilot projects in energy,  million euro were implemented in Belarus under transport, agricultural, environmental, these two instruments. The aggregate budget of the educational, cultural and other areas. Programmes for  –  is 280 million euro In , Belarus and the EU staged together which are available to Belarus through calls of for the first time a Belarusian Investment Forum proposals. in Vienna. On  October 7, a Belarus – Belarus also actively participates in the EU European Economic Forum took place in thematic programmes TEMPUS, Erasmus+, TAIEX etc. Luxembourg in the same format.  BELARUS-EU ECONOMIC

Mutual interests of Belarus and the COOPERATION EU member states are based first of all on economic cooperation The EU remains one of the major trade About a half of all foreign investment brought into partners, as well as an important source of credit the economy of the Republic of Belarus comes from resources and investment. Belarus is geographically the European countries. In , the investments and mentally close to investors from Western Europe. fromthe EU countries amounted to $. billion, Belarus and the EU have a high potential for of which direct investments - $. billion, net direct developing economic cooperation by means of investments - $.9 billion (+ % compared to ). an increase in mutual trade volume, capital, transfers Leading investors to the Belarusian economy are and investments outflow. the Cyprus, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, A more harmonized national system of standards Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Austria, Estonia. with the EU norms and regulations is key to better Regular investment forums organized by the access of Belarusian goods to the European market. Belarusian Government in the recent years are an In , the trade turnover between Belarus and important way of advertising business opportunities the EU reached . billion US dollars. Exports of the Republic to the international community and amounted to . billion US dollars, imports - attracting foreign investments to the country. . billion US dollars. The EU countries accounted As of April , in the result of the investment for 25.5% of the Republic's total exports in . attraction policy conducted, there are , In , the main trading partners of the Republic of investment agreements with an investment volume Belarus were as follows: Germany – .%, Poland of$. billion registered in the State Register of and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Investment Agreements with the Republic of Northern Ireland – .% each, Lithuania – %, Belarus, including 9 running agreements with the Netherlands – .%. an investment volume of $. billion . Foreign trade in services with the EU countries in  amounted to . billion US dollars. Exports FDI NET INFLOWS FROM of services reached . billion US dollars, imports EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES, of services - . billion US dollars. In , the EU USD THSD countries accounted for .% of total Belarusian , exports of services. , A priority seen by Belarus in the cooperation with , , the EU countries is raising European investments , to the research-intensive and high-tech sectors, agriculture, energy efficiency, alternative energy and transit areas.


, , 4,  Turnover ,3 ,

, Export 8, . , , , , , Import , , , ,7 , , , Balance ,   . BELARUS-CHINA: TOWARDS THE NEW LEVEL OF COOPERATION

The high level of Belarusian-Chinese political relations serves as a solid basis for the development of bilateral trade ties.

China is one of the most important trade and In the near future, from the point of view of economic partners of Belarus. At the end China's national interests, the most popular of , China was ranked third among the products will be high-performance intelligent world’s countries in terms of goods turnover, equipment, vehicles, food and medical equipment. ninth — in terms of export turnover, second — This bilateral investment cooperation is the core in terms of import turnover to Belarus. of the Belarusian-Chinese economic relations, with In  the trade turnover between Belarus the volume of Chinese investments in the Belarusian and China (including Hong Kong, Macau and economy constantly growing. According to the Taiwan) amounted to . billion US dollars National Statistical Committee of the Republic of (, percent to 8), the volume of Belarus, in January-December , the Republic of Belarusian export was . million US dollars Belarus received . million US dollars of investment (. percent to 8), the import was . from the People's Republic of China, of which on a net billion US dollars (. percent to 8). The basis (excluding debt to direct investor for goods, balance was negative (  million US dollars). work, services ) . million US dollars.

BELARUSCHINA TRADE IN GOODS , MLN USD ,  Turnover ,  Import ,  9, , , 9, , , ,  , 9, ,  , , ,  9, 9,9 ,9  , , ,  , , ,9 Export , , , , , , ,  ,           9 

Structure of Belarusian exports to China, 2019 .% Based on demand trends and existing restrictions, food ,% products made primarily from local raw materials have 4.% significant export potential. Belarus actively % supplies meat and dairy products to the Chinese .% market. In the structure of Belarusian exports to China, .% dairy products are represented in all groups of  signs of section  "Live animals and animal products" : milk .% and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar .% or other sweetening matter (HS code ), milk and 6.% .% cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (HS code ), buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or potash fertilizers acidified milk and cream (HS code ), whey dairy products HS code 4), butter (HS code ), wood and products of wood cheeses and curd (HS code ). meat and edible meat co-products Compared to , the volume of exports increased by wood pulp . times. The structure of exports to China is poorly plastic and plastic goods diversified. animal or vegetable fats and oils other vegetable textile fibers optical instruments and apparatus other


FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INVESTORS,MLN USD FROM CHINA,MLN USD   . 9.9  .  9. . .   .     . . .    

    9     9

The share of China (including Hong Kong and As of April , , in the State Register of Taiwan) in the total volume of foreign direct Investment Agreements with the Republic of Belarus investment to Belarus amounted to .% in 9, there are  investment agreements registered trailing only Cyprus and theRussian Federation. worth about 9. million US dollars, in which one As of the beginning of 9,  companies with of the parties are investors from China. Also there Chinese investments were registered in Belarus: are  investment agreements with organizations-  joint ventures and  with Chinese capital. For residents of the Republic of Belarus registered comparison, by the beginning of ,  companies worth 8. million US dollars, the founders of with Chinese investments were registered in Belarus: which are legal entities and (or) individuals of China.  joint ventures and  with Chinese capital. A developed contractual legal framework for cooperation has been established between the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China. More than  contracts have been signed. The most important are the joint declaration of Belarus and China on the establishment of trustworthy all-round strategic partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation, 

as well as agreements on trade and economic cooperation, The Park has three-level management structure: on avoiding double taxation, on encouraging and mutual · Intergovernmental Coordination Council (the protection of investments. superior body, exercising strategic management On June , , the Decree of the President of and solving the issues that require participation the Republic of Belarus No.  "On the of both Belarusian and Chinese sides); establishmentof the Chinese-Belarusian industrial · Industrial Park Administration (state institution, Park "Great Stone" was signed. The Great Stone established by the Council of Ministers of the Industrial Park is a special economic zone in Belarus Republic of Belarus, servicing residents and created within the framework of the Chinese- investors on the basis of ”one-stop shop“ principle). Belarusianintergovernmental cooperation. · Industrial Park Development Company, The Industrial Park is located in the Smolevichi CJSC (established by Belarusian and Chinese district of the Minsk region,  km from the capital founders, responsible for attraction of investors, of the Republic of Belarus,Minsk, and covers an area design and construction of the Park infrastructure). of . square km. The Park's favorable geographical The Great Stone has a great potential in the location arises from its close proximity to the field of logistics. The project to create a trade Minsk International Airport, to the railway and to and logistics sub-Park is being implemented by the Berlin-Moscow transnational highway, as well as the largest resident of the Park, ZAO China from an access to the Klaipeda port on the Baltic sea Merchants CHN-BLR Commerce and Logistics coast at a distance of  km. The Industrial Park Company. In April , Duisburger Hafen AG, unlocks the potential of Belarus as a connecting link the managing company of the largest river port among the countries of Europe, Russia and Asia, and globally in Duisburg, became a shareholder of also provides free access to the market of the “Industrial Park Development Company”. With Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, its participation, the construction of a multi-modal Armenia, Kyrgyzstan) with a total capacity of railway terminal will be carried out in the Park.  million people. In the territory of the Park it is The Park is also developing as a center of planned to build industrial and residential zones, office, science and innovation. Currently, an innovative shopping andentertainment complexes, financial and center for commercialization of scientific and research centers. technical achievements is being built. As of the beginning of ,  residents from The purpose of the Industrial Park is to 15 countries with an average staff number of  provide the most comfortable conditions for the people were registered in the Chinese-Belarusian development of modern production facilities. The industrial Park "Great Stone" (including Industrial major part of the Park's territory is engaged in the Park Development Company, CJSC). By the development of its industrial and logistics potential. beginning of , the volume of direct The rest of the territory is intended for commercial investmentsreceived from foreign investors and social industries. Another goal of the amounted to . million US dollars. “Great stone” is to bring the cooperation Priority areas of investment cooperation are: between the state and private business to a - mechanical engineering qualitatively new level. For this purpose, the Park - electronics and telecommunications is developing a social infrastructure that will use the - fine chemistry mechanism of public-private partnership. - biotechnologies - new material - logistics - pharmaceuticals, etc. 3 . INT ERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORGANIZATIONS

In the area of business and infrastructure development, significant financial support is provided by international financial organizations. The Republic of Belarus is actively developing cooperation with different international institutions and bilateral development funds.

