.-~- - .. ­

, ., 1 i" Ia 1.92' lax LeHBt.bal Aat.ed ,bat. ... 1IU ~al Cou.o.M1 for t.be ~:--",-::.:-:' \ . ~:tu.1u -.noaA 1D4R8t.J's.a1 ~~NtlOD, ~ UzdGA ~, .... tork Cit.1. '. . h a pro.peot.u. publl.be4 ~ wu.' ~r,porat.lon tor Use paJ",po.. Dr ra1dQi ..0:;" ,. , "\ Mpit.al, 1t. 1••t.at.ed t.bat. t.be pl.&n tor ergan1.ut.1cm or a a1.11ion dollu - '. .._,. '\ eoropoJ"l,t.1on a. ~aor1bed. in 'be proa~t.Il' 1IU an out.iPowt.b or t.be ridt. or ~,", -'.:' :.... ""\ Slclney l:llla&n, rr.aident of t.he AuJ.&...t.e~ Clot.tU.n& aorkv. or AMrlc-&, . ,k iIled.• in UM n-er or 1921• .:.. - ..;,..' '.' "\ !he et.at.ed purpoH .r tbe eorpont.iOa .... -"" &1d and udat. 1n ~co·:\ EE~1f#.~~§:;~~~~L~~:k~:f~~m~:~~~;~~r1'. ~_. -:',-"-<- .1 oODeN.lena 1M:IUld be ".t.ed in repnaeat.at.ina or the Bupreae Council or !!t.t1o:u:.l l.eonoorl.clS or t.he Sc-v1et Go,.er~ent and or the RU!8i~ .~erice..n l~dl.'.~t-!"i=.l Corporation.

In a pasphlet blUed by t.hie oorporat10n t.he" appeared t.he na.mesof • ;os \ Mr. and ~.. M&x Lowent.hal as wblc1"1ber. '0 MIa.ian AMrican ~.t.rial - ~':~~'~ .- _" .\CorporaUon .t.ook. 62-25733-ZW page 2 ~ .::-~.~-":..-:-.', "'", -) .','-~ i 'In rebruaP7 1942 the let.t..rhead or 'be Int.ernatiooal. Juridica.l '-:"'. ,,-.~~}..Sloc1at.lon oarried t.be ~e ,or Max l.o1tent.hal u be1n£ a aMber or t.he lational :. ''.. ~ttee NpN.ent.1n& t.he DUtJ"1ct. or Colu.b1&. 1'h1e organisation _ae c1t.e:j as ~ ':..::;:-~,O ',~,. . , :', Couun1.t front. bl the Special ee-1t.t.. on Cft-Aaerica.n lct.l1'1tle., Houae or :::.-'.,,".:" .·"'-Il.pruentat.ift. ~ Jilucm 29, 1944. 62-25733-41 page 5 100-25839-1.4 . ~' 00 '. In Augult 1946 1t. 'i)a. reported t.hat Max Lo-anthal bad been a?polnt.ed ~..:wral eounae1 to General Luo1o.. Clq, .llll.c1 JI1l1t.a17 Gonrnment., &rlln, , f'Mn7 1n .hleb capaclt.1'" IIO'tIld " in a po.ition t.o alt'd.e and pau on aat.t.ere -'... :: ':h1!helt laportance resuding miUtal7 oontrol or c;.rw&n1. the Congr..l1onal ~Iord tC1f' lanuuT 14, 1947, 4ODt.a1n1l a .peeob ..de bT !iepNlent.&t.iye Qeorge A. td-ro, R.publlC&D of Il1cb1gan, 1n 1Ibio.h Ir. Dondero c11.cuseed the -~orld P'ederati 'Trade Unio....- Mr. Dondero .t.ated in p&M. a. follows. -It .houles. alao be 3IoooI"'v~' ~.. ~ t.hat. 1Ir. Max l.oMnth&l~ ncant.l.1 appointed general OOW18U ~ lJ.eut.enant. .. C· al c:l.q, l.a a un w1U\ 1.on«-aat.abl1ahed 'i~ t.o Co-auntat. orsan1&&t1ona and ~~~~ ~t.1 ..cord SA ~ ~.t1oD&ble. ADot.her add.er aDd clole all.c>ciate .()\o. ~enthal 1. Gisorge Sha'fl' I\hI

t' .:.:;..--~-/ -. ---\--_. - - . Office ·Me~,., l:'· !1n··~--UNITED ·_·C" GOVERNMENT..

,.;,~ ... -" . TO. "~Iir. fi.' B. ~.~~._.:',. -'D~~" Au.gust n.:.~~~ .~:;;.: . , ~J.OW z Ilr. 'V. ? ~ea,. -:= ~.,na::= ,~ .. :: ~1l611 IUBJECT: Rl!XiIONAL LOYJL'rI !CARD . ... Olo&~lilli...... ___ ..... trKJ ,. \'~ lAKE caEClS 'OR MR. 3. E.. JlJ.~RER :-:~i . I" -. '~-'. CIVIL SERVICE COWISSION :::::" ~ ,. ..."·o..UiD~- R- . Ref'erenoe is lI&de to a aemorandum dated Auguat 2, ~i.~~ === a - 1948, from Mr. ;Z. 1;. Bat.eher. C1-<11 Servic. COIIIlllios1on, to - ~= .. - lIr. Ladd, to which was attached a list of eleven names of '. . Sndividuals 1Ibo are being oonsidered ·&s .embers of the ~""'M'" II • ....J.>y Regional Loyalt1 Boards, . , . _ - . . . . ~~"~ .. -~: .... ::: .....- It should be Doted that4'lle of' the individuals mentioned in this list of names of IlaxLLo~el;l...tMl.1Loewen~), - .. ' d the following '1.s all of the baci&OWlcr1h1'ormation supplied J'.. the Civil Service Commission on tbiea individual: -~ ,,~_.( . Ilax Lo1ll'en~al~ewen£hal), retired' la~er. Member of former and or1 1 "Boover ~Omm1ss1.an.. Bas held several poBitions with th Government. Very prominent and ... Cit~.X \. well-known Hew York . __._ ... -J. cheek offte Bureau files reveals a three 'Volume report on Max R.i~wenthal, 1Iho is believed to be ...... 1.dentbl with the individual set out in the memorandum trom - .. the Civil Service Commission, above referred to. Bureau file ':' No. 62-25733 eontains the notation on the outside cover that ..­ •• -. 4· inquiries on Max Lo\Tenthal abauld be referred to the Security :"i.-(·. Division. . .1" J.Cn.ON

~'4~···""1'"".,:,.:., .y~ .I.... ' . _ .. It is suggested that this memorandum be referred :\... . . t to tbeInternal Security Section for preparation of suitable data. r transmittal to the Civil Service Commission by Liaison. /1" V~ a I ", \0"'l, j.. /.... F./ill/! J t ,

AU IHFORMAHON CON1AlNEO ft". ,! :v' . • ~_/ HERON IS UNClASS1~~ . '.' ~ "('" \ ~"/2JtJqZ,Bl~ ~ DAn: E." I : _."..r{ f' , t ,, r1 . -t . t rr A :.J. _ ." ,. ::,"­ \~\ ; ~ ..•. - .... '. / .-. ~t~ . .J.:" , .. ~~~ .;::: Z::.i: I!. • . L~l_J ~~ /") ... I ~.' --..--...... '. . UNITED ST~T~S GOVERN~:ENT

·1 'TO .' a . DATE: Ootober 23 1948 ,'1.. _. 1 '1.0N I WI ~ IIlFOR~Tl~ ~TAlHUl ..• ~• . HERON IS UHaASSW -.~ IUIJBCT: .. ·DA •.a..,. .• . .~ .,­ ..:~~ .-.-&­.lIa::lO_ ,110~~ '~"• a.aum.. ,-­_ :.,,.t••... .::..,--_

•... .. -::-c. .~ ...... .. ...- ....- . b'C. \yJ?t6 J !'he Jla: LOll7enthal I17ho appears promtnentlll tn the Bureau :tilea lOill be recczlled aB bdng cloBelll·-asBociated l17ith COJUllunists and even member. oj the COMmunist underground in rashtngton.- He l17ill also be recalled a8~Ding had a verv prominent cznd tmportant part tn the amear campatgn against the Direc~or and the Bureau tn 1940. ··!'he latest mention .tn the Jile8 with respect to Jla: Lowenthal IOho~B wno ts reJerred to jamediatelll above and born Qn FBbruarll 261 18881 apeciJic4llll ~ith regard to hi8 Federal GovernMent e~ploy=e~tl t= state~ Dntained tn a memorandun dated Januarll 31 1 19481 I17herein tt ia at a check oj the Jile at the Civil Service COMmission concerning hi~ reveals that on August 261 19461 he l17as employed bll the War Department Jor • period not to e:ceed ai: months. At that tine he fDas soid to have been ••signed at Berlinl Ge~anlll ~here he ~s ~orling on '~roblev. oJ tnternal restitution cznd dlsposal oJ Jewish propertv." The tile ~8 fUrther reJlected that at the timel Januarll 81 1 19481 Lowenthal not presentlll. eJII.plolled with the teder~l Government... .;.:

~~. .~. . It ta to be noted thczt a LOJ/a.ltll oj Government Employees ... Investi a a Jlaz LOfDenthal#Ibo~~ ho IOCIS at the-tn:~ BBets Admtn~Btration. hese two are not tdentical. ' conBequentlll1 it is to 1Je Been th4t no LOllaltll tnvestigat'ion has been JlQ: ·,,~~· ::. conducted oj the H.1$owenthal IOho t. aaid to be presently 1D071tng \ ~., .' . J.~ the Illite BaIlU. _. .•...... ~~;- .:<.~.?:;. .,..~f ',1 t •• f iC /lECOJlJlENDATI01:: ,,~, '. -),~ 3 ~T25JlS~a I .. . ~. In view oj LOll7enthal'a baclground and since he is a4id to be . , .. .~ ~orting ~~--- ..... present1u at the White House and ts presumablll a bOnG tide Fed ;-,.. . : GovernRent emploJ/eel tt t4 recommended that an im~ediate check be aad l17ith the Civil Service Comm18sion to determine tJ he ts presentlll e:pl fDith the Federal Governaent. ThereG~er, tJ tt ts .ac~r~ained he t8 • enplouedl tt ts JUrther recomMended that a revie= oJ the Jiles be aade I looktng tOfDard the tnauguration oj 0 LOllaltll oJ Government Emplollees tnvesttft4~~~. , 8' .;~ p \)~li"" .J qd((: '" :'; \ / _ . EI!11:eda --1_ cc - J[r. nitao ,V" .'.~ I~. ~ ...... ' '~..

~ .. .. . f- :' -:.. ... '" ~.- \- ...... -. '" ~~- :." ~ ~ . ..~"


-...... t.:­ AU INFOi

.: .... -".'~ ~ , .'­ ------­ - .. --­ "- ­ ,~ ._­ . --~------. ~- .-";'=:­ -­ ~ . if" - . .,. ... : , ~ . " ,.... -=-:aJI.lri.l,..·' ~ -~9 . - -.------. ­ .


~.~ ~ m. _tha" .. o.M.l...... 1, pla~ et ~rth _b.n. ~!~. -"1IaX l-.\hal ~'\e1ltWS tM U!l1ftn11.; et l1...ota a1. Minnaapolli, ... ~ '.-,.-~. I£1zm••ot.&, ud ncelm a 1.1. lMcr" In 1909. .. nOllftd aD IJ..B. »eve. .. troJa knard Un1yent1.7 111 19l2. (62-25733-41; 100-25733-'tOx) ~ . . .II&X Z'U14e. at. 467 Central hJ't ....t., In York C1t.7• ~ .• - I iii • tan at. nuol"Cl, CODMcUCUt.. Prn10u known addre.... were 1 ".t. In1.na St.r..1., Cb."7 CbaM, 1I&r71&D4, aDd. )22 CieD\ral Park "'1., ... fork Cit.,. J~~ ... . . ,.~ :,p...::.:~~'. ~"-.' .~-: .. -:~ V".....TVJ" -10745', , 5, . ,• b\ C. Lowent.ha1 has an .xtend mp10,..ent h1ltorJ' dat1ng back t.o 1907. The following 1. a bri.r ".UM or \h . I'roa 1907 t.o 1909 be wu a report.er on the ItKinn.apolli Journal', nnneapoU., II1nn••ot&. ­ .Fro. 1912 \0 1913 a. wu a 10 c1.rk tor Jude- Jul1..an W. lack, U. S~ Co-eroe Court, at. 11800 per &nmDl, .asMnrton, D. C. rro. 1913 \0 1914 a. wu a la- al.rk tor Caanl&der , .•1ckenbaa aDd rart., In York Cit.7, at I~ per ann_. . Froa 1917 \0 1918 be .. ul1.\ant. ••cr.t.arr aDd later ••cre.ta.rT

-' ...... , \0 t.he PrtndtD1.'. Med.1at.lon Co_i..lon, Wub1,nctoD, D. C. In 1918 townt.hal wu aD Worul aide 1n 1.a. flal' Departaent, ...h1ngton, D. C. rro. 1918 1.0 1919 be .. aut.tout cba1run tor the War PoUcies Board. Fro. 1920 1.0 1921 a. .. an ul1.taD1. ••cret.arr 1.0 l.be Second ;~:~::r~ -." ... Pra.1dent.'. IDdaaU1.al CouteraCl, "'h1nct.on, D. C. ,. rro. 1929 t.o 1930 be •• ~ ueouUft ..cnt.arr for th. lat.iona1· . J ..... ," Co-a.lon on JAw KDtoroe..nt. and Ob.,"anOl, .a'h1ngton, D. C• !!~ .... rr_ 1933 ~ 19)4 be ••rftd u " ..arch Dinotor, U. 8. Banking -:t'~ . " ~~ . .- ..... aDd CurrenO)' C.-n..lcm, 'Wuldq'\on, D. C• ,--~,,:,:. ~ ~-~ \0 be .erY~ 1.bI - Ie ,.... 193' 1942 .. Chi.t 00=-.1 lor U. 6. Sena\e Coa.1••1on on Inter.t&~ eo..rOl. .. _._.__._-._---.­ ~ ~ :':"'....;.-=-..•..-~-.-~-_ ._. , •. z=:::::-. ~~~~~, l~,-~~ ~rved ~. a~ul~t ______-u 19L4, -be ~or t.he·!oard of leonoaic 1I'ar!&re, 7U, &t & ~r diem WL'J or !3S•. {05-:;6402-2294-pG 258;'~ecords of Ft='J.) -.- " Durin. the periode not cOTere~ by t.he above, he wa. erlbabed in the ~ ,·-."nnte ~ioe.t 1.-.... Vitae·l.r·.,;i...l .....--·:·; -. ;:.~. ~.. '~'. :-~ ~~.~., ­ ~ . 'm.. la.-t kDo1rn ott1c!.al ~t.1on with t.lw Vnit.ed State. (lovem­ aent .... in A~, 19u6. whm be .&8 appo1llt4d an AdTilor 011 Problems or Inwrnal S..-t1tuUOh &tque,t.Ntion .00 ni~aal or Jn1.ah Property to General ~i\ll Clay, Allied Xll1tat7 Oonrnnnt, !erlin. lie lett for Berlin, Geru.ny, ~ 1.0 join the llta!'t of O«1erel Clay em Augul"t' 26, 19b6, by plane. Lowenth&.1 .-'::: ..:j baa aometiae., been re!erred "\0 U General. CounHl to General Luc1118 Clay• Lowenthal 40e. not appeu too bold any poaition in t.he Oovern.'"Jent .eniee at the ptoeHnt.

llax Lowenthal wu at one to1JBe a partner in the 1.-. t1!"W. or Lowenthal, Saold and. Branchren, 43 ~hange Place, tI_ York Citl. Be i' pnerally referred '-0 a. & •• tork lawyer or considerable atnllence. (62-25733-41) INVESTIGATION .-... -'.:;' Xu Lowenthal hal! neTer been the IIUbject or a c01l1plete inTestig&tion by the rar, althouih a t..o.hnie&1 au.r-re111ance .a. aa1nta.1..ned on him from April. to Septeii.bar, 1:;4J. ((2-2573>2) (62-25733-~l)

the BUreau does not POSHIi any proof ot CollllUIli8t Party .ember­ .hip on the part of )lu Lowentb&l.. Bewever, there ba". been three .tront allegation. a~a.1.nat hiD, wb1eh are ..t out .. followlt

.' ~ .

(62-S0269-l2 PC 4 at 23, 1~46, that reliable informants had \11 1Ddicated Lowenthal i,Q haTe beon an active CoImunist and to have had previous "Ioei.tiona with ea.mn1n coat-rolled orlan1..\tonl. (lQO-766o-3994-pc 7)

- 2 ­ ------...

-. -­ -····SE~

_ ._ .._'"__...... __.._ ...... ,•• ".... -- .. : -J"II .... -•• -.' -:...... '.'P ..

o • \ .. Men .. -. Y oration but UI*' \bro. a ·ldab'1 nl1abll _ourOl tr. AprU. to kpt.eaber, 1943, \bat. t.bare ... ftr7 eloH ad f'r1ndJ.T aNOdaU. betWMD Lwent.b&l PIS ~t.l. J'natt.ner. (62-26?5S~1) b'\!:>

fbt .1lep~101l ••DOe Di '. ellp 01­ ~ GeMral baa 1aOt. beeD _rs.tlec1 \brcqh recor

fht J>1nctor, 117 ~ dated IrJ7 1, 1942, \0 tbt At~7 GeDeral, in MnHa1Q1 111. oomenat.1on w1tb 1Ir. 11118 Perk1u of tohe BoareS of &ooDa1o W8Z"farw, adn-cl that. - .. Wo~ tb.at. Lnentbal .a••enine 1D an adYla0%'7 ..,.c:1tT \0 tbI Boant of ~o Warfare Oil a project. that would probab17 M oo.p~ted 1D 60 or 90 esq.. !be J)1not.or eutl1Ded for JIl". Pel"ldAl 1D CWDIral __ .f Lnent.b&l'. aotln.1.1a. aneS Kr'. PerJd.nl uUd "'tiber it. would be "l1rab~ tor Id.a '0 -.u J-.\bIl I.D aDd -.n 8Zl la.ue .1 tbI _~kr, ezo .. alt. t. tbI eoac1ulon 01. \be cnarnn\ pre.1..t &Dd UlIn

- 5 ­ --.------_.. ---- .:~ ~.~ .~~ r( --. .. I." - ...... ~ ." ~ ...... - ...... '...•...... '= ~ ' . . .: .. ­

c aM II' a.D07, ter t,bI ..t pan "\1AP . "CiIntil_Uq ·e-s.tt.ee ~or Poriwar Ie­ . babillt&UoD which ... '-m a~ lIT npre••atatlw. ot \be st&te Departaeut, .ottloe et &ooaoma CooJ'd1DaUOIl u4 U. atll. et.ted 1:.... AdwSn'.tr.t1on. .. ~enthal did DOt appear t.o ..... attended aU of 'be••••Unp INt Qi-ou.t••d at length \h. _tten 1Ih1ob ••re tun 1Ip at. \be __u.qa. 81 app.are~ to b1C act ~ a -Mb1DlS \bI • __•• upt.D1V -aDd 111. ldT10e ... eOlW\aDt1¥ MUiht. . .'.• .. . ..0. . . (62-25733-2 . -'. . -_. .

• .0 ....:. . ',~ ­ ", ..:,4.

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, ' ." .. .- ~.. , ~ :;.... -- ·-i, . . -:J ._ . ~ - ...... , . . .~+ '"') . <11;t .. !~...,-: .. . ..•_ .....- ~ ------_. -" ._- ­ --_.­ :._~. ~--.....-- , ---­ .~- .~...... ~' <. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT

- -- . - ~~.. '.... ~~...... _- ' . .DATE: ~t 11. J.950 .. :};:,' , Mr.~~ .~ _. _Mr. I. " •.f-:=: Mr. Gla,l _' Mr• .....or 'lc ".-.0 :: ~"""-i-­ ... lpJI -­ ...".IIlIrM-­ o...... !rt.~-- ,,- - All 'NFORtUiTION CONTAINED :: r.:::U6 ... ~1m> t....,; _ 'hle. .- , HEREIN IS UNClASSIFlED:~::...... --==

. OA L BY~ ..:1::...... ='­ To record a 1ielephone call trCQ;7inu ~f the Civil Serv-l'"""c'""'e--­.... .;. ".' ..-.=in Camn1.ssion regarding additiona1 information t.he Civil Service COI:II::ission files . .- , concer~g ~su1~ ~ s~: ...':I LcmentbaJ. and to :Bet torth the of a review of 1n!ormat11• t "'". . 'J. r'." • , t- :.--l BACKGROUND:. .:_ Q 'I -y­ . .& ~ Reference is made to my memoran:lum dated August S, 1950, Betting rth. the ~ result 9f a tUe review at the Civil service Commission regarding Lowenthal• .., _brough whom t.be first review was made, subsequently telephonically contacted SuperviBor Stanley and stated an additiona! "lead r~ference" had been found in their confidential ~ile. _i.1!aX I;j 'Which enda.ngers the national eeeurit.,.. Dondero allegedl,. gave t.be ~s and recorda of a number of ot11.c1&18, t.hree of wban had been "rorc~d to resign, ¥~he others rema.inE .Among the names ...ere Heinz Norden, editor of "Beutetl (Toda~'), Ame;-feaI1 ~ewspaper . in Occupation Zone. Dondero indicated t.hia individual has a Ccmnnln1 st ~dtd in the, ;I tiles of Navy- and has collaborated 'With known Camnun1sts. Dondero alBa ?eportecly / __ named George Sba1r ltheeler, tormer Chiet of Denaz1.fication Branch of 'i-'np~\. Di vision ~ American OcCUpaUOll ZOne. The art.icle repor1ied Doooero as s~~"g his ~ 0103 or Canrnun1st activities and aft1J.1Atious" 18',!n the files of t.he FBI 4nd~~,:,- Dennis ' Courtney, an associate of.Wheeler, -a man of B1mila r s)'1Ilp&thiestt 'Was~ed. In addit.i( to the above, t.he name of )&ax ~enr~' Legal Add.80r 1n t.he Occupation Zone, 'Was . l:1ated. In describing Lawentba~ ~ementwas made, -~ record of COmmunist .', arf1l1ation is 1n FBI ti181l.·1l e is" atCformer C-eneral Counsel tor the .American Indwstrial Occupation, as, e.d enterprise.- Among others n:m.~d by Dondero :-&e Robert 14. Barnet, Personne 80r on General Clay'8 BtarfJ Color;·~l Berr.ard Bernstein, former Director of Division or Investigat~on of Cartels anj External Assets in t.he German Occupation Zone; Josiah DubOis, Jr.; Russell A. H1xon~ Abraham L. Pomerantz and Richard Sal!lUly. The article concluded by stating that in Washington, . r~~ -'~~"7;- - .j.... , f~t'r ~ ~ RECORDED· 60 t ...... ,I, 1'. \.,'.' EX-55 t • r\ \ ~-. - ' ,./ ...... : . . . ", .~.. ... '; ("; . . -,. • • :'.:.:1 .

. ,.:~~. ". ;.." ·'~;:~Y:: ".~ ~\.'\ '.1' '. '"l' •• :._ .~1_" ...~.{~~. '. ~.:. .. " . :' ...:­ .. -.t:;':'.. :\·:i.t<· that Patterson had ! ,close Advi~or, Brig. ·Gen. Edward S. Greenbaum, -00 .. ' was·-& witness in behalf of Carl Aldo Varzani.· Further that the Ocmmunists were ga1nin& powertul toothold 10 the uniona in the American Zone in Gem.&ll7. ..l:~i ~ .' -pI',.j:"~:: '-~ ~~-­ ',: : The Civil service Camnission tilea alao contained a notation that the 'CamrlsS!ol 8econa Regional Office in reported under date of July 10, 1947, that the New -York Herald TriWne under date ot July 10, 1947, bad carried an article entitled, .~ Red .l1d8 Called Danger to u. s. Secur1ty'." . Too article reported that one l!a.x' Lowentha1, identified as former ~gal Advisor in the U. S. Zone of Germany, had been charged by Representative Dondero with having a record of Communist i.ffil1atio~. Regarding 'the above newspaper articlea, it is noted the Bureau tiles have a reference of a ne'1fspaper article in t~ Hew York Times for January 15, 1947, in which Dondero .. attac1md General CLay, and named IDwenthal•.

The above esc rUe also contained a notation that under date of 14a.rch 24, 1943, it was reported to the COOIril1asion by another Federal investigative agency that the ltay 23, 1942, usue of New leader 1n its columl "Inside and Out" atated that lee Pressman, Comr.:un1st Counsel for the CIO, was tryine to push two people into key positions in'· Paul V. McNutt's llanpcnrer Commission; that. these two men were Nathan Green who was to be General Counsel and l!ax Lowenthal, who was to be Executive Secretary. I It was reported that the article further ,stated both of these men were on the Executive Board of the International Juridical Association which has been a "COIll!Ilunist Party trumentality." In this connection, it is noted the Bureau' 5 fUes conta"1n considerable information relative to Lowenthal's affiliation with the International Juridical Association, of which Pressman was reported to be on the Nat1onal~""tee......

Further, name appeared in the possess on of J4ary ana eney. also allege y was aS80ciated with David Wahl, Henry Hill Collins ,Jr., Max ent d Charles !ramer. It ...as observed the Civil Service fUe on iiiIIIiiia contained an interrogatory wherein-.anSwered questions concerning her alleged association with J:a.x Lowenthal, as well as the others mentioned above. Rega:'ding Wax Lowenthal, .-ata:t~s she met Mr. 1m:enthal only twice in her ille; the first time was early in 1947, when her husband told her he was inviting Mr. Lowenthal to their home after dinner. J4r. Imrenthal, ahe was told, ~d been appointed by the 'far Department as an Advisor to General Clay in Germany on matters having to do with restitution and displaced persons. She turther etated her husband, who was working in the State Department on ma.~ters pertaining restitution, had been instructed to revie'P! the problem with l!r. Lowenthal. She claimed Mr. lDwentbal remained in her home for only one or two hours and t.~ only other time ahe has aeen him was 1n the sumoer of 1947, when her husbar.d received a telegram in West Connecticut "1ndicatin{; l!r. Lc"Trenthal was about to leave tor Genoany and requested him to agaip go over the restitution problem•

.... .

.~: ~ -2­ 1F~;...• ·...li .~~i~ ~­ .' ; : 0-., ~. . -. -­ :~~;. . ~. . ~~-.: . .' ~ . :. . .­ ....' .'" - .' ._..... ­ • r-' { -' ~ " ..... • . ... ~


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.-.::. ' .-- .-- .~ ...... -:' ..-.. to Dand liall,_1ndieated s!le"met wahl through the E1lgore Comnitt~'e, '~~,~ .. ~~~, bert SclWmnel having reterred her .~. Wahl tor possible work with the FEA.. ~~.~ cormection with 1Iary Jane Ieeney,~indicatedshe met this person for the >~' U-lSt time 'When abe was emplO)'\'d in the Fllem;r Branch of FEl. Extensive inf'onr.a.tion is ort.h in JIl3' memorandum of ~ 6, 1950, relative to Max Lorrenthalts association .w1th-'Dnid Tiahl, Charles !ramer and Herbert 8c}l1m:nel in the Silvermaster case. '. ­ I. notation was observed in i.he "lead tUe" at the Civil Service ~ission indlcat1.Dg that the last Federal employment noted for Lowenthal was an excepted ""'1 appointment on .lngust 26, 1946, as Advisor on problems on Internal Restitution, ~< Sequestration and D18posal of Jewish Property tor the Office of 14il1tary Government, lJ. S. in Berlin. This file· contained the notation that the.i;?~had been "flagged" as a result of investigati_on on loyalty of .' 'and his membership in the lntermtional Juridical J.8sociation as well as International Labor Defense. .1.ccording to the Civil service Commission, they have no further record of 1Dft'enthal l l5 employment. The Civil Service Canmission indicated that should the name of Lowenthal be aubnitted to them, the above information would be picked up in a search of t~ Civil service Commission files.

None. This is for your infonnation. However, it is suggested that the files of the Jrmy would possibly contain aoditional pert1nent information relative to Lowenthal in view of his having been employed on General Clay's starf 1n the • Occupied Zone in Germany.

it" •. .~ . --::;

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YASHIN'}':'ON I~m:N.a . __ . . - .~

~ attellpt • "'en aade to Ter1!)' _ I orma. ...1 alce &inaa throtll;h a hiehl7 reliable .ource f!"Oa jprll to September. ·-1943. ~t~ere "'a. a ..'r7 -cloae aD4 ~rhncU7 .....ociat~~ l>etlteen Lowenthal and JUltice :frankfurter. (&2-25733-G) - " 11) '--,g ~.;,_. ~

egat10n concerning owenthalls employ­ oruey Gen.ral hal not been Ter1fied through recordl (61-'559-7878) b1C ~ D artiele in the March 12, 1940. blue of the ·St. Louis Poet Di8patehft of St. Louie. Hillouri. deseribee Lowenthal as Couneel for the Railroad J1nancing Investi~tion conducted b7 Senator ~urton x. Wheeler. !he article related that Lowenthal was the real braine behind the investiga­ tion and without hi. work the whole thing would haTe been without reeult•• (63--682'17-1) In Walter Winchell'. column of rebruary 5, 1942, the atatement vas I _~e that Senator Wheeler. &an Loventhal, in addition to M£ Washingtoc office, which he oceup1ee at the tu;pe..~~11 expenee. aleo bae an affice at 45 ~roa.dway, Wew Tork Cit7, the phonl lumber ~f which, Digby 4-6790, 11 ase1gned to a COTenuaent phone. !he columniet then aeked whether Wheeler had. put the Tery rich &an (.ean1n~ Lonnthal) on a Senate Interstate Oolll.Derce Coamittee paTl'0ll. (62-25'733-22)

!he Director, b7 ••orand11ll datld Kq 1, 194:2, to tbe Attorue,. ~neral. 1n outli~l18 hiB cOlITereaUon vith Mr••110 Perkine of the :Board of Kconoll1c Warfare. adrleed that he va. 11lf0naed "that Lowenthal waa .erving in an adrlaory capacit7 to the ]loard of ~conom1c Warfare on a ~roject the.t would probabl,. 'be e ompllted 111 60 or 90 4811. ~he Director outlined for Xr. Perkine 1n ~enar...l lo.e of Lowenthal'l actirlt1ee and Mr. Pertd.na a.ked whether 1t would bl 4ee1rable tor h1& to call Lowenthal 1n and ub an1.sue of the ·-.atter, or to wait tor tbe conclualo~ ot the currlnt project and then


--_._-- - --­ ( ---'-. ( -~ .- .... ­ ~ . , ,

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. , . .~ ::i:...'!~:- 1· -."~~." ....-. -' :·~~t~:).·:'· The Bureau was advised on September 2, 1945, that . '" ' ~'/I' was being considered tor pos5ible membership on a Regional Loyalty Board.'~'_ In1'ormation was received on october 18, 1945, that his appointment had been blocked and at least tor the present Lowenthal would not be ap­ C"~;'-- pointed to a Loyalty Hearing Board. - , ~...... ~;.3 " 62-25733-43 " 45­ _., . . r '-• .. i- •. f" .. t'"'C -:~'''; ]; ..oj L


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----_._------.._-_. ·- ._-_. _._------­ ------~L.L ---~~~:_--..Juiy j~1950- ---­ -" - .- _._.~- _._- -- - -. ­ ~ - .- ..~-'----_.- _._--

_. _ ••• •- --i·

_ IIa.x B." Lowenthal _II born in .Il1nneapollll, K1.nnellota, GQ Feb- (.? -"?Uar,.. 26, l8S8.' His ,latber _II Nathap Lowenthal, who wall born in Kaunas, . I.ithuania. Hill mother wall Gertie Ballkel, place ot birth unknown. .- ...... Max Lowenthal attended the OniTerllltr or ~esota at Kinneapoli_, Kinnellota, .nd received a B.A. Degree in 1909. He received an ·LL.B. Degree from Harrard UniTerllU,.. in 1912. (62-25733-41; 100-25733-40%.) ..

Max Lowenthal re_ides 6t 467 C.ntral Park West, -liew York City•.: . He owna • tara at Kilrord, ,Connecticut. -Prerloua known addrellses were 1 West Irving Street, CheV7 CMe" Ma17land, and 322 Central Park West, New York City.

~~G Lowenthal hall an extensive employment history dating back to 1907. ,.he rollo"lt'ing ill 8 brier resome of the ..." From 1907 to 1909 he wall a reporter onti1e "Yinneapolis Journal", Winneapolle, Yinnellota. From 1912 to 1913 he was a law clerk tor Judge Julian W. llack, U. S. Commerce Court, at 11800 per annum, Viaeh!ngton, D. C. From 1913 to 1914 he wall a law clerk tor Cadwalader, Wickersham and Tart, Nell York City, at 11800 per annum. From 1917 to 1918 he was allsistant secretary and l~ter secretar,.._~ to the President'll ~ediation Commillsion, ~ashington, D. C. In 1918 Lowenthal was an 1n!ormal aide 10 the War Department, . "asb.1ngton, D. C. . From 1918 t.o 1919 he was alllliet.&nt chairman tor the ~ar policies' ­ Board~ From 1920 t.o 1921 he was an assistant secretary to tbe Second . President's Industrial Conrerence, Washington, D. C. From 1929 to 1930 he was an executive secrettry ror the N.tional· Commission on Law Enforcement and Observance, ~sh1ngton, n. C. From 1933 to 1934 he lIerved as Research Director, u. s. Bankir~ . and Currency Commission, ~ashington, D. C. 6 S~ •.0. eo

t!ffice Mem • UNITED,S~ )VE~~!ENT \./' TO Mr. BelmontV' r' DATE: August J, 1950 FROM V. P. Ker;nO'1'~

SUBJECT: Max H. Lc~entr~l lnfo~tion Concerning

A revie~ of the files of the Intelligence Division of the Army failed to reveal any information other than that which was received in 1946 from the Bureau. The files do reveal that the information was made available to General McNamey as'Commanding General of the U. S. Forces in Europe. Ho~ever, no action was taken to dismiss Lo~enthal. Colonel Lynch of G-2 has advised that he has dispatched a cable to G-2 of the European Command in order to procure any information they may have concem:'ng Lo~enthal. .

This Ina tter \o.-ill be followd \lith G-2 for any information available d.,this \/ill be brought to your attention wen received.

rfOJJ< / >:-- .- \.: ./ '"' :.? 'rYe ~~)

"­ I '

." [X. 40


J 1

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. ." . ~'s .OUt Iu-.uU a. "kU .... va. ~U7 ­ .~t\e4 1a uart Ion bT nn-..t~tor n .,Iib! 1Un... , l~', ...... • of t.k1a ca Maro)L2" it 1a twlt .4naable ,. om.. to .. '.' . .i..:~ teat~ •. 1MorPonte 1a tJdII report tu of Ul. witM•••• .... '.. " ·-U.\e4 1a .1iU report, a. ta.ba ~ tu aote••tta...... ', _ tlaereto.

'~'.- -;':- '.' - '.- ---., ... ) -.' ,- . " "'­ .' '.' '. .. -:- ... nrterrlen4 Marak 20, ) '. . :~ -. •• va. ure ,1dte a nile .~. •• ka. lett a fcmrarl1ac a4c.re.. 2 V. Irr1a& st., CMT7 CU.., Md. Mr. LonaUal 18 a .... abeNt ~ or 1IOr'e, .... M 11TH ~ Y1tk ll•.Y1t. u4 two Uil4rea. .. ..rta1al.7 .11 tit to b••U rlPt nile t.U7 were Mre, .0 fir a. I bow. Of ~., .U I D.Ov ~tlaa va,l, tMt ~ ad wa.t qu1.tl1 ...... ,.r • .-.4 to 'boUler u-rou. •• u4 lpartM2:lt 16-1., 8 roca apart;Mat. I 4oa't bov nere tMT 11TH 'before t»T .... Ure.· Yo~ ut 'better of ooatact the NIlt1.Jl& l£Gt at toUt v111 H • touP. Job b.oaUM Uere baa b... .-JQ" of tkM 1». the ....U ... ) .0, toMre 1a't ~ 'up ture ~, no UTH ure wUa ~Ual u4 tulr • b~ ) apartMat. ," I'" , _ItoM bu1141J1a DOW. .!M1.r off1M 1. at ~ ~4".,.,. ~ • hrbp. Woo' Do~tn ~ weu1j bow of ll. reliUaoe Ure. r- ­ ) _ Deal X.t.ate~, ~ ~4yq, .w York CitT, • -. Iaterrlend Ntxu 194' bT nn-.ets..tor ) 20, _I*'IL."I." W. aow UTI tM bu11t..1Da .t '22 Cctral Part: v..t, but ". took t~ plan onr 111. 2»o__r of 1942. I~.-t that TOU ... tu Voo4·Do~c:c. C~ .t 21+1 v. 72J14 .. stl'Ht. •

~t for Voo'·~laoa, Raal btate Brobnl ~~l V. 72:D4 .. ) st., Kw York C1~, ". • ~"1ft"e4 MI.rU 20, l~', bT IJlT••t1p~ ____ ) V. took tu bu1141a& at '22 Ccntrw.l Park VNt O'TC in I».-.ber tit ~f 1940. 41 VA_ ". took tM )u1l.41D& OTer, .A.partaa.t l6I. va. Taoant. v. 'boUGht t~ paM rrc. tal hAo'nr !ok D4 frut Cow;pav VAO _6 Jut foreo10lie4 OR tu propartT." » -.0VM4 tU b1d141q 'before we obtabM it b'ca th• .)aJU:.... ~11111Tiq at '22 Ccltra1 Park v••t 1A .A.partan~ I ••houlf ~ .~. ) .ble to pTe TOU 1a!oru.tica about Mr' •.I..cntctoUl. . 411 .' . I.••'... , .w York C~ ,:~te"l-..4 1aTe.t~tor ~41 ) _-I'..:..' •. 0' Maxu 20, 1 , bT .... -r", • Y.I, I r. aber Max Lanat.ka1 11Ta. A.re. I kaTl Jat' Nl..lH W¥ ortloo encl tbT UTe .4Ti••4 .. tbt U l.tt »re oa s.ptal>lr 16, 1940 .!ter UT!aa 11nt h.re 2 )"'ean. •• va•••tllf.ltoX7 •• a taant. V. _4 • 11ttt- troubll Y1Ul ll1a 0=.0. ernr 411 the pa~t of a halt JIOatk'l J"e1lt, but it val IU anr a teeb1oa11tT of tU laY. ) B. baa IlA attom.e,- bT th..... of Stroook, 'ova 1a Ul. VeU strHt area. I bell.,... • th. IdAre.. 11 61 ~d~. '. . .!"' • ~":'" . A" ~ .. ~. .. - ;.. / ~ .~ , , .. ( .(IIIC.04

SUBJECT: Max H. Lowentt~l lnforreation Concerning

A review of the files of the Intelligence Division of the Army failed to reveal any information other than that which was received in

1946 frem the Bureau. The files do reveal that the information vas made L~a:-::--==-­ available to General McNarney as'tommanding General of the U. S. Forces ':'tll. ,\0:-7:"_ in Europe. However, no action vas taken to dismiss Lowenthal. Colonel :.u.!t~ Lynch of G-2 has advised that he has dispatched a cable to G-2 of the Cc~I:j~ European Command in order to procure any informstion they may have concem:.ng Lowenthal.

This matter \.1.11 be followed \Jith G-2 for any information available d.~this \lill be brought to your attention wen received. wJ< rr\: .//

' . ! ... ~~"'O 0"~~ .. • 1'~~"" / /,. ...-: --. ..J CIUit.!/. "" r-;';,~ ;..0: ­ .. ' i '0 I!'' It - /"'..- -.' I - ~ ... ,'7"T" ~-:::-­ AUG 8 '0;:-1', [X'40 ~ ~4 ".1,..",)" - ...... AU INfCif\ll'i';TION CONTAlNt.O HEREIN IS UNCLAS~!:ll~ ~ uATE 9Xlt2.. BY~ _ PIG

J 1

/ \~)".'-o:) ..... _ . .:? / /. ". I ... __..' ..' . ~ -e.-. ,. , "", c) ~..ACt,£'d .. -•-ut'lTEl,.l uOv:ERNMENT f)f\\'O'1 '_f~:-D.'~ ._'0· (J.~;~ DA"';, J.uguJIt~_D. f"'\\ ',' -"':~ ~ ~ -~/n -t.. '. -.~ .~~~ V :.~~~ c' ~:; a...aont '2-~~ ~~~~,..,~~n, l."_ll";/..,...,.r-1"Il .. ,'-::"7.._ . tv8JICT: .JIlt.~ ~t't ~ ~ 1 ' ~:, ;..'t~ .1·.ltD . 111 ~C • -;:"{RmEi' OF csc':rm) -: :-·~n _1N i ... ~.• .f. /.e.': 1 ~ :~"3;=-= . ~:. .'.. C,' OAlf ::. ..JO~ts ' ,'-c. , ;- Pt!RPC§Es [!O .et torth Wormat~Zl concerning Max I.onnt 'as "':~~~.,in.. ~~.~ ot .esc, Washington, D. c.J(lA)·, : ". 6~~-t ~~. ~~~rrlsor '. '...... :.CmRoimol· lfurauant t9 70ur ..~~ LoJa1ty Section arranged througb_._.. ~f the 'In"., t~ I B1~~~ esc_to rev1n' t.Ile~ tl?f&~~'M~t~~,:~SQ. "0 t:f'.~ ~ t.l.~ .- ---- If =t.:;'~ 3 ~n ~.. . vesti at 0 - tl ".3 "(It'! . Sa ,~,fJJ . tI'1I"-.~,",, ,. ~ , ~~ Wi,.,... 6' " ~ fV.Accord1.rig to the file, an applicant investigation wa, oooouc ""-,if~.iAii be re~st of llr. Franc~ R. Poore, Chier, Personnel DivisioD, of Ectneq: "i.fare in' 1943. 'rhe request stated that Lo!entha:l. had been -eppo.1nteef to '. ti' ti:':he Board of !c:ono:n!.c 'Warfare, subject to a favorable repOrt on the oharacter ";':~ .• stigation to be conducted by the esc. The file contained the tollOlr1Dg esc repa: ~~- ~ ~- ~ · ..... •.-: ;; .' .' '/'; .. :"-. . " , . ,.:"):- 1•. Favorable report dated March 25, 191.3, ,entiUed Applj.eant. Jlax . , nt¥al/l 'West Irving Street, Washington, D. C., Consultant, FEIf, 'Place and elate . ~~ig.tion )Jew Yozok ~ Bronx:, 3-20-22-1.3. Record 8~archeBI . ~ York CUlJ·~·'~·. ~MlD; Naval Intelligence Office; Security iMex file, Second RegioD; AppllC&Dtu~~'1V!! l~.~ ,attAched hereto... (Thb photCMltatic coW wae obtained trOll! tlMt ~poIlz1I'iitOl1 n..l:!;~,t.,_· __ "...... ~rice s1.Dce the esc tUe ~icated t.~ Washington F1el.dOrtioi'-.~. preT1OU~,~~ ., '.~owed the esc .r:eport ~n ~onnoct1ca with another 1nV'estig~~~.)·· '; . , ~ '1 ~...... ,.'.­ . r ..~; . 3. Report or hnstigator, esc to Applicant.. :Max .~_ ,':' . . :JP-ntba1 (born 2-26-88) 1 West Irving Street.. Chevy CMS" .~1aDd, ~QM~~,." ~lond"NPublic C~S'):'" .(i35 per diem wbe actually Law 2t:.. 71th ~.-._ .r T-.. "0 ... 0 , AlllHFORMAijON COHTI\I .lD. - . '. _. ,J ~ ~DED tAU~ ~ o '..• • • EREIN IS NCI.ASSlfl£Q· • • 42 • '. ~DA .•.•.• t ~,7~~ . . _ -r{ ~PI. ~9~D -,!7:;fr­ ~ II( 1t JUl 3~ \9&4 . . '4S~J ~~ ..• : O"T 1 /i/ . v 719Sa ).. . \1>-' " .' . ---"_. --'.­ .. ,.f ~ '. . <... ,'-,..- .. . '. :: : I" )-L~fY\3-s)? ,- ( ( ~......

".. at New !t'rl. ~ity, Brookl;-:l,~'Astoria, Long Island, ~ew York, .' De=e~~er .~f,/,~. - 13, 1943. ..._~ --_ ...

,';" .1 photostatic copy o~repo~' ..,as· a180 obtained tro~ th~" .. . ~--~; Washington Field Office and 18 attached hereto as an exhib1t. . L-o" .. \t::;~~~ ~ , i "'- CSC .~ .....~ I: t -...... ',onc_us on }J.'[ '-L:."., .) ...... ~;;.-- It was observec! that the top serial in the esc tile on Lc1fer.t~l was "a 'cop: or~a. letter dated August 26, 1944, tro~ L. A. )loyer, Executive Director and 'Chief . 'Examiner, addre~sod to~. Francis P.. Poore, Administrative As~istant, Foreign ~Erionomic Administration, Wash:L"lgton, D. C. --1'his letter concerned Yax lowenthal, "wni received an excepted appoint::nent on FP,bM1817 16, 1942, a5 Consultant, FU. n The­ letter ~tatp~, "An investigation was conducted by the Civil Service Co~ssion at request of Foreign Economic Administration. The evidence secured as a result or tr£ invest1cation made b.Y th~ C~ssion with respect to Mr. Lowenthal's loyalty, s~i~ability and fitness is favorable, and if the position to which he ~s appcinteed were a :ivil Service po~ition the Commission would rate h~ eligible for appointment

. Affiliation witr. International Juridical Asso~iation .- _ [The esc file contained a copy of a letter dated January 19, 1935, on the . letterhea~c~ t~c International Juridical Ass~tion, 100 5th Avenue, Ne~ !Qrk City This letterhead contained the naQes of "!sadore~11e~, ExecUtive Director, end ./ - . Caro~g', Secretary. n The letter further conta·ined·-a list of what was described 6.s· th~l~_~io~l.;_c~=t~~:.e," b::,oken dmm as to stat£s-=l .1he names on thi~ comnittee were €5:rollows, -1(U) \ \D1(trict of Colucci3 3John...!lavis Dr. Charles P..}~~~~r~

~o:-g1a Benja~n ~v1..s, ~r. tIF

CalEor:4a ) ~ -­ • IiIiiI. kolorado Ng.ss2chusetts - .. - 2 ­

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- l~tter l~t:Cormick, ~ ThiE was addressed to Honorable John W. House . Buildint:, Washingt.:m, D. e., and waE signed as !ollows, "Yours very tru1y~ ~( ~ ExecutiTe Director, C&rol Kine,· SecretAry." This letter read as follows: .; .­ "iie desire to -e:r..pres! tl) your committee investigating un-American = activit,ics our disapproval of the use of the ~::7W'er of the Federal Government tC' suppress so-called radical propaganca. -. ~"e ~i~h to go on record spec~ic~lly as opposed (1) to the ,ropo~~! to bar fro~ t~e mails all p~blicQt~on~ of Communist origin; and (2) to etren~hen e!ready too severe l.~iV"atior. 300 dC~:ir~.:lti(1U lr..wc SC' 8! to reOOer Communists deportable az such; and (3) to the proposal to enact a Federal secition etatute under which cere opinion, beliefs or utterances could be penali~ed.

~tie ~.2'Te watched such evidence as has cot:e before the Cot"r.it tee with interest en1 believe that the te~tirr.onyms &hown that it is the force o~ reaction such as t,l;~ilve:- Shirts and th~eOOs of Ner. Ge~ny, aOO other Fascist organi:tations, which not only advo;:.atE t-nt actually practice violence.

"At the present time, .,6en riTe years ot depressiDn have stimulated discontent in the country, we teel it a particula~'~ppropriate time to stifle the views ~~~ch represent a clear cutdisagree~ent with the present organi:tation of eociety.

"In our opinion the pressing problems of the Feder8~ Government today ebould be concerned with bettering the conditions ot 'those Who Ire discontent rather than the eu~pression of that discontent." . (The Civil Service tile contained a second letter on" the le the Int~dicalAssociation which contain.ed the nAmes r' fljitor,~ ExecuUve Director, fCarol King, Secretary, , ,.,'" (LA.) '.

.".. - :3 ­

:t ......

.-~. =~i c ,..' ( ( • •

UrA.er the heading of "List of }{embers of FaEdly in Foreign eoun~ry,_'t. enthal not~d, BOnly cousins or more remote relatives in England, PalestiI~ nus~ia and :or Lithuania; I do not have their names at present.· ·Lowentha1 answered in the negative the questior.L "Are you a JDe:lloor .of aoy Cocmwrlst- 'or ~~n Eu.~d organitatior. or any-political party or organization which advocates the overthrow of OIU" co~t1tutiona1 fOnI: of fovernment in the or .. ", ,: do you have memberslU.p in or any affiliation with any group, association or - organization which advocates or lends support to aoy orGanization Dr ~ove~ent ad"rocat-ing the overthrow ot our constitutional form of governcent in the

1Jn1ted States?" ' .. ~ .. .J...... :, I " •.. ..;.. ,"' . The Personal History Statement was cert1!ied by Lowenthal as beinb true am correct to the best of his knowledge and be1ie.f on Februery 24, 191.3. ble/F6/ • ~J~~r.L the review of the G~~ file on Lowenthal, it was note~ that the file had apparently beer! reviewed bj' both the State Department aOO the War Assets hd~iListration. The nctation indicated, that the State Depart~nt employee reViewing the file was ~of eSA, Department of State, 'lIfh~ reviewed it on Janua~r 22, ~ion indicat~~ Chief, Confidential Ir.fonnation Section, War A~sets .Ad!!linistration, wa!:-the person reviewing t.he file. r. , 0·-( O':',.v.... ·~ :-"'1;\' T ." l'\..C.I'J t~\....., -...1'\ N~n~. ~'i~ ~~ for your inr~rmation. Photostatic copies c ~ "0 f the esc reports, and,tIIIIIt mentioned above hav~ been previously turnish­ ed to llr. Nicho:s• .' .

.' ,



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, < I .- , -;:. c . .

. ' .~ 1 ._.~~-~------~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . { '." " .. · " '. . ,. -...... - .~ t • --- ..... " ...... -:; l .' • .:L_ .. 'IMTer Pard ot Ja1a 'be1aa ~otM v1tia uq oraaidut1ou exeept1q t,U.­ Z1caat oriPJ,ut1c:a. .. 1. "17 aot1"1a tUt. X. Im8t 'be 1A the 1IOU'1, 'beoallM U • VII' ·~.aroua4 $l8oO or $2000 tor AU a~t Bz'e. JI. hal two bo,.. !h. 0Il3J" trouble ve ner b4 ft. 011' t~ vlia E.x 3eaoll, tU vr1ter, wko 11"'H .'boTe t.hea, .. oca::p1A1Jw4 b.oaua. tU b018 p187H tu p1aao too aDGll au H eou1.lJl't ~trate. • '--- ()(J~-, . • , b1 U . ..., . . 4~, .ft York C1t1, ... • IDten1eVe4-~ok22,194', b1 IaTNttptor_' Mr. Lovatul Ie a w0a4.rtul an. 'rUt'. about tll. oalJ' ft1 to 4.'G!"1'be lda. I.'" J1l8t about pe~.ot. I. VII' punal eoUJLIol to tok••ub-~ttM OR Iatentate • ea-trc.e 1a tok. 1an.tItetI01l ot n,1l.roe.d8 punw.at to Jt••olut101l #11. X.·ft. a aatICJl1lal .xpert oa-tu .ubJ.ot ot n1l.roe.4.. I. U. vr1tta boob ca tM .ubJect. .. • ha. a Ter1 ioo4 book ..llea, "'fU Inn.tor Pa7a-. n. u1a Job ure vaa u. onrell .tu4T ot tu 1Jrn1't1pt1CJ1l ot tU 8t. Paul ~1lroa". I va••••1p.e4 b,. tlLe b1lroa4 bt1~t ~rd to work Y1tok Jer. LoYatAal. • h va. oh~en b1 .the U. 8. 3...te ee-dtteia. CA!.t Comu.l to York CIa ra1lroa4 s..n..t~t1CSU1 aM I va. a••1pft b1 t .. b1lroe4 B.t1r..ut ~r4 to work Y1tk lda. ( Th. Sub-c~tt.. u. bMa out ot .x1diGo".1aoe la.t ~•• u4 ».c:l'W tlLe P.a11roH !l.t1r.-nt !oar4 proJ.ot 11 b.1D& liqu1tatK. ~ vnt _ to OaM out to » Ch1GaiO MY wen t •• loan. b. -.oftA, but w1tok Wl1 tudl1 n4 tU 4rafi ca Wl1 han4. I can't 40 It.

) I t.k.1Jlk that Ia. LoveDtlaal 11 Jut aban tU top ot tal werlA. I knn ~ onr ~ 1M"• I mow ~. 1. • New Deal.r, but I 4ea' t th1Jlk U 1. 0

, .. to ne17 tn,1t ot hi. akancter, I th1Jt.k h. 1. re~q the cr-ate.t 8Jl I ~ ~ T..na aiO, .. ued to 'be OoanlOtH Y1tok Mr. ,8&014 ot the tina ot S~o14 anA :B;ran4 • Juage Mack tM 7e4.nal 1., I tJa1Jlk, lU. tIltHr-1A-18v. ot Court. .

•••tert.4 ura witok tJL1a OOIIPU.T 1A 19~. .. 11 a JMJl .bout '2 or " rear. ot .p. •• 18 _niH aDd I th1Jlk hal two oll1l4rc. n. p81 MN n.. oal1" DQ111"1. " ~fte ~. a rul.e 1D th. S..te l11dtaa )ai••a1817 to.. about *}600. • I l:'rl~v ot no .crepe. or 41tt1cult1•• li. u. e'ftX' 'bMlSl!n. A _'ot )ai. Noori &Ad caliber I would. euppoe. woul4 a.nwr be 1Atere.tK 1D toUt .ort ot tA.1.aa (aoter • m ret.NJl.O. to Ca.' 1_ or 7...18a). ._,f"•. ', .~ ~.\.. ­ n. Job heN ft,' • ~..1~1 appo1At.nt. 'f'll. o--.1ttoe VII' DAer tke 41 e»1meaAip of f.e:.:tor llk..l.r.· T." t.k1. n. a tull tiM Job. I1a ~ot101l, t.llro\&gh tU 1J:tT••ttptIoa, wn -.oN wIt" beak1wa 04 WunlJLH t.lLaa ot t •• na1lroeu. • JI. 11 o=.e ot the 1..41.q vrltera ot the oountl7 oa the .ubJe.t cit rallroe4••

~4va1, ..... Y'lrk C1t1. ~.. . t . ',"r " C.-rT1~4.Maroh ~1 ~~t;or __ ·'t 22, 1911, , t. • ( .( • e .. ".;< I i~ "-P{l ~:~". ~ ~ I. • lJ .:\~;:': I JI&'n a.enr TJlt Mr. '*~ Low8Ilt.hal, but I boY no ~ 1., -b.ceu. we hact 0 _tal tr1a4 1Ja Mr. Jut10e Ccm1osa •.._ ta~, ~ 1a DOW t.eel, m.v Mr-.-- '. _ .• LawatUl. I kiln reel Jer. Lo¥Gtkal'. work·s.. .oauetl= v1U the ra1lroeel .-- . . seMte ...r1Ja&.' !Ut'. a'bout aU I kDov ot k1a .De'pt that I Dew ~ tatMr hael a kiP rePl"4 tor Ja.1a .... )d. ablUtl... ICr tatMr ued. to .peek "17 Ji1Ghl7 ot h1a G4 ot )d•.amepUo:Aal·18plll1a4. )Cr. ~tul le a hlTart MIl. I b.iln. that ~ f'atMr'-414 ae-I 18~1 'VOft 111~ kia, but that va. betO" ~ oecmect10Z111 vlth the t'1Jw.• .I '., ';' '~.-< ~ ", ....~... _.:-- ,'. . .:-:.. ! • , /' 0 ~. . \, / ~te":'''''' MarU 22., _194' b,. IaTe~tlP~ I Un DCMl Max LonatUl ~or about 20 or ~ TUn or IIOre. •• aIlod I vent t< Kanart LeY se&ool toptJLer. ~tlI. ot 1W an4ute4 C\a Laud.. W. v.re both till the hlTar4 Law ReT1-v. •• va. .eoretar," to Ju4a- Maok abo~ .191;. Abo~t ,1920'­ tol"llH tlle lev f1Dl ot Lov.-tbl UI4 S~olel. A t .. :-an 1.ater R. W.;..¥erk1Jul calII·1Jl ___ Max 1. _rr1H to a ai.oe r4 J~ Maok. t'k. JudBe 18 u: 014 and .10k aaJl BOY a:a.t I 40ubt It ,.OU .oul4 ... k1a. Max rtAal.1T lett. the t1na BAd retu--d. Ze 18 })rwtt,. ".11--llMled. .0 f'ar a. aDaII7 1. ocmoenaH.. n._.rit. Vill 1Uer1t well. Z.'• act tu CC'WP'Ghtl0 tn- at all. .. •• alQ78 .el t.i.,,,p })rett,. llUoh Mil avn YB)". or OOUl's., I vUl ..,. u- 1. a 4nst10 • ." Deal.r, but I 0&Il iO all tu ve.,. 40VJl the l.1ae ~or hi. tru ~"..p,... I ...moe, aA4 I bow h1a Urous)l and tllro~, t.hat ) •• M'Ter been o~ot.d rith ~ C(IWlftI 1 8tl0. AM., ot ooun., !dl beokground })'t'eolu4•• u:r po..lblUt,. o~ .altha, or n.cl_. .. ha. UTe%" 'bMt1 1Jl a~ .~rt ot elltt1oultl... •• 1. a T.r," ab~, Uberal t.1..loY aM creatlJ" elnotK to pvb11c ".lTl0.• . -... .-' . .. '..... '

,":", . ,.~ . . . ..;:- - .. _rrlH a aieoe ot J"'re4,Jilaok, .. I ...urpr1••el 'that tlte Ce:-1••101l eloem't baW'all about h1a. a.-lIa. b... 1Jl Wr.~OZ1 quit. a n11e BOY. .. la a Te17 br1l..l1.aJlt aa4 oapabl. t.llov, but h. 1. cae ot the Ban-ar4 ~ 1Ja Wa.~ tbet I Ju.t 401l't a~e wlth. .. 1. 1Jlts.-te v1th Justlce J"rank.. hrter, IDl4 nth tUt COUll aM Coollran outtlt ot J." »-al.n elava there'aM I ut. their aut.~-- !'he f'aot 1., I ute Muta £\It. too, bvt that "1. beoau. ot hi. poU'tleal T1.". and. Dot beoau. ot a.zJ3 peraOAal qu.llt1oatlO1W V\1oh are 1Dlblea1l1h.ct. . •• 1. ~ up Y1th that Karnrt .rt~ • ." neal outt1t aDd I Jut elem''t tollow 'th.ir line or ~),1nk1D~. ao~tthi•.~~~tUl 18 _~:.br1~1aDt ~:~_~~. h~~.~81n;.~:, ~.?'. ::,'~-. .~~.-, .~<, -~~~'-'.;;.>,.:-,. :.;}-...•;. - .• -- -- '. - :w... ".} -- .,. !', •

1 S.tate Aaent, '711:. 149t}l st.,·!.rouX, •• T. Inten1ft'e4 March 22, 19~' b,. hn.tiptor K.·

v. bad Mr. MI% LonDtha1 ~or a tenaJ:lt at '22 Central Park W..t tor about tvo • 1M" tl'a.. Oetober, 19,s to ae,teab.r, 1940. w. vere .0"7 to ... A.1.a 80. I GoY he .1 .e.t k1JaA o~ bUl1..Dlt •• w1tll tu aonna-nt tut took lda to Wa.~ t'reQUeJltl1 • Ie bal u. 8 roca apartaat tut .o.t l1ia.about t2000 a ,....r vith U8. I. a1YaJ'8 • pa.14 hi- ret reiUlrr17. I 4oa't know wh.re ha ~. b~tore that. I oouH.Jl't tAU ,.ou exr;:'tk1D.a about uq ot hi. bu1lY•• or .001'.1 oc:::JnDeotiou. V. an.r b4 eJlJ C!lUS. to tA1ak u n-er bed U7 1u1.J..ut1cma or coaaeot1c::u w1tJl ~ ot the "Imas". M;r reo,.,.,.htica ~or: h1a u A-l. I. 18 a nr'1' ".U e4uoatH JW'1. I tb.1:..k he 18 e )[amri. ....

