^•^'^..--'-.K.'W f'..-' '“ ■*^.'».- .'yv* *' ■•T—

fitSTEEl! FRIDAY, JULY 17,1942 inaiiri}rfitn: £ttnibi0 X m lii Average Daily Circulation ' The Weather Far Sm Month of June, 1842 Foreeaat of U. 8. VPeatlMr Bnrean a delicious buffet luncheon waa ferments due to extenuating cir­ ing failed to appear. They may re­ another large group of registrants cumstances such as a death in the served by the hosteues, a feature port late, or it la posMble ^hey may reported to the local hoapital an­ Keep the Children Happy! Two to Study 56 Selectees family. have enlisted '.n another branch 7,451 Scattered, ehoweiv wid sBghtly A bout Town of which waa a bridal cake with nex on Haynes street for examina­ miniature bride and bridegroom. Three Fall to Appear without notification yet ' having THRESHER’S Member of the AadH warmer tonight tion by the local medical board. As Teachers Miss Galllgan is to be married Go for Exams Of the 59 listed for transporta­ been given the local draft board. PONY RIDES Borea^ of Olzealattona ' Soya and giria of thi^oSalvation on July 27 to Robert F. Brannick. tion to Hartford three failed to Otherwise their names will be re^ Those who ate passed by tha local A m y Sunday achool will meat at make an appearance. Their names parted to the United States DUr doctors Will go to ths Army induc­ At Adams Street' Manche»ter—~A City-of Village Charm\^' tbOsCitadcI tonaorrow at 1:30. From Group Siirprisetl Group LeaVpA This were forwarded to the Army in­ trict Attorney for action; tion center for ilnal examination - Buekland Comers there they will hike, bike and mo­ College at New Britain duction center In Hartford as hav­ Today as on nearly every Friday during August; VOL. LXI., NO. 246 (dnaellled Advertialng on Faga U). MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) raiCE THREE CENTS tor to M idland F*aric for their ao-- Morning for ^Army nual picnic. ITie aporta prograra Enrolls Two Girl Stu­ Bv Early Visitor will include ganaes and races of dents from Manchester Physicals at HartfoP^^ vaiioua a

MANCHESTER EVENING HE;KAL.D, MANCHESTER!; CONN. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1942 x a ffG u ii MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES'rBR,‘CONN. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1942 PAGE FIVB^ making a stand below Mlllerovo fit'was a brown dreae with white tail, the types of gases and their for his own personal benefit and Reds Use Boifibers were declared to have set fire to accessories and orchid corsage. effecU. • at times appropriated state ma­ Parents’ Night First Aiders amd disabled IJ Nazi tanks. The bride gave to her maid of StaGon Inspected been obtained on a voluntary ten Case terials for his own use without "Soviet infantrymen are smash­ honor pastel blue Richelieu pearls, Following the lecture, the per­ basis. authority or compensation to the Against Germans New Firemen Cooks Day'Off! Rent Control Butler Slaying ing up enemy equipment,” the In­ Well Attended and the bridegroom’s gift to hi« 1; See Exhibit sons present were invited to. come Reports of Eviction Moves State of Connecticut." formation Bureau reported. "Men best man was a billfold. up to Inspect the set-up battalion Answer Civen Harry G. GJarsten, a veteran em­ Daily Radio Programs Since then, OPA has received (Coating From Pag# Om ) of one tank detachment blew' up station, and the soldiers reports of a large number of at­ Still Mystery ployee of more than 25 years serv­ with grenades or set on fire with I Von Deck-Beck were kept answering questions for Baateni War Ttnm For Emergency Area Widened tempted evictions in txjulsvUle, ice, was associate highway engi­ Army Outfit Puts on miles south of Moscow, sUU was incendiary bottles fl\'W'tanks and Vacation School Giv««. I Miss Phyllis C. Beck of 168 some time. They were then taken and 6ther indications that volun- Meriden, July 18— (Jf) —Thff 1 State Committee Issuer neer at Branford with a salary of two armored cars. . Auburn Road, West Hartford, be- inside the ambulance where they tai'y compUnnee had failed. $4320 a year. Charges against Wil­ great. ,An Exhibit of ^ ork Demonstration at the my.stery -■'surrounding the slaying The Germans, who broke into "In this engagement the Hitler­ I came the bride of John L. Von got first'hand information of the Of the 105 Who Started About 20 Additional Price Administrator Leon Hen­ of John A. Butler, 21-year-ol<| Statement; Johnson’s liam Carsten. $3000 a year main­ the city’s approaches last week, ites lost over 1,200 officers and Deck qf 32 Sterling Place," this equipment that is carried when derson two days ago criticized tenance district (supervisor, ^so Done by Pupils* 1 Hollister School. ; Course in South End, Sections to Be Affected Southington’ youth, .remained aa : Side Is Also Given. »were clinging to- every buUdlng men, killed and wounded.” , town, at a ceremony performed an ambulance answers an emer­ W ar Plays Part what be,said .were organized ef­ impenetrable today aa it was ex« . ■at Branford, were'sustained in full. and trying .to erect barricades. gency call in the Army. forts by some landlords and real Disperse German Column Parents' Night Of the 'Commu­ ] this morning at 11 o’clock at the Captain'Nathan M. Noble, on 72 Finished It. AngiMt 1. actly a week ago when his blud­ He had been an employee of the South of the city, fresh troops Russian cavalrymen were re­ ! parsonage of the South Method-/ Miss Dorothy Carr, president of estate men to.encourage a revolt geoned body was found at New ! HMtford,. July IS— eats at a party given (3S — 7 People’s - Platform; m.—Hymns of all Churches; 6:30 Carl R. Johnson. \yere kept from him. Mr. Johnson Major fighting in that area waa Intense activity of the Red his rendition of the song last night at the home of Mr. and from the front lines back to a with representatives from the Cen­ j day night, and that these men 1 SBittae’s statement, said last night hospital. These stations are set up "Enemy Alien Problems;’’ 8 —^Brad Reynolds. Tenor. CBS 1 a. Elmei R, Johnson. ■ that the decision, as it reached reported that theae two reporU reported centered not southeast of Army Force appeared to be one of “Short’nln Bread.” He received Mrs. M. J. Moriarty of 422 East ter church and South Mctnodlst, Records for Fighting Men'; 8:30 m.—Rhythm Roundup: ,3:30 p. m,. I were summarily dealth .with while Mlllerovo, as it had been for throe the major factors limiting Gerr .such heartv applause he returned at regular Intervals in the area to plan for the outing on July 26, James H. Johnston. ' .' agalivit Harry Carsten, said; pale blue sky and hot sun, temper Hollywood, Cal., who Is visiting ita midst as long as the w-ar laata. WTIG W n R f ' 1360 Fred L. McKenney. ••He admitted that under orders 'Commlstloner Upman, Frederick enemy attacks," a communique de­ school In the state which has at­ bis native Manchester. of 55 Benton street, left today for KilocycIciB fident of victory.” . clared/ "not far from the village ed occasionally by sharp thunder­ Qne soldier who accompanied Kilocycles Edward J. Moriarty. jby him, loam was carried many J. Halton. his special assistant, tempted to turn put articles of this the officer gave* a demonstration a two weeks' tour to Niagara Falla of ’K’ our tanks, covering the re­ storms. kind. Samples of the games and Harlow N. Norman. ' miles to his home by state trucks and Mr. Sbewart. Mr. Johnson said Elephants! are good swimmers on the care and use of the gas and Canada. Mrs. Dewart was the John H. Noyes. that Stewart took up most of the treat of our Infantry, launched Great arms of windmills swung maps, the'painted tin . ash receiv­ former Miss Marie A. Shorts. Upon P. M. - P. M. Two ’Negroes Die with state employes, counter-attack, annihilating gently above thatched roofed cot­ and can breathe while under wa­ mask, and aa he adjusted it to hiii : O—News. 1:00— Glssq Reporter—News. Manuel Ostrinsky. ••He admitted borrowing, on a Ume reading his report, which Mr. 1,200 ers, scrap books and stuffed ani­ head, the explanation was given their return Mr. Dewart wlU en­ 1 0 Hitlerites.’’ tages. Women and children toiled mals were exhibited to the audi­ ter, using their tninks like peri­ 1:15— Market Report and Agri­ 1:05— Strictly Swing. William O’Brien. (first mortgage, gl,800 from a sub­ Johnson waa not allowed to see. scopes. by Captain Noble, who gave in de ter the U. 3. Army. .. . Ernest M- Pdhl. As Truck Crashes On the second day of the cloagd Perhaps omlnousir, however, in the fields while their men went ence by boys and girls who gave cultural News. 1:30— Ad Liner. ordinate employe. there waa no news from the sec to war. a brief explanation of theip, from 1:30—All Out For Victory. 2:00—Press News. Alfred A. Palshaw. "He admitted that a piano was bearing, Harry Carsten was allow­ Clarence E. Roach. ed to-tesfify, although Mr. John­ tor of Nazi-occupied Boguchar, 70 Everything appeared to be the platform and the primary 1:45—Jerry Sears’ Rhythmic 2:05— Of Men and Books. Waterburv. July 18—(P)—Two ■ moved from his home in Branford miles northeast of Mlllerovo, moving freely and promptly —a room and beginners department Strings. 2:30— Brush Creek Follies. Robert M. Ripley. to a home in Hamden. He would son maintained that he was given Waterbury Negroes were killed insuRlcient opportunity to read where the Germans were last re highly Important factor in the far were filled with the general dis- 2:00—United States Marine Band. 3:00—Serenade F'rom' Buffalo. Waiter Reed. and a third Injured today when a rwt say that a private truck did ported driving down the Don upon flung Battle .of the Don. plav, and alt had an opportunity 2:30— Matinee In Rhythm. 3:30—Treasury Star Parade. Charles P. Ryan! IS the hauling. the Stewart and police reports. light' truck in which they were Stalingrad. of inspecting the games which 2:55—News. 3:4.5-^News. Fred Recavc. , riding to work left the Waterbury- "And he admitted that a state A request' of the Carstens,, for­ 3;55:-War Commentary. warded through Mr. Johnson, thst Defense .Advantages Seen were fashioned of wood donated 3:00—Nature Sketches. Charles Rohan Jr. Naugatuck road, crashed into sev­ highway truck carried a sleigh by the W. G. Glenney company, 3:15—Air Youth for Victory. 4:00—Hello From Hawaii. Sherwood Robb. from North Haven to the highway a continuance be granted so that Definite Red Army advantages Defective Horn S e ^ the eral highway fence posts and turn­ were indicated in the lO-rday-old and the maps of Manchester and . 