NUMBER OF PROJECTS THE EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION   AND DEVELOPMENT (EBRD)   The Republic of Belarus has been a member of the  European Bank for Reconstruction and Development since  . During the period of its activity in Belarus, the EBRD  5 4 participated in  projects. The cumulative EBRD  investments to Belarus are estimated at €, million.  % of all the investments are granted to the private sector.   In , the Republic of Belarus entered into  project  agreements with the EBRD amounting to  million euros, which exceeds the volume of operations in 2018 5 6   9 ( project and  million euros). A number of investment projects in the field of housing, utilities and transport infrastructure are being implemented in partnership with the EBRD as a part of the joint focus to improve the sustainability and quality of public infrastructure services. In ,  loan agreements were contracted with the EBRD totalling . million euros provided to the Republic of Belarus.

ANNUAL EBRD INVESTMENT THE WORLD BANK MILLION € AT REPORTED RATES Belarus joined the World Bank Group in 9: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 9  (IBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Multilateral  Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and International  Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). For more than  years of cooperation, the World Bank has invested about $ .9 billion in Belarusian economy, including the development of social, transport, housing  and other infrastructure. Currently, the World Bank's investment portfolio in the Republic of Belarus includes nine projects totaling 9. million US dollars.     9 4


Financial Year Project IFC financing ($) Description

5 Alutech  € million To help strengthen and diversify its business

and boost Belarus’ sector growth

5 A-100  € million For the development of four real estate proper- Development Group ties with a total built area of  m² in Minsk and Minsk region

5 Strominvest  € million For the construction of an affordable housing complex  Alutech  € million To support the company’s growth and expan- sion of exports

 MTBank  $ million To finance SME energy efficiency projects

THE INTERNATIONAL FINANCING The ability of the IFC to promote private sector ORGANISATION (IFC ) growth in its member countries depends The Republic of Belarus has been a member primarily on the country's macroeconomic of the International Finance Corporation since situation and the profitability and reliability 99. In the Republic of Belarus, IFC provides of its investments. In addition to investment both financial support to private sector activities, the IFC provides consulting services, organizations and advice to the Government including structuring various types of of the Republic of Belarus on private sector transactions (privatization, public-private development, improving the business partnership). environment, and supporting small and THE EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK (EIB) medium-sized enterprises. Since 99, the On May , , a Framework Agreement was IFC has financed  investment projects in signed between Belarus and the European the Republic of Belarus with a total cost of Investment Bank, regulating the Bank's activities in about  million US dollars. the Republic of Belarus. In 9, a number of agreements with Within the period  – 9, the total the IFC were executed aimed at providing amount of credit funds allocated by the EIB advisory support to public administration. amounted to . million euros. In 9, agreements On June , 9, the Ministry of Economy with the EIB were signed for a total amount of of the Republic of Belarus and the IFC signed  million euros, which were provided to the a Cooperation Agreement defining priority Republic of Belarus for implementation of areas of cooperation: promotion of small infrastructure and public sector projects. and medium-sized businesses; improvement In addition, the EIB continued to support small of business regulation; organization of and medium-sized businesses by providing credit conferences, seminars and other events in the resources to Belarusian banks. In particular, the EIB field of economic and business development. has approved the provision of  million euros for lending to small and medium-sized businesses. As of .., the active investment portfolio of the EIB amounted to 5 million euros. 5 LEGAL ENVIRONMENT FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENTS Legal Environment for Foreign Investment 6

. INVESTMENT LAWS Since independence, Belarusian investment laws have evolved considerably and now accommodate the needs of investment projects of different scales in various branches of the economy. Special regimes exist for investors in small towns and rural areas, residents of free economic zones, residents of the High Technology Park and the “Great Stone” China-Belarus Industrial Park.

.. GENERAL GUARANTEES .. INVESTMENT AGREEMENTS Belarusian laws set the following basic An investment agreement may be concluded guarantees for investors: directly with the Republic of Belarus in order to - the right to private property and its obtain additional guarantees and incentives from protection without discrimination; the government. The state may be represented by - protection against unlawful acts by a ministry, a state committee, a municipal authority, government authorities that violate or a state organisation. investors’ rights or cause losses, or both; An investment agreement is used, for example, - equality of rights for national and in the following cases: foreign investors; - acquiring a state-owned enterprise or establishing - free repatriation of profits; and a joint venture with a state-controlled company - protection of investments from to secure a stable legal framework for a project; nationalisation and requisitioning. - greenfield investment projects requiring By law, nationalisation may be undertaken arrangements for supplies of power and raw only based on public need and subject materials, prices for goods produced by the new to proper compensation. Compensation enterprise (especially in the energy sector); for nationalised property should be paid - large-scale development and construction promptly and comprise the value of projects. nationalised property and other losses Investment agreements may be concluded (and caused by nationalisation. benefits provided) only in respect to projects The law also establishes an exhaustive implemented in priority sectors of economy identified range of circumstances when requisitioning by the Council of Ministers. Currently, the sectors are, is possible – these mainly include emergency inter alia: information and communication situations such as natural disasters, accidents, technologies, logistics, reconstruction and equipping epidemics and epizootics, and also when of state border entry points, grain processing, public interest demands such measures. metallurgy, mechanical engineering, production of electrical, optical, and mechanical, home appliances and electronics, sugar and confectionery production, canning industry, provision of public services, processing of secondary material resources. 7

The law lists the particular benefits and exemptions that may be granted under an investment agreement, including those .. CONCESSION AGREEMENTS related to acquiring title to a land plot, construction, and exemptions from certain A concession is an agreement by the Republic taxes and customs duties. An investment of Belarus granting a temporary right to carry out agreement may additionally provide for aspecific type of activity related to the exclusive waiver of the legal immunity of the Belarusian competence of the state, or the right to use state. This is crucial for submission of property (e.g., subsoil, waters, woods, land) disputes with the state to foreign courts owned bythe state. and arbitral tribunals and enforcing Concession agreements are of three types: judgments and arbitral awards outside - full agreement (right of property to goods of Belarus. produced stays with the concessionaire); For large-scale projects an investor may - agreement on division of products (goods be granted additional benefits, exemptions produced are divided between the concessionaire and legal guarantees not envisaged by law. and the state under a procedure and in a These may include government obligations proportion set by the agreement); to provide a special tax regime, a steady - concession agreement on services / work (the supply of raw materials, and other right to goods produced is transferred to the conditions material for the investor, to issue state; the concessionaire only receives all permits and approvals necessary for remuneration for services (work) performed). realisation of an investment project, or A concession agreement is concluded either to guarantee a stable legal framework for by tender or following direct negotiations with an investment project. An investment the investor. Direct negotiations are possible for agreement with additional benefits, strategically significant objects or if information exemptions, and guarantees requires a about the object is a state secret by the decision decision of the Council of Ministers of the President of the Republic of Belarus. approved by the President. An investment The official list of objects offered for concession agreement may also specify additional as of June  includes  objects, inter alia, investor obligations, such as employing chalk, clay, and oil shale deposits, etc. This list and training Belarusian nationals, or use of is actual nowadays. new technologies. Investors initiate an investment agreement with the authority responsible for a certain region, enterprise or industry – normally, a municipal authority, a ministry, or a state organisation. If the draft INVESTMENT ACTIVITY investment agreement provides benefits .. or exemptions, the respective authority IN SMALL TOWNS negotiates the contents of the agreement Since  July , companies and individual with the investor and circulates the draft entrepreneurs operating in all rural areas and among other interested state authorities towns* enjoy the following All cities and towns except for such as the Ministry of Economy (pricing Baranovichy, Bobruisk, Borisov, main benefits within seven issues), the Ministry of Taxes and Duties Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, years after registration: (tax exemptions), the Ministry of Justice Zhodino, Zhlobin, Lida, Minsk, - exemption from profit (legal clarity and compliance of the Mogilev, Mozyr, Molodechno, tax on sale of goods, work, , Orsha, Pinsk, agreement with local laws). Negotiations Polotsk, , Svetlogorsk, services of own production; and approval of the draft by all interested Slutsk and Soligorsk. - exemption from other authorities may take several months. taxes and duties, except for VAT, excise tax, offshore duty, land tax, ecological tax, natural resources tax, customs duties and fees, state duties, patent duties, and stamp duty; and

8 - exemption from real estate tax for buildings located within the FEZ territory in case the resident sells goods under special FEZ tax regime, as well as for buildings within the FEZ territory within 3 - no restrictions on insuring risks with foreign years of the registration as a FEZ resident (except insurers. for buildings in lease or other compensated or The special legal regime does not apply to uncompensated use). banks, insurance companies, investment funds, Tax benefits apply if a FEZ resident provides professional participants in the securities the tax authority with a certificate of goods of own market, businesses operating under other production issued by the Belarusian Chamber of preferential legal regimes (High Technology Commerce and Industry. Park, Industrial Park “Great Stone”, August The special legal regime does not apply to banks, Channel) and certain other businesses. insurance companies, and businesses in the area of catering, gambling, interactive electronic games, trade, and securities.