• v. DaTer bad UJ.3 llquor probla iuotar as ha va. 0021.CJern.ed. I haT. no ft••em to 40ubt u:r ~, k!II- qual1n.OIIt1m.- ~or aonmment .enl0••

• •.o.rS II J'1Ae, Real Xatate ~t8, .'71 E. 1 St., Brc:a%, •• I.. . • Iat.n1wec1 Maroa 22, 19~' b,. IJrn,t1gator--, WA.eD ". ka4 ~ bu1141D& at '22 c.atn1 Park V••t, I bd the opportunlt,. to . beOc::'I!M prwtt,. well aoquaSAtH w1t!l Mr. Max LavantAal. X. 1..8 a T.~ unusual • . SAtAlleotual t,-pe o~ -.zl. XU ocaaeot1ou, I belln-e, are ao-t}J 1Jl WellhiDgton. Ee va. on .OIM Scate oc.a1tt.. u4 U. bUl1Ae•• va~ qu1t.e a blt 1n Wall~on.

I It.aTe awnr bad CJ rM.oa to .ap.ot lda ot b.~ aDJ"'th1.na but a £000 Amerlca: o1tha.. Iou 0Gl ~ to ~t OOAOluicm tl'a.. the york h. doe. and the people he York • nth. .. ba. oozmeatiou 1A ~. becaUl. u baa Men on .~ Senate CCIaIll.1tt.. tor a loaa ts.... Xe •• a ~ ~.-1}J, alao. X. owe. U8' DO .-one,.. Be w. elva,.. • prcapt 1Jl lL1.a ~t. o~ nat. . . .' .

.. II.eTIr .1lowM uq n1d~•• o~ tA. U. ot l1quor or aDJ"'t~ ot that D.8turo.~ • I tkouPt u va. rnl17 a reapOllalbl..... ~- ..

'. '~- ... .." ~...... ••••••••••••••••••• :/-" InIBn~t8 .0000s OIl Ootober k, 19k" TOur 1JlTe.tlptor ~01lCN'1aa o~ ,'.- obta1Mt tA. Nn 1t.. t'rca t.U nl•• tu lev • . Ion !s... at ..," stl"Mt u4 »roa4YaJ', .ev Iork Cit,... • .." Ton ~., MI.,. '1, 1m, Va~, D. c., • ( l . i, .": • ...,.; .... .&"'fr' . " :~. ;.;/::~~:. <.. .N·"t \

• "1.".' .I-'~~:::~'~.?~~J • Ia tJl. t1.nt plaN 1t otno1all.T -..4 1te.1.t, .~ l.t1~1 ~,..1cm ~. _.,.: . Law Ob••na.noe ..... Xarorlll I.t~ ••••

- .. - .. , .. ID .4Ut1OD. t)l8 o~..1c:a .aotM"leu Lawatul Or hv Tork C1t:r •••""t&!7.":' ••• • . "- Mr. 1.on'athal ~ n ••1••W 8ecretal7, 1•• 1909 ~4ute or tM tJIIl1..-.n1t 7 ....,...... 0 r )cS-.IOta ud or Jan-a.rt LaY 8o~1 1Ja 1912. •• 8a'TK ror cae TNr •• 1""tal7 to Jillan V. Miaok or tU U. B. Court or ee...nM u4 .tternrt n. ~~ ror • ,....1' • 1n tU laY 01'1'1". or Cal.4valad.r, V1aDn" dt htt or 1ft' Ton.... n ....1.11a'" to ~. V1aDreu. •• lpealal 0O\lD.8.1 rtYr toM C1t7 or I." Tork 1& tM Port or ~ York • Ter:dnal nte ca.. berore tU X-t.entate Cc ~ c~ttH. I. n. All1.tat 8ea-etar;r or Pre.14_t V11.8tla' 8 MM1atlca oa-t..loa 1Ja 1917J A-.lItut S..retar;r or tU Var t.bor Po1l~ .,.ri. 1A 19lB Dd or tu Pre.lant'. • .eo0n4 ID4utrial COZl.t~ 1Ja 1919--1920, 81Ja.H ft10lL tiM Ii. u. Pea -.piN 1Ja the practloe or law 1Jl In York. .. 11 cae· or tM trutH. or t.M 20tll ca..tlZr7 had. • Kev York Vor14, .bp.at 8, 19,0. ~ QUIT IOOTD LAV JODI ete lie .DEAL L001'

• Xar~t "'D1uppo1Dtorac.t Oft'r tU r.l1ure or t&e 100nr LaY ee-1••1oa to adhere to It. P1"'NJmO\DlO~ 1atontl-on or -k1Ja& ....Iatm. D4 u.p.a..1clCate .tll4;r or lev TiolBtlOD an4 lav aforoeaa.t, aA4 41'PJlt onr v1Lat he reprdK •• 1t. aatle. • ~ 1n the reala pol1tloal .xp'-IUao:r, oaU.K. tM re.1patloa or MIlX Lowe":.t.Ul or »n York a. tAe ~..Ioa" .x-outITe '.ClNtar;r, !'M Vora 1N.n:1e4 ,....t.er4.q' trail • 1n:rormanta 010•• both to )Cr. LoVAtul aa4 to -.ben ~ tlL. Cc.a1..Ioa. Mr. LovctUl nl~ J~~. I. u" 'fl"1"M ~.. aoDthl Y1taou.t P«1 1n 8 • POlt vAiu u _te~ .t t.U penoul .oU.1tet1oa or c.o.rp V. Vbkerl"A.I:a, Ua~ or the e~.IIon. A lev;rwr or .uell UIl\Wua1 .bUIt:r tut U Jw4: Ne:a .bl. to ..n, 1Ja Nrt.e.n ,....n, • rort~ .uttIc1..t to ...bl. k1Ja to ntin t'roa ••t1Te pnetIN, ... cratcll UHrel and. publ1o-lp1r1ted OODTletlou tut u u. tor ~ ;rean ah.- tok. pout.r part or 111l tJ..J. an4 111l .bIl1tI.1 to publb u4 quafJ1-pubU••ttain, Mr. :Lonathal VII 1J:ad~ to • beOC8t tu .e-dllIOZl'•••cretar;r, lt n. 1.earMf, 'b:r repnltnltatiou tAat It voul4 .tte1lrpt .C8ttll~ wlllclL tao~ttul l..av7en u.t 10pe4 ror ror ,....n-•• ocapnhn.aIT8, autborltatlT8, t.ct-1'1a4 1aquir;r 1Jato t.U 1aarN.1~ ••rlOU8 probl_ or lew • eutoro..-zLt. • Pre.u..t Ioonr, wllo orla1Dall.T ut Jlrca1 to arNte • bMrt ror ta••tu4,y ~ ot t.U pro1lobltloa probl.. lpeeINoall1'--a prc:a1 4. 1Ja tu 4JOlln. or Ai. Prel14ut1al campa1.p, .bA t.U 1Ituor t\lieltlca wa. NU~ IIUOk poUtloal ~~ .nd 'cau11'11.1Jl&--c~..10M4. t.U \oari to .t\l4J', act p.ro&1bItIOZl .lou, but tu vllol_ broad fi.ld or laY ..tor.....t. x. PTe .I.uraaul tkat ao "port waul" be .xpe.tH vIth1Jl two ,....n, aM obta1Jle4 t'\m.U .uU'1c1..t to Mn7 OJ' t1w 1'1.nt ,....r'. 1nT.lt1~tIOD aa4 n •••rcll work. -,:,', '" ~.

VItll tllll prolpeet )Cr. Lovntul n. 1Mu.... to aoTI U. re.I..u..M to- • V••h1qtOJl, 411oODt1Jw. 'YIrtaall1' .u or llU bu1ae'1 aM pro~...1=-1 ~Itiou 1a J'w York, aIl4 giT8 111l tu.1l tu.--Y1Ulout pa:r--to tU ta.k or e1T1J1c .n.utIT8 ~Ireotioa to the O~••IOA" 1aq~1r.7. " , •

___ 'C •. :,.. :~ ..r • L, 7 .-".. . ,... -e • ( { • ' ... ' 1. . --­ .. -=.:­ •• . .. ui.el.t ref\laM to tanal toM ..tt.er a .a:r Ya7 ~1t.ei-d.aT. .1f'U . - . . ~..lca'. or1c1Ul ~ ~t ao .tate.-ta were ~ N _'e eDept b7 _~. . _ eb1.nlaa .tlll bo_. ka, lie ..It, aat.. telt U ImIIt rerue to ilY~ el~er -' . •• " eo&ruwet~ca o~ t-.1al to tU r-.oat report.ri b7 k1. tn..... tor k1. re.l~tloa. • ." ..:.:.: ".'~-_:~= -1"» ~ penoa no .....b ~ .tat....t about. tk1. ~'. Mr'. -\rle~nu.:,· 1 ' ...1..·• -I .ull aot U.oo. it JlOV or lat4r.­ -_···....:Xr. Lowa~l va. ~o1"S a k1JIae.ota ... 'H. poatutM rrca·t.u UdTen1t7 oj )(1JIae.ota a 1909, but atter k1. p-atuatloa, Cwa LaK., traa tP Kam.rf Lav .POO] '. a 1912, aat a 7Mr a••eoreta17 to ~ Jull.. li. Mlu ot t.ke tr. S. Court ot Cc:.I M -.terM ~ om... ot Ca,...la'er, V1oDn~ aat htt. ure aat lat4r be.....u • partur ot tU law t'1na ot x.ow-~l,.SIOU ... Perk:1N. . -e AlUo~ M ut a larp praotl.., li. pYe JmU ot u. t1a!l to pubUe .enl•• enra "tore lL1. T1rtual ret~t t.krM- 7NN ap, aat .erTe4 ,,It.k Hr. li1cDn...... a. lrpHial .0UMel tor toM C1t7 ot I." York a tU pOrt ot lev York t.e:na1.JlJll rate ca••, a••1.tM .a tU tonutlca ot t.u Aa~tM J.uk ... va. act1n a labor aad • 1a4utrial attain. I." York ~1M., hbr'Ul7. 9, 19~1 • /' ~2Otk C..t1U7 !'aM u. trauterre« It. k"'quarten :rrca ~.toa totiJI el It va•••tabU.lIM a 1919 b7 Unri ~,(711..., pre.U-.t ot t,Ae li1111am 1'11...•• • Boa Co. ot »o.t.oa. ~ or t .. 9 .-Hre ot-tU Bo&ri ot ~tM. aI-. rNUl1lt. ot •• York aM a. tA. ..t1Y1tle. ot tk. 1"u:M expaatet, 1t va. tota4 'n1rable to .-.t" t: • bre. •

•• tu 1"uM. u ••oa.f1M4. it. "out1ou aao.t -.t1re17 to tU ee.oaaa1c. ne14 ..... u. be. olL1et1J' bova to tU pubUo tor it. atere.t a tU CrK1t Ua10a .,.,. t .... 1a _ata1.a1q lUPer .~rdll ot CCl&lilu.r oret1t ....n117, •• well a. to~ Itl ~tr1but1aa to tU prc:aot1oa ot .c1e.t1n.o ...... ae-at tkro~ 1ta .upport ot tke .j • . /Iat4raat1oa-1 Moa~.t Ialtltut4. • ." York ~t..., ~ok !leTl.", lUlU ~, 19".

-A. SI.cmIJ'ICAIT ~ S'l"tlDT OJ' lUG :BtI3ID8S .dD m unxPS.· • ~ O&ri1Ja.er C••.*au. , , i '. ",.­ .,-a.'Ia'n.tor laT., -~ Pap ~k b7 Mu LoveatUl. .-, 1 • . \ .~~ (Pretace) lor ~e purpoae ot _~ tU .ubJe.t olearer t.o tAe ann...eour. koUIT a oc:&eJret4 .... (f'U reoe1nnlL1p ot ~-;o, XUvaukH aJL4 St. Pau .R&1~4_C~) u. 'bHa .laoa-.. lfld..... "1.8 ~e b~.t rece1....nlL1p a kMr1e; ". n.t.0r7. ~ u4 lara'e ita .to17 1. t1P1.-1 ot -.oat I-.orpJl1.utlca. ot ccap&)L1e. a Yk!u boaQ.o14n. u4 .tookkol'en uYe ~e1r ""7. Sea- ot tA. ~ actln a tu· • oa•• partl.1pate a ao.t larp oorporate reorp.a1ut1oa &.4 a ,"at ....~ ••t tll. eod.u.at ot aU .uck oa.e. a .""17 .eot1ca ot tU oouatl7.. '­

• nro~ut W ~ook tU autkor lIZIp&a.h•• tke~loal eian.ter ot br~ • out tU~ p.a"11e~ b.~ tlle lepl .t.p. actual.l.T ta. a.JL4 tll~e I-.C~a4e' a. Il'O ~--~·-ui •••tlY!tle. "'t~~:~~_~tt.. em • ( ,... ,'j,'

0', '. I .•. . ... -~. » ,." :"'.... .---- '..', . ~ y1_ ot \M ee-1ttM ....N .1Illa1twt to xr. YO'" (_oMrt .r':'Yoml.&, 'Mat ~tro1.U.ac ~rU ) ot tk. .,..nAte ra11roat u... aM otM!' •• Y1tk1A Ul. To. - ( 8Yer1apa ~t.e.) ,~ _~-Z7 tom b7.Max LanatUl" \M ea-1ttM'. u1.t oowel. '"', . ~'" Yor~ -•. ,# ) • ." n.." .a"fWUer U" 19'7.

. ' . ':'~\" 1"k. s-ate eo-1ttee ca later-tate Cc Dr.., aOIW tannlpt1q plau tor tu ' ) ,'reorp:&j:ut1aa or t.Ur1Ua.ovrl holt1. Jlallroet, tat.JooM.uoe4 Sate t.U nooN tu. ~~ ~ , an.eI1lOOll a u..t ot s.it.lun.ue offic1ala aU *0, 1t ".. a••ertM, 0 ",_ are Rpport~ or un aoqu1.aoK a tU .o-..U'" t.bter or-.ulep.aa;r COl"pOJ'tlca ~p.a1utlca plaa aov ~ 'betore ~.htentate ee-.roe ee-1ttM. All ot taoe. ( aaIH, 1t.".. t ••laY'H, W~ ca a J. PVtIorpa • ~ -preterr.t U.t- .... a. ' 8UOk no.lnt troa tat t'1%Il nb.taat1'al )loeb ot Allep.aV .took at a ~rio. weU b.low \M -.rat Jrloe prna1u.a at tU t.,.. tU .H\Il"1t1e. "" au.o.atH. • •• ~. /­ ft,e 1Ju'ln"u.oe ~103 -..-4 ca tM un vere 'tu"-tropoUtaa LU'.,', few Yon:, ,. , ur., 'Prai..t1al LU'. aM Jolra'iauock ~1IA1,L1h. ~'NJID nzoe ~. ~ or .." York aM 'tru8t. CtM,peV; 1Wal; Loe) • Co.; kaDn If'rw;t Co.; • ." York f'ru't, ~, t .... ~. Q-Qan.a 7 ~: eo.pa~. - '. _ . -, FB Jib7 ~ ) _ _n9.!::~.14~~_or._ tU.*~l-1tu.lM!-aM_ ~nrar ot • .,,'York Ut., "re tlLe-Y1tae•••• ua4.r .DJI'uUoa YUa Max I.ov'mltlt.al, Ck1.t CouaHl tor t.U Beaate c~t.tM, rea' tu u..t 1at.O toM 1'MOrt. ~ . Ya. ca Ul~u~fatUr ot-.., Ya. 0Zl 1t.-, 1"k••],jer~~Joari ot'tU *tropoiitaa ;- va. alloat..i 1,000 Ual'w. ot All.~-~" 04, a.~~ to tU .~ttee, , ~ tU prio. k. pa1' a. nll a. aU tU otll.n.. l Ya. $20 • Dare, tU lIal"at pri.. I at ~. t~ be1q .,~. tU ~ttM ..U, reallsK. profit ot .~,'( » ---._--­ ~ a'" ao .!tort to oaa...l tU1r' re...taa.t at tU t.ats...o.,y. au 1t plaa tat tUre 'ft. aot tM ~t..t .x.ou. to at.rpret •• 1IIproper lL18 tat.lL.r'. ao.ept&ue ot tM ~ aa4 ee.paV,.Uooat1ca. It va., u expla1Jl.H a traa.act1aa eat1Joe17 out.U.• lL1. ht.k.r'. oCdlllHt1oa Y1t& t.&e Mwtropol1taa Lit.. 4ao\DlOK Ul. pro4uet1oa ot t.a'l nUaoe a. a 1uauat1c:a toUt ~t ) penou pJ'albnt. 1Jl tM ot 1ull1"U.M .oa;paa1 •• aal 'bubl ka4 ben. ¢It,. . ot t..k1ai bribe.. 1Cz". Loveatal 1ubt.e4 t.&at. k. Ya. _k1a,a ao 1uauatlou, but 'ft' a1Jql17 putt1Aa ato ~. reeoN oerta1Jl taot. t.&at ut oc-t 1Jlt.o tu po.....10Jl ot tk. Baat. Caa1ttM. , '.~

oao. ta tM ocat%"O'T'er8)' 1aTolY1.aa tM ~r04ut1c:a ot t. u..t, S....tor !"naau., ) aot1.q CUs.r-a ot tke Cm.1ttee, n-rkM tut ~ .QOk a tnu..t1oa 1aTol~ pub110 otr1.1a18, 1t,youl4 'be 18bellM -cratt". •.•

In York ttt-., April ~, 19~•

." ' Aa U _ oaa1ttM to aa a .tuiT aa4 re.' sn4. 1.a1alatloa to 80'"1'2 reteTN' a 'buknrpt.o7' tnult.M a 'buknrptey aM reoe1nn a-4 b,. te4enl eourt• ... appoatH to4a,. b7 Att.oru,. OeMnl ~.. _ ne Attoru,. e-..nl ka. l>Ma ••eer •.peo1allJ' .1&0. Ju4p...... t.ea IJL4 nc-. , ,nre 1an.t1ptM to reto", t.U reoelnnlL1p .,...tea. ...' " ~n ot tu .c.dttM a,.. SoU01ter Oeunr'J~'~aca,:J~ !lob.rt P. " ... . -Pattex:-~ ot tile 2a4 C1rn.1t. Co1U"'t, J •••• K.' JaM., CU1.nlaJl ot toae Jl. "I. c. , .. K4~ , ­ s.:.~ , . '.:..- . (;". "'::,'U .. " ~---~~~~~~-~., ~.~,.~'~,--~-----'-~---'------'------1/1 ( ( •• •

~ ~ . . .. :.;." .. • ,-.... !'Ae oaMitttH v111 ••t aOo:i,' aU e.tabUu ott1oe...... tart to .olleot h!'or-t1oa, eapM1aU7 tut .TII1lable t'r'CIa C~••1c.-.al Cc:.a1ttH. vk1cll UTe • 1.JrTe.t14tatet toke "oe1nnk1p .18ta..-. -= M " ",,'~~k t1Jle., April 29, 19}9. OP1U ~ ".-.-"-... . ­ · ••4 _. Max LovntUl, Couuel tor tM Saate'. 1JrTe.t1aat1oa ot ra1l.rota.. t1•••o-., urp( tlle Seaate latentate Cc.-rH C~ttH to4q to .P1lron t1pter ••tel'UAl"U • ap1JLlt • coa!'Uot ot lJlte".t oa tU part ot penoaa lLui~ ra1l.rota.. b~tey JUttera.

) Mr. LovntUl te.t1fiecl .t kNrU,p oa lep.lat1oa to 1"WT1.e "-e pre.nt prooK~ tor "orp.11ut1oa ot 1aTolTGt ra1l.rotat., lep.lat1oa -vk1cA lie •••1.-tM 1Jl p"pa~. lfM 1JrTe.tl.pt1oa wkicll lie "1,not.M, .M told. tU ocal1ttee, .&avri • • ..e4 tor proT181c:aa 1a tlie pa4iaa b1ll 4ed.p.M to •••ure 1.a4epa.Ant trun...., re.e1~ an4 ooauel "ur1q reorpa1ut1oa ot 1JlRolnat roa...... ) ~' ..1· ~'ritll .Aat1 ~t..ti.oa LN~I_ , .-v York C1t,.. laW"!""- SepteUer 27, l~'. . ) I UTe b... lie" • alZBer ot TNn, but I "0 aot b.ev Mr. Mu I..cw"GtUl. !'Ae oal.7 .terial vk10& ". UTe 1a our t1.1e. rltli re~t to tlie ... Y&oa TOU ." ) 1JlTe.t1ptiq 18 tlie tollow1.q 1tea 1Jl Y.l~1aoUll'. Ool~ 1a tlle I .... York De 1];rK1rror •• ot hbruar'1' 'I 1~2. / .. , • ••• s.aator llkHler'...., lax 1.o'W'a.tal, 1Jl .....1t1oa to lI.1. v••~ ort1ce (vk1oli ~ ooeup1e••t ta~n' expe"e) .lao u. as otfioe .t ~, Broa4".,-, .ev York, the t.lepkou alZBer ot ~ vaio& 1. D'1£bT k-6790--n1oli 111 • tT. S. CoTeJ;MIGt poU auabert Kov ~T 1>i.. llMeler t'1aall7 put tu ~ rio .... oa tlie

Seaate latentate COIIIIItroe Cc.a1ttH pqrollT • . c'

~.: .". I un ~ M-x Lowe.tal tor .baut 20 ~.n, .... '"ben u n haTe .1Ya78 oaUN eao& otUr _ aU Max. la "Mat ,..an I U~, t .... IID.U. ot lI.1a. .

I t1nt tan lI.1a n_ lie va••en-etar'1' to .1t1r1..lle .1\ll1aa Maok. .e .rriH.· Jutp )llOk'.....~ter. M Tau perUp. bow, .1vAi8 Maok Jut recat17 "1M. Ie va•• "nr'1' .ble, 'br1111ast, aM .uo....tul la"7'"' aa.4 ,,"e all ot lI..1.a ....,. 1Jl lay. ~r, lie uo't be_ pract10iaa aw tor .e-lt t1Jle. lor. loa,a ts... lie va. C)OJDI.aot"- Y1tli S...... tor \lUeler oa tu S...t. latentat. CCIIiIlI~ Coma1ttH. •

Mr. Lov-tUl 18 1a.oornzpt1ble aU wo\lleta't .ell out to • labor ua10a or to tlle Xat10ul .....ooiat1oa Mduhotarera MOaeT. Kovrrer, I yO'CUa't t~t U. ot tor . ... t-· .,-(" .' ~ . ,:_.r I -~. . ..., ~.) ...... ~.' ­ 'r-oJ ­ ( ~~~ . , < ( !; .. ':" .... :- .

-.- ­ ~~<.:.;. ,~ - ~- ....".. ' ­ · loTal~i: W01IlO'~ ~_t1al ~ po~_1tloa M.l. I ,la.. k1a 1a • pollq -k1A& or ex • .' tnaat 1a toM .,.,.n.-~ tor ~ OIl Ml"'t&.'. I wouU alft,. woM.r no - 18 ,. •.'.~. telk1q to CIa toM .1'.••. I Dow tMt 1t» ....r "1~ Y1tok ~ or .,8J9CIU 1a .\'~. a soY_X -tel a~, » wouU D4.N:1Jw tok.,~ betore n.Spba. ~~'•. toM .­ • ~:~

_. ~'Xa1 ~'r1tla,

j - - .... , .." York C1~T. ~- . .,- ... I Iaterrl...... 8ep~~, 19~'. ". '.

" ~·t .,.h. '.:' !M'.~ )lax LonatUl "oea ~t .~r1b a tn'ltar Yo" 1a rq -.0%7. . -,' ~.,:TOll ~b4 .tu nla. at ~ Aat1-Der.-t1ca Lee. lfU7 oerta1al1' vcnl14 •. ." '. (. I .\~_::~- ~ . .. ", . .' " ( • -, . • • • • •

V. ~ ao'\ MTe ~ 1& D¥ ot our ttlH oa lIu Lonatul .XM'ft tMt ..... • 1t.-. wkiek V.lta- V1a.Uell kat 1&)da eolu..~Val"r V1uUU'a -""tarT, .:. -7 be able to 1'lmI1u 701l w1tk .~ .U1t1OMl 1Jdomat1aa ca ~ or .as tell 7O11 YUre 70ll ... pt 1t. YlNHll a¥ vell Dow l'bat 7 a'bout Lowa~l••• 111 Te'q • well 1JdomN. . _ . ;. , /'" Se; ,cee tut I ...... t TOt a1Pt ." 1a Ra'bl»1 hll1~"", n.o 1. u.r..tor o~ • tU Aat1-1»tWt1oa LM.- 1& VaU1actca, 1>. C. au atire•• 1& llaU1a&'toa 1a 100' ~ . • st••• V. aM tU t.e1.epkoM Jl1aNr 1. D1atrl.t. role • I t.ea't Dow Mu Lcrw'Gtul DI kaTe .'.1' »art ot Jda. laTe 10ll ."'UK our l"HOrU at tu at1-J)et..t1ca Leape! YOll II1Pt ." Cltarla. Zorcnr1ts, no 1a (;cuu.l to tM Dbtrl.t ..... tONn" pre.l....t or tk1I J)1I'triet. .,

" • »'&a1 »'rttk, Iat.n1. o.to'Mr ~" I 10 !lOt Dow mQOM ~ toM or IIa Low.-taal. I unr Uari ot u:oaa . enr P~1aa to lUI tMt we attaek tk. 'r. 3. I •

• ~'8~: 'nlU ..11".. ... an..r a reoorl .MrU ~01'Il a( Mea retu:1'Ml. Y1tk t.U ro1..1.ow'1.q aotat1ca » t.Mrecaz

-~..t1al Iato:-.at ~-2 tit a "Max Loveatul-, a bon. ) Ccwm-ht, -.her o~ tY" ••t1caal C~ttH o~ tU TlrteJ'aat1c.a1 Jur1410al h.oo1at1oa, 100 J"1ttll ATe., I." York C1t7.­ ) C

Oar l"'Hort. 1M1oate tut ve MTe a report trca Ccat14••t1al W'OrMat 1.-' utM April 27, 19~', tk••~r ot nick I .. aot at Ub.rt7 to a1Te 7OU, v11u .t.t.e. ~ l~ ) tut Mr. Love:stu1 •• ot JlZU, va••lion to b. a -.b.r or tk. llat10aal e<-.1ttH ot tU Dlterut10aal JlIr1(1oal Aa.oe1at1oa 1a tU D1.trt.t ot Coluabt.. •• na .leo It..tM. ••• ~ ot tJa••." York Xneut1Te C~ttH ot u..e Daten.at1oaal • Jur1.1..1 h.~1at1oa •• ot )117 29, 19" • Oar ~l.':~.~"~tU ~o~t1Te C~tt.. ~r tJaWteraat101Lal Jurl.1..1

, ~L ( .. ~ .. - ( o

. .. 1.­ -.­ • A.eaoo1at1ca a. et MIT 29, 19~~ ft. 0CIq>0.e4 ot ~ tol1.ow1ac.u.r,a a .ft Tork• • j 1lr..1an7 Xl.-r _., Proh••o~-Pala1 1'. Bria._-, Joaoplo II. lIro4akT, .. .. f 0t:aDd .~~l, °Prah••or J~ J"rak, KD17~. Kuat, Prot••~or JUl ~~, . • *x ~1r.al-, Ilo7 V1U:1u, Ph1l1p V1ttellMrc, Prote.aor Le3~~~• .~ ~-~ Dltwaat1c:aal Jurid1cal An001atlca ritJl hM4qlW1"t.era at 100 711'1.& Aft•• --. ... T011c,- J[. Y. ft. or~l1~ a \aruoh ot • UD arpJdutlca a~. 81JLoe tM n tler ~ 08JIe ato pow'ft' a o.nIaJQ', th.... Yon: ~ 'beo.- tU off1018l I • 19}~ ~ hH4turten ot tM •••oo18tlca. It ft. t0JWt4 ca *7 2, \a,. laY7en In Tork Cit,. no baTe • 1M-bc toward. ec-inna'". ni. 18 a 18pl orpa1ut1ca ..14 to 'be • attached to ~t.erut1oaalLabor ~~., 80 X. UtJl at., .." York C1t,., -. D.ova e-_iIQbt am.uate. )Cnr. Carol. v.~ 1. s.ar.ta~. _ » It 18 aot baav1l vaetMt" tk1. auoo18t1ca 1•• ~r or to» Ol'WMI'.t Pa~ ot the U. 8. A., \aut. 1t 18 'be1J.rfe4 tUt t.ba7 are 0108.17 a ••oo1at..4 ,,1tll. tA_ a .UPPl71aB 1.aYTen tor 1ta utaH 1a oaurt. " . / ~'o8 ~: Pa~ ,-r, ot xzo. ~;'IJou' . ~~ ) 1k>olI: J)eea4.· .tate. t.U\ tM Dltwaat1aul t_ Jur14.1oal h.oo18t1ca 1a u..t.4 'b,. ~ttH tor ~~ural: J"ree4oIl •• ot April, 1940 a.· 'beial DAer -·out.r1.Bkt "cQeWuaS .t ocatrol-. • Pap. 6, ad 66 ot tb ~ ot~1a the _tt.er ~ tU 1aTeat~t1ca ot t.U C1t,. Coaoll ato th. aN'a1n aad ooad'GCt ot t.U Xa101pal C1T1l • Serr10" ee-u..1oa at tao C1t,.- ot .... York aM ~rabl. It.e Pre.14ut," ata". a part a. toUov••

.~ \aull.t1lu ot U. Datwaat10aal J'ur141cal Aa.oo1at1ca b"ca 1t. • "nr'T 1Jloept1ca ahow that 1t 18 4not..4 to tM 4et.... ot tU riBhta ot the eo-",Dlh't Part,., OClWpJlht. ad radical a,a1tatora u4 tUt 1t 18 act l.1a1ted -"17 to lepl N.hrCk, \aut to aharp orlt101aa ot • .x1.t1n& 8'OYW~tal aaac1.. Nld 4.raa. ot nbTera1Te il"'OlIpl!." • ~'8 .0'1'S: Your b:TMt~tor 18 1aDorporat1q ato tlU. report at th18 peat t.M renlt. ot a ~ord. ...rca \a,. our L1a1.ca IJn-Mt1aator Y1tll. ccar14eat1al • Iaro:nu.at A-~ whioh .tate. a. tollem" • •• - J"B<»(, • . Purnaat to 1'01U" ~u••t, th1. 1aTe,.t~tor _4. a record • nrck • at tb .ev Yon otr10. ot Ccat14..t1al Iatomaat A-." Y2l1cll 4bola.~ tu tollovUe 1ator.t1oa, ~-l • (1) IIu (110 .C...... or 14.,.tU'7Ul! data) 1a9.uor of th. ". 0..". 1~ ------_. ( J ": ~~';.-' . '~"\..' ; -~....~ , ... ,' '. e .. _ t ••.• ",

• . . lat10aal ee-.tttee ot the Iatenaat1caal JlZX"141oal AI.oed.t1ca. _.- A .. I', • .... -. ~ .~- ~' • . : ;._; ,. ·tm:iur 1a.tomat1oa.­ . ," ..•. :.... -:~';'";~:'Z<>?-' .­ • J"": .~ •• I.~ . i." • 1t:.~- -- . I.(J.I",~~, •. Y.· ---.-f.-." Iaten1ewd._·•• Ootober .., l~'. · "­

·, ) I e:a aov eIlllo,.-.d at..._1 III" .. .~_. _"_&!M _ter1al c vh1~ I obta1a.e4 ....au.,Il-? 1&24'8•••0'\tt'H t'rca • torMr lator.a.tJ 1Jl tM ea-u-ht PartT, but ror tu _1Jl part tu .ub""1n _terial v~Oh I obta1a.e4 0..­ ) a. a result or cOu1d.n.ble re.aarch York' at u.. PltbUo L1brU,-. I n. Mnr a ...:Mr or u.. Oe-ua1at PutT. . ­

) I caa't .... to recall tok..... or Mu Lonathal. I .. ooat14G\. I C!O -.at DOW h1a. I.1a ~ ...,. ban apphra4 1Jl rq report, but I dealt kaov UJ'th..1.q .bout h1a. Ia rn1.~ rq r.port 1lOY, I oo't .... to loate hi. __ beiq re~11~ to 1Jl &IIJ" or ' th. orpJl1ut1ou that ,-"n. a 1I8:IIber c4. <' .' • I ~t ocaa1denbl. JIDIMT aa4 re.eareb york 1Jl obta~ let~ hMd. or orpAiz.at1e:a- vith which .11.lt n. 1deat1t1ed. I dUa't U.t aU or the 1ad.1T14u.au • I outl1Aed oa th.... nrlo\W lettor head. 1Jl rq report. I took the ..... or t.U ~ prc.bat 1D41T1du.au aa4 tho... n..1oh appnrK 003U1.t-at1.7 ~ut. t.U orpaiut1oaJ • • 0 that tM polit1cal ~lex1ea or the 1JId1T1duau u4 ~ooul4b. ol.aar1.7 ahoft. . . 70r a loaa tiM I had tu•• letter ~ aM _terial 1Jl'IV apart.at here, . but 1t va. olutteT'1a& up rq place .0 I threw 1t aU 1JLto tu 1Jlc1u"rator. •

I dealt bow or u.TOM vho aj,pt be able to at" 1'Ou .c.I 1a.to~t1oa about Max LoYathal. II• • 0rTl I caa't be or ~re k.lp to TOU.· • DU::S'lfJ::C:.U'OJltS ~, .ev York PltbU. L1bral7, "2a4 st• • nrtk A,....lM, .ev York 01tT, oaatac~ eotoMr " l~'. • Th.. B..d.r'. Guide to hrloc!1oal L1tex-ature n. ~okK frca J"'~rr, 1m to Jl11l., 1~2 aDd 1Jld1oated taat the • • pp11eaat wrote tke tolloviag art101••, , ."rper'. "SB~a., Deoeaher, 19:54, ·0"•• or u.. X1..our1 !'aetno." • . - .av ~.pul>l1o "gad:.., Augut 22, 19:54, "VaU strHt n •••• Oaagra•• 0004b7-". _ • • ." ~.-puhlio Magadu,' October 17, 19}~, "t}O 1Jl Vall straet".

n. e.rt r1le~. "'t the ..." York Publio L1bra17 ~1c.ated • that th••ppl~t wrote· th. book, lin. Irr••t8ll'Pa,..", ,~ o (, ( '.

" '. "_ ,4' • \).... : . "_. -....

" . Vk10k b the .to17 of t.he reo_1Tenhip &Ad rworp.A1.ut101l • " -,-_. . '. of ta Ch10q0, X11vauk:ee &D4 st. Paul Ba1lroacl .C~. .-'- .... ' . .#.1 . • "'t', ~'S .arE: Your UT••tlaator reTl."ec1 t •••bo~_ "'~-. -- artlo1e. aJLd t.here va. 1'oO~1.a& 1Jl thea vhlch rwn.otecl ~k1Aa .c!Tene17 oa the .ppl1C&Dt s.uofar •• hi_ lo,..lt,. • .... 00IlCe1'llec1. M tho t1tl•• of t.h••rt101•• 1adloate, the,. werw crtt101... of Vall St. pnot1ce••

• Your a~.t~tor reT1eved the Iatenut10aal Jurid1cal Aseoc1.at1oa JICIlth17 bulleta t'roa )M,. l.t, 19'2 unt11 ~eaber, 12,.'W' oa whlch later date the bullet1n 1I'ta~, • ~thAl)l-~~ -Wert thereaf'ter, the bulleta vl11 be publhAed b,. ....t~ ...... tloul Lav7enr Cu11~ a. lID ategnl • part of t~v,.en Cu1ld ~1ey.w_ _' ne Aprl1, 1942 1..,ue of the-Jitenatlczel Jur1d1cal AJI.oc1.atlC1l1lJIOllth1J- bUlleta had .... letterhoad v1th the • var10us .-ben of the Batloul Cc.B1ttM of the A8eoobt1oa. ii.ted b,. .t-te. ca the l:et't bAd ..rg1Jl. __ ' ­

• '!'be X>1atrlot or ColUll1>la had the foUov1ng 1.nd1T1duab on the • .et1anal Ccua1ttee I • •

'1'he AlJ8U8t, 19~ 1..u._ of the bull_ta h reT1ev1.a& the Burk:e-VadlJVorth CoucrtptlO1l B111 ooaelu.c!~ 1Jl part a. follon: • WIt 1. eoarce17 ocmoo1Tabl. that a.f.... htereet. are proper17 aerTed b,. peaoet1ae reE\'--tatat1oa ao.truot1Te of ocafideace a AllertO&Jl ~orac,.. • .•"

. nut JV1&tJ, 19~2 18.u.e of the bulleta .tatee a part ae !oUove I

) .w1)eep1t. v1deepre-d proteet asa1.Jut the al.~t1Te taot10. ud ut1-Domocntlc tadeacl.. of the Coudert COIaitteet. york, GonrJlO~ehJaaa approved • .)0,000 appropr1at1oa for COJlt1auan.off of 1t. York 1A 1JrTe.t1ptloa of ".u.bTere1n" aotlvltloe

) a • ." York echool.-.· ... ~.... '. .:

) Intenleved October " 194}.·

» You. vere forttmate 1Jl f1Jld~ .. 1A the clt,., a. I AaTW boen abreed for the pallt tvo 1'OU'a. I.t preullt I 8JI. oa a 10 a..,.- rurlo~. ~ ...• : ~'.. '. 11 ( (

·i­ ._~'i. " ...... - ­ ~".. .. . ::;. ," ~ -'. ::'-:~k:

.. L ~._. J .0 '7...... _..... _\.:~...... _ "':'. I .•. 'I~:·~ : ;;. :.....:­

.=...... •..:; ,r; !l1n.""leflota = z!l ..~i1 J..rthur~UC}lr



Thi~ l~tter was addressed to Honorable John w. ~cCorm1ck, House ~ Buildinbl Washington, D. C., and was signed as follows, "Yours very trulY~ ~( ~ Ex.ecuti'\'e Director, C~rol Kine, Secrctl\ry." This letter read as follows:

Wie desire to ~7.pres~ to your committee investigating un-American activit.ics our disapproval of the use of the ~ower of the Federal Government t~ suppress so-called radical propagan~a. -. ~"e wi~h to go on record spec~ic~lly as opposed (1) to the propo~2! to bGr froc t~e mails all p~blicat~on~ of Communist origin; and (2) to ~tren~hen elready too severe l..~iV'atior. 3nd dc;:~r~.:ltiou lnw~ SCI as to render Communists deportable a3 ~uch; and (3) to the proposal to enact a Feder~l Be~ition statute under w~ich Dere opinion, beljefs or utterances co~d be penalized.

~He t~ve watche~ suc~ evidence .s has co~e before the Corr~ttee with . interest en1 believe that the te~tirr.onybis shCTl'm that it is the force o~ reactiO:l such as t."'~i1v~::" Smts and th~ends of Ner. 3ermany, and other Fascist organizations, which not only advo~ate ~lt actually practice violence. "At the present time, 1'6en fi'\'e years of depression have stimulated discontent in the country, we feel it a particula~'~ppropriatc time to stifle the views ~~ich represent 8 clear cutdisagreement with the present organ1~ation of eociety. "Jr. our opinion the pressin£ problems of the Feders1 Government today ~hould be concerned with bettering the conditions of 'those who liTe discont.ent rather than the !u~pres9ion of that discontent." - . ~~. [The Civil Service file contained a eecond letttr on- the -.eterhead of ­ ~ the Inte~djcalAssociation which contqi~e-d the nameiJ, Editor,--.Executive Director, fearol King, Secretary]' a .. _. .... -.... .:. (LA.). :-.

.,.... - ) ­ .. - .. •''''!"" ~.C ... .. -:.:,;.~ ­ -... ' { ~\. ,j,

• 'BUSine.. llaneger• [This letter or bulleUn wa. Ii.ted 1!ay '{g;'i 91.2) (~)" ',' ~!"e or t.~e person to whom this letter' had been addressed 1I'a5 blocked O\1t~ he contents of th~ lett,.,r eoncernecL,8ubscriptions to what appeared to be 'thE:' - ' If'tin of thl'"'!hternational Juridical Assoc1e.tion. It was 1n,teresting to ..,..~': note that nrrler \t~e heading"of Wat10nal Co:=md ttee the following names appeared ;. !. :'0: Washington, D. eJ{ u..) - ~ ",:.

-::~~;':J;-. !.


In addition to the above nare~~sh1ngton National COf!lmittee, the follor.in& names wert also listed under the hea~tng of Nat10n~1 Coffimittee:

-~~- '


M1~higan ~n-

o ert ':r;"r.-tenny ~:-~"NilliaJnS

District of Col~~18 Same SF in previous letter

,- J. ­

~ ." { . .': .~ -...:-' ~ . .- 5.'·~


Pe:ivnal H1~otY Statement . The esc file contained a Perscmal JU stO%7 St.~tement for l!ax Lowenthal dated Febrlary 2~, 19~3, which had apparently been executed by Lowenthal. This statement contajned the following information: Address, 1 West Irvinr. Street, Chevy Chase, l&:a,rylarrl. Place of birth, lti.nneapolis, l!innesota, de.t.~ -not shown. Father, Nathan Lowenthal; mother, Gertie Haskel,-both bc~n ~ Lithuania, both deceased. E;e'.l:ation, University of Jtinnesota - Liberal Arts course, B.A. 1905 to 1909; P.arvard La1\' School,' Cambridbe, ljassachusett~, 1909-12, LL.B •. Employment, JUnneapolis Journal, Uinneapolis, l!i.r..")~st't.a, 1907 to 1909 or 1909; u. S. Commerce Court, 7{.:l.shi:l.c,-ton, D. C" aOO elscirhere, O-::t.ober, )912, t~ SeptemPer, 1913, for ~~~~~ J'ilian W. lack, F.e~ York City; firm of Strong ~nd Caldwalander for Henry Taft, ~O Wall Street, as law clerk, Fall of 1913 to Decem:>er, 1914; Private .­ . -. practice, January 19l5-to 1917, New York City; U. S. State Departrnent ~~sion clerY.: or assi~tant, 1917 to 1917, Washington, ::>. C.,~ Europe. Under the headin~ of superviseI' or associate the na:ne o! FeliX ~k.furter, %nei:ber of mission, 'Was set forth. A~si:tant Secre-taTl, later ecret....r:y, President~s Mediation Cocm1ssion, October 1917 to 1918, ~ashin£ton, D. C., aod elsewhere. ~upervi~:>r or associate, John _~lker, member - Illinois. "Nar Labor Policy . Board, ~sU;tant to Chairman (Felix Frankfurter, Chainr.an), April 1918 to 1918, ~ash1ngten, D. C. Second President Co~erence, Assistant Secretar.v~?20 or 1921, was~ington, :>. C. Under superviseI' or associate the name of StanleYf.lti.ll£, member Iof Co~erence, now Amherst ColleCe, wa~ shown. Private practice 1919 to 1929~ New York City. Nation&.l Com:ni.ttee on Law Observance and E:nforcement, Execut.ive c S~crete~·, ~y, 1~29, Augus~ to l33C, Washington, D. G. Private practice 1930 t.~ 19.33, :.~)II' 'Y~!'k f.U.~'. 'J. S. Senate Conr:ittee on Eanking soo C-.:.rre:lcy, Research Directo:- (Fe~~\FeCora, Chief Counsel), J\~n~ 1933 to S;>ring 191.4, Washington, D. C. Private pr~:tice 19jL tv 1935, lle,,- 1o~k Cit:,-. U. S. Senate CO:"J':itt~e on Interstat~ Commerce, 1935 tc 1942, Ghief Counsel, ~ashingt.~n, D. C. Under the , na~ of supervisor or associate the naMe~ of Sen~tor~ E. Y.. Wheeler snd Harry ~n, ho~hin~toni ~. C., are li~ted. Board of Econ~~ic narfare, Fe-Dru~ry 1942 to date of Ferson~l History Statement, which ~a~ February 2~, 19~3, 8S Consultant. timer s5so:iate the name -:>f llil~ins, Executive ~irec1-or and rrmard hi t:l ::err were f>nown. .

:.:~ ,r _:or -\...... -;;:'. ­ h


t i ~--~: ...... C ~ ~~:.;-- 't. ... . ;. .. '.:'~~ ­ c- , .. • ',.,...1' . ~, '.' ~ ..... - .

" , ••••..- :\ y' .. . ", .~ ~ '­ " " • - . -,.. ~ ­ ....

­ -; . • ,,\,p " ./1 ' • .-: ~1~~ak1aa ~~ Mll~ t~'11 , L or Laveathal, I "..t 70u to 'bear' tvo 1LbA. " • 'ru..t, I .. aot ~~ 11 rq Gap&01tT ',.-. a MTal oN'1oer u4 aoocm.c!, I .. preJud.1~4 aaa1aat the --.. ';",: .,r;' " • -,,:' : .•.. ~: !I:'=a~- -.-- -~...... •. .' :', .~~. -:- ;I~.,,:""\.',

• ',: "" • _,c~ I 0I!Jl .q oca..nat1nl1' that I ....Te bDva Ua tor about the past l' ,..an. ~ , I t:an Ua be.t 11 1936 vb.. 1L. va. ooua..l oa tok. s-..te Iateratate ee-eroe Cora1tt... At that tSJae I va. 4lu.llt10ae4 GOU1derabl1' 11 V..~ bT 1UJa u4 othon c:a tko " • COIIIII1ttH 1a COJaYct1oa w1th our aot1T1t1... .0 va. 11 th1. otnoe weelal OA cd 100kU.a 1.Jlto our boolal trca ~ ca.

- I~ •• 1a Jat the vrcaa k:1.a4 ot a .. tor the £Oftnu.at to tan~u,r 1J:Iport.aat • pos1t1oa. I kaov thouau4. ot people who voul4 lo.t 1"O.peot h a.JQ"th~M would tunl up 1a. • ...... a tn1oe.ll1' 4.atruot1Te t,-pe ot a1ad u4 taach. he k:non all about .ooaca1oe.. P.noaall,y, I dOll·t tldak h8 o.ov. llUoh about .CQMMi e.. I would DOt hen'­ • a E;reat deal ot coat1dn.ce 11 ~ lLe lad alQ"'th1q to do v1th. I dOlllt th1Jlk that 1L. he. a oautruet1n ..a4 at aU. .18 1tI tk. k:1.Dd ot ~ that uadem.!nell con1'ldonoo 11l tho aU1.a1l1trat1oa. •• hall aa 1aaat1able lu.t tor pubUC1tI. .e via vrite an • art1010 oa aJIJ"t-~. I voul4a·t vaat kia r.um1JaB the ocoac:a1ell or th1e OOUJlt~ while " I am out 011. a cruiser. • , Our t1.nl reaUna tut we haT. _de ai.teke. h tho pe.t. Kinddght 18 alvell1 better thaA toreas.pt. The.e za.utabll hen al"..".,. bee. Idfl"taba ot ju~t. III the earl,r 19}0'e )Cax I.o¥'a1thal wrote a book O8ll~ -1'.b.e T'YtTe.tor Pl\11I- 1A whIch he , • b1tterl1' atta0ke4 u 1Jl ooa::aeot1aa w1th our ~11q or the t1.nan.e1111 nor~utIOZl ot t.he Ch1~, X11vauk:8e, &JLd st. Paul Ra1l.roa4. It vall a book about }OO JlilSes lang aM 1A 1t he p1ctured u. .. pla~ 10011. aad b.~ dbaoaeat. A lot ot people add th8t • va GOuld haTe .u~ k.1Ja tor l1bel, but we cU"-n't, a. t&at 1a what he vould h8n vented u to do. '

• .. alllO V1"Ote .e:-t ot tao d1rt1••t, ~.t .ourrilous art101ee OIl thUc;8 that he boY. to b~ uatruo. I 1"OO8U that ODe ot th••o art101e. vall 1A l.arper' II *p~1ne. .e 1. a Terr 1Ju1Aoere tellov u.4 1a the k1ad ot a 'IIaJl that nma w1th the hares a.nd hUJlts w1th tAo lLouad.. •• vill wr1te .. art101. v1tk hi••,.. OIl the OIIah I"eihter. I t.h.1nk ,"OU oau14 lLin lLiJl tor .10,000 to ~1te a. art1cle tor 70U OIl ~ aubjeot. -rhi. t1na 'WouldJl't aa,.. e eood th1q about lLia. •• Aall • br1111ult a1Jld., but 1t 111 'a ocaple"l1' • d.lltnot1Te tne ot .a.d. M1 obJeot1ca to Ua 1a that h8 1. ooapletel1' inteUectuall1' d1ahoae,t. I dOll't • tk1ak the aOTentaUt k.lps 1taelf' auch bT eaplo~ a au. l1ke Max Love1:ltul. J. P. Jeorgaa .. Co. would c1n TOU a won••to17 about k..1a tUn u.. .e 1. JWlt a ...tal ..diet. . ,", • . Loveat.ha1 1tI a IP""t cae at IIud • 1laslas. .. 1a OIle ot tlL.e ao.t aJlHr~, • an"OpAt 1&4.1T 1dual.a I b.ov. I ha,.e • wholeacae reapeot tor .cae ot the people who haTe 1Janatlgated thill tina. I doni'. bov or u:-oa.e no ba 'b.ea 1JrT-eat~ted b,.. Nlax Love::"hal Yho dIda't • caae out wIth the t ••l1q that M 111 1JltellectuallJ' d1ekonellt. J\tetI0. Terd1Julnd Pe{'on 1a,.eat1~t.d u. aAd I thoU£ht that h. vaa hca.Bt and ta1r about It Mr If lbot If.,..lor or tke lr'h.eler 8euate later.tete Ca..eroe Coaa.1ttoe d1et a ' od J b' .., • t.h1a teUov ,x..rwe.thal do....t e,... u,.e Sood _aaera. eo o. Hovner,

V. O8~t lUa at.ev1Jlg 1a At. ovn juioe a oouple or t1ae.. OIle dB]' he V81B '. qu,..tIoa1J4i :' in ~~~:1I).1..no'tC aU d.~ l~. I:aodIate1J a~e.:OOllCl~10Jl ot the de,.. •. 11

.,0 1_(. (

'- ~.- ... . • ... r"-­

, t·-' ~,._ ­ » •• 10-. _ •." i---. . ~_ . .'. h"r1JaaB, 6eaator \nl••ler sot up -.4 .tart.d t.o r.ead ••u.iar;r 'ot' th8 4a7,'. proO·.-4~ ) t.o th. preea. ft.U· ."'17 d1d aot tallT w1tk nat bd traup1.r-d dur1q t •• 4a7, &ad I ••D1!' S....t.or WU.ler 11 I oould ... th••tat.e.at. Suator lIhMler .h~ .. th. a1JaeoG%"8P~~ ;tat.Qoat aM. I .eDd k1JI kow lie va. '1s a podt1oa too ban tk. daJ"'. ) prooHdlJlp .~rb~ 1amedl.at.elT att.er the ooaolu-1oa ot' tk. b.r1Jlc. rae pre•• 41d .ot pu'bll01n t.h. daJ"'. prooHdSAp, a. tUl real1l~ tAat th••Uliilla17 tok.T Jut recdTe4 -va. prepared 11 I\dTaJlO.. I .. o.rta:.. that Max Lovnthal ka4 doa. thi•• ) ( Senatore ~ -.4 \lbeeler Dow h1a 4ual well.

It ba. 'bea )"8u" e110. ll. ba. bad a pri,..t.. praot1ce. •• w•• t'oI'lle'rlT w1th t t.he laY t'1nl ot' Lovatul, 81014 ILD.d B:r'aJad"*,. If» t'1nI 41d coae1d.ra'ble 1epl work t'or a.1aor1tl .toekhold.ra. •• _d. aU ot' hi. ~l OIl reoe1,..relL1pa a.a4 lIiIlUJ"\1pt01.B" .­ au;r ot' yMch oa••• were a..1ped to h.1a b1' Judge Jul1aJl Maok no••· a1.oe ~e _rr1ed.. C

I Dow that Sa:ut.or VUeler took quit. e ah1.a. too h1a.

M to hi. 1011l1tl t.o tAi. ooatt'7, I vo\lldJl't ~ hia 011. t.hat. I D.w he ba• • • 0 101<l t.o peopl.. A1J t.o whether _ u. ~ llad or r ••oiat a1JlPllthle., I yould ..,. ccapletelT ao. I dcm't tlUak IUlOh .bout hi••oc:ac:&1o teBet., but wh.ther h. 1a a Commmht or- t'.llow tranler i han IlO va,. ot' Judgiag that. . • So t'ar a. I beY hie peracmal ub1t. are. o.~. I am aure ~e 4oeo' t dr1nklr • take drup. '. - . FBI b ~ .,.-"'" /" . --One ot' ~ ot' ot' QrI.tamloe, • pertura, tok•••,..1 llu.-.au at V••A.1.JlgtaD, D. C. boYe ~re about hia back&rouad tau I do. Yo~t' J. P. K:>r~., no 18 JLOV 1s the J.:nq, oould toll1WaOll8th.1.De·~~. no elde r J. P. ~rsu. would probablT bov k1Jl. Soaeoae WeD. lOU a1sht aM ot' repute 1ea 1a Mr. John V...;..D8T1., 1"ol'Wtr prea1.dat1 1dato ot' the law !'ina ot' • D-T1a, Polk, VardveU, Gardier It R&ed.. Alao, t' l..ue Lay t'1m. ot' er.,..t.h, ~redor!1", Sva1ne It Vood. I'fl1 • ...... IIiI~, Jr. Y. CJ '", CJ Iaterrleved Oct.o'k.or 7, 194,. b ' • I Oall't a... t.o reMlLber Max Love.tkel vho Y'IliS•••• Iat.eretat.e Caaeroe c~ttee.· I va. M ..·•••• " 1 1Jl Vaahhgtoa 4u.r1JlB 19~ aJld 19~, and I un appeared 'b.·t'~re the s~t. • Interatete Calaerce CCiIII1ttee, but I ou.'t .NIl to plaoe Mr. Low.thal.