3:30— Campus Capers. 4:30'—Horse Races. Thomas Raymond. ed on its side. garage at Branford, from which it suspended Highway Coromiaaioner the U. S. map with corps areas 5:00—rMatinee at Meadowbrook. I William J. Cox might teatify in battle of Voronezh, 300 miles south 4:0<}— Pan American Holiday. Raymond Schiebel. The dead were Archie Thomas, 1 was taken to his home." Foils Thieves marked in. writing portfolios and 4:30— Your Number Please. 6:00— Esso Reporter—News. WUllam H. Scharp. Regarding WUIiam Carsten, the their behalf, waa uenied by the of Moscow-. 24. of 254 Cherry street, and Wal­ memorandum books enough to 5:00— National Music Camp at 6:05—Sports. Walter Skowsky. ter Copeland, 19. of 26 Vine street. committee said: committee. The Soviet radio saM Russian last for the duration. Home Town 6:16—Arms for Victory. Mr. Johnson said that he sought soldiers had plunged the Germans Berlin. July 18.—iJPt~A defec- Inter! ochen. Robert H. Smith. Janies Stewart, 19, of 86 Locust ••He denied taking a saw Uble to Gifts Accepted ,5:30— Program from New York. 6:30—Frazier Hunt—News. Sanol J. Solomon. street, was taken to St. Mary’s tala home to saw his wood. the continuance until the Cox case, back in disorder in several places. Mivfe horn button proved the un- Captain Smith In the absence of 6:45—The World Today. , at present in'Governor Hurley s recaptured two communities and doi.ng of tire thieves early, this 5:45— Salon Orohestra. ' WUIiam Stocks. hoapi'thl with possible fractures of •‘He admitted using a state Captain Porter, gave a brief his­ 7;00— Pe->ple’s Platform. ’ Andrew J. Stroker. the arm and shoulder. haniU, waa disposed of so that the pursued routed detachments across morning and they were forMd to tory of the regiment, explained Its 6:00— News. ’ truck to pick up'privately owned 6:15-T-Oome On and Dance. 7:30—;To Be Announced. Franklyn F. Syphers. Motdr Patrolmen John Culliton SBOtor in New Haven and bring it two would not be linked together. the Don south of the city to fight flee without these precious ration-- insignia, accepted the gifta with 8:00—Guy Lombardo’s Orchestra. on over fields piled high with Nazi 6:30—Strictly Sports. Benjiman Tariuiluk. and John Deeley said It was believ­ to Hanford.' - Prime witnesses against the Car- ed articles. thanks, for the new day room at 8:30— Hobby Lobby. ste'n brothers, Mr.. Johnson said, dead. AroiuMd hy a loud horn blowing, 6:45—Fireside Ouartet. ' Elmore Vincent. ed that Thomas, the - driver, lost "He would not admit or deny the the armory, and Miss Ann C. 8:55— Eric Severeid—News. control of the truck because of a For the sake of morale, it is important to keep your home cheer­ were Thomas Plscatelll. a former The 222nd German regiment was John Prendergast. a resident of the Sampson accepted the toys and 7:00—Noah Webster Sayz 9:00— Do You Remember. Winslow Wright, t»e of a staU .truck in taking a re­ reported u ip ^ out, adding to the 7 :30—Musicana. William H. Wler. blow-out/ln the left front tire. paired motor to the boat yard. Highway Department laborer now parish house of St. Paul’s church scrap books for the children who 10:15—Olga Coehlo—Songs. fully lighted under blackout restrictions. Comfortable condi­ serving in the United States tens of thousands of invaders kill­ in Kensington, went to the garage are patients at the hospital. Miss 8:(K)—Program from New York. 10:30—Cleveland Orchestra. •Theodore C. Zimmer. “And he admitted that there was ed. An Elite Soviet Guard force 8:30—Truth or Consequencea. Interslewer Fills Gap tions at home will help to keep production moving in factories a mortgage on his home for $3,000. Army; Cornelius Driscoll, Bran­ to stop the noise and was just in Ferne Locke, supervisor of nfiraes to Your 11:00— Elsso Reporter—News. Thoduis Murphy.,, ford lawyer and Democratic town was credited wlth^slaying 6(X) Ger­ time to eee two youths fleeing from 9:00—National Barn Dance. John McPartland. given by a truck driver who later Was unable to be present. 11:05— Sports Roundup. Durango, Colo.—(PI —Durango and shops. ' chairman, and hfs brother-in-law, mans and a neighboring unit with the garage with a wheel remoir^ Chaplain E. Bruce Banks thei\ 9:30—Program from New York. 11:10—Newi Analysis. '■ became a foreman." 400. 10:00—Sporta Newsreel of the Air farmers never run. out at harvest In summation the committee Frank Atwater, a department eitt- from one of the two ears owned gave a Ulk expressing apprecia­ 11:15— Dance Orchestra. ployee. Russian cdunter-attaeks were by Rev. Thomas U Oreyllsh. 10:15— Labor For Victoiy. Take* Cognizance of WAAC hands, there’s always . one left. This can be done only if adequate provision is'made for black­ said. "Asids from violating these tion for the fine glfU of the SOLDIER! 11:30—Dance Orchestra. Twice this summer when the de­ Mr. Johnson further questioned increasing in number and ferocity Apphi^fitly the wheel proved to school, and the opportunity of 10:30—The Victory Hour. 12:00— News. 4 rsles, the aftions of the Carsten In the Voronezh area, dispatches lliOO-^News. Omaha, Neb. tP)— District Judge mand for workers exceeded the ing out windows effectively so that no gleam >r glint is visible the propriety of John E. Toohey’s be too Hea\'y for the thieves and meeting the children and their Tomorrow's Program hcothers w’ers not such to reflect presence on the personal advisory said. Many Germans of an annihi­ they were forced to leave It in a parents on shch a pleasant occa­ 11:15— Nelson Olmsted. Herbert Rhoades, who has been supply, Nell Franklin, the State to the outside. Effective blackout credit on the state service," Do you write to your soWier? Employment Office Interviewer, committee during the hearing, lated battalion were-thrown into nearby field. sion. He praised the U. S ., O. 11:30—HospltaUty THme. A. M. requiring women suing for divorce screens can 1^.made from heavy since he aided in the original in­ the Don and drowned. A defective auto' horn sometimes headquarters in the old Brown Of course yon do! But you 12:00—News and Baseball Scores. 8:00—News. to furnish an affidavit declaring filled the gap Himself. Johneon's aide vestigation of the charges against The Russians were said to have can be useful, obeer\ed Father schoe adjustments. ganist, Mrs. John Barry, with enade. ' man, Jr., suspended the brothers A1 Goodman. > the jag. wedged into Soviet positions. Jamea Breen as soloist. HERALD 2:30—Curtia Enaemble. 5:45—William L. Shlrer—Newa. •gain and finally dismissed them Tlie . sheriff said Genova had Backing up the ground forces, The brid^wbo was given In mar­ 2:45—The Sabbath Message. from the department. The Person- 6 :OO^Eklu^rd R. Murrow. been released from the jail July Red airmen destroyed or damaged riage by her father wore a gowd 3:00—Music for Neighbors. '6:I5 ^ B ob l^ Tucker and Chorus. Advisory Committee in its de- 5, ten days beforq ihe expiration 90 German tanks, 265 trucks and A Thought of white silk marquisette, princess 3:15—Cor«mentary by Upton All Times. They Are Very Valuable Ctsion upheld Commi^nner t'p- RATES: 6:30—dtma Autry’s Melody of a 35*day sentence he waa serv­ several oil tanks on various sec­ style. Her veil o f illusion was Close. R isch. Ban's action.' draped from a pearl 'ilnw. She ing from breach of the peace and tors Thursday, it waa announced. Thon Shalt lovs tbe Lord thy 3:30—Thia la tha Army Hour. 7:15—Time Out tor Laughs. Mr. Johnson stated that Com- carried a prayer book with orchid OAK GRILL' destniction of private property. Nasi Shipping Attacked God .with all tbjr haart, and with One Month 75 Gents 4:15 — Shostakovitch Seventh 7:30—We the People. ■dasloner Upman bad refu se to Investigation of the case began German shipping , an“ A y soul, and with all1 th;thy marker and shower at stephanotis. Symphony. "WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER” Aids In Extinguislung Incendiary Bombs. gllcw him to have the details of the The maid of honor wore a gown 6:00— News. 8:00—World News Tonight last Monday when James J. O’Con­ in the Gulf of Finland wers at­ strength, and with an thy mind; 8:S07-Crli»e Ddctorl reopened charges against the Car- nell, Common Pleas court prose­ tacked again. The Moscow radio thy neighbour aa thyself.—Luka of powder blue sUk marquisetU, Six Months .. $4.50 6:15t—Harry Horlick's Orchaatra. •ten brothers, and that the com- also in princess design, with tlsra 8:30—Strictly Sports. 8:55—Erie Severeid.' QINE AND DANCE cutor, learned, that Genova was said bombers had sunk three Axis 10:27. 9:00—^To Be Announeed. Blttee hearing the appeal refused. at liberty and had reported for giinboSta, an armed tranm>ort and' * * * and matching shoulder length veil. 6:45—Tale Interprets the News. permiaslon to inspect reports l^work at the Remington Arms She carried on arm bouquet of '7:00—'Ihe Private Life of Joae- 9:80—Star Theater. To the LOting Tunes of a patrol ship and damaged 16 oth­ When lovt la at'its biut, (>ns 10:00—*rake It or Leave I t afrULavlta significant to theycoBspany, where he waa employed er veasels In three days. loves so much that he cannot for- pale pink roses. THE HERALD: phine Tuttle. 4sfenee prior to hla arrest. The bride's mother waa attired 7:30—^The Band Wagon. ‘ 10:30—News. Dispatches from tbe southern 'get.—Helen Hunt Jackson. 10:35—Lovely Melodlea. *' DON MAC AND HIS , 0 )tnplete charges against both Summoned to a socia l session in light blue with white accea- s e e e e e e e * Please send a subscription to: 8:00—Star Spangled VaudevlUa. front indicated that the Germans, I enclose $ . . . . 113)0—News oAths Worid, were sustained by the Person- oA4the Common Please cemrt last sortes and corsags of gardenias. 8:30—One Man's Family. ' in their hurry to sweep ’ to their ^ Take Oonunaad at Malta . 11:10—Nsws Analysis. Hrt A'dvisory groiro. In the case Tuesday, Genova testified then Tbe bridegroom’s mother were > s • • s • 4 I • s « s Sis s s • s s s < 9:00 — Manhattan Merry - Oo- RHYTHM MASTERS objectives before the Red Army RANK AND NAME . 