KV 2/961 – 962, Part I Englandspieland Nordpolaffair
Reference abstracts of KV 2/961 – 962, Part I As to prevent for a too extensive document, I have decided to divide it into two sections. Englandspiel and Nordpol affair This document contains materials derived from these latter files Its purpose: is to be used as a kind of reference document, containing my personal selection of report sections; considered being of relevance. My input: I have in almost every case created transcripts of the just reproduced file content. However, adding my personal opinion; always accompanied by: (AOB, My comment) Please do not multiply this document Remember: that the section-copies still do obey to Crown Copyright This document is of an extraordinary content; in which personal fates of many brave men have been brought at stake, due to severe ignorance on the British S.O.E. side. Please consider before studying this file: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Englandspiel English version https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Englandspiel German language version https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Englandspiel Dutch language version As to confront you with a wider spectrum in this intriguing complex matter, I would like to proceed, after Giskes’ second chapter, in due course, with: Huntemann’s Case and Schreieder’s case By Arthur O. Bauer Giskes, Obstlt. Herman (Nordpol Spiel)(England Spiel) PF 601712 KV 2/961-1, page 2 6.5.45 To S.O.E. re Oberstleutnant (Obstlt.)Giskes and Uffz. Huntemann 16.5.45 Extract from report on Huntemann re Giskes, Filed 2.6.45. KV 2/961, page 3 20.5.45 To 12th AG asking for Giskes to be sent to UK as Category A case KV 2/961, page 8 Extract from OSS X-2 Paris report dated 22.5.45 on Edmund Grosskopf (PF 601671), former member of Abwehr III F (AOB, counter espionage) Lyons and FAK 313 (Front Aufklärungskommando 307 ‘Bonn’) (AOB, where the first ‘3’ points at, of course, the operational Abwehr section III; and the third number onto the European region) This Kommando performed only line crossings and hardly brought any information.
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