Reoatl.1, aU d1rterat gOTen:azaental 1aTe.t1ptLag a£CJlcba un co:atao~ ae • 1JL ConaeOt1ClZl w1th people 1dnt1t'1ed with \lA.eler. I th.1.nk 1t 18 'beOBu.e \l1:l...1.r'. dau.ght.r at.cae t~ va. ple1'~ aroUJLd w1th .. C<-olJlht..·P.rtT 1M'IIbe~ ...... ybo va. plaoed.,.?g 71 231tlbl Joe...---curru. ~thbouu. ~a good • -. ""I'OO'Bii chap, became aoqua1Jlted w1th \l1:l.eeter 1 a 4aY.gh(.r aAd- took ~.r t.o parl,. arr.ln, : ate. At about that t1.u, \l1:l...ler 11troduoed aCJlllllt Caau:•..ht .polUored rad10 b11lJ. I '!BI aeTor a ~or ot' the part,., but blew vhat Ye. goLag on. . . ••

: ..-.J!..TOU he.,.e U3 .uep101cau that I.ov-atul ~ be aU'bnNl"'o, TOu al(;ht aee ~ ~t'the .....~ted ~ak. ~uaed too be -..ueer OIl the .111 1A -. Vaah.1ngtOZl t'or Lebor'. JrOJl-Part1eu. la-gue. J5:e va. S1dnel E1.U..e.J1'a ex-eout1Te ~ o.abtant 111 Veah.1ngt~ whu nllmall va. a b1e-ahot dovn thU.4ph no t'r1end :.' partlC.ilirl.1 ot' Wheel.r' •• Jr(...... pol1.tlcall.1 roll.able. th. .ta ..de 1t hot • !~...... ------~><------~~------( ...... -". ~ ~ ·':·IM .:.,/.: , • . , ~ -?b_1~'- • .~. .' .' .. .' -.. . f!? . : I tor h.1a 1A Va~ b1' well lien aa a.rdAe~eboa, .0 he b4 too l ..Te•. You.C8Jl . • tell ~bt 1'Ou .av _. Tlle LNgu.e i;ij. i1.~. ot tu 41.tt'erwat pollt1cal~. ..' all4 hov ·th81' .tood, Ila4 h. a1aht be able too tell 1'011 .CDlt~· about Loveatbal. .' ...... '. (

) DCYIS1'IGAroR'S 10'l'I1 Your 1..aTeat1ptor called at tU om... ot' the Phelpll-Dodge 011 Cc:ap&Jt.7 at kO Vall st., I.,,· York Cit1', OIl October 4, 194', aDd nil 1Iltormed l.lLat t.he1' d14 aot heTO a.u:-ou b1' the 118_ ot' .1a 'thoir eaplo1'. During the 1i1ten1."'....E ' did Slot 1nd1oate where h. 111 prollntl1' euplo~. •• did aot part1oular~ 1JIprell8 ,-our 1rreot1getor a. b.1ne altoeether reliable. •• ns tr1nd~ and eJ1d08Tored too b. oo-opent1~, but hi. IIIIJlS8r1B1U.:d1d aot 1Jlep1re con!'1dl1lce. .0 re.1dell v1thhis.v1t'e aad a sma 11 child 1A two mull roozaa ca' 'th. .ec~ fioor ot' a J"\Dl­ dOVB l'n:te ~OtlJlO. nese two rocae pre._te4 • p1ot·ux-. ot' .qu.allor at tAo t1ae rour 1r.T••ts...ator called.

lev York C1 t1'. ;­ • I never had ueoe1at1cm v1th or knav aJlQ"th1Jle; about Mr. Max Leventhal. I th.1nk tha aud1tor ot' tae bank, Dow,. h.1a. •• •

I haTe b..o'YD Xu Lawnthal t'or aMq ,.een. .~ n. 'ou ot' tbo or1S1n.e.l • ot' thie bu.k. Ie belped to organize it a.ad aoted 1s the oapao1t1' ot' aJl

III the 1920'. a~ .e~tt;?,r/,.l9}OtII Mr. Lovnt..l u.ed too ropre.at,ba.d holden aad. • Jdaorlt1' stockholders 1Jl,ap~l(iji~te roorpA1ut1oa York. I v.. . 2 • ot' • tboso ooaa.1t teOll vh1ch hill laY t'11"11 reprea_t~. •• 18 • Te'r1 br1l11aJlt aAd cap.bl• • ttorn.e1'.

I haTen't .oea hlJl 1Jl the past .1.% JIOlltU. .e ca.- 1A here about that t1»l t'or .• a T1.1t. . ,~. , Ee ball been cOU1l8el to the Sc.ate IJn-ellt1£at1JlB C~ttee OIl n1lroad.. h n. • haAdl1Jle t'or .(DIe t1as tb. 1ATe.t1pt1oa ot' the )(1..our1, Pao1!10 Pdlroa4, ,....n a80, vh.1i the £OTeI'1DOllt n. look1AB iIlto 1t. •• aedo quite. reputat10a a. CO\DUel t'or the • 8o:Tenmte1lt ot' the K1s.ourI, Pao1t'1c Ra1lroed aAd wrote a book on 1t•. :.:' ,.

•• 18 one ot tb. '.11x J"raAkt'urt..r bors aA4 AU bM'1l ill VashingtOJl .ace the Bev De.l cmae 1Jl. •• lui. bH11 l1T1n£ ill Vub1Ja£toa .1JLoe the .tart ot' ~oo.rnltt. .. • adll.1Jl.1l1tnUon. .0 is em- ot' these Ian.rod aen a.ad ereduate-d yUh all kUlda ot' koaoN. x. 18 lIuppo••d to b. an expert em ra1lroed. and r-.or~ut1on York. Tb..It n. tho • - k1ad ot' lev work vb1clt b. .,P.c1al1r.ed 1Jl.

I lc:lov b. .!1no penonal1t1'. •

_0Jo. ,( - .'.... ,':.. c, ~;~ '. ", . ',: '. ~' '.

, \ ' .­

1'rca ~ a ••oc1atloa Y1th Mr'. LovatUl, h. u ••fer ..14 ~ that vou14 1Jlt1JUte to _ that he hal lubnralTe teDdaclel or oomwotlou. Ia our ,.eara ot • I ~ ~ Illah a ..oc1atlOill vould Un bouad to haTe actION t.hat he had 1n.claetlou. " ,Se an-er nprelllN U¥ TIevw taat JdBAt 1ad1o.au he Y8nt.e4 to O'Yerthrov our tona ot So,euUUQlt. 'n.ere 18 JLO queltlaa that be la utl-.ar.1 u.4 utI-hlo1lt, 'becaUlle he 11 • (rere~e to rel~loa). .e 18 a U'benl ... aa4 Tflrr lIberal 1n .hl1 lc!"II, but thet 11 aot to be ~ed vith C<8I\m1.a. I .. oert.a1Jl t.h.et allot lUI beokgro~ le OPPOtied to the totalltar1aa1_ ot Cc-inm1 a. lie 1. a great eupporter ot Predc!nt AL EooeeTelt, u4 that la vb:" he 1..eAdN ¥here.he 1I~ -' _ . " ~ ltV' . to~" ~ U I vould =q\aUrled.1¥ reo. =d 1l1a polltlOJl 1n"th8 80'f'enxmcmt. b1 • IS ,••6;-'- ','HAId'- gdU I aliI 1__'7 W!'w" lev York Clt,.. - . • IatenIwed October 7, 19~3. ­ .,,~__ ·a IOfts!'k.1.l Y1t:u11 U i • •:•• • ,. &7 , vh1ch 111 a riPt-v1na lebor group 1Jl''t--- lev York Cltl'. .e haa a reputat1.oR ot lcmg .t.eAd1ng ot be1J:l6 antI-Ca-xm' lit aJl4 U treqUDtl1' ettaoDd 1Jl the Ccd!IIIlUIll. t prell. 1Jl th111 ooaaectloa he and tb J'ev1lh Labor ea-1ttee .' .... .' were oal'tlSJ1t..d leat apriq b,. tb ec-mmht prell becaU8e ot Itl aotlTlt,. 1a pro"ltaa the exeouticm b,. the SO'f'let • Uh1aa or .ftr7 ~.... thrllah 'aa4 VIctor/Alter, Po11lh Soo181Ilt , lebor leaden.' 'r- '. .-' ' - , ' , -, • .. , db J _... • ... ".SIIE Max Lovuthal val ,OU ot the orgu.hiq o~tteel vh10lL created th11 bak aa4 va. 01l the Board ot D1rectora tor IIaJI,T ""'%"8 trca 1923 to about 19". !hat VIlI vMn he retired to wrlte hi. book about nllroeb. " :", .. vae .eoret&r7 to S8aator V»eler'l latenta" tc.:leroe Cc:.dtt" and vall • hMrt..brokea onr Wheller'l utI-War ltaAd. !'hat 111 vh1' be len. Wheeler. Polltl~l~ he 18 a nbIc! .ev DNar, u4 lNJUI toverdr tu Well.aoe categor,r. Ifhat would 'be .,. J~BlMftt. .. hal an-er told _, but I heft a luploica t.hat he vrl"1 a01lll!t ot • ~'Vallaoe'I lJpMohel. . :'" ' . ,.. ': .- , ~.. . ~. --. . . I caJl caulder Xr. Lowat.hal , .. or the ~~elt 1.ntegr1t,., aJld ablolutelJ' • reliable. In rq op1A1oa, 1Jl ta~ or Mr. 'Lowenthal, 70u ere c!e8~\lS.t.h eme or 't).e fint olt1r.... ot tAe eo\D1tr,r. *e hal a Ibn leue ot ta1ru.~ ~ tho rIghts ot people, eccord1..ag to hil rtevl. OU'oaJlaJ)t 'aln,.. Igree Y1th h1a, but 0Zle II\l.8t alve,.. roelpoot lda, Y1th.out teer ot coatradlotion. .e hel ooun~, ha. oonTlot1ona, aJl4 Isn't '. :~: ~~" t.hea~~..~e "U ,_Ll~;a un. lie 11 :the ~ o~ .'ll~ ~t eetll, burn~ • ;.; ...... ~7,.,.. (, • - ( ·iif.. • It' .' .'.~ _' . :~" , ·.~,:T~

Juat10e ,..11% J"rukrurter 1Jl \la.h~oa 1. a 010•• fi'1nd ot Mr. Loventhal. )

.,. . . . - ......

. . I han k::ra.cml Nu LoYalthal .1ao. 1910. At the hrnrd Lay Sohool he va. au 1>\Ir~ " ,...r .....0. ot .., .0 I uy quite a bit ot h1a .t Kan-erd. the laet var, Max 414 .~ aonrJalQ1t work. lfhea, in 1921, I beOADl8 e ". .. lay tina. of, .·0..·. l.oYathal • S&o14 or That relat1~h..1'P

, . ~ .~.. ( ( ~~ ( • "...

-.:'., ­ • "; ...:.:- . ooat1JtI»4 tor ,1l1t.e • alaMr ot ,.an, via. li. retlN4 ~ t&e t1ra .toao 1Jlto. . .~:(~ . ~~t wo~•.'!'!' _~'Ii? '.2' '.I_rrul.I••~••iiI-:~•••l1'~· .'_ '::::::<.' . ~ -Up Dt.U 19:50, I NW k1a rr.t..t~·a 1&t~t.e.·rr1Ad aM a.a..law:~;. 81aoe 19}o I baTe oalT ... kht 0048.1oaa~ bMa 1Jl W.U~ a).t ot ~..t :.' t~•.~ law t1ra we M4 "'Pre••te4 Ell..'. JMl&-t.d Clot.aaa VOrDn ot' '~'.. "-1"1081- tor a a-.Mr ot ,....1'8. I. va. a sr-t tr1e.d ot 8 1dae1 nU-., .. .':~ .~01a11iled $.a paeral lAw, but 414 pq a lot or atta.tloa to reorpa1ut1~ a.a4 --. . tut 18' probab~ vbt pn kht )al. .tart aa tM ra1lroad reorp.a1ut1oa work Y1U. . t.U WlL..l.r b.~tat.e e<-sro. C~ttM. ) Ma% 1. Terr aart, a TeI7 lLard YOrker a~ TfIr7 pubUo a1JLde4. ~ praat1c. ot av va. ROt taoup tor kht. X. YaJLt.d to £'It ato CO'"nDIII7\t York. I. Md Mel .uooe••ru.l 1Jl u.e pnot1oe ot av aM 1l..18 o~atlaa 1& u.. "'O'.l~ va. :. t oca.a1derab~ ae. tJLu what li. ad bMa _ki-a. I R,ppOa. T01l bow aore about Ybat ~. dld a Wa.h1a8toa. Xe va••ot1n oa tlL. WAHl.r c~ttM ot tA. sa.ate Ia~t.e , C~ro. C~ttee tor • aual>er ot ,..en. .. l.tt t.hat o~ttM .aH thlit aso. XU ,'4 york tHre ".••tr1ot~xa~~s.uc.evork. ~ h. "..t ato the Board ot ~o Wartare, ot vhich I t.h1nk X1).O 1·'~l1d.u 18 the head. !'hat 18 ~ he ".e the la.t t~ I tal.D4 to kht.... . , - . _ - :~. • - - I think t ..t Ma% 18 extrw:-~ 10:-1 u4 patr10tic D4 Yould BO w:nch t'arthar thaa the annp ~r1oaa a _kilt", Ncrifioee tor the oouatrr. I. 1. nrr 010•• k>uth.ed. Ou ot the oloe••t a)utA.4 ~ JI UTe 0Ter mo.a. .. voatt tell ,.ou ~ be 1'"lB 1'Ou ahoulh't boY. .. 1a a-p"'Mt tr1nd or hUX J'rDkt'ur'ter. Vee a P"Nt trieD.d ot Juatlc.e ~.18 vha he va. aUTe. JCr. ~~obaa or the t4alot Co&c a.a4 OorcoraA a Wa~ 1. a t'r1a4 ot A1. a.a4 co t.ell 1'Ou all a'bout. Mu. Mr. Lawwatha1 -.rr1e4 ato tH Mack tat1~, ot Ykio.la h1. Y1h 1. tU daut)kter ot J"red Mack, a broar ow. WaU Street. "'- . _ Ma% A" a :ram up 1Jl .ev kUtord, Coaa. vh1cll h. hal ad tor about. 15 ,..ea.n aAd 18 a _tl~nen :rar-er. IlllL1. UTUa ublt. M 11 puritaJdcal. . Ie 4oea't IDa:lD aD4 1. a te.totaler. I dea't ..,... th1Ak lie~. ... hal MTer ~ arre.t.d, or 1A ~ .oaAda18 or ~ l1b tla.at. I. Un. wlt.1UJl hi....u ~ I ...lU"e he paJ'8 hi. bln. quite p~t~. X. 1I'ou ot tM -nest t.llew. that I boY. -T.rr QUIrt aM .Ol'"tq)ulola~ hoae.t. . ',,:

I Yould rec~Dd M!'J% Lovathal TeI7 :hSgblT tor u;r k1ad ot ~ltloa a the ~l'1alIII2lt. ,.:; ,_ . I Jev York t --,/..-Cit,.. .. Illterrledd OC1tober 11, 19~'. .'. ",. • • - .' . f ~~ ...... I.· J



,'a .E;gi¥i1fZ~~~;Ei~', ..,' .. ".;.. :~ i:· ~. ...". . •..

':'~' " C "1(T h1pres.loa. of LoventUl va. \Aat p va. ap1ut th• .Aaerica rint Cc.a1tt.e.­ I .. certaa that h. vaa ap.a.t Wh..ler'. pun aad dll;Pl. aoa-hteZ'TatIoa.. ~thal r asr'"dv1th Booanelt • forel£1l poU07 of aten-eatloa..... vorud vltA ~l.r beaau. ) Wh..ler vall alYaJ"8 a l1b.n.l pro-labor gq a tu ear1,T 1'M%'a. ~ v&ole labor orowd _ " vaa vith Wh..ler, for d't.r aU be l1aed up v1th ~ob,'1.aJ'olett. h 1921t. lfbat vae the ataosphere 1Jl vh10h MI!l% Lavnthal ".••1tuatM. M lI••t •• I 0&Jl recall duriAg tu t".. tMt- I 'sot . out ~of the -AJIDr:Ioa J'1l"8t, c~tte., LoV'8Jlthal .upported Pre.Uat Roo.n-.lt r • tore~bJ1 pollo,. OR Lead. LN•• aad b.tenentloa. M;r !JIpre..loa tbt I gath.re4 ~ other. Ybela I talked vlth a Vau.~ ".. tUt Loveatbal vaa a nr'1' able aJld qul.t ~. You dldA' t -et 1l1zl. at ~ of the oocktal1 ban. .e".. au ot th. -.." Dealen • in \laIl.h1Jlgtall. That 18 the 1mpre..loa I sot,. --: _- ~ _ ' _: l='.~ ,Ib7 c....., •• vas a labor laV7.r ceased a Tarioua 1Jn'est1gatln aotlTltl.. oa. the I111.

1'rc:a what 1lttl. Dovled8. I baTa ot Xr. Lovnthal. I vould reorz-ead h"1. for a ) eont'ldlmt1al poe1tica 1n th. eannlllDt. s.ea- ~op18 who aight kaov aa.th1J1B about :Aim .1"8-...... -. no, the last ts... t hoard, va. vor for ,·the Ted.n.l . Ccuanm1~s.IOJl 1Jl 1ieU1Jl.itoa. I You aisht alao ••• vho vas » ec:maumer ooma.l for tho BIt~WI""o-lc.owhsica. - f the SeDate Pre... att.eched to the Balt1aore Sua aJSd ot, uhhgton Post Yould also D.o'v h.1.zI.. '. _...... ) • »

.•" 'York Cit7. Iatenl.ve4 OCtober 11, 19'4}. : .. mVIBTIQA:l'OlPS 100000r '!'he Ccad..1aa 1. -dou'btle•• aY1l%'e or the fact that tlLi. v1tae.. VIII


I haTe Dova Mu Loventhal tor 0TeT 20 ~r., lIut baTn't 'eeJL lL.1a a t.a. pa.t ) .. or '1'Oan. .a va••ttonlO,. for thi. \DIion aa4 alao attonw,. far t.A.e baak dc:mu"ln • • e vall a tu lay t1..rII of Lovatbal, 8z01d, Perk1a8 aDd Bra.aA!Y8Jl, looatM at .., J:xoh••p Plao.. I coneidered h1JI cae of t.he l' lI••t attorae7s a lev York. ) .e va. 8.ore"17 to tlle \llo.bnhu. Ca:a1tt.. c. ~o~t ot prohibitioa. durbe .00Ter'. a4a1a1etretloa. •• v•• a ""1'7 capabl. attonw;r aad .n.er he ..d. . ) euoush ~, he ret1rad to dtI'Tot. h1a8.1t to publ10 lIt.. •• _d. couiderabl. JICIU,. OIl l"8Ilroad ~rpa1utlOZl .ucla a. the CA1o.eo, X11nube &ad st. Paul ~ellroed. natr • vbJ" S-..tor 'WbHl.r kired b1a a. att0rae7 tor Jl1. railroad oe:-:dtt.e. , ) Loventhal ue bee:a 1A \lesh~ tor ~ ,...rII. .1e vlte alao vor~ a th1e ualcm vitk .o, lIO.tl;r Tol\Dlteer york, on publlclt,. aad " ..arch work•..: I beY h.r better thu LoveJltha1. ':," , -.­ --. -~ .:..~ . ,. )

~'..." -,::,". • • • •

• .. ;.:.t':'~'" _ \. '. -. ' :~:~; ..:'~~~'-=.- I would-reo"""" Jer. Lovat.ul vltho\1t. ,w.Ufi08tloa tor u:r poe1t.loa in .the ·son~t. -- • IfM Ru.1aa -.rica. Iadut.r1al CorporatlCID va. oreated 1Jl th.·.-r17 1920·.~·;­ Blaort17 Arter tU R\a.1aa :Rnolutloa•. Jer. I.ovwatUl llel~ 1a tU orgu.1ut.loa ot the • o~. n ...d ao caaa-otloa wit.h tlle C~)J""t. Part;r, but va...tebl1eh~ to •••let. ~81.. 1& ptt1Jl.B It. olo~ 1Ja4UBt%7 ••t 1Zp aloq AmDr10aa 11JLe.. !h. oOrPoratlca va. d1a.ol~ a%"Ouad l~ aa4 ~~ va._ pald ot:! YUt the;r ~.ted 1Jl th' .took _,.. • or the ~. - " • M t 71 =:unna===:=m=~!~~;. ~ _. Iat.erT1wed Oot<;lber 11, 194'. .. ; .~ . - ¥- ... • ~·8·.0'rS: ."'••&1 __111718.'.. ~3~' ~ • _~-­ ... • .. .. '.. • ~:.; •• v, .' •

,i. Yell, tUn, I UTe kaova Mu: LovatUl tor about 10 1"M-" and 'IJf1 allloo1at1Cdl ':'. vltk h.1Ja va. ol~t d~ tM t~ t~ . . .­ • ~-." .. •Ji ':", Jle'. a .. ot uauaual tal_t u.d 08peb1Utle. and a "%7 able 1.av]"er. Ke .1. . • '!1aaJlc1.8117 1a4epeM.ct, ret1.red aB4 drrotlq It.1a8.lt to the p\1bUo .enle.. Xi. ::~~. pereonal hab1t. are 1JIpeooable, aad Ia. 18 t1au.o1al17 hcae.t. I dOll·t .UTe a.DJ" " . aapleloa or doubt •• to M. UT1q OJ' ooma.ot1oa with ~ .ubTerslTe groupe, .lther .~ • lad, rasel.t or COIftlDlllt. .e hal .c.I Tf¥r7 1Jl!l"at1al tr1on.d. 1a Wa.~•. You­ aotloe, I baTe glTG 70U all or hU sood po1Jlte. .ow, I will t.ll 70" .~ :.r M. bad poat.. ' . : . . . _'. . . • -.;,...... - -\" ..~;,..:.. • ••• a hard ... to pt alaag v1th. I bLav I coul~'t set aloag vltA la.1a. •• .... a oonep1rat41 JlU,Ur abO\lt k.1a vh1ch does aot 1utl11 ocaf1du.oe 1a hi' aI8001..te. • aJl4 tk. people no york v1th la.1a. nutead or sobe t'rca oae po1Dt to the uxt b;r Ule .hort••t route, u vould 80 a%"Ouad tke rocato pt t.Urw, .0 a. to not l.t Ni.Toae knov vut h. va. do~. T'hat 1. 'CIIlI8t~ vh1ck I C~-.zl 1a ~ .neut1Te. III that . • re.pec:t, TOU zdpt • wllo ue~ to~rr and with him on the ­ . ­ \lbeeler 8aa" b 8 TO Caa1tt.e. 1.8 IWY, I t.h1Jl.k, Cenenl . Couu.l tor the ~.nl C.".,m108tlO1l:' Caa1••10Jl Weah1n.gton. b~ .<.--­ • -',.:~:~:.. .~{. ~ ~~ ~ . " 'r (. ... - ., . -' • __or -.•- 2-> . { (

" .: . '.,~ ...... • '. "

::.~ ,.:. '.~' '...

.'~• .­

' ... • • ,Aaotlier tlL1J&e, )d. report. nre aot .lve~e .ccurate. lutead or lettiq the r.ot. epe.k ror tb.euieh·e., ke vould oolor tk_ aJt.d .tretob the r.ota to bul1d up • h1B report.. 'l'Ut 18 .~~ I caJlaOt .PProTe or ~ l . .- - . .-) oae per-OIl oa the WIa..ler Cc.a1ttee ncaa 70u ehould ••e 18 Seaator 'r'rumaJ1, •• there 18 Jt.O queetloa •• to vaere he .tend. a tAe war effort. M to Sa.ator \lb.eeler I doa't t~ he vould ~ • desirable aaa to kaTe 1D • po.ltloa or tmportanoe ta tha It0nnata.t, 0Jl aooouat or )d••taad tow.rd. ,the war, aJt.d I doa't 'be11~ ll. he. cMaged • 110", vhetlier Love.thal'....ooutlon y1th \lb.eeler .trected LoveatUl'. outlook tovard. the nr, 18 • llatter or o~Jecture. I doa't Dov vh.at er~eot 0Jl Loventhal tA18 e. ..ooutlOJl vlth lI.h.eler ~. )Lad., ,. I .. tt'71aB to sln 70u .e oc::.plete II. pioture or h1Jl. • •• poeelble. I Ul .ura ~hat h. voulda't \lBe 1Jltoraatloa that 0 ... tato hie pones.10l\ . ror k1a ova t1aaJloul p1Jl. .oveTer, I r ..l tlLat he vould use It, lr he had • rlght nth u. nperlon aad wa. fired. .e would uae thi. ,1Jltorw-tloa aot ror the purpo.e • or dholo.iq 1Jlrorutlc=, but 1Jl a rn~tul ...... r. .e llJ1l't tu t,-pe or maJl that would put lih u...d 1Jl the t111, but 1r lie ellould set penK lie a1gbt .t..l III lot or ~t • 1Jt.1'oraat1c=. ,I, penoDaIlT, voulda't lUra JL1a 1r va. up to "': -- btC-/F 8-/ You aj,pt ... ebout h1Jl.. lfJLe~ d1d .ad York toaether w~. oa tA. Sua »a.kina IaTe.t1pt1~ Ce:-1tt..... I caa't th1alc or ' ." .a.r~ 1Jl • ." York ror ~ou to .ee. ' ..,. . . ••••IP'••1.:B'R1t.ll,_ • • ." York C1t~, ':.. r IaterT1eve4 OCtober 11;'194,. • I do act bow Mr. MIl%. Lovntll.al aor UTe I ~er had ~ ...ocut1oa v1tA • penoa b~ that..... I 4oa't b.ov ~lL1J&e .~ut k1Jl.. • ') • ." York C1t~. Iaterrl"'~ • . Ootober 29, 194,. I r1nt ..t Max tovn.thal 1Jl 19'3, vli_ u wa. called to riq .ttn.t1oa b~ • IlUtual trln.d. .e worked •. ia tke Se_te »awk1aa IJtTe.tipt~ CaBittH ror • .ppro%1.aAtelJ" 11 .".tu 1Jl 1933 .ad 19}1t berore the cre.tloa or tlle S.ourit1e. u.a 0 t =::ti=::·~_rt"atd1Futelli ••·;~i',i=~~:~dv;i: : • acaJul ulet'7. .e 1...... tkat 18 ooarort.blT ".u ru.d, but Jlot ertrn.elJ" vealtbT· ,~ , • I UTa-'t .eeD h1Jl. 1Jl tu pe.t tvo ,....n.

• ./ .. - f . . ~; - . ------',·f· '" ~ .

• ... ·w {'~ • ; '. : "J.,' .,' :.:::,.~ ..'. . ••.... ~ .. ( -': . -:' ~:- -,~, I~ -- .~..... ,.~.J' • .• • f ' ,.; '.~= ;~~~"'" ·:j:_,:-:~/~ .:. ... < -'. \." ...... _- ,'. • •. - l . ~. _~ .• ~ • ;'~:', --.L...-.. b VaU1qtoa, no 18 Pre.Unt. B~""lt.·. a4T1acr, ~- ~ nl7'" .~~::' n'r7 "'17~torlnlNler taon k1a Tft7, nr, Yell. I't.lL1ak t.lLI' I~ ·Je;.o.. ..'--/: • ,'tftUk or toll. Cl~t. Court or AppMb b ... Tork bow. lL1a tu1te Yell.' certa1al:7 ::: ..·ff . 3..1.. h~'~bow. k1a Yell. Dl hot., ~ bow. k~ t~t. :-.~. bt.h.te17. Jut.l0. 1l0N~obaa or toll. V. 8;. 8up~ Court lLI •• kiP "iaN. ror ~ .. " k1a. ~F.9r • alaber or 1'Mr. Ma% Lonsthal va. Qeural Oouu.l DB the Bnator ~..1e1" ": • Iatentate C~ro- ee-1t.te.. I un kMrd trca .tal trlad. that. Mr. Lovea.tlLll . 'brab -v1tk 8eaator lnlNler NcaU. or s_tor n ..ler'••taa4 oa 18olatloa1a. .ad k18 nt.l-S-.1tl0 Ylevpobt.. J'raa yut.J. bow or Xr. ~tUl, I vo\1l4 .q t.&at k18 • 'break rltk fMaator 1£b...l.r va. »IJri... or .orrow t.&aa 0:' upr. '. . jJ • _

I. va•••C1"9t&r7 to ~. lAte Ju4p Jul.1aa Maok ud I bow t.&at Judp *ok tAo,.pt ".11 or k1a. " '--'''' • ~""" .,

Mr. Loveat.&al 18 nl7 bt.ll~t., 'but b 18 aot. .. btell.ot\&Al DO'b. Ie U ,. • n u...l1.t, but. t.U k1.a4 or .. 14..118t ..0 u •.'bo~ r~t oa tlL'- sro~..

Ie 18 tAo~ Aurloaa b h18 Tl.". u4 a '"'r7 ~rate rellov b hb penoul hablt.. ­

Ie U .. '"'r7 107&1 o1t.lsn ud.n 1aTeterate t~ot t.otalltar1u.1. or art kbd. • I. doee DOt. rab.or1N to a pll110.~ t.&at. doea aot. rHop1se th. npt. or print.e ProportT. Tou ooulda't. oauld.r k1Jl a S001allit. or C~"t. ot ...... the l~t.e.t. Piak ...de, 'but. ~. u t.U k1JI4 ot .... no tit'.n t.hat. -.aJ" h,Jutloe. u.d - - . • aaqu1t1ee- 40 .xlat, Dd oaa a.ad .ko\1l4 N' erad1cat.K Y1t.aout do1q yl01e:aoe ~o t •• r~t.e ot printe P1'Opt'rtT. b 18 a Ut.tl. l.n or onter, 'but aot. ~ C"f'er to the l.n. . -- '.' ,.., I';t{ • - - . , v b/~ I oc:a814.r h1a a aoo4 olt.1s.. aM I t.lL1ak k. Yo\1l4 'b- a nlua'bl.... to un b • ~ 0aat1d..t.181 po.lt.lea b ~. SOT8~t.. .

\" 8Y Tork Clt.T, • Iaten1...-d oatoNr ~, 19~'. • I Y1ll ..t. b t.ouck Yltoll Valter V1.a.U.ll aa4 t'1ad .out ylLIt b bon a'bout Xr. Max LanatUl. I ouaot tell 70U It". han ~ b 0lIl" fil•• OIl Xr. I.o'veJt.tUl.

• _." York DIll"'" Ktrror, 2" 1:. ~,th st., hv Tork Clt.T • Dltenlen4 Oo~Nr ~, 194'. " 1 • Ve 40 aot han ~ b our ol1pp~ f'11•• oa )Cr.' Max Loveat.&al. . .

.~ . nVJS~IGJ.~OlPS .l9~' z~ . ?: . .an: oa .aTbl>er 1, a1. 12 P..... • "'; "," . " . oalled TOur . ". - ~~ .t.1ptor oa the tel.phoae a.ad 1Jlton...d k1a that )Cr. ' .. V1ack.ll ha~ .dybed ker t.hat ~e Clyl1 Benl0. C~e101l • oould obta1a ~ ..0....17 1JltolWat.loa OIl u.••pplloaat Sa- F';',rJ • .' . til•• or tU federal Bureau of' Ian.ttpt.1oa. '.- •

• -:..... ' .. I'. a:rald J '," ..: . .•..


" . "~ .. . -.,>' ., •..~:_ .. I oaa't 'N of mlOJl.~lp ~o lOU. .­ .'-" ­

.~ ). Jew York ctt,.. .-.::;..: ­ ".: . terrlWed Doc~r 10, 191t, •

» I -haT. bova Max Loveatul for a'bout ~ lean. I haTa.'t .... Imok of 1liJI. 1& ....bout. 'or 6 )"8.re. YOll could -rd:~ .xpect .. to .peak 0'bJ.et1Te~ of k.1.a,...~


) )C;r bavl~ of Max LoVeatlLal 80.. b.ca: to 30 1W.n .80 na. ". botk vere £01q to tll. KarT.~ Lav Solaool. %)ur1ag Ul. ;re.n I vault .ee 1liJI. ~oa.1cmall1 .t ]!.ar M8oc1at1aa ..et1q.l a-.4 otur arra1rll. \I. han .lva,.. o.elled eaoh oth.r b,. our ~t asae.. •• va. v1th tlle lay t1na of Sr.old .ad 1SraJLd,.,.. u..d ud. e~1derabl• .-:me,. 1& bau:ruptc1•• u.d reorpa1ut1o-a uad.r Judge Jul1.aA *ek. I. then ret1red aM. 'tor • .uabor ot :ea" va. ~ral Coma.a.l 0Jl the Sc.ate Iater8tate Cc:..erce Cc.dtt.H. ~ • . The per.OIl for lOU to ... about I.ov'fttlLal h Sautor ~ as vell •• Senator • Wheel.r. Max 11 an .mept1oaall1 capabl. Pd 'brlU1aJlt attoral7' but I can't .gree v1th h1.a OIl hi. bade pk110.0plt.: aad .coac:a1c eoaoepU-. I ...m-. t.A.at h. 11 h1Pl1' re£8rd~ • b,. the poYen 1.a the !cnt DHl .cbda.1.trat10Jl. .. attac~ Xub, Loeb • Co. ud the MetropoUt.aJI. Lit. Iuuru.oe CampelV,.... '. m_ ,..lltr..... M to vh.tur the atUieb vere JUlt1tlabl. aad home.t-,cae. 11 .. utter of op1.a1oa.. .e vao't the cal.y • cae that attac~ It....d. i'QOd po11t1cal cap1tal Mclt tll~ 1.a 19" u..d 19}4. I Lovnthal ~ tll. 'k1.aa of a ... who CO p1Ck.Ollt· c.rt.a1& f;ct.~ -aU 11d1T1duaU7 ., : correct 1n th...l1', but va•• pieced togetk.-r 1.a • .toJ7.1.a a part1cular va,., 1ae,. I d1llttort and d18color ~. true p1eture. n. 1la.d1T14ual taot, .re aocurate, but vll.a. . pieoed together, •• h. d1d, pre...te4 a dlltortet p1cture. •• 11 tu k1Ad ot • __ tkat voUld 11&0 • last aaute pres. rel•••• 80 the otur .1d. vOll14 aot be 1.a • -/ pr1ac1pal~ I po.1t1oa to e-t 1.a U.1r .1d. of the .tor,.. n. tvo ... vaOla ll. .ttack-.d . t l .t nma, Loeb • Co ••re .0" d..d. , 0'.· .l • f . •• be11n-e. 1.a a gre.ter 8OTe~t eoatrol of _terprl.. aJld b.caa. ot ~ beckground aJl4 c11_t., I 8Jl 1.a direet c0JLfi1ct vita h1a. • ,. I DO" 11ttl. of hi. penoaal 11f., but I th1JU: a. 11 • cl... UT1q a.:u- u.d ~erat. 1.a .U h1e per80zul kab1t••

I .. cOllLt14..t a. lLa. ao .ad or h.o1at ~t1oa-, •• U 11 (ref.reaoe to rel1s10Jl d.let.d). .. 1. ao C~.t. M to ki. lo~lt,. to tab oouatJ7, I would UTe ao h.a1tan.o7 on tlLat. - t- M to vhetMr I vauld rec"""'~ h1.a tor. podt1oa 1& tk. SO'Y.naatj l.t ~ put 1t th1. v.,..' U I ve. do~ tu hir1q 'tor the .geao,., I voulb.'t hire h~. I mav 1f ,.ou ..ad h~ the .am- qGe.t1aa, h. voul6n' t hire ... ) .', { • • '. - I • "~1rou1t ~u4 ~; .... CO:n h.uooa J.':.. .,h;, .... bot.ll U;';'nla,_·· / • ~ \ .. , • ." York C1 t~ • ~-!.'~~­ Iat.rrl.eve4 Deo.-ber 1', 194,. • - ..., L, '- ~'~ 'I WQ'" han kaova Max ~tlaal 'baok 1». -19~ vho. I a:p~ bef'ore, the Sna~ later-tate Ct ~ Cc::.a1ttH at !laarap, but I oeJl1t recall ~ about lL1a. ' • ,~,.­ nat va. .aM 8 7"1'8 8SO. ' •

'~ • The 0JllT t.llJla I UTe ner had a~t Max Lovnthal va. that he va. a pacU'lIt. Iow u f'ael... aov, I doa' t taov. Our relat10u 1Jl rec..t ~ra heTe b... etraUbd ' beeaue of' hi. pe.o1fi.. ad lie D~ haw ~ I f'elt about the var ef'fort. - . M1 a.8oo1at1oa with k1a Seee 'back IUJl,1 78an to ahort17 after the laet var. Ie 'Wae ~ a a lav fira of' Lovn.thal, Siold u4 BraJa,dvea vlLich vae a Vall at. f'lna. !he • f'1na vaa the la-n f'or the' o..1cm ad aleo f'or the 'bank dO'VJUlta1n. Jlo vas one of' tho orpaiun e.Jld ;"'~er of' tJle »oa.rd of' D1rectorll of' the bUlk. ,. OJ' i_mX'. ••• I haTe aoth1q but the higkellt resarod f'or 1118, ab1U_t _ 1Jltogrity. To ..e • ~ou . .. 1d.. of' tlLo oca.ndeaoe I ud 1Jl lL1Ja,' _ . • IS." ~1T2M.I Ie 1e .. out.t.041J1B la~r. ae hudl~ caso. 1Jn'01T1.aa aacr1 ; .tQOkholderli.P.. ad had a Il~er of' ca.e. vhere h1e fee VBS around • "0,000 to $70,000. Ie reta.d aroUZLd the late 1920'.. Io ud al...o _de 8(De v1ao 1aTe.tamtt. aa4 vllml he retired lLe va. worth vell OTer a a11110a dollars. In all of' t.he t1ae I un D.cnat h.1a he ka. be= ..e'r7 pullllo .p1r1tod. 70r a lo~ t1Jd he vas • ~ oouuel f'or 8eaator WIloel.er'. Ra1lroad Cc::.a1tt.e aa4 he .ened v1thout sala'r7. 'fo ,1..e ~ou .. 1dea of' Mr. Lovezlthal'e...JAt.¢t~, U ree~d a. a direotor t"raa the' bank vhea u beomae OCJIQMoted with ~ler Ra1lroad CC8II1ttee, a. he 881d 1t voulda't _ be proper f'or h.1a to eoat1mle vith the bdk "caUie of' hie kaovl~ of' orgaJl1z.at10JU1 of' vh1ch the baak JdPt ova 'CIIiII .eeur1t1ee. Xo 111 en author1t~ oa n1lroade aad oaoe • wrote a book about ta.em. ~ oal.7 tll.h&, liD I ea14 at the out.et, 1. tkat I ha..e a~1Jut hia, 1a hU • be1a& a :pao1~1et. That va. 'bof'ore v. aot ato the VIIr. I kaTell't had .. ol'l'ortU1l1t~ , to talk to M.a .1JLoe ve ..t.ex-.d tlae var•. I VII' 1a t.he h08p1tal 1a VO'h1¥oa in 1942 » aJId lie 0&De to Ti.lt _ cmoe, but ve dlb't haTe JlUah of' a ehaIloe to talk. At that t1ae our relatloaa vere a 11ttle .tra1Jled. Ie tJum v•• wor~ f'or Vallaoe'. outfit 1a Vaeh..1agtaa, I f'orpt the .... of' what • t va". Ie bun, tluI.t I .1Y1!l,...· felt k:ealJ' about the var eN'ort, » . Mai, i: th1ak, sot hi. paoUlet 14.N.. !'rca Seaator .Vll..ler. 'ra our 1.oa£ .8.oe1atlc:a, that'. the one ~ I lLold agaa.t h.1a. .. hae IlO "&1, h.ol.t or Cawlm1.t lM,,1me-. 'X 4oa't han ~ 40ubt of' hi. lo,...ltT to t.llU OOmlt'r7. Of' that, I ...ura. Certa1JLl1 he 1a ao Jfa~l or )'a.o1at. ItA f'or CCJ!"Plms.a, I .. Just a. c01f1d..-t ho 18 .0 CQaUJl1at, f'or he be11e-n, 1Jl our f'ona of 6OTer...-t. Ie haa too larp a .taD a our £O'1:8nme:at to th1.Dk o~rd.e. Ie 18 • 11beral aa4 1. of' that p-oup at Xarnrd vho vere .t\ldent. of' Ju.tloe !;nade1a, • £OOd fr1eBd of' hi., •• 1a Ju.tloe hl1% ~er. '1"ho~ lire ) aU of' that lepl sroup that 1. oppeeed to the ~P017 of' b1S bu.e1Ae1l8. In fact, "ltf3' relatloaa v1tla Judp ~e1a va••tra1&6d too, vu. lie ru'~ apa.t the JI. R. A., •

"pO \' ., '. j~'" ..... • ~ I ..... --;, • • '.~ ' • .Jt." ", .~ L

• " ", • ot n.1ca I ".~ tua oa tu ~tt.e, 'Moauae lSrU4e1. thought thai" the •• R~ ..1.. 've. prcaotiq .-opo17. ,.- . .--­ " • J'lJdp J'1ll.1aJL ~ck, were ke al1n, could tell 10u .0000tA1a.a about" Mr.' Love1ltbal. Max ~rr1e4.. h18 a1eoe. at. tvo b01"G aow JlU"tt '" old _ougb. to be 1Jl the J.nq.: • .- .. ~ -~ .. ---n. pen~l _bit. are be,r0a4 reproach. I haTe :aeTer heard ot .k.1a ner "iq~1rrolnd 1Jl d:J' U.tnO'Ult1e. or 401Ag ~ t.Ut a1Pt renect dl8cred1t oa • 1l1a.:-_~~ner, he 1... op1a1oaate4 tellov. . - b7C-/F ~ I --- -~ Yho a1a!:Lt·""M able ~ tell )"OU .am-th1Ja& about Max Lawethal 18 hi. to~r laY pertaer" '. . ., ,_ .; . ­ • . . . 1. a.6Y-v lie'" h1pp1Jl& Adm 1nhtretiOZl 1n V..~. I 40att laLov vh~t.her it • tM Vat' Bhippiaa A"711J:1- stratioa o'r the Maritt.e Caa1...iOZl. Rabbi St.ph~o1e8 chould be able to 'tell 70u lIaHth1ng a'bout Mr• • Lova:athal'. pacifi.t "i";~. _ • Pe"oullJ', I 'Would reO' sad Mu. Lova.thal, tor 11.. 18 -il Ter'3 capable Wirl4ual aM I t ..l that aov ~t we are 1A ~e war, he u. ohaJa6ed hie ~c1fillt .,ieove. » -."U,,_ tork Cit)", ) lJltorrteved Deceaber 1', 194,• . I ha..... 1csowJl Max Loventul tor e 8004 -.n ,...ell". J:ov.,...r, he 111 no bU81noSB ) a ••octet. or trie.d ot mine. I UTe D.OVD h.1a aerely II. a callual aoquaintance, and I dealt bel1.,... that 1Jl all the tt.e Itye b.ova h1lIL that we ha.,e talked ~ each . otPr tor acre t.haa 2 or , houn alto£ether. ' -..

Mr. Lova.thal 1. a .....rr able and 1at.ll1pnt-att.orae)". ae ha. a Nne ailLd •

. Ifha la.t t1mlt I .aw h1a va. in Va.~OD 1». 1929 or 1930 .t yhich tt.e he ".••ecretarr ot toke ~le" Caa1ae1cm. Ke va. CCJIIPla1n1J:aa tha. about kov 'badly th'aas ve-re beiaa 1"\Dl 1A the Cc.dIl.i9Zl e.a4 t.hat he vas £0111.& to quit. If' ~orge \lican'" were al1Te, hs could t.ll )"ou sc.-th.1aa about Mr. Loventhal'. york in comwoticn Y1tok that ce-1s.1oa.

Bo hr a. I boY, ke 18 a ~ c1thea aad a 10781 ~r1caJl. I 'Would," .....rr auch .urpr18ed, it lila va. ~ eae. . . ne oal;r tkiq tUt I baTe ap1.ut tu IIaJL f'rca 'Wut ItTe he.~ 1. that ke doea't pt o:a Y1th people. lfo uee a tigure ot .peech, 11.18 crown d~. AOt fit )d.s 1I...d. ~.

• 0, I YouJ..dJl't reooeam>~ b.1a tor a po.itioa 1». the 60"n':maent 1>ecauee h. 4cepl t get aloaa Y1th people.. .

DVJ:STIQA1'OR'B .anl OIl Deceober 1', 19~', )"our in...... t1gator called at the oN"1o•• ot the .AlleriC8ll Jerlah C

• .~; : .

.. . :'!~.. - .­

• --VhoeTer P" )"O~t.h. C<-d..1aa~ to 1lnut.~te *X Lonathal 1. Jut .. 1d10t.. Tou a1ght. Juat. a. well 1Jrn.ttpt. th. Pred.4..t. I oou1d.r 1t. a b1& job to 1.JITe.t1.pte h1m. I .. _l.c1 thlit the ~r..-t dM. lIOt bov' all about .h1:a. You • C&Jl talk to ~ ot tU Caba-t. -.ben 1a Vaah.1qtoa u4 tW on all about Xr. Lowa.th.al. I. b au ot the able.t. l.rqen 1Jl the .O,..I.....t .nT1ce. Lova.thal 1. a Yer7 ~U.t1a8U..hhed 1.aY7er ad be. Ha. 1Jl ud out. ot t.he ~~t. ..rrloe tor tAe • Pb.t 20 7Ml"a. nut.ead at _k1ag .100,000 a 1"r 1Jl pr1nte pract.1ce, u lLa. bMa work1ag tor .,,000 or f6,ooo a 1'Nr tor the £OT8I-..a.t. You can ~ t.o Pre.ide-t . Roo.noelt a)out Mr. Lcveatha1. You a1Pt. Juat a. well !JaTe.t1.gate Ion. u.d Iar,' Vallace. Mr. Lc:nmltJlal b ot tU .... b1tellectual fibre a. th.,.....~ Colt.. » 1Jl V.~ 1., a 010•• rneM. ot k18. Coad. Da7, ad Cod.~le.. You.


) COJO'IlEI'I':w. nJ'OlQWft' A.·2: wA. 'Ms.% LoweUal', a b.cnra C<»-,!1\' at, -.l>eT ot tha X.t1oul Ccea1ttee ot 'the Iaternat10aal Jurid10al Aaeocl.atle-, 100 ruth ATe., lev York C1t,..·

U\I YOPX crrr lU.IOI IZPARrNUtI Old R-oord Rcxar .0 ~r4

!'he applioaat tor 'the pa.t tJlre. Tean lta. 'be.. reddh& at. Ch"7 Cha.e, Md., • .uburb ot Va.~. Darl.q th. pa.t t.n. 1'Nn u has b... agapd. 1a All e~T1.017 oapac1t,. tor the Beaate »aax'-& IlrYe.t.~t1Te o~ttee, a. oouue1 to Ue Beu.te Iatentate ~roe c~tt.H, ad •• ccasultaat t.o the »O-rd ot Zo01Ua1c Wartare. Ie 'Va. ZDcutl" bcreta17 ot the loOT8r Law btoro..,.t. Ce-::d..loa tor l' a:xatha 1Jl 19}o. Du:r1ac the la.t var tU app110aat va. AJI.1.taat Seoreta17 to Pred.4..t V11Joa'•. *4l.at1oa COI81..10&1 Aae1.taAt Soorete17 to the W.r lAbor PoUq :Ioar4 aJIId or tla. .,­ Pree1da.t'. Secoad Iadutr1al coar.ra.oe 1Jl 191.9-1920•

1'ha te.t~ ot a auzab.er or Y1tao..e. 1"8'TNl.c1 that the app11cant. 18 aJl .xtreMlT capable attoDe7 who rwt1re4 a. a oc:.pent.1nlT 70~ JIIUl approx1Jla~17 l' :rea" .a£'O.. to .deTOt.e ~~x.:o() public.•p1r1t.c1 act1T1tle~.. ..;';':., -". .' ."s·: '\1 b , _. (

.:" . . -. • .~<.~~ ~ " • -

- ~ • :' _ 1.__ .,..- .­ .J' !'h11 NI. ns a ••~ tor the pw:poa. ot ooataot1aa oertaa .pec1t1.o ..'. "._. • . vitae•••• aa4 .xpl~ aJq l ..d. tut a.1p.t d""'.lop 1"rt;a .\lalL 1aterY1m. ,.., . " . .·~.f·" ' - • aaaber ot the h18he.t aa4 'be.t 1atolWK omc~i. ot tu J'I~1~'r1~ a ' "', • .., York C1t,., a. YeU a. tA• .Ant1-Det....t1on LMgu., were 1aterr1~, but a.oae ot • . thea b." ~ ot the ap'p11oaat, or had enr bNrd ot ~ou ...k1q the a1d ot . . t or sat10Jl to caabat or \DLd.1"JI.1ae th. ,".ral Jureau ot laT••t1pt1OD. ~ ­ prell1dn,t ot the B'lla1 ' t.. looaWd at Cbaha, I.'braeka; ~ • ~let1c.al Secreta17 a Director ot the .Ant1-I>etaaat1ClZl ­ L.egu., both located at 100' X StnHt ., a OZl, D. C., were 1Jlt1T1duau ­ "lugsoSt.ed dur1.ng thi. 1JrTeet1sat1cm who a.1p.t b. 1nt.erT1~ to f'urther punue t.. ' • c1.rogatoTJ' 1Atorut1on 1a th1e respect. ' 41.....aDd ..,.r••F_.both ;-eport.d es to~r ee-u:zu.t., tnev • aothiDa ot the app11oaat.

Judse Jul1aD MBck, a tOnln federal J~, aad all uaole 'ot the .ppUcut b:r ' ( aarrlap, hae reosntl;r d1ed. .0 ~.quentl;r oould aot be 1nt.n1.n'ed. ) 4

) 4 other v1tAe••e.. t ••t1t1ed taTora'bl;r al to tlw ,ppUcallt·. lo;relt:r• ••n'Yd ,tnf) attonaa:r, e-tated that j. _r :loOT.r, had talDd to h.1a c about the ap'pUcant aJLd 1Ad1cat.d that the l'.de1"ll1 Bureau ot IJnoe.t1aat1on had a file on h1a. ~ etet.d that t.U eppl1eaJlt 11 t1J:wlo1all;r 1acorrupt1bll, 'but he dDem't t~'ba.1e lo:ralt:r, and 1t the ap'pUcant 411as;ree-d v1t.b".!i~.t2!l~L he ' aight und.rm1Jle the orpn1z.atioa vith vh1cll h. blid bee oo:aneoted. _~__.t.etod tJaat he vauldD' t be eurpr1aed 1t the epp110aDt yore the author ot tu reoCt art1cle. 1A the ~t1on HaS-d.'" which were orit1cal ot the ccmduct ot 1nTe.tl£at1ou b:r the t I'ederal »uroau ot IIIT.at1.sat 1oa &J1d tu 11. S. C1T11 Sen10e CC'ISI1111011 1Jrn.t~tor.. - tated that 1t ns c~ bevlodce that the app11cu.t YrOt4 a .pe.ch tor ca. ot the )(1Jm.eeot:a Bn..at5>n oppoeUa tu appo1Jlt.ment ot V1U1ul Dollgle• . to the u. S. Sup~ Court. ~.-t.ated. that 11.0 To1cod hi. obJect1all vh_ Mr. Dougle. alud 11.11 op1Jl1ClZl on the appolnt.nt ot th. aklll1oa:at as cous..l to "t.ke Secur1t1•• uw1 bob••~ Cc-..1a.10Jl. h q\le.t1~ the appUcut'. at.llectual 1Jlte~1t:r .and .tated. that the app110ant .tretchee tact. &Ad dlloo1on t1.M.1q. a b,1I reporte, &Jl4 that h. 1•• d1N'1cult 1Dd1T1c1ual to work v1tJL. .tated h. had not b... 1a contact v1th the app11eut a the pa.t tour 1"i'an • • .. ' ~ 1 toeether w1th tlw appUcaat & I PlEII•• ' IceordlDB to the br1.t, were alle~l;r tho b"1.&8 b.h.1.Ad the r1ca J'1"t·.~ .:­ ol"£&Dhat1on.ttP25fJ_ns21.n a,.."""••? J's • .usl1l ,..,....,.:••, .tat.d that OIl th. laT.ral ocoa.1oaa lw ..t The appl1eallt711h 1JIqlrell101l va. that the applloant v•• OppO.K to the ~rlea J'l.Nt Cc;BL1tte. and taTO~ tAB adalllbtntf on'. poltc]' ot LeD.c!-Lee"e u.d 1nt8rTnt1oa. " - tated that the .pp11cant VII. he.rtbronn.. OT.r s.nator Vb.eler' 8 ­ , 4a ••.,. tar •• ·i::;~~~~~.o=C~~~~.f1 F·liiiRd,lit:j'~~;i;~~1:h.~l:~ft~. '.• •• ;- ­ :. ',. .: ( .~

• • ...... • , .-..--..t.ate4 tUt ki. relat10u v1ta tb ap,l1oaat 1a reon.t_ "'" TNn wa~ottu app~out'a peo1tiat rtew•• JDvner, 11, 41u't ., . qu.t1= tM appU~t'. 10181t1 a.a4 .tated tut u voul4. reo~ t.U applloaat , • .ace u t.lt that ". are aov 1& tM war, t.U app11eut "ou14 .upport the war .ttort. ,:. r: '. ._. lfh. rile. ot Coat14..t1al Ia!oraat A-' .-4 CCIIlfi4nt1al In1'onilt:!t A-2 rn.a~ • tut Ul. app11NJlt for a all:llber ot ,..an u. bea a -.her of the Ia~t1oul ~ Ccaa1ttee ot the Iat.arut1oul Jurid1cal Aa.oo1at10a. A l.tt.arh.ad a ta. April, 192J 2 111» or the Iaterut10ul Jurlcl1cal Aa.001at101l aoathlJ' bulleta liat. a Max • Lovathal a. a ..u.r ot 1t. aat1cmal CCIIII1tt•• 1Jl t.U D1.trtot of Colmb1a. Ifh. . I,at.rut1oaal Jur1410al .u.oc1at1cz 1. au.iK- to b. a Ca-uaht tro.t orp11ut 1oa• • The appllout 11 reported to be a 010.. fr1_a of JUlt1o.a 'el1% J'ra,aki'urt.r, :Ba.Jmda Cohn, &ad oth.r 1M1T1aual.l hold1aa po.1t1oq of ~rtanc. a tok. ( ) &OTer.-nt. • "'M Wi _.7statK 1Ad1.GUAt17 tbt be. ooaG1d.~ 1t 1d10\.10 to 1An.tipte tlle appllou.t, ae tb Ccaa11110a a1&ht Ja..-t a. well 1JlT••t1gate Pre.le!ellt ~oo.nolt, "hca. ll••t.ated could testH')' a. to the appl1oaat" rel1ab111t7. ~. appl10ut 11 reported to ban gnauatK Cum Laue!. tre:J'lI.' the Janard Lilv • School and va. a clos. t'riead of the late JUlt1o. !raAd.1•• -' '!'h••ppl1ca.nt, .ocord~ to the te.t~ of a .UIllber of v1taen••, 111, to tbe .tr.ot, that he hal a 11beral outlook, but 11 SlOt a CcaKUJ'lht. Io 1. report~ to fe.l ,t1'OD617 .ga1nat the • aoaopol1.1S of b1£ bUl1JLe... ­ I. wrote • book -Th. hTe.1.or Pqs", .»i otb.r .rt1cle. vb1ch or1t1cel.1J" attacks • allepd Yell st. praot1oe. b7 'baakera ud thelr lav7era a oozmoot1oa v1th corporate '. reoelnrsh1p.· .-4 reorean-1r.at1ou. .tated that t·b. book -the laT••to qa, va•• db ort on 0 het. e.d llbeloue in ..t\U'e, but that the fina d1d aot .\Ie the appl1ca1lt•.~.tat.dthat the appl1caat 11 at.ll.ctuallT dhhoae.t and he,.would I.\ot reoozand h1a for iC7Tet'1IZIllmt 8'l:Iplo,.-metlt. Ie • euue.t~ that Captain Lrrl~raUl', partaer 1A the f1m of ,Xulm, Loeb It Co., ee! JLOV . loca~ v1th tlLe 1'•.,...1 !uraau' of OrdAaDoe aVe. oa ,ret ormat1on' .• .. about tAt ~Ul1eaJlt. ii . .­ ~ e••lt... Tn?wail· te.t1f1ed that the app11oa.at va.' ».ot to be ref1~ oa b.oaua. • '-.- ()f Ail lack o.f ateU.otualategrlt,... - :' ;- - , '. Ff>\ / P/.CJ . , " ...' S....tor ~ a Yeah1qto:A vho 18 nportM to haT. vorbe! c:lo.e17 "ltll the ., applloast !a reont ,..ars 011. tu Saute Interstate ~roe COIIIa1ttHt, val reported a. au vho Youl4 'be a Sood v1~u wAo a1&ht 'be able to throw .OZIID l.1&ht OIl the ·appl1oa.utI. • 10;ralt7. , "ho vorbd v1th tu app110ant OIl the .bC7T. co-dtt.e., : &ad vho 11 ILOV reported. to be Geursl Couuel of the red.ral Coz.uIl10.t1oq Ccaza1u"1oa. • 1A V..h~, .h~ 11kev1'.e ~ 1a a podt10a to ott.r .c.e 111ua1aat~ te8t1m"'~':'CIa the 'ii1UJlt... i.f1~"'" .tet.d that the appllout ' • fom-r law partnar aov rePorted to be coauoted v1th Levie J)o\lSla. a the Mlrtts... C~..1oa Vuh1Jl€'toa, a.1Pt " able to throw .~ IIa.O" liPt OIl the applloaat'. pa01fllt T1ft•• - ,', Maq Y1t.uue. 1Jl th1. report te.t1f1K to the .ttect tbat tae applloaat 11-. • ... of ategr1t7 aJLd .oru.pulou17 hoa-.t. ' .' .