11:15—Dsnoe Orchestra. Harry O. Carsten. the that he. had bem released from blue with erfalte aoeeanbriss and Round. can make aa effective sUad. Loadoo. July X*— Air Vio^ 11:30—Dance Orchestra. DELiaOUS FOODS — MOCESLPRICESI adum o f decision stated: the jail July 11 by an official ha sometimes ovsr-roceb> thsmselvss. gardenia eorsaga. a d d r e s s 'AT jCAMP 9:30—American Album of Famil­ Marshal Kaltb It Bark, leader of a* Roast Beef Roast Turkey koast Pork Air Raid Precautions Committee o f 4*Thera appears th be ample evi- knew only as “Patsy." Without idantiftrlag tbs sector, flgbtsr group la the BatUt of A rsesptloa for the Immsdiats iar Music. w ouhataatlatlng the acting DlPltro testified that he did not a news report told of a Soviet am­ Britain, has taken over command family and eloas friends wss held STATE ...... 10:00— Hotir o f Charm. Emergency blowouts, reqf^ Polpettinc Steaks Soft Shell Crabs 10:30—Joe and MabeL nqulre spaed.in execution, when iway cemmiastoner’B claim that kqqw Genova, but he identified a bush upon a Nasi flank widen of the R. A. F. at Malta, succeed­ at the home of tbe bride’s parents, Fine Wines — Liquors and Beer __lasd stata equipment for his prison record show'ing Genova turned the'invaders back -after se­ ing Air VicerMsrabal Hugh P. after which the couple left for a U:00—News. u air raid alarm sounds pt night, |Msnin1 use. diverted state labor had. been .released un the 1 1 th aa rious 1 pests pf men. Lloyd, the air ndnlstiy announced wedding trip to the "White Moun­ 11:15—Cbaar Saerehinger. eom- nm aln in the Iwuss. put' out all SO Oidi Street . . TeL SS94 The Defense Council o f Manchester meatator. |fll||hws(jr.Efpart ment empleyees IhPrito’s handwriting. ArtUlegy sad anU-tank men Uiday. ■ . tains. Tbe bride’i going away out- Ughts sxcept in roomq sffectlvdy 11 :M r-Vlet«T Panda. bisslisd out aad uss no lights that jBsy be MSB tn m . tbs o«m Ms w / / ■ ^ •

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD- MANCHESTER. CONN. URDAY, JULY 18. 1942 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1942 l> A G E S r < \ PAGE SEVEfJ ■J New York and retunied to Eng­ aaam that, on tha pracadant of the It's time for you to be an Amcrl- land. Perhaps a hiliidred thousand fUm rlfratrr UtUa StM l” dacMoh,’ thay would can on your ovra account. It ’s ^ Coihmenf went to Canada and the Maritime r deserve a Utile bonus for waiting your turn how. Washington In Wartime I^ v ln c e s , Others • sailed to tho •ByP.. Jack'Stinnett f lEiftitiis 3Hfndb 80 long. ,.j B rit^ Weet.lndifis. But of coursj The thing which Is missing In From the RU^r Road ^ POBUBUBO BT TBB 01# ^ater part stayed here—a Washington— I f there Isn't an • savings, or anything that woijld IALD MUNTINO CO.. WC. this battle against inflation, of By Malcolm Motlan old Chinese _ proverb to the effect put a burden on the lowest brack­ II BtiMlI 8tr«*t good m ^y of them the hangers-' course, la the awareness of both that there are two sides to every et workers either put the skids tc CoB^ Connecticut Mr. Mollan, retired editor of The Herald, preaerves his conUct on and toqdies of the better-off those proposals o r, allowed them THOMAS rBBOUSON labor and the farm bloc that It la with hla former dally readers by writing a weekly letter for theae quesUon, there should be. 0«B*»1 M»B«*er "loyalist” ^ m e n t and cheap to be deferred. And Congress with PsBBd*l OeU b T I. I I I ! their own welfare which la In­ columns. In which he expresaea hla own Islaurely arrived-at con­ •\nd the corollary should fol­ one eye on the November elec- Yankee victions concerning some major matters and hla obMrvations heelers of the rmw ex-offIce hold­ low: When both sides seem to be tions, is now working on a tax bill volved, that it is for their own ‘ PaMIlhad BTt^^fcV.nlBf ■»«•»» concerning some very minor ones, as seen from his. home on the ers. Perhaps we^would now have rlght-v-utter confusion. . , nearly $2,000,000,000 short of the r > ’ SaBdays and HolldayB.' Entarad at 4ood that some limit should be hy A. H. o f banka of the Nlantic River. Look for hla contributldA each tka Fbal OffKa. at Mapchaatar. fewer of Hhe fault ^ d e r s and the The case in hand la the anti-in­ revenue that th«< Treasury apked Casa, aa Baeond Claaa Mall Mattar. Sft on their profits from this war. week-end. flation ruckus and no matter if for. sneerers If they had^qll departed Instead of realising this, «Jn- IN THE LAND OF STBADY Congress gives the Office of Price Far back along the line, the BOB8CBIPTION BATES together—and never c o ^ back. Administration all it asked for anti-inflationists sought to sal-, Taar by Mali ...... H.AB.ITS: After we wrote our im­ During the many years of myAStephen Dscatur and his . little Q m » stead o f placing their own part ($210,000,000), compromises on vage what they could and passed Par Kontk by Mall .^a passioned pica about gas for the service on tha Herald ' 1 never squadron bottled up In. New.'' Lon- History May RepeeE SiBBla Copt ...... I .«» toward the establishment of some somethin," around $100,000,000, or the price contfol legislation that ...ii.oa politicians, Washington, ever Oallvarad Oaa Taar limit, they seem fascinated and found occasion to go Into ecstacles dpn. Also this man and his Fed- Anyhow, the idea is that hUtorv cuts it o ff without a penny, it's a set up O PA and Leon Henderson. ready to take an ignoble sugges­ question, you haven't even begun. [ MEMBER OP - swept away by some vision of over any extraordinary efficiency: .eralist frlenda ke^t a close watch is said to have a way of repeat­ THB A8BOCTATED PR BM tion, went ahead and announced ing itself. It may be Safe enou)^, to hear the last of. . With customary hustle and bel­ Tka Aaaoelatad Praaa la aieluMaa- sweet and endless special profits or exhibition of brilliance;'or even | on Decatur, and every Ume tft« The facta are really, quite sim­ ligerent bellows, Henderson slug­ thpt gas would be allowed for po­ ly antitlad la tha naa or rapobllea- for themselves. If they persist In clarity o f purpose, on the part ot American commodore attempted fo. grouch at and lie about'the war ple. Most economists thereabouts, ged ihto his Job with both fists. tloB of all Bawa diapatchaa credliad litical purpoars___ now ordinarily to It ar pot otharwiaa eradliad in following that vision. If the nation the Manchester Board of Select­ to slip out offth e harbor and put effort right now, while yet^.the most government officials, and Not only r few Congressmen, but civilised people are starting to, most Congressmen are agreed a good many local pollticoa “in tbia papar and alao tha local newa men. In fact that body, despite to sea they warned the oommand- American people have felt only pgbllanad baraln. lets them do It, there can be only run for office in order to get gas, that outaide of losing the war, in­ the field” (as they say in Wash­ Alt «n»kta of rapubllcatloB of one result, both for them and for which is a ghastly miscarriage of many changes In personnel from er of the blockading British fleet the first premonitory touches ol flation is the greatest threat yd ington), and a g < ^ )y pori'on of ■paeial diapatchaa baraln ara alao our intent...... raparaad. ______everybody else. Perhaps they will Ume to t^e, always seemed to by burning bluellghts. ' I believe the pains they are practically cer­ the United States today, tomorrow the public got clipped by those • • • and ten or tw-enty years henqe. me to be"'suffering from a contin­ som# of this man’s descendants tain to experience later, but when blowr, as price control and ra­ P bII aarvlea allani of N. B. A. have a few more dollars than oth­ Any number of political leaders tioning went into gear, ■aralea Ibb. ____ er people, but everybody’s dollars are, theae nights, climbing to high uing case o r do-nothing-about-lt. are still living In thla ■vicinity, this nation gets to knoib such dis­ Some economists and sorhe Con'* . Although most Congressmen, blUhara Rapraaantatlaaa, Tba will be so many German marks. spots to take their patriotic turn But I have just finished reading still occupying a highly aifpqrior tress and travail of soil as pur gresamen have stated publicly government official#, . politicians, JaKloa*'Tdatbawa'SpacUl ------M AAfaney— ft for the aircraft warning service, that this war (and the peace that and the knowing public agreed at Oat roll and And In that case we might as well an account of the latest meeting plane to that o f their more Ambr- allies have long known then, Mv. Naw Tark. Ckleapo. and they seem to like it....c a n it Is to come) can be won or lost on the outset (and generally still ■lean neighbors. Beaton. put Hitler's picture on them for. be that it was just their love of of the New'London City Council, and Mrs. Tory, look out for your­ the American home front, depend­ agree) that Henderspn's was one a u d it b u r e a u or whatever happens In ' the war, high places which made the which convinces me that by com­ Connecticut, one ^ recalls - with selves! It may not be long be­ ing respectively upon whether we of the toughest, if not the .tough­ c ib S jua'Aone we’ll be heading toward totalita­ Crow’s Neat at the Capitol such a parison the Manchester governing little pride, had more than Its fore you learn at first hand whet controL the cost of living now or est, job in Washington today, the favorite spot a few years ago? • let It go Spiralling into the atrato- squawks and 111 feeling engender­ Tba Harald Printing Company. body Is a paragon of builness-Uke It mean; to flaunt treason In the Ibo.. aaaumaa no financial raaponil- rian revolution. share of Tories and Federalists in sphere. ed by only the preliminary mo- blllty for typofraphioal arrora ap- The grapevine has it that Gov­ intelligence and snap—and, more­ the-early days—almost as many face of a people who have lost all With this In mind, the, do-nows tions. in this, first skirmish with iarlnf IB adaarilaamaBta ^Ib tba came,forward with an al' out con-, inflation, were too much for the Canehaatar SaaBlnp Harald. ______ernor Hurley received the Hinman over, of patriotic realization oi proportionately as New York or patience with you and who have It’s Your Turn Now report on the Cox hearing, and trol 'program. It Involved price men who live by the will of the Its present responsibilities. eastern Pennsylvania or New Jer- become accustomed to thinking in immediately sat down and wrote control (ceilings on products and people. . ■ 'i '' Whtn you read, in soi^ie fine terms of bitter violence. 