.. FREE ECONOMIC ZONES (FEZs) At present, Belarus has six FEZs (one for each GREAT STONE INDUSTRIAL PARK oblast (region) administrative centre, including .. Minsk). As of  January ,  entities were In June  the China-Belarus Industrial Park registered as FEZ residents. (Industrial Park) was created for a term of  years. In order to become a FEZ resident, an investor The Industrial Park comprises an area of over needs to meet certain criteria, such as: , hectares in the south-western part of - minimal investment of EUR  million Smolevichi district (close to "Minsk-" or EUR . million provided that the investments national airport). are made within  years since the moment Today, the Industrial Park is an international

of concluding an agreement on the order of platform for creating high-tech industries in activities in FEZ; and advanced fields of activity designed to give - FEZ residents should produce within FEZ impetus to the development of the entire territory import-substituting goods or goods economy of the country, create high-performance oriented for export. jobs, and attract innovative technologies. In the FEZ residents enjoy the following main Industrial Park, a special regime applies to taxation, tax benefits: customs, administrative and other regulations. - exemption from profit tax for selling goods Within the framework of the regime residents of own production, provided that the goods of the Industrial Park are provided with a wide (work, services) produced are either exported range of benefits and preferences. from Belarus or sold to other FEZ residents; The status of Industrial Park resident can be - exemption from payment of customs duties granted to legal entities registered and and taxes and from non-tariff regulation implementing investment projects there. The measures in relation to foreign goods nationality of investors is not limited to China or imported into the territory of FEZ; Belarus only. The priority industries expected to - exemption from compensation payments develop in the Industrial Park are electronics, of value of removed plants in case of pharmaceuticals, biomedicine, chemicals, construction of objects provided in the mechanical engineering, logistics, big data, investment project within the boundaries of FEZ; R&D, and some other. The amount of investment

- exemptions from land tax for any land plot shall equal to USD  million, for R&D activities – within the FEZ territory in case the resident USD . million. The same amount of USD sells goods under special FEZ tax regime, as . million applies to investments, well as for the land plots within the FEZ which are made within  years since the territory until commissioning of the last moment of concluding an agreement on the object constructed on these land plots, order of activities in the Industrial Park. but not longer than five years after the registration as a FEZ resident; and . investment project business plan . the initiator's annual financial statements for  years preceding the planned year for the start of the investment project (for the initiators created less than  years prior to the planned year for the start of the investment project - for the whole period of activity), as well as financial statements for the current period (as for the first day of the month preceding the month of submission of the package of documents) .documents confirming the reliability of investment expenditures for the equipment being purchased, including contracts, if any, for its supply . documents confirming the calculation or estimation of construction costs, including the conclusion (if any) of the state examination of project documentation . loan agreement or its project or other documents (conclusions) of creditors (lenders), foreign creditors, confirming the intentions and conditions of rendering credits (loans) for the implementation of the investment project .constituent documents of the initiator . other documents as statutorily require


It is also possible to obtain a status of an - investors and Industrial Park residents can choose investor of the Industrial Park without contractors to construct Industrial Park objects registering as a resident. The investor status and suppliers of goods for building and equipping allows to receive land plots on the territory them without tenders; of the Industrial Park in order to finance - design, adjustment of project documentation, construction or equipment of the objects construction and commissioning of Industrial on these land plots. Park objects may be carried out in accordance with Industrial Park residents enjoy the technical legal acts similar to those adopted following benefits: in China and EU countries if project documentation - exemption from income tax on proceeds passes public examination in Belarus, safety of from sale of goods (work, services) of own construction work and materials is guaranteed and production manufactured in the Industrial necessary documentation is drawn up in Russian Park for ten years from the date of registration (Belarusian) or a translation of the documentation as residents; afterwards the rate of income is provided; tax is reduced by %; - imported goods for the design, construction, and - exemption from real estate tax on real equipping of Industrial Park objects are not subject estate objects located in the Industrial Park; to mandatory conformity assessment in Belarus. - exemption from land tax on land plots in the Legislation guarantees stability of the special Industrial Park; legal regime throughout the lifetime of the - for the first five years starting from the year Industrial Park. when profit is first declared by a resident, Incentives and preferences of the Industrial Park the income tax rate on dividends paid by do not apply to financial institutions, businesses an Industrial Park resident to its founder in the area of lotteries, gambling, and interactive amounts to %; electronic games. - until  January  the income tax rate on royalties paid by Industrial Park residents to foreign organisations amounts to %; - until  January , the personal income tax rate for employees of Industrial Park residents is %; - a full VAT refund is paid for imported goods (work, services), property rights used in the design, construction, and equipping .. HIGH TECHNOLOGY PARK (HTP) of buildings and constructions in the The HTP was created in  to foster Industrial Park; development of the IT industry. The HTP is an - exemption from customs duties and VAT area in the eastern part of Minsk with a special on goods (manufacturing equipment, legal regime. According to Decree of the President components and spare parts, materials and of  December  No.  (Decree No. ) the raw materials) imported into Belarus in order special regime of the HTP was prolonged up to implement investment projects in the to . Industrial Park; Decree No. 8 also introduced regulations of - other benefits related to social security cryptocurrencies and tokens, as well as related payments for employees of Industrial activities, like mining and ICO. Until  Park residents, terms of processing matters activities with cryptocurrencies and tokens are involving foreign labour immigration, subject to wide tax and foreign currency benefits, and others. including full exemption from the company In addition, legal acts specify features of income tax, personal income tax, VAT, tax under construction of Industrial Park objects and simplified taxation system, and some other infrastructure, in particular: benefits. Moreover, on November ,  Supervisory Council of the HTP approved the Regulations on token-related activities, in particular: 

• Regulations on the requirements to be - real estate on HTP territory (except leased real met by certain applicants for their estate) is exempt from real estate tax; and registration as residents of the HTP; - dividends paid to shareholders registered in • Regulations on the activity of a offshore zones are not subject to offshore duties. cryptoplatform operator; Furthermore, certain exemptions concern • Regulations on the activity of a personal income tax paid by employees in HTP, cryptocurrency exchange office operator; and social security payments. Foreign legal • Regulations on provision of services entities also enjoy benefits as to taxation of related to the creation and placement of dividends, interest and royalties from HTP digital tokens (tokens) and carrying out residents. These types of income are taxed at of operations on the creation and the rate of %, unless more favourable placement of own digital tokens (tokens); conditions are set by international agreements. • Regulations on the requirements for the internal control rules of residents of the HTP. Unofficial translation of the relevant regulations into the English language may be found on the official web page of HTP (/?lng=en/). In addition, under Decree No.  the HTP .. SOUTH-EAST REGION OF MOGILEV has become a testing ground for OBLAST`(SER) approbation of some international legal On  June , Presidential Decree No. mechanisms, like non-compete and non-  “On Social and Economic Development of solicitation agreements, convertible loan, South-East Region of Mogilev Oblast’” option agreement, indemnification introduced a set of measures for development agreement, investment partnership of SER territory, that comprises Krichev, Klimovichi, agreement, irrevocable power of attorney. Kransopolije, Kostiukevichi, Slavgorod, Cherikov, In future the listed mechanisms may be and Hotimsk districts of Mogilev oblast’. These incorporated into general civil regulations measures include preferential regime for of Belarus. business entities and individual entrepreneurs, The status of HTP resident can be granted registered on the territory of SER from  June to a Belarusian company (including those  to  December . with foreign investments) whose business is: Business entities and individual - analysis, design, and software support entrepreneurs registered on the territory of SER for information systems; enjoy the following benefits: - data processing; - personal income tax at the reduced rate of % - fundamental and applied research, in regard to remuneration under employment exploratory developments in the field of agreements (contracts) for the period of  years natural and engineering sciences; after the employer starts to produce goods, - technical protection of information; perform works, or render services on SER territory; - IT consulting and a range of other activities. - social security contributions by employers at Several additional types of activities were also the reduced rate of % for the period of  years introduced by Decree No. , including activities after the employer starts to produce goods, related to AI, self-driving cars development, perform works, or render services on SER cybersport, IT education, etc. territory. HTP residents enjoy the following main tax benefits: - generally, exemption from profit tax and VAT related to HTP activities; - WHT at the rate of  % for dividends, and % for interests and royalties from HTP residents; - land plots within the HTP necessary for construction of buildings are exempt from land tax throughout the period of construction but no longer than three years; 