" ....:t;.

~ . .". ~. • • , " ---- .{


":<::.:" ' :r:_ .

..:-. \ cou14ent1oa " pwa to tu 1..41 outl.1.u4 abon, 1& tb ..-rat auok ee-taCtl."Ie• a..-:. ,.,

~ . ~or 1aTo.t1co~J.oa IlOt:. .lnoq "-' :" .4., - it tb Ctiatnol ottto. 4...... 1>7. ".1' '. ',. ' . : . " . -.. .::.- ,­

!BItt Z-Cttmber 15, 19~'~ =­


I '­

- -' , t~·-,§{t; '...... /. t D,~ 18::i;. \ r \ \.

~ ,',-";­ c .. .. ,r",' .... •••••• .';.; ". BaARD OP' ):CO!i()(IC \-'ARFAn, Per80nnel riles, hr8cinnel orrIce, 2621 -'1'e:mp0ra%7 Bl.d8.T., Cona't1tut1on ATe.,\luhinet;CX1,D.C. ­

Applicant'a Personal matory Statement e!na hia addre881l.8 1 \lest lrT~ St.., CheTy Cb.alIe,~land and nates that he vas' born l'ebl"Ul!.r1 26,1888 and that hIs legal reold.ence 1e liev Tork. !'h1e for: vhich vas executed on Deoember '1,19'42 1.nci1cat.cs , that he 16 married, i. 5 !'eet 8 inchee tall, ve1gh.e'l50 pounds, and. vas born 1n M1nneapol1s,M1.nnesota end. that he attended the On1Ter81tl' or K1nneaota t'rcu 1905 to 1909, sradual1Ds vith t.he degree or Bach~lor or Arts and that he rece1nd hie 1l4.chelor or Lave at. ltarTard. t!n1Tera1ty 1n 1912. ~ appUunt giTes IU= ref~rence8: Chier JustIce HarlAn ~cm.e, As80c1at.e Ju.8t1ce J!Ll6o\lu.aek, ksoclat.e JWltloe Telti J'n.nk1'urter, aU or the &oq»eeae Court, fonaer S8nator Qe.orge ,~lorr1a and. Sen.e.tor ' Bo.n7 S.TrumlI.n. The applican,-'. emp101Jlent record aa contain:.ed. 10 thi. Itt-1er· does not Tarl rram the atta.chod Br1er except that the applicant l1sta aa e.mployme:lt tram Jw:18,193' to AprI1,1934, the p081'-lon or Beaeuch -Director or t.~' th1ted Statea ~ and, Currency Camm1sslon end nates that. t'raa ~,lm to AugwJt.,19'O, he VB.8 Ixecut.1~ Secret.1l.I7 0: ~he·'](ational. Cale1ttee on lAy Obaen-ance r.nd %b!orcemen.... Be a1.s0 statell .­ that rrem 1920 to 1921, he vaa Asei8tent Socretl.Z7 or the Second Prea1dent1al Indwrtrlll Conteren.ce. !'ram 191.8 to 1919, the app'-icant vas AaB1stant Cha1nu.n or tt.e \Tar Labor Pol1c1ee Board and 1n 1918 ~ an Aide e.nd N8i.tant in the Var Dopertment end rrom 1917 t.o 1918 vas Moistant. &crete.I7 e.nd later 6ecret.e.I7 or the Prea1d.ent'5 Ccm:dt.tee' on Mo~£.tIon. PrIor to 1917, the applicant. vu engase4 u a Reporter em the M1nneapol1 Journal or Yr.o a lAy Clerle. . ~~- .':..- . Jebruarl 17,1~2 ~ O,.th or orrice in poB1t1on ot COtunutant 10 t~e I.esal D1T1e1on, ~ or Iconadc varrare at $25.00 p.d.v.a.e. ':: . . "". , .. , <~ . ~I :. Me.y<'l£:,19f.2 - per'd.Iem 1ncreaeed to $'5.00 per de1'. .,.; , :".... '-:',' ~:~" , There Yere 8eTenU letters and fo1"m8 in the fIle When it. vas exmi ned Calcern.1.n6 the applicant's proposed appolnt.ment to the podtioa or ChIef or the Beoecupation e..."ld &conatnctIo:\ I>1T1BIOl1 of B.E."'. The fIn.a.l appointment paper8 had not been c0t:F1e~e~ proceB8£~. ~~.:' ,,~~~> ,''':"'... ~":' .- . ' ~~: . ". -._.. -J...._ tNFO~MATInN CONT~L~ED ~~: .,,_ . fBr ... '"' ­ .", .~f>· ." : : :: 't>1~ ' .. ' . HEREIN IS UNCLASSlflfn . . .;; .. ! ,":c' ", DAl1~Y~ ."-J ; • ~ 1 -', ... r -~ -~, .. O' 0 •• _ (

<~ '0 o • ~ 0.0 .•• 0,.,0. - • 0 e ,- \ "/ . ""Y:";. 1\ P .• u 0 _"0' ..,' · 0 1C;) . ' ~ " . .' •.. ' . , ... -!' '''.\7 '0. .~' . o"."r ".":..:. ~.. . ~'. . ..-. . .' I "~~~ \ ...... ­ :';'­ .-~- Max VU cae of Senator WbeeUr'. arplo,.ee.. \-'heeler.hired h1A beu.ua.e Mu had wr1tten a book oro"he reorpn1u.t1C111 of the Chi0 ago, M1lvaube and St..Paul Ra1l..roe.d and. -1. an .author~ on the t1Dane1&1 orsanil.At1cm ot ra.1lroe.4a. the Caal1tt•• he Yorbd nth YU th.,Ba1tr0.4 J'1.n.e.n.ce Sab-ee-1ttee ot the Int.rnate ee..erce . Oc:aII1tt.e ot the senat., - or Which I'" a aeaber. I think that Max 1... tine and . lo,.u -an .Mer1oan .. 10U oould t1nd. I mov noth.1.ng ot hi. 1nteren 1n 8DJ o:rpn1­ r.at1ClO.8 or act1T1t1e. that vould be ~1UIt b1.a. I haTe MTer mevu h1JIl C1lJ.te1d.e ot hi. York tor \lA. Jre 1. -- (reterenoe to race) and. 10U -.hould. be able to t1ad . others ¥bo you14 mov h1JIl Tert well. Be had a prett,. tree han4 1n .etting up hie ataN' and. he brought 1n a number ot )'"OUll8 attome,.. 8nd the,. vere all nr,- br1ght ,.oung tellowa• I don't th.1nktha.t ,.au. could. go vrana on )(ax. Ie Yould be Ce.n.eral Ccnceel tor ~ CCZIIl1ttee on mattera perta.1n.1ng to the war. In tact Yhen the Committee YU organ1zed, I tr1ed rq beat. to set him ~o be our attorn.e,. and I tound tha.t he just yu ncr.. aTailable. - . - .

I Vaah. ,J).C.

I mC7Y Max Loventhal on.l.,y in connect1on nth hie vork here tor \l.8. Xe had Yr1tten a book on the reor r.at1ont;'t the Ch.1c~, X1lvaukee. and. St.Paul Railroad, wh1ch YU

a masterpiece and' ...0 - • I.e a 0'- •• • A .. ~ ,,' '. • 0 " ,'. result ot his re••arch vorle, the ra1li 6 0 vas -Wi- tten. Ie did a Tery good job tar \l.8. • hu been &round \..'Nlh1n,gton tor a number or :-eara. !etore he C:.8mc here ••••••ri, I bel1eTe he vu pr&c't1c1no lAiv in lev York. • i. a nat1Te lev Iorar, I .. eore. I haTe a: own 1deu about. Max and I know that there ere people Yho di~e with M. I YU approac.hed. b,. ClD.8 or ~ cccn1tuents Yhen I vaa hCl:ll.e4llfit • , once and. YU aak:&4 '\lh..r haTe ,.au got that ee-un' at Loventb&l working tor ,.au'" I th.1nk tl:at 1t 1. a Job &n,1ac.e oalling b1.a a C

I mow Max IDventhal el1ghtq. At one t1JDe a: o:rt'ice vu n.ar hi. oyer in the Ccamerce !W.ld1ns. ~t vae when be t1nt vent to work tor the Board ot ltoonca.1c ",errare ani. oeoae10nal1..T we vould haTe lunch tosether. Be 1. a brill1ant lav1er and a generall.1 Ter,- aart. -.n, but. I DeTer trusted him. In te.ct, vheneTer he ~ arou:n4 I al~8 ~ 1t a po1nt to aq u little ot ~ 1mportenoe u pOaa1ble becau.e I did not. want. to ~ p.....1AA on &n,1 1D!'ormat1cm to him. One of hia eh.1et ue18'tanta at the !o?~ of !'cC'r.\om1e \1ar:are YU Allen .Roeenberg. \then I vaa at the lat1cna.l 1.flbor· Delat10na .Board, J..l.l.an vaa allsned nth the Camaunl.-t1c element in the !o& rd, 1t he YU not actual..l,r a JDember ot the Caaaun18't hrt,.. In tact, I do not th1nk that there '-- C:..,: ~ ...... _ Jo .. c 2 ( ( ~ .:.." , .


, . "" , ~", " . .. r ". ~~.~ -- _ - :* -. ':.-." .". 1. ~ Q}W8't1OQ tha1. he le. Ano1.ber teUcnr that I.oweDtb&l hu vark1D& tor b.1:- 1.' • Charle~lato 'i.Dr! I, trca What I haYe heard r4 h1Il, haft .bece-e t1~ CClr1T1iiC.d that . he 18 e. "Crmw=Jmiat. I don't know e%AOt.~ --Vhat Loven1.hal h1uelf 18, but. I do mati that he 18 a tr1lan4.or Pre• ..an and that he va.a puah&d tor the poe1t1on of Xx.etrt.1ft Socret.&r1 to the Labor Polle1 Ccam1t1.ee 'ot V.P.~. b1 Pre• ..an beoauae ~er. a:r the ' Ca:aL1tt.ee t·old. lie' .0 the:ll8elye.. '!here 1. no doubt that Pre.1IIU:1 1. a Part.,.. liner and. that· he and. LoventhAl are Ter,.. close tr1~.

I don't knav Mu: Ter,.. vell~ I haTe nat h.a4 a great. lIIlO\mt of deal.1.nga V1th hia, "but I can N.1 that I don't exactl,y truat him. Ke .eema to vent to York tz;nd.er COTer ' and 1f I suspected. BnJ' part of th1s organ1~at1on haY1.n8 Ccrmnm 11Jta or other ra.d.1cal.a in it, It vould be to his off1ee that I vould look f1rst. Ie pul1ed 8CJlDeth1ng a l1ttle vh1le ago that Ya8 not. e:r.e.c1.ly aeeord.1.ns to Ko,le. He 1nrlted ~ out to hi." ' house one daJ' and Bald that he Ya8 hanns a -feY-other ga.elJts 1nelud1na ac:nile neYspaper . =cn and. ott'1c1e.ls ot the GoYenment. Frca eaxments that he, made later, I decided . tha... he apparently vaa haY1.n8 nothing but nevsm.en and I d.ecllned to be there. I later found that he had bad a number ot \laah~on bigeeBt nevspapermen 1n for vhat he had led them to belleye vas a cUseusa10n of B.I. \or. I. pol1cl on post-var York. lIe had Clapper And eeYeral others t.here. I don't reeall Who it vas, but one ot them I knav called I!le up and aaked"if LoventhAl vu a.etuall.1 'represent1.ng :B.X.V. 1n such d1seu.ss1ons and if he vaa, thel wanted to knov exactl,y vhat the lov-d.ovn might be: l're.nk.lJ', I don It mov vhat he h.a4 up hie. f.leeTe but I haTe DeTer felt Ter,.. cClrlt'orteble about him s1nce. I mov that Milo hrk1.ns doe's not lib h1Ja. ,I vu 1n Perk1n.a I office , one daJ' \then Mru: called. up tor an appo1.nt.aent and Perk1.na ae.1d: "That damn gu,y vill d.r1Ye )De craf.1" and he retued to giYe hUl. an appo1J:ltJlent for that &rternoon. I rea.1.lJ' haYe ncr..hing TerJ te.ng1ble A&"fnst Max, but. I d.on It Uke hi. unctioUB and pUS8: footing ~B. I haYe not. detect.ed ~ Am. to gr1nd 1n hi. orf1ce, but 1! the" were ~ 1.n B.l.ll., I expeet the1 vould be 1n hi. Seot1on.

!: I haTe Jcnovn Me.%. for 15 monthll 1n thill work. Be 1. 'a ~ graduate and he heMa the reoceupa~ion djYision. Be has 8ZIlA~1.ng connections here 1n ""8IIh1Il8ton. ~ heard mit UJ t.hat I vaa 1nterested 1.n a ca=1.e1on In the Arsq and one &rternoan he otfered to ce.ll up SCDC ot his triend.s and. .ee Vhat he oould do tor Jae, aM.. be eall.ed a nU!l1ber of people that I haTe read about 1n the neYspaper. and haTe neTer had. the oPPortun1tl to zeet and he talked. to thma u thoUeb thel Yere aU old tr1end.e. Be 1s 1Ju1ga1!'icant looting, but he has abil1tl and he baa been 1n the OoTernmcnt otf I end on 81.nee the laat var. ,;nother tilDe that he Indicated that he had coa..dd..erable 1nfluenoe vu When Dies branded DaT1d.-k~ or the Board a.e a COrxncJD11Jt. Juat u soon a.e Dice re~ea.sed Vauthan'. name, vh,y Lovrenthal vent to York In hi. behalf azld it W&8 not lane 'before D1ee va.s ~ne a ret.raction. He certa1.n.l,y cUd a gcxXt job on ':.hat. I haYe an idea that he serloual,y e:nbe.rrassed. Cont;ree&man Dies. So tar as I knO'll, hie character end loyaltl are jwst VMt. thel should. bo. .

- , -. .. c -" { (.


... . ~... "". ,\t I vorked tor 1Cr.Lovonthal noi> ho vae vith tho Sonat.~tor.tatoc< • ~':2'2~:'~>~ . Camm1tth~.- . " .. . _. _'",_.. ,. , _ Ko.t of hl8 York vae done in lev York, althouah the 1a.aJ tvo ,or three _ Tearahe 'Vae here a grt:at deal, it not ID.OIrt or the tae. I think that h. i. a .' , vc:m4erful men. lIe 18 "r'7 -.art and. vu Ter'7 nice to vork for. I knev h1a onl..r in co:mection V1th his Ccmdttee and I neTer had. ~ reuon to .uepect hie lo,..e..1t,.. to_ the countr'7. lie vu Ter'7 interested in the VIU" and. vu al~s 1nterelrted in hav other 'people felt about. it. I neTer thoUBht that there vu B.n.1thing out of the ~ uaut tha~, haveTer. R8 flee~d to be entirelJ' sympathetic and int.e~sted onl,r r-ran the s,ympat.hetic rtevpoint. I know of no reason that he should not be employed. b,.. t.h. Coyernment. . .


.. . I haTe known k% I.aventhal onl.1 in connection Y1th thi. office. Be 1&, hoveTer, a former classmate &t Ba.rYard. of »00' -Patterson, the und.er·Sec~tary of 'flar iand he vas reca:mnended to tho Board. by Serurt.or lorris. He Ya.8 I:L Con.eUltant here for a nmnher of months 'fith me and he is nov head. of the Reoccup&tion DiTldoc.. EllS office furnished the '~ v1th a1rthe ~ort:Iat1on it poase.sed 'on the'ltconan1c Re8~. of .A.rrica Vben the inn.sion 8t~ed last lonmber. I know nothins or his ideology. In other \l~, ~ knavled.8e of h1D is str,ict11' profeedonal. I kn.eY h1m anl..T one \leek before he ~ here to \lork and I knev -that he ve.a Y1th the Inter.t....e Com:aerce Cc.xr:mj,tt.ee on the Senate IU'\.d - Z_J',a. btl. _ ..I us\med. that ~ r. recCla:lll.en..dAtion b,.. a Senator vould be u good ... I could. set.

, I mev Nr.IDventhAl in connection vith hi. vork Y1th the Senate lnterat.&te Ca=erce Sub-C<:mm1ttct" 'and later I vorked for h1ll. at the Board. of Zconauc \le.rl'are e.nd. JWlt .phort t1Dle ago I traZUlterred tram. there to the ledenJ. Cc-mmi cationa CCIIDl1.a1an. I think a great deal of hi. uil1t,.. u en organ1ter and I bov that he 15 a brilliant research JUn. He vu tonDer11' in ""all Street an.d. I tb.1nk that he va., 1n the firm of SZold and Brandven. I do knew that he VU Ter'7 aucce.aru.l. I don It knov a thing 1n hh record that vould be qu.estian.ellle. n. i4.eolog,.- 18 American so tar M I mew. I vou1d MTer .uapect hi. lo,..-.J.t1 to thia countr'7. So tar ... I mav he '. all right in eTer1 ~.


I haTe known Mal: taventhal tor a number ot ,...are and I don't l1ke h1m & 4.arn bit. Ie i. JWJt. the type that people do.not like. Be and. I were een"ing out. children to ~he 88lne achool in )lev York and. t.he school enoountered financial ditt1cultiee. n. vas necessary tar the parente of the students to make contrilnrtiona in ordor to keop the school open. I made ~ contribut.lem. and fo:-sot about .it, but Inventhal had to go OTer the books or the School and. at.ud,r it. tea.eher. end make a general nui.ance ar b.1mJJel!' bofore he vould do B.n.1th1na to help. Yould be atl.1 ." IIlJ'"llr1aec1. it I round that he vu a CamnunJet. I do know tha

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... , • to'

I haTe knovn Ma%: e1ght or ten 'teera, I auppoae, in cozm.eC't1on nth the Wheeler Ccm:t.1ttee and he did a good Job tor the Senator. I do not knew h1a int1ma~el1, 'but he 1s '"17 much 1nterested. 1n po11t1cs and 18 ft~ mlCh a liberal. Ke vrote a ' number ot &.rt1clea on the 7BI and other .ubJect.. nere is no part1cular reuon tar h1J:l to be at cm.8 nth the J'BI. .., vas d.eepl,y interested in tM arreata the DI made 1n Detro1t HTere.l 18a:rs ego when the]' held aeTeral rad.1eala 1n.oa:zmm1~ for a number ot h0'l.U"8. Ee wrote acae stuff on'"'that and I uaed. pert of it in D.8Y8 stor1es. In tact, he YBJI the bra1.n.l or .ome ca::a1tt.., which vas he&d.ed by the Kid-Vestern Preacher and the]' gat out a lot or Jllaterial. about that.. He, I would. .ay, 1s nat a Ccmmmht. In f&C't., I tb1nk I voul4 claas h1m iLs a )lev Dea.ler. I have aeen him a t1JDe or two since M YBJI at B.lt."". Be inTitod ~ and , Ra,ymo:1d Clapper and other ~aen out to his house Where we vera s\WPQeed. to be g1Ten a story on B.X.W. There vere au:ppoaed. to be acme other ott1c1a1J1 there and the]' cUtinIt IBhov up and. tor th4t reuon the con!erenee at Laventhal' s h0D.8e blev ~., X ~r BI!L.J'm.ond.-<:lapper gat pret.t: u.rean1c. Max bad two or three other telloYa !rc:m his orf1ce, ]'O\mg fellovs th4t ~ere vor.k:1D.g rar him, end the: vere obY1oual1 a cared. and a.a v... Ma.x t 0 ~ &a,Tih.1.ng. \lhat t.he]' ba4 in 1Idnd, I don t t knov, but I underna04 that ve Yere au;ppoeed to ,~t a lI'torJ' on poe1.-var p1 enning.

, Wa.a~on,D.C. , "

, I d.on It knov IcventW Te~ vell except b]' reputat1on, and I und.entan.6.. that he hu plaJed qu.1te a part in a C

lllYliIBl'ICATOR'S Ion: At thia Bt.aBe at the 1J:xTe8t1gat1on, 'tt:1Ur InTeBt.1sator interrteved. an orr1c1al. or a nat.100.al1,J' knovn, h18hl7 accr~ted, organtu.t1CX1 111:11 ch baa 1"urn1ahed INCh Yaluallle 1n.1'ormat1on in coaneot101l v1th other inve8t1&&t1ona at n.riau t1JLea. 'l'h.1a off1cial, hanTer, vould not aake a statDent aboat Max LoventhAl: V1thout the pram1H be1ns ma4.e that hia nBZI8 vould not appear in thia report. Ie then ea1d that Jud.ae Julian W.Mack had told h1.m 1n "lorida 8<::De :eara ago that he Vl\.B vorried Iohout nephew b]' ae.rr1ft80 and hia rad.1cu leanit18B. 'The Y1tne8. stated that the applicant had • been the organtr.er GOO6 Y1th SiSJlNI1d l.ert.::.berg, and Jud8e JeratJe !'rank, or the "America. r1rB't" ca:zm1ttee. Be e.lso said the appli~t he.4 been vr1t1n8 ~ art1cle. on the fBI end tha~ he, hAd traced them to him.

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" ~, L" .• ~- (

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"." - \_. . -' ...... ,. ~ of bac~, Max Lannthal vaa a prca1..nent· lav1er in .." York and YU ....rr wcoe.Sf'ul. 1n .....lDg a tart.uo.e 1n corporat.1on lAY}'r&Ct.ice. In 192', t.~ vaa o~~ed in _ev York nt.h 814M,. ElllJlan .. J'red4.ent, t.he RwI.1an-Aaerlcan ID4ut.r1al Corporat.ion. Lowent.hal- and h1. Vite were act.1Te in prcaot.1ng' t.he aa.le of noek in t.hi. Corporat.1on. In 192' in l\me,lDvent.hal cant.acted our artie- at _n York and adT1.ed t.hat. he vu General. COWlBel of t.he hB.1an-.berlean Indutrlal Corpora.t.1cm. I't appear. quite p~ that. t.he C~m'n. at. t.hat t.s..t vere &ore open and abOTe board 1n their operat.1ona aDd von acti....17 adTOO«ting t.he aTerthrow ot t.he OoTornment.. Lowenthal, at tha.t. t.s..t, vaa making no bene. of hi. cCnn.ect.1on.e nth t.he apparentlJo. In 1929, Laventhal vu hecut1.... Secret.ar;r t.o t.ho VickPraham Caz:o.1tteo an Law ObaeM"anco end J:ntoroement.. Lc.:tv.nthal, Vh1le 1n_ this poe1t1cn, tr1ed t.o get. acoe•• to our f11ea and vu refueod.._ • ~ ,1l118Ored. b,. t.his and reeigned in cUagut in 1930, a1"tor ~ mont.ha' .emce.' When he re.igned, he charged t.hat. t.he - Ce-m1tt.ee 111 1t.. actiT1t1e8 vas doing on1J' that vh1ch vas pol1tieal1.;r exped.1ent.'. Artervarda, he vaa 1n.Btrumental 1D. the reorgan1~ation ~ the _ortolk and Western le1lro&d and he vrote a book entitled. "The InTostor Pa.ys-, which' extor1ated Euhen Loeb and Ccs;panJ', ot Vall St., lev York.- Be made a grMt ·.um in hi. York tor t.he Xorrolk and Venem Railroad. _lie hu an 1naat1able t.h1rn tor paver. Since he doe. not haTe t.ho ab1llt1 to Mot People veU, he Yorks beh1nd t.he .cene.. Ke 1. vell ' d1scrod.1ted. e.:&c.ID8 n.r1oua srot1.Ps here in \'Ba on Y1 t.h he' r 1.J' cannect.ed. Be 1. a termer close assoc1 I e.iIl. not in poe1t1cn t.o TOUCh tor the rumor tha.t been at outa V1tli nthal .1noe 19}6. :Lowenthal, tor a n\.Zmber of 1'Oar., hu bHn a NZlber or the _at100&l \0'\t,. CcII=.1tt.e-e ~ the Internat10nal .7u.r1d.1cal Aa.ooiat1on. 7or,.eara pnced1n8 thi. . /,~ ...oc1at1on, he vaa Ter1 clo.. to S1dne,. 111lJ1an and he haa apparent1.T 'been a gu.1d..1.ng \ llght, th!'.t i., IDvent.hal, in rad.1cal c1rcle•• 1h1. 1. bued 001. the obTioua17 clo.e ...oc1at~on Yhich lDventhal bu mainta1n.ed Yith ~X1n,g, Lee Pre.-.an e.nd ot.her. «llke 1lk. B1 ~ or ccaw1.et.1.o.g hi. ba.ckgrcn.m4, InventhAl hu a .UJaer hc:ao in _ev M1l!ar4, Co:nne ct1cut. • . - ,-, In the 7all at 19}9, J.14{;e:r ~r vent 'betare Ccm6reae and t.old '21ea, "we are . inTeBt1gat1.ng 1nd1T1dualB Yho would be ~roua to lat.ional Securit.,. and ve haTe 1n41ce. t:tr personal and pOGI"&Phic nature-. ~ Da11.T Worker and other i.olat1cm11Jt. publ1cat.IonB and penonl then 1It.art-ed to ra.1.e 0&1n. I't vaa 80011 therN.tter th&t t.he Cawmm11ft. Pat,. began to urt1al 1ta torce. and it 1. oorrect 1n!onu.tian v.U .ublft.ant.lated b,. Carmm!at Part,. literature t.hat. there vaa & 4et1n1te earpe.1gn againrt t.he J'BI olan at. U,i. tiao. 'tr0lll one .~ othe ,and " , trca aIde.

..'"., .. ,-' ~'8.anl At. th1. naee~1D.t.~'ed hi. g1T1ne or telft.1sc::Ia.1 to the \mderB1gned t.o lJt.ate that. ~. ,- Ud DOt. want t.o 60 on record a.a t.o the .ource or the 1turN.u'. ae to t.he a . . , . . . .,.~,' , , ~, ."C'­ ... :. : _.'.~ 'J .~., , .f ' t' ~ .~ .:. .~.-J "." , ( ( -~~~:r : ( .~/{ :-., ;tf( ~. ••: ~:': ."OJ

- ..... A. :--­ , ..... , -'"-.' . .r;_," ...... -,~. - ,

. ' .. .' - . ,,': •.•. ~ .•_. ,,' or.: -..'....,. :': ::;:,: ~... '-~b'~b''''''':' . A"f", "­ . .. ".­ - '... - .' .'"-'I))''' _-~. .­ . . _., . .': - " .- -." "".' -...... , "'­ :~7 ,\,.:.; -Q1 'hbru&r1 2O,1~O, Senator lorri. ~art.e4 hh attaek ,an the 7e4eral Banau '~'~'.' ... ," 'ot %nTenisatian ADd bued. hi. calte on the 8pan1ah Lo1W-l!n cue at J)etroit. ~t ".. the ea-e 1n Yhicl:. the ~au r.:Ad.e 1nTeat.iption and aorena 'beeauae people in J)etroi~ -bad 'been .oUcited to go t.o 8pa.1n end tight 1n the Span1ah CiT11 War. t'be ~'~, Bureau JI&4.e ita arre8'te or the t'ntire group at 6 A..)(. one II01"n1ne beoauae that happened. to 'be the time at Yh1eh Ye eoul4 aoBt hand117 intercept the entire gr-oupt) '!'here i. Uttla doubt t.hat. Leventhal tIIold SIma-tor Jlon-1a a bill at goo

\a)~ .,. _ f~ lDwenthal, as has been Ba;1d before, bee~ engq at t.he lSureau 111 19}O and. vh1le . ye haTe not ated h.1.m., it a er. that he haa detinite in the t cempe.1

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,:' .~ , , ~. 0.. • ;;., " ;.': -, , . n ftftt'ICA'1'OB' 5 Iem:: .-.at. thi. '~a6e -.saiD s.nt.rruptecl. te.t~ .~11' hi. &1T1ns or to the un4er.1gnod Y1th an .1.__ Intere.t1ng 4eta.11 cU'l~ re uerted ca1..ion at tnt

..... :0 - .. ' _" -= .1 __ "' ...... ,.....-'-'Q1 Jenuar,- 20,1942, P.ar.oc -8nd Allen In their coham, .tated that tAte Pre.maan and the lett \lins or the CIO vere tl"71n8 aecretl1 to get Max Lowenthal appointed t 0_ .-' ~: '.. the War Lebor Boud. . . .

. - - ...:.. -..; -' ­ \Ie haTe a report that IDveothal has been tied up V1th t~.atlon.a.l hd..eratlon

or Const1tutlan.a.l Orge,nhatlons. We haTe noth1ns to .ubstantlate th1., but !t T ls weU··8ubBtft.:J.tlated. M.d.. beYodd. doubt true that Lowenthal i. a cloM aascelate o~ . _o! the Internatlona.l Jurld1eal. f ••celatlon. \>-1 t

\l1th further re~ to the Al.eoian-Amerlcan Industrial Corporation, which YU cap- ~ Ital..1:;ed at $1,000,000., a llrospectus conoern1.ns the &ale or this Corporatlon'• .tock in 1921, reterred ..!JL.su tactorles In Moac~ end 1nd.1oated that cootrol ~ tho . CorporatIon. va. 1n t~e.tion.al Councilor the SoTiet th1oc.. 'I'lw object. or· the Corporation be1.n8 de.crlbed a. to aid and u.in In c1e"tIlop!.n8 Rwlaia and to hzrther the ecanadc llrogreaa at 'the Bonet a8 well u kleriean progre•• in Jtu.aa1a. If'h1. pulilh1.et lin. as .tack-holder., Mr~ and Mn.M&.x Love%lthal 'While our record iD thi. respect Ie %lot cOlZlPlete, we haTe en -1nd.1eatlon that t~at. CorporatIon C.amd.11on ot eaufornia 1n 192' h&4 tho Lo. Ansele. CountT Grand JUX7 1J:uUct .eYera.l 1J:uUTidual.. tor nolation or t.he law c0T8r!.n8 the N.le or HCur~t1el. OUr record 1nd.icatea that these 1ndictaant. were dropped and that the aal. or the .took VU torbidde%l 1n the State at Callt'onlla. The 1.n!onaatlon that I haTe gj:nnl Too. i. material r.hat baa come to us trCllll. ·t1JLe tc;> t1me and 1. nov In Bn¥V~ the produat at en inTenl83tion conducted b,. WI. I haTe done 'm3 be.t to glTe ,.OU &ll the 1.n!ors&tlon Ye haTe and. It baa been done at the eXllresHd orden or Mr.5JoT.:-.

DtYEStIQl.TORts .0'l"X: '!be t.elJt,~ 01' T,. b YU IIecure4 art.er the undera1sne~ aa4e an attempt to .ee Kr.J[~r,h1Ju.l!', Yho happened to be out ot tovn at the t~ tlw iDterrl." vu requell'ted.. Mr'.J[OOTer va. 1.n!ormed b,. lone d1.tanoe teleilhone \/ben he ea.l.led hi. ortloe and hie .ecret&r1' 1.n!0I'1IiM h1a that the Comm.1al1on. YU 1nTen1gat1%18 Max Lowenthal and. he 1nrtruoted ­ her to .call the undere1gned rlght ~ and .8J that be "4.140 knov Max Laventhal and most unt'aYorabl1 in eTe'r3 reepeet.". {~. .. ~. .~~'t~

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, :".. - -'. ( ( •./~-' . . \ . ~ .: ~~.~ Co' '.j''':'':

-''';.' J'. ; ~. -- ... . ., " -

'.: .' , " .' .~. .... £lr..h'ngt~,J).C...... _. ''-' ... :1.'_

. 1~:':· ',. ._, .' ...., _ . .. .~L,,~~ •.4 # • ,: ..., ~.. - _ .., ~ :__ • .,' \::'" .. I maw ..u. ~ ~ & ~r: . I ocmaUltect h1a em til. l.sa1l'haM. or Yint&pp1n4 ....··Vh1eh M .1. ftZ'7 a.ah ap.!nat.. I think that.be.hu .upl'l1eel .~ Jlat-er1&1 Mre at tl .;' Club, _but JU8't Vhat all. be bu written, I oan't; N7. I haTe been to h1. hoae a tS­ i.-or two, C14 &1".".. taunA h.1JI 'ft'r7l'l.aamt aDd.ldoe to 4.0&1 nth. 1'4 ~.be va. a. ;~Ube.n.l, but 1'480 DO furthar.-- I think be'. all right • .' ---_.-. .­

I '.'

I haTe known Max tor & number Or ~ara, and he vu a.lao & t'rle:nd ~ Senator lo:rM.. I think • great 4.0&1. Dr h.1Ja. He 1. no 1nt1.mht.e or 'June, but I ued to he h1Jl quite a bit at. the Cap1tol. He'. a Uberal, C14 he 4oe. nat Ub J.Xdgar ~Ter. .either 40 I, and 1'. prett1 sure that ~ Senator ¥alah hs.d U:red to hol4. tha orr1ca' or Attorne,. Qeneral, BoaTer vould. haTe been t1re4. 1't all goe. 'back to t~ Pl..aaer raid.ll at'ter the lut var. ~e Senator reme:mbered. theil, and. .0 did M&x. I don't think that he eYer gaTe the Senator 1nronD&t1on. ~ro vu noth1Dg thiLt be .. could haTe told Senator Jorrl. about the subJect. I neTer l::ney 'ft'r7 JImOh aboat hi. vrlt1nge, and haTe neTer run &erOS. Ial,Tthi1i8 be wrote on the 1'!I. J[1a hAbltsl 1.o1"<7 end. eh.arac'ter vould be all -right. . _. ~ En.....·••""tl'. ndE _(~e~~ed at . ,Iatlonal Pre.~ Club, l~th end. r St••, IN.,llaah.,D.C.

I t1.rn kn.ev Max when h. va. Jun out or laY .chool aDd vu an attome7 1n a ~,OOO,OOO. caee that.. ibIS U.I.I ~the '1'bc.zpaon :Bl.aok ~anJ' YU 1nte.reated 1n. lIe a:ad.e~ttamer_ loOk".1llY' aDd. he JIAd.e a ann deal or mone1' 1n the caae. ][a ...ater -arrfed the niece --ot Joi1ge hllan Mack and hq quite a record I t.h1nk 1n lev York in legal pract1ce. I u.v h1a- arom:ld lev Y~rk oeculons))7, but I d.1dn't eTer £et. to mev h1& int1Jla.tel,r. I"... in Wub1 n iton and I bad. not aeen Max tor a number or 1e&ra lIhen he eeae here nth &mater Wheeler'. outtlt. Ji,e looked ae lJ3) hare at the Club and saTe 118 .cae artlcle. to c1rcn1late tor h1a. .Be wrote all the report. tar the llheele'r C<:aIa.1tt... and pTe me ..ten&1 on th~ tor the . Pre.. and he &lao vrote on other .u.bJect.. Iii. hu a ,-en tar vrlt1ng about J.Jrd8ar lOOTer end he hq g1Yen .. aeTeral 1U"'t1cles On the DI. I 400't know Yhat cae b8tYee: . '"BoaTer and LoventhAl, unle•• a letter I.oventhal. wrote to carol nng about KooTer : £Ot into hia ~]:lAjCarol D..Da 1. & tcrrmM' olerk or Lowenthal'. and abe c~t. : him on legal probla.8 trequ,ent.1J'. ~t he wrote to ber, I bel1en vu a aImOran4ua about the capture or a crlmSNl] 1th1eh the hI ole'M4 to haTe -.de, but Yhioh YU . act.u.a.l.l7 aa.de b1 I.ooa.l lAY !h!arcmaent len vhenenr 1t took place; n. argument Ya8 '. ~ that ~ the hI did not do the york, ~ IIhCNld it haTe .0 auch acme,. appropr1ated tor It:}'l.()Be'. interellted 1n the work or .c.e lev York or6N1!~tlon Uke the A.C.L.U. I den't know the IWIIle Dr 1t, but that 18 u cloae t.o 1t~ nature .. I can get. n. 1., hCNlrer, a Uberal groa.p that Max lIlCll18l' to and 1n the work ot vh1eh he 18 Ter,' much 1nterest-eel. I don't reoall the title. or any art1cl.s he V1"'Ot-e. Lot. or &::eZIlbera or the Club haTe £Otten tham. SaDet1me aao, Qu.ent1n·'BeTUOu.. eamo to me and uked to He Lowenthal'. IIIIl!ImOrandum on the DI. I 1Jt.111 had one and he took it to ROCJT'er, I tound out later. I don't remember an.,. particular cue he d8alt nth .1n hia IIlCmOrandum. Ja YU Just ~ wch larS" maount. 01 JM:JMJ7 eo1ng to BoOTer, I think, end I think he vu aga1nst Y1ret~pp1ng. AJJ rar aa I _ coocerned, I vau.1d eY&1u.a.te h1a aa ":-opa·. .'s Ter;r l1bable and 1. a brill1ant 1avJ'er. I don 't 8~1!I

~. .' ... ~

"';. . . ~ 9 ­ -.,. " .: ., ( ( . ( ; .. '••~i.;. ~ -... l~'-' .< 0':"'" .., :-':".' ...... ­ \ ..>. .. . -~" 1··.·.', - .40. I • '.r" ~-_. ,.. " -,' - -'" 10'\1 ~ct M. lop.1.t7. lfhere'. no 4lue.t1an about. htiabe1q • ~ .Aur1o-n-'-~ .­ .'\ . 1. tor th1. war aDd bu been tar a lOD8 tae•. 10 ".. ~th \lheeler and I dontt th.1.nk ..... he aDd \lbeeler &gl"M4.. a.. an the war at aU~- _.~:~... ~ '.

- -, '-~f< ~ -- - ~.:~~.~> ~ . ._" . ..~ . . .. .::~_ .-Max -.C1D·t.ile Board -or~on or the AM~ted lSank 1.n In York ..... nen-I t1n't mev h1a- _the Searet&r1 or ~ Jullan V.Mack -.. aDd he Prae-t1ced labar ~e~Uhe CGU to Vub1 natan... 1. det1.n1tel: a liberal lind 1. 1.nterened in c1T11 right.. I tnov he "... oppoeK ent1rel: to Yirwtapping leg1l1latiCID. I telt that 1t .hould be legallr.ed to a certain extent . beeauae it va. go1ng to be UNd ~ and 1t "... better to haTe 1t "cosn1~ed. to

.cme extent b,. the lav rather thBn haTe 1t to be ent1.rel: a T1olat1on•. That. vas -J one t h1ng that he ha4 &8l'" 1n st tT.1dgar IOOTer. I don't think that he "... peraan.al.l,,­ , at oat. Yith ]looTer, but he certa1.nl.,- yu -ap'rwt hi. Y1retapp1ng idea. _Ie vu aao ! . ~8t tTwrt.1ce J)oug1.u Vhen tha !'reddent lIan'l\J6tld. h1m to the ~reme Court ot the 'On1~ State. and I bellen that he wrote a llpeech ~ the nc::a1nat.ion Vh1.ch vu Jaa48 b,. Senator J'r&:'8ure. I don't maw what hia ideu em the 'W'U were. Ke vu i.olaticn18t I mew aDd he change4. at .CI:De t1me, but Jun ¥ben I don't knov. I vaa ao 1ntere.-ted -JaJ"Nl!', I had rq m1.nd. .0 nU- made lq) that I cUdn't ~ much attent10n to other.. Ke 111 not a Joiner and I dem't knov or ~ organiuticna he beloogB to Dar do I moy ot &n1'E;rO\lp. be'a oonnected. Vit-k... 70r ~,..nara, I haTe Men ha onl.1 tor en occaa1cmal dinner and ~hat 1. all{t!1it~t;"!iir'Vithh1Ja. I th.1.nk that I can a&tel: 8q, heveTer, that he 1. Jat 4eePl: 1.nterened 1.n oirtl right. and probabl: 18 no C,<'W7Tl)m1.-t. I vould be greatl: aurpr1aed to t1nd that he va. a CCXIDlm1n

, ,­. - ; ",' • ,f' I doo't knov Max lDnnthal, but I knov .c.eth1ng or hia .-tart. ']Ie bAa one aan naaed JJ..1an BoNnberg 1.n hia ott1ce at the :Board or J:oonca1o Warfare. I appll~ tor a Job at l5Jl)I and llo.~~rs 1.nterrteY&d ... In d1aca.1n.8 their York or reoceupat1on, BOMnl>ers ~ed .. &tIl Yould -.b;t or v~~ .counc1l.a .1.n o:-san1~1ne reocou;plK' countrle...... - . I' bwV :ton t to that vorb c0an.c1la Vere .-;p b,. the ee-,m1na in Ge%"ll&%Q" arter the put va.r . o'ied . and it 1. a method or Cers. I .. .un that he neTer had ~ intention or hir!n6 JIe beoa~ he .. ..".... - ". ". ­ " . ,. ',". : • aDd I .. rather .urpr1eed. that he vould br!n6 up au.oh a aUbJeet 1.n a d1aouadon Vith JIe.

. . .',n.c. './7:' I ha"'"O known Mu Lowenthal 25 ,-ear. -~••IP" 'Ile 7 mI .W__Mu . I knev ben ~en he YU v1th t.he Am·'-8R"'t 8nk 1.n J..-v lark. Be' a been in \luh1nst.oc tar 1eara•• Il&4.e lot. ot 1IOn01 and. retired. hoc. lay practi.e about. 19}O, I think, . and then 414. acae Yr1tine- Vhat he 1. pollt1~ YOU1d. be al>cnrt. the aa:me .:. an . . o:r1g1n&1. .ffV ~a.ler. Ie 1a an exPert on raj~ and Ve.ll Btreet and wrote aeTe1'1 .•.

JIl.", 10 - _~...~. . '"oJ'_ - ;;.. Loventhal and P'reSGlAn are Yet7 close. I -.ea ­ them t'requentl1 together end he 1. not the'~ (!ammm1n, Y1th when Loventhe.l hAs been ulocl&ted. '-'ben he vas Vith the Internat.e Crnmerce CCIIIIl1tt.ee or the Senate, I am sure that he had seTer&! Oam'::;·:dst. on his 8't~f t.here that lOU Y1U ..~. run acroee If 70u get a llst at his personnel. :-- -­

Max. IDwentbAl 18 the fon&er lav partner o! Robert &014, ,_ " Be 18 a br1ll1ant lavyer. I han knovn h1a aan,r 7ear.. Ie '\IN Vith t.he Wheeler , , :-'; Cc.a1ttae and pr10r to that vas 1n lew 'tork .oat. f4 the' t.1ae. I den't .ee a gn..t ~, deal of him here, hoveYer, a.lthoush we aeet. .0clal.l.1 nov and then. I 40 not. know' 'C ,­ Yhat to 8aJ' a'bout. hi. Ideology. Ee 1. a gre..t. fr1end or Lee Presa&n I!ond I knov L!e Preasman follows the Part7 Line. I haTe heard Pre.sman argu1J:J,s nra1ght Pert7 IJ.ne ~ rAM13 t1JMe. I han aTolded 41acUB&1cm.a Vith ~, but I do knaw he vaa ap.1nn Lend-Lease. lAter he bectaDe an 1nternntlon1.t., but Yhen 1t "U, I ~on 't knov, but. I .. .ure t.hat' 1t. vas before Pearl Harbor. ,,,,,.... ,.,1: : ,;:~.,- . ":;,'; " ~ . -... . . ~. : IluBS'l'IaATOR'S 10'l'E:-" :fl'hoee teat.1mo:l1'1. reoorded ""~~ 2••• . 1mmecUatel.7 preceding thi& note, va. extreael.7 reluotant to OJ.. ,. unden1sr:ie~t"-throughout ...~ d1BCWlS Mr. IDventhU Vit.h the the inter­ .... ' , .. Tiev he vore a M::laa Lisa a.1le and Bnnered qu.en1ane u in- 4.efWtel.7 and D.ClQ-oCJlllll1tt~ aa pOtl.1ble. .rf:-" ',~,~ '~':.~ ."


; I Yorked for a fev month. 1n 19,6 Vith ~ntbal when '); va.- with Vb~ier ell . ",-,' railroad 1nTenlga.t1ona. I vu in his I'ev 'tort. orf1oe ud I haTe .e~ h1JI. .,il"1' -.. lIttle .!nce. I Yould aq he eOtll4 be trusted. n. lesa]. ab1llt7 1. great.. ' I 4on't, mov Vhat. h1s polItIcal bellefs real.l,r are although I'd .8J" he 1s the k1.n4 to c.arr-r ' CC'MmID1sa on his conac1ence. »1 that I mean, he 1. great Ccneerned. with the. welfare ',,;' of the underdog and vant.s hi. rlght& preaernd..-'­

.,(, ~k~' ·.,7~~ ." ~... ­ ~ " • • • ".-- .P "t:.;;­ ll:~ -~~~;;~ • - .~.:,(~;. " '- _------( -_. __.- .. _-_ ...... (

.~.. ..~'-' :1. ) \'

. . ~ .

", ~ . -:',~~ .. .. , ., ' .. . 'It 11 a Ubera.l lesal relu':&rch outt1t. I voul4. u:r it 1i8.a nOt .. '.',J Ca-i'm1n1a, althoUgh 1t probablT hU lcae (!anwnm1nl in 1t.. I cO\1l4 DOt· NIIIe ~ .\:.., ... tor lUre exaept :orBt'oo...q. The Eteaut1Te Ccam1ttee ot the Internat1C11D.al Jur1d1oal -­ ; "'.oo1at1en 118Ter did haTe auch to do v1th"'- Brod.ak;r aDd others 'Would b~1Dg .­ .. in cues-the,. vanted pubUcbed. I lUll prett,. sure that then Vere .c:.eperacm.l" acmnecte4. v1th the- L1~ .vho vere there tor ulter10r purpOHS, bU't I vould not nae BnJ"OM -but. Br-~ a.a a ~. IDventbal had noth1ng to do v1th 1t, but.· I do rec.a1l that Mra. Loventbal cUd SC80 research tor WI on the art10le U}lho1.41na the r1ghts or -. ~emlen to Itr1ke Vh1ch .e ran 1n the bulle~in and later vu re-run b)\..Coluab1a Lav ~T1ev. I think she vu Jun 1nterened in such vork and knav ~ol:nns. 1':. 1s -natUi-al tor ~he Lowenthals and Carol nng to be tr1enU. 'The,. are both well-to-do German -- (reterence to race) famil1es. C4rol haa told me a tev thins- about the LJA. and 1ts organizatIon. I don't mov a.ll. of 1t. hInOl7. She teels that the Communists .hould. uae the Courtll more senes..bly. '08uAll.1 Vhen a Caaun1st gae. 1nto Court he entere ahout,lns tl-.a.t the J'udgoa and the -Jury are both ag&1n.st h1m end ~ .. in such maneUTers the Cmmnmist yould. so handl.e th1nga that 1t he cUdn't set an adTersc decIsion, he vould be cUBappolnted. Carol teola tha.t" the Ccmmm 1 ns don't h&ve to be such martyrs and that the lav 111 tor their protect1on .. YeU aa that ot aIllOflO elle. The LJA. vas orp;an!zed in ~ope in 19}O or )..9}1, where I doo't know and by Vbcm I dca't knov. \r."lC.t I ~~7'" f..1.;~t:I~ ~!~C LJA., Carol ha.e told Ille. I han .een Loventha..l Just a t~ t..1mes 1I1nce I haTe been here in \.'aah1..ngt.on. A tev Veeo betore . Pearl Karber VIUI bamb&d, I sav h1lll and. cUIICWllled the Br1dee.' eaae Y1th h1m. lie vere in agreement that 1t YIUI poor pollc,. to ue cr1m.1nal laYs to set pollt1ca.l . oftenders. JUs \I'aa a purely :e~ T1evpointj I think. JU. att1tude U\ the n.r \rU 1nternnt10n1st. nov ~008 1t had been that ~, I do not.. mOVe . '­

I knev Mu. on1..T arter he came to \luh1n8'ten and I uod. to He MJl t'requ.entlT here at the Pre•• Club. I DeTer knev hUt Yell enough to go to hi. hale. • uaed to drop 1n here to ta.l.k. CJTer .c:ceth1n8 that va.a on hi. Ja1n4 and then. I Yould get a ae.are.ndUlZl in a t~ ~vs 8U1'Pl..;r1n8 _tenal en iihatner 8UbJect Ye had cU.cu...&d.. Be 1. 1nterested. in cIT1l llbertie. and hU vr1tteD nurt on the bI, .. well all ot.her logal .ubJeot.. I vOu..ld ~ )te.x va.a a Ubera.l, but no Ccwenm1n. I think he W-ped.. detend the Trot.Q"1n. 1n M1nneapol1•••T8ral T&&r. 860 and that aertL1n.l.r Yall not 1n line \11th vhat the Ccsnm1ats vanted. h neTer had a 41.pute Y1th J.Sd8ar ' BooTer~ to ~ knovle~, but he baa been intere.ted in the DI tor the c1T1l Ubert1e. TIevpolnt tor a long time. I bov h1JI. on1..T tram the Y1eYpoint or a nev.plLpoer aan. .­ -- nImmO'RJ:OOD DflStlaATIOI' ~ .,liuh.,D.C. ­

.~ I haTe Ter,. Uttle matledge ot the IDventhal..a. The,. hue been 1n tM. neIk;hborhood tor eeTeral .rears, I think, The oo..1J" 1ntormatlon n vould haTa or th-. haa been ea1ned OTer the b&ck temce b,. lUanJI or an oooulonal-Cood-aorn.1Dg-'! ,1 JmeN ot no reuo:1 tar not amplo,.1n8 them 1n the federal Se~ce.

CheT]' Chaae,Mi.

~ '. r , The Loventhals haTe ....een here at least. 2 .rear.. Be bAa a good tr1end, Yho 1. vork:1na in the aate DeL~nt.· 'rhe,. haTe tbrH oh.1~ tvo bo,.. in college and

.' -- ..6 • "'; ~.: •• • .• :. _ • • J ~; ~ ". • c (

;' ". ."'-", , .~~ 6)", ." '. _ • -'""'-4" - • ...... --- '. ".' a 4aught.a'~ .1Bh School. !'be Yhea r~ 1.",\lU.e -.e1oal" ., I k:DMr or ~ oth.~.. ,. 1ntere.te. thq baTe politioal or othe1Y1.e. I un4~ tbat U 1. a ,.~.OO. a _.. ~_

-"0 1ear an. Aa ~ a. I baTe been abl.-to tell, the1 are e:d:l.-eq ~o. pe~,;.. l,,~, .) :..be11n.. t.bat Uu,7 are fr01ll .... York and baTe a tanI 111 connec.~~c~t. ' ,'-:­ ';';"': ~ ,:, '. . . - " ".': 0 0 .. 0;': ":;~' , -,' WY7 cba••, Md. .. ',',' - -: .' 'f.....':' ~ ...;,:;.. --- "_ • •• ~/:,:, ~:. - V. baTe' Hen he:1"e 20 1eUa aD4 the Lw-ntbaU oa.- here bety~ ~ or , 1Mn ',:' 'a60-.' 'rU1 are Jun ne1.sh'bon t. u. Ke 1.--- (rererence to 1"IIce), but I .. Det . __ .ur.'.bout her. She ued to Uach &adc at the ·r and one or their bo1. --r be , 1n the J..nq at the pre.mt tiM. 1'be1 are Terr Ilie. ne1ghbor-, yell educated . 4er1n1teq. She, I belieTe, 1. a cra4uate or Velle.l.,- .r 8a1th Colle~ and I und.erat&n4 that h. 1. a lav7er. I wclUA t-Te no tnwledge or tbUr .l.o7alt:", but - baTe ba4 no rea.on to .up4tat thnl fd a~1ng.

nu~rrl~'S~: other n:e1shborh004 "1tJ1ell.e.r than tho.e .upll11e4 aboTe kDowlnc ~hing at-all or' the app11cant "sre not located b1 the m4.en1gp.ed•

, .. ••••••••

~ Dna CQO(ITl'U Bec0r4. .earched b .. The Internat10nal J'ar1d1aal b.oc1&t1ou 1. ~ or an internat10Dlll organ1sat1o:

ot laY7erll in1tiated under the auap1cell ot the Internat10nal Red A1d, parent organ1u.­

, , t1cn ot, th"t~te:rnat1oDlllLabar Detense, -Y1th h..~uarter. 1n Mo.oov'. and oon'trolled

b1the ..1d International Red Air".. Proor or th1a 1. " be round 1n "the' paq>b1et .

Internat10nal Red A1d through1ts Pub1111b.1.J3g De~t~ ~sea 221 to ~J

·In .oTnlber 1921 in eonneat1on Y1th tM 10th ~Tere&r1'O'! the October BeT01~t1on, a nmaber ot laY7er. caM to Moaoow. !'he.. aw,..ra, tcgether "1th the I.B.A. ba4 a .ont~ 1n ecnm.ect1.n Yith Jur1d1cal ,ue.t1oua... ­ ne Il1nute. ot thi. oonf'erence "ere 1.aued in 1928... '

, '. . ';: ,wDur1n6 the lan rfIV 1Nr11 the oourt. 1n aU oap1ta11et eountr1e. t-Te be.n ~ '. '. 0 taking on a and IIOre olearq arked react10Dal7 ra.c1at oharacter and in the b.an4.a of th. boars-01d. the1 are a poverl\ll voapon anA. a reliable ...ana ot t1sht1n6 apm.t eTlJ" liberat10n JIOTeIIant. -, ., :~- ".' wIn thi••trUu1e, the nll1ns ola•• 1. hel~d 'b1 thouaan~ or bourseef. la1t7er. and their .oc1et1e. cn4 ae.oc1.t1ona, "hIch a••1I1t the oa1l1tal1ate to lepU.•e llUrder and torture, the deportat1on &lid ~1a01mlltUt or tho\Ul&nd.a ot Yorkera and peaaazrt., a ••1.t thsa to turn tlw white terror into. nonlkl lepl proceeding .0 a. to g1"'e a powerful root1ng to eTerrth1.n6 "hich ..,. ..~e, the ~_PJ1ta11'l,. ap~t.the ~TOlut1on... _" ... ~'. ~. .-::., .,. ~,,"

~~ :~ - ...... :. ::I ... • ... :;'l"".. " ; '!"~ ...... .. , _.~: .. :..~J-.~ ~

. ".. ~ ~ .. ( tine' prolet.ar1at ma.et ptba' ana. orp.n1.e tho.e a""a-. an! l.a&rne4 Oarrlden 1n Tarl.-ceuntrie. who ~thhe wlth tM U'beratlon .trusgl.e an4. are' ,. ~ toptber Y1th the legal 'bureau or tM I.lt~A. te a ••l!'t ana. ta. ;£tTe, . -_ legal help .!oe.. the .T1cttaa of -tM ch•• 4~tlcm. or tb. 'bourpo;.ie .' .. _ ' .

'.~ I .... ~: ..:. '. ·~···z.c. (~cut1~ c~tt..--U.) oon.idere it necee8&17':to'~'o~ . ,:.,::""'.::' ~. the tDll..~ .....un.z . ­ ... ;,.. _:'.

" "2. lfo orpni.. lepl lnlnaue 1D 8TWrT countr1' when thq 40 Dot ~ e:dlJ't anA whe" thie i. po••i\le, 1D particular 1D 'Englen", U. S. A. ana. Japan...