1 Saturday. July 18 Cox asking the latter to define his Nobody la Manchester, I am aey. They did not In the leaat be­ services, with ratio ing when nec­ That’s why the O PA ’s (budget essary. and possibly 'later, aubai- speech on democracy and thjs own opinion of the scope .of the aware, has any special interest m lieve In democracy;'quite the con­ shouldn't care to be' in your ahoes still Is in doubt. That's why the A Formuta But Not A Limit dles for those growers, msnufac*. House of Representatives knocked war, that one of the great things duties o fth e office of highway the operation of New London’s, trary. And perhaps It' Is natural then. commissioner- an ifivitation ob­ turers, or handlers who were it. down to less than half of what Any formula for the control of w’e are defending Is the dignity that among us are still a consider­ Perhaps it would be pretty viously in line with Cox's own municipal machinery. Ju-st the caught in the pinch between ceil­ even the Budget Bureau, the and importance of the individual, ings and shortages). It Involved wages is better than no formula. contention that he "did not know” same, I think some facts i/i con­ able number of their descendants smart of you to quit acting tho Haw.Kshaw that rules ovei gov­ controlled or stabilised wages. It ernment spending, sa id 'It should Thus, the'W ar Labor Board, an­ how often do you realise that that some of the things that happened nection with thla council meeting, who, though they may'and do give Tory right now—and tP get Into and considered it his function and involved forced savings and heavy have. nouncing Its Intention of basing meant you? -That It Is you who because , they reflect certain ten­ lip aervlce to the democratiq way the game of winning this war to taxation. As a result, a great many aane necessity to trust his subordi­ ■ 'A i Its wage policy on the assumption are the Important one, -the digni­ dencies in a sizeable and impof- of life which this nation is now the extent of adopting a loyal Even before the law was en­ old observers still on. Washington's nates...... the grapevine winds war front a're shaking their, heads that Increases ought to be grant­ fied one, the powerful one, the fighting to preserve, secretly do manner of speech, even if you acted came the revolt of the farm on, however, to the report that tant Connecticut cojnmunlty, ^are and labor bloc. They knocked out and wondering If the squabble and privileged one? ed to match the 15 pef« cent rise the letter the Governor received of real concern to all of us. not believe In it at all. Not ' any can't make over your outworn absolute control of wages and name-calling hasn't almost sabo­ In the coat of living since Janu­ Strangely enough, you .are like­ in return from the suspended more than doea. Hitler 'or Laval mode of thinking. farm prices. An administration taged our. anti-inflation drive by commissioner was of such un­ You see, the council was 'sitting ary. sesms at first to raise ly to ahy away from the full im­ They are desperately afraid that politically commuted for year to destroying public confidence In Its pleasant character as to make It as a committee of the whole on oppoaitlon to the sales tax, forced execution. a vision of some definite limit to plications of your own impor­ impossible for the governor to matters of flnance, and the Idea when Hitler and Faaclam are I presume that the member of this bualneaa of boosting wages tance, and let it stay as some feel imnnedlatcly Judicial about beaten they will have to live in a the matter, wherefore the delay was to discover any redundancies this family known, at leaat by Many'employes have already re­ vague condition In your life. You new kind of world, one In whicn remains in the bladder, no signs In the announcement of the guber­ In a proposed budget of $2,390,- sight,. to more Mancheater per­ ceived that 16 per cent Increase don’t .want too much power, too the dignity and rights of the com­ are noticed, and it la generally natorial decision.,.... 030.30 and to eliminate ' them. sons than either of the. others, only when they try to earape from r > 1b Income. I f similar - Increases much authority, because, perhaps, A fter much deliberation and dls- mon man must be respected—and was dur old cat, Dev. .When we the gall bladder, that l-eal trouble were to be granted to other labor you know there is a real load of The Great Compromiser has ■'V' cuaslon the members agreed on a the prospect has them worried lived at Main and Locuat streeta. begins. Previous to this the pa­ units we would then. In theory at reaponaiblllty that has to go with tripped to the altar once again, a tient may develop mild attacks of demonstration which, we guess, total reduction of that sum by tho and bewildered. . They are afraid in the old Dr.' Glllam house with them. It may seem to you that digestive distress or attacks of least, come to' a stage in which ws certifies his right to call Cross an of Hitler and the Jap^ and hope New York—The members of the amount of $5,741.20—something all the evergreen trees around It, "bilieuanesa.'* could know that we were done some one else, or the nation aa a old m ^ any time he feela like these mad dogs will be destroyed. cast .of "(Tlaudla” gave themselves like one-fourth of. 1 per cent.. Dev, with her “ great alae, her whole, has done all that has been i t . . i . . . ■" Once the stone leaves the^gall a sort of Gibson Girl carnival the with the wage question. And that But they are almost aa much beaiitiful Angora coat and her • • • One-fourth of 1 per cent o f u bladder and attempts to /pass Is what wo want. necessary about preserving and other evening. For tha 500th per­ 'T h e June issue of The Merit afraid that- they will not be able,'- great lustroua eyea, waa so often through the narrow cystic duct It exercising your Importance. municipal budget Is worth saving, formance of Rose Franken'e com­ CrlUcUm of the labor’ board’s .Man was late, ipparently waiting nor their families be able, t> the center of the outdoor scene produces a stretching and tearing You’re quite willing to let It go o f course. But It la worth while which causes severe pain known as edy they dressed in the atylee of formula has Immediately come for the hew personnel director to maintain that special position of that hundreda of pasaera-by broke from two sources. The labor mem­ on that way, keeping your free­ be chosen...... incidentally, the noting whefe this economy, such gall stone colic. The pain Is usual­ 500 montlpi ego, or aa of Nov. 1. superiority to the common herd Into- expressions of surprised ad­ ly located in the upper right side dom *and your Importance as organ of the Connecticut Merit as it Is. was effected. 'Almost 1900. This meant quite a few bers of the board Itself voUd which they feel Is now theirs. although it may move around to Syalem Aaaoclation is pleased half of It -waa lopped off the pro- miration over "such a lovely cat!” changes In props as well as cos­ against It, demonstration that sbmsthlng like money In the They arc,' Indeed, between .the the back, appearing under the with the appointment of Qlendun i K * » —expression^ which Dev received they. Ilka those other servanU of bank, which Is less effort and Bcoborla, and observes, for'possi­ I poaed appropriation for eivUlaiv^^ right shoulder blade. It may last, tumes. The telepBone-eaveedrop- devlt and the deep eca. They -do in entire calmneae aa being obvi-, Inflatloa, the members of the farm aomeUmes mors pleasant than ble incorporatloh of Colonel Ellery defense, which had been aet at the between 3 and 12 hours. The pain plng scenes requirea InstalUUoh of not want Hitler and the Jape to ously her due. is caused by . an escaping gall an old style wall telephone writh exercising .-your own personal Allen's future campaign apeechea, aurpriaingly low .figure o f $7,5C4 bloc, actually want to accept no win th e' war becauae they are atone and is probably the most goose-neck transmitter and a that "the Oovemor’a unheattatlng and which the council gaily cut to Well, Dev waa 15 when we left limit , whatsoever on what they stewardahip over them. If yoii appointment of Mr. Bcoborla Is afraid of them, eo they give i\ excruciating known. After the at­ crank to call the cqierator. And < $5,000. Also tha fire department’s Manchester—:and tbst'ae a greet can get out of this war. had a million dollars you wouldn't one more llluatration of his sin­ a grudging, half hearted eupport, tack the upper right side, con­ Dorothy McGuire found that separata defense budget of $10,' age for any cat, let. alone one ot tinues to be tender and sore. throwing beraelf on her stomach And the formula la Ukewlse be carry It around with you, ready to cere desire to have the merit sys­ hoping for a compromise peace. tem function practlcslly, efficient­ these exotic long-haired creatures. The stone may succeed in. get­ on sofas was a little different in Ing criticised by slemenU which defend It every moment of the 058 waa reduced by 11,100 and, ly and honeatiy." It's a bouquet, They'-certalnly do . not want to ting through the cystic duct and mutton leg sleeves and high col­ day and night. What you have believe It Ir not, that department’s Yet she stood the removal well seem more Interested In keeping in other words, to balance ibst have any such kind of peace as U reach the common duct Frequent­ lars plus Gibson girl sklris from regular budget of only $78,078 and adopted herself to der new the easy attire o f 1942. labor down than they are In win as an Individual in the way of life four-leaf clover Mrs. Baldwin called for by the Atlantic charter. ly, the stone becomes lodged and found at W eatport...... what was got a chop of $1,900. It niight hi environment down here and was One o f the pleasant anomsilies nlng tha battle against inflation for which we are lighting la per­ They cannot abide the'thought of canniikcannot (maspass bh along'ii^ untiluiilii ivit reaches ______haps worth more than a million It somebody said; that both were noted too that the council alao remarkable well and happy unUl the intestine; it then blocks the ^ Rw ilreH ih o 2 T^Se or the batUe against Hitler. They planted? the dawn of real dembcracy in the strengthened the city’s .financial some weeks ago, when extreme duct in euch a manner that the ^ want to yield labor nothing. dollars. But at any rats, whsthsr . • • • world, iand they hate Roosevelt atster-ln-Iaw Julia, had to make ; age got In ite work. Last week, bile does not flow through, caus­ These latter sources haye Im­ you fully appreciate It or not, you To go eerioips for a moment, position by reducing gn appropri­ sudden changes In her Unes. Line- ', and Churchill becauae they have ing , Jaundice. 