.. ORSHA DISTRICT OF VITEBSK - right to apply EU, EAEU, and China construction OBLAST` and technical rules without adaptation to the Belarusian standards; According to Presidential Decree No.  - exemption from payment of state fee for dated  December  “On Development issuance of special labour permits; of Orsha District of Vitebsk Oblast’”, business - exemption from recovery of losses of forestry entities that carry out their activities in the production for implementation of projects territory of Orsha district are subject to an creating (extending) production sphere; impressive set of preferences. The main of - financial support of small and medium-sized them include the following: entrepreneurship at the cost of Oblast’ budget. - exemption from a number of restrictions for applying the simplified taxation system, as well as lower tax rates under this system: % of the turnover from sale of goods of own production, % of the turnover from performing own works or rendering own services; .. SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE IN - exemption from VAT in relation to certain MULTIMODAL INDUSTRIAL LOGISTIC types of imported machinery and equipment CENTER “BREMINOORSHA” (SEZ) that are subject to % customs duty; - full VAT refund for developers in regard to Multimodal Industrial Logistic Center the goods, works, and services used for “Bremino-Orsha” is a special industrial and logistics constructing and equipping facilities in project in Orsha district implemented under the the Orsha district; Presidential Decree No.  dated ... - the right to apply investment tax refund The project received further support from the in the amount of up to % of the initial government and substantive preferences for SEZ cost of buildings and constructions located residents were introduced by Presidential Decree in Orsha district (or investments in their dated  March  No.  “On creation of reconstruction), as well as similar deduction Special Economic zone “Bremino-Orsha”. in regard to machinery, equipment, and Upon the requirements of the Presidential Decree, vehicles used in commercial activities in SEZ residents have to declare amount of Orsha district, but in the amount of up to investments not less than USD  million % of initial costs or investments in (or USD , under the condition of investment reconstruction. within  years or for implementation of research - exemption from payment of default interest and development project) in implementation of for delayed performance of tax obligations; projects in such spheres as manufacturing, - preferential % rate of social security e-Commerce, logistics and transport, postal services, contributions by employers; activities in the field of information services, - exemption from several mandatory research and development. Upon approval of the requirements to foreign trade operations, President, investment projects may also relate to including the terms of their completion; production of food products, light industry, - lower annual rental payments for the land household appliances, wholesale trade. lots (calculated based on cadastral value of SEZ residents will enjoy such main benefits as: the land plot with . instead of default - exemption from CIT for  years from the first tax . – . coefficients); period in which gross profit arose; - deduction of full VAT on construction and equipment of facilities, exemption from VAT on sale, leasing (leasing) to residents of real estate by January , ; 

- exemption from personal income tax, dividend Within PPP, a private partner undertakes tax and equivalent income within  years from obligations of creation and/or modernisation the date of declaration of profit (for founders of of an infrastructureobject, its technical resident companies and joint ventures); servicing and (or) operation. In order to ensure - exemption from real estate tax on objects of performance of obligations by a private partner, taxation in the SEZ, regardless of the purpose of the infrastructureobjects can be transferred their use, for the period of  years; into its possession, use (including free of - exemption from payment of import customs charge use), and land plots underlying the duties, taxes in case of import of goods (technological objects can be transferred to the private equipment, components and spare parts, raw materials) partner for lease, permanent or temporary for implementation of the investment project use. Private partners are entitled to receiving in the SEZ; state budget financing, as well as full or - exemption from customs VAT in relation to partial financing of their obligations on vehicles for transportation of goods, tractors, trailers, their own. aircraft, railway trains not produced in Belarus, In addition to the above the following until  December . guarantees of private partners’ rights are provided: - general guarantees offered to investors; - non-interference into the activity of a private partner except for the cases provided in PPP agreements, legal acts, or in situations calling for protection of national security, PUBLICPRIVATE .. public order, morality, health of the (PPP) PARTNERSHIP population, rights and freedoms OPPORTUNITIES of third parties; - guarantee of state financing, if provided PPP in Belarus is regulated by the Law on Public- under the PPP agreement; Private Partnership that came into force on  July - guarantee of independent choice . of suppliers According to it arrangements between the state -protection of property and other rights. (state partner) and a private business (private partner) Besides PPP agreements, it is possible are formalised with PPP agreements, conclusion of to enter into an agreement on which becomes possible as a result of a bidding cooperation. The latter can be concluded procedure organised by state authorities. between a state partner, a private partner, In , the Law on Public-Private Partnership creditors of the private partner and (or) other was amended to clarify the bidding procedure, as parties to regulate terms and conditions well as some other issue, including rights and of their cooperation within implementation guarantees of private partner. It also introduced of PPP project. a mandatory requirement that only a commercial entity of the Republic of Belarus can be a private partner. At the same time, a foreign investor is still entitled to participate in the bidding process, though, in case it is chosen to implement the PPP project, it will have to establish a company in Belarus.


Additional guarantees for foreign investors .. BILATERAL INVESTMENT TREATIES in Belarus are provided by a number of Belarus is also a party to a number of agreements on promotion and protection multilateral treaties on cross-border investment of investments. activity: Agreements on promotion and protection -  International Convention on Settlement of investments currently bind Belarus with of Investment Disputes between States and the following countries: Armenia, Austria, Nationals of Other States; Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium- -  Convention Establishing the Multilateral Luxembourg Economic Union, Bosnia and Investment Guarantee Agency; Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, -  Agreement on Cooperation in the Field Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, of Investment Activity; Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, -  Moscow Convention on Protection of , Germany, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Investors’ Rights; Jordan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, -  Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Union (with Annexes). Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, the Netherlands, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, South Korea, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, the Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Venezuela, Vietnam, and Yemen. 6


When establishing a presence in Belarus, Starting from the September ,  foreign investors choose from a variety of representative offices of foreign company are corporate forms. The decision on corporate accredited by regional executive committees. presence in the form of a representative office or A permit for establishing *For the purpose of this and subsequent a foreign representative local legal entity is usually influenced by the sections the amount in euro has been regulatory framework, the nature of the project, calculated on the basis of the following office is issued for a fixed and strategic plans. rate: EUR  = BYN  .  . From  January term of three years. A representative office is a popular form at the  the amount of the basic unit is equal A foreign company pays to BYN . The government may adjust initial stage of entering the Belarusian market. Due the amount of the basic unit from time to state duty equivalent to to flexible employment, currency control, and time depending on the economic  basic units (EUR ) certain other regulations, representative offices situation in Belarus. for each year when the have often been used at the initial stage of permit to establish business operations in Belarus and for a certain representative office in Belarus is effective. The time even alongside a local legal entity. number of foreign employees of a representative At the same time, starting from  January  a office is limited to five. foreign company may carry out only auxiliary or Permit to establish a representative office is issued preparatory activity via its Belarusian representative within 30 days after filing the necessary documents. office. This activity includes market research, Outstanding procedures after the issuance of the exploring investment opportunities, permit take at least two and a half weeks and end incorporating a legal entity, and similar. with opening representative office bank accounts. The main vehicles for foreign investment in Belarus are legal entities established under local law. 

COMMERCIAL LEGAL ENTITY A UE may be sold or otherwise assigned as a (А) FORMS AND TYPES OF COMMERCIAL whole asset complex,including buildings, LEGAL ENTITY equipment, inventory, raw materials, ready The most common forms of commercial legal entity made goods, claims, debts, as well as in Belarus are joint stock companies, limited liability trademarks and other exclusive rights companies, and unitary enterprises. of the UE. The asset complex is considered to A Joint Stock Company (JSC) under Belarusian law be a real property object. In this regard, the is a commercial company founded by one or more asset complex plus related rights and individuals.. / legal entities (shareholders). Shares in transactions must be registered with the the JSC are securities issued by the company; their National Cadastral Agency. issue is registered with the Department of Securities A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is the of the Ministry of Finance or its relevant territorial most widely used form of business. An LLC is subdivisions. Any issue / cancellation of shares or founded by one or more individuals / legal increase / decrease in their nominal value also require entities (any combination is possible). Shares registration. Unless performed via the Belarusian in an LLC are often referred to as a Currency and Stock Exchange, transactions with shares “participation interest” and do not require in a JSC must in most cases be registered with separate registration. Par value of the professional operators in the securities market participation interest, number of votes and (specialised licensed companies). share in profit are distributed between Under Belarusian law, a JSC can be of two types: shareholders proportionally to the amount of open or closed. Shares in an open JSC may be sold a shareholder’s contributions to the authorised freely to any person without the consent of other capital of an LLC. shareholders. In a closed JSC, shareholders have a However, the shareholders may agree on a pre-emptive right to acquire shares offered, or under different correlation between participation its articles or shareholders’ decision shares may be interests, number of votes, and shares in profit. sold only to a limited range of persons. A closed JSC Shareholders in an LLC enjoy a pre-emptive cannot offer its shares for public subscription. right to purchase a participation interest in an A Unitary Enterprise (UE) is a commercial LLC offered to third persons by other company established by a single owner. All shareholders. If none of the shareholders assets of a UE are considered as the property exercises this right, the pre-emptive right of its owner. The authorised capital of a UE is passes to the LLC itself. Shareholders in an not divided into shares. LLC (except for the sole shareholder) may, in contrast to a JSC, atany time declare their exit from the LLC and after exit receive part of the property of the LLC proportional to the amount of their participation interest.