,,~. • ••~er thi. purpo.e it 1. D.oe.8&17 at lea.t three 'tt-e. a 7-ar to 8~ t. the .ectlona (or the International Reel A1r--Xd.) a letter ot 1.n.s'truction­ tor the lesal 'buree.ua anel at 1"lSelJ't. tv1ce a 7e&r to een4 JurU..1cal bu.llet~ vhich will eern a. a _au or 1.n!~tion a. to' current law 1D nrlou. countr1e. anA tor the 1Dt.erchanee ot experience et the legal bureaus 1n Tariou. countrie.. "

",. lfo ·1.n.-truct aU the national le~l bureaua, au4 in countr1ee vhe" thsre are IWDO the eec.retarT .t 'the C. C. (Central C~tt").te .1114 te the Interna­ tional lesal 1m-tau enrr three .cmt~ a report ~ legal work•••to keep vatch on all the current political legielation aDd s.-.e

"7. It 1. adY1Bable tor all 8eotiena to pubUl!Ih tike the 7reuoh Section) a bu11et1n tor the in1'ox--.tion ot the I.~.A. ~re aDd the elirtrlcrt. Gr8lluiutiCJnJ a. to lesal aid. .

, : ..

"1. -me lesal detence ot the tollar. per.eOute4 tor their ~litio.l oonY1ctlona Jmn be C&1Tied on not oul1 trc-. the Juridical 'but. a1.8o rr- the political po1Dt ot nev. . ". - ,. ' ...... _ . . "Wlth thie a1-. 1D T1ev the l..n':'er. aun ooUect and prepe.re aU .orts ot ..t.er1&: tor the tr1al. lfbe ..terlal aut oharacterl.e the ola.. nature .t bourgeo1a Juat1te, tb. .J"It.. et ~ftO&tlon, ~erprr, terture, a=4 perae.utlen•••

"2. lfbe' a""er. appolnte" t ••rriclate 111 cO\lrt trlal..a Imst be .oclal vorke" a""a-. Who a1WP&thi.e wlth t.ha caWle ot the tollen ,', ' .' -~


" " , "1. ne ~le4p ot 'bourpole laYe, court praetlee aDd the 'pr1ton"~ 1. ~ aNol~e Mee••ltT tor the working elaee 1n lte .t.ruggle tor 11beratlon••• ',­ wni. Jurld.1oal traln1ns ma.et be carrled on b7 the B.A. (Re4 ~14--ld") .~••

. It


.. l~ - :.:. . ..~.: , .... ~J c ...... : t:'~~. ( -.": . e:;( Jur1dica1 .. :",,' i.I'"

.k" -It 1a e~ent to 4rwtr up a nall booklet of. re:f'eraoea, which 1n about 20 , " -",':',' paragraphl voul4 contaln the ~t 1JIportant JuridiCal adnae••.~.• .j~~ .~;~ ~~: '~lh" '1'be C· ro' 8't Part,., U.S.-A., ~ which the Intcsrr.Ucmal Labor Defen.. 1. . ­

:::;:.; the lesal ~f...e Ilnl, atatea clear1..T the role of the laV)"'ertl 1n t'u:rtk.r1ng ita ';;~~=~-- . " \,' .-.-'­ ~~(~!'eTOlut1cmaI7 obJect1nl, in.an art1cle appearing 1n tJW~CCWWIm'rt, -P\lbllahe4 .~- '.' . ,',t'IIotlu..1.T b1 tbe CcwmlD'8't PUtT or the U.S;,A.", Sept.uer 19}8, ))&~. eo, to 81~1

~ ..." . -Thua, 1n late •••an apprec1able n\Plber of profe881onala--doctort, 4.ent1na, l!vzen. wag1n-e-n, teecbar8, 801ent1llta, vr1tare, au.a101ana, art1ata, actors, eta.-,-baTe Joined our part,.•••Prorea81em.la, proper1..T organbe4 and w1th a C~mht outlook•••are 1n a pos1t1on to.lend povort'ul a1d to the ••au in Itrusgle•••Coammht profels1aD.als alao haTe the Tery 1D:port&nt tallk of -adTanc1ne, and eTeU reTolut1on1f.1ns the tecbni,uea and theor1ea of their relpect1ee profeI11ona••• ou~ lavyere tult ohallenge prenlmt cep1t.&Ust lesal conoepUonJI and revr1te ouar lesal h1et.Clry •••Spec1al organ1r.at101l0tll forma Jm.-t be c1enlopel1 fer t hi. vert.....

To what ext:ent ~T'8 theee taBU aa la1d dovn b1 !-he.Internatiooa1 Red A1d

and the C~mllt Part1, 11. S. A., a eec:t.1on of the CCJ!W'mh.t Intera.at1o~, been

carried out b1 the International Jur1d-1eel A..oc1aUont Ve C1ie--""x.qual Jun1ce",

'. 1936-19'7 Yearbook of the International Labar Defense, page 66:

-rhe Internat10nal JurId1cal' AIsoc1at1on­

-The Internat10nal JurIdical ASlloc1at1on wh1ch, since 1tl foun.dat1on in Amerioa 1n 19'1 has led in the field of labor leglll rellearch in the Un1 tel1 states, in 19}6 ~ontrI'buted notab1..T to the defen.lll -.oTtawnt. Ita mont~ bulletin bas bec<:Jme' an 1ncUBJMl'I188ble .-tandbr•••It has attrectel1 te 1ts IImIbsru};lp end 1t. KIlt10nal Com.1ttee 'the leacUnt; F ~" attorM10 of ths United States 1n the 1'18ld of labor lLv, and bas ~ .8ucceeded to a ~kable Sxt811t 1n CO-ord1Dl\~8earchand ~b76 organ1l1nB bS!l asl!l18"tanoe to abor gr'OUp8. 18 execut1Y8 director, Carol X1.n8, .ecretarT of • J. A.,~ fOnMr17 editor of the I.J.,A. Bulletin, 11 nov aaa1rtant c~ Cammittee fer In4UJitr1al Orp.n1s.at1ona... ,

-The b8ll1 work on the quest10n of the rlsht of aMJlotm to atrike Yttho\lt rmm1~ the riak of 'be1ns charged vlth II1t1n,r va. 'cond\lctAd under s..ta .~ .. direct10n and 'b1 -.bar attorne,.. (DOte Jle.8e )4. ib1d.) ~ . . (-At the request or the Iatclrnat10nal lAbor Defe~e, ,a .tudJ' of the law 1nT01...ed vas _de b1 the InternatIonal Jur1dical Aaeoc1­ at1on, which ehovel1 that the Department'. (Labor-~d.) threat. hal1 no legal baa1e. (See x.,. and JUDe 19~ 1elJUea or the ~u.lletln of the ID.te~t1onal Jur1dical .uaoo1et1on--l:d.)•••A lpoke-.an of the Depert.mt prcIIIlpt17 d1aaToved the .-.wtin,r' ebarge.- )

. . ",' . -l' :. "­

'. .~ .-- -~'.. ...: ),­ . >~.~~ . , , - ' . .~ .... ,:i;:."·' .-. .:'*-. ~._-:.. ~ ?~: ...:;.... c .~ . :.-.' .. .: " 16 .. t:-·~ ! ...... ( .; ,-'. ( " ..... ~~ .. ,'

~" : .. ,"\ .~ ..\ • 1 .~ . Jur141cal -"~'.{ ..

...... -­ rr.. the abGn ott1c1al 4eclarat1e .r the IzrterDat1emal J\I%'1cUoal .. ~ ..._ .. "';. . '"i.. :... . • • '. Jr'_ • -S • 'i,.,:.--.< .-- .,," . ,- . .' ... -", ;,.' ,- .

2. !'bat tM AaIrloan CoT.nment i. looDc1 upon a. a ••arc. or -:---" . ·18~latift, d t,nJUlT.~ a • nbtrat. &DIll Ja4.1c1a1...... ' '. ,. !'bat vhenenr the In. u.- it MO••Nr1 1t will .rall7 .

the .vppe1"'t or Yorkera an4 th.ir orpn1ut10lU1••-.....1nat " ':. th8 rero•• or 't~ .tat•••.

~. 1'bat 1t. a1Jl8 are not that .r an crd1.nar7 prore•• ~cmal orsan1u.tion or ~. 'bu.t &re 1ntended. ~ help ••tabU.h. the LJA~ conception or "world a001al and lepl Jatioe.·

J"rta 1t. tom4at1on the LJA Mcothl7 ~ull.etin ha. 'been preocCl'UP1~ large1J'

l!a! May 1, 19~ 1 1 2 - 2. .. 8 ~on JsnuArT 9, 19~ in honor ot and~·.-: ~ couna.l tor Xurl~der,.kneral Becretar:T, CQWm11et '.' (JI.ar~, Par'tT, U.S.A. Tol. 7, P. "92rt) . -,' . ­ ~T t~ " n. tol..lov1ng ca••• 8upported ee.nm1n PanT are Jlnt10ned in thi. 1••u.s

1 8oott.bqro ca••• . ~ ­ 2 Centralla ca••• ' •...

.- ­ .' '.:. -' ..... '" ' ....': ';'. ~ . ~ . - ­

.- # .' .~~~._; -'. 2 K. B. 1,2Olt.4 to 4eport aUen cCWIlmh-t.•• •• ~I • ....•. -:, .... 2 Cut••e1lure ot ien•• ot th...... CClJPtm1.-t Internat1oaal·. . " ...... , . ~ .' '. '. " ~ ,.. ._------­

~~. ::~\ ~ -:-' .. . '. -\.~: ~. Jur141oa1 .: :,"

.... 0' j" ...... - .. Co-mm1 n O8.a•• , Will'·. ~70.ter a,rreat· • . ,:..

, ". - 0 .... • -, I ' :~:~/." .~, o~~~D04 ~ "-:'>.•. 2 Warnn Union "'abo. .and lAather Verlc.r. tndu.rl.r1ai . '~'.:~ f.·~' ~:~.' ..~=£­ UZ11on. ': . ' . . ·.~:t~: . ",: h./-- ::i,~,~'.". :~~ .i~ ., -==",==--0-- Aupat 19~

2,' Cu•• 1n vb.1ch the C~m~n Part;r va. Una:;plo;rK Co=c11 or \(hite Plaina. '.

Septea'bft' 1932-: ~ ­ 1 Leo 'oal.l.aPer, C~'n C&A414at. ror 8ecretar;r or Stat., eaUtorn1a, 1.9,s. "x.v Pror•••or kpell~ rer Derend'na Vorara in Court....

October 19?2 1,'

- .1 C<--"m~n ca•••: • ." J.rae;r court or ee-on Plea... _ 1,2,' ]SlU ror d8pcrtatlon or .llan o~ht•• • _'t! Deccaber 1932 .. 2,' oaa.~·:,.Carr and~en, Oeorsu, ...... la. kncnrn •• and ~zmo,~ . . January 19"

, "..: .. . ~-. ' J 0

.~ 'tabor rao~ »oet, pu\U.he4 'b;r ue'l.'bor Jl....rch " • .elation, Mntiooed .. oaa1.D.£ v1tb.1n the UA "ri.ld .r int-r••t."

Karch 19" 2' A,rren or -s.cretar;r .r the International .Ju.rl41oa1 tation" , 0e:rwan.T. ".00 '"j

" c _ ".-. (

Juri4.1oa1 "

, , ',' ,",

... .;

" '

--- . -=- ~~':''''' - -a cOMiderabl.e per10d b,.. the IJA. 18 ahovn b1 an eu-1nation ot the Mtmthl.T hllet1J

ot 19.56 and 19'7, rrc. which the tollov1ng are cited: , (1bid)S M~, JQn8e (ibid)~ ", 14)· (ibid)~~ (ib1d~1 \l1111.a.-Cal.la9he~ 1936); Levren.ce--S1Jq)aon (October 19 ; neanc~~, (ibid); V. C. "'liDkle,.. , (October 1936)s Cbarln-MaLau.sh'a%] (1b:'d)S Arthur,Bertz; (ibid); ~l !rovdar (.oTmll>er 19.56); Carl'ObD. {ib1d)S Leo Gallagher (Deoa})u 19~)1 LoreIUO ---.Pul'Jntoa (JantI&%"1 19'7)1 Joseph P~oaJ)e (Maroh 19'7)i JftlIIe'''~h'' (ibid) SalIuel x..aobak (Apr11 19'7)1 CarO~Kart (Ju.l1~9'71.' ,

In the -..e i~a\l8. 'ot tUl'J Monthl11hUletin Ye tind. the tollov1n.g 1..ue~

~- . c1ealt nth, all pert&1n.1JJ8 to the 4erenle or t~ COWIlm1st. Part,.. and lta ,-.ben:

, ~i11 de.al1n.g nth daportetion or ali81U1 attil1ated nth the Th1.r6 Internationa' (Apr1l 19~); Dicbtein ~111 tor the deportat.1on ot 8DJ' aUen who "ensagee in 'the prmMtillD or 4.1 ..ea1natlofl .r propapn4a 1n.st.igate4 h'.- tere~ ••urc••­ {.1\llJ' 19~)i 1'each.re· lo~lt,.. oatn. (Ausu-t 19.'6)s kn8 on CC'J!IWl1n'st. :aoet1.ng8 ,(Septeaber, .oTn.ber 19.'6, lebruaI7 19'7);' repeal ot cr1.a.1.nal B]'nd.1ealiQ. . lllYlJ (Apr11 19'7); MoKaboe Ccma1ttH inTttstigat1n.g Un-AJiertoa.n act1T1t1ea 1.n ,lev York State (ibid).

. :

.J ..... ;- ') --~:~ ..~;;;, ; ' ..,:,

.1 < ~ •• /

19 ­ -.. ." .;: . • ~~-.-~ . '"--:" -( . ,C - 7;: •. .-.-"! ~':" .. , ( ~{

':~ .

, . '~ ,

'--' . , " ',..- Jur1dlcal ,.­ .... "-",;' .. ' \o'},," .. The roUav!n8 tront organlzatlons deeerlbed. el..vbere 1.n thia atu41, -.re__ ._, " raTorablJ' de&1t wlth In lasuo. or the IJA MonthlJ' 'Bullatln:.

~"~Interna.tl0na.l Labor ~renea, latlonal Co-.1tteo ror Political Pr18oDera, '_ _ :\1Aague 01'\l0IMD. Shoppers, Amerloan C~tt.•e ror the Prot.e:tlO1l or the ,~- lorden Boru-;:Vorkera At!-laneo, Jlatlonal La~era Gu11ctrC.Zlg-RaJu&1­ - _~~nnor D.renao Commjttee,~eetoDerenae COgalt~a~llupD.rea~e ~o~.tt.e (1936-1937). . ' - .~

I>urIng~ aaae perlod there are DWMroua cltatlon. trOll the D&1lJ' Worker, .­ ':~unde1 an~\(eetern Yorker I , Yorker, all oN"lolAl orgaDa or the CoJaWl1.t_ Part" tEA.: Jul, 1936; 'Seopteaber 1936; October 1936; JlO'Yellber 1936j Auguat 1937 •.

In 19}4 tbe Labor ~ese&rab Assoclatlon publlabed a p~let dealln8 vlth tha NatIonal RecoTer1 Act (KRA). Contrlbutors to tb,e_~hlet lccluded Earl Brovd.r, • General Secret&r1 or tbe COlllZlun1at Part, and Mft.r1,an~eeck. The podt10n or tbe Cowwnll"t Part, 18 d.ted ~ tbe Introductlon: ' ..,­

"00 oTulJ' 7, 1933, "at tbe ~aordIne.r1 Part, Con!'ereDce or the Co-.uniat Part" Earl Brovder, Sec1;etar.r or the Communlat Part, or the U.S.A. pre•. aented thIs fundamental anal1ele or tb~oeeTelt .ev D.Al and ~atlonAl Induetrlal ~oCOTer1 Act, declaring, 'There ls nov belng oe.rrled out a clein'-up or all tbe little rellows •••There 18 onl..1 the growth or the pover or the bIg capitelists and the Intenslrlcatlon or all tbe aoclal and eoonomic contradlctlons'. (p.3)

(Bro~der)~or the YorkinB clASS, tbe Induatrle.l ReooTer 1 Act'le trul1 an Induetrlal. alaTer, act. It 18 one or the atepe tovarde the a111tarh_tlon or labor. It le 0 rorerunner or Amerlcan r ..clam." (p. 19) ,

The ottltude or tbe IoTA MonthlJ' Bulletln vee &180 crltical during th18 perlod. It acorred at the JmA _s "ba8e~ upon a phl10aoph..r or cooperatlon betvee-n empl01er and vorker" (oTu.l1 1933, p. 1) It acclal_d the reaignatlon or Nu7 Ven neeck t'rca the lederal AdTleor1 Council ro Ite Unlted Stat.a :Elqtlo.r-nt SerTloe "becAuue or the adainletratlon'a lobor unlon po11c1· aa ambodled 1n the .atlooal BeooTer1 Act (Auguet 1933, p. 2).

B1 1938 the Communlat Part, had reTersed Ita posltlon on the IRA (COa.un1ati October 1938, p. 881). I.erl Brovder exple..1nod the nev 11ne or the Part.r aa tollovll: --""/';"

'"Vl thln the rirst .ev Deal phaae, onlJ' the taaoua S-eti01l 7- or the I'atlonal Induetrlal BecOTer1 Act" guaranteeing th. yorkers f rlght or oreanlr.atlon 1n uniona or tbeir ovn cholce, clearlJ' polnt~ the road or the fUrtber OeTelopmeet or the 'ev D.al.- (Sec~ r.perlallat Var, p~ 96)

Berle6t1nS tble change In the positlon or the eommun1et Part1 ve rled the rolloving statement In tbe LJA Montb~1 Bull~tln, Octo'ber 1937, p. 51:

"A1TI~hn80n bas stated eb.revdl, In th~ Tele BeTlev ~the Wagner ~ct repreeente a ~1rect~t_ck upon the .,ste. or Indue~l dl.clpllne

- N' ­ .. _.-...;...~'-;;;__-;"...:.·....r3*:iaalI-Ial-----....~~!'-' ~ .,--­__ (.- ( " . 'I.. • '".;. 1.~, ...·r'~" ' ".~7. -: - .;...... ,1.:':~'" : • . 1 .•• ' \ - ."p - -. ;' . ~/, '. - . '~~'~t!,;', , ... ~-1~;: ~:.~~~~~

-- '. -;," '. - . .'- .'.' . ~:'.' . .~. ; ,...' ~:. -: ··~;:I.<-'\1 bl 4ict:at:orahip ot -..u.ee.-Jlt•••!'hat the Board' baa tQ&6ht ·.uocee.t\l~.3 .-­ .,~ tor 1te Ute 1e a sreat good t~~un••• ;·· ..<;:':. "~ . ,).,. ..than.:~.~. ~.ber ot:t~e' XxecutiT"'coanttee o~~: ~.'h~~t1~ , '". Jur141caJfA..eoc1at1oZl, had alread1 beeZl e .. t&bl1ehed ae the Secret&:7 ot the .: ••t1ona! Labor Relat10De :Soard eetablhbed under tbe Va,per Act., '. .

.~,~, -" ' ~ _'~-=- The tollov1bg 1ndiT1dUAla baTe beeD 11eted on the Legal AdTh017 ,ioard o{ihe International Labor DeteDee (Yearbook 1936.1937, p. 8) arid OD the )(at1onal Committee ot the International Juridical Aesoc1at1oD, ebaving the interlocking relat1oDah1p ot tbe two organ1~atione: George ~. Andereen, n:;T1d j~~eDt.all, Joeeph R. irode1c7, Jo~ P.·"DaTie, Leo Gallagher, IrT11l~odJIan~ Carol Klng,. Uvard LaJIb, Yet~'1.e.nd, Louie r:'" I*:Cabe, Herbert If' .~"\lech.ler, Ru~'Ve1and, &.m.1el L--:<~oth~ard, A. L;-. Wir1n. ' In cODclu.1oD it 1e s1gn1ticant to cite tbe iteae tbat aake up the Harch 1942 1eeue ot ths IJA Monthl1 BulletiD, the la.t aTa1lable at.th1. writing, in order to indicate the con.iet8nc1 with which th1e pull1cat1on and the organ1ta. t ion publ1eb1bg it, haTe 1minte.ine-d the1r character: .

. The Second Br1dgee Bearing; Death ot TOil Moo:cel; Delegation ot Kat1on.al Lav;yer. Cuild calle upon Attorne1 o.nerai;-·'.lIat1onal legro Congreee end ~at10nal Federat10n tor COD.t1tut1ona1 L1bert1oe write to Pre.1dent . RooseTel~l"ore1gn Asente Law AltencUlente Vetoed.

In April 1940 at'ter tbe Stalln-Xitler Pac't and during eh .per1od ot Co.-unlllt Partl 1eoat1on1sIl, the IJA • attacked th~ J'BI •• a "SecretkPol1t1cal Po11ce" and called tbe period one ot ·war h1etlJX"1a.· (Bulletin, April 194o, p.l06). In Marcb ­ 1942 at'ter the B1 tler attack on Rueda the COJlmUlllt IJUpport ot 'the val", we tind Paul.J\obeeon Quoted ae tollows: "Th.1e war 1e tor treedOll." (p. 94) .

The preeent 8tand ot the IJA ehould be further contrasted' v1tb 1te etand in 1940 during the per10d ot the StallD-]Utler' pact. OppoB1ng the Burke-\ladlVOrt.h dratt bill, the LJA declared:

.' "1. '%'hat the pre.ent bill vouJA eubJect 1I1111ooe to eecret pollce "'thodei ,! 2. !'hat deterwent ot eerT1ce becauae ot dependente 1. 111ueor" that .en w1th ta&111e. probab~ v111 be called up to act1Te eerT1ce at the wh1. ot local dra.tt boarde ae tbel were in the last war. I •

~t the eo-oalled protect1Te cauee. tor YOrkere Doce81&r,1 to 4eten.e ~ . indu8tr1ee aq act\.lal~ operate a8 .trike.breaking aach1neX7; . ­ That DO real protectioZl ex1ets tor canec1ent10~e objector.;

~at tbe 'Job protection' clauae ot the present bill ottere '11ttie pro.s.ee or ettectiTe protect1on tor the ccmecr1pte4 ~lIplole, and, -.:;: - ' 6. That no protection wbateTer ex1ste tor a conscr1pt tac1nG t1.n.az:lc1al . obligations euch a. a .crtgrt8e, leaee, etc.

:. . i"'~., w'. ~ -- ~. , .;-! ,i''' c • 21 • -.,...( -. '. '. ~'-~ ,',-, . ... ' -J.. <- ,-'. -., ".: , ,. "S1nce the r1Ght 1:.0 .-tr1D 18 DOt .-peo1r1cail1 .ateguarded b, IU1:1 ot the' • prOT11..10A8 o~e pend1Dg blll, the ",er, ex18tenoe of • nr1ke ot .•.-' "~,'" deterred workere ln a 'nece.e&l7--' ind~etr, ~ c·au.e the draft offlciali '. 1:.0 cancel the etr1ker.' 4eter.ente, the cause tar their c!ete%"llen~ . _ . ­ 'ba"l1.ng oeaeed to ext-t.... ' ;".:': . . ;- , ,- " ,~:. :­

, ' , . ;.--, ~: .. ~urke-Vadft'orth ":..;. I ._,.• '. 'q"'------rhe blll. ••permit. the aD exercbe ot the' .&lIe paver. ~ .. -:. . .-';r " ~-that produoed the Varld Var 'york or tlght' prinolple. todlJ". ana1oe:1 voulc! ", -be 'work or chain sang.'- (Dai1, Vorker, AU8\l8t 11, 1940, ~. 1, ,). " . ~=.------. IJTESTICArOlt'S IOTX: In the next 21 page. Y1l1 be tOUDd the cOII'p1ete record !'rOIl the C1Tll SerT1ce Reterence 1'1le on the ",ar1oue'Mliber. ot the Batlonal Cora1ttee of the International Juridical Auoolatlon. '!'he.. DUle8 haTe 'been ~ !'rca • letterhead of the IJA ot 19}5, a l ..tterhead ot 1942 and the llet .hovn on the attached photoeteted page entlt1e4'~at 1. the IJAt" . .­

. ,­ ,

, .. . ._.... . ,', ..

.' .\ .

. ' . .,.:r .:

- 22 ~ - ..... ','

":..' :" -. . .~ .. . :•.:=' .. :-. , ... ~. '., -.". ". -'. _.­ ; ; -,


o ~

:. :

ROY WII..Xll'fS,

~e18tant SecretAl7~t1one.l Aseoc1at1on ror the JdYMCement or Colored Pe~ple,· '" ,.ft9}1.' - ',' ,

M1ter f4 the "'l'b,{cr1a1a", 19}1. ' A letterhead or the lat100A1. ~.,oc1at1on , .. ror the AdTanccra.ent or Co1ore4. People l1ste Ro.r \l1lk1ne ...erTing in the eapa.e1t .r or Aea1etant Secretarl and lliut.or or "'!he Cr1a18·, ~.>eoklet entitled "'Tvo Yeer. , of .Amer1can Aid to SpAin" or the ~d1cal 1W'eau ~c;n-th IiDer1ee.n Ccaa.1ttee to t • »~~.~8h ~~~1, }81-~th ATenWJ, Kev Yor)c C1ti;°Mmes the .ubJect aa a member or 1ts ExecutiTe Board. .. Sp~or ~eting t~~1~' u,~, or under the auap e. or "J.8a,1nst 'Var ':end : " to 7aec1sm and' th

KAntAX VITZ', Attorne.r, J{ational Labor telat10n.8 }k)ard', *7'00. per 8.nnUlll. Jfav ,<, t, .~.1ate.nt o to u,e Preesman, C. I.o. Couneel., 2; . " ~athan C~e1 tJ16~ted ~~dera.l. \lor)a,r~ , On Ausuat 1,1941, W1tt, acineral or ,,"( 0 !!r ~r1,ea, ~ Member or the lAv r1.rD at Liebman, Le1der and. V1tt, 9 J:.~Ot.h St., Kev York Cit.r, N.Y. prote.ted the CCDZIIl1ea1on'. act10ns in the cue or Morr~1ng. '. , , I ,', , • ',- .c ( According to a pemphlet f4 June ~,1941 and a letterhead or J~ 11.1941, tM '-" 'latter or Vh!ch'va8 ftddreeeed to the C1nl BerT1ce COIlIlI.1se1on ind1catea l'fe.t~n '"ll~t "., to be a Member or the It:xecutiTe Ca:m1ttee. " Tool" .' I Attorne.r ror' Local 5~1 or t~ York College Te~her'S th1on~';<'~poe1ng . errorts or the Rapp-Coudert Camn.1ttee 1nTest1gat1ng CClDllu.m1_ 1n lIev.lork Sehoola' to IfUbpoena ror membersh1p llsts. .. - i~, · '~~" , . Member, the.J(at1onal Execut1Te Boerd or the Rat10nal tav.rers Mill, 1931. ~.:", ,-. ./' Spee.le~~1fCv I~rk State Conference on Leg1alat1on ror Dom.ocrac:r, eponaored bi . ..~on1'erence on' 'Inal1enable r1ght. (Ilc..1~ \lork, l'ebruar;r ,,1941, peae ,.) . ..' , ,_ .. ::~::' .­ -~ ~i~~:· .:.· ...1...... ~ ~ ... .. , ~.,'" .. ,0::' .... ' •. ..'


- .. ' , - _... ~ . ",.'.~~, 27-1 J'ec1erai. BouleTard, Den1'8r,Colarad:~' ,'. \ - ;',~/' .. .Attorne,. tar the Cc.Iaun1.t Part,.. . _, ->. ~:>: Soclall.t ~date, th1ted States·'"Sonate.:trca Colorado, 1932. ·i~~·<- .. State Cha.t.nun, Col0n4o, klerlcml CIT11 Liberties tbl00, 19". •. . :~;~1;~~~.."".Cand~~ S00lal1.t Part,. 'l'1cket tor Repre.entatl1'8 trOllll Col0ra4o,.iOT.,19}4. ~:" ...,: '-: ~e~ague for Mutual Aid, 19,6. .'. . .., ..0·~·;::·: ~'t!1'!!(~ Comm1~tee 00 Jaorle:an Belatlona With BRaln, 19}8•.-.. .::-~: .. ' _._.o..-.opposed Dies Caam1ttee lnTe.tlgatlona (Amerlcan Bar tJO'PW'A 10.6.) . ;\

/:~~, 10801 Co=ectlcut ATeDUO, l1li., \laoh1ngt...,D.~. Br.L1UgaU... Al.torno7, . $4,000. per annum, Jatlooal. Labor Relatlons!oard; . . ' Me~h1zigtan Bookahop. -. - ~ .•

Member, l(atlonal Comm.1ttee of the Inten'Ultlonal Jurldical Assoclatlon. :- Mmnber, J(atlonal Iav:ers Guild and ­ Delegate, to the Bat,lonal ConTentlon of the Jfatlorial. LaV)"'ers Gu.1ld. Me:mber'\J~er's Comm.1ttee on k1erloan lelatlona vith Spain. Membe~~ltute of Vcaenrs Profesl1ooal. As.oclatl00. . Member, Chice.so Chapter, American C1T11 Libertles 'Unl00. . Member, XatiOna1 hecutiTe Board,' JatlOnal Lav18rs Guild;, 19'1. Member, Legal MTlI017 -comuttee, Internatlonal labor Defenae, 19}1• ..

0' r .. . ~8"1 AdTlso17 Ca:za.1ttee, Inten'UltlODA1 labor Defenae, 19}1-19,8. I.~o=nm"t Defen..-e MoYement (Pa.ge 50" paae' 882, Dies)/ .. Oppose4 Die. CalI11ttee InTestisatiOOJl (Marlcan ~~Al·l(o.6) (SH 11le Die. CaD1tte~»ppodtlon) . -.' --~-- " . . Bpealcer~atlona1 Conf'erence an CIT11 Libertle. in the Preeent EtlergenC,., AmerlC8n CIT11 Liberties thien, Xev Torle Clt,., October 13,19'9. ' , . : Internatlonal Labor Defenae, Attorne,., defending Strecker (!qual JWltlce,~,19:59. ~ ,.).. .' .., . Member, Xatlona.l La\?'er. Guild, aocord..1ng to .~Ject·. application fOr podtlon of Attorne,...... ~ , . " PR~ COIS1'O%I X.'WARIfE, (Amherst College), .bher.t,Me.eaa.chuaettl.

".1. Dlrector of corresp'ondence, t~ooperatl1'8 IAe.gue. Ruae1an Travel Department, the Open Roa4,Incorporated. .. I. ", »ldorBer of the We,ener M 111, <;lD' tbemplopaent. .' i . ,: lan1nee, Board of Director.~ague for Industrial Dcuaoc_~,.. ' ....:' Professor ~rlc . Tl1 L1bertle. Union Comm.1ttee 00 lAbor InJunotl00 (19}1) : ~. Contributor to t ,\ Soclal1st Plann.1.nB and a Boclall.t program., 19'2.'­ 6lgner or t . ~llav'!.~.P,.~~c9tlt?ll1atIOO Petlt,lon for De.cognitlon or. Ru,II1a (193' lat.lonal hecutrT8-C~ttee.(\Km.erlcanLeague AealIWt liar and J'aaola. • 19"-1931. Board of D1rectar.".;:COoperat11'8 D1.trlbutor. Inoorporated, 19}'. - ~ Pree1dent of the ConaUlDOrs th10n or the thited 8t.ate., 19}6,19}8. ' llrlter 1n the Da1l1 Worker of J'ebruar,. 29,1936, page'. • ..... " l llrlter In the .Amerlcan Teacher, March and ~r11, 19,8. , Ch.a.1nMn, Ve.tern Ma..achuaett., CIT11 L1bert1e. CClaI11ttee, Aaher.t,19,8. Batlona1 Cc.a.1t.tee ..,mber elected b,. the ~rlca.n Congreu for Peace ADd ( ~c,.,19}9. ,r '--.:.. :'... ~ . ~ eX WI' '.. .: -::.~. . - 2 .. . . "-' ';'.

--' '. ";--.

I,. .. . c

I , , 'I MA.URICX .~, Detroit,M1.oh1pn•.

41.cmer'. ~l1et l\iDd "\ ' " .' . " :, .- ])otenae " , • I4Y)"8n' CC:aadttee an Jaerican lelatl0D.8 Y1~h Bpa1n, 1938' ," . Author ot ~.ltion tor Bed. Phoaosraph Becorda (SoT1et Ru.I.ia Toda.1, ~,19,6". JHl88 ,,) - "" ...... ;:...... -:, . ~ - . '. " . . .. .+,' \, The tollav1.ng W'onaatlon re~ Maurice Busar i. traa a pmq>h1et entltl..e4 .:.. ~n1nl ..-Lev1.1ma" PUb~.hed,bl' t~atloaal Ie~~C Maga.1:~. Jul,r,19'1: .. ':~,?)r C.I.O. Attornel' in Mic.h1s-m, accord1D.8 to t~~se.to· vaa ·c~lcted ot : ';'~".:.­ draft eTUlan 1n 1911· end ,,»leaded BU-11tl' du.rln6 1nd1crt.aent an D&caaher 4-,0 ..~.:I:;:·:. , 1917 end .erTed. one ,-ear in the Detroit Ho\lle or Correction. '.l'he lAbar Journal;. '=,,' . c1..a1.ma that recOZ"U or that. 1na'titutlC1l BhoY that Busar "HrTOd 1'rall JlO'nIImber ~i' ~~' 1918 to .00000er ~,1919 and. that other reo0rd8 1nd1cated. that "Maurioe ~ and - .. tlTe othera (were charged) Y1th conep1.rao1' to rtolate Sect.ian '7 ot the th1ted .. . , State. Code". It 18 al..ao charged that dOC'\llMnt. proTed ·eupl' at order tor ':" ',": registration and eu.banaent bl' JuAse T\lttle 1n the th1ted State•. Court,Detrolt, .. OIl ])Ooember .,1917 "the JC7U.1"M.l ela1Ju that &gar ~ elected to the CcwmnS8't ' &ttill.ted. International Labor ])otense, Maroh_1~,19,6·. In 1936, ausar· vu openl7 .u,pported bl' Ccamun.1.t tar 1oe&l orrioo 1n a Detroit Xlectlon ~sn. B8 i. aotlTe 1n C<'mmm1.to circle. end 18 ...ociated vlth other ra410al ItOTeJIOnt'. 1n M1ch1s-m. 'The "D1se~· charge. that ·BuBar·. piot\U""8 vU tbUIlld· 1n a ,plaoe ·ot· , honor a10ngaide thoae or 8talln, teni n end Tea ~1' 1n a raid an Yhat thel' 4eacr1bed ... tlec-mnm18t. Bead.quarten 1n Detroit· HTaral ~ar. aaO .~ that an the vall V&a ' al.ao'tound a large pl.acar4 Yh1eh read: ~17 tactOl7 a tortrea. tl"al Cc..!!Un1 ..••• -, ':;':­ .', .... --t£,~ -.~ _.~ .~'r . -'. r ..·- _, ,.rr _. ­ .. -.

.- ~.~ (MuIrfoe 8upr cant1nue4) ..:.- - ~ .;'~ .. -.::\~

. '!'he "D1ge8t·-8t,&t•• that &8ar 1•• ~r of the C. I.o. »oe.rd.of Bt~teS1:- J'~_:::' -.. :~. ~::: .. (s.. ~~.~, azi4 1~21~ ~~1: anA ~,~ of~d letyork~)·~..; '. ':',.' .. '.:-;. _ I - . • _ _ • _ • :.<'.~\ ':~'.~ '._~ - - -~ - ...... ":';'. -~ - '. '. -­ . ,

Signer of the lel1ovah1p of Beo~111at1on, ~et1~1OQ for Reoogn1t1on of SoTiet. Rua.1a (19}}) . .' ... '. . .. , Jat1on&l ZXecut1Te Board, J&t10nal I.av1er. Ou.1ld,19}1 (Chicaao C1nl L1bert1e. Caaittee ~r, June,19}8) . /' . . ~.... .­ Ronar&X7 ChA1~:l:' IAoqere e<-1ttee on Amer1can Re1&t1cQ.a nth Spa.1n, 19~ . Chai-ter Memb.~Ogre••1T8 J'r1enda Club; 4.eUoated to the creat10n and. .-_ proteot1on of M1dve.-t People., acoording to tM Da111 Vorkllr,loTaaber 2O,19'1,P86'8 , • . S1gner at 8t&temt Urg1na Prea1d.ent and Congr'ee. to Defend Right. of CaBtm.1at. rart;r (D&111 Yorker, '/5/'41) , - . . .. _ _ . \/'.' . . , 'lhe t11e &180 llwt. ~... a leader or the 'Worker'. Alllanoe, !1r Brh-to1,Bouth Dakota 1D the'h..1l1 'Worker, s.~~ 21,19'1. ' .... . ,

. LU PRltSaCAX, 101"2lle1"11 Canaultan;t. t~ the 7ara 8eo~t;r Mm1n1.-t.rat1OQ· at ~. p.d.Y!~.]

-,' . , . :.~ . , ':i .' ( , ' ...... :;~:'.~ -" ) . .. . ,.... " , ',> ,', , ." .. \ ' -:~~: ~:. 'l~.:r;~" J-.' • , ... '" to'" ~ .. .~.. • ...~!.~-\f . cu.. ~O_ a...t~~) ..... :;;,'.~ ':~';~'-(~~lt~f A ~hlet entltled-x.en1n1o - t.v1al"" publ1~ed b7 the "Iat1onU .P'ubllo·'-:,: Me.8u1ne. 111 JUli.. 19'7, Irt.ated that Lee PreaaM.. another OI~lC of th8 C. r."O. :':,­ ,and. Oenel"aI Attorne,. tor the organl~atlon 1a deacrlbe4 b7 the" bar..D1ge!t ~ (a: ',,: ;' pub11catlon ortlclall.T en4orae4 b7 the orgari1~ed labor and It.,4 b,. n1n&-lea4era ­ : ot nlne large ve11-tnovn un!CXUI) .. a ·1AV1'C'r Boolrt.er tor state,8oo1a11.. and .. '" COnlmmhtlc Econca1cs·. The or paper 1"'eten to PreSIIIIaD.'a artlcle.. Yh1ch ,\ appeare4 1n the CIO or \, Steel Labor", Mq 1.. 1936.....lrt.abl1ah1ng'~1IS att1tude ­ toward labor relatlons a CamnmlBt1c 8ll81e". HI! ls a gr;-a.duate of Xe.rTar'd ' and. 111 ana ot the orls1nal lev Dealers. He OCC\lpled the posltlon u ~era.l " Counsel tor the ~settle:ment .D1T1don.. The lIPA and. the AM. , Oeor88~~eek rete" to Pres~ in an artlcle publlshed in the ~ 30.. 1936 lasue ot the wSaturdal' :!Yen1nB Poet." 111 Vh1ch Peek cla1JlLe that Pressman approache! h1m conoei'n1n.g Oonromcnt operatlon ot Milk Plante,Department. Storee and. Ck'ooe%7 Storea. Peek declded that' th1a vould be State Soc:laUm or Cammmhrm. Presmaan 18 aa.1d, to haTe ret.al1ated ' -­ wlth the etatml18nt. "CrUJ. lt what "00 ~, this plan'1a f'ail.1ng and the, Gonrnment operatlcma has to CaDS." rr these chargea are tnte.. Prea man'a na:ac ~ be added to the alread1 lClll8 UIJt of' CammmllJtlc Jl1nded leaden ot the CIO.

(See J:x:ecutlTe 1~23)

<. PRanssoR VILLIAl( L.BUmI (Protenaor at Dana College).

" Mmaber.. latlona.l Cama1ttee ot the Amerlcan Clnl L1be.rt1ea tb10n (1936,1937.. Board ot D1rectora,1939) _ Scott...oro Protest Signer (1931)' -: Slgner ot the J'ellovahip ot Reconclliatlon Petltlon t~ RecOBnitlon ot BoT1et ( lWail'. (1933) .,/ _,' , ' ,.' ' 9.1pporter;KRd.tlonal C<:mIm1ttee to Ai! V1ct1me ot Cerm.an hecla (193~) , ' .AdT1eor]' CazID1ttee.. CooperatlT'8 D1strlbutortl.. Incorporated (1935) AdT1.or,. Ccmrlttee, ,Lea.gue tor Mutual Aid {1937) Sponaor.. Cozunmcn tb10n of' the Un.1te4o Statea (1938) <' Member ot the Internatlonal Lebor Detenae. ( (Pe.ee '?81 J'1eh Reporte.. P8ee '11 aod )(etvork) '." ~ , . . ..., . .. ~ATiuCl: "~. _',.:~i,: ( J'UOO!: #BRD.X (MichlgBn). '.' , Comulel f'a:. t~erence tor Protectlon ot C1T11 ~ght~,1936 .;, , Member,latlon.al ErecutlTe Board, Ife.tlonal LaV1'C'r. 0\1.1140.. 1938 " State Chairman ot t~C.L.u. ,(Amerlcan C1T11 Libertles 'th.1on),1939 ,' _ _ er,lav)-ero Commit t'o.~ an ·Amer1aan Relat1~Spain; 19~ ... . . " Amerlcan ComUttee tor Protectlon ot Forelgn Bpoluor) 1940 • " , "paae ;,gner ot A,ppeal:::~o Dl~aB Charges aeain.st ,~ ~,. (Da1~ \.'orur.. Deo. 19.. 1940 t. (Paae 3.11,Re4o lIetwork end 457 b::ecutlnO :-'",~':'-

":: . .~..­ ( ~,~ , , - .. ,- r ... ~,

... ~... ., ' .~ -.. ';'

• . ~ .. -1" " ,( ". ~ ...... I .. . . -" . \ .... ".

. ~ ... . :. ~

DAVID '!:••II.I'B. . ,". ' ...... i ...... Mezabor at Zrecutin Caalttee, CITI1 Libert-Ie. Ca=1ttee at Ha••a.ehua8i~! '(1930 to 19}9) .,\ - '~ '.' . - " ... :,:.. Director Of""ord Rall forum, 19}} . / '. .-::':'..' -'-- .... "­ <)~i. Board.-of' D1~~~~~, Jey ~land. Branehr1-erlcan lhadan Inn1t~te,-l9~ ;,)~__ Spon.eor of' t~orker. SalTage CooperatlTe of' Jey »lg1Md,19}6 .' , -:':~;:~'l'.~- According ~~ letterhead. ~ J~ 22,1~2, Sponaor of' t~hern'Xlect~ ~f'orm League, l~ !.Ca17 St. ,R1cbm.0n4,Va. " . . -:-(Paee '11, Red lfetvork and. -rU'th Column" Remarka of' Congre.BmIU1 Bradler in Congreasional. Record ot Mq 1,,1940) .


In8truct~ev School f'or SocIal Beaoarch. '­ CARXY NcVILLIAHS. , . . :. Spozaor .o~.teru llr1t.era Coo.gt-eu, -San J'ranchco~NoTe:mber 13,19)6 (Sponaor . ~'. 1enda of' Al:Ir1t.ham L1ncoln-ktallIon, 19)7) "... .' \ SpOIUar ConaUlllera th10n of' the Un1ted State.,19}8 . ­ M8mber,'atlonal~ecutITe Board,Jational LaY1er. Ou1ld,19}B Member, of' t~cal Bureau to Aid Bpen1sh Deaocra.cl,80utheru Callrorn1a Chapter , . \:/ ,-_Bpee.ke.r at a }he. MMt1ng ~r auapice. ~~.~te.~ .~.~. Ai4 .Ae:r1cW:t.ural._ WorA.Crs, lnJ~O . . - - . . . -----taY1er's Comuditee on American'RelAtions v1th aPainI1938)'Member ~~;~x~;~w:~;t~~:;:~:.;~x~~:~~k~~:.,1940. Sponsor,J'C7Urth Annual. Conf'eren.ee of the .-r1oan Cam1ttee rar Protection or foreign »om, Maroh,1940 ' Signer or a letter .upparttng the SoT1et OD1an (8oTlet ~aia Toda1,March,19.}7) . Hember,XxeoutiTe Caa1ttee, .ational FederatiOD tor Constitutional Libert-h., 1940 ' . I- .. AcUTe JM:l:Iber or the American CiY11 Libcrt.Ie. tln1on,1942 ., . Endorser or the CCDI.1ttee tar Cit1~en.h1p Right.; lined in the ~iq Worker or A.prI1 5,t.94~ aa being one ot the initIal .isnen ot the "In DereMe or Culture". . Call to th~rom"th Congre•• ,ot the League ot Ame;1c Wr1ter.. . ,;- , Lined on a letterhead or Jen.10,1942 of th ,\ ttM ror ClthetUlh1p Right. as eIther an off1cer or an endorser or the C ttee. The letterhead in. question, I. ,.pat1ns that the CamUttee'. purpose 'YU "to derend the olthensh1p or WllJJ_ei:a__. ~ ~hneiderman", the apparent purpose be1n8 to make It iBpo..1bl.e to Z'eY'Ok:e the C"1t-fiena1Upor ~ naturalbed Amt,r1can. ·;ir. ,::." ' " . (P~8 U69, 1.2}9, ~O, 1750 Executin) ' ;:~;" .. :., '. - ": ~ :" '.. .. ­

6 ­ • -' I. }' ~. i: '. .. :-­

~, .-...,. . ',.. -' .,. ...~ ... _" .. ."" .... ­ .~ . ~(, J() ~ .. -...... -.J- _~~r .., ( .. . . · . .. eo! pSt :,\~~. -,' . .::~, . -', ~~.~;

-.,::' 1AlUIlI F ~> rM1aU1»Il1&>h.-' - .c--1i:j::~; ~ or the .at1Gaa1 ZEeoat1Te ~, ,the I&t1oaa1 Iao.,_" QgUj,1~7 " .... ­ _ ..'her,Lepl. Atrt-Ol7 ee-1t~,Iirt..mat.1cmal tabor DefenH,19J7 aD4. 19}8 :>., , Nlabeu~r'- OaIIIi1tt.. CD ~r1o*D 1W1at1OM rith 8p&1D,1938 . . ';'.:' ­ , - 81per or Aneal to »1-.1_- Char.,.. ap'DA 8Ia Psrc7 CDd.11' Yorte'ri%)ea·1O,19'O, '­ pa&e ,) , .. _. . . -: .,.. '-­ . _8poD.aer of the .at 1CD&1 J'Kerat1011 ter eoa-t1t lit1ClD&1. Libert1•• =,c;--T1ce-Pre_14ent ~ the w.t1CD&1 uYJ'8" 0u114 .' '-' .- SpoIaor of the S1%th 1at1oaal eonr.reDCe of the Mer1can e<.dtt.. for --~~ ­ hot~1an ~ rore1sn 10m. '. . tesal Mrt_.r of the Ixxt.1"D&t.1cma1 Labar DetenM aco~ to •.Utterbea4,, or t.hat orpntut1on of OctoMr ~, 19}8•

. ,'. "

- ,


~, 8't tunct1on:Ar1 ,._ CIh1o,1~6 C>_uo'8't l'art1 Can41d&te tor Coant.1 ProNoutor,8t.ate or Lt.. '~' wp.l Mrt_ort ee-1t t .., Internat10nal Le.bor DefenM .' . Stat. ~ ~ the ~m"t Part7 of .CIh1o (DeJ.l1' Wor~r,Jlm.e 16,l~,p." :JanUAr7 2"l~1, paee ~)_ -' . -' "": ~ ,• l"rote.ted t.he 1JIpr1.c:maent. of XBrl ~r (D&1l1' Varbr,reb.19,1941) (Pa6e 298, Red ..tvork) ~ DBL;Y~~ _. _ . .. -:·~i<:!.: Me:aber ~tt..·an Ac-4_10 J"ree4.ca, ~r1U11 C1rtl lJ.'bert1•• th1an 6:~4, '!';.:: 19~,19}1) , " -' _,;:'.. :, MsJIb.r,.at.1anal t.p.l ee:-1tt••, Jat10aal A..oc1at1on tor the Mnn.oaent ~ ... , Colored J'eople' (19}1) . .'-, '.- '-.'" :'- ~ . Instructor, lev School tor Soc1al Be_arch (19}7) ".'. -..- - :': ,:,~: :' . Chairmen, .at1onal e<-dtt~ C'G Labor In,Junct1CGa,Amer1oan Cirtl Libert1•• th1c:c';::: ",_ . T1oe-Cha1rman or the .an-Part1un ee-1ttee tor the a.-n.ct1on of Coaue.aan ~.- " , ' T1to MarcMton1o or 19}6. _ ~ ' :'. , • • '.. :..,: ~l . '. .~ .,...... ~. ~ ....

~ ~ . ~ -' ~ ...... :: A'OSTD UVIB, . . i~·~:'·r;, <' - Mmabo~ ~'forn1a'- COIIa1tt~ tor -~1";' ~1~' - :-~' '~~ .. .' ­ .' " State Chainun, CaU!arnta AMr10an C1rtl Libert1•• th1on' (19}') . ' . (~ 2,}61, T1.h Beport)

.;.. ~ -":'"

- 7 - ,')": .... ' ...... '~ :. C . '-'a ~ .••:.~,_ .. ~.i '. tl::-7';"'" : ;';;~DOJI' Iim.~. J'ort Soot.t, , ­ - p- ... .. ' C~at,aocord1D8 to 0-2 Seftnth C.A. (a.pt.8,1~1) I • ~~.~_&- ~~ - . 8t.ai. Chainwl,Aaarlean CiT11 Ubert1•• th1cn "or M1nn.e~a (19" to 19'9) _.. SIgx:a.er or letter to lTeal4.ent Boo..ft1t,oppo.1ng'propouJ. ~ reatnet. the .. :'. CIT11 and ~lltloal Ul>ertle. or the MerlO&A People" (19">' '.' ';". - Le~r. .:'.~', Tloe-lTed4.ent of the Ifttlonal CNi14,19}8. .;:...... " ." "' . . . . . - ' ... ~LA.urm ,;

MBaber or lev York Clt1 CiTl1 Libertle. ec-J.tt..,l~

.' . . - . .' .. M8'Kber, latlCD&l ~cutlft Board, latlc:mal I&Y7en CNi14,19'7 .'. " .' . Msber,legal M~ ee-1ttH,Internatlc:mal x-bor 1)denM,1~7 aM 19}8. Attorne1 for J ", at.\lben, C.I.O." tried for aed1tlc.1 Toungat.~,Ob1o . (nulT Vorbr,Sep~r 22,19}7, paee ,) , .: _.... ' .....-',- '..; : , ,Mal>er,~ ee-1tt.. 0pp0ae4 to 1)1e. ea.dtt..·InTeatlgatlao.atDa1lT \/orkerj:' J'.bruar7 1,19'9, paee 1) . ' .'.... _., . -- Signer or Appea.l. to D1-.1•• ~ge...Snn Sa. Dare7 (De.1lT Vorbr ~ 19, .. l~,paee ,) ..,.'. ,-.;. Author or "rhe PlanDed Iocn~ at 8oT1.t ...la" (raTOl"'aba to the 8oY1et Un1cn)·· (lAbor Aetlan, Sept.1,19~). . '. . , 81sner of St.atnent vging Prea14.eut and Ccmgre.. to 4aten4. rlsht. of the,.. ~,";' . C<8-'mSat hrt1 (De.1lT Vorbr,March ,,1~1) \ ,. ~" ~ ';' Ube=r of the h.outln e<.attt•• of th*tl~.~~~.;~~t:~.,~~~~.1oaal!,Y -~- Tlc'-:Pre.ld.ent of the latlcmal Lrq.n 00.114 ' ",' .' '. . eppo.ed 1>1•• Cc:aa1tt.. InTeatlgatlcaa (AMrloan 3Ir, WP.WA 10.16). ' . ~21-2'~ (Pa6e. hecutlft) , - '.:':' " : t .

" • =:_,::' - • - . I • 4i. -+. . , .' .. . . ­ ...... M.'"MM"mU$"'''"mu....WU...M.J.stJt~ .. . . . ,,­ CADOLI. VIIBS DIG.' . I... f . ' ,;:'.:

,~ . Naber Qf~lCD&l ee-1tt.. to Aid 8tr~ lC1M~t1Dc ~IC1:l ~ . Na»er,MT1.aq Boll.. ..noaA ee.a1tt.. for hot.o!!"'~or ronlR%l !om. 19" au. 1~ .' ~i"_' __ .--: 'F •• , :', - '-'--.' 10_ :.. ',' .' .: _'~ ...... ~...... lWo-naarl ~tt", IntematIClD&1' lAbor Dttenae,19'1 . . ;'. .- 81gned at.at-m. urg1Dg deteat ot MU to b&J" CClWuDfat. Partl trca b&l.1ot . /. ~1Ji • ." York (])a1l..r Varbr,reb1"1.UU7 u,1941, paee ,) . l.: . __ Member ot DelesatIOl\ Vh1ch trIed. to petltIClD h-e.Ident 1n behalt' of h~r ,,' aarohere,19'2 1,,19}8,~ •• > AttorDel tor the InternatIonal Lal:Ior Deten.M (])a1l..r 'Worker Ml¥ " ~) " Vriter tar the '1.abor De"tender-(19'1) _ Lesal Mrt.01'7 eaualtt", IntematIClD&1 Labor Detenae (.r~,1938) OpJloeod Die. Ca-.1tt.ee InTeatlgatlona (Mertoan It&r UOPWA 10.6) (See 71le, ~e. Ccaa1ttee OppodtIOQ.-) . -' 8,pccaor ot the 10urth AnnUAl Coa.tere~ of the Merican CcIa1ttee tar the Proteation or lorelgn Born, Maroh,l940 ," Sisner of an appeal to d1a.1... charge. aea'D8"t. SAl Darcl (Da1l..r VorkBr, Deoeaber 19, l~O, page ,) , ' ~r ot the Jrcn-PertIaan Ce-R1tt&e -tor the a.-eleotion of CoDgre.aan Tito Naraantcmo (19,6) . . .' ..-/'0;, . A:N'111ated. Y1th the Ia"tional. People'. ee-.1tt.e 881" n at ENrat. (or t~.AMr.1oan' Le~ _SIIinA 'War and hacI_) (19'1) , ".". -- -Mliiaber' or'thO ~r.' ~ttee~or the )ed1oal Bunau and lorth Aaerloan :: :,: . Caa1ttee too Aid·Spani..h ~1 . BponIor or the Jational lod.erat1on tar CoD.atltutlon Libertie. ( (Seo 'WenA. tar letter or prote.t re-HarrI. '1'.PP1ng) , , (Pa&e 1"'244 neh report, PILee 296 Red .otvork) , .. ', .J <. ..; .,....;. ' .. PAUL J.IXRK ~ '" VIoe-~dd.ent , or the KatIODA1 IIL"",r. 0u11d . ~', . SIgner ot -Ooldtm Book, 7rIenda ot the,Sorlet th1on· (Da117 Warbr,Jan.2,19'1 . '. 'pe.ae 2) "( D1reotor, C0Q8~r. tln10n or the th1ted. 8t&t••,1938­ Member,State Exeoutin ee.a.J.ttee (leY York) Aaer1oM. Labor Pe.rtl,l9}8 , Pre.14.cnt,CtTI1 BerTioe Coaa1...1on, Jlev Yark Citl (~Wormr,leb.6,19'S,p.,) l 11418 "Red - balttns- (Da1l..r Vork'er,Jan.22,l9}8, page 1) . .Cha.1.rmaz1, La""," Ccaza.1t tee on AmerIcan :aelatiana Vith Spain, 19}8 , ,',' Spona~~ternational labor DeteMe X1lk J'und,19'9 ," ..:, C " ~e~~t,lonal Camm1tte. ot the AmerIcan !olcott asa1nst.Aesre••ar .atl~,19'9 ': Slgner or PetIt10a 8,pOZUlared bl th~z:1.~_~c:ca1tt~e,tor, ~1 and Intellect.ual J"reedCD to 4.1.oontlnue Dle. CcIa1ttee" 9'9 . - . _ '. . .. ", .-:- Sponear- or .et1ng und.cr the awsp1c... or t.h ,. and AMr1can J'r1ena.. of .Chine.e People (Da1l..r \/'orbr,Sept.24, 19'1) \''' ~ •• • '" .' '. Speaker,InternatlOl:l&1 lAbor DeteD.le J'tm4 eanreren.oo,Bev York CItl,JlOT.19,19}8 l Slgner,lGttor ~1nB Sorlot th1an (SOTlet Rwlda 'l't>d.a..T,ttsrch,19'1) Board. ot DirectOrtl,Aaerlcan InTe.tQrl. 1h1on, Incorporated, 19'9 .' B18110r of Iltat_t 1Irg1ng l'ree1dent and ConBre•• to Ilof:Z. of C~mlot .•. Part.r- (Ile.1l..r Vorker,Ml5.rch ,,1941) " . -~...... '. ,.. Cba1.rman or tho ta"",ra ee-1tt&e of the Mt:d1caJ. Bureau. ., orth .AMrtoan _ ,.' , ...£a-1~~~e ~o Atd Speniah Democrac¥ " .' . . ( Member ar the Bo8:'d of Spanaar.. or the Jaticmal "'r~"l Conterence tar . - i ,'. ~ocra.t1c R1ght.. £' ,>. '. - " Mogber or the Ion-~ Cczam1ttee tar the Be-.1eC't1an of> r-- - -' -, _.~~~~_~~9'6) ", " ~'-';~f~: -' ... -.. ­ .----v-' \~~aJ ..