'The common diict change! were forbidden, but ta tha don’t want to be bothered having having It poaatMa for there to ation for dog tags from $100 to because -she could no longer eat, mediately labeled the labor board made auch a thing the Issue. So. becomes Inflamed or infected and prim costume of 1900 Audrey sim­ to carry It around with you. be two candidate# for the eama $00. Presumably to the V;com< even with the most solicitous the patient may develop chills and formula as a hasty and unsound oBIce, poealble for UMefi'candl- In their dilemma they carp and ply couldn't bring herself to eay . paniment of wild yelps of ap­ band-feeding, their reinalned no fever, and a profuse perspiration, Come to cocktails sometimes, Mr. ; improvisation. That is probably That may be the chief reason dates to aeeort with free newe- criticise and sneer and invent lies with the ekln drenched In eweat. Seymour.” so she said. "Come to | aa error, for the formula Is, in why you’ve never actually taken papermen and poealble for plause, from the stray mongrels choice; so a veterinary came with ^ In which they., have no trouble In diagnosing gall atonca, I ad­ tea,'! and in doing ao she became | them to shake hands with aack outside under tha windows. hie merciful needle and now Dev effect, the formula'Canada put In a good look at it to see Just what In believing tbemseivea. And they vise that tha x-ray be used and slightly mixed up and added, “Mr. It Is, this Importahce o f the Indi­ other before end after the next rests, free from all troubles for­ a better dlagnoala is usually ob­ to operation simultaneously with November election is what we Regarded, as rh cle’a Job keep up their .Tory and Federaliet Tea-mouf.” ever, ih our bac.kyard slope down tained It the x-ray pictursa ere For this one performance the Its adoption of price control last vidual which we are defending. are AghUng for...... fam ily traditions In so doing. I ID It seems to me. to be rather be­ made after the patient has been programs were printed on ycUow fall. At that Ume there was. In But, If you can gat over your to the cove. Aged 18 years, 1 side the point that the N ew 'L on ­ They, have thousands of lickspittle given a .special dye. paper In the old-style Unge at 40 Canada, an Immediate and whole­ fear of it and your distaste for month,. Perhapa you are anxious about don council has' frequently mani­ followers. years ago. The eynopals of the sale adjustment of wages upward, the responsibility that a tins She was more o f a person then some member of your'family who scenes referred to ”A fateful Fri- | TiirkB Nam^Ncw fested a "marked lack of unanimi­ that being considered necessary knowledge of your own- impor­ flkould Taka W em lag a lot of human beinga. And ho'w haa been told that gall stones have day evening in Early Autumn."*; ty In any eameat support of the formed. If ao, I suggest that you end "Next day I Impending Dan­ to place the economic stiaicture of. tance Is bound to carry, there are New perhapa it would be a good we do mist her! Envoy to Berlijn war effort— a dlaposition to view write to the McCoy Health Service ger Lurke." the country on ah even keel be a few things you should realise. thing for such people to remem­ ' M. M. ' in care of this newspaper and aak Donald Oook wore a fancy the eon|Uet as entirely the fedqr- fore the freeslng operation was You, the Individual, are this Berlin (From German Broad' ber that many things happened to NlanUc River Road, that Dr. McCoy's article on gall square derby and a green check'll al government’s dish. Because, begun. It does net seem to-have country. You are what-thia coun­ casta), July 18.—/8*)—Dispatches American Torlea. at tha end of the Waterford, Cohn. „ stones be aent Encloae I large, ered suit. Frances Starr's picture 1 “A running fight between the bomber And die 18 Japanefle pursuit plfliiM ooq* the farmcfi, the meeaengers, this bookkeeper! and whosever dish It la, U It breaks on self-sddresaed envelope and 9 hat featured a cascade of peaehea, j ■ • ■ ■ ^ ^ had disastrous effects on Canada. try thinks. You decide what this from Ankara reported today that Revolutionary War, that were de­ the salesmen. Saffet Arlkan, former Turkish tbs heads of New London’s people centa in. stamps. Since the patient apples and flowers. I The answer Is that Any reason. country does. You are deciding cidedly unpleasant. A l flrat, be* will feel better Jf a careful diet la Major Lynn Famol, United . tinued for 75 miles . . . continued until the remaining pursuit ships exhausted i minister of national defense, had one of these days In the .form of Idile lim it'w ill he practical a n l whether this, war shall be won or b ^ n appointed ambaooador cauae they were uno'rganieed used, I also advise that you ask States Arm y A ir Corps, polnU out>. ^ It needs a surgl^ patriotic Nation of peoplt who \ 'a' token b ^ b ln g raid, or even a HEALTH AND DIET will do the Job necessary If It Is lost. You arc the moat powerful Berlin and'was'expected to leave while the patriots were both or­ for some general Inatructiona on that a majority of the heroes pro­ their ammunition and turned back. W idi two engine gone and the plane prao* love their country enough to buy a share of Amarica for his new 'post shortly. parachuta attack, the lack of any diet duced by the war, to date, are made a final limit. and important Individual In the ganised and much In eameat, and ADVICE efficient civilian defense organisa­ products of private military by investing 10% of their wages every payday—a The,danger with the War Labor world, you, aa an ordinary Am er­ Arlkan, who also served Turkey because It waa felt they oould do Qoratlone and Answers scboola. Our only two four-start tion and of the utmost possible Faralahed bj the McCoy tically out of control, the American bomber returned to its base after dark and dime from every dollar-in War Bonds. ^ Board formula is that it has al­ ican clUsen. Don’t go through aa minister of education, waa little harm, the Tories were not (('an’t Sleep) generals, Marshall and M aeArthu",' preparedness on the part of the UaaJJb fle n d o e ""- obtained their training in private ready been, violated—violate'd, in that dodge of aayiiig that the named minister o f defense In April much Interfered with. But as the Question; Bernice V. writes: “I llMd, and served until Novimb fire department mSy conceivably military acboole,- Qcnaral Marshall It needs—and it’s getting it!—the cooperation of fact, by the very wage action President has the power, or that war dragged on and Ita iaaue be­ Address coDunuiUcattoiiB to The work in an office, sitting down made an emergency landing. THE MISSION HAD BEEN ACCOMPLISHED." 1941, whan he was replaebd by have terribly tragic consequenoea. Berald, Atteation MeUoy and lately I find It impossible to at V.MJ., and General MacArthur,, I » which accompanied Its promulga­ Congress has It, or that aveir the Gen. A ll Rlsa Artunkal. came more doubtful, the temper before he entered West Point, waa. t Labor and Management 'to put .the Payroll Savings Just because the city council, ap- Health Service go to Bleep when retiring. I lie tion. In the case of the ‘ ’Litt'a. generals have It ‘You selected Huearev Oerede, the current am- of the patriotic majority becanM th en and toes for hours. la there student at West Texas Military —rrnUtwl *• litf ftrnUt Ctst. Atril U, ttO Plan over the top. > baaaador to Berlin, was received by parenUy, conceives It to' be the Academy, where be was end o8 the Steel " workers, the board grant­ laae amiable and the Tories began' anything 1 can do?” * them all.' You will select them Adolf Hitter at his headquarters GaUetoaea business of the federal authoritle* Answer; Probably, you do not football team of 1898. , Ybur money in War Bonds-10% of jrbur salary ed more than the Increase permit­ again. If they are the wrong only a week a g e ' In the presence to have a tough time. They com­ The Navy’s, great hero. Eddie, to provide all the machinery for secure enough exercise to produce ted by Its own formula. In ex­ of Foreign,Minister Joachim Von prised practically all tha wealthy Doctors uauelly refer to gall- O'Hare (Butch), who shot down every payday-not only will help pay the bill to cre­ ones, you are responsible. I f they a normal muscular fatigue; T r y RlbbentrO^. the protection of the citizens from Btonee as calcult which cofties from Blx Jap borolsera In 30 minutes, cuse of this, It created q special do the'w rong things, you .are re-* financial class and big merchants, taking a brisk walk' before retir­ ate ^ e most powerful-^/aeffn^ force to­ enemy attack, that la no. reason to the Latin and means "pebbles.” In prepared for Just that eort of thing here, in the words of Preaident Roosevelt, it one eveiy^ut subsidiary formula, by which tha all the colonial office holders,' ing. Aa your strength increases, But your thrilh wotft wht the w irf' f sponsible.. What you think, what thla strange disonler, we find the at Western\1/Aa*me»«v MiUUty RlilttakV AcademyAfTBi4»mV . . I expect that the army, navy and make the distance walked a little gether—but you’ll do yourself and your family a “Uttla Steel” workers get a spe­ you feel, -what you want, what most of the profeaalonel man, and formation within the body of small Our “one man army," of the war’s most stirring epitodea—a demon- air force are going to do so. In longer. You wUl find that when you T It takes plahee—thouiandi of them^and tanks— cial'bonus for having ^hei( case you say In your most casual con­ New Economic a lot of copy-eata and hangere-on. hard stones or pebbles. A gall Wermuth, who. accounted for 116 * ttraribn of how, with one man killed, another man’s favor, too. fact It Is'perfectly well known stone in Itself may causa no no­ try to Bleep, the musclea will be Jape dead and many more cap- ^ already on file when the Presi­ versation, are binding influenc,stl But they were probably out-num­ tired enough so that'you.', will fall thousand! of them—and ahellt—milliont of them— Treaty Signed that they ar# not going to do any­ ticeable symptoma, or may cause tured, was just getting In trim * hand shot off, and a third man injured, our American .Because every time yew savtngi amount t* dent's seven point battle against upon the course and policy and bered by the revolutionaries by great distresa. On the one band, asleep more easily and your sleep when ha went through, the paces and,bulleta—billions of them! It needs ships and guns thing o f tha kind. Couldn'b do inflation formally began. By this success and failu'^e of this nation. somathlBg Uke tern to one— In the the patient may have a gall stone wlU be deeper. at Northwestern M lU t«y and N a­ boys stuck to the ffght, bombed their objective, and $18.75, you’ll get a War Bond—worth $25 in ten Tokyo (From Japanese. Broad- BO,' however much Inclined to,' and jeeiia.. * * bpccial reasoning of the board, the That la the Importance o f the couiitry dieiricte by more than for years, carrying it hidden with­ (Pm ace) val Academy not too kmg *go. _ brought their plane hpme. years. caataii July 18.