Type/form Minimal authorised Number of Declaration and formation of legal entity capital shareholders/owners of authorised capital

Unitary enterprise  kopek Only one owner of assets Authorised capital should be declared in BYN and fully paid Limited liability  kopek Minimum one company maximum  within  months after state registration of the company Closed joint-stock  basic units Minimum one company (CJSC) (approx EUR ,) Maximum 

Open joint-stock  basic units Minimum one company (OJSC) (approx EUR ,) Maximum is unlimited 

.. MANAGEMENT Establishing a Supervisory Board is Management structures are specific for mandatory only in an open JSC with the each legal form of company. number of shareholders of more than . The (D)UNITARY ENTERPRISE competence of the Supervisory Board usually covers general management of the The owner of a UE is the supreme company. Specific powers may be granted management body. Exclusive competence by the Meeting within limits defined by law. of the owner covers introducing amendments Only natural persons may be members of the to the UE articles, increasing or decreasing Supervisory Board; they may be elected not authorised capital. The owner appoints and only from the shareholders of the company. dismisses the director of the UE or The company may be outsourced manager. An owner who is a *The Meeting is not created in managed by a sole and / natural person may personally perform commercial companies with one or collective executive the duties of director or outsourced shareholder. The powers of the Meeting in such companies are exercised by the body (the Director / manager. sole shareholder. Management Board) but (E)JOINTSTOCK AND LIMITED there may not be several managing directors LIABILITY COMPANIES equal in status. The company may have both a Management Board and Director. However, The structure of managing bodies of a in that case their competence should be commercial company other than a UE may clearly distributed among the bodies and include the general meeting of shareholders, the Director should be elected in the the supervisory board, and the director capacity of a Chairman of the Management Board. (board of directors). The functions of the executive body may be The general meeting of shareholders transferred to an outsourced organisation or manager. (Meeting) is the supreme managing body of The executive body is in charge of managing the the company. The Meeting convenes at company’s day-to-day activities annual and extraordinary sessions. A foreign citizen may be appointed as a Director / The Meeting can decide on issues of member of the Management Board in any company. reorganising and liquidating the company, In this case the Director / member of the Management amending its articles, changing the amount Board is obliged to obtain a work permit. Note that of authorised capital, forming other managing citizens of states which are parties to the Eurasian bodies, and other strategic issues. Economic Union do not need work permits by virtue of the respective international treaty. In addition, HTP residents are exempt from necessity to obtain work permits. Appointment of foreign citizens to the Supervisory Board requires no special permits or licences.



Belarusian law provides possibility to conclude a A shareholders’ agreement may set the following shareholders’ agreement (in JSC) and an agreement on obligations: the exercise of the rights of company shareholders • to vote in a certain way at a general meeting of (in LLC) (hereinafter shareholders’ agreement). These shareholders; corporate tools aim to support shareholders in • to coordinate a voting option with other shareholders; coordinating their activities as to participating in the • to acquire or dispose of shares at a predetermined management of a company, exercising their rights price and/or subject to occurrence of certain more efficiently and protecting their legitimate circumstances; interests. • to refrain from disposing of shares before the Under the law, a shareholders’ agreement is an occurrence of certain circumstances; and agreement on implementing rights certified by shares • to perform other concerted actions associated and/or on peculiarities of exercise of rights to shares. with the management of the company, company A shareholders’ agreement is concluded in respect of activities, reorganisation, and liquidation all shares held by a party to a shareholders’ of the company. agreement. The company itself cannot be a party to a shareholders’ agreement, nor can all shareholders (at least one should not be a party). Breach of a shareholders’ agreement cannot be a ground for invalidating decisions of the company’s management bodies.


Obligations of a party to a shareholders’ .. ESTABLISHING A COMPANY agreement to vote according to the Generally, incorporation of a company instructions of the management bodies of a includes the following steps: company in respect of which the agreement - choosing a name for the company and has been signed cannot be the subject of a registering this with the municipal authority; shareholders’ agreement. - choosing the future location of the Although these amendments represent company (“virtual addresses” are not a considerable step forward in corporate allowed); regulation, certain issues are not addressed - executing the articles of the company in the law and would have to be developed and other incorporation documents; further either by practice or through - filing for registration of the company. subsequent amendment of the legal Registration of a company is effective framework. Such matters include, for instance, from the date when the documents are eligibility of arbitration under shareholders’ filed. Registration with the tax authorities, agreements plus the possibility to govern a social security fund and insurance body shareholders’ agreement by a foreign law is accomplished without involvement of where one of the parties is a foreign individual the applicant during the next five business or company. days. Other post-registration procedures include appointment of the executive body and the chief accountant, production of the corporate seal, and opening bank accounts.

State registration takes one working day

and the whole registration process (up to opening bank accounts) should not exceed one and a half weeks. 69


The type of privatization procedure depends on The winners are selected after the contest by a objects of privatisation, which include housing, state specially established commission or may be enterprises, leased state property, and state-owned directly negotiated if there is only one contest shares. Potential investors can join the privatisation of participant. state enterprises process at various stages: It is also possible to acquire a share in a - access as new shareholders during transformation of transformed company at the stage of sale of enterprises into open joint-stock companies; shares. - by acquisition of state-owned shares in existing .. ACQUISITION OF STATEOWNED open joint-stock companies; JSC SHARES AND ENTERPRISES AS ASSET - by acquisition of a state or municipal unitary COMPLEXES enterprise as an asset complex. Lists of open-joint stock companies in which shares The State Property Committee can also itself are available for privatisation are published on the organise an auction or contest where state-owned official website of the State Property Committee shares or enterprises are sold to investors. The ( contest or auction is announced in the Belarusian These lists contain basic information on mass media and on the Committee’s official privatisation conditions, and sometimes a brief website To participate in a contest description of privatisation objects. or auction the investor applies with a set of Investors are welcome to select privatisation supporting documents. Contest participants should targets from the list and send a brief letter of interest also file a tender proposal corresponding to the to the State Property Committee. Letters of interest terms of the contest. The winner of the contest are reviewed by a special commission that decides or auction becomes either the shareholder in the on the feasibility of preparing a decision of the company or the owner of the enterprise as an President on privatisation of shares via tender, asset complex. auction or direct sale. The investor may also send a letter of interest in respect of objects that do not appear on the State Property Committee list. Basically, any object can be sold if an investor is interested and the state finds the conditions proposed by that investor interesting. .. BECOMING COFOUNDER OF AN OPEN JOINTSTOCK COMPANY Decisions on transformation of the state unitary enterprises into open joint stock companies are made on a case by case basis by competent state authorities. The State Property Committee or its local divisions, depending on the size of the unitary enterprise, which is to be transformed, may announce a contest to choose a private investor in addition to the state – the future shareholder of an open joint stock company.  . MERGER FILING REQUIREMENTS IN BELARUS

In Belarus merger filing is mandatory in some a. the intended transaction results in the acquirer’s cases. This means that some transactions may ability to influence decisions of the target; require prior clearance by the antimonopoly b. the target is a business entity holding a dominant authority (the Ministry of Antimonopoly position in a certain commodity market; Regulation and Trade and the respective local c. the acquirer is a business entity or an individual. subdivisions). . Acquisition of control over a material number of Under the effective Law the parties should shares (participation interest) of a target (all of the apply to the antimonopoly authority for approval following conditions should be met): of an intended transaction with shares (participation a. acquisition may take any form as long as control interest) if the book value of the target’s or over disposal of shares (participation interest) is acquirer’s assets as of the latest reporting date gained (e.g. purchase, trust management, agency); and exceeds , basic units b. the acquirer is a business entity or an individual; and (approx. EUR . mln), or the amount of proceeds c. the intended transaction results in the acquirer’s from sales for the previous financial year exceeds right to dispose of more than % of the shares , basic units (approx. EUR . mln), or (participation interest) in the target, if before the acquirer and / or target included into the State transaction the acquirer had no right to dispose of Register of Business Entities holding Dominant the target’s shares (participation interest) or had the position in the relevant market or the State right to dispose of not more than % of the target’s Register of Natural Monopolies entities, in the shares (participation interest), or following cases: d. the intended transaction results in the acquirer’s .Transactions where the acquirer and the target right to dispose of more than % of shares operate in the same commodity market (all of the (participation interest) in the target, and before following conditions should be met): the transaction the acquirer had the right to a.the intended transaction relates to acquisition dispose of more than % but not more than % of more than % of shares (participation interest) of the target’s shares (participation interest). in the target; . Acquisition of the right to participate in the executive b. the acquirer is a business entity holding a bodies, supervisory board, and other managing bodies dominant position in that market. of two or more targets by the same acquirer (all of .Transactions with shares (participation interest) the following conditions should be met): of a target holding a dominant position (all of the a. the targets operate in the market for interchangeable following conditions should be met): (similar) goods; a. the intended transaction relates to acquisition b. the acquirer has an opportunity to set conditions for of at least % of shares (participation interest) the targets’ business activities; in the target; c. the acquirer is a business entity or an individual. b. the target is a business entity holding a dominant Starting from  August  the Law on Counteracting position in a certain commodity market; Monopolistic Activity and Development of Competition c. the acquirer is a business entity or an individual. established several additional cases in which the . Acquisition of the ability to influence decisions merger clearance is required: of a target holding a dominant position (all the following conditions should be met): 