I _

c. I>1rectar ot the Ccma\ZllOr. thion of the Un1te4. State.,19}6 .to 19}8 ~er,1loard ot D1reotor.,Merlcan C1T11 Libertle. thic:.l,19}6,19}9 . Bit.1ona.l Coaa1t.tH Haber,electecl b1 A.erlom Ccmgre•• tor Peace and Da.ocra.c7~ 1939 ... . . _ "llxeoutlTe CaD1tteeman thited Cltl~eD.8 Cem.1ttH tar the Arlerican I.e~ A8"'o.t War and )"ucla, 19}6 . latlonal hecut.ln Board, I'atlonal I.av1en. 0id14,19}8 c· .tnt Jene1 C.I.O.Attomel' (Da1~ VorDr,Jm.26,19}8,p&Be 8) (Dal~ Bey Jer8e1 Counoll tor lAbor .c:.l-Part1aan League Vorkar,*J" l7,19}8, ~. ­ 1l.1) . '. . -.. .' C1T1l Right. Ooaa.1tteeman,Amer1can Ieasu- tor Peace and Dmocrac1',19}9 Slsner at Appeal to Diad•• charge••ga~nat Ssm De.rol' (J>a11l VorDr,Deo.19,l940~ C ll.') .'. Me:aber ot the ~eoutln Cam1ttee, Vuh1ngton Cam1ttee tor Daaooratl0 Aat10n (Ievark, I'.J.)' . '.•. Signer or Statement" Urging Pre81c1ent and Ccngre•• to 4etend r1ght. ot Cawmnlat Partl' (De.1~ 'Worbr,}/'~A1) _.'. . . . Mc1Rber ot Executln C~tt.e the Ie-tlona! 7~tlao tor Con.atltutlonal ( ". or • ' • .I Libertle... .., '. . . ' .

Member, 'W~b1ngton. Caa1ttee DcDooratl0 Act10n ,,-t. ".. • Attorne1' tor wit t1led eea1n8't ortlc1al.a, 'Wuh1ngtc:n,D.C., Jat1onal- 7ed.erat1on tor Con.stltutlaoal Libertle. and .American Pee.ce Ji:>bl11utlon _ ­ Signer ot Appeal on 'behalt or Darc7, Jatlonal 7ed.eratlon tar Ccaat1t utloo.al (; . LibertIe. ", _. '. Signer, .tat8lle'nt to the Predden~ c1eteud1ng the Ca .." 0 181; Part7 Member, Ccma1t tee CtQ Canat1t. ut1eo&l and J\I4101al BeT1ev, .at10nal t.v;rera ~U ". ' SponIor of Cont~e OIl Coa.at1t\lt.1oo.al Libert1e. 111 Mer1ca . Diacuaa10n lea..ca at1cnal I egro • I Co.D8rH. • , Bpanaor of Mltet ~;pen4ent. at Morlom BwYolut1ao

,: ~ - ~.- ."-...... c , ... :l,: .... = ...... __ _ ---- - ...-~v~ . ·~t;- - -- Apoelrer for h.a'a- or .ml-~ 'W,' ndt.ed Youth ee-1t.tM ,~._zwt.: _~h'S . .­ ~,,,. ~ ~, ~S(lCl!&l ... n.r.a. _8pNbr 111 plm1 d.18cNMlcm, ktloaal -. labar', MHtber,B.t.lcnal ee-.1t.t.ee, ~laoal ~dt".l An001.at1cll . Opcmemo, ~ ee-s.t.~ Proteo't.loo ct J"cn131 b'D " ...et... or Ad~ ~ '\ 1 tcc" tb.1te4 et..t.H 1'~1~ Mcabe:r at JkD-Part1acl Caa1t.t.ee for ~lea r4 Ccmaa" El T1~ Ma~o • ""'sr, IMat)iU'"II ee-1t ~ co ~e-D ~1.-tlc:oa Y1tb ap.'0 Atrt.1na x-n, IcNvd nd-..nlt.l, r.-.8cboo1, 1m '-' \'~ Anw1e "'MIt- ee:-1t.t.., Jat.lcoa1 ~ tar tt-.;l'YNiu1 m4 8001al~,~ _ J.tlOD&1 ea-1t~ ar ~ -.noc CIT11 Ltbwt.l.. thlm"l9}"l937 8ad. ~. btla-l ltx»cAtt1ft Dou'd, II&t.laul L&'W)..e Od14.,19.'7 2pMar at. JatlCD&1 SbarHJ'0PJ*T8 11mebe1 ea1 .. a.raee -.1rwt. a-. Dazoq (J:-I1T War tw,n.c.19,~, pap , th1t.K *¥ Da¥ Co:a1t~ (W-')dnatcm.,D.C.) _..-- a1aaI Y1th JIFin7 !r1daH ao4 UN PI.. n (DaU,y \lOI'bIz",MItl' ',l.9'9,~ ,) '" 8pm8Q", S1xt.h l.t.laD&l Oaatc-.oe OIl l.be ~c.1 ee-1tt.M tar ~1a1 ~ J'ar.16Z1 Bam. ­ " I c.r or the ktlOD&1 Lep.l o:-1t~ ~ U. ~1a-1 ~1at1ca fCC" toM M,waoe*'l4 ur ~ 'Poople. .

. ' . . ....-...... - ­ BDJ

~ - U - '.-: , -, :' /1'1_'" ~. . . . . ~ ~ .. -, ­ tft ..IF;.-­ ~ _ • • or-...... - • __....ww Yl.loA· "P"lD~l~ , ," .; ~ ,1vA.b1~ ~t.t.eo t.o u.n. 3Ib&rso .'net ~0Cl B,pdn,1.9'9 ~ ,:' .. ' :" /'AtttlletAd V1t.b tot. CtaxtlQ~ CX1 'enl Msh~ ~lq t.1w V.·b'nctOll····~ .. ee-1t.t... tar D aoo:xat.10 AGt1C11 111 1911-0 " ­ -=~- .pz'SWiT.at.l.... 1Dd1T14.ua.l, ooc:rd1Dat1.D6 oa-1t.~ to un. U. ~ -- (n. J't-.h "~,~. "~, l~l~, ~~, l~, l~, !:Id "78, . &nil ~ 292 i\I4 JIet¥Ol"k) . _ ' .': . .. . " , . .­ .­ I·' , . .. . L. ' I

. '.

. ' . . . .. ") .. ' . . '.. -.:

-'.-. I _ ,,' IQWtt L.BM.Z " ~ ~ .". I I ~~'t.nea..tt.~'. ~ ~ . ~ . " ­ .e.z. t'; BQ'vood far ,, .' J:D4c:Ir'MZ' or ~ B11.a OIl ~1aJ~ • ., ., x.,~ ~ ~1aoa Au001at1QQ,n.oorpoc'St,K . ~. 140 »1N ea.1to t.M I.a1'Mt s...t1CIM (18ar1.-o !Ia" U'JPWA ".6)

--.,- , ~, ;, . ,,~ . , . .~ ~ .:'.':.: .' .:-~ .. c ... --'" . -:.,;~-:- .' .. - ~-. \ ,::"'" --brIi ot D1rectora of the Amer1can C1nl Libert1e. th1on,19}9 +:,:=-- lev York C1t7 C1T11 Libert1e. CCJIIIIl1ttee, 19'»' ~'. ....: '- -ch&1rman of Cam1ttH aa IAbor'. R1ght. ACW . ' "=""'-(Ben Mandel nate. that the abOTe 1s a Ter'1' act1n CCDI;r 'lJ1N be1ng o00..1dered tor Secret&l7 ot Manpower) (Ve.r Manpower :&oe.rd) (Member ot I.I.A.) )Idea ~ hi. proposed appointment 1. apparent1,J' Lee Pressman'., MaT 16, 1~2) "

Treuurer ot L&v1ers ~ttee on Amor1ca.n~lelat1cmav1th 8p.a1n,19}8 appo.ed Dies CaaJ:ttee InTest1gat1ona (kler1can »a.r tJCJP\lA 10.6) ( W (See 711es ~es Coaadttee Qppo.ition ) CAUtlJt lecturer, Rand School,1938 . C'ha.1.rman, lev York 8t.at e Ad.T!lJOr'1' Couno1l on tbe3aplolilent Inaurance l Speaker at the lev York State Conterenoe on Legielat1ClD. t(R' Ile8ocrae,.. 8JXXl.ore4 b7 the Conference on Inallenable Bight. (I>a11,J' \t(R'lcer, 7eb.'119'41,p.,.) . . . (

I . l Member ot the Board of Sponsor- ot the !l'at1onal lttorgeM7 eonrerence on Deaoeratie Right. ' " Mecber of the ~-Part1aan Caa1ttee t(R' the !e-eleot1aa ot CaDgre.-.n ' Vito Marca.nt~¥<1936), - .,,' Leeture~(R'ker. School,Vebater Ball, hv Y(R'k Citl (De11,J'Vorker,Janu.&r7 12,19'43, ~ ,) ,' . . ~..' l , ;,." .



T1ee-Cha1rmcn,Amer1ean CiT11 Libert1es thtoo,m:J. . i Member,kticmal~tteeAmerican CiT11 Libertiea l1D..1aa, 1936' ( : '1'reaaurer or th" at1c:oal Urban Le88UO .<. ' , , ' , .

,,~i LIO CAI..UGBXR , " . . , . Contr1but1Da ~t~ ot ~,~ lorua-; '. . -. Member ~les,Ca.l1t'orU1a Caa1ttee ot American CiT1l Libertie. tb1c:.l ~at10DA1 ~tte~ tor Student Cao.gre •• AaajnKt liar (19'2) ,', .. '. ::.". , , :~.~~;,. I '-~' • • .~ . ~.

~. c

" -,­ ':-'~r of MT1aol7 CounoI1 ot the Book Un1ao,19" ;.,

liational hecut1Te Board, Jlational Lav;rers Guild. (19'7) ChA1.rzIUl,n ot tho Ph1lad.elphla C1T11 Ubert1ea CaIIII1ttee - Lecturor 1n the Modern 70rum ot Aaer10an u,ague tar P.&ce and De.ocrac1,1~9

calC1m r:.rRADKPI·

Attornei tor Internat1cmal tabor Deten.ae (D&111 'Warker,October 1', 19'~) Memher,!ev York CIt1 C1T11 lJbertlea ~ttee 1_ Truatee at :Pol1t1ca1 Priacmers, *11 J'und,19" . . Director or COWSUZlCtrs thion or t!.'-Uo.1ted state. Member ot Ex.eeutin CaJm1ttee~~.~_.q1t1r.en.aCaa1ttH tar the .ber1~

to"""'o Ap:a1o.-t \(s.r and h.ec1Q 19,6 -- .-.. ..•. - . ·.f·. .of .f. -'.... '­ -0'" IC""" ,. ~ -_... Member, !oard. ot D1reCt.ora at the ACU1

Mmnber,latIoaal Exeout1n Board,latIon&11AY7en C>.11ld and Vlce-Prea14.ent at I " the Cbild . Msmber or Sponaar!n8 Ccmm1ttoe,Amer1can Student lh10n "~l~mnae HcDeoca1.n& D1nner,19'7" - . Mlmbor ot Lav;rere CamUttee on. Amerioan &1Atlona Y1th Bp&!n,19}8 Dlrector,'Western Can.sumers Union,19}8 . ~at1ona1'Conterence on C1T11 L1bertIe.1n the Pre.ant Iw.ergenc1 (~abr) J.!:UJ, lev York C1t1, October 1,,19'9 Denounoed. lev York state Utg1.lat1n CcaD1tt" Innat1sat1.nB l1&d1o.al T.a.chen (De.111 \lorur,Dcoem.ber 19,194<', page ~) .. .. Speaker, lev Yark State Conferen.oe on IAtg1alatIon tar Dm00ra.01, ~ClQ..I0r.4 b7. oonference on In.allenable Right a (De.111 \tarkar 7ebr'\.W7 " 1~1, pe.ge ,) Mentioned u Attame1 tor C1T11 L1bertle. lh1ao 10 Da117 'Worker of 7ebruarJ ( 28,19'1, page '£ '. . '-- . _. . "-' '1:; ,., - 11& _ ...... .~);;b'; ot "the !oard or Directors ot t~t1ema:i"-..~pno7 ~;;;-~ ~ar:- .:- DeIIOCratla R1~e . f' --:-' -- ':-:" -.-----.,-"--~. -~.-..;....-.::..:M~r111ated·Y1ththe .atlc:m.al ea-1tte. tor People'. Bight., mown t~1T . u'-the lat1cnal Committee rar the Deren.ae or Pollt1eal Pr1eonera ­

~.:.. .. . S00lallet Candidate tar OoTernor or TeX&8,19,2 • i .. '

'I'exa..­ state ChA1raan or the AC'LU ";'. "" . S'pJlnaor or Dinner tar 11'~ Thcau,19,6 " ., :- "., .. "-'~~."'. Kermher, Jratlon.al Cam1tte.,AVorbre Dere~e LeBBUe, 1937 latlonal MTiB017 C~ttee, Ceuaonvealth Collese,19,s , Member or Bpon.eor1ne Cc:mm.tiee, Scott.bora DerCIl8e Cad1ttee' ..

.. . ".. ." .. -.: - :-.:.~"'.. .­ . .,..­ . RICHARD A.DOJLDrQ . ­ ,-. ," "". . Member or La'V7"rll Cc.mdttee aa. .Amerl~ Relation.. Y1th Spa1.n,19}8 - - .,

' .. - 15 - .~ I .. •• I . "., . '~ ..

. ~. ~



. , . ;-~ , ,Ii' ...... :,' .. ~ , ....1.. . .,;....~ - 16 - .:~_; -;, ',f­ .> . ~~'" .~) " J..- ~_...:- . "·i6 c ~"'- ~- . ~:~- , 0 ' - ....--- ..'-..i~-.'-"''''''' -ur"r',:J/;)/'U.}. . .. __ . _ .! ~:;.~- - . :--' .. ' .. ' .. ' '., . i ;;~.:.~ Vh..1le atten4.1ng American Peace tmblUzatlan Mltetlng,lew Iork Cltl, April 6, '194.1 II1gnod. petition dem8nding-fnedos or Ilarl Browder ' :. _ . -," In a pamphlet entitled wLen1.n1sm-Lev1s1a.- pubUshed bl the '"Jatlon.e.l. Bepubl10 ~1ne", the to11oving eoncerned John P.Da.nll: "Colored organ1l.er tor the CIO amcng negro vorkBrs. Ie Secretarl ot the Jetlonal .egro CongreIlS, Yh10h Is .. Cocmu:n1l1t endorB~ arta.1r. Be told the representatlTeIl of the Katlonal. Auoelatlon _ tor the Adnnoa.ment ot Colored People that "the new hope ot b1&ck .America Is the hope ot l1n1ng up V1th the .toreell ot or£:l!l\1l.ed labor \mder the banner ot the CIO'!. ,. He empha.ehed,the tact that the CIO Is organ1dns negroes "Ch ,~he bul8 ot equalltl and freedem", the th1ted Federe.l Worker" ot .America, '&0 cre un1t, "one ot the b1.Uen un10ns in the OO\mtrl" aocOlbU.n8 to DaTI." .hOVIl a nagro as the t1r8t peraoo on Ita ' pa,rro11. "DaTlll 18 on the AiT1aOl7 Ste.!'t ot the (Coraun'n) International a.bor DetelUle, & seetlon or a )i:)lIeov Intern.atlon.al.. Be 18 .paMor or the h:lerlean J'r1e~ or the Spanish Demoeracl (Bod front), and _III & member or the 'Joint eCllm.1ttee tor the Detense ot Bradl1a.n people I errened Beda) -, _..'

(See E:r.eeutlTe PB.ge JK;2, 463, ·2367, 2371, 23U, 2374, 23.", 2376, 23TT e.nd. pamphlet or June 13, 1941) , ..' ,


Editor ot "~gro L1berator",1935 ~.,~ ­ National. CcagroS8 tor Unemplo,..,nt -and S001a.l Insurenoe,'Wa.h1ngtoo, D. C., Jan., 1935. Trustee ot the PoUtleal Prl8one.r1l &11 J\md,1935 , Member or League tor Mutual Aid, 1936 , , Ccmr:wnlat. Partl Cend.1d.ate tor AldenDaD in .,v Iork,1935 end tor the state Senate, MaJ',1936 , .. .- "', " ' On Coam1ttee ot Proteaalon.e.l. Group tor Browc1cr and Ford, 1936 Member ot Legal .A4T1e017 Coraittee, International lAbor Detense " Sponsor ot ~s Celebration in honor ot '"Mother" ~loor,1937 'Writer tor ~he"De.1l.1" end "amde.;r 'Work8r- -' , " Appealed to le-groos to Join the COmnr'lnht Partl (1937) and (P8mphlet-".,gro J'11e") ." , " ,. :,: miter ¢ev South" (Cammm1et Publication) ~,19}8 " " A4dreSiled. Cammmilit Part1 moetlng,J(ort'ollc, Va., March lJ, 1938 (Bunda.: 'Workor, March 20,1938, page 11), .;, .. ,. _~' ", _ , Cand.1date tor representatlTe at lArse freD. lev York to the Xouae ot BopreaentatlY\ on the Ccmmu:n18't T1okot,JoY'ember,l942,electlon.a. ' _ " , ", Secreta%7 anA. Treasurer ~t the '"Da11.1 'Worker" lebrwt.r1 8,1941 . ­ . '- Speaker at & lev York &U.l.1 ~ee Brevdcr" V1th 708'ter, lord, IUnor, ot a.l (Dall.1 Worker, Feb. 20, 1941) ".' -: -BenJNl11D J.Danll,Jr., 1 'W.126th St., Jev York Cltl, I.I. vaa & CcrmrmnS'et petltlc:o aigner, September 18,1941, Bov Iork Countl, I.I. ..' '.' , The subJeet .lgned a atatement in the De.11.1 'Work8r,Mal 27,1941 ent1t lecl "the Present Position ot the Negro People in America", Vh1ch in Itll text coo<2ex:m.ed. rael.al diacr1.m.1natlan in the "detense" program, "J1a Crovlm" in tho J.rrrJJ and JaT1, the A7L Bureauocra.cl vv aceuaecl or ra41a.l. cl1&er1a1natl~ the "Southland" vu eon• 4~c1 t~ hi. poll-t~L.,ynch1ng. and racial diaer~al. Statement 4.eelared

"',,' • "':- •••~ < -~-":. -,.'. ­ _ ' , \onc",1 ~,j~e , ' "s .....~ "DAl:. ,·'the var drl" and the d.en1al end destruction of -._ . - -'-­ , DemoCratlo-rlght_ SO togeth.r". The 8tateaent conclude. that Vh1le the neE;ro , \ people vant noth1ng ot Ritler, the1 are avare that tb8' "Brltl.h var'-m.aker. are holding thelr colonial p08sessloria 1n a cruel grlp-. ~ .. , .--"- - (See J:%ecutlTe 46,) . "


~mber ot Lavyers CamUttee on Amer1can Relatlone vlth Spa!n,19,a

Opposed Dles Cammittoe InTsstlgatlona (Amerlcan!ar, OOPWA 10.16) (aee 111. "Dles CODn.1ttee Opposltion-) • _ '

JOSEPj;m(QDSXY • ,\ Member ot R'atlonal AdrtaOq' Councl1 'Worker. Sohooa 1.n' ~ York C1t~E.~' C~~~ee tor Struggle Age.!n.t lw'ar,19" --- ,._- -- .. _-_._--'--- ,.'... ' Chiet Of the I.esal Statt, Internatlonal ~or Deten.ee,19,4 (De.ll.1 Worker, October 1,,19,4) . E:xecutlTO Cammittse, Polltical P'rhoner. &11 1lmd,19" Ibber ot I.e"'8U8 tar Mutual Aid 19,6 Chlet,Counsel tor ILD,19" Speaker tor ILD In cletetae ot Bcottaboro Bo,..., 19". Member,Joint CammJttee tor Detenae or Bra~111an Peop1.e,19,6 ,Adrt_oi-;y Councl1 ot the Book t1n1on,19" Spon.ear or Mas_ eeiebration 1.n Bonor ot '")bther" Bloor,19'1 " . : .--0. Repreaentathe ot the Ccmmmht, Part,..,AlbM.1 (Dall.1 Warbr,JulJ' 22,19'1,p.,) Sponaor ot the Jev1eh People's Cc:ma1ttee,1938 Gensral Council ot the IWO 1938 (SundB.7 Worker, MaJ',.1,19,s, Pae'J' 8) ,'. Mtll1ated \llth the 1\10, Blrth Control Center, lev Ycxr-k Clt,.., De.11.1 Worker,. Karch ,,19,8 (,/ . . latlonal. Councl1 of t~Le88U8 ot tar l's8l"O Rl6bt (19") ( 8t.ruule ., . . Wrlter tor Labor Deten4er, Aprl1,19,4 . Lecturer at the Worleers (Cammtn1st) 8chOO1,19'S, lev York Cit,... _ ; ~er ot the lfon-PD.rtlsan Comm.1tte. tar the zoe-electlon ot Cccere-sman nto I . Marcantonl0, 19,6 _ ­ " Speaker at the Wl1Usm Wlener Detenae ~~Brook.l,rn, ••1'. (Dail.1 'Wcxr-br, March 26,1941) '. ~ .. 1 (See Pl16e 268, led ••tvark and 718h ~port, pe.ee. 14212, '1.21.2, '1213) . .. . ­ ;~~~~~.~~:~:ue~:~~t.=t~.:'t~~,mo PAUL Iat10nal CouncIl of the League tcxr- Ind\Wtrlal Democracr \. Caa1ttee, baoi:1.n8 Wagner .B11a 011 tbe:Kplo~t . MTh017 K~~~~-' ·e Y~k Wor~r. C~t~~.~ ~~t,19:~.· ... ~-;.... . ~'~l'" • ~ - 18 • "'" -.-: . .'. .<




.... !." "

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pO' ~J".':' ( .. • 'I . '~;. ~". ;'~<~".:;,,:, ';:,,",j'.,:., -: ;','...,\ .. •,' .. ,.. ·..',:,;..:~,'1.·.;.:,t,.' __:.". '.' ,", . . ' " ....• ,' " ,',e, ... "',' ," ,. ,.,,' "::'/-4"");""'\".

III I r t [ !. .", .' ! g f ~ I E ..~. .1 f i 8 • ~ [ ,I .... i.... : ~ :ft: .. ,il i ~' i ctit: . ~ ~ ~ "II. ' , r.. ~~ f 'i'f f' lili;!..i, = .' if d: if~~ :~E ,~- :~!!_. '. i I: It: I,nli· 8 Iii! ~ro,.ilr[:t ol:c. pr, if' Jti~r il12ii ! 1_1, ~ ~ ~ . I f e8nf: :, I: .." .... Cl o! • I . 3 _c ~ i": I: H(~8 r,;J~ If. _ ~~i·~ll f~:' ~ .E:~', ..';; ir.1 l fBI ,- _. ~ II .', . , .. R ~!i a I H.. _0 ~f~~~::!I~1 l~!Ii,~ ~;~' ~I,' ;', ,1 oJ "r·': l ~ lOa '" J &. 1- I 8 . l\ ~ ':'..' n',t " .,;!. 5 I' i' " ' ,- .', ;lI I .. ...r I ~ .I . . 'I ' -".: • • •.

~. i' . J. , ' ....,.. , , . ' . . I--.'.:... ,'. ,;) .. '.. . ," ": ""

'. ~ . ' , , .' , " r..•··•·· . "".' .• . " . .. to • a . . \ ...... \1. \, ,". ,'.'l ~ y. '. " • '",' • • . ~·.4 ~ •.• ,I I.., . . .', '.'.\ '.< " . " •••• , r.I' .' .' •• , '," " • - ,.,,'. ". J .,.' ," ..: ". ...• j ,.. 1 ~ ~ . ..' .'. '. '.,') ~:~ ,:.,". . : .;'.'. ' . ...; '..; " ....::.-;,. ... :.: , .,' \. ":.,=': ' -- ---W--., ---~ _ •. .-A --~, ~...,. JO.epll G~UpNll, Rbaitte4 lntoruotlon ~ al..l.age4 Cc_m'- Y1t.h-'th.e zoe- - ..

.~ ... " '\1:e~_tJi&t.' the __ at the qpll:ant, Je.'rIWr~'_aD4h1. Y~e Mar1 ~~ ":.~J.aep4 •. l . A.- o~\Al'PD . . . . . " '., :., -.- -....: ..­ . . . - . - ' • # ~... • - ;.,. t..;"er. Cola!ttee em A.erlce.n Relatlou vith 8pa1n, 19,s . ~..' OppoMCl 1>1e. Cem.1ttee Inft.t1gatl0U8 (barlce.n kr, V.O.l.V..J.. 16 Ma1l1J1a llet at A.L..J..VeA... .

SJW) POLIJ:JI .... MeDer ot WUh 2ngto.u :Book Shop and Can4.1dat. tor ·Delesat. 1.0 the .at1onal Con­ onnt1on ot the .at1onal LaYJ'er'. Qu1ld.

JootID VI9 POLID MaUer ot 1A1qert. CQN1 ~"" on Aa1I:r1can R-latlOZl8 Y1t.h 8pa1n, 19,8 Oa.e.t Lecturer at the Jl&n4 School, 19,8 MoHr ot the a"arcl ot, Spozaor. ot the .... York L8&g\W ot Vomen Shoppen, a1"t111­ 'ate4 Y1th the LN.6ue ot VQMD Shopper., IDe.

..' Ao~ 1.0 the report ot the Jo1Jrt teSt.laU" Co.-1tw. ot ,~State ot ... York 1nTOulsatlon ..Utloua aetlT1t10., filed Apr1l 24, 192O, I.X~su-on YU a IIoOIIber ot the Cozwt1tut10n Cola!t tee at the ee-.mS n. hrtl ConTeZ1t1OD, opened 1A . Chicago on Septellber 1, 1919. 1'he report a.ao lltat.. that U ot JIonaber 22, 1919, Iaaao s. J'er~ YU Actins E41tor ot the eo-nn1 n., Whioh YU then the orne1al Co~,.t .... orsan ot the hrtl, &D4 that he wrot. 1n the ttanolutlOD&r1 Ap- pt hl1 12th, 1919, Whioh etated that 1t 1. a a1atortlm8 that the worker. ot the th1t.M. Stat.• I. .' . 40 DOt vant a rnolut1on 'Moauee the WUn1tM. State. 1. gr1eyoul1 1A DH4 ot th8 '.' B001all.t (Lett Vins) JleTOlutlon.- It 18 hrthsr reported that the nbJKt baa Men . an InterDat10nal J>olegat. anA .:~t» ZX~tl" Counc1l ot ~=.t hrt1 and that be "u &lone Y1th BenJ 1- Itlow, ~Wt.q, Charle'\ thenherg, a.c4 . other.. MeUer ot the Menae'ng C

. ; 1 prepared a lIan11'eno, resarcU.n8 the orsan1sat1on ot "Workalrn'. Ca\mo1l.a-. -'orsuaon . " .. a aeal>er ot the L8tt Vins' .atlonal Coun01l, Whieh ooza1.t.4 ot n1ne ~ and .­ 1nclu4ed 01tlO'Y, . . . '. ,

.. ., ...... ,.:. • < ..:-...... ':. : • !# :~:. ~"-'...... 1 'I ~ ~- ' . .~ ~: ~ ._~ ....:, ~" . c .. ': .....: . £~>.. -'';" \ _ w._ v...-...... ~ ..~ 'VA"~ UoIo ... AW"a; ~ ~.. ~.~~;~- ~ " ~orUle c':"';'. ~- Paul J.l'arn, the tollO'V1lJ&'1Dtoru.t1an ,18 to 'be to'\m4 ­ ~ ... ~ ... - " ...... r • '"'-.....:.;; __ an pqe 6'1 ..;' ~'~i)er.litru aattted aaaberah1p an the~at' ee-1tt.. or the Intei-nat1cmal lhr14.1oal Aaoc1at1on. A letter or Carol V ZXeo\1t1ft 8eontal'7 or the : organ1ut1on, introduced in eTielenee,~, \ that the orpn1ut101l had. h&A 1t. incept10n 1n .rlln 1n 19'1. In that letter, )(1. •• I1ng 1ItatM. ,that JoM)h ~, Oaloo4. LJ'runkel and )(1... nD6 Yen 1n 19'1 and D.fN an .-ben or the ZUoout1ft Ca=1ttee. \:~her -.ber ot the orlg1na.l J::teolZt1T8 ea-1tt.., md .-t1ll a ....:ber, 1. Jeroae ~l~erlte1n. X1•• ~ .-tatK in her t..tter that the orpn1ut1ca ­ Ya8 internatIonAl in char&oter Y1t.h 1ntemat1CD&1 aN'1Uat1C1U, ~ut that. 'V1t.h the ad:nnt ot )litler, t.he Oeraan cirsaniut.1on 4.1 ..pPN.rM and .1I1oe then thah baTe been no 1nternat.1CD&1 aN'111at1on.1,. _,

'Tae If're&surer ot the organ1ut1on ¥hen 1t vu"tO%1lled. yu ',OM80¥'"" no .-t1ll reTM'n. 1t. 'I'rea.wrer. l'he .1gn1t10an0e of the XnternatiCD&1 ~~ M8oo1at1on t11K Y1t.h tha.bank, at vh10h aD. aooount .... opeDe4 1n 1931, deacr1M4. 1t a. the ..I%It emat1c:mal. Jur14.1oal Naa.001at.1 on, A.J.101 c.c s.ct1em-• • oentq, Whc a neY bank acoount. vu openri, 1t va. 1It1U deacr1Hd. 1J:L tbe unDer.

~ Interaat1CD&1 Jur14.1oal u.oc1&t1oi:l, af'ter it. orpn1ut1on, had it. ori1oe. at l00-,th Ann_ 1n the otf'1ce. or Joeeph ~ ad Cmdl X1..D.&I who an .-ben of 1t.. ex.out1TO anA nat1CD&1 o~ t t... Jotli carol D.n& an4 J ONph !Iro4.8q are ",..U mown .. at.t.ot"M¥8 ter lea4.1.n& ~1.-t., K1.. D.q haT1ng reoentq det~ , ,~ ,Zarr1 Jlr1clp. 1ft the tr1al tor h1. 4epo:rt.at.1an.

")cr.Xarn a4a1t.t.e4 that Carol nna b4 inTitK h1Il to 'Moe-' a .mber or the ,lat1onal ~tt.. of the Int.mat1aaal hrl4.1oal Aaeoo1at1ae, 'bltt he UAt" that. the ors-n1u t 1ca or vh1ch ha ".. a JUaber vu the ... .. the Internat1cm.al .7a-1cUoal Aa.oo1at1on, vh1ch vu tc:xr-4. 1ft 19'1. Jraw.,..r, 111•• X1Aa adait.tM 1t lI'U the.... t' 0l"pn1ut1on .. t.he cme 1n .n.tenoe t~. Beak rM~, of the orpniut1an &lao , oCll1t1..r-..4 th1. t&cJt • .

•1M allepd ~ of the Intemat1CD&1 hr14.1.oal A..oe1at1ca ... Nt tort.h in ODe of 1t. bullet1u 1n 1932 ".. to clet•• o1T11 l1bertb., lNor'. r1&ht. eM. to ral17 to the .1cle at veron "Winet. • the 'tozooe. ~ t.he aate "when the latter allsnect 1t..l.t em the .14.e or -8pe01&1. mT1lep·. • , (

':~. -"'-""'" 1.\...... i tw ••," •••

- . ,. r 1. .. -, " (' ,- ", 23 .. '1 -; J ( " ~., " " ;'i~ ,'C '. ~ , - ' . . , . -.... .­ I , > ­ -' ....:, '- "_':".-- .. . !::-=­ . ~~-:,'"' '-, . n'iISlx-.R'8 XO!'SI !he ~ ar the No"re tootK r-pOrt trca ~~.:. '., ':. the C1t7 Ccnmcl1 or tM Cit7 or .." York 1nn.-t.16&tlClD 1. .. -~=-_~~" 1~. ~ - .: .­ , .' ,-...~ ••••••••• The te.-t.~ or Xr.Xlohola r-cord.ed abow -.oe the bal4 not. ~wtant1&ted et.«t ement that. 'tM awll lfh10h appeared a range co den. unner t 111 vh10h nr10u ed1tor1al.a appeared 1n euoh publ1oat1em- u the leY Republ1o, the Xatlca aD4 the .ev "eee. lfhie- a1l8gatlon le apparentl1 ~. . nq e0un4 groUDd. In the March,1~ l&a\ae of the Internat10nal .Jur1d.1cU ~lat1on' bullet1n, a great deal ar epa.ce 1e 4eTotK to the arreet· at I>etrolt,X1oh1gan an the ~ or hbruar1 6,1~O b7 the J'e4.eral Junau of InTe.-t.1g&t1OD. of a mal>er or 1n41T14ua.1J1, Who had. been recru1t or enllet men for Nrrlee en t he to 81de of the

The r .I\.~l~~ PalM The Katlon on March 9, 1940 in or acOQ r rep.atIna the Pa.Ja-r Ba.1b lfh1le the , ~ • Xev Bellublle OIl lebruA17 19, aD ecU.tar1&l ezrt,ltad -"r1can oaP1t' alaC' crtt1c1.e4 the Detro1t Jtal4a and alao cxw Vh.1oh took plaoe 1n .... York u4 Ul'8 that the'~ .. 1. 'be1.n& paTN tor,the r-t\Zl"ll or the Fabler 2a14a. .­ . . . . ' The .-v .publ1o on ~ 1,1~ at&ted 1n m art1o~ that the am beh1D4 IooT8r . 1. ~lt and that 1t 'VU tao to pt Y1.. to h1.a Qa.t.&po aM th1..... 1..-.w abo ca.1.b tar 1.n'ft.t~t1on of the fBI -= £Oe.

.~ .

. 'r ..f'

(b J'ebruar'7 ,,1 , the IIeV Republlo MOUNd the J'ri8ral ltn:r"'AlIIW Ye t oa. of OTer1ook1n8 "t.reuan an4 treaoheq- oook:1J:1e UD4.er the neae of 1t. JranJ.l Bnmoh Of't1oe 1Ivh1~ 1t ohue4. l1berala v;p ~l1nd aUe,.. and prepared. a 'bl.a.elc., " . - ,.,.­ -~

. C, ,.,.-.... --'" , OIl 1Iarolr'2",~9"O 8D4 IIaroh }o,~9'O, reoc:-.nU4. 1.nftat.1pt101l or t,he-.J'ed8ral. ~ ~- InTeat.1p.t101l 1A the tozwer 1... m4. 1n tM latter 1• .,. ree· n4e4-Pl"OHo\lt101l. Or.the rect.reJ. J!lu:re&U .. the ~ m.ewn nolater of Ue lav pkinC Y1retaPP1D6 & telQGT_ In oCllUWot101l v1th V1ntapp1Dg, the .lntemat1anal hr141o&1 A..oo1at1on Wllet1n hu kept ~ & ocmt1m&a1 hoVl ter &. AlDIber at ,-.an. .'.,~ ,. -. r . , . . ., In t~ Maroh,l9kO 1.au. or the UA hlht1n, wh1ch baa \e.n referred to NTereJ. tiM. &bOTe, 1t 1• .tated that. ~M lI1oh1gan C1T1l 21gbt. J'edarat1OD, the A-.r1can ' C1T1l Libert1e. thien, and tM IDternat10D&1 .lAbor ».tenM MDt telegra.a to . - ~ lre.1dent Boo.flftlt ~e.t1ng the th~~o1&t1Cln1of 01T1l ~••_ It 1.' : &ho .~..ted ~r the apanaorahip or t~~gan C1T1l Mgbt. h4erat1on, .. oclia1tt nat10D&1 1n .00,0 YU .et up torthe 4.etena8 of t.he 4eten4ant..·. In connect t.he that the K1ehi C1T1l R1 • r~1an '. 1A th1. artter r·

. D08tIQA1'QR'8 .onl ~ mal1a1. Jut &bOTe thi. note cO'\.lU. be JIl&4e & Ter1 Yolua1noua aff&1r. BoveTer, 1t. ~ ro.ftlolent. to 1ntroduoe the tfIV ]adDon­ .trated abOTe NtWHn the oo1noldental· &D.d pro'bab at the ~.t or ult.ra-llberal pre••,

en ~ Vh10h be t.houaht o 0la1a the authorah1p. .. hu written.& book ent1tledl -n.. Inn.tor PaJra·, Vh1ch he publl.he4 1n 19" 1n ~.' upl-1M at 1)eoa.'ber, 19~, be wrote aD art10le ontltlo4s IItJb. oaae at t.~ M1 ••our1 Pao1.!10· &D.d 1A the I." R~llo on 'October l1,19}4, he wrote aD article ent.ltled ·'1!l1rt.7 Dollartl 1n Vall StrMt.· &D.d ..­ 1n t.M lev Republlo at ~ 22,19~, be pu'bllahe4. aD art10le Qoo4-b~.· e:lt.lt.1e4 -w..u Street. n.". 'Ccmgre.. .All. or t.he.. l· pu)lloatlona baft been eXA.'nec1.1n vhole or 1n pert, b7 1'OUr . . '! ( IDTe.t1&&tor &D.d t.he the wb 1t. operat1cma . ; ( ......

',: . . .; "~


. . '. , •• _ ...... ~ _ ."_ ...... _ goo..",••, "'~ -m87 l.O De U~ e11.ner lnI'1ll ~~ p.rt., - .' far t.he an.rt.hroV or thi. Go'oniMint b7 Ttounee. Tarlou 1D.d.uatrial orgsn1 nt1cma ''-­ . .~ .. are cUagui.. far ra1.1nB nch tun4.a. fhe cozmKt1ca of the J'r1en4.a ot Sortet' , ,,' Jtual& Yith the Mo-eav 0aTel"'Daa1lt-1. too Y1tll mavn to Deed repeat1nB. ~. orpn.1- _ . . utlOn 1.wed a clrcula.r vh10h 1n4.1 cated that S;Tdne7 nl..1.Jlan·. orpn,h.ailOIl, the , , Ruaalan-Allerlo.en Indu.trial Corporatlon, 'Va8 1n nrr clo.e tou.ah vith the l'r1e~ of SoT1et Ru81a, anA an 1J:rt.ere8t.1ng part at the .oh«u vaa to u.- the plea of eaY1ng • atarrlng' children. 'rhe circulAr rea4e 1 , - • J'r1endJ1 of SoTl.t Jb8a1a 8t.art.. b1g CCIIP&1sn far Rus.lan-,Az.,ric.n %ndutrial Corporat1on and children'. hcae. 1n SoT1et Russia. ' - 'The l'r1en4.a of SoTiet Ruaa1a, Loca.l .ev York, hu JU6t opened a Joint oas;pa1gn far the Ruaalan-.Amar10an Indwrtr1al Corporatlon and. the Children'. ][cae. ln BoTiet Ru••la. - ''1'he Corporatlon,f~ recen.tl.1' 1n the Aw\Jgamat.ed, ha.a for 1t. pu:rpoN the prcmotlon ot in4u.-trlal aot.1Titl 1n RIa.la b,. ra1.1ng 8UN'lclent caplta1 to st..art largo factorie.. A II1Won dollars 18 needed tar the 1n1.t1a1 ~pltal, and. thoueantb baTe alread,y purchased. .-toek, vh.1ch .ella at $10. a ahare. ~ vorkar \tho Wi.M. to see BaT1et liwIsia pro;>er-mnst lend his f1.nanclal us1rtanc. to thi. proJeot. J"urther 4.eta1l.a Which re~ to the corporation and. the caxpa1gn to be 4onduete-d Yill be pub11shed later. t·

l.r.'i."••, ...eil1i:ih~$",,*...ua~$r~-...n~•• IAN'"" B 'Hp11tiln~ HI'JittftMs,.,m• .e d sQnlaiC»= 11111 'a' au... 8..n 88!lUI HKIIJVYUWnwrax:nsan

"', WA.LTXR s.~, STATD(DT :BD'ORI A SPlCIAL caecrrtn 01' lJI-J.XmICAX ACTIVrtlltS EO't:Ell: (H ~SEYl2l'n-J'D'TE Cc.QRESS, p&6e '~51 ,r -S1dnel nu...an •.• o:rsan1ud the Bu..I.lan-Amerl~ Indu.trial Corp., in' ~v York Cit,., ot vh1ch be ~ prt,81dent in 1922 (thia arpn1utlon Mnt OTer $1,000,000 to Bua.1&i ue18t.ed in orpn1l.1.ng a ~ to raise tund.a 1n the lh1ted State. in .upport or tbe Spani8h --r.d trOl1t" Cbnrmaent•• • .;. , X COllJ"!:BB, !Ie~1C7V, page 17'1 . "

-X baTe ~~ aentlcned. the conrere~. or 11u..n 1n I':>.cov, u 'a reault ot - Vh10h lt wu un4entoo4. that K1llAan vould. ~port J'oner'. aotlTttle. 1n the J,a,riea.u ,'. 'frt.4e un1on.e. }.t the .81118 t!me the Ru..l &nJI agreed to H11laan'.·propON.l to orB&iUI.e .,' the Ruadan-kDerican !n4u8t.r1al Corporation for the bu11cU.ng- u:p of the cloth1.ng ..... 1D4u.tZ7 1n iwIla.· ." . - -"'_ -: "- ­ . . -~_. . . . ,' ][.RES.282, (DIm cCJltirzu RXPOR'l'S) PP "729, Tol.7; teBtUaan.1 of DIn Qitlov, u follov•. ~ "rhe 1922 COOTentlon of the .Mne)

., ( -'-'.. '- ~- .... " : .' ...... ­ C :::~~=.~(\ ~:;4h::·a aOP7of t~Dr ~ .OT~r 25;'1922";:" ~ .;; the .:­ .' Jl&per -whtoh preceded the »&111 llcrkerf Xr.Q1tlovl Ye •• Xt-.MattheY.: '!hi. vu publl.hed week1¥! Xr.Oitlovl That vu a v"~ and. then beca:ae a c!A11..r. Kr-.M!LttheYlI r I haft here one ot II8n1' adftrtilleJlet1t. plaoed. in. the Vorbr b,. the J'r1end.8 ot Bo,-iet Ruaaia, Vh1ch nad..8 at the top I . The J'.S.R.~ ot ,0,000 and.. the )l.A.I.C. -rhere are 50,000 in the 1r1end.a r4 8oT1et Jhl.uIa.. ~re are t8I1.8 or thO'\LP"". ­ aore'!'r1enU ot Sortet Rusda than this. »ut to nov we han tound. 50,000 ccara4e. and. .1l!Pathl£ere ¥ho Vill, 1!' g1Ten-a 4ut,., maD a oonnen'tIOWI attempt to perfona It.

The Ruaelan·Aaerlcan InduetrIe..l Corporation (R.A.Z.C.), orssn1~ by th...... ,gmaated. Cloth1n8 Yorker. h&8 18aued. an InT1tation,to the J'r1end...s ot SoTiet lh1eaia to ..Bin. in a cawpUgn to .ell a m1ll1oc. dol.lara· worth at nock, the proceeds ot whtch .alee to be uaed to &1d in the resezzeration ' or Ru.s81a. .

You nated on the nand the t1r1rt. d..e..y ,.au. appeared, I 'bellen, that the J'ri8'nJU ot 8oT1et au..aia ..... a o~letel..T Cam mn1 at dca1nated., orgenir.ed, and ooc.trol.led °organ1:.atIonf -:: Mr.01tlov. Ye.. .. _ Mr.MattheY.: }.bout. the di.poa1tIon or \lho~ t\m4.a tun Ya8 ~ Te17 .6rIoua o~t .you had to IlAket Mr. OJ. tlov• Ye •• Mr.Matthev.. In that the tun.d.A vere.Dot ued in the interellt or the ""-'mSn :Part,. at the B cr1et thien, but vere U8ed. to organ1u the part,. 1n thi. oOlmtr;rf .I.... Mr.Gitlov. Ye.. . '. ° Mr.MattheY.. In the 18we or the Vorlc8r r4 Deceaber 2;e22, 1. an artiole on tha Ruaa1an-lMerloan Induatrial Corporatioc. vh.1oh nate.: Pre.Ident 814ne,. 1I1u-n ot the .ADa~ted Clothing llcrbr. at ~Ia.a, who hu Ju.at lett Jb1ada, hu coc.o ludell an &gI eeIIent Yhereb,. American 1m"e.tQr8 SA the corporatIon are snaranteed a 111,,1.,. at 8 per Nat -. diT14.en4.8, and. aho 1n the tull ~nt: or princIpal b,. the 8oT1.t OoTern.ent. "

~c.u LABOR ~ BOOX,'p.76: " . -ASBISTASC3 ro D38IA IJIJ VA,R surJ"kRJ:RS. ---The aollt llberal and oOl1.8'truct1Te ti-a.d.e v:n1oc. coc.tributiau to lhaB1a an4 the nr-nr1obn people. G1.~ 111 the 1.a.-t fn yeer•.>an C~ rrca the D..Ue trad.elll. The Ama'gmnted. ooatr1bute6 tJ.67,206.80 and t~e. Garment Yorker. $"",s.30 tovard Ruaden tGl1ne rell.t, &D4 thi. at & t1JlO ¥hen they were tIgbt1n8 almost tor .ex1~enc. 111 theIr ~n ~rt&nt c.nte. I. 1'b~1er. and Cap ~r. haTe been BeJlel"C7l.W .. nll, and all t1Te ooatribated hearll1 to t~.a:tlwal People'. Rellet Caa1tte•• ..

~- - L.. '.'" - ' .. .&.. ~ " .c. -- . : ...... ;, ~ - . ~...' ~ . .;,. .... ~ :" . ~ .. ; -. . ' • • • # 00J.' .... 7. ! ) -S?i-

, .' , . £- ;', ..... (~.,~" . .~::. ~ . ..~., . \.... . ' .-~ , .. , c:

. ;.­ .. ...:: . .~.-; .... ~ 8!AD IIIPJJrOWf DCOID SZARCX, .~cxrd. ·.xPSrie4 b7.--.··.· ,.... .".':j;~'~{~'. :~._: ;,~:.;. ( . - - .", .. "-":-. .: .. "- ~ record 1D41cate. that ClI1 ~ ,,19}4, puapo:rt .o.s,m va. ~ 1"~ to :·'::':.t··~<:; Max tonntbal OIl the bu1. or an appll0&'t1~ ..u ClI1 A~ ~,~ in which M :-;:"·:~.:L·~·l:~~ ..., 1n4.1cate4. that he YU a nat1n o1t1r.en or lh1tM at&t.., \om at )Hnnaapoll., i. ~~ ." 1;» J:...... ~aata ClI1 h~ 26,l888, the 80n or I&than IDnntbal or Xom.o,baa1a, UMue4,,:(; no re81dK 1n the tb1te4. au•• trea 1.880 to 1927. n. applloant 1Dd.1e&t•• M. :~'"'tt.--\lX;· 4ca1011e to be at. 418 Central hrk V.8t, .... York C1t7 aM. n.at.•• that he 1. 'gotnif,~"~'7: to.n.1t tar the purpoee of pl.M.nre the oomrt.r1.~ of ~, Jnnoe,8p&1n, Bv1t &erlJm4.

" .;...... ~ .­ • ~ '" _. ~.. .f. _." : =; =:.~ ~t~~~~~:~t. are41t. :. __ .,:.:Isi-iiii

'. j :taLICJ: DZP1mCI:IT, ~ POLICE, ~th anA 1D41ana~";U.;1,'. c~··:-, ::~':r:;'7' s.aroh -.4.e \7 ~ ".' j. _." :'f~" . . . '. :... ; ..~..~; '. !he ~ htor-.t101l or reoer«. HOlIrK pe1"taSJdaa to the appUO&Jl't,' CII" hi. ,~: ,'..". !~.:~. ta117 1. to t» ett.ct. t!uLt M. Y1t., ~.1Iax Imec.tbal of 1 Ve8t I'i-Y1.Da a'-I':::~vr~.:i-~~ CheT1 Cbue,•• 1. a ~ of the .·h1~0Il ~ Bbop. . ',- - :_' "~'.!.l,-·:'~·;~:~:;'i.

!'II Cntt.CWlI POL1CZ 1Jn>AMJCDf,Cbrr7 a-e,Ilel71aD4.- _ . - n- .-~:~1~~~;~:~:~ .~ _ ...... -.. '~.~.~.i .:, t.',~ .~":._~.\!~",> "..!. ~~ ' .• <"'~" ~ . ."J' #. .­ \-> ~ \~ . , . .. .. ·rt .' • . '. ~ ~ ~ '.. ~ j ~ .. .. ' . "{' '1 ;J ..... \ : "1.-:.. .. =-:~- " - ' • f!Ii- -..,.-, . ~;"'. . " ,"'... F ~.::.:.:. ­ , ..•<.. L ~:r ...... ~ ..' .~. _.- - --- ___ _ .... _nro Cl~lU.4 .1M Izifii\Ar P..,.- ;~: . . . ~ ",",eM Loeb an4 CQIl~ 1D pt.i'Uer.a1U' and nAU 8~\ 1ft t:~. .' '..~ Tlu&iI ...... the p,.."y pl0tu,.. or ~ appllOaD\ OIl the CIIW haNS wr1UD& a book 4IliIId1a& , Wall St.ree\ .ku11cNGc.17 aD4 all \bat 1t .\and. tor aa4 !'G ~ other baIwS. ·aotiac'" "" . , ..nl "Dun••l tor a oonoen that••0 tU' ... SD~.-.ot quallt1e. are oonoen~. : ~d DO\ ~ w1th1D tel..oopl0 dl.~ ot the aftrqe or • .,. wb-tt.-rae. "all St~ OODMl"lh 10\ cm.ly dld the arplloal1t pJ"08tltute hi. 1e,al abl11U.. W the proeewUc ~ the protr- ot the BAIC. but M and hi•. wit•• aloac wlth 1.en.1D aad.oth.r till mS.te .­ · ot l ....r oallbraUon. Mld .took in 1:h1e oCllloen. aDd joined 1ft all .tton te ho1. ~ .. · .toCSk out to the terMr-.l pub1lo .. a rellabl. O0flDl1"01al wn~,... So tv .. tbe . :.. C~.ta a,.. oonoernod. the ap;;lloftnt'. OOUC.pUOZl ot ..0UD4 bu.11W•• pract10. appeU"l .... ( «. • to 'ftI"1' ZULrbd.l1 t'r'aIl hi. ld.a ot 'IIb-t "all fiU'ee\ bJ..1".•• praoUo.. a,.. Cl4 mould be.' . . J.t doe. not appelU" that he wo\lld. be ot .UGh dual opWoza lt there ..re DO\ .aM ·u.l '-dOl" ·IIQU.... 1nTOlnd. It'wq be .dd. ~~t he ... out tor ~ lecal t .. 1J:rrolft4S. ~ tha, -::r ( be tru., but 1t awe...... hlll"dlyl1.bly \hat be ..-d .took 111 the 0000."" ... all 1~t..at. ' Jmow1nr; wha.t M 1. bound to haft kn~ aho,",' 1t. ·orcULlaaUan. U. IN..t haw had .. . .. deal" .oeM '*"are 1D hia aablp to a.1d ~ C . 'DSat Pa.rt7 ud lu.0I*l11dao1&Nd 1.JrMct.1~ · GIla or. that da. to de.Voy thl._ OOTttn.en' b1' rl.1eDOe......

" • }'o'r ·~.,.r .eY'!'11 year. prior to be1n, ~lo~ bT the Boe.rd ot ~'. lJarl..,... C " the applioant ,.. wi~ the Senate lnteratat. eo..roe Cu~ttee 011 K&11ro&4t. Be,. .. . : he .et up aD. orGa.n1&atlan to do ,..••arch -ork on'rIL111"'O&d8. aD4 &pp4U"8Dtl,y cl1el a "IW"f. ,ood Job•. J.n hi. lIaploy... for thl. FOr.ot. he had u hi••H~ in hia u.. ~Of"k ~. ott1oe. a Uh. l\I.lIOna. a C,.....,101It peUUoa .1r;JWl". tItlo 1•.with h1JI ncnr .t the Bear4 ot So. nartlU"o. \. He .l.o had a Itr. U~&l"•. ~ hl&Cl Cca-&ul1.aUo CoDneoUoa.a~ an4 ~ot" .. wbil•• he eap1O)"M a Ur. T.ovn.r. who fl.t about t;be .~ tiM ....d.1t.or ot the IJA 8Q.11.t1I:h Who 0 .18. h. _plor-d ha.a not bMD ••tabllahe4. no 11.t or ~ .-plOT". Of ~ C~"" . ~ aTlt.llabl.. It appeara .ar•• tb~h. ~ ...,... \bat a 11beral .p~~ ot OCB n"1..... _1ra-11nral. _roe inaluded.. and a D""bu ot th .-p1oyee. ..,.. .til1 1IIl \h hia. . , () and _h." they no -loacer appear. ,.. tiDd lNoh tace that ot the ••M"" Ce-n,s.,. . hul•• nato.' . ~' ;:. . . " '.:.' alleged ~"}/ '.. ,., .- . 0 .' : ..'l'be .pp11oan-t'. -ork with ,the Intel"'-Stat. C~roe C~~ ot the Se.aat. doee . not appear to be .0 inpor-tant m th1. 11lft.U,;at10A U .oet ot hi••xtra-ourr.lo\llU' :&Ot1rlt1... 1'h11. ho ,.. thu. ~d YOcat1onal17 or protw••1011&117 tor Sd.&\Or ~l.r. 0 aACS the ...a' 0& th•. C~ttH. be had the ol.....r awcaUOIl or ...-oJ"Mda writ1~. I, wou~d probably be 1JIpoedbl. to uMl"t&1D ..at all the app11NDt hN 4Mlt w1\h 1ft h1a : ·~lt1t&l"lou• .-orand_. but lt oumot be 'Cainaaid that a 1OOdl,. porUoa ot tMa ba~ ~ on th. PBX. 'l'be ..thocl ot c1rCNlatla, 'ttl.... ra\bar Dnwl. lA tha' the applioant apparently ••d a. hi••tee,_, .000 after ooa1~ ~ naahlAi\oza eel ~ _. aoqualntanoe. w1tb Ua. Ho~rt O•. l.itchtle1d•.14tohtt.1d. a.tter 'bbe~'.pp~ ,0 11l all .pptanbUy oonrt aa.Dner. 01roulaWd the ~17 'Wrltteza _ttar o~ tho app110&l1t. They ... to haw worked oh1et11' ~ the nx. ~ouO\'&tr. Lo-wDthal .ppe...... to haft a h4h1T . productln pcohant tor wriUISI on aayth1n,; that oonouma 01"11.1 npt.. or hi• .,.nClll r1&h~. o -. :tt'01Y11 ' . t; . , ..' ; . ':' . ''. .

. .\. ,,' ...." ~ ~. ' .. .' -"" -. ~'-. (; .. - .... ' .

