

.-~- - .. ­ , ., 1 i" Ia 1.92' lax LeHBt.bal Aat.ed ,bat. ... 1IU ~al Cou.o.M1 for ~:--",-::.:-:' \ . ~:tu.1u -.noaA 1D4R8t.J's.a1 ~~NtlOD, ~ UzdGA ~, .... tork Cit.1. '. h a pro.peot.u. publl.be4 ~ wu.' ~r,porat.lon tor Use paJ",po.. Dr ra1dQi ..0:;" ,. , "\, 1t. 1•• t.bat. pl.&n tor ergan1.ut.1cm or a a1.11ion dollu - '. .._,. '\ eoropoJ"l,t.1on a. ~aor1bed. in 'be proa~t.Il' 1IU an out.iPowt.b or ridt. or ~,", -'.:' :.... ""\ Slclney l:llla&n, rr.aident of t.he AuJ.&...t.e~ Clot.tU.n& aorkv. or AMrlc-&, . ,k iIled.• in UM n-er or 1921• .:.. - ..;,..' '.' "\ !he purpoH .r tbe eorpont.iOa .... -"" &1d and udat. 1n ~co·:\ EE~1f#.~~§:;~~~~L~~:k~:f~~m~:~~~;~~r1'. ~_. -:',-"-<- .1 oODeN.lena 1M:IUld be ".t.ed in or the Bupreae Council or !!t.t1o:u:.l l.eonoorl.clS or t.he Sc-v1et Go,.er~ent and or the RU!8i~ .~erice..n l~dl.'.~t-!"i=.l Corporation. In a pasphlet blUed by t.hie oorporat10n t.he" appeared t.he na.mesof • ;os \ Mr. and ~.. M&x Lowent.hal as wblc1"1ber. '0 MIa.ian AMrican ~.t.rial - ~':~~'~ .- _" .\CorporaUon .t.ook. 62-25733-ZW page 2 ~ .::-~.~-":..-:-.', "'", -) .','-~ i 'In rebruaP7 1942 the let.t..rhead or 'be Int.ernatiooal. Juridica.l '-:"'. ,,-.~~}..Sloc1at.lon oarried ~e ,or Max l.o1tent.hal u be1n£ a aMber or t.he lational :. ''.. ~ttee NpN.ent.1n& t.he DUtJ"1ct. or Colu.b1&. 1'h1e organisation _ae c1t.e:j as ~ ':..::;:-~,O ',~,. , :', Couun1.t front. bl the Special ee-1t.t.. on Cft-Aaerica.n lct.l1'1tle., Houae or :::.-'.,,".:" .·"'-Il.pruentat.ift. ~ Jilucm 29, 1944. 62-25733-41 page 5 100-25839-1.4 . ~' 00 '. In Augult 1946 1t. 'i)a. reported t.hat Max Lo-anthal bad been a?polnt.ed ~..:wral eounae1 to General Luo1o.. Clq, .llll.c1 JI1l1t.a17 Gonrnment., &rlln, , f'Mn7 1n .hleb capaclt.1'" IIO'tIld " in a po.ition t.o alt'd.e and pau on aat.t.ere -'... :: ':h1!helt laportance resuding miUtal7 oontrol or c;.rw&n1. the Congr..l1onal ~Iord tC1f' lanuuT 14, 1947, 4ODt.a1n1l a .peeob bT !iepNlent.&t.iye Qeorge A. td-ro, R.publlC&D of Il1cb1gan, 1n 1Ibio.h Ir. Dondero c11.cuseed the -~orld P'ederati 'Trade Unio....- Mr. Dondero .t.ated in p&M. a. follows. -It .houles. alao be 3IoooI"'v~' ~.. ~ t.hat. 1Ir. Max l.oMnth&l~ ncant.l.1 appointed general OOW18U ~ lJ.eut.enant. .. C· al c:l.q, l.a a un w1U\ 1.on«-aat.abl1ahed 'i~ t.o Co-auntat. orsan1&&t1ona and ~~~~ ~t.1 ..cord SA ~ ~.t1oD&ble. ADot.her aDd clole all.c>ciate .()\o. ~enthal 1. Gisorge Sha'fl' I\hI<Jeler, _hoeE: loyalt.y record 115 even .ore ~ionable." ConGressional Record January 14, 1947 page 332 . AU lNFORMAnON CON1AIN£D HEREIN IS UKClASS~~E.?~_ "P1V DAT£41qkBY~ t' .:.:;..--~-/ -. ---\--_. - - . Office ·Me~,., l:'· !1n··~--UNITED ·_·C" GOVERNMENT.. ,.;,~ ... -" . TO. "~Iir. fi.' B. ~.~~._.:',. -'D~~" Au.gust n.:.~~~ .~:;;.: . , ~J.OW z Ilr. 'V. ? ~ea,. -:= ~.,na::= ,~ .. :: ~1l611 IUBJECT: Rl!XiIONAL LOYJL'rI !CARD . ... Olo&~lilli....... ___ ..... trKJ ,. \'~ lAKE caEClS 'OR MR. 3. E.. JlJ.~RER :-:~i . I" -. '~-'. CIVIL SERVICE COWISSION :::::" ~ ,. ..."·o..UiD~- R- . Ref'erenoe is lI&de to a aemorandum dated Auguat 2, ~i.