. Acquisition of the right to give mandatory The law may seem somewhat ambiguous as to the orders in regard to the target’s business activity necessity to obtain approval for a foreign-to-foreign or to perform functions of a management body transaction, where the transaction has no direct of the target. local nexus. According to consistent practice of . Conclusion of a simple partnership agreement market players and the position thus far taken by (cooperative business agreement) on the territory the antimonopoly authority of Belarus, these of the Republic of Belarus (all of the following transactions may be exempted from merger conditions should be met): clearance in most cases. Based on analysis of a. the parties to the agreement are individual current legislation and available practice one entrepreneurs and/or business entities; may conclude that transaction between foreign b. the parties to the agreement are competitors. parties may be subject to Belarusian merger . Acquisition of a title over a significant amount control if the transaction involves the direct of property of a commercial entity (all of the transfer of shares in a Belarusian entity or it leads following conditions should be met): or may lead to prevention, restriction, or a. the acquired property is either fixed or intangible elimination of competition in the respective assets; commodity markets of Belarus. In the latter b. the acquired property is located on the territory case such affect may take place if the of the Republic of Belarus; transaction involves indirect transfer of shares c. the value of the acquired property exceeds in a Belarusian entity, if a party to the transaction % of total book value of the target’s fixed and maintains a corporate presence in Belarus or intangible assets; operates (directly or indirectly) in the Belarusian d. the property is received into ownership, use, or market and holds a significant market share possession. (approx. % and higher) or the transaction will lead to a significant increase in its market share. No filing fees are payable in Belarus for examining an application or approving a transaction.  . FINANCIAL REGULATION IN BELARUS

.. BANK ACCOUNTS Residents and non-residents may freely exchange currency through Belarusian banks regardless the Opening a bank account abroad by a purposes of such exchange. In order to exchange Belarusian company requires a permit from currency in foreign exchange markets, a Belarusian the National Bank of the Republic of company (except for banks) needs to obtain a permit Belarus (National Bank), subject to some of the National Bank. exceptions. According to the Program on Starting from August , Belarusian companies Social-Economic Development of the are not required anymore to sell any part of their Republic of Belarus for – income in foreign currency. restrictions for opening back accounts abroad are planned to be cancelled completely by . Foreign companies may open settlement accounts in Belarusian banks both in local currency and in foreign currency. Pledges over Belarusian bank accounts are not available in Belarus, though certain contractual security instrument with respect to them may be considered. .. REQUIREMENTS FOR OBTAINING A LOAN FROM A NON-RESIDENT Loan agreements concluded with non-residents are subject to registration with a Belarusian resident’s servicing bank. Such registration is simple and straightforward .. CURRENCY OF SETTLEMENT AND CURRENCY EXCHANGE procedure. Interest-free loans received by residents from non- Foreign currency can be used in settlements residents may be regarded as foreign gratuitous aid. Such between Belarusian residents only in limited aid is subject to burdensome registration procedure and contexts. Settlements between a resident and may only be provided for a limited range of purposes. non-resident may be both in local currency and in foreign currency if the National Bank has set the official exchange rate of the BYN against the other currency (the list comprises  foreign , including USD and EUR). Certain limitations as to the use of foreign currency in settlements with foreign companies may be set in international treaties to which Belarus is a party. 3 . LEGAL STATUS OF LAND AND OTHER REAL ESTATE

Under Belarusian law real estate includes land plots, buildings and structures, objects of conserved incomplete construction, parking spaces and other objects closely connected with land.

.. REGISTRATION OF REAL ESTATE Any person may request information (including information on ownership and other rights) on Real estate objects are considered as specific real estate object by its address and/or created only after state registration. inventory/cadastral number. However, only Emergence, transfer, and termination of title holders, their successors, government rights to and encumbrances on real estate as authorities and, in certain cases, notaries and well as transactions with real estate require advocates may access a list of all real estate objects state registration (except for lease, sublease belonging to a particular individual or legal entity. and free-usage transactions with buildings and structures and rights thereto). Real estate .. LAND PLOTS transactions requiring state registration enter In Belarus, use of land plots is predetermined by their into force from the date of state registration. specific designation (e.g. agriculture, forest and water Failure to comply with this requirement fund, inhabited areas, infrastructure). results in invalidity of the transaction. Designation of land plots may be changed by decision Registration is performed by the local of local authorities. agencies on state registration and land Belarusian legal entities (including those with foreign cadaster (local agency). From  July  investments) can hold the following rights and titles to a number of amendments to legislation land: regarding registration of real estate, rights - right of ownership; thereto and transaction therewith have - right of permanent use; entered into force. The main one is the - right of temporary use; following: - right of lease (predominantly used title). - new form of applying for registration of Land plots can be transferred into ownership of real estate, rights thereto and transaction Belarusian legal entities at auction. The law sets an therewith is introduced: application can be extensive list of exceptions when auctions may made through authorised agents (e.g. advocates, be avoided. realters, notaries, etc.). Other forms of A right of permanent use of a land plot presumes the application are applying in person, through right to own and use a land plot for its designated purpose mail or by e-mailing electronic documents. without time limitation. Only certain types of commercial All information on registered real estate is legal entities can enjoy a right of permanent use of land available in the Unified State Register of Real plots, including: Estate, Rights thereto and Transactions therewith (the Real Estate Register). Registration data are open for public access. 4

- agricultural organisations; Apart from buildings and constructions - non-governmental legal entities as to land (permanent structures) the law treats the following plots used for servicing real estate objects objects as real estate: owned by the state; - isolated premises (parts of a capital building - legal entities for construction and operation registered and regarded as separate real estate); of apartment houses, parking places and garages; - parking spaces (structures registered and regarded - legal entities as to resizing land plots granted as separate real estate); for permanent use in connection with - objects of incomplete construction (conservated reconstruction of buildings located on them; incomplete construction objects registered and - legal entities for construction and maintenance regarded as separate real estate). of transport and engineering infrastructure Buildings and constructions can be owned by facilities as well as roadside service facilities foreignlegal entities and individuals. (except for construction of roadside service Rent rates for lease of a state-owned building facilities in suburban areas of Minsk city and should be set according to special rules established by regional capitals), etc. Presidential Decree and calculated in basic lease The above entities can also be granted a right units (BYN ,, i.e. approx. EUR .). of temporary use of a land plot. A land plot can Local authorities enjoy a pre-emptive right to acquire be granted into temporary use for a maximum of certain buildings and other real estate located within ten years, with some exceptions. their jurisdiction. The list of these buildings and other The right of temporary use can also be granted real estate is set annually by local authorities. In to investors operating under concession practice thisright is rarely exercised. However, sale- agreements for a maximum period of  years. purchase agreements may be registered with the Real Lease agreements can be concluded for a Estate Register and ownership may be transferred to the maximum of  years. The amount of lease purchaser only afterthe local authority decides not to payments should be set in such agreement. exercise its pre-emptive right to acquire. The general rule is that land plots owned by In general legal entities also enjoy a pre-emptive the state are let based on the results of one of right to acquire state property (excluding land plots) the following main types of auction: in case ofleasing it for the period not less than  years - auction for the right to conclude an agreement with granting payment by instalments for  years. In for lease of a land plot; such case propertyalienation should be initiated by - auction for the right to design and construct state authority owning the leased property. buildings. .. MORTGAGE Land plots are provided into lease without Belarusian law allows use of real estate as collateral, but holding auctions in limited cases set by law. some restrictions are applied. Foreign legal entities can use the land plots Only the following organisations are allowed to be only on the right of lease. mortgagees of land plots and pledgees of lease rights (provided that payment for the right to conclude the lease agreement has been made) to land plots: - banks with a licence to place funds attracted in their own name and for their own account on condition of recurrence, interest payment, and maturity; - Asset Management Agency OJSC, Development Bank of .. BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTIONS the Republic of Belarus OJSC if a transfer of interest in loan with a collateral in a form of mortgage was made to Belarus has no codified legal act regulating the the mentioned organisations; status of buildings and structures and construction - the IFC, EBRD and the Eurasian Development Bank, if activity. It is possible to distinguish two categories the mortgage of a land plot (pledge of lease right to a of buildings with different legal status – land plot) secures repayment of a loan to a Belarusian residential and non-residential. resident; 5