. :.) _____ -. ... -!"k'9W4". Y\&l; ~~Dtha.1 _ ....~~an.G.-L£004l7 portion ot the thoU,ht that hu tOU into Co-auihUo JNbl1oaUou c:~ -.. regard~" the F8I, 'and hu pumped hi. Tenon brto tho uteri.. ot the pN." bT ...an. ot j.. bll .teal~ operationl at the Hatio.J:lal Pre•• Club. P\arthermoN. he hu apparently .;.> . exchanged writtnge with the IJA. thrcn.I&b Carol UZl&. M. alle,ecUy tormer law olerk. an4 ~.'" haa h&c1'hb wite doing re.earoh tor: thh organization 01\ one ot the hott.e.t and mo.t M&h1, .• ," .' a!l'~ated qu.e.tion. ot W. labor age-the right ot .eamen to .trib. i!ith re,arda to tM .(, . Detroit arre•.t. and the bu.llabaloo rai.ed a.tter them. it appear. ~at the appl10ant i -' ... ~' . l'urni.hed the braiu tor lDO.t ot thle a,;itatton. the o.tendble leader in th1. driTO to ­ :.:: tN' the 1Uch1,an Co:amm1.t..... the Hational Federation tor Conat~tu\i~ ·'L bertie. ,::.' whioh Jl C rll R1 • F er t :0-'" , ." !" ••­ • no1; 1n41ca' o ....lon a ocura .gg. ot the odera on. .. e..t indioate. a ,w.i" 0 :-. ; on hi. part to build up the Federation into 'OIMth1ng ot oouequ.enoe_ . -;.... \,,\) ( ..: i".th. National. F.deration baa been branded .. aub-ftr.lw by the Attoruey: GeMral ot the . ~ -.. U¢ted State.~ and it rOf' a l~ tilU h... been ~ rOWldatlon or the COWlI.Url,t legal a.ra ( ~ :.~: in the t!nlt.d State.. It aq be 'aid with a ~reat deal ot iUpport~ wbltanoe that . ':i .the IJA, and 1t publioation, tM Bull.tin, are the Koy.ton. ot the oOl!ll!llllli.t le,al arch . '. ~ .rloted on We roundation. The applicant turn1.hed the braiDI and did. &.lob ot the '.' . ~ :':, wrltint; on the 1>etrolt que.tion'rwhJ.oh .... handled by the Hational Federation. It " ( :~~"Would .... that on thh pertonuzace alone, he aooNdt"ted hixuelr ae a Co"",:unhtio l..aw)rer~_· -=\.J'hen •• ·oondder hi. Jlational.. Pomm1ttee melllber.hip with the IJA, aiu1 hi' 0101. re~at1onlh1P€ }:.:~with it. he haa a &loh Do~e d!tf1ou.lt ~ ••caP1n& th1. olua1t1oatione ' ~, .' '" ". ~. ~. ~ .....:.: -.:' ..': -...... : .. -' ;. . . . ,."- .... ,. ".. ";. .:::.:- .. - . .!. :....;··-i:. Thi. inftlt1gaUon. haa.not produoed with 'retarda to the applio:ant 'tM olo~~~rk ':. ~ :,~. tollow1D& ot the party-llna whioh .... d.monatrated by ~e deYOteel ',at' ~e ,,~~_~ Jun..,-'". "': 1;'1, 1fhen, upon "the in.....don.ot aulda. they oh~ed onr night ~rOII itt"'.~. to " ,,', :.~~ rabid 1nteM"lntion1... Ho"ver, to .~ that. )au Low~thal· oon.ort~ with th~. tdlo tollcnt:'-'~ . the. party line 11 putting It aildly, and ..men we oondder t.h.e.t 'h.... ~aina,t LeneS-Le....~ .'"' .hen it ... r1r.t Itatted. and 11 alleged to haft had an 1.JIportMt. hand in orl.an1a!nC':. '/:,; . ':'." .. ' ." . " .. t .:'• ':_ '.. .,. .": - \.: ' • . ~ ... ~: tod~ the eubj.ot 18 head ot aD ~rlan1aatlOD tlh10h deal. with reocoupatlOZ1••to~. lIZul "e t,1Ih1oh appar.ntl)" 18 hartZl& a hard t1-.e Ncrulttng penozm.1 ao1\J&1nted with the' T&.lue' .~. .­ \ Wora Counoill_ ne hi.l there with h1JI a I1WIlbor ot c.o JDSat.. or at leaat, ultra';r&4Joal._ "who tOZ'll a coterie that aay ..11 be vi...d with wid.-eyed lu.plcicn. The ~ppliou.t hu ., tor. a lon,;' t1ae .-nite.ted intere.t., and IIl&1ntain.d. oo=ecUoni. ::-b1oh. U Dot o~ M 1-"' -. ~tri'l:'t C,..'nhUo nature, are at be.t unwhole.ome tor the Y1ewpolDt ot • Y1rU. ·d-.oCa&07. J.:rr. one deY'Oted to our tora ot .coTeMIIMnt, -&- WIll .ub.orlbe to Voltaire-. ·.taten.nt.: • ~ .~. d.1.&&re. 1Iho11y w!th 1Ihat you .•ay. but will defend to the death 70W" .*ilk' to la7 it.- ./., " but it JIl&kal the pertonunoe le_ lOIlIW'lfhat ulterior D.Z1d/or out ot pla.o. to out .hout tho.....: whail you proteot In .uoh ri~t.. Loftnthal. like all the Cc.mmh~... _plojl loll underoo,..rGi .~otlou•• and u.u.al1y W1tair Mthbd ot 1mple.llt1.nc d-..ooraq. 1~" all tcllO"Nd )dl:. ":.' . aDd ~he'r ..thodl. d..-ocraoy would .oon be a .h..b1e&., .' : ,,_.... (! '_~.:...", :~.~. "". ::~~: ..' ··.~l- b'pe~~ 'Uba1t~- . P pM :··..~,..i'C ;. '.- ".; ,fir- ," ./ . -':- 'kl1·c.; :.\'' S T~~:./· ~ ~ ~-t' #.: , ; - :.1:#/ \-. _, ,I' .\t~: .~:~' }~ "~: ~< ~,\ '1 .---,." .. •.•. .~ ..;~ ..... ,'" ~. ; . In checking our file the Arav on both Lowenthal an on Lowenthal. We had noth~n t t f,• Another ttem oJ inter~st - I noted tn th~ Ctvtl Servlce Gl~low report on Lowenthal that Ben had Btat6d l and the report does not show to whom he statedl that the jUnds oJ th~ Russtan-Amertcan uestaent O~mpany were actually used to Jtnance the Communtst Party thts country. Tou wlll recall that thta ~aa the organtzatton which tdney Htllman headed and oJ whtch Mar Lowenthal was counael.­ ---.,---- r~lo ~1.-.I••• 4 .._ ()k' , ... IN1E:i.NAL SECURITY - C :l:U~ Trac' _ -- ·The check of the State Department records revealed that thev have *,"bo _ considerable information on Mr. ~ Lowenthal. c.'Fblim memorandum o~ him 11>,..10..... ___ sets forth in:ormation already in the Bureau's files. The passport records _00__­ of the State Depart:r.ent re'J"~fl} ~3.cL:gro'.lIld data plus thp. fact tllat hp, has 00DdJ' _ only beep. issued two passports, one in June of 1917; ~hen he allegedly Il".ade a trip abroad for the State :Dep.;.rtment. 'lhe State Department having no further facts on this matter wc~ld aS5~~e th2t he is assiened to some quasi official position.

On !~ri1 5, 1934, he was issued a p~ssport, at which time he TIas acco:!tpanied by his "'"ife, to proc'2ed to Italy, :rance, Spain Md. ~'it'7..~r1G.nd, for ;>leasure.

em Jtily 17, 1947, 2. "refusalr: notice was placed i:1 his passport file the reason being that he ~dS allegedly associated with one Duboise of th3 Treasury De12rt~':mt woo alle&edly VTaS a CO!D!l''.lIlist. The State Department is jat~pting·to fi:1d out further details 0:1 t~is natter. ::~ At the tiI:!~ Lowe:1thal was assiGne::l to serve wit~ the··:\). S. lli.litary Goverr.ment ir. Gerrcer.:r, ~ telebram ?:as sent ~;r Assistant Secretary ."cheson / / to Ur. Afurphy, U. S. pOliticapcr~.soin Berlin, ~he sUbste.nr~;( rHc~ is t.::::..­ " follo";s: ~. ~~ ~.N. _ ~? t--f

liThe ~·:ai' Depart~ent ha.s <,.cvise t~at L:ax Lowe;1thal has bee:1 assigneo tn acvise 0:1 problems of restoratio:-! and cisposit~or- of J e"lish he:) rless ::;roperty funo.s. I have had close asso:::ia tion l'dth L(mer-thal for =-an~r years a:1cl I am confident that he has the high competence sta!"'..dir.g and experience ir.. public affairs necessary to aid materially i~ the solution of these p!"'obl~s. He h~s discussed his assig:mer.t aild relCited q'.lfJsticns f,llly v.rith Hildrir..; (formEr Assistant SeeretaIJr of State) ~i~ ot~er interestert nfficie1s cf th~ :Departme::t, P.r.~ y'e are anxious to make certair: thRt h3 till hav:3 ~very ClSS~.stp.r.ce and cooperation Departznent CCL~ ~.fford h1r.I i:1 COfi.iS -:t.;.o:) V"i th his ."fork. Llildring· BliC I shall personally ~pprccip.te EJ.'1Y help you can give ir.. Ge!'Tllany."

The abo;re is pr0bably t!1p. or.1y new i:1.forr..r tion i..'1 t.'"~ State Department files that is :1ot already in the ~Ul'e~~l~r~osses~ion. ~ copy of the above te~egraI;1 l'1ill b~ o::.teined. Ia.,C!J"::-"":"'~ . ~o. l *'~ lit!. .. RECORDED· 91 rI §.-~;. };;:733 - 8/ O ,,,.1'- . of. ! .~~.~" \SEP 27 is-:l \X ..... 1: ~ j '//' ~ Ii A.Ll INFORMATION CONT/lJHED ~ ".~'\\, UN~~~4~ / -("~ ~ )~i~ '" rlEREINlJATf~-fV: LS BY~ \( :.( I v-. s-o '. I-IU1. \¢ ""'<1__ IIul>o__ Reference is made to the attached memorandum to the IlI>Ilr--­ writer from Mr. Keay dated August 4, 1950, in Yrl1ich information TOb. ~-_ was set forth 'Which was received from the state Department. A _ .._­ portion of the information set forth concerns a telegram sent qy ~-~ then Assistant Secretary Acheson to l4r. lfurphy, U. S. Political -.':---­ Advisor in Berlin, which requests that all possible assistance be 1-, J given to Lowenthal in his new assignment. '!he Director commentoo. .-p" I on this portion of the memorandum qy inquiring, "Didn't this te7egr' have a date? H.II

-...... ". ;i.t the time this information was received by Mr. Ibac from Wr. Walter E. Jessop, of the State Department, information was obtained concerning the telegram from a JX5 card 'Which carried only a SUIl1IllBry of the telegram. According to Mr • Jessop, this summary did not contain the .date of the telegram. Mr. Jessop is now trying to locate'the telegram itself 50 that we ~ have the complete text and also the date of it. -~ "'­ ,/ If' -:;- This matter is being followed and you will ~:":kePt ',informed , I~ t of the developments. :.'': r,~J.r \ i JI A.;, -~~

':F", . -t.... J r . r fOj"(;:''-;r J. 'j @ ",.' ~ ll'/i .IC~'~ -~- ReJerence ~s made to the wr~ter's memoran~$(to you ~o.J..__ of-yesterday concern~ng a telegram sent by then Ass~stant '"-<'-­ Secretary oJ State Acheson to Mr. Robert Murphy in Berlin ...t>o__ concerning Lowenthal. _.._­ As set Jorth in my memorandum~ the Bureau was attempt- ~ ing to get a copy oJ the telegram in question. In this ~ regard~ a copy has been obtained by Mr. Roach Jrom Mr. Walter E. Jessop oj the State .De?artment which is attached. As will "be noted~ th~s telegram is dated August 23~ 1946.

The .Director was interested ~n this matter and made inqu~ry concerning the date oJ the telegram. Attachment ~ ~ - I ; {!




':'0 r:U-:1?HY FRO]' ACIGSQ1;

YJA,r Dcpartnent advises that Hax Lowenthal leaving

soon for Berlin to assume position Lecal Division o~nrs ~ as adviser on Pr-obleT!l3 of Restitlltion, Sequestration and £ ­ ) ~ D~spos~tio~ of: ..TeY7~sh ~Teirless Fropert;r ~Und. I have had

- ~ : ;p:...... close aS~Dciations· 'il:th Lower.thal for nan;: years and am ~1 ~ cor.f~ce~t that he ~8S t~e h~~~ cor.pctcrce, standin; ~nd

exper~ence :r public Dffa~rs necessary to aid naterially

~:", s01')t~ or these problens. I!e has discussed his

ass~~nMent and related questions fully with Hilldrinc

a:!c othe" i:1terestcd officials 0(' the Departr.1ent, and ..... we are anxious to nakc certain that hc will bn-e e\'cry

ass~_sto!")ce Dnd cooperation Der.s.rtne:.t car: a.fford him in

CO:1:1cction ..,ith his worl~. Rildrinc and I shall personally

a.rprec~ate O:1~ help that you can give hin in GerMany.

Acheson U:HSMarks:jd 8/22/46 Acting V1AS:rr "lGTO!!

~::!J;:rT:::L l7G4 Au[:ust 23. stateMent that Lo\'.'entha"i was ,,'..:('C3 to poslt~ assume on LeGal Div1sbn -- ,.­

Adv~se~ he to Gcner~l Clay

~-~ .... 1

fir'• I Acheso:'1 -­:-

T· • H .... .• 1.:J~·g.·';·)'.., ....' - s . • j d

Au~ust 27, lG46

t d ~ d 5-, ~ ~ -/(J? f)tO..OSU p.t Dcar Dean: I take pleasnre in acknowledgin.:; receipt of .., your tele£ram 1764 of Au:ust 23 reeardin~ the arrival I }.~r. I here of Max Lowenthal who i8 assur.u.n6 the posi­ I tion of adviser on problens of restitution, sequestra­ ~ion and dispos~t~on of Jev~sh he!rless property.

J~x has arrived and has had initial talks wfth General Clay and mysel~. He will be well provided for here a~d c~ven eve~' facility for operatinc effectively. ~his is ny first neetin8 with him and ::: an t"l'..1ch impressed Yl~th h~s knDwledc;e and a::'ility. Please be assured that we Vlill cooperate w~th hil"1 full:,". ',';: t:'1 l";arm re:;£.rcs, belleve re,

• /s/ Robert }.'llrphy

':'he hono::-able :Jean Acheson, Assistont Secreta~ of State, , Washinrrto'1, D.C.

.,a <' - /'. f & ... - I~O__ &tlaon't.__ lO>ht__ Reference is made to my memorandum to you in Ttll. k __ the above-captioned,.matter dated August 3, 1950, which ~""-­ indicated th2t G-2 had dispatched a cable to the European~1---­ Command in order to procure any information that they miGht have concerning Lowenthal. v~~~~~~ Lieutenant Colonel Lynch has now advised that he has received information from the European Co~~and that Lowenthal was employed by the Army as 2n Adviser on problems \~U, of international restitution, sequestr2tion and disposition ~ of Jewish property in Europe from August, 1946, to April, 1947. No information is available in the European Cor.wjand -- as to why Lowenth21 resigned in April of 1947.

. ~_."" .

'. 1 I


I ~~ ~C.T L4~I~t;

~ ~ \\.. I,~

fo )- d ') ') 33- j,:y U LJelellons were made pursuant to the exempllons mGJcatea oelOW wnn no segregaole mau;:naJ aVdlldUle lUI release to you.

Section 552 Section 552a

0 (b)(1 ) 0 (b)(7)(A) 0 (d)(5)

0 (b)(2) 0 (b)(7)(B) 0 U)(2)

0 (b)(3) 0 (b)(7)(C) 0 (k)( I)

0 (b)(7)(D) 0 (k)(2)

0 (b)(7)(E) 0 (k)(3)

0 (b)(7)(F) 0 (k)(4)

0 (b)(4) 0 (b)(8) 0 (k)(5)

0 (b)(5) 0 (b)(9) 0 (k)(6)

0 (b)(6) 0 (k)(7)

0 Information penained only to a third pany with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only.

o Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and dircci response to you.

Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies).

Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as 10 the disposition at a later date.

p ~ I'~'l· ~_ ~/ Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of hi u..l r": '/;.. j J ,'./i- .:: /" .... "," ... ----'----'---_----!.--"---­ /

¢i The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: 0;( -30 0'i ;; 3 - :. !) I tvzA J 3/ g xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X Deleted Page(s) X X No Duplication Fee X X for this page X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx FBIIDOJ .a. 4. De.Laon't J!/,/ ~ "'1.000_ 5UBJ&CT: JlAI H. LOrENTHAL ~-- t-j ~ ::u,r:..:;_ pURPOSE: :.L.;.ti.3l.1_ &.>-:­TJ-v,_


,.1.-. IRGE_ ~- BACKGRWNp: , f -- Tou will recall that Max Lowenthal ts the author 0/ the book NThe Federal Bureau 0/ Inveatigatton W ~hich aets lorth a most inaccurate and vicious attack on the Bureau and t e Di rector.

INYESTIGAT:::N ~ C' ~l-, II .:'. '" . '{)'\(." No c' e aa b en~c.ter:l . .x.t:.~a~ing we owev aurve. lance waa aaintained o Jm Iroa Aprtl to eptember~ 1943. mile Lowenthal has not been the s~bject 01 an active i~uestigation b~ thts Bureau~ tt is noted that the Bureau ha~ received a report dated June ~I 19511 submitted b~ the rashington Fteld OJltce. A review 01 this report reflects that tt was prepared Iroa tn/oraation appearing in the Jiles 01 the rashington Field Ol/tce and not as a result 01 active investtgation. DISSElJINATION: A revierD 01 Lowenthal's file reveals that numerous ~, su.mar~ memoranda~ 0/ varuing degrees 0/ comprehensiveness. have been prepared relative to him since 1942. The file reuiew further ~ f reveals that the lollowing dtsseminatio~~ fome 01 the above­ --.-.....) relerr~d0 ullmaru memoranda was aade: tUJItUfD • r.1 ,'/ _'" 157)7 _ :)..;.:( '1, ~~ Ifl • mornn.. (/ ~ .J ..).;(., ~ ' a~ 41 19lt21 to the BoM'd 1) Econ"a-rc-'a'/are .­ ~ ~ October 191 19461 to Q-2 . ~~ ., ~ /:; ~ November 81 19461 to the Department 01 8tate ~~> $ovellber 151 19461 to George E. Allenl Directorl the "''\. :\ . . r Reconstruction Ftnance Corporatio~ " ' . ')Auguat 201 19lt81 to the Ctvil Servioe Co..tssio~ /~ l October 121 19lt91' to J. P. Coynel National Securtty :;l'.~ COll7'cil lor the attention 0/ Admiral . (' ~.~ ... . Sidne~ r. Souer. 1 ~ ~dmiral / .. 1G! Julu 201 ."19501 to Rear 8idneu W.;· Souera l ,., 1 . Consul tan t to the Prea iden t. 59 FE It"il19S2 19511 to the Depart:e~t'ot State. SP';? ~ . (62-25733-2~'PI1J~llt7152IJ01) '0'10 StL1\tT." /' ':: -D b1 blc.. The Bureau I)as ad vi sed on Sep tember 2 1 19481 tha t Jiaz Lowenthal ~as being considered Jo~ posaible aeftbership on a Regional Loua1ty Board. InJor.ation was received on October 181 19481 that his appointaent had been blocked and at least Jor the pTes8nt Lowenthal would not be appointed to a Loualtu Bearln~ d. csc; 62-25733-43 dJ1;SJ

- 6 ­ s~ - On September 5~ 1947~ BacHo Station fRC presented a 4{scussion 0/ the Loyalty Program~ in ~hioh Clyde Tolson~ ~8sooiate ----Director~ I.!?as a participant. David rahl "ecured a transcript ..0/- th i s broadoast lor lIaz Lowenthal. (39-9l5-l-81I)


Persons in important positions with ~om hi" name has been associated inolude President Truman~ a rhite House Secretaru~ Justices 0/ the SUpreme Court and united ~ates Senatora. SUoh individuals with whom Lowenthal's name has been associated are as follows: JUstice Hugo Black: The name 0/ Justice Blaok was given as a re/erenoe connection with Lowenthal's ap~lication lor employment by Board 0/ Economic War/are. (62-25733-58) Matthew ConnellM:~ ~0/ the rhite House advised Special Agent R. R. Ro~er14, 1948~ that Naz Lowenthal is a close friend 0/ Natt Connelll/, Seoretary to Preside71t Trumcn. (Not di sseminated, 62-25733-45) b1 e.­ M Jutrtice Feliz Frank/Urter: / . D~6 The Board 0/ Eoonomic rar/are tile reflects that in 1943 Lowenthal listed JUstice Feliz FrankfUrter 0/ the United States SUpreme Court a8 a reference. (62-25733-58)

- 10 ­ Lee JlOr~laer" PUlJ.L tGn.u. .,. .~..,... " ..... -11-- _- - -- - .. - -Lo~enthal attended Harvard ~ School a~d CGae under the i~/luence --0/ a aan ~ho _a8 aGAipulated Charlie McCarthy. i~ gopernae~t a.d -_. reaarked about the ·.triki~g ki~.hip betrDeen the aa.ter" Justioe -. -- Tel i z Tr~tju rte 1'" and the pupi 1" Jiaz !,olDen thal. n

~orge F. Norris:

Board 0/ Econoaic ~ar/are /iles reflect that tlcoamended Lomenthal to the latter's former c a88aa e" ert Patterso~" /oMaer Secretary 0/ Far" as 0 con.ultant to the o.neral Counsel/or the Board 0/ Econoaic r/are. (~a-R5733-58) -. Justice Harlan F. Stone:

6 The naae 0/ JUstice Stone lt7as given as a reference in ()tt connection lDit~ Lowenthal's application /01' eaploVMent ~ith the Board 0/ Economic Far/ar." 1943. (ibid -58) T!Uord Taylor:

~l/ord Tavlor" now Adai~istrator" Baall De/ense Plants Adaini.tration" Fashington" D. C." ~as "ployed /ro~ 1935 to 1939" ~ associate counsel to Maz Lowenthal" It7ho lt7as then counsel/or the Senate Interstate Coaaerce Coamittee. (77-10183) Charles F. TobeJ/: The "Naes-Herald,," Fashington" D. C." on March 20" 1951" reported that an i~dividual naaed M. Lowenthal" ~hose addres8 lt7as Aot given" had contributed 1100 to the campaign 0/ Senator Tobey" RepUblican" New Haapshire" in the November" 1950" general elections. The nelt7spapsr .peculated that Lowenthal was Maz Lowenthal" the lew York l~ver eho helped engineer the .election 0/ Harrv Truaan as the vice presidential candidate It7hen it appeared that Roosevelt ~ould die during his fourth ~ra. ( 62-91933-A) Harrl/ S. Trw!an :

When Mr. Truaan ~as interviewed i~ 1943 by the Civil Service Co••ission in connection lt7ith Lomenthal's ..plovaent bV the Board 0/ Econoaic Far/are" he stated that LOlDenthal had been

- 11 ­ s~ _.anll organ~ ... a't~0"8 er aO~'UJl~lea ~na1i IDOU,La "8 &9'(6)."." 'Ulla. •••• He had a prettll free hand ~n .ett~ng up k~s .t~f and he brought in a nuaber of 1I0ung ~ttornells and thell ~er~ all verll br~ghi 1I0ung fellowa. I don t th~nk that 1I0U could go ~ro.g on Maz. He ~ould be general coun~el for anll co..~ttee on _otters per­ ta~n~ng to the .ar. I,. fGotl ~"e. the co_m~ttee .aa organ~2edl I tr~ed -II best to get h~~ to be our attornell ClAd I fouAd that he just ~a8 not auailable. n (62-25733-318)

Jonathan Dan~e181 foraer press .eoreiarll to Pre8~dent Truaanl ~n h~8 book nThe Man of I.dependsnce, n publ ~8hed ~n 19501 ClCknowlsdged help furn~ahed bll Lo~enthal ~. the prsparat~on Of the book. The book .tates that Lo~enthal ~ntroduced Truman to the late Just~ce Lou~s Dau~d Brandns of the Supre.e Court in about the lIearl 1936. Lowenthal »Ga reportsd to have obta~~ed the f~rat oODtr~but~oR for Truaan'. 1944 u~ce pr.s~dent~al c~­ paign fro. A. F._Wh~tnelll· Prss~dent of the Ra~lrood Tra~nmen. Tne contr~bution ~~ .proapted on a Tru_an pro-ra~lroad labor atand taken ~n 1937. Lowsnthal is allegsd to haue urgsd Tru_an to. run for Y~ce Pres~dsnt earlll ~n 1944. (62-22444-12331 enc. pp 111 184 203) b4(" b1t


- 12 ­ lio attempt has been ma e 0 verify this information but it was ascertai~ed through c highly rel iable S01.i.rce .from ~'!pril to September, 1943, that the re was a very close and friendly associc.tion between Lowenthal and " Justice Frankfurter. (62-25733-41) b1v

b1L,l:> The Director, by ~emorcndum dated ~cy 1, 1942, to the Attor~ey General, in outlining his conversetion with ~r. ~ilo Perkin of t::e Bocrd of Econom.ic ,crfcre, advised that he was in/'ormed ~h~t Lo~er.thal was serving in an ad~isorv capccity to t:e Board of Economic ;':'ar,fc.re 0,1 c. project thc.:..t would probabl],' be completed in 60 or 90 deUS. The IJirector outlined .for Hr. Perkins in renerc.l some ot Lowenthal's activities c.rtd ~~,-r. Perkins c.si;ed w.1.ether it wo,;lc be desirable .for him to call Lowenthc.l in end. Ti~at;e an issue of' t -e netter, or to :.:Ju,it for the conclusion'?f the c"rrent project c.r.c t/1.en disco.iti71ue his services. The Director c.r..swered. t1:,(.;.-;; he believed it :DoulC: be better to 'De ri-Li t Lo-..:;,e;l-;;hc.l to co .. :clude 1'..-[,[; Dlesent J,s3iC:flnei;·t and allow ,·~s- t;eru'ices 'co erm'L1.cte c.utoma'tically. (62-25733-22)

It is interesting to note t:ct in .'_'c.y o.f 1943, ,·,'r. __"ugh Crowe or t ,e Inves-i;i['c.i;ioi1S OFI"ice 0 ' the Civil Service COi7?­ nission c.dv~seL ';h_t an investigt:..tioi' i.l,;l.;.S t,:en bei,1-£, ),:cde oj ;:r. Lowenthal in conr.ection iJ...... ·t;l, his ei;].i)lou;r..ent wi-t.: t:e ~;o~rd O~' ':-'cononi c u. r./c..re. (62-2D733-22) -- ,.

.... hi:r.ly re1ic::..ble cOT'./identic.1 soz.:.rce disclosed ~ur;ng ."pril to Sep ;ember, 1943, that LO'JJentha1 w~s in frequent COi1 tect with o.t'Ficials of' 'i;"~e :)~' icc ot .zconoT7lic .·~rJ'c,re c.id ot,';er I.-D'e,1cies with r:?/'ere;',c:e t'o plc,ns' be-:n.9f'ormulc.teci. for postwcr rene-bil'" 'on. He was shown to be uen: ,free ;':.:i th iLi s adv~ ce to " I. '."""',."'N A,,,••, ••, "I .....r.pg .. ~. ab• .,..."••• ~• .,..... A j *M ,fiJ.,.... NHaJH ~. 1011....g ...... r,,14t. CI' M" .t...... aJ. •. - UklQIQWl

M4Z u.,."U.l ... t.". ." J'••narr .', J"', ." Nt3".4,~1'., Ha""•••ia. 6. ,. i~•••• " I ..... LO••••~Gl '-0 1i'G' b.,.. a. Z'cs¥••', L...... '.. L4t .....~GJ .i:.~d tAt ua •.,.,..a ... ~ ./ M,."••• t~ .~.~ ~. ,.••• '~d A•• B.A. ~g,.•• ,. 180., •• ,..~.'ptd on LL.' •• 6A,..,.r4 oa''''''.'iN ,. I'l.. H. a••a,.,.a. .. on" u., bu....,.•• g,.•• c'\'l'~", '0'1 v ,. lA•••• Add,.•••••• r./l....~d br or ,.. .pla". Da,..ct.rN C..... 1 'un PJ ISsl.) •• . ~7 C."tral PArt, , ••i, I • ., 1.,.k Citr. (/~, ">J'7J.3· 40'1-; 10 ,·3l/1I"!ft ',: ~"). . ),-·{'7 3 }./ ~ ;. j 100- lit .. r; - ~ Vi, ~ )~. J'r•• 190f'I •• lPO~, JlfU Lo~••t,\&J .... ~/"""'" CUI ~. "Ma3" ••pola. Jours41. N Tr•• l~ll .'\",uQ~ 1;1', A..... L4e Cl.,.t io ~dg. JuliA r. Jlut, lhtii.d St~"•• ca,.cu't C.",. .., K• ., Tort C'tUJ Ir•• l~lS i~r.u~h 1~14, Lo••"t'\ol .o•• L~ Cl.,.t I.r the la,.. '1 eAd.al~d.r, "aet.r.lls., and Ta/t at 6•• 10,.t e' ... ~. ~. loll..a.~ a. « b,.a.j r.'~. '1 ...... r "":'0"8 held bU [o~.~·thal. ~.

. •....!' .. -7, TO AG 1-Je.-52 -:'~~~~lL ~~; . 21 ~ - ./ l _ ~. 66-2542-3-1045­. I ~~G~

. In 1923 lib: Lowenthal ~cs the Gen.ral Counsel for the' ~;;·"-.~U8Jtan .J...uertcan Indu.trtal c:orporatton, 31 UlltOlJ squGre, Jier= Tor,," ·,·"·~ttll. In a prospectua pUbli~ll~d bll thts oorporatton, tit. purpou . :::"'---WC8 set out as fallow.: ";'0 aid and a s~t n ift d~tJelop1ng th~ re !:ourC68 ",," Of Ru:;ste~ thereby J'Urth.rtng the ,~noT.do pragr.s. Of Rus3ta and the ~[?!I' S~H 22 :lc, br\) i h4. b••• ~.llabl~ r.p.ri.d iAai du~'.g ~pr11, 1~4?, ~u.d Ja_1 r.qw.,t.d .,rb.~i B. B••,...1 i • • b"'~ tA••~we1 r.p.ri, 0/ t •• 7 Jr.,Uo. D.pGr ...~t /r-. 1940 Mil /.~Nl iA•• i. tA ..... 01 1/0% . L ..,."thcal t. ,.~ r.rt C,-e,. (Tee Sur on Charles Kra71l.er, 100-355363-2; 55-56402-261) Ai tAai tt•• ScA(...l a,,4 Chorl., Craa.r ~.~~ ~orktng lor lorw.~ 8."aior Olarul. '.pp.r, h.lptng pr.par••p••oh•• and dotng 1 r.,.aroh ~ort to o"f.i ih. B.~ator (" ht. Ilght ogatn,t eirlng.ni 14bor 1.g"IC1it ....

R,ltabl. tn/oMaant. Aou. advf,ed th4i Soh''''l hf.,.~ ~a, ~noi" to hau. b••n t~ contact ~tth C...wn(,t Par~v •••b.r, and ~fth 4" tAdt~'dual ,u,p.ct.d '1 .ng ag. 4.ttuttt•• Igr th• .souf.t Q.u.Mt••"i. (Tee Su r on 100-334195-37; 65-56402-573) ~IV O,.~q. 8, ._.,l'r ~c: ...,n_ "'0<__

---....._­ """r__ "'1\1 __ - 11 ­

""""'-­ PURPOSE:

To furnish a sumIEM:.Y...9L~ubve Bureau files pursuant to a request f~om ~.!lli.uprinf..9rq1itJtQ!U~Qll~.§.!'n.!£l,,_.~, ,- .--.furnished the following identifying infor Lowenthal was reported to be a member of the National Lawyers Guild in 1939 and is ------~\ .. the author of the book "The Federal Bureau \ \ of Investigation, " which wq.s favorably reviewed by Harry Raymond and printed

in the "Daily Worker, 11 and alS!!f!iJp0ed in the I1Daily Peoples World. It r i:':~;':J ~~~~.~.,~~Jiic2t1Gt~ stated that the Committee was in erested in l1 ~ ~ '. '. .." f.; ~., ~ ~ ,I l'1~ .: ,-I. ,I'. , ..r· ' ...), .... " ,.. c~. the lIhighlights and particularly Lowenthal's ~:.~ ·r-q\' -) ~~~! connection with Greenspun.

)' ,:1 !1,.F'{:t' [I t· .• # 1


A search Vl~ limited to the ma.4xJjJ._~~ docuIIl~nted. app~~rin.K.on references s)lmmary, ,memorandaT and references_since. the dateo'fthe last summary, January 15, 1952. No arrest record was ~iocated ill-Ule-Ydentilic'ation Division. No complete investigation has been conducted re ~ Max Lowenth .. . owever, a ec ICal suryeJ+l~~~ ~,a~~H~~_..,.q,rl

him from XprilJ.2...s~$gY~~.QLJ.J!1S.,,..~~ C' e".W~§N»gtQ.IJ,J~:-t~!(LQfJt~elW s?bmitted, a;JeJ20FL~~t~,<,LJ..\lDe.Ji,.19p,!.,., r", .GUng).pfo-t_J;P.aUoI\,oQt~I).ed_ from a review 01 their files and the files of the ,Civil S.~r.yiG~ _COn:J,missic)ll. .. ! n .==-~.....~~_o._I'~"""""·~I-{'''''''''~'''':''' .:_·~._",,""._· .• ~"\.}rj .~ ...... ~., "'-jf:...... ".•• ,._••~ .•,_~ •• I.·...... {...-' " •. .

The attached blind memorandum contains two allegations of Communist Party affiliation on the part""of LOwenth~::assoclaH> n"wHIi .. ' four cited or anizatfuns-a.n(rtwo·'-"ro:s-6vlet~orr~anIiations.

so incorporated in: the blind is publiC··.. @) source information inclu reviews of Lowenthal's book, "The Federal Bureau of Investigation. "


It will be recalled that there is considerable informC;\Uon .in Bureau file~ £Qnge rill.ng.LQ~Q1h~fi:~tloJ".t~~.JQ,,~~lli::~~.iiia;~:: ~:4j~e, ,.. ----_. r-­[".-=.::. Director si~f~~ 19i!1__ .These efforts include numerous writings filled with deliberate inaccuracies and distortions. ~?-~~\~ ~Clf}~ 'Sv, The August 23: 1946_Jl.~~~Y. In~~g.!g~,!1Ce"S1!mwary.,.. publish~d ~ f~ by G- 2, 3~1~EtsJ!le. f"Howing information.concerning.Lowenthal: ~ ~ ~ ':;Reliabl~SQI!f!l!eJ1tialreportsln~cateLo"!enthal Jo have ( b_~!1~aIl.E:~P--Y_~.~G.ommun.ist and discloses previous. associations_ with %-. ~~!!Q!!'t rar~y ~embe rs and Commnnist .controlled "rganizations.~f-~ (100-7660-3994) A r~view of Bureau_!!!e_?_f.'lJ!~.<:l,Jo~ ~~fl_e£t..~gy_ ~lir.ect contact between Lowen_!g~an~Lij:~.!"_:r:.P:~!1,M._J}~ee_I1:!5.PW1. However, in N.Q.Y.eIUP·,er, __ 1948, it was r~liably rep'

recalIecrUUirLowenthaI"_~ was' ,~~._closely associated~' ~. with David Although WahI. ••,,- __ .--..4__ •. _ " " •• ",'

, , . '.. .. ".­ - 2 ­ \ , ' • 1, ',' ) , ~ ~ Irrl((rl~r~frr · .... Q.. ~ D:r~ >~r- ~

::~ C···~ ....-, .

oJ:) ... ln~. 'Z e- ct \ ifr~i;~&tf[fi!f9fl'" o n C' tit <: ~~ • ~rliii r~il&aalk.

~g ill r2!··li;f£[~rii"L~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t~ S h i 1 i .. f ! IIg i -a:.. ... 'I =~ ~ ~ .~ Ih ~ [~ f E1 r • > ~[t f r · 0 r;:!lffJft~p£r_l.~~-~ \ ~ ,.. ~ .., S.­" .. r ... :A" < ~ ~~ t irllifilfr;;lf!iftl r!iifl"fr~l!if~lf~ tk~ "~r.r RI S tir;~[tiii~:ril ~~~ , ell I'U' i I: i IiI ~Ii I i l'tiJtfii~iVi[ I! ~ ~, ~ ~fl Ii! i~rirfff!ff t , 'f \.N r \~~Irrf~:f[i~l kl !

\ "I & I r I ~ :-" r i

iE .~! if !F...Ju ' I . ~ Bl!~~ ~ .~ rl B t ~).. ~ • r I ..."':'\ ..... ~ I KYUJ(.JLU.'.J. U. I\Ll IlUUI(MAIION CONTAINED

HEREIN IS UNCLASSIfiED tnQ_­ DAT£~~ --­ ," --­...... ­ ormation on Mar Loweftthal~ author of the book~ e e era reau 0 nves 19a lon~ ~as --- ~rni8hed the Ol/ice oJ Naval Intelliience on October 28~ --- liJ52, a8 a r,,Iu.u gJ'~~....J!fl..!£=.£Ti~r2'i2.!£~..g.i:l7i.fL=f~. There ~es no reason given_12r_~h~req~e!~t~ and~ althOUgh the Director a~zroved iransmtftci1 ;0 ON~ he coaaentfQ6 "~j9i8QR oltght 'to 1; aM rind gut w fiiaiQ -If." It has been determined that owenthal's name . ..Agents as betn ith e1/ Englneerl,ng 1 • ., ra is pres~~l1/ handling Navy contracts. The lndtCIIiiIiiii: Bureau are belnsz checked .tu inJor1Ulti 2n regarding .and io.~._.lDf_~t._~_~_'lf!.E:£!!.eJ.~o II the re *"1 18. PURPOSE:

To advise that ONI recently submitted a name-check request regarding Max Lowenthal~ and to report that their ~omptedby an ONI investigation 0f­ ...... who is allegedly a friend Of jbx~.

, fi\ - 2 ­ ':IIfTORJiATJON CONCERNIIiG ~~~ _ _.. -_ _.. - HER£~~ ~~NCLA;SIFl£O --- DATE y~ --­ Re ay ae.oranaua to uou dated Octo~er 30~ 1952~ ---...... ­ captioned a3 above. --- SINOPSIS:


in Bureau files concerning \.... v DETAILS: 1x,

Recently ONI requested a na~e check on Max ~wenthal, author of the book, "The Federal Bureau of Investigation." No 1~ reason ~as given for the request and.the nirector co~ente~d,b~ "Lia i son ought to try and fi nd out th e reason. E." The LiaIson 9 . Unit determined that Lowenthal was reportedly a friend of on ~ho. the Navy has a current investigation. 18 ~Btigated by the Navy in connection with his POBI I n a3~f the Corvey Engineering Co.pany in Washington, D. C.~ ~hich fir. is presently handling Navy contracts.


r, a NOV .181ISiZ None. F~r your information.

- 2 ­

) \. "-: ,:,- ' ,," f"'!'.. .~...... " r tN7!,;,;"L 111..... ):

Moin File gos: 62-25733 Date: January 28, 1953 c.5-56402 ,tA")..",£. _ r;.... - 3/ ' S?­ ~ SubJect: Mcx~Lower.thal

,,-­ :,- ." .. ~; . ~ / Frn:md"as: ' "r:I P. Lowenthal. !L/1oewenthc:l !:a~owenil:al/ \ Ya-r7:oewen the1 J.! .-1':'owen the1 .7'~eTJ.thcl l:'cIi e/fowen ':hcl 110 r~wenthal " , rayCowenthall O~nny '\

'\ Also searched cs: )Iou rice Lowentha.br.~,j .' ( ", Lanny Lowentha17d ~ed by' --.,~, 6)c. ... Lowentha,~ ~ "' ~ L. " ' \-. Declassify.: UNlR \ \. • .. This is a Sllmmary of informotion obtained from' a review \ oj alL references to the subject contained in Bureau Jiles except \. ~ain,:'Jile references. All references containin:1 date identiccl \',oJ/probd.'ly ic:"entic~l zn.ith the subject have been inc1udea except ~ose listed at the ena of this summary as not be~ng reviewed. No interpretation or alteration of the facts set forth ~n the originel materiel has been Rode except as set forth in footnotes.

It will be no fed that the s e ri a1 numbe r of eec h refe re ;'lce is contcined in a "source block", settin;! forth in most instances, 'odescriDtion of the seric1 anr the ari:;inal $ource of the infor­ motion reported therein. The number aDPecring in pcrentheses !'e­ ne(';th ecrch sou rce bloclr is ~he Do:-e numbe r of the ser: rcl: sl ip ." ':? ,e that re,"erer;ce is listed. '7Tne teri:/, "SI" Drececin:? (J reference in6icctes t1:."-f, "he sericl so ciesign(lt~ri oor.t(:,)5s;. th~ szme'Lin./or­ motion flS the ,rorer-oin') serial. "nl,&'ss "there -i~ Q ~.:..te: nt to Q Fr~h2e 5co1~~~r'J, su.ch info~[COi~DlD~62n~te6 ..rr~~ the sc-.e sou,ce• . ~ .. ; ,~'t'1 , "~I'\U'-!l'~~;~~~110 m 30 '553 ~~. c J i . - 1-/"('S~EfE c::"~,, &?:;~m-3<;1 __ ~ """,,,t:UI.U~U cow J,.aent.l.LU.,. aansea tone . V1.l. ::>ernce \;Ol/:iIU15810n .~ ~ in 1943 that he had been acquainted with tor several years. He , .... P ,.at~ted that _W11o~'&1 to the United: a. ee vernment UlC1 "the last \ .;. ".5 person in t~ld who would be d1s1o~.19 At that t1J:le, Lo'Wenthal wa.s

Chief of the Beoccupation Division Board ot Economic Warfarel in Wa.shington, D.C. He vas also the at the United States Sena.te on Inter­ etate Comercei. (P..eport of the C1v1l Service Commission's investigation of

Washington, D.C. report, November Re:

y 121-66-3 (4)

( James W. Flaherty and T. J. Harte of the Division of ~=~ Security Investigations, State Department, in a preliminary in~u.~:rY~(notident f ed furth-=r), sta~d they did not know \I:he ther of the state Department had the autnorl ty to discus ers r lative to the Austrian Treaty and the Austrian Restitution Law with special interest groups, includlr~ groups concerned With the interest of displaced persons anQ the Je\'Jl sh popula tlon in Europ-=. ~v id \-Tahl and Hax LO\':erl thaI purportedly represented these special interest groups.

other superiors; r'lary Jane Keeney ( (r,ot and I·lax

:i{o subversive activl ~y ir. connection Ni t:1 the above cor.tacts was known.

(No 30urce S tateo.. )

Loyalty 0 121-8619-3 . i (4 )

39 __ .. ..- ._ ...... -...... '"-v~.i..1~'Il;:;;\".."" .... vJ.J...... \"Ll .... L1.l.VJ.WC1\"..L.UL.1 ~~\", • ~.w:" •• \F "" out in the report of the Dep2rtment of State dated I. ;1,.." . January 31, 1951. It requefted that eleven persons, including Max (?) Loenthal, who had been named in the ~ Department of State report as associates of Lorwin, be identified and characterized with respect to Communi~t affiliation or essocietion.

It was believed tha t the "Max (?) Loenthal" mentioned above was icentical with Max Lowenthal, a New York attorney who was B con~ultant in the Legal Divi~ion of the Bo£rd of Economic ~arfare and Foreign Economic Administration between 1942 and 1944. (Originzl SOlrrce not stated.)

ical ~urveillcnce in 1946 and 1947 on reflected th2t Lowenthal was a frequent d ~ahl.

wahl ~as de~cr:bed as c member of the Communist Farty u~cerground mcvern~~t in ~a~hington, D. C., in the lete 1930's and e.s..rly 1940's, and a clofe associcte of kno;.'!l Communist and Soviet sympathizers. (Source not identified.)

This assoc stion was cited as a Comrr.un s he Special Committee on Un-kmeric&n ~ctivities, Hou~e Repre~ej1tE:tives on March 29, 1944. .b'D

C&rol King was formerly a law clerk in Lo~enthal's office in New York, and as late as 1951 they y!ere still in frequent contact ~ith each other. King was described as one of the well-knoym attorneys representing lesding Communists in the United States courts. (Source nnt st2ted.) ~. ­ -=:- .,.­ . This serial lS a letter from. J. ;ra1ter Yeap1ey, ~. , - Eirector of the Securit'i! ond Investigative Livision of the Jj, Economic Coopera.tio_n Administration, requesting the Bureau to reopen its investigation of Har10n Cleveland (European Recovery Progrcm). The letter is dated !Jay 21, 1951. Under the lead "other friends enci cssociotes, ,,.;:. Mr. Yeagle'..! 9uoiiiliiesthe ollowing parograph from "the New Yo rl-; re DO rt 0 n ': \:,'i '""

'-~ .­ "Confidentic1 Informant'. advised in 1943 thot informction was obtcined through a highly con.rident~ !Jet re1 iab1e source that Max Lowenthal, en assacia:e of t'{,;P Kin9 and other commu_nistson Se--temb~r 6, 1943, during a cont:ersC'tion with a (ph) in !fro ;fi11iam - e's office stat . ned a i.!eet· r + t r

a no '.reo r:::e she tho' ~ht so~e­ one hi"'1se1f sr..oula Gttenci.."

In connection with the above in/or::J.C'tion~ l!r. Yeof:leu stC'ted in his letter thrt u;ith the exception of Tirana, infor­ m~tion ~C'S not cvailab1e to thrt office on the foregoing na~es, 'blthou.gh ma.n'! of them ore remenbered as possibl'J being associates o.r Jrn O;Dn 0 r su spec ted ~or.:mun i ,c:ts. II

Serial as ciescribed aboue 124-587-21 (3)


._- s Cleveland. ~ In May 1943,~as interviewed in connection lIo'ith fJl j inycstigation being co~Lowenthal who was being considered for , _;:~: ::l~O::::: at the B:::dO:eE;::O:: ::::en::a:h::;:~. ~ know he is a close friend of Lee Pre certainly a Communist. I had heard ~ hilI:. as that damn mmunisi., Lowenthal and I had ~high.ly agitated over Lowenthal's Connunism The only specific thing, I can 5 ea:t'3S to me from two sources, who used to be here and

oard c~ Economic r!arfa::-e l::y Allen Rosenberg*", an &s asked what he would do with ~ork5 C~unci1 in organizing reoccupied war .....AaS surprised 'When he told ~ about that ar.d he later h~rd that in the Federal Public Housing Inc.ustries he.d been a~ked the SaI:le tbl.."'1g. ow that Lowenthal and PressmaL are ~ery close. I S~ them fr~~lcntly togeth~r and he is not the ooly CO!Ilnn.mist with -whom Lowe:rt hal has been associated. ../her. he W'3,[' with the Interstate Co~erce Com~ittee of the Senate, I am s~re that rae had sev~ral CO~Q~ist~ on ~is staff that you will run across if you b'3t a list of the personnel." (Civil Ser'lice Commission inv~stigative report jated }/.ay 1943, "}-~ Lowenthal.")

The follo..-ing notation appears on the first pag~s r~port: ) . "No di~tribution pendLlg development espionage aspects. _ h1L­

~ashir.gton F.O. report dated June He: £epionage­ 65-59737-13 ~'1 (.../ (26) r: *Not further identified. ~: ~

G2 The Civil Service Commission in \I!£.shington, D. C. advi~ed Lo~enthal was born at Minneapolis, Minne50ta on Februrry Z6, 1888, the son of Nathan Lo~enthalJ who formerly livec in .Kovn0:f Imssia. During 'VJorld \I:ar II, Lo·.. enthal re­ sided ~t 1 '..:. rving Etreet, Chevy Ch~~e, 1'1c:rylend, and was ern~loyed £.s ~ e0~5ultant by the Bo~rd of Economic W2rfore. Prior to this, Lo~enthal resi~€d in ~ew York where he r-rccticEd .. l&.w • ..< ~ mEil cover on the We~hington D. C. re~idfnce of David Wehl ineicrted thEt in September i946, David ~Ehl re­ ceivEd correspondence on ~everal occasions from M2X Lowenthal.

On ~ugu~ t 26, 1946, Burecu I.gents ob~crvec. l"2.X lowE~thal h~.vinr lunch wit~ Dsvid ~~hl.

In ar;lying for 2 ro~ition ~ith the Board of Economic ";arfare in 1942, Allan ROE Enberg listed Max LO'liler-thEl p.s Ei refc renee.

Elizabeth T. Eentley, a self-co~es~ed former Soviet Espionage Agent, advised that ~ll~n Rosenberg was in­ .....,.. volved in a Soviet Lspionage conspiracy in Wa~hington, D. C• . ~ .. .­ and New York in the eerly 1940's• ~ At the time Max oyed by the B<;>~rd of Economic warf~re one 'orked under \,1(",­ Lowenthal's supervision. (SourCE not stateG.)

91 • -'0"'-.;_­ -Jlower. to Joan Carasit• (Technical SurveIllance. on the 1 oJ/ioe 0/ ~vld rahl~ dl.contlnued) In Maroh~ 1947~ ]Qvtd rahl attended a .octal /unctton in rashjngton~ D.C.~ at ~hich Monroe Carasit had also been pre.ent and on this eccasion~ Karastt erpres8e~ a desire to con/er ~ith Mar Lowenthal. ~rtng 1946 and 1947 Lowenthal wa. rather clo.elV as.octated ~ith ~vld Wahl. (T.chnical Surveillance on the ­ ~ oJJtc. 0/ David rahl~ dt.continued) -I.

(Bureau agent.) -. ~ Qr\ 1;) Lowenthal~ ",ho wa. born Februarv R6~ 1888~ .,as at one ) iae a .ember 0/ the Internattohal Jurtdical Association~ ~hich t. a part 0/ the Internattonal Organization oJ Lawvers. The International Organizatton oJ Lawver. ~as initiated under the auspices oJ the Internattonal Red Atd~ parent organtzation oJ the International Labor DeJense~ wtth headquarters in Moscow. Tht. organt.ation ~a. controlled bV the Internattonal Red Aid. (u.S. Ctvil Servtce Comaisston Jtle. on Max Low.nthal.)

In the .arlv part oj 1947 Lo~enthal ~a8 associated ~ith Charles Cra••r. (Techntcal Surveillance on Dovtd Wahl'. hoa~ discontinued)

~ring 1946 and 1947 Lowenthal ~as rather closelv associated wtth Davtd rahl. (Technical Survetllance on the oJJice oJ Dovtd Fahl l discontInued) ~ ,-I.' ~

:; The files of the HCUA revealed that ~ax Lowenthal was a member of the National Lawyers GUild a~Q the Washington Book Shop Association.

During Septemoer 1946, !-jax Lowenthal was in freque~t cor.te.ct \vith David. Wahl. Mail cover David Wahl for Deriod september 1 to Octoner 31,-1946.

111 Decenber 19~6 and April 1947 ]·iax Loltier.thal was a freuue~t contact. of D2vid Wahl.

Te sur or: :)av id Wahl's ho.'Jls, discontirlusd. During 1947, an anonymou3 source a(,viseci that David Wahl was an associate of Max L~venthal. In May 1947, David Wahl acivised. that he did not th:nk !"!ar/ Jane Keene;)', member of the B02rd of Trus tee s of the 'vlashi!l&tor. Book Shop, should be living With Larry and Dorothy Tocid in view of ths fact that Larry Todj was e~ployed. by the Tass News Agtncy. Wahl ac5.v isecl he hatl disC1..lssed this ma tter Hi th ~:ax Lower.thal and 'vlahl indicated he Kould li~e to see Lot'~enthal again. Tesur, ~vid Wahl's office, discontinued.

During the summer of 19~7 Max Lowenthal and Allen Rosenberg maintained a continuing correspondence. Details regarding the specific nnture of these contacts were not I- ..-! available. Discontinued technical surveillance on All€n ~oser.berg.

Hax Lower.thal was a close aGsoci[·t~ of Carol Kir1L:::, an attorney who represe~ted Harry brid.ges anc Gerhard.t £isler. Interview of~on J,.pril 18, 19~Civil 3c::--vice Co;ti-;-11~slor. invc.;3ti[&.tor, n'~G ".. . Inve8tigatio~s Division, Civil Service CO~iGsion. .J.. ",-".-.- . -1 Max Lowenthal ma~e an aDDointment to meet Charles ...... ~t It' Kramer on January 28, 1947 the office of David Wahl. ~'. 'S' f.: Tesur on David Wahl's ho~e, ~ discontinued. '

~lizabeta Terrill Bentley a~vised that Kramer was involved in Soviet espionage conspiracy in Wasaington, D. C. and ~ljew York Ci ty in th~ early 19:..1-0 I 6 •

Interview 0 by Investigator, COI:F:lis sion. Office 3urnmary l't..:


pge " 23, 26, 54, ". n~o Iorm~r~y reS1Q~Q at Kovno, ~ssia. During World War II, Lowenthal resided at 1 West Irvine street, Chevy Chase, Haryland and was employed as a Consultant by the Board of ~conomic Warfare~ Prior to this, he hac resiaed in New York City where he practiced law. - ­

On August 26, 1946 3urcau Agents observed Lowentr~l having lunch \-lith DaVid WEihl in Wasilington, D. C. On Harch 16, '. :: 1947 i)avid Wahl ~as observed to enter the home of Hax LO\'ienthal at 467 Ce!1tral Park \Ar'est in New York City by Bureau A£ents. A mail cover on the Washington resi

O~·.r. I _ -On 2.". 194..1. 0 I; OrD':l m.Qp~Na J'la~~ n t.QaJ. .... -"OS i tiv.& ~)la t Lo\'lcr, thaI de ~ ir.:.d .':h..~·.A-h;2~~~4fe~(i for him. a Technical surveillance 0 d.iscontinued. 3ll ~1

...... 1 - ~.-- "

,­ ...... ,,­ Keekly Intellieence Report, washington, D.C., August 23, 1946. 100-7660-~053. Page 7. (15) .sI I()O-7~ (,0_ 'r'O/¥ (IS) sr I ~ - 7 ~ t. 0 - .3 ~ 9 f .. U~) Cm~E2~TlAL

I. ,

s~ 305


1 .. 2 c eliability .62 b 1j t> b')e- New York Rerort 1-27-43 Re: "International Juridicz..1 Associ~-t1on; Internal fecur1ty-C II 100-25836-39 (14 ) EI 100-25836-25 (14) '­

: ... • sttRQ n'~n u. v

- ~ 6 • --­ -­ r- c)~ . ..::.u:ia J-J. T­ i , • D -(llf_ t - \ () :I.I:~. . - '.-- ~-~~-' - -­ e-.t·':"'~~· \ ~~-~<. 011 leport. aa _.~~ ...... -_.-­ \ ----""1~~·."\2"!l\..:) fJM:,/j~"'~- 62-&2_6-6 L ~ "'~'\cn (7)

I 1 i t !

I . \ I t

. ,. ~ n~~-·--'._-~' :..~ ~ .1; ..:...... , .--., .

"~. ...­ _ :~'• _ ••'.' _ A· ~.'~ . ~ 7 po-r;. ve -nere r-r;' onJJlIIIII•••'

~ ide n tifi ec' Lowen tho1 os be i ng in the "BE1"'::' at thct ti"1e. He also inciicC'ted thct on unicienti.fieci verson ( hrd cc11ec hi- !roT). "PE,/," 0 short ti:"':e before the he(lrin,J (]no (ldvised hiTT!. that Lowenthal hod p1cced his ~ nr ·,.e on r list o,.£' l:\er.9O~S who "BE,;'" .ight emn10y•

...... esti.(Joti t:e Repo rt on

'I'h e he 0 r i n 9 r 0 r __..~.£§ he1 dot 51 9 ]Jc the r Fu i1 c i n g, We Sh in;ten, r. C. ;, t tho t ~ i ~ ~ w(' ssee}r i n 9 a .D 0 siti 0 ;-; os ('In econo"'llist with "OPA."

~estigo.tive Report on

Lowenthal !D(]S closely associated with Carol ;"ing, ~ Ne~' rorl~ attorney, and at one time lDas also close1.,! associated 11 with J11en Rosonberg, WashinrtorJ, n.e., attorney. (Civil Service Commission)

~:. Not icentiJ'ie:", but o'C'.r-r-rent1y q'reau of '7r.ono;;;ic ,;orJ'ore. Loyclty -...... , oj t'iovern"ll5Rt ~~.pl0.uees 121-~90-1QX (4) b'l.L­


1(, / ­ t . '·.1 \


). - f"l..") :x. ,.jn~..L+.-~ ~., ...... b"\­ T never Known nlm OU'tSlae 01 nls worK I"Or us. tie naa a pre'tt;J" free hand in setting up his staff and he brought in a number .. of young attorneys and they were all very bright young fellows. ).. I don't think you could go wrong on Max. He was the General . Counsel for my Committee on matters pertaining to the war, in ~ fact when the Committee WgS organized, I tried my best to get . him to be our attorney and I found that he was just not - available.­ From other fragments of this interview, it appeared that Lowenthal worked for Senator Burton K. Wheeler and that he was thus known to the President.

( .

Informant was not identified.~1b~" Washington-Field Office Memo, 2-10-50 He: wi th aliases; Espion t . 101-3411-88 b" \./ (9) Lowen thaI and owen thaI

_....,~...... _....~---_._..-.---;;~. __...__ ... __ ..­

,,- ;J... ~. -.;:; '7":-.

...... _­ .&IOlfeIl{,D&L' l'DD Al'l'OrnfS3' u.aera.L wanl.eQ wg ~ .~ .a... ~.~ ..uI U~.£- ...., ... ~u..." ...... _ ...­ about Lowent.bU which it. va. beli..,.ec1 should be put before McNutt. prior to ..king Usuch &D appointment. ­ 62-68351-2 (7) - j


--"I- I

On 4-?()-4~_ a who wes We worked together long hours. I h~ve had him ft my house and I have been to his house. I hcve kept in touch with him, I h.sven't seEn much of him ~ince I left the Committee. '! (page 11)

also indicated th~t he w.ss formerly an aS8istant to Mr Clark Foremnn the Director of the Fo\o'er Di vis i on of the r.'..-. h . Fhotos tat of above hEE.ring en- . closed with WFO reort 6-26-48 Be: LGE" 121-1816-22 (37)


I,. r' J'7 62-17890-tJJ7. Page 2947 (6)

II .

4.81 ~;in(str~-;ion, #1 Thornos ~ircle, lI'o.shington, L.r;.

. :...... ' ,

....=:.. ~ ~"­ !...:.;. ­ ~ 485

.\--,,0 SE~ ...... vc ... ·~ ... Cl-L "'c\.,; l.4J. .... vJ -.n 77-14177-27 r­ (18) \..

