The Jewish Advance
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of the loose dvr The Jewish Advance. animal hoax paper found light how little we have to rely on our eellence, has just published Catal-oy to in dvr something inquire about, but did not reformers. What the pen and the argu- Ihbrolschen Handschn/tvn 84 & 86 FIFTH AVENUE. zu (Ham- find the right person of whom to inquire, ment could not do, this event did, and, Stadthibliotlu'k Hambnnj 220 After and the absurd to the of a man to whom we burg, 1878, XX, and pages). Terms of Subscription: penitential day” theory, quote words at the Ham- of which Judaism is as as the Royal Library Munich, Per annum. $3.00 innocent eitil- indeed look up as to a master of Jewish contains the richest col- For .. burg Library six months. 1.30 er of the parties concerned in the mar- learning and principles: Single Copies.10 lection of Hebrew manuscripts in all riage, sprang into existence. The "de- Man weiß in der That nicht, worüber Kates of : ) Germany. It enumerates and describes fection,” therefore, lies with neither of man über die One line Nompareil, one insertion,.$ .15 j mehr staune-n soll, gemeine 855 volumes. But almost every one of 1 month the prominent Jewish but (4 insert.).. .50 ministers, oder die große »Jgnoranz, die in these volumes contains four, five, and 3 months, (13 insert.) 1.00 wi th the HI m jBosheit -press. very private affair ust das some even ten and more various manu- 12 (52 insert.) 3.00 HAmerika so frech Haupt erhebt. be drawn into no matter howr publicity, In conclusion, we would beg to correct scripts. HENRY Editor. GERSONI, persons may endeavor to it to them- * * keep another statement of the New York I t would be an error to suppose- selves. If a person is blessed with a certain MAX STERN, Publisher. Herald. The first lecture of Professor that every manuscript in the Hamburg curse of the re- popularity,the newspaper Felix Adler, at the'temple Emanu-El, collection is, par s<\ valuable, and worth porter follows at the heels of that bless- to be On the there Chicago, October 18th, 1878. had for its text a passage from the Tal- published. contrary, ing. and embitters the pleasure or satis- mud (Berachoth, Fol.3,a). Its ledding is much trash in this collection. Yet. “ faction which be derived from it. even this trash is instructive, as it DEFECTION,” INDEED. may idea was, consequently, based on rabbin- That a man like Rev. Dr. shows in what high degree Jewish learn- Samuel Adler, ical authority, and could not be irrelig- On Thursday, 3d inst., the in the XVTth morning who was known as a of ing had degenerated and champion pro- ious. While yet in derm any, Felix Ad- journals brought us the “startling” news XVIItli centuries. But, this Judaism since half a cen- among gressive nearly ler has resolved not to go into the Jew- that Dr. G. Gottheil, of New York, liad there is a number of truly whose voice was heard trash, large tury; amongst ish pulpit ; we know this as a positive refused to perform the marriage ceremo- valuable works in the Hamburg Library, our greatest and best German scholars, fact.' A gentleman who had been stu- ny at the wedding of Dr. Adler’s which will contribute to clear up many daugh- in at the Rabbinical Conference of 1845, dying in Berlin at the same time with dark in the of the Jews ter, because the same had been appoint- points history Frankfort, and whose activity in the Felix Adler, and who had returned to and Judaism. is this the- ed for one of the penitential Especially days. service of .Judaism has never ceased New York some three years before him, case with works belonging to the prov- We paid no attention to this item,” as since then ; a man whose name alone told us that Felix Adler had made up ince of liturgical poesy and with Hala- we considered it one of the many "loose was sufficient to to an give honor Amer- "his mind not to be a Jewish Rabbi.” chic works emanating from German animal hoaxes to which readers of ican and under whose care Rabbis of the middle congregation, This that Felix Adler has never ages. American become and proves newspapers used, and the Kmanu-Kl guidance congregation reflected on the Temple Fmanu-El pul- Steinschneider is now engaged we hoped also that the next day’s paper has risen from its former insignificance pit since he returned from Eu- in issuing a Catalogue of the Hebrew would bring a “correction.” No cor- to its present commanding position ; a rope. It is also untrue that Professor Manuscripts in the I loyal Library of and no