- the China Development Bank, the Export- If payment was not made Import Bank of China, IFC, EBRD, Eurasian the building or the isolated premises may be mortgaged without Development Bank in respect of land plots simultaneous pledge of lease rights to land plots. located on the territory of the “Great Stone” Consequently, buildings or isolated premises located China-Belarus Industrial Park if the mortgage on an owned or leased land plot (provided that payment of a land plot (pledge of lease right to a land plot) for the right to conclude the lease agreement has been secures repayment of a loan to Industrial Park made) may secure only repayment of bank credit Development Company CJSC or its residents. agreements and loan agreements with the IFC, EBRD, Only owners and tenants of a land plot may the Eurasian Development Bank as well as with the China act as mortgagors (i.e. entities holding land plots Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China under the title of permanent or temporary use (for land plots located on the territory of the “Great Stone” cannot mortgage land plots or rights thereto) China-Belarus Industrial Park). Mortgage of buildings as well as isolated Types of liability that may be secured by mortgage of premises located on an owned land plot is buildings or isolated premises located on land plots held allowed only with simultaneous mortgage of under the title of temporary or permanent use are not limited. the underlying land plot (a share in the land The same relates to buildings or isolated premises located on plot). Mortgage of buildings as well as isolated leased land plots provided that payment for the right to premises located on a leased land plot is allowed conclude the lease agreement has not been made. on simultaneous mortgage of the right of lease (share Mortgage of real estate (both an agreement and a in the right of lease) on the underlying land plot if right) requires registration in the Real Estate Register. payment for the right to conclude the lease agreement was made by the tenant. . INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION Besides having fairly well-developed national legislation on protection of intellectual property, Belarus is a party to many international IP agreements administered by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). Belarus is also a party to several regional IP agreements (e.g. Eurasian Patent Cooperation within the framework of the CIS), and several bilateral cooperation agreements in the field of industrial property protection. Besides, it is expected that in the future it will be possible to obtain regional registrations of trademarks and appellations of origin covering all member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. The member countries have signed the relevant regional agreement on  February . Still the countries should implement necessary domestic procedures to let the agreement enter into force. Also the membercountries should consider additional actions to be performed (e.g. patent fee rates and creation of a single portal for filing purposes).

.. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) – geographical indications (appellations of origin and indications of source); Belarusian laws provide for the following types – corporate names; of IP: – inventions, utility models, industrial designs; – scientific, literary and artistic – topologies of integrated circuits; works subject to copyright protection – selection achievements (plant varieties and (including software); animal breeds); and – performances, phonograms, transmissions of – production secrets (know-how). broadcasting

organisations (related rights); – trademarks and service marks; 6

Copyright and related rights obtain legal protection due to the fact of their creation. No formalities are required to enable their protection. .. PATENT AUTHORITY AND Trademarks are protected in Belarus only REGISTRATION OF AGREEMENTS if registered through international or national procedures. The patent authority of Belarus is the Corporate names of Belarusian companies National Center of Intellectual Property are protected on the basis of registration. Trade (NCIP). The official NCIP website is names of foreigncompanies are protected in It contains databases Belarus without formalities if the trade name of inventions, utility models, industrial of the foreign company is registered in a designs, selection achievements, topologies member state of the Paris Convention or is of integrated circuits, trademarks registered generally acknowledged therein. in Belarus and marks applied for registration. Appellations of origin are protected in These databases are updated every month Belarus on the basis of national registration with new registrations and intended for while indications of source are protected guidance only. Official data on applications on the basis of use. filed (for some types of IP), registered IP, The right to protect know-how from unlawful protection documents effective in Belarus, use arises irrespective of execution of formalities as well as changes made to state registers of (e.g. registration). However, know-how is industrial property are published in official protected only if all the following criteria NCIP editions. are met: the information is of commercial value Upon request the NCIP prepares extracts due to its confidentiality, it is not freely regarding any IP objects, or issues accessible on a lawful ground, and the owner informationon agreements registered for a of the information takes certain measures certain company. established by law to protect its confidentiality Under general rule, licences, assignments, (e.g. issues internal documentation, applies pledges, and other agreements with regard to technological and/or organisational means). industrial property rights must be registered Under Belarusian law know-how can be neither with the patent authority in order to be assigned nor licensed. considered valid, and the same applies to However, the owner of know-how can provide changes to and termination of these access to know-how under special agreement. agreements. Rights to inventions, utility models, industrial designs and selection achievements are protected only if patents are granted for them. Legal protection of topologies of integrated circuits depends on registration with the patent authority. Registration of trademarks, appellations of origin and topologies ofintegrated circuits is confirmed by certificates. 7 . EMPLOYMENT SPECIFICS

Employment has a number of peculiarities in Belarus, including a dual agreement system and certain issues pertaining to employment of management

.. EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT .. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Employment relations in Belarus should be All grounds for termination of employment formalised by written employment agreement. relations are set by law. The parties cannot set The most common type of employment agreement additional grounds for termination in an in Belarus is the employment contract. employment agreement (contract). An employment contract is a highly specific type .. NONCOMPETITION of employment agreement which can be concluded AND CONFIDENTIALITY for a minimum of one year and a maximum of five If performance of job duties requires access to trade years. It is more employer-friendly and is widely secrets of the company, the employer may require the used in Belarus for several reasons, including the employee to sign a confidentiality commitment: refusal following: to do so justifies termination of employment at the - salary may be paid once a month, while salary employer’s discretion. An employee’s signature to a under the employment agreement shall be paid at confidentiality commitment enables the employer to least twice a month; claim damages, including loss of profit, in case of - the contract may be concluded in relation to any disclosure, provided that the regime of trade secret kind of work, while the employment agreement for is duly established in the company. fixed term may be concluded only when it is Belarusian laws do not explicitly forbid a clause impossible to formalise employment relations for prohibiting competition (e.g., prohibition of employment an indefinite period because of nature of the work in the same business or in a particular organisation after or conditions of its performance; leaving the company). However, it is not widely applied - the contract cannot be terminated early solely in Belarus because its enforceability is disputable. upon the employee’s initiative, except for material Arguably, restriction of employment may conflict with breach by the employer or a good reason (moving general principles laid down in the Belarus Labour Code

to a different city and the like). and Constitution. More strict rules for extension of employment At the same time, Decree No.8 (please see p. ... contracts were introduced at the beginning of : hereof) directly allows concluding non-compete for an employee who does not breach discipline, agreements with the employees of HTP’s residents. the employer shall offer to extend the contract for Maximum period of non-compete restriction is 1 year the maximum term (i.e. within 5 years), and upon after termination of the employment agreement with expiration of the maximum term the employer shall HTP’s resident. Employer must pay non-compete offer to conclude a new contract for a period of at compensation for each month of compliance with least  years. Extension for a shorter period is such non-compete obligation after termination of allowed only with the written consent of the the employment in the amount of not less than employee. However, either the employer or the one-third of the average employee’s monthly salary employee may decide not to extend the contract for the last year of the employment. upon its expiration. 8

.. EMPLOYMENT OF THE DIRECTOR .. OTHER FORMS Director’s rights and obligations are set in an A natural person may work on the basis of a employment agreement and in the articles of civil contract. In that case the contractor is not association of the company. Directors of state-owned included in the company’s staff list and may companies and companies with a state share of % or independently manage their work. The more cannot combine jobs, except for teaching, scientific company should organise labour protection work, art, and medical practice. of the contractor as well as paying social The director cannot participate in supervisory and security fees. controlling bodies of the company. The director bears full material liability for real damage caused to company’s property. For additional information about employment of the director, please see subparagraph .. (b) above.

. DISPUTE RESOLUTION Following the judicial system reform in  a unified system of common and commercial courts headed by the Supreme Court has evolved in Belarus. The Supreme Court is the sole supreme authority in the court system and has several judicial panels for commercial, civil, criminal, and intellectual property matters.

The main long-awaited development is the Belarusian national law recognises arbitration as a unified procedural code (merging the commercial means of dispute resolution between private parties procedural code and civil procedural code), which involved in commercial transactions. Some disputes is supposed to pass through the Parliament in . cannot be referred to arbitration, for example: Since  a unified system of enforcement - disputes involving rights to real estate located departments has also been in operation, consisting in Belarus; of the main enforcement department and regional - disputes over decisions by the bodies of a company departments of the Ministry of Justice. New Laws registered in Belarus; regulating enforcement procedures and enforcement - disputes arising from administrative action; officers’ status and activity have been adopted. - disputes related to state-owned property, including The enforcement fee to be withheld from debtors disputes related to privatisation of state-owned constitutes  % of the amount collected based on property and compulsory seizure of property for proprietary claims. For non-proprietary claims the state needs; enforcement fee constitutes 5 basic units - disputes related to recognition of records in state (approx. EUR ) for claims against natural persons registers (cadastres) as null and void; and  basic units (approx. EUR ) for claims - matters related to insolvency (bankruptcy) of against legal entities. The enforcement fee for non- companies and individual entrepreneurs registered proprietary claims is paid for each execution order. in Belarus; The Ministry of Justice was instructed to establish - disputes related to recognition of non-normative by  January  an enforcement proceedings legal acts of state bodies and local authorities as database that would improve transparency, make null and void; publicly available information on the existing - disputes related to release of arrested property enforcement proceedings and provide creditors where the property was arrested by a Belarusian with better control over the performance of the state body. execution orders. 7