—(A')—Japan and since they have a war to fight. in the'gall bladder without know­ Queetion: Jesele M. 8 . inquires: • • • - I “Little Steel” • workers are re­ Individual- which the democratic French Indo-Chlna signed a new that, alnee the great Tory strong­ It takes m om y.' . ’ ing It; on the other hand, Bav|ml Is -it all right to use the canned Johnny Green and Beniard Herr-* Undoubtedly you felt a thrill when you heard 18)- You don't live your money-you invesf it, both warded for not having pressed way of life la defending. . economic agreement today at Sal On the whole, I think, despite holds were New York And Phila­ fresh prunes?. My fam ily enjoys man were dlscuaslng their musieal - gon covering the exchange of amall stones may cause coflaid- their case to settlement before the Perhaps you'd better take a the fact that this Is a highly mill delphia. with a stuffy sprinkling them for a change.” ' hita at Sardl’s, and Johnny, who over the air, and maybe you’ll have‘another thrill for Victory, and for your own personal security. goods ^ w e e n the twp nations, the erabla euSerikg. ‘The old fashion­ It takes the money of a// of us—tha girls at their Answer: The canned fresh formal battle against Inflation be- good look at It. accepting it all ^ a r d of Information announced. tarized area, there is considerably In and around Boaton. ed name for the trouble is' "gall- has written eaveral trunks filled i reading it again. ., i. prunes offer a mgane of Introducr with good shows and tunes— "B ody' typewiitars, the tden at their nuchines—the clerks. That’s your mission-will you accomplish it? for yourself. For If you don’t. If Negotiations for the trea^ have less of actual feaUaatlon o f their eand.” , ^ I have never believed that many The majority of cases occur In ing a pleasing variety In the end SouL" "Coquette." "I Ooveri That sounds like a pleasant for­ you abdicate from It bi^ore yo'u been under way Wince the 'ftart of war reaponaibUlUes on the part of the yeirr between the Japanese am­ of the Revolutionary Tories or the women and gall stones seldom de­ meals. The taste la somewhat dif­ the W aterfron t" and more lately mula, but It breaks the board's have examined it, some one else officialdom and a not inconalder- a serious work. “ Muale for Elisa-1 bassador to Indo-China, Kenklchl later Fcderallets elded with Greet velop before the age of forty. Be­ ferent from that in the stewed main formula nonetheless, and It who wouldn’t use your power and Yoshizawa, ajid Admiral Jean De- able part of the populaUon, _tn cauae the patient la generally over- dried prune. CSiUdren Uke the fresh beth.” obsfrveih “ I beUeve myi BriUin becauae o f any particular prunes because of the attractive greatest success to date has been opens the way to .future breaches authority Just the way you wbul-J cou.-, governor general of* Indo- New London than there la in Man­ weightr medical studehta have a Cliina. The' Board o f Information loyalty to the BrlUeh crown. In­ aayiiig to dseeribe theae petienta color of the Juice. And So To Bedlam’ . . . In what first seemed and what, la going to come along and wield chester. deifciibed the agreement aa a“ con- W stead they were animated far in whom gall stones ara more com­ (BroUlag) "But that never opened," replied^ I fhould be some definite limit on it .by your default. You might as Herrman. » tribution tovvard the establishment OereiBty mere by fear of real democracy mon and rtfer to them as ‘Tair, Question: Mrs. Martha R. Brage adjustment. If tha workers well face the fact; you arc living of a sphere of greater Ekist-Asian fat and forty.” This Is only a gen­ writes: ‘T note that'you recom' T h e baby loved I t " explained. I have a theory that Conneett and the poaslbUlty of loas of their Johnny, referring to his three year of "fiittle gteel” ^ to be given in an era where your privltega and co-prospertty.” eral claastflcation, however, and mend broUing, rather than frjring cut—and not least of all this part posiUona of iuperiority and spe­ old daughter. . • special bonus for not living power and responsibility as an In­ I have seen cases develop In those In fat. W hat U bredUng?” of It—la etui, haunted by certain cial privilege. Anyhow the Tories who erere dark rather thaii fair, Answer; By broiling foods we pressed their clsi& esrlii^’ igbst divid^ ar«i’t «Me in any b«ik S c rC e il A ctrC S S spiritual essences or hereditary flecked together pretty well, to­ and Blender rather than fa L expose them to a high tempera­ . b C those pstrlotle Ig ^ griiips any longer. You have to assume Oall stones vary In their cbeml- ture. In broiling in the oven, the Instincts handed down to a part ward tha end, % d er the protec­ Chinese Couple ' ’ ' Rrhich have, aa yet, refrAlned.ifrom the tlak of protecting; them your­ ^ composition but are most fre­ foods are exposed to the flame of Its people by ancestors who In tion of BrlUeh garrisons. Mean- bseking any wags Increase si all? self; you can’t win this war by Sues for Divorce quently composed of cholestcral from the oven, being seared on Revolutionary days were - Tories, Ume the patriots were passing end bilirubin calcium. They may one aide and then turned. In pan' Solve Problem* .^What .of those groups which using the alibi that sontebody else L/is Angeles, July 18.—(A>)— Joan either, openly or eecreUy, and confiscation laers and seiaing their be green or dark broem In color. broUlng the food la put In a dry llmven't taken their case to tha did the srroeg thing; It la all, from If only one large stone forms It Is hot pan, browned on one side and Marsh. 27, screen actress, filed suit later werw Bluetlgbt Federallete, properties, condemning them to V 'A .. 5War Labor Board, or threatened this time In, a question of what yesterday to divorce Film Writer likely to be round but 1^ turned. No water ie added and you Houaton, Tex., July banlriiment tmder penalty ' of • *To strike, or f care. . In the community—who made a many o f the Tories hastened^ to eorded erhere three hundred stones anougb to build 70 fighter planes about It, Flnerty had provided get out o f the new republic too. Chinees couple—and thalr daugh decidfeig. that they should HiUer't kind of world. The pi*—...... The...... ccu~i— .r--rrled ------Dee.,2, 1938. great deal of money aelllng sup* or more were regioved from or 40 medium bomberf wUl be It ter—to talk to Wong la llaedsw coming kitem ef ant Joy-ride on the aceompllsn- 1 *'••• plies to the British ~ fleet erhieh Oarleton must have taken 30,000 singleingle gall bladder. saved by curtailment at typeenitar , ' . . .1 iv'as M iss Marsh a first marmarriage erith him whaa ha withdraw-from aa the atcM, ar etenas | ^oducUoa. ;Hong Kong dialect T e eontlwry, U eroul t , ments of your forefathers la.over. loa’s secor.:!. j during much of 181^-14 kept As W i

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 194* PA G E N IN E MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, aiANCUESTEK, CONN. SATURDAY, JU"LY 15, ID 12 Staa* Seeking D P i .1 Role Change Kathleen Burke Trying To Get Rid of ‘Pan­ ther Woman’ Type#

By Mark Barron New YorK, July ...18— (W ide 'idiiirt ...i- World)—Kathleen Burke, aultry- eyed star of many movies with a SUN-TAN POWDER Jungle setting. Is now .ba.sking In Experts Work Johnson & Little Headquarters Keep Your Car th i peaceful, rural settings of yiCTORY Are you using too light a powder with your Long Igland and other haunts Of At Print Shop tanned skin? ..Come In and see our handy purse the mories pinned upon her.when In t^ood Shape size with shaker top In'the new shades .for only they ga ve'h er the label o f/ ‘The 25c. Made by Monique, -. Panther Woman." BUY That title came to her as the Schieldge Always Ready Now !V|ore .Than . Ever winner of a nation wide contest of UNITED 60,000 girls and aa her reward ahe To Give You Advice on STATES Before Care Counts was given t,be leading role, in a Wedding Cards. film called "The Island of Lost ^ In the Long Run. ft:' Souls." a story that might be most 5VAR quickly described as the adven- This summer many locql reel- The warm weather la here and. den i sare stajing at home, holding ONDS \jJ **^ 99 Cast Center Street ^ turea of a feminine Tarzan Of the it Is more important thls'year than Apes. True, it won her a movie reunions or other affairs in place A N D ' ever before to keep your car In ex­ career and made her an actress In of their usuai trips. In order to % I a sarong, but it also attached that complete the details of these a f­ STAMPS cellent running condition. R egard-. I "Panther Woman” label to- her al- fairs, printed invitations should less of how jnuch you uae It these JOHN I. OLSON STORAGE ' though she subsequently managed be sent out. These add zest to the occasion and serve aa proof that days, with the tire and gasoline to get Into leading roles of such shortages, you must have it In­ Local and Long ^ movies ns "Bulldog Drummond the affair will be worth attending. Contract Painting For excellent printing, - get in spected. periodically so as to in­ Strikes Back,’.i. "Rascals"' and sure Its good performance when Distance Moving • "Uves of a Bengal Lancer." touLb with William C. Schleldgc at 137 Spruce street. Schleidgq you ne.cd it. When small discrep­ Change* Roles Entirely ancies are noticed, don't iet them Interior Decorating Dependable! Now She has decided to.do some- conducts one of Manchester's most Irving Berlin modem printing eatabliehments. go unattended. Get them fixed Im­ thlng definite about her career by mediately. ’-'X PH ONE 6260 changing her roles entirely in the Slid his staff are all experts .rin their particular line. You afe as­ The place tb go. for