rection, abnegation having ap- Berlin. Three he a man who taught charity, and practiced Adler injures the cause of Judaism. years ago publislied for the three we peared succeeding days, and catalogue of the Munich manuscripts, in it, preached liberality, gave the There are a great many other liberals out- addressed to Rev. Dr. G. Gottheil the Leyden. About the same time there best example of it, advocated enlighten- side of the pale of Judaism, preaching letter: his of Hebrew following and appeared great Catalogue ment, devoted his life to it—that the same doctrine as he, and we can not Office of .Jewish Advacne, ) Books in the Bodleyan Library, in Ox- Chicago, Oct. fith, 1S7S. f such a man, we say, should have his last see how he can do to our cause more ford. By all these works, and by a num- Rev. Dk. Gustav Gottheig—Dear Sir: ah comfort of his child seeing youngest harm than they. But we have a good ber of he item is circulating in the press, stating that others, opened rich sources married, embittered by such uncalled-for who are as Jewish you have refused to officiate at the wedding of many, recognized which only he can appreciate who goes Dr. Adler’s daughter, because the same took and nowhere galling public comment, leaders, and by their mean and selfish back to the primary sources of Jewish and this time was, else than in America can אסכ רושעל *place .happen, and arrogance injure our sacred religion in- history ןיב according to your opinion, not suitable for but our press for we are far not so such ceremonies. The nothing "enterprising-’ deed, by enlighten- would-be Orthodox on the Year .”»(5:{S, can about. We should like to Retrospect make merry about it, saying that there were bring ed as not to disconnect personalities with no authorities (rabbinical) for such a prohibi- know the name of the orthodox minis- principles. We need a Messiah. tion, and that the reformers did not know VI. ter of Nineteenth Street themselves what they taught and what Synagogue,” they Our brethren in Holland and Denmark wanted. The ultra-liberals experienced a mis- whose utterance the New York Herald JtefTJn another column the reader will chievous pleasure to see the heads of the Re- have given very little of quoted as condemning the act of mar- find a review of the work of the Hebrew sign religious form Synagogue (the only religious body that | Relief Association the commotion during the year 5638. The dares to face them in the light of reason) divi- riage in the days of penitence.” If during past year. ded among themselves. Before We an attentive of the former are conservative to a saying this quotation be not an appropriate in- bespeak perusal high degree, in about I anything press it, thought it my same. The winter is and and their on vention for the we would hum- approaching, spend charity lavishly their duty to write and request that you should occasion, the demands on that charitable organi- poor brethren of Jerusalem the latter please enlighten us on this subject. This is j bly beg to be infogmed where it is writ- ; not a point at issue between Dr. Gottheil and j zation (the only one we have in this city) take pride in education. Some of their ten that no marriage should take place Dr. Adler, as individual hut it is a matter of j will be and Let the many urgent. ap- young men have attained great honors religious concern touching every Israelite in I in those days. We do not boast of great propriate suggestions of the Executive the country. If the “news item” is not at the universities of Germany and of aj scholarship, but this we know, that such Committee be taken into canard,” you must have had more substan- consideration, their native land. a is not to be found in of tial reason for refusing to perform a religious j prohibition any and acted upon energetically, ceremony for the daughter of your colleague I rabbinical books. It is not even a The Israelites of Italy have continued and your predecessor in office. Again, if that j -foolish in the LITERARY NOTES. showing to the world that the more the >ה:פ ^ר**י ק\י^2*יי reason be of a private nature, the public has j usage field of is to nothing to do with it, and cannot draw any j Synagogue. And it‘ it were so, it would activity opened the Jew. * Several there died in conclusions as to the thereof. ; years ago religious bearing seem that liev. Dr. (Jottlieil should be the more useful he is to his country and But, if it is indeed a matter of principle, we Wilna the modest, yet profound Hebrew man to It is but are justified to ask for an on it.