Arbitration can proceed under either self- Under international treaties judgments of the administered ad hoc or institutional procedures courts of the following countries may be and rules. The International Arbitration Court at recognized and enforced in Belarus: Armenia, the BelCCI (Belarusian Chamber of Commerce Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Cyprus, and Industry) was established in . Recently the Czech Republic, Egypt, Georgia, Hungary, another international arbitration court was Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, established: the Chamber of Arbitrators at the Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Pakistan, Poland, Lawyers’ Association. Since  more than Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey,  arbitration courts (not international) have Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam. been established in Belarus. The existence of reciprocity with other countries Awards issued by international arbitration can be checked through diplomatic channels. courts in Belarus or ad hoc tribunals seated in Due to an increase of contentious matters in the Belarus can be annulled by the commercial area of intellectual property and information courts on the procedural grounds only, the technology, in May  the IT & IP Arbitration courts are not allowed to review the case on Court at the Association of Information Technology the merits. Companies began operation. The new tribunal Belarus is a party to the New York Convention considers disputes in the sphere of information on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign technology and intellectual property, if an Arbitral Awards (). Foreign arbitral awards are arbitration agreement exists between the parties. recognized and enforced in Belarus by commercial It may not consider disputes on which Belarusian and common courts. state courts hold exclusive jurisdiction. More Parties may refer disputes to a foreign court information may be found at unless Belarusian courts hold exclusive Mediation as an alternative form of dispute jurisdiction (for example, a local subsidiary of a resolution is gradually gaining popularity among foreign investor is considered as a Belarusian businesses since the Law On Mediation came into resident and therefore cannot refer a dispute force on  January  and was followed by with a local company to a foreign court). regulations on mediators' ethics, the mediation Under Belarusian law foreign court judgments process and other matters. may be recognized and enforced in Belarus, if: Mediation can be used to resolve disputes in the - recognition and enforcement are provided fields of civil, commercial, labour and family law. by Belarusian law or by an international treaty Parties may refer their dispute to mediation either to which the Republic of Belarus is a party, or before, or after a case has been filed with a court. - reciprocity in recognition and enforcement of Judicial mediation (conciliation) is considered to judgments exists between Belarus and the be a part of court proceedings. Mediation country whose court issued the judgment. agreements are enforceable by the courts, if they meet all the formal requirements established by law towards in-court settlement agreements  . TAXES

. CORPORATE INCOME TAX (CIT) The standard rate is  %. Reduced rate is  % (for dividends). Banks, insurance, forex and microfinance companies pay CIT at a rate of  %. Belarusian shareholders of a Belarusian company are entitled to apply reduced CIT rate of  % in case the profit was not distributed for the period of  consequent calendar years, and  % rate in case the profit was not distributed for the period of  consequent calendar years. 8 . WITHHOLDING (WHT) TAX Under Belarusian law WHT is applied to the taxable income of foreign entities received in Belarus at the following rates:  % for dividends from HTP residents;  % for cross-border transportation, forwarding and chartering fees;  % for interest income;  % for dividends and disposal of shares and stakes in companies;  % for royalties and other types of income under the list stipulated by the Tax Code. Double Taxation Treaties (DTTs) usually allow either exemption from WHT or set reduced WHT rates, depending on the type of income. WHT in Belarus is normally withheld by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals (for several types of income) accruing and (or) paying out a foreign entity’s income.

. PERSONAL INCOME TAX (PIT) The standard rate is  % (including dividends). A rate of  % applies to the income of individual entrepreneurs and to income drawn from notary practice activities and advocacy. A rate of  % applies to the income of individuals (except for employees who provide maintenance and security services with respect to buildings, premises, and land plots) drawn from residents of HTP under employment contracts.  % rate is applicable to certain winnings from gambling. Individual shareholders of a Belarusian company are entitled to apply reduced PIT rate of  % in case the profit was not distributed for the period of  consequent calendar years, and  % in case the profit was not distributed for the period of  consequent calendar years. This benefit applies only to shareholders – Belarusian tax residents.  . SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUTIONS (SSC)

SSC are paid by employers, employees, and individuals who pay SSC independently. The employee rate is 1 % of gross salary. For employers generally a rate of 34 % on top of gross salary is applicable.


The standard VAT rate is  %. Other rates are:  % e.g. for goods subject to export customs procedure;  % e.g. for crop and farm production;  % for telecommunication services provided to subscribers.

Generally, a single registration applies for all At the same time suppliers are not obliged to issue EVI, taxes, so no special VAT registration except for inter alia, in the following cases: foreign companies paying digital VAT. • goods, services (works), proprietary rights which are out of As a general rule, an electronic VAT invoice (EVI) scope of VAT and their supply need not appear in VAT is an obligatory document for all VAT payers. EVI is tax returns; a basis for VAT calculations between sellers and • certain banking operations; buyers, as well as accepting for deduction the • insurance services; corresponding input VAT amounts. EVI is circulated • sales of VAT-exempt goods, services (works) or proprietary via the EVI portal powered by the Ministry of Taxes rights by foreign companies not registered with the Belarusian and Duties. Please note that EVI is not regarded as tax authorities; a primary accounting document. • goods are imported to Belarus under commissioner (agency) agreements; • rendering services in electronic form by foreign company to individuals. . LAND TAX The tax rate for land depends on the cadastral valuation of a land plot. 

. REAL ESTATE TAX (RET) The standard RET rate for companies and individual entrepreneurs is 1 % for buildings and constructions. There is a number of RET benefits for companies doing construction using their own resources. Tax rate for individuals and individual entrepreneurs is 0.1 % and 0.2 % a year.

. OFFSHORE DUTY Payments to tax havens by Belarusian entities and individual entrepreneurs are the base for calculation of the offshore duty. The rate of the offshore duty is %.

• transfer of funds by • settlement of a non- • transfer of property residents of Belarus cash obligation to a rights or obligations to non-residents of non-resident of due to a change of Belarus registered in Belarus registered parties' obligation offshore zones, or to in an offshore zone; when they comprise other persons under a resident of Belarus obligations to non- and a non-resident residents mentioned of Belarus registered above, or to accounts in an offshore zone. opened in offshore zones;  . ECOLOGICAL TAX AND NATURAL RESOURCES TAX

Ecological tax is imposed on the volume of waste, emissions and waste-water discharges. Ecological tax rates vary and are stipulated by the Tax Code. Natural resources tax is imposed on the volume of natural resources (e.g. water, oil, sand, clay, salt) used. Natural resources tax rates vary and are stipulated by the Tax Code.

. ТAXATION TREATIES As of  January  Belarus has effective DTTs with  countries:

Armenia Germany Lithuania Spain Austria Hungary Macedonia Sri Lanka Azerbaijan Hong Kong Malaysia Sweden Bahrain India Moldova Switzerland Bangladesh Indonesia Mongolia Syria Belgium Iran Netherlands Tajikistan Bulgaria Ireland Oman Thailand China Israel Pakistan Turkey Croatia Italy Poland Turkmenistan Cyprus Japan Qatar Venezuela Czech Republic Kazakhstan Romania Vietnam Denmark North Korea Russian Federation UAE Ecuador South Korea Saudi Arabia Ukraine Egypt Kuwait Serbia UK Estonia Kyrgyzstan Singapore USA Finland Laos Slovakia Uzbekistan France Latvia Slovenia Georgia Lebanon South Africa 


Starting from  January  Tax Code of Belarus introduces general anti-abuse rule. Tax authorities may adjust base of all taxes in case economic substance of the transaction differs from its legal form. Principal purpose test will be used to trigger such adjustment.  8 LEGAL ENVIRONMENT FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENTS


This document does not constitute an offer or invitation to subscribe for or purchase any securities and neither this document nor anything contained herein shall form the basis of any contract or commitment whatsoever. This document is being furnished to you solely for your information and may not be reproduced or redistributed to any other person. Any investment decision with respect to any securities of the respective company must be made on the basis of an offering circular or prospectus approved by such company and not on the basis of this document. The Agency is ready to assist foreign investor is interested in, taking into investors interested in doing business in consideration the regulations and Belarus in: norms about protection of undisclosed — organisation of a fact-finding trip to information; Belarus, including visa; — organisation of the meetings re- — receipt of the information required quired to make an investment decision, about the country’s investment opportu- including with market regulators, rep- nities, special regimes and benefits, state resentatives of sector ministries, local industry support program and develop- authorities, key players of the market and ment, the procedure of making invest- potential partners; ment decisions; — resolution of the issues arising during — selection of investment objects (in- implementation of an investment proj- vestment projects, land plots, build- ect (solution provider); ings) — consulting in selection of the — the Agency is also ready to render optimal variant; post-project support (aftercare). — collection and analysis of information Our services are free of charge for foreign about a certain investment object an investors. +  -- y b rus . a be l n i es t v n i