~~ === a - 1948, from Mr. ;Z. 1;. Bat.eher. C1-<11 Servic. COIIIlllios1on, to - ~= .. - lIr. Ladd, to which was attached a list of eleven names of '. Sndividuals 1Ibo are being oonsidered ·&s .embers of the ~""'M'" II • ....J.>y Regional Loyalt1 Boards, . , . _ - . ~~"~ .. -~: .... ::: .....- It should be Doted that4'lle of' the individuals mentioned in this list of names of IlaxLLo~el;l...tMl.1Loewen~), - .. ' d the following '1.s all of the baci&OWlcr1h1'ormation supplied J'.. the Civil Service Commission on tbiea individual: -~ ,,~_.( Lo1ll'en~al~ewen la~er. Ilax £hal), retired' Member of former and or1 1 "Boover Bas held several poBitions with th Government. Very prominent and ... Cit~.X \. well-known Hew York . __._ ... -J. cheek offte Bureau files reveals a three 'Volume report on Max R.i~wenthal, 1Iho is believed to be .... ... 1.dentbl with the individual set out in the memorandum trom - .. the Civil Service Commission, above referred to. Bureau file ':' No. 62-25733 eontains the notation on the outside cover that ..­ •• -. 4· inquiries on Max Lo\Tenthal abauld be referred to the Security :"i.-(·. Division. .1" J.Cn.ON ~'4~···""1'"".,:,.:., .y~ .I.... ' . _ .. It is suggested that this memorandum be referred :\... t to tbeInternal Security Section for preparation of suitable data. r transmittal to the Civil Service Commission by Liaison. /1" V~ a I ", \0"'l, j.. /.... F./ill/! J t , AU IHFORMAHON CON1AlNEO ft". ,! :v' . • ~_/ HERON IS UNClASS1~~ . '.' ~ "('" \ ~"/2JtJqZ,Bl~ ~ DAn: E." I : _."..r{ f' , t ,, r1 . -t . t rr A :.J. _ ." ,. ::,"­ \~\ ; ~ ..•. - .... '. / .-. ~t~ . .J.:" , .. ~~~ .;::: Z::.i: I!. • . L~l_J ~~ /") ... I ~.' --..--....... '. ST~T~S GOVERN~:ENT UNITED ·1 'TO .' a . DATE: Ootober 23 1948 ,'1.. _. 1 '1.0N I WI ~ IIlFOR~Tl~ ~TAlHUl ..• ~• . HERON IS UHaASSW -.~ IUIJBCT: .. ·DA •.a..,. .• . .~ .,­ ..:~~ .-.-&­.lIa::lO_ ,110~~ '~"• a.aum.. ,-­_ :.,,.t••... .::..,--_ •... .. -::-c. .~ ......... ...- ....- . b'C. \yJ?t6 J !'he Jla: LOll7enthal I17ho appears promtnentlll tn the Bureau :tilea lOill be recczlled aB bdng cloBelll·-asBociated l17ith COJUllunists and even member. oj the COMmunist underground in rashtngton.- He l17ill also be recalled a8~Ding had a verv prominent cznd tmportant part tn the amear campatgn against the Direc~or and the Bureau tn 1940. ··!'he latest mention .tn the Jile8 with respect to Jla: Lowenthal IOho~B wno ts reJerred to jamediatelll above and born Qn FBbruarll 261 18881 apeciJic4llll ~ith regard to hi8 Federal GovernMent e~ploy=e~tl t= state~ Dntained tn a memorandun dated Januarll 31 1 19481 I17herein tt ia at a check oj the Jile at the Civil Service COMmission concerning hi~ reveals that on August 261 19461 he l17as employed bll the War Department Jor • period not to e:ceed ai: months. At that tine he fDas soid to have been ••signed at Berlinl Ge~anlll ~here he ~s ~orling on '~roblev. oJ tnternal restitution cznd dlsposal oJ Jewish propertv." The tile ~8 fUrther reJlected that at the timel Januarll 81 1 19481 Lowenthal not presentlll. eJII.plolled with the teder~l Government... .;.: ~~. .