a car check­ Paper Hanging summer theater at Great Neck, Is Busy Man —Photo by Fallot up is Campbell’s Service Station Long Island, Just-a few miles av/ay sured expert workmanship, su- THE AUSTIN A. pera quality and prompt service at Johnson and Little, local plum bing find heating comptany, are located at the corner of Main from Broadway, and after a ' tri- located at the corner of Center and Trotter streets. You ere in­ street and Middle Turnpike. It does' 12 Jackson Place u i^ h Ih "N ight Must Fall" rtie is Scbleldge's. CHAMBERS CO Special Attention Song Writer Probably vited to come in and look over the appliances thl.s company spe- not take you long to drive to . preparing to open now In "Yea, My cialtaea In. ^ Campbell'B, but the Ume spent Phone 4.379 68 Hollister St., Manchester Darling Daughter.” Both pjaya Aa soon as you have picked your Busiest Man on All type of card from . the large al- may prolong thS Ufa of your car arc far fetched from any aOH of for years. TURF S HIGHEST MONEY WINNER _ whlrUw, w e « w*e.U. rfUr wU«.ln, ."panther woman” yolr. sortment of samples on display Of Broadway. here Bill Scbieldge's staff will go Shell gas and oil are featured at MMsachnsctU handicap, bccominc the tvrTa t ^ allrtlae ateacp winner. His total: 94M.3M. In “ Nlgh^M ust Fall” she la ah this -modern \staticH], and even SEE FOR YOURSBLFI effective afi^ Repressed young wo­ to work for you. Each order re­ By Mark Barron HIGH GRADE ceives the individual attention and Time to Repair Furnace though your silpply Is rationed, Y o u O B B g o man who- solvea a murder mys­ .New York, July 18.—(Wide you win etlll want to get the beat tery. In "Yes, My Darling Daugh­ excellent .work which .baa' made over yoof car the Scbleldge shop-so popular dur­ W orl^)— Probably the busieat man for your money. Remember, the ra­ PRINTING ter"* aha la now rehearaing some­ Is in the Summer Time tioned amount of Shell gas In your with a magal- thing even further removed from ing Its many years of- service to on Broadway today la Irving Ber­ the Manchester public. car will Ineure you maximum mile­ fytng g I a • ,s JOB AND COMMERCIAL ■jayv’C NEW LONC-RANCE FLYING lO A T —Maintenance men work on The Sea'Ranter, new two-motored experimental lont-rante Nary llyint a “panther woman" atmosphere In lin, the long writer who has hang­ age and safe motoring. when we «• » You can rest assured that your During the . ri'ext six weeks, •> Don't let fhoee repairs go un- Desltnated by the Navy as the X FBB-1, the Sea Ranter Is heavUR^armed and U expected to have a longer range than any Navy pUne now In service. that It is Mark Reed's giddy invitations will be on hand when ed out scores of hits' on his bat­ Battery Charging PRINTING - females. thrnogb aerv- and where you want them, and tered piano from the time he came . because you don't Canipbell'e ie also the distribu­ This la tba 'story of Ann W hit­ ing for their annual V acations,___j, tor for Exidc and Hartford bat­ Iclng It — and tee for yonraell Prompt and BBlcient Prlnang that they will be beautifully print­ and some of these will not be back heat during theae, montha. man Murray, a belligerent adiPo- up first with hla triumphant teries and specializes lii battery U It doesn't aattify every ataad- of All Rlnda ed according to your spsciflea- in town until fall. Upon their ar- Y®** cannot ex ^ ct. In these times, cata of woman’! rlghta, who pro- "Alexander’s Ragtime Band.” charging. W hy not atop In and ard. tlons. You can be sur* that you rival, they will expect to open the to get a plumbing or heating con- COMMUNITY PRESS teata when she discovers that her . Today hla interests conalsta of: watch the modern methods em­ get what you older here, and your heating system In their homes and. tractor at a minute's notice. You A. C. Holme* J. W. Bars daughter, Ellen, la leaving on - a instructions are followed to the 1. Author and producer of the ployed here and get acquainted COOK’S SERVICE ST A. week-end with Douglaa Hail. Ellen, have it work In excellent condi- must make an appointment with with Earl J. Campbell perionally. 251 No. 5Uln St. Tel. 8727 letter, and any changes or sug- new Broadway,musical hit, "This tlon. Are you positive that your him, and it is very necessary that Manchester Green. Pbonc 8996 In rebuttal, produces some of her When you get Into trouble, that gestiona that Schieldge wishes to la the Arm y,” the all-aoldier show system is in A-1 operating order? you make this appointment tm- mother's autoblgrophlcal poetry le the time that Campbell'e ser­ make are made at the time you being. presented by Uncle Sanr for Wouldn't it be a good idea to look mediately so that ht will have which shows that “ Mama"„ also vice will come In handy. This up- order your cards. No changes are the Arm y Emergency Relief Fund. it over before you lock your doors time to schedule your work before Concrete and Cinder Riocks once had similar ideas In her maae after your order . has been 2. Author and Composer of the and leave fon the summer vaca- fall. Don't wait until the last min- to-the-minute atation apCclallzei Greenwich village days. on emergency work. It makes no Reinforced Lintels and placed. new Paramount picture, "Holiday ute and expect miracles. O ct those J. R. Braithwaite Baa More Varied Talents Incidentally^ don't forget, If you Inn,” which stars Bing Chosby smd This timely warning is sent to repair* attended to now. difference whether you get a flat Window Sills In both "Night Must Fall" and are planning on getting married Fred Astaire singing Berlin's new you by .Tohnson and Little, local For courteoua service, call 5876, tire or have battery trouble, the Keys .Made, L(>cks Repaired. A IX SIZES "Yea, My Darling Daughter" MUk this summer, now is the time to hit score which haa such o f his plumbing and heating company, : or atop In and get acquainted with same efficient, economical service, Full Supply'On Hand Burke reveals that-'she haa much awaits you at Campbell's. I f you Topis Grpund , order your Invitations. Give Bill songs aa "W hite Christmas" and This modern concern, located at this local plumbing and heating At All Times more varied talents than "the Schieldge an opportunity to do an "Be Careful, It'a.My Heart." the corner of Centet and Trotter concern. Juat come in and you will get into trouble on the road. Jurat panther woman" label would con­ streets, will be glad to figure out call 6161 and you will be amazed Lawn Mowers Sbsrpened excellent Job by ordering early. No Need For Worry ^ be able to rocelve all the help and ' V fine her. She does good straight Bemembcr, this modem printing an estimate of the cost of your advice you need in heating your at the prompt, effleicnt ser\ice you J. HUBLARD drama,In one and ga-ga comedy establishment Is . located at 137 3. President of ^ Irving Ber­ particular Job for you. As soon as home, this winter. Then proceed to receive. Electrical Utilities In the other uul further proves Spruce street— "where you get the lin Music Publisher. (H e doesn't you realize the economical manner follow this expert advice and you Campbell's Service Station, Re-Conditioned & SONS that ahe Is her qwn best critic best for less." have to Worry j about this branch in which this firm operates, you will have one of the most com­ which haa been in business locally Concrete and Manon of his enterprises, for If his cata­ when, in an idle moment af dress . - i ------will make arrangements at once fortable homes in-town this sum­ for over 17 years, la offering the Guns Repsired Contractors logue needs a number ha simply for them to go ahead on your mer. same service as always despite pri­ rehearsals, she remarked, " I had 314 Ea.*t Middle Turnpike to improve steadily aa an actress. composes'-one himself.) work. Remember, It pays to make Don’t forget, the telephone num orities, and Earl J. Campbell In­ 52 Pearl St. Phone 4200 I've known that since I was a kl4 Argentine Vessel 4. Singer and actor in hla pro- your plans in advance theae days ber is 5876, the address, 109 Cen­ vite# all his friends and customers .Manchester Phone 6987 of 13 when I first realized that' I ductlon of "This Is the Army" In due to the shortages of both ma­ ter street, and the name, John­ to stop in. and look around at any had too many arms and knees.” Not War Casualty which he appekrs in the uniform terials and labor. son and Little. Jtlme. hr>wore as a sergeant in 1918 sing-, Remember, the address is the AEF LEADER — Mal Gen. ■And. although It may aeem an W e Have Been in the Mark W. Clark (above) com­ odd step for an.actress who aban­ ing "Oh. How I Hate. To Get Up com er o f Main street and Middle Johnson Bros. FRODUCTION c h i e f — War Prodnctlon Board head mands all American ground dons a good movie career to ad­ Buenos Aires, July 18.— C/P)—The In the Morning." Just as he did in No one can be sure these days Turnpike, and the phone number, 6161. Plumbing and Heat­ Donald M. Nelson twiddles pencil as he testifies at Senate hearing. troops In Britain. Clark, a New vance her fraining on the stage, Argentine freighter El Argentino his.4irmy show, "Yip, Yip, Yap. Repair Jobs what the situation will be months Electrical Contractors Yorker, Is chief of stall for Lt. aha wants now to go back to an radioed her owners last night that hank,” in the M rst World War. from now, so you cannot afford to ing Business for Many Gen. Dwight Eisenhower. early .page In. her life. she was homeward-bound off the When his daughter,' 15-year-oUi take a chance with that construc­ (^rom e resources -of the island . .533 Main SI reel "1 was born in Hammond. Ind.," Canary islands on an Atlantic Mary Ellin, heard him sing this tion problem. Let one o f Man­ of New Caledonia are said to be Years. 