Western Transmission System Ethnographic and Historical Resources
Allen-Warner Valley Energy System: Western Transmission System Ethnographic and Historical Resources Item Type Report Authors Bean, Lowell Bean; Evans, Michael J.; Hopa, Ngapare K.; Massey, Lee Gooding; Rothenberg, Diane; Stoffle, Richard W.; Vane, Sylvia Brakke; Weinman-Roberts, Lois; Young, Jackson Publisher Cultural Systems Research, Incorporated Download date 10/10/2021 06:50:38 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/276213 ALLENALLEN-l-1ARNER - WARNER VALLEYVALLEY ENERGYENERGY SYSTEM:SYSTEM: WESTERNWESTERN TRANSMISSIONTRANSMISSION SYSTEMSYSTEH ETHNOGRAPHICETHNOGRAPHIC ANDAND HISTORICALHISTORICAL RESOURCESRESOURCES Report SubmittedSubmitted byby CULTURAL SYSTEMSSYSTEMS RESEARCH, INCORPORATEDINCORPORATED to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY Contributing Scholars:Scholars: Submitting Officers andand Editors: Lowell JohnJohn Bean,Bean, Ph.D.Ph.D. Michael J.J. Evans,Evans, M.A.M.A. Lowell JohnJohn Bean,Bean, Ph.D.Ph.D. Ngapare K.K. Hopa,Hopa, Ph.D.Ph.D. President, CSRICSRI Lee GoodingGooding Massey,Massey, B.A.B.A. Diane Rothenberg,Rothenberg, Ph.D.Ph.D. Sylvia Brakke Vane,Vane, M.A.M.A. Richard W.W. Stoffle,Stoffle, Ph.D.Ph.D. Vice President, CSRICSRI Sylvia BrakkeBrakke Vane,Vane, M.A.M.A. Lois Weinman-Weinman-Roberts, Roberts, Ph.D.Ph.D. Jackson Young,Young, B.A.B.A. Menlo Park, California December 15, 19791979 This materialmaterial is copyrighted by Southern California Edison Company,Company, Rosemead, California.California. Permission must bebe obtained,obtained, inin writing,writing, to copy or reproduce this materialmaterial inin anyany wayway whatsoever.whatsoever. TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Management SummarySUIIlDlary M-1 Acknowledgements '. i eSRICSRI Staff o•••••••••••••••••••••••• ii List of TablesTables iii List of Maps v List of Maps .•............................................ CHAPTER I.I.
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