~. It ta to be noted thczt a LOJ/a.ltll oj Government Employees ... Investi a a Jlaz LOfDenthal#Ibo~~ ho IOCIS at the-tn:~ BBets Admtn~Btration. hese two are not tdentical. ' conBequentlll1 it is to 1Je Been th4t no LOllaltll tnvestigat'ion has been JlQ: ·,,~~· ::. conducted oj the H.1$owenthal IOho t. aaid to be presently 1D071tng \ ~., .' . J.~ the Illite BaIlU. _. .•... ... ~~;- .:<.~.?:;. .,..~f ',1 t •• f iC /lECOJlJlENDATI01:: ,,~, '. -),~ 3 ~T25JlS~a I .. ~. In view oj LOll7enthal'a baclground and since he is a4id to be . , .. .~ ~orting ~~--- ..... present1u at the White House and ts presumablll a bOnG tide Fed ;-,.. : GovernRent emploJ/eel tt t4 recommended that an im~ediate check be aad l17ith the Civil Service Comm18sion to determine tJ he ts presentlll e:pl fDith the Federal Governaent. ThereG~er, tJ tt ts .ac~r~ained he t8 • enplouedl tt ts JUrther recomMended that a revie= oJ the Jiles be aade I looktng tOfDard the tnauguration oj 0 LOllaltll oJ Government Emplollees tnvesttft4~~~. , 8' .;~ p \)~li"" .J qd((: '" :'; \ / _ . EI!11:eda --1_ cc - J[r. nitao ,V" .'.~ I~. ~ .. .... ' '~.. ~ .. .. f- :' -:.. ... '" ~.- \- . ... '" ..~~- -. ~ :." ~ . ..~" ....... -.. .... t.:­ AU INFOi<MATlON CONtAINED ¥;.... ~ - . HEREIN IS UNC~~~~ .:. " OATf.~71q2 B,~_ ~ ~~ Q.~~ -- ;.:.', ~" Of;.. ~~'. d.I·~;Sil¥tI:!. \. ... - . ~ )/. .~-r;Tl;.n 3 ,OCT 25 ~ 1948 '._ ADDElmnJ 1O-18-~ (snr) Several months ~ed Colonel James E. -. .Hatcher confidentially of the backgrouro of Uax Lowenthal. He stated : he ~uld put a stop in the file in order that he, Colonel Hatcher, . I 'WOuld be contacted before any action was taken.. lookin{; toward the appoint- cent of Lowenthal for any position whatsoever. :..: I - . In order to be doubly sure, I talked irith'-'" today aoo he stated the matter has been blocked CfIlit.~ ._"./" thinks. -At least for the present he is sure that lDwenthal will not <: \ be appointed t::. the loyalty Heatjr1n& Boo.rd., ....,.. ' \~C ';~~:_~ ::-~ G20Cl ~8:~~~ ~ ~ .:' ·t· p . .., _.... .-.. r .-~_..::- . .-, ".c-< . .: .... -".'~ ~ , .'­ ------­ - .. --­ "- ­ ,~ ._­ . --~----- -. ~- .-";'=:­ -­ ~ . if" - . .,. ... : , ~ . " ,.... -=-:aJI.lri.l,..·' ~ -~9 . - -.----- -- . ­ . ~c~~~~.!.~~~.~~~~ ~.~ ~ m. _tha" .. o.M.l......1, pla~ et ~rth _b.n. ~!~. ~'\e1ltWS -"1IaX l-.\hal tM U!l1ftn11.; et l1...ota a1. Minnaapolli, ... ~ '.-,.-~. I£1zm••ot.&, ud ncelm a 1.1. lMcr" In 1909. .. nOllftd aD IJ..B. »eve. .. troJa knard Un1yent1.7 111 19l2. (62-25733-41; 100-25733-'tOx) ~ . .II&X Z'U14e. at. 467 Central hJ't ....t., In York C1t.7• ~ .• - I iii • tan at. nuol"Cl, CODMcUCUt.. Prn10u known addre.... were 1 ".t. St.r..1., Cb."7 CbaM, 1I&r71&D4, aDd. )22 CieD\ral Park "'1., ... fork Cit.,. J~~ ... ,.~ :,p...::.:~~'. ~"-.' .~-: .. -:~ V".....TVJ" -10745', , 5, . ,• b\ C. Lowent.ha1 has an .xtend mp10,..ent h1ltorJ' dat1ng back t.o 1907. The following 1. a bri.r ".UM or \h . I'roa 1907 t.o 1909 be wu a on the ItKinn.apolli Journal', nnneapoU., II1nn••ot&. ­ .Fro. 1912 \0 1913 a. wu a 10 c1.rk tor Jude- W. lack, U. S~ Co-eroe Court, at. 11800 per &nmDl, .asMnrton, D. C. rro. 1913 \0 1914 a. wu a la- al.rk tor Caanl&der , .•1ckenbaa aDd rart., In York Cit.7, at I~ per ann_.

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