-yo .f: ".' . .:J. 1


} ­ Kemorandum trem H. B. neteher to D. M. Ladd, 8-3D-48 Re: "Regional Loyalty Board. Name Checks tor J. E. Hatcher, Civil Service CoIIJD.ission" 121-3-131 (4, 38) 51 12.1-3-130 (4, 38)

· ~ ..: - . -,


Octo ber 9 J 191J3~ • ?l1"'.lil ,r..X#. "',._ ,­ the rEI oj the indivic'ual inquirec' about, but it has revealed injormati on that Mar LOlLenthal lras borr. on Febr:Jcrll 26, lSBB, in Minneapolis, .rinnesota. ((:2-2;;'-:::::/\

The joregoing injormati on is furn ished to !Iou a.s 0 re~ult oj your re(juest lor an FEI Jile check en d is not to be .::unstrued as 0 clearance or nc;nclearance of the individual involved. Ii is for :.our confidential '!,se rn.ly c"d [·houlc not be disse",inClted outside of your a~encl"

~, r:' r;' + 0 T' . , ,-' " .. - '. 7 r .', ('.. .., r '...,,,;. CC1 .::·,'/~·7).~::' b~~'" ~~) be iEC I •• ',.:,. - 13/~~~ :.:A;L[~ ;;~oa; CADI - ~~ ~ ']~ ~ d~£).~,l)~" '" C--:::.C:\ \ L

10 \~ \o,'-t \ ():;~ I 5l?~~1SO I\>W • 'l\~3\a.<) U.d.C4~oD5 Note: of the records of this Bureau did disclose some subversive derogatory data concerning Lowenthal but since he: is a native-born citizen that information is not being furnished to INS.. :%J\!lotJ cm,rlurED t,LL UtI' V"'~! .~.~. ~"'_T.' ~ [""\.. ...,~ Tolson_ p~:.' .. ' .." I L.dd~_ c:.:;'~~'" ~~)lS\'·HS~ ,\r1_"_ • .:.: I J 'j,; / z.,:i("hoh _ ,.' ' ... Brll'nOM_ ...",,­ CI'4~-­ G! • .,in__ Ilarbo __ Rosrn_ lra<"y __ Gearty_ Motu __ I in(C'r(o",d_ lele. Room_ Holloman_ $IZOO __ \tiss Gandy_


DATE: '0 l1ember

/ nOM

. ,, 1l.AI LOFENTHALj INFOBJlATION CONCERNING -ith"r- t~-th~"~tltt~~y-~~ HICOG~ --.A;Dn~" th~;~-~;-~~.i~_~;JJt1la1. ~ aSKed Colonel Meredith l G-2~ to JUrntsh a complete ~ ll.au y oJ all inJoraatton in G-2 Jiles on Mar Lowenthal. ~ I A seven-page 8u~m.ary was JUrnished by Colonel Meredtth and is "'-8 IIt attache~.. b! (/ ._ "'" ~ .~ e­ '.0/ note tn the sun:.zn.ary was the appotntment in 194(5"0] II Lowenthal to the StaJJ oJ General Clay tn HICOG. Clay reported that LowenthrJ). had be en re comm.ended toh t7I1.-12l/ Jre s ident Truman and had been endorsed by SecretarY.!!.1'...'fIar Patterson. The • appointment proved to be awkward tn that~ carr~ Lowenthal ~ '_~" in a report on a dtsposttton oJ 8ubverstve and dtsaJJected '.~- mi1ttary personnel. It was When thts W08 brought to Clay's +'. attentton he advtsed who had recommended Lowentha1~ and all [ echelons oJ command tried to figure out a way to re~ove Lowenthal. It was even suggested that the President and the Secretary oJ • War be tnJormed oJ the derogatory in/ormation aga1nst Lowenthal 1:~:i and that they might wi8h io withdraw thetr recommendat10n. .. "·-1 The Army's 8ummary was not too c1ear~ but apparently Lowenthal had been temporart1y returned to the Untted States and had . / -~- : been employed tn the Civil 4!Jairs Div181on. It ~s then A!v/ suggested that~ since he presented an embarrasstng posttion V 1n Ger7ZJ.any~ con s i derati on ahou1d be gt ven to(ret~_~n!",n,g ~ ~~m -:n 1. I}/ J_ Attach~ent ,-~. ~ ~ .'/'f' &, Cj.· - I c//T cc - Jlr. Ntcho1s f(ECORDED· SF \ __ . . ," .', NOV 3 0 ~ " .. .. ~ .. .--p All INFORMAllOlt CO:"h~trtlo\< HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED "" .. B~ Dill 1'k,?, 26 ,

..- ,

- 27

------_._-~_... - ­

I , ...n .'\1 OF INFORMATION ) 16 October 1 ClFfl(% Per! Sec Br. Secur1t D1T1a1on, Office of AC of S O~2 Intel De t or the Arm a&ErT COO[ fOR U5iE III 1IfOM~ ~EYMJ¥TlON G-2 SPS OF bJRCL f:E INFORIUllOfl: . ~T IKUAILI. •••• _ "I'T' .,. ~ A:lUI'IC2S • • I LOWENTHAL, • ax -...u.T IKUAILI. • • • • • • • ~T Tlll.-: _ _ • • • • • • I flUItl.T ~ . • ••••• C -"T"" • • • . • . • • I IKJI' UIU-'U.T IKUAILI • • • .'. • - ~y,... • . . . • . • , ~ . . . . . • • • • • -.: _ -.aL ...... It IIlJAalUTT ~ ••• _ • • . ~ ea-YT - .~ ...,.,...... ,., .,,, ...... w;; ... u,)'C\.l IS;) ~ Ul..l.llUCl' D1 .lBW 1 J.rm, WW.t:;,N'l'.t::I.AL, · .,-'...... Szold &Brandwen, ~3 Exchange Place, New York;

in 1917, Issistant lecretary, President IS Mediation Board;

in 1918, War ~partment;

in 1920; an assi!tant secretary. President's Industrial Conference;

dates unY.nown, executive secreta~y, Wickersham Commission On Law Enforcement (National COI:ill1ission of Law Observance and Enforcement);

dates unknown, research ~irector, Banking and Currency Commission; dates unknown, assistant, Ferdinand Pecora (during stock market ir.vestigetion ?);

in 1935. appointed to the staff (special attorney?), Senate Coomittee on Interstate Commerce; ~

rrom August 1946 to 1 April 1947, 8d~isor on problems or internal , ,.­ restitution. sequestration and disposal of Jewish property to ...../ General Lucius D. CLAY, Ofrice of Military Governmentr Berlin (resigned - reason not indicated). (B-2)

DtS"T1\J.....,.~ FBI cy dtd 27 Oct 1953, 1 grj of CC'pi~3


.... \ 0-2 SPS u>WENTHAL. Max

Isue of the s os spa ch n of St. Louis, Mo., describe~ HIM II counsel tor the J'.llroad financing in'Vestigat.ion betng con~ucte~ by Senator~urton (. WHEELER. !he article related that SUBJECT ~as the real brains behi~ the investigation and without HIS work the whole nl"o~~ct vou,t1 hRV~ h ••~ uHhn"t. _,,,,,t.. T~ c. According to an article entitled "Inside and Out~ in the 23 Mar 1942 issue of "Ne\.l Leader" magazine, Pressman was trying to push LOWE1~ into I position as General Counsel )n -McNutt IS Manpower Commission." , I I I I d. During LO~~~~15 employment ~ith the BQard of Economic Warfare, HE was reportedly known to have staffed HIS prganization witt indi­ ~iduals who were later revealed by 1nve6t1g~ions to have been Commu­ nistically-inclined. These included George ,Shaw WHEElER 1n the De-Nazificetion Section of the Allie~Milit.ry Control Council in 19~6, . Berlin IS of 21 August Allan BOSENBERG, Nathln WITT, &nd Lyle "., . COOPER. (Wheeler vas described by Bepresentltive George A. DONDERO - .. of ¥'ichigan on 1 September 1950 85 "the ,American traitor, Communist, Ind renegade who ahocked all America when'he denounced the land of his b1rth and, uked Communist-control: ed Fz,echoSlovakia for a~yl um." ) (C -2) . . . '. .' . . I ,

- ,. A memorlndum date4 15 October 19~6 from ~ government agency revealed t~e tolloving information regarding LOWENTHAL: 29

Page No.

1 1 r.~GFLu.DED Ur"':CLASSIFIED Copy N~. of Co?~:s r.: ~ AUG, 2 ;~:;'! ~:~. ( ;~.::.;~ :.. ;~~::.:~< ..~~~.0:.1 ro ~/PC) '~"~~-: .:~~.~! ~: !:~:';:;_1 l I ' •." •. '; i>·': R

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G-2 SPS r LOWENTHAL, Max bib e. SUBJECT had persistently engaged in • Til1!icatiie elmpaign against f6f the Pederal Bureau of Investigation predicated on aggravated distortion of tacts. t. While as of October. 1946 no in!ormation had been received that LO;::t::l~TH;.L was or had bee:, a member of the CODr:1unist Political Associ­ aUo:', (CPA) (-3), HE had been tr.e associate and adviser of individuals ranging i!-. desc:--iDtion from "Left wi:; " to leading functionaries i;1 ,the CPA, :1d bad been described as iving Communistic tendenc es. e ow g items of information vere noted as portraying HIS interest in Communist .­. affairs: bl h (1) In 1923 HE Idmitte~ly vas General Counsel tor the Russian­ ~ American Industrial Corporation (.lj). (p -3)

(2) A book written by LOWENTHAL entitled ~The Investor Paysn (written prior to 5 June 1933) vas Inonymously alleged to be a favorite tome It Communist anti-capitalist eourses. (p-6) - (3) The letterhead ot the IJA carried LOWENTHAL'! name as being a member of the National Committee repreeent1ng the District of ~ Col umbia. j ~ ~~ ...... H.R. was a bill passed b)' t e Ho~se of _ \) 3 to amend the I~gtional1ty Act and provide for t;;e ~i ~.r of citizenship of 8 naturalized e1tizen 1I 0 :l t:le groc:.nds --~--- REGRADED UNCLASSIFIED r"i'.1 ~\..;\,•.l ' " .. {'~ '-"! o,l ~:"-I 1 1 G";' Cc.,;: ~.. l~-:-:.~ .. ~~·<,:~::~.?~~ FO~/?'J r /:.;:;; ~ F:., .." '~. ~.'::~ ::~'~:?-:t ~'~~~"}'~~ L . -,------­



r o' G-2 SPS -. . LOWDlTHAL, Hax a numb~r of HIS"relatives. 1n i former province of Lithuania, 10 in attempt to secure his help 1n obta1n1ng the1r exit TLias for 1mmigration to the "United States. "\.

b\~ f1>): (7) In November 1944 LO\-lEIJTHAL w;,s reported to be 1n friendly contact ~ wit~ John ABT, at one time co-co~nse1 of the CIO Political Action Comoittee and a key figure 1n Comcunist ~ctivities within the ~ew York City are a. ~ (8) In November 1944 one Max LOWENTHAL. Harvard Club. 27 West ~~th st., NYC. was a correspon~ent of a lea~ing functionary in the CPA in lanne sot a . ~ ~ (9) In Aug~st 19~6 information ha~ b~en received t~t • stetement -";:- t ; '~ ~ ~ had been made to the wife of •• reported member , of the Communist Party and of an underground Soviet group. that one "Mack n was leaving for Europe the latter part of that month as a special legal counsel to General Clay on a special problem an~ that "Mack" was "taking just One or two people but he vants them 11ke Allan Rosenberg." (F-3)

~. On 3 September 19~6 the 21 August 1946 summary of the ~i11tary District of Washington was forwarded to the AB!istant Ch1ef of Staff, G-2. United States krmY Forces, EuropeQn Theater (USFET) for information and appropr1ate action. • 4B-2) ..

5· A memorandwm for record dat,d 15 September 19~6 by w. A. BURReSS. mejor general, GSC, Assistant CLief of Staff. G-2, (USFET ?) IStated thet inf.ornatiO:1 31 in the 21 Aug-Jst 1945 lSUlI:.Wal'Y had bee:. broue~1t to the attention of the Chief of Staff, ....;,0 j-,ad directed that tile "original cprrespo:1dence" be forwarded by special courier to Clay, Or-:G'j~, Be:-lin, and pi10ned Clay 1nforning h1m or be action beil1g taken. SUbse~'JentlY, acco,cing to Burress, he discussed the matter wit:. Clay o~ Ie Septe~~er, inviting his attention to letter dated ~ April 1546, Subject:

4 " v.

~~r-' t.-=~---: ~-O·~-·-·- .'0-;' SPS ----''-''-'''U-,---;;;;I-=--z...... -;,--.01 • _ .'. LOWENTHAL. II ax

-D1sposit10n of Subvers1ve in~ D1saffecte~ M1litary Personnel." Clay reportedly stated that LO\~ ha~ been recommended to him by Pres1d~t ~rum8n an~ had been endorsed by Secretary of war PATTERSON. Burre!s ~~~clude~_b~.at8t1ngthat ~A ~"110_"'''''' ..... __ '-_ ...... --- ""'"--'-­ ___ --_•• ---0" _ .... , _.A...... ~ ...... ~ A.1;;\.I 'lI::a....l,- ...cJ. tor the Board of Economic Warfare, Mr. LOWENTHAL 1~ one of • number of .dmin­ 1strative officers regarded IS hiving !trong Comm~st leaningsl- and also WIt .ay be _ere coincidence, but lince ~r. ~ra .ppoint.ent General Clay ~ bas pe~itted leaders of the Soviet sponsored.SED (SoCialilt United Party-of Germany) to address mass meetings in the American ~one of occupation. It is not, reported that opponents of the SED are allowed to express the1r opinions publicly in Russian-oocupied Oermany.~ 'Chamberlain added that ~ had obtained 1n!0~tion indiceting that LO~~TRAL was a sember of the IJA. Communist-controlled organi­ zation which had the largest number-~f'bigh ranking government official~ of any I COCJJ:lunist Part~· front organiz at ion; and that SUBJECT had been first a New York member of the IJA. end later a meebe~ of its ~ational Committee froe the District of ColUfilbia. (B-2) tf"-:le "New Leader" article also cOlIlLlented that in view of the previous radical record of LOWENTHAL. Washington authorities were wondering if ~~ '~~ HE might not have been responsible for the issui~ of the order regarding the addressing of mass meetings 1n the American zone~! (F-6) . ,­ _• 7. On 23 October 19~6 John S. BASKIN, major, asc, Assistant Secretary, Gene:;-al .staff, USFET, forwarded the letter Df ·'8 October to the Assistant Chief

~ of Steff, a-2, USFET, I with the comment that the Chief of Staff had directed that ~~ the letter with 1ts inclosure be forwarded to-G-2 and OMGUS for appropriate Vc action, and that the theater coomanOer had noted the letter. On 28 October 19~6 ~puty, 2 •• ~ C. P. FRITZSCHE, colonel, asc, Assistant Chief of Steff, G-2, USFET. -_. forwarded the letter and inclosure to a~GUs with the recommendation that the ~".- .r attention of OMGUS be invited to previous correspondence on thi~ 3ubject. On 6 Rovember 19~6 C. K. GAILEY, -br1gadier general, GSC, Chief of Staff, OM GUS , advised the Assistant Chief of Staff, 0-2, USPET, that the above ha~ b~n noted; that LO~THAL had been recommended to that office by Rabbi BERNSTEIN and by lS!ociated Jewish organizations in the United -States; and that HE had broug~jt personal letters ~f introduction ana recommendat10n from top authorities of the, . U'. S. GovernIDent and the "War Department. . (B-2)

8. On 9 November 1946 C. R. RUEBJffiP., major general, asc. Chief of St~ff. USFET, signed e lette:- prepared in accordance w1 th conversat ion between H~\e'Jn€r 32

hc:rlly In(crctliOIl L

.. - ,~~- -- -_. --- ­ . ) ·'r·~ -~. -.. • •LOWENTHAL, SPS Max

and Burress addresse~ to Chamberlain stlting that the correapon~ence dated 21 August and 8 October 19~6, already noted above, contained information considered "" .... ,.he,.,'ha .., .. oC_t ... "".#,.<4.-A. __ ...I ., __ """ .. TlC'tTl:'1'T't: "" ...... I:_~ ..._la __ ... "'- \..-' _ ... "fI'~~ __+-'_ 9. On ~1 March 19~7 C. p. Pritzsche, then Assistant Deputy Director of Intelligence, EUCOM, reQuested CIB, EUCOM, for 1ntorm8t1on on the then current ~tatus of LOi~AL, aforme~ OMG, ~r1inJ· inQuiring it BE vere employed by the Civil Affai~s Division in Washington, or had been returned to civilian life. (B-2)

·lO. A telecon dated 4 April 19~7 from EUCOM stated that LOWENTHAL, WHO vas the subject of exte~sive correspondence hetveen "your office ft (not identified) a:-,d t~'"is tl:e 2t er a~~ \>:8 S C'.lJ're:>t 1;) eJ:'l!,)loyed in Le b a1 Branc~., or·1GDS, \o'a s t:,en on ter:qorar:' duty in the U:1ited States, presllr.iabl:· witr. Civil Affairs Division, s:;j wcs not expected to !'eturr, to that tl",eater fOl' two months. Refere;-lce W2S made to the 9 Nove~oer 19~6 letter from the Chief of Staff, USFET, to Chamberlain outlining the ecbarrassing position of that theater regarding SUBJECT, and suggested that "you may vish to take ~~e action while LOWENTHAL is in the United States." (B-2)

11. In July 19~7 Representative DO:1dero charged in a speech in the House ~. " - of Representptives that CODQunist sympathizers in the past had infiltrated into key Army posts end that SecretarY of ~&r Patterson's failure to ferret them out endangered the national securitJ'; and named 10 individuals, including LO;,TENTHJ..L, once w1tj~ the War Department w:-,o, Donde\ro said, had COIJI:lun~st hackgrounds or leanings, On 1 September 1950 Dondero made extensive remarks in the House of Representatives regarding LOWENTHAL and some of HIS associates, supplementing the derogatory information noted"sbove, Qnd dec1sring that HIS ~uns\o'erving loyalty to Soviet Russia" vas clear and uneQuivocal, &nd asserting that "by pulling strings" SUBJECT had aCQuired the title of aOviser on disposal of Je\o'isn property to General Clay, and that within a matter of weeks. SUBJECT vas known as the ge:"1er& ~ounse1 to Clay. Dondero said also that LrnnJ~ had worked Oiligently and deViously, but alvays relentlessly, to destroy the erfectiveness of the Federal ~ureau of Investigation in its efforts to protect the country trom the emissaries 'of COI:U:l'.1:"1ism, t:,at SUBJECT's reco!'C was one of attock 0;"; an"' Ar:lerica;, instit'.1tio;l • s~oc.d sq".la~'et' fo~' (C~3) w:·.ic:-. "fou:' tl1e A,iJe;'1cail wa:, of life. 33

-_.5.._- [~ __ -.L-'7 __ REGPf.C'=D U!'!CLf... SSl~;~:::Q ~i ~~ ~.~ 1 . 1 v.! IG : 8 --- O~ c:'"" l1\; CT: ~'1 lJ2 )~~ ~ ::=:_-~':~>1 i: l~ :.: ?:. L /:.·~.rfi -l i'S1'2t 'j -C'~j CC\[; ~- ~ JJ. I R

- ...... ; -,·(o:~ SPS . ". } ~\iENTHAL, )lax

12. According to • press release dated 18 50vember 1950, LOWENTHAL was questioned by the House Committee on Un-American Activities on 15 September 1950 W~1en HE .dm1tte~ acquaintance with nine .emberll or I SOYlet IPY ring .~posed in congressional hearings sinee August 1948, InO conoeded relation­ ships with a ~ozen or more Idditiona1 ~ividua1s notorious 1n Communist-front _ .. __ ~__ tTl ~\ .... _ .. _...... -, ! ~umm~~~ee \unosteo). (-3) Communist Political Association cited by ~ttorney OenerMl 19~8; Congressional Committee On Un-American Activities 19~7 •

.~~~) Russi8~ American Industrial Corporation cited by Special Committee on Un­ Ame~ican Activities 194~j California Comm1ttee on Un-American 1ct1vities 1948.

DC':-.r.=<~ cS::lI.n:s t=TC''',~!!.'!;:::N J\!T1:~- ... ~ r.:-.s ""1 I.:: ::. j '~:,:.!. t'~ ":? T~ t-:: :--: ~: 'r~ \:'1" , , '. .... _. :._~l .. :".':l..:I:,1),",· ...... ~ ..- 7_- ..:::-'::' :::;-a \1. .. _•••-- -- .-. ::: ;:; '-.:;Y 1I:..~_·C!:n to N; .....-4...... w'.~ t-...-...... L r .... l••,:_:-D IS%' U\v. ~ .....:­

P!':-f> to. ---:1-- of --1--- P='~~S ,( - r pr;I:...- ~ ~ t. . • I. ~ a::r--­ ~t .. _;;". 'n~trc:iic'a L

~~~";~ DATE: D 17 TO ec. • 19rj~~ ~~&---- , H.n.o­...... ­ nOM T,.cY­ L. B. Nichols .-.",.­a.ohf __ ,-,.tn-tO'd. Tel - Ii_­...u - d ./) _/1 , . Mi. e- , ( ~"I.~~i~;lIiiiiilIt"h~:zr" not talked to him. for a long time. J told him I was as to whether it had created any repercuslions.

_. • you may recall, told us of this in .confidence~

In the attached memo to the Attorney~, -while a ~ ~\> "thUlYlbnail .ketch ha 8 been given him. on Lowenthal, it is pointed/.out· a l? ". more detailed summary i. being prepared. Mr. Ladd is having'" the Domestic I~ Inteill ence iv·· e are thi I do not aee how we can h ver utili%.


J.t~lMl tDl _10...··­ ~ the Hou.. Commltt.. .. Va-A..1IMrkaa Act1Ylu.•.~ ~ ~~.. ~na1 ':' ~ Security &1akommt ua.. . .- ."_.'.....!- _- ;- " . -'b'\ . ...... - ... .. ,", ~. ·i= . e:::t.:.... . J J"; "., l' .' (.J' -- • rr. ...­ :0 . '~~~. ! ", 1Aw••hal ".D YeI'J acti..... lD':ia.rryiq OD,~.~ E ~~':~~c.mp., ~,~ Y. ap.laR tbe Bureau early •• 1940 ..., tia••m1Dat:iar· 1 ~t ,/" ,u~ iel....kine to rJIdae paWic: collfiU-=. Ia tIM .~. cJ",--4 ,~ C;' ':,~ .. , t- ., nc:a1l Low.II1ha1 tJr.e avthor of tU Itook. 'Ted.ral »UZ..u ql. ~ ~~1'2 '.' JD".~OD." wb.ldl b • compUa'lea 01 kll-truth8. 4Utord0a8.~~.E-' ~: .; " Mod. -JI1a'ainc to tbe 7~ - .-(,.: ~v I),' .' s ~ ~ r- ~l, '" "" _ n I c

I ~'. Mc1._.... ' " .,' .. . - ,-' ...._. ',It·.-~· , .~ "a.-- . . . ~ • a ~ - ~ .__ . .•.. . v" "­ -- ::J;monJ>•• IS) .' ,~_.~~t , :. '. "~-' ',. / h ~ , . ­ ~C: ~r. ~'.~. ~ -?~ ~)/::; Ladd h D. \ C ROED. 2B 'IE ?---.: ~:'.uBN::.r. ~T~R\f31955 ,~, ~'Oft .. " MAILS) 30 ;:9U· d_ ~U •• _ ~;1V'._ _ ~ 25 f, " ".- ..'!--" " ~ •. __- .. J-t . --.~.FIf - ­


! f . man, so powerful in the Truman .n.u~...... ~ .

go through the side doors of the White House--in and out of Harry "J:rUIn4ll g personal office.

"He was a man so powerful he protected Harry Dexter White. He planted men in the GovernD'1ent who are now proven traitors to the United States. He came within 60 seconds of convincing Harry Truman to wipe out the entire Government Loyalty program.

"This mystery man was Harry Tnunan's personal friend. A score of us know his name. So does the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 50 does the Justice DepartInent. So does the Civil Service Commission. Mr. Truman himself has said the man had great influence over him.

"Why donlt we name him publidy? We can't because the specific proof is in _Government files and the Federal files are White House property. They can prove it. Perhaps they will soon. We warned of White 15 year~ ago. Just as we're warning the nation about the mystery man today: Nobod~listened then."

Knowing the reliability of Victor Riesel I accept this foregoing state• ment of his as fact. Ca.n It this situation be exposed?

I would deeply appreciate hearing from you in regards to the above statement by Riesel.

Sincerely yours, {)IP copn:.~ rLS:":-~()tSU b~ 23 AUG 3 lljt)4

1.' uJPce UN!' ;OVERNMENT . , , ·r.l~ DATE: De ce.ber 80 I _ , 1_,_ 2953 ~'u­ hOM ALL INrOR:U. i/ON CONi AI NE.:'" GI •.;_ .1'/ M.tk_b __ H£RW, IS Ur,C:,.AS:..trjEO \ / . t ..q_ ., . BY~ Gn"T­ DAT£6:p.dQ4 ....1., __ < at7BJrr: 1 .'eleft9W4 _ , t,lo."_.Ii__ C tlell.-._ , AprU to Septe~ber~ 1943~ bJl the .ashin~ton Field Of/ice klho reported the reBul~ on June 8~ 1951. ~e attached .ucmaru ontains alle~ations 0/ Co.~unist Partv qf/iliation DR ~e part o/,Lo~enthal~ his associations kltth cited or~aniRations an~ . . 6 \f ro-Souiet or~aniRations~ and his ~sociatio'" klith knokln : ~ esptona~e in/or~atiofl olll.mun'ists and .uBpects. It does Dot include beli.ued incorrect or not clec.r due u the indefinite .at~re 0/ the fects Dr inj'oraation relatin~ to pro."nent individual•• In/o~ation concerning LOfDenthal has been "diase.inated "to other ..J..~ Govern~ent agencies since 1942. Comple"te .uaaaries concerning J''F him were furnished to the AttorneJl Oenercl under dates oj' < ,- JanuarJl lS~ lS52~ and Au~ust 2S~ 1952~ G coPV oj' ~he latte'r '.UUla rJl al.o be "n~ j'urn iahed 'to the J!ccarr@ eoam .,"tte••


. b Iroc the Djrector to the Attornev General da~ea ~eoe.Der ~Ol 1953, .,hjch identjljed the avsterv aan G. J/az Lowen"thal Gnd included a thuabnail .ketch conoerAing hja. It ~as al.o stated that a detajled auamarv on Loroenthal .,ould be pr.pared. Bureau Inuestigatjon: No complete inuestjgatjon has be.n conducted regardjng . LolDen thal bV the Bu re au. HOUle ue r l a techn jcal s urueillan ce lDas aaintajned on hjm jn 1943 fro~ Aprjl to september, and under ~OA t~ed date 01 June 8 1 1951, "the "aah ing Fi eld OJIj c e .ub.i a report on hia reflectjng inforaation oontatned in their file. --- ,~ Ii and the files of the Ciujl Beruic. CoaAi••lon. 1he attached ~eRorandum contajna allegations of Lo~enthal'8 ~/jljation .,jth ~he Co..uni.t portV, hi. connectton. I mith cjt.d and pro-Souj.t organi6atjons, and hja a.80ciation. ;P-': .. ..­ f' " ' lDith knolm Coallluni.ta and .apjonage .uspecu. .4.1.0 i ,eluded . jn the ••morandu 07"llation r.fl.ctjng -... and in/oraation r.gar jn Jacreajt Governaent agenci.a, particularlv the TBI aa reflected in h,ja book "1he Tederal Burea.u of Inveatigatjon, n published in J950. In.foraatjon Not Being Djaanjnated, Iher. i8 oonsiderable inforaation in Bureau fil.s not beljeved .uitable lor djasemination due to it••ource or to the

- 2 ­


.~. . ' ...... ~- ..-~~'.-- .. _:~-~~-'.~ - ,"-.~..,.;.,-;.....~.- ~_...--~:_.:~~.~ ~ . - -. --~--==- -- .. .::Z:::--,,,",~~~h~::'·";'~~~~ --~~, ~:~~-~--::.~ ~~fi:':£.... _

.. ,',.

Mt/IIO ~ JIr. Lad4 B., Maz L.NIIinAl .- :.. 'aa. eh.ok .II.i~••" -.-­ 8-1(;-52; U-25,,33-845 •

IIIa.auch.a• • h'••"0 raaclua oo.~at'u a .o~at~on aa.d. 1I.&h. :.Direct.r l1liat •• erf.e/ed 'j 1Ir. lJrDrm.11 ~,. '*hi••att.r. *Ia•• -:llI,foraat&DA C. ",-ot ~.'ing . ;:.~;.,.: - -4f.••••'raaNd4o~.aturA•., ~a.r:Al•.:.~:.ltsR-2M'S8.:s5). '~~:- ,'.... ,t._ ';:'_ :~)!;.~..:_-,~ . .;.._~~.. -~~..J "'!.;.~·~_""_"'''''':~.~'·:L~.-.:; loo. _ .... --c--­ L. _ .• , . -:'~ .~~.. §DcU.,;e,.1rl.~~""6 .b4';:~,,4Jldl"" .u_a7"¥ CI wet '()c tober a6~ ~~pss... ~OIIoerli jng Wa.z 'Zo.,...~al. .~ft , ••u_arll" ccoordi." ...o .2" '.~ Fr.pcred ~JI jPJltf.of.pat'OJl ~at .1&e US Ar.v .ould 2)e ..a11«l .pOll*" .q1.'A~U.ar~~a~.j1.ra'• .r ~rJnting ..laU. ~or pr$rtUag ."r~pt .~II SM al-t.4 .-tau.flU -'e ..-sial•• ", __e MoCarthll Co_I"•• -.u.fJa1J..8~4J..M*loaJl'.8 * .oa4uct .earSag_ " • II _10 •• ~.A"- '.~;-""'7~~='''_ -'T.~;":' ~~•. ­ • :.Jo?' ~" ',,---' . CAaerll.n ...-t_•. ~~~. __~,~....,.~. G~~.":':S'.'~:"'~-:::::,,"': :':-:;::-~'On~_'::':.:-_ • • .'~ ~ ...... -.. .' ~ -:'-. __1... • ·t~~__L :...... 7:: .~...., ... -~- rlaf._ .&AI.ar., Fcrtf.oularlllpot,iia .ut ~hat ~ n46 LolHnthal ..CIa oG,ppo'"wd so .h" .tqf/.J ~nerol C1av ~n HICOG.I ". ," ~:~ .. ~_.~:~~<:~~;:~,~:,: .7::;:7/~i.:=r::~~>:t··:~:~ ~ .:.~ ~ ."


.pOIl r.oo".Ada·U.1I • .1 .Pre.idellt ,1'r'Uaan Glad .,.• • ndor....11 t .p.r S."retarll ej' .a.r"potur.oJl• .'r4'. appo'llaaat -pr• .,ed ~D -6. -GCklDQrd ~JI "~at IJ-R carri.d Z,oMn'Cihal a • .-b.,.r.' v. 'n ~1I"ir rf.le•• ·-~.".lIt1aCll". ~eR ....pororSlll re'f;unaed * CIa. On'lt.d BtG••• GAd pla.ced j. ~1&. ~rar'. C'I1f.l 4.f./Af.r. JH,pa.r~.ent. 1:1#1 mdJt • .-ai:ut1JJIJ 4l. ...nnn.d ~II ~• ...... 11. ,_ fJl••O"'AAliu._~~.n ".U'•• 11.1 .lA••A t1&al '. 3"1...... 11.0'" ~hai au.roue .".aarv aeaoranda~.f oarViAg degreea ~.f~o.pr.h.n.'u•••ee Aav. b ••n pr.par.d eA .,• • ~no. 1P42 and .U••••inai.d SO ~ari."e Qou.ra••nt cg.nci.a. Xi 1a ~o b. parlicular11/ .oi.d ~h4i a co.pl.i••UIUlarv 0.1 .Burea" .f~l•• on Lo.,.n'$hall cOA'taining ,'njoraaiiOA .uiiGbl. for ~Uea••inaiio.1 .aa ./'Ur.'el&ed $0 &he da~te At-tornel/ 04!neral under 0.1 Januarv 251 J9.52.' On AuV"at 2.5, ~he ~he ~tiora.v 19.521 Bur.au rurni.hed General a col'I/ ,0.1 c 4UJUlarv Dn LoID.n~hal pr.pared for ~h. 8enate 8"bco..i'ttee .en In~rnal Becuritv (McCCrraA CG..St~a). ,

-""'n "$he I'rapara~Sora. • .1 ~hi uaaarVI ..... rS1• ••G,.ch ·MI. 2i.ii.d to Lo.enihal'. aa$" rile d All ra.f.r.noe. ooncer"ing ~.i••ino. "th. ai. 11.1 &h• .laai .u..a,.",.""1)o'tob.r .R4. ~~al ....ehich ~. prepar.d at '.~. "iu••t #JJ ..h. O.f.fitn GJ laual Zniell$g."o• ~rnieh.d ~I&e. ~fMR. ..nd "So era. Dciobar 281 _ • _ .tt ..-.,...... _.­

---. _... _­ -­ T~_I!. ,. . 19~ TO • DATE: -'Gnuar1/.51 G1.::'= , HarlIo_a._­ nOM , / T"'

,.~ - y­

.. " JleM "to Jlr. .A. . .Id L 0JT1JTIJJ..L Iroa A. H. Belaoni ~ jfj

o- -IJ'.

t~ ~. "jIii;:' ­ ~ .~.

-- , i ,.' j .~ ..~ - 5 ­


.~ .... _4 ---~.

_ _ t :or. C" I ~~/::·./· ~ - -­ ' •• Of', _". .. ,...... ')0 __ ---: ~~ - '.

.' .

) CONMENTIAL ) ~ CORRELATION 8UJlJ1ART . CA (Suppleaental-aee Correlatlon Su..aru dated 1/28/53 and Suppleaental Correlatton SuaJlaru dated 8/28/53) Dat.: .2.V"V'(' / J Ma tn T'le '0: tJt1-2S733· op vI , J " I 65-56402

•• ~Jl p., i.I"!'I;. M~ ~.,entha1 2/4/54 TIIte 'le a .uaaaru oj' 1"J0raa~Jon OD~aHI~U J rv. g re vtelO of all ".ee" nfe rence, to the .ubiect 'In Bu.,..,cw ftl e, unde r the naaee and al'la',ee 1 t,ted above. '0 attempt hae been aade to ezhau,t all poe,tbtl'lt'lee ae to the naaee and altaeee bU ~htch the .ubiect aay ~ave been tnolOn. All references under the above naae. ~ontatntng data tdenttoal or po•• tblU 'ldenttcal with the .ubiect have been 'lncluded ezcept tho.e lteted at the end of thte .ua.ary a. not havtng been revtewed. ~he tera "SI" preceding a .ertal nUllber .holDn in the block tncitcate. that the eerial .0 de.ignated contain. the ealle tnfonnatton a. the lore­ going .e rtal. HOlDeve r tt .hould be real tzed that the tn/o raa­ tton tn the.e .erial, &aU dtller .0aelOhat tn detatl although the lact. are ba.tcallu the .aae. 1Y1t • • uaaa'1l 'l. deetgned to /Umt.h a .unopete 01 the t nlo rea tt on .et out tn each re/e rence. Ezcept IDhe re .tated othenot.e the ortgtnal .ertal ~tll contatn the 'ln/oraatton tn IWch ao.,.., deta U.


1 ,,-.

~ r~ ( : ) MAR 1 0 1954 II

.' r :J CONF'~'~ riAL:, Addtttonal 'lJllonlatton 'l~t. reference relattve to LOlOenthal appear. on page. 91 and 92 01 the oorrelatton .ua.aru dated Januaru 28, 1953•

. Ba1tt~uguet 21~ 1953 Bel ~~.ae., LGE. ~ 121-39513-32 b I V (2)".·

~~ : -.i ····1..:,

... ~ to : , ., - .

New Tork a,ao cat Be: &epionage- • 100-385029-251 - (1)•../ CON~NTlAL ~-

~-. ..f ...... ~~'. " ...... ;...{., .. ~ I \. .;~~..'" I; i ( 'r I ­ iL1.S0 oearcnea .4.5: l-;ClX n. LV;·';'~l1l,f'd..L, 1'·j. LV"'~livl!Cj.L) I.C..'-.!.\.; Lowenthal, ~arx.Lowenthal, Vaurice L~~cntbal, Lan:1Y LO','J(;nthal, L. Lm...;enth21, :·.:a::< Loe\':enth3.1, 1":. 1,0e"'enthaI, Lax Lov:enthe.ll, ~,:ax LoentJ:3.1, ene L3nny.

This is 3. sur:Tl5.~·:,'· of inforr'!3tion obtained from a reviev: of :->11 "scc'r rsferc·:c8..5 to tl c s~bject in 2ur,,:,~,u fi](~0 unc:er th8 nar:es i'ln'i a1i3.385 li,::tcd above. lJo att8/npt has oc3r:?n made to exh~u3t ~ll possiti'l~i~s J3 to the n3mes ~nd 31i~ses by 1.,,'!1ich tf.,,2 subject m:lY honr ,? been t'.nO\·m. /111 referc[}ces under ~ t ~ e abov 8 n·3. ':esc 0 n V:i 11 inc.> ':,:':; t, ~ ~ ,1 ~~ n t i e-~ lor po S '3 i '?1 / ~ uen tica 1 d wlth the subJect have been lncluQea except those 11steQ at the .-- ciiff(~r thou~'r, :30m8",'{;""t ~ -tion in these seriol::; may in d.etai 1 31 (/) j .. 25 <; 9 tr.e facts are bas:_c:-:lly tr.G c3at'lIG. ~~ ~ } Th::':; ;3U;ni.;3.1·Y is lie si [;nei to furni::;h a s-,rnoFsi;3 c f : ~ §72i J the in£'ormation set out in e3cr. r'~f=rence. :Sxcept ,·,here stat'30 rx:::jE5,·T'L"(~':-;';~':'I(;'T ;;()'Tl SUIT;\P; .~. ~O;... f)T ,'~" . '­ n -- u ,..J ...... r J.....J.L \I"...... \: _. V,\Y_~ • CCnT·{I"I. l. L...L. • \ ~ " .. l.r.. . '- 1 ~ ... - • .....~.) _ J • ...l _..L.). ~. J1~N.:..TIO~. limited Cfassific~tiGn C1 Refiew CCildtlcteu Analyst See Top Serial form 4-77:1

COPI£S 28 AUG 3 1~64


A review of the files of the Federal Communications ('('lmm;c::~;(m ~}::l~hinp't.()n. n. r.. hv f!:ilitarv District of T~!ashi:-H~:ton. Central IntellL~nce _'~gsnc:l, '~"13hi'1g:ton, ~. C. adviseu t~Jt -....- in hi s :lnplication for duty ',dth the Office o~vices ~ata0 Au~ust 20, 1944, cave LlX LO'.,,'enth81, Chevy Chas8, ;,:;ryl:i:::i as 2 socLll ref~rence. ~t~re ~a3 no indication in Central Intelligence Agency fi1~5 t;'.,3t. any. of _ref -r':::1c"",,c; 1" 'l'P CC':'lt~ct8d r~8ardint t}-,is dDp1lcatlon.

Th i s r·,.ference 8.1':,0 set. J out b:ckg:round inforr:,J. t i,':1 on Lc'~·}enthrl.l '·;hich ".. ill be fOL'1(~ i11 tl-:e fo1lo',;in:: 3eri~Jl~; 0: the main file; 359, p. 41G; 374Xl, ? 1, 14; ~~d 3~2, p. 3.


;1; -\J -:)5573-114 ( 2) .'


CORRELATION SUMMARY Also Searched As: Max H. Lowenthal Lanny Lowenthal'V:l. ~ I (. J ~ Ji. Lowenthal L. Lowenthal ~ J • i .5) ~~~1.~~~ ~ ' 'J ,l "I ·t~_«L' ... ,. Haxie Lowenthal J!. Loewenthal t m!id~lI (" ~SS;jf(,. ~>.:~; JJarx Lowenthal }!ax Lowenthall I~ ) :l.\\5\~ ,."..;r.'~ r""rt·;r·tf)d . nt:

~ .. -. - \-:~~~ \ I " .• >­ ' ~ \

- -.....

(eJ ~ ~.:.~: r'1-v­ ·~}r~i·;~T L!! v ,;:, v v '.!J .::> v U v c;,,~ c; " v'::> U v V U V J"'" u. "'\ \ 1( 1)-356697-31 \ (lJ

Allan R. Rosenberg, during his testimony before the HCU,1, ;;-ashington, D.C. on 6-23-52, advised that he became employea by the Boara of Economic Warfare, which was later ~nown as the Foreign Economic Administration, around 12-22-41. Rosenberg stated that after a sh'ort period of time doing odd jobs in the general counsel's office, he was asked by l~x Lowenth~l to work in Lowenthal's division, which .­ Rosenberg believed was called the Reconstruction and Reoccupation Division of the Board oj Economic Warfare. Rosenberg stated that he agreec ana did work under Lowenthal. Rosenberg advised that this was the same Lowenthal who wrote the book criticizing the FBI •

. ,'-. ~...... ,

- :] ­


.,. ( -. ( r. '.'

...... ;.- . - ··~t~: .... ~. ,. ..~ .... '> '\"'.-. T .' .~~ - •.....:r...... --:... ­:-. . . ,' •••,.4 • i.: .­ '. _: ". ...:. . ':r­ ... ~ ...... _._­ .,~ -...... ~~.,.~_ ....Fu.lllf-v ":l:~- ·.:·10r-1169-50 .- (1)'V ... J.-';' ....L ::r~.:-. a:' iF-~';" - c:.. ··... ···.::-­ • ..

• ouia 01 the 'Inquiries stating replted 0 ao~e . Field ea requested 'by lfa~hington .. had been sent to the Civil \1 ~~ . D. C. Service CO~~i83ionl: ~ashingtonl I pursuant to request dated It ~s on or. about AUgU3t noted that Fuchs 8 1 1955. names testified before the HCUA Of 'Individuals. he could recall and fUrnished this date. . as CP me~bers prior to . ~ ...... ' On 8-31-55 'It ~as determined of Informatton from Albert B. Hun3berge~ SertJice Sectionl ·Investigations. Division COrilJntssionl Fashington D.C. l Civil that a Itst l I on a conftdential Of names had been basi31 Civil Service sent to ~. Louis Mo. by the Commission requesting Civtl l files. This 1ist which Service Commission ased l contained the name Max '';''&.; i on lDhat Hunsberger ascertained Loenthall was ~,:.....~.! waa a i'CongressiOnal .. 'Inquiry." ]o!...•• ...... ~....7.;.·"-; ~ .. . Washtngton Fte1d·~trte1 ,/,- .~.-. - 9-1­ , _ . :#:f~:." Be: .. > , . 101-1169-54 ~~ .., : .,; . (~)'. .~.~ . I;" • .' . ",''f'' , . ')­

.- ..... ' . ~~ \./ ,.. ' -:"., . ... .~ .. ,. f ; . - 7 ­ ,:~ - \ar' f -~~:.' .-ff .."­

/" • .r

-- .. -- --- .- - _. - - --­ l.1aur ~ c V::L 0 we n -r;n a.L JJaX,~.J..,oen-r;na.L ~ M.;v:'fowentha1 MaJ/\~Lowen tha11 Lanny-:~owentha1 On~/tanny

This is a summary of information obtained from a review of all "see" references to the sUbject in Bureau files under the names and aliases listed above. No attempt has been made to exhaust all possibilities as to the names and aliases by which the subject may have been known. All references under the above names containing data identical or possibly identical , with the sUbject have been included except those listed at the r. end of th is summary as not having been reviewed. The term "SI" preceding a serial number shown in the block indicates that the serial so designated contains the same information as the fore­ going serial. However it should be realized that the informa­ tion in these serials may differ somewhat in detail although the facts are basically the same. This summary is designed to furnish a synopsis of the .information set out in each reference. Except where stated \. 'otherwise the original serial will contain the information in . \ much more detail. ' ..., .,~\.. "'\' , .. THIS SUMMARY HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR USE AT THE S,EAT OF i.;",<, .•\) GO VERNMENT AND ],JAY CONTAIN INFORMATION n"OT SUITABLE DIS~EM- ... ::£; " ,o!. \:. INATION. . ,'_ Ze/i;;:;J2;,r"'~~ '7.$. - 3°7' _\.' J.....;"'CC:D"?: .... t...... I" .'\ .\ ~' ... '.r-"­ Anal vst

testified at a Security Q,..~.,.'" Uo,..,.';",,, ,.+ +"0 AII'Y",.7 Por-o';"';..,,, .<::!+I'Y+;r.n. 'lJ1'Y "I'Y 7 ~1'Yt:10. I th ink 1 ike" he ha"s prob~bly kn~~~- m; and known \r~ (~ ~) my mother probably for many years; probably has known me from ~~ birth. As an infant I would probably spend some summers on hiSJ-) farm or something of that sort. As an old family friend and a lawyer I asked his advice, and realizing that in view of my past something of this nature may well come up, as to who I should l see or seek out for advice, an~ ~e referred me to ailCoPYOf proceedings of the abo vn r'Z< (Ly I hea ring enc1 os ed wi th Q{J0 l-oNI letter, 11/27/56 --J 100-425008-1, p. 84 (2) Corre1ator's Note: It could not be determined if the above Max Lowentha11 was identical with the subject of this summary.



,1 .-/ L./ -_. I

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TO DATE: 1/29/59 who has received a passpor~ ~o ~rave~ ~o var~uu~ LU~V~CdU ... countries • The Passport Office advised FBI Liaison by let dated -; \ 1/13/59, that sub' ad. been issued Passport number 1274076 . --- l-0n 12/16/58. SA reviewed subject's passport • file at the Department 0 S a e, Washiogtoo. D. C., on 1/26/59. ~ ~ RUe \- 1 " \ .-1 ~ Bureau (~.lc1s. 6) \ '"2 New Haven (Enc Is. 2) (Rt!) \ i . 1 - WFO \ f~ -f \ • I 1 !1 -"­ r \ j..' , I ) ". ) .. .. -­ .r·

~EC- 28

". ~. --­ 1. FEP. ,.,2/19::,,r - -' -

j ) f -:...... - \, .


W ASH I NGTON 2.5, D. Co ..__ •• _-•• flO 1ac;o I (,-". Lowenth~l requ~ted a passport for travel to Is~~.el, Greese, yugoslav~, Italy, Switzerland, Holland, Denmark, Britain, and "France, for health aile! education. Be planned to depart from the Port of New York via the "Constitutio:l" on March 9, 1959, fqt a six months' stay abroad. He requested that his wife, Eleanor, be included in his passport. She was born July 9, 1898, at New York, New York. The Lowenthal's were married on May 16, 1922.

Lowenthal is described as five feet eight inches tall, brown-grey hair, grey eyes, and retired.

In the passport appl~cation filed December 15, 1958, Lowenthal denied present and past membership in the Communist Party. He was previously issued Passport number 724249 on July 1, 1955, at Washington, D. C. This passport was surrender­ ed with his current application.

Lowenthal's application for his previous passport is dated June 27, 1955. He stated he planned to depart from the Port of New York via air to visit France, England, Low Countries, Switzerland, and Italy, for pleasure. He requested that his wife be included in his passport. His address in , 1955 was R. F. D. #3, New Milford, Connecticut.

~ ALL INFORMATION corn AlliE.D ~ ~ UNC~:~!'J }• HEREIN __ I r)ATE .B~_ " '/ J./..l'fW ~ b 7C

1... ~ ,- ~ r . " , ) . 1",,-, '\ \.. ,L,.....;' _ : • , •

.' .. ,

MAX LOWENTHAL ~~~~pv.~, ~Q~~~ ~~ , , __ his wife planned to leave the Port of New York via the llSaturniall on April 7, 1934, for six months' pleasure tour of Italy, France, Spain, and Switzerland. Lowenthal reported that his last passport was obtaine~ at Washington, D. C. on or about June, 1917, and ~as a diplomatic, or State Department official, >- . passport for business.

This memorandum is loaned to you by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and neither it nor its contents are to be distributed o~tside the agency to which loaned.


- 2 ­


) ) ..' . umt:mor&J!dUIn indte.ating tba1: Lowt:"ntbal ana .tlUi W11t ~leanor PL.aJl.·~. to "I:a",-! in the cOuntrh.s named in th(:1Il2moraudum for his health and edu.cati~n, leaving Nfw York City on MA.rch 9, 1~.'.. :..: :..' ~ .. ~ c.: . . l_J '-~ Whlh. thE:;r~ 15 nO current investigation of U>Wi.-nlbaJ., hl'1s known to th,:; Bw'eau-for his d... t£rm.1nr:d effortE to und,- rminl. th_ F LI and. di~.~r·~d1t Uf: in c:v-:ry way possibl for th~ past 30 j'ea.!'s. ~0 inv.. sti.:1i.:...:...... 0.' inquiiy is nl,cdiba::y, bu1 you sooLlld b_ all.:.-l 10:.' kL1y ircO:l:mOltio;l uf­ L'1t. "-'..: 6t to the &..r",a.u which c.om ;b to you.- aLl;,. ntiOd dLL.'llic. his vidt to tr,ee.e cOlmt:-hs and a.TlY pertinent dal.a Eobould be. rl;ported to the Burau without dc14y. This .hould be bandled dls-creetly and no dissemination should be ma.de JO other U. ~j agencies abroad. ) ..t:nclosureb (~ ~' iWm~~DClosW"e" ~. 2 _ (2(» V ci 2 - DoW\: ~ LIIclosUA·(:S Z, ~ '"" . 2 - ~~1~~- 1 nclosur~ C'A-S<,. ~ ~ ,/7'7 c£ ~ .. :~ 1 - Forei~ Liaison u2"t. (ro~~'~ t&:. for review) = ~ NO~E: Lowentha.lis best ~own;~ the Bureau as the author of "The Federal '- Bureau of Investigation, " a boo,k in i1tich he attempted to expose'the FBI. He .-:.~;:) r 'fl- has been described as a. commUnipt, and as a "left Wing new dealer".and was .~.:... ~ ~Jf ,a member of a number of organizations Gited by the Attorney General. We have -'-- ~.;.. rlJno current investigation of him and dissemination of this memorandum was held :~~:: . abeyance pending review in the Bureau to determine if this data should be tLooc ade avaHaole to other security agencies. , :G Ulre " )~ ~ . ,csons , )-/

'0"' __ LEGAT ~A

,1te-r_~ :.su~v ; 2 C ic'o"1 i (l \ Il~. R ., 'lorna rr,;ndy __ MM,;.FBI \Jl~ T£L£TYP£~'~~ ~~~ ~

t Office Me1J. dum • UNITED GOVERN

TO : Director, FBI DATB: March 4, 1959

PROM ~at, London (94-32) () ------..-...... '';

.: . ;''\ , l ~ I j./ It is requested that Legat offices receiving copy of this communication advise London in the event information comes to their attention concerning specific dates of LOWENTHAL's visi~ "to~ the United Kingdom. The same informafion will be fur~shed by the London Office should he arrive here before trayelin~ to other countries in Europe • .• -- ~~~. Co"' :'." . '!lhe~Bureau will be 1mmDiately advised of any information c~irii t~·the attention of this office . .~ -:: :- ~ RUe .~ ALL INFORMATION COtl1Al"'ED HER'EIl, IS UNCLAS$~~~f)_ / 4j6V~4 B,(~- \ 5 - Bureau (2-New Haven) OAT[ \ . C) 1 - Bonn, . sent direct ~ 1 - PariB, _ 11 II \ ~ .' " 1 - Rome, 11 " 1 - London t',~ ~ _, I _ -. -/...... I

(' --l '.. , if l ... , /. ''''I ~, /'" '.' I, /' • j,. c 'I .¥',IJ.-' ~~'~ ~;) ~I

. " L r-.:' I.' ~': v'-'\­

OPCk20 (12·3·96) xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGAnON FOIPA ")3 DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET J Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. o (b)(7)(E) o (k)(3)

o (b)(7)(F) o (k)(4)

o (b)(4) o (b)(8) o (k)(5)

o (b)(5) o (b)(9) o (k)(6)

o (b)(6) o (k)(7)

o Information pertained only to a third pany wi!h no reference 10 the subject of your requesl or the subject of your request is listed in the title only.

o Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you.

Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies).

Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to [he disposition at a later date.

Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of - _

Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s):

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X Deleted Page(s) X X No Duplication Fee X X for this page X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxx XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX FBIIDOJ

• ) -' ---..HE FOREIGN SERVICE '. -t OF THE UNITI::C STATES OF AMERICA The American Embassy .~ome, ::r.ta.ly

ALL I~FORMA liON CONi AIN(O U[L·f..~ .r 111.1"" ... "'''',_. __ _.- --g- -" - ReBulet encloses memorandum dated 1/29/59 indicating that -LOWENTHAL planned to depart from the port of New York via the 55 Constitution on 3/9/59 for a six­ month stay abroad.

fj . bID Bureau- is requested to furnish any - J ~/ further information concerning subjectls travel plans .. I n/P' which may be available. P. /1 , . i' A~_ \ £.X~35 ~ f.A/:' }V --- .1 cc - Bonn (sent direot) .. /1 3 ~-';I II _ "'~" • , ~?--:lS 7$3 - fL 6 cc - paris -, '; / -.. ~---=--­ ~ <::,~~; ~/ y r -London " t:: ; .", ,; ~' ~-.~~ ~.~ }\I::)\ 7) \.-V~~l~c; ~.~ .·~~~ '! t\ i!T ~'t .2{~ X" 'J )\\.~ : (:'~ ~'l ;' C>·

' \ I I .. f ..... \ ) \ ~ , :.-'-:- J .[ /\ . J ,\.v., \;U '­ l' .•=

-- -, ..-- . ----~----~- ,------­

". ) . " I .... - _.- -. .-- =-~.--:. _. ~ - ..

_~8J 1959 - ._-_. _._- ... ------_.------" ... ------,-- . - -e ~ . - ': ._._ _ . _.. ~ ~ :- .' .. J ~ . ..;:.' .1 - htia . -.. - .- ~ _. ~'. : -,.....' -.' ~ -'-"" t -' New JIa-:-'< ..': "') . .,-)~ . , \~~~.lgn~~~/(r~~JOr~~~1 ,.' - • - - -' . -..-: _- ... _" r- _ J ';'" . :;..' . _ _ ...... _ . "'NOTE: ~W"entballB Dest known to 'the Bui-'~w ~.t.h'; a;tho7oi ·The F~dt:i'c r, 1\ Bureau of Investigation, fl a book in which he attempted to ~xpose the FBI. He has been descrlbedas a communist, and as a "left wing new dealer·' ane AJ" _.' was a member-m a Bllmber--Qf Qrganiz.atiWlB cited by-the Attorney General. ~ eI1 Irlm. .;..... ,- -We have D.O current investlga.tloo See Yebnlary 9 letter from ..r.....•.::l -- ~ c;ector to Legal Attache, London, with copies ~d enclosures to Rome, \) .Bonn, and ParUl, .adviJling Lowenthal and b.1s wife, --Eleanor, 1llan to tra.vel ,- ; abroad leaving New York City, Karch 9, 1959. ,As Il,oted above &files -:1"'2 coota1n DO addiUOI1al information Tegardtng ~8e arrangements. c;::: . r ~, ••. J .. .'" -. ··~~l • c:=- ' .... -' '"1cU ~fOIHMTIOtt CONT fo.lNED .• : . - .. *R'EIN lS.,1NCLAS~~~~ _. :, !.EGAT - :.. ~TE f~ J~ . \. . ~:'. _, _ " ~.. . __ . ... _: . :...~ '._ :-. 'r": _ . r.·...... " ~~ S-:' . - l' 9 APR" 9 ....~ -. ~~ r .~ .' .' .' / ;.'.~ .~~... b-~~, "~'" ---~~M" - ',.~ ....-(y, "-:,,,<~~, .;.. ' .:.' -.\A/ af(ll,·: ,-,:i:"0)_ •~b~r ~.?::\ ~~ .•1~ 'l1~ci~ r~'ri~ .;/;:<:" ., T a- ,."";". .... -~; --;' . ..'" -' "',. .-" f'" • '< . -...... ~.- ...... : :: _. ~=:h-= :~~~>:""/' .~\:.bl~\.l"'~~·::·~' -~S "s - c:/~'~~'''~'o::' r"~·:;"~/j ;".- -­ WcG"lle __ U ..1••t - \ ~ ~~~on" __ (10) 6"Y.- t"r-.",,,,r I' ~' /' Ii" ~=r ~/. jl,~tCV ! W.C. Sylbvan _ I I T~l~. Room _ , ~ liollo",a~ , Gandy ~ APaR1Ll ELETYPE UNTTC]

- -_ ... ~ ..- ~.. ". _•.. _--­


2L Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of {he following statements, where indicated, /xplain this deletion.

~ T'\ .... , .... ~ ...... ,., ...... ", ...... ,.,,{o 7"'IolU·l"11'1nt tl"\ rh~ Povprnnrl('\nC' ;n~;""'':ltpri hplrHl1 ufith nn <::.pOTPO';lhlp m~fPii~1 ~V~li:lhlp for