1 In Order Nom^ Tel. .6227^^7606 ahe eaid, "and my career on the cros-slng without tncideqt, ending at the opening night of “This la chester's most reliable firms go to among the largest In the world, fears that she was a war ca.sualty. the Army!' she rushed backstage, work for you today. the Department of Commerce re­ Rely on our experience and stage began at the age of IS as ports. soon aa I got the notion out of . my The freighter left Lisbon Mon­ threw her arms arouild him, and Knofla Brothers Are in The company haa been engaged service for best results. . We Will Gladly Give Yon head thaf I could be a champion day. Unofficial Portuguese report-a said, "Daddy, you really ought to in converting summer cottages Eatimatea. ‘ swimmer. So, at IS, 1 was in C U tle Thursday night said she had been go on the atage.” A Position to Aid You* around Columbia lake into all-year Park, Mich., and played the Jane torpedoed.' Berlin'* office, ju*t across the dwellings to house defense \4%rk- Johnson & Little Cowl role In 'Shillin’ Throuch’ and A Foreign Ministry official said street from Broadway's famous If Needed. ers o f the new plant in Wllllman- Paul W. Dougan electric now I want to play that role be believed the rumors dross from Winter Garden theater, is about tic. This Is another proof o f the 109 Center Street Ranges — Rcfrlgeratars ■ again." s garbled version of the fact the half business office and half Tin Knofla Bros., Inc., local general excellent work which this Man­ Phone 5878 Argentine legation In Lisbon en­ Well, nothing cou.Id be further Pan Alley studio. contractors and alteration spe­ chester concern features. General Contractor gaged five planes to hunt for a from a “panther woman" role than Here he- is constantly moving cialists, are working steadily dur­ Put your mind at ease today wealthy Argentine '("un Argen­ the romantic lead In "Smilin' from his business desk over to his ing these war-time days in an by getting all the information you tina" ) who was a passenger on the and Builder Through.” piano to compose or alng a aong,. effort to provide housing for need about those necessary alter­ torpedo^ British liner Avila Star. GIBSON’S BILL'S TIRE and soicloaely does he combine the workers, and also to provide ex­ ations. ■ Make an appointment to two phases of his activities that pert sUcrations wherever they are have them done, and your worries Concrete and Masonry GARAGE and Laundiy . Bid Affects CRlIdrra frequently he will absent-minded­ will be over. Knofla Bros, wait needed. Their office is located Work — AHerations B. n. Qlbeon, Prop. Mohamm^an Gets ly begin carrying on hit business at 874 Main street. In the heart to serve you at 875 Main street. REPAIR SHOP 8 t Louis— (;Py—Public school conversations In a music writer's Call ;on' them today. , children In St. Louis face tha pros­ of the business district,. for the Specializing In Wm. H. Green, Prop. Big Post in China perfect lyric form, rhyming hit convenience o f ths many custom- 56 Gardner Street pect o f sndlng tbs aehool day with conversation as If ha were writing BEAR dirty hands and faoss—or bringing erp who depend on them ' for Wheel Ailgmncnt. Columbia and Elk Bicycles. DEFENDER — Marshal Se- a lo n g .. ssrvice. Phone 6105 ’ . mcon Timoshenko- (above) com­ Chungking, July 18.— —Ap- their own towels. Only one laun­ Movie Right* Sold - U. S. TlreB. dry baa bid on ths public school Knofla Bros, la oh* o f ' the SA V E U P TO 80% Brake and mands the Red troops defending polntnoent of Gen. M s Put-8tqg, Aside from the. Broadway pro­ towe' laundering and Its bid runs town's oldest and most reliable On PlamHag sonthem Rnssta, Including the powerful Chinese Mohammedan duction of "This Is the Army," Carbaretor Repairs, Service, $4 more per hundred hand towels builders, and despite priorities. Is oil-rleh Caucasus, against Invad­ leader,, aa reclamation comml.-sion- which is bringing in about 845,000 and Electrt- i.than last year's contract. The bid atm ready to serve the public to Servlcel Accessor In. ing NaSl armies. Timoshenko's er in the Teaidam basin of western a week into the Arm y relief fund, t\C /_/>/< *** Supplies resistance to German attempts to was rejected but no new bids the be.st o f the)r ability. THE —Helene Fortescue Reynolds, socialite Chinghai was announced ' by the the movie rights have been sold to by buylag dl- SITTING PRETTY vannnish Russia made him a hero* government today In a move which have been received. I f you are planning on building 185 Main St.' Phone 5012 180 Spruce St. • Phone 5450 srho won a movie contract, lolls' at a Los Angeles pooL’ Warner Brothers for a first install­ reel st .political quarters believed would ment of 8%)0,0b0, with the Army or alteration work, get In touch FALLOT ELECTRICAL CASCADE..BlectHeily—SM,Md volts of hiaterlally strengthen its power In fund' to share -in subsequent with Albert F. Knofla or a mem­ / I lb—streaking across a pogeelain faumlalor asado this cascade o f the northwest. profits. The film,' like the stage ber o f his staff and talk over SUPPLY IlghL. This, occurs when tawulators are tested at an electrical General Ma Is one of four broth­ TH ERE IS show, also will have an'all soldier your particular problem. They LANDSCAPING AND will be glad to gflve you an esti­ STUDIO AND WAYNE W. .FREDRIC MARCH AS M ARK. TWAIN-rredrie------Marchw ean hlo aukenp as Mark cqulpasent maantaetarlng pUnt at Sharon. Pa. ers— all M.ohanimedan generals— NO L IM IT - cast. OUTLET Twain whom he portrays hs a film directs hy Irving Rappn (left), prodneed By Jesee Laaky (right).. who vlrtulally control C^ilnghal. Berlin, Juat as he did with his mate of the cost of your Job and TREE SURGERY Hla acceptance of the appointment TO YOUR will offer you free adri'es In rcr 1150 .Msin St. Cor. Trum­ PHILLIPS . "Holiday Inii,” also will go t(T bull, Hartford. 7-848« CAMERA SHOP w'sa generally regarded aa. a brll- WARDROBE Hollywood to supervise the trans­ gard to It. In this way, you re­ Evergreens, Shrubs and Complete Refrigeration ceive courteous service and ’an Uapt stroke by Gen. Pa| Clhung- fer o f the show to the screen. Shade Trees Trimmed Service — All .Makes Hei, vice chief of the Chinese gen­ When You Have ' Berlin has another absent-mind­ Idea of what yoiir Job will cost STUDIO PORTRAI*rS Services — Sold — Rebuilt eral' staff, who haa been conferring ed habit whep he la at his ancient and Juat when .lt can be started. All Work Carefully and with Ma and other Mohammedan The Aid Of A Don't wait until the last mirvute, piano playthg and tinging his Neatly Done. AUTHORIZED leader* at Wuwei In the Kansu SINGER songs. H e will suddenly break into make an appointment witH CO,M,MERCIAL panhandle. the middle o f singing one o f his Knofla Bros., Inc., today. COMMERCIAL SEWING MACHINE Do Not Delay ACTIVE WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHY Conn. State License. The Japanese have been Intrigu­ •* lyrics and apologetically say, “ You FRIGIDAIRE SALES ing for many years among the Mo­ must excuse me. You realize I'm Remember, the office of Knofla hammedans In ClUnghal and have Singer Sewing Machine Co. not a Crosby or an Astaire.” Bros, Is located at 878 Main street, KEEP n r JOHN S. WOLCOTT AND SERVICE Wiik A Intensified efforts to alienate them He faila to add that he is "busy and the phone number la 4386. MOVIE CA.MERAS 68 Delmont ^t.. Phone 3622 from the ditingking government i n Mala St. TsL S8M Berlin." . 117 Hollister St. Tel. 8.597 since the outbreak of the war In Summer Spencer! AND PROJECTORS cihina. ★ COMPLETE CAMPBELL'S . laftridsallr Daugaed OAK GROVE FULL LINE OF MOON'S Sherifri Radio BUILDING ★ FOR SERVICE Sr« us about the SERVICE Ont of Gas — Flat Tire — loan you may ANNIE SWIFT PHOTOGRAPHERS’ DAIRY Workers Quit COAL — COKE 3rd Floor, Rubinow Bldg. FEEDS Battery Trouble — EQUIPMENT need to purcha^, R A N G E a n d f u e l OILS Phone 44)7 Fred H. Sankey, Prop. D IA L 6K1 Hours: 2 to 5 aad 7 to 8 For Cattle and Poultry: Martinss, Calif., July 18—(F)— build or<) remodel TbabContrg Costa county sheriff’s Shell Gas aod Motor Oil Prompt Deliveries Pasteurized INSECTICIDE^ radio station, K(}CE, signed off Keep year ear well greaetJ aad a home. At All Times ths air yesterday because the have the oil chaaged frequently. GIvts you th« “ Milk That Is Milk” county can’t get tKhnlcians at the Liberal loans for w ues it wants to pay. C A M P B E L L ’S MANCHESTER LARSEN'S lonff terms are made Cream Dairy Products 'Hie county haa been paying an SERVICE STATION LU M B ER ft F U E L CX). FEED SERVICE promptly after receipt average of 8160 a month. The six' Oer. Mala aad MMdla Torapika Telephone 5145 38 Depot 8q. Phone 5406 employee of the station, all de­ of application, and the 283 Oakland St., Phone 4856 puties, wanted 8178. County su- coat of obtaininir ia pervieore turned them down. The ▼ery amalL QUALITY NEW men quit to take other radio posl- Barry yoa baB c o u m f f i D tlona. KRAUSE'S P R 1 N T 1 N G I S^op at our office a etnaeh • op, T. P. Holloron rh* pHaUsg bat troll ba Oelehrato, Then Pretest GREENHOUSES and receive full infor­ Job w* do f eV FUNER-AL flOBIB BSl Bartferfi I mation. HOUSE glad ta nwka y s a will Loe Angeles—(P>— Several hun­ the aecoeeary provs satlsr repairs at lot* IBeaOy loeat 'S' dred dlagruntled taxpayers airantt- Te Phene teetory. ed Into County Aaoeosor John R. p rices— so away treoi Uw boay Ordsrs - TeL STfO coos* R wUl ■ ■ P f t i R t Quinn's offioe to protest their as* The Manchester PA IN T qatckly g a s tars*' msttaethr* ■peMi Bst M m - trs e t bs seeemenU. Too bad it was all hap­ 0*4 era ffbelIttiM. pening OB Quins's birthday, ra> aaral aad W e« Building ft Loan Palattag aod markad Bupervlaer Gordon Mc­ diag Arraagn a Aaaoeiation Dfifwedabte (|asHty - Barries! AMBULANCE SERVICE Donough. Argumants halted and WDHTER’S AUTO BOOT O a the crowd sang “Happy Birthday cm •5S. Biain'Street . JOHNSON FAINT CO. ru It's Worth rixtag— DAY AND NIGHT , LOUNGE AIOUTS — W IL L IA M R. SC H IELD G E Edwia JoluiMa, Prop. For lounging about these harem to You" with ferver. %en every­ W* Caa Pli ir body stfitted protesting again. 135 Sprne* Straet TM. BSM trousersof kelly green rayon |er- BM Mala 8L TeL 6854 18B W. Mlddl* Tpb. TbI. B7«B ^TSCeoter^l^Phose S0# f aey go wlih Persian print Momte. FRENCH lATTLESHIP AWAITS FATE AT ALEXANDRIA . n L am in a IIMI I. h (abava), la ana o f aavanl nraach.aaval apinali at fha M H «h pari a f Alw niniria..,tnari mbrnsd hi \ -.J^^r^-'+i-s.^r

MAaM Hf^SliiiK HERALD. MANCHESTER, rON^ SATURDAY, JUL*\ 18. 1912 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. SATUBDAV,'JULY 18, 1943 PAGE ELB^ Ideas Will Be • SERIAL STORY News From Manchester’s . Sifted Better BANNERS FLYING BY MARY RAYMOND ^ copYmaKTj t#4a. West Sides Beat Hamilton on Woodend^s Nelson Approves Crea- NKA •BlWtCS. INC. 1 turned froin a week'a vacation I ' lion of Technical De- ' spent at Sachem’s Head. Wappiug , Tolland Second Ifoneymoon they feel they can’t support » ' The annual fair and exhibition A’clopnicnl Office. ' CHAPTER VIII girl.” Rockville Columbia ”I ’ve taken a' bath. I ’ve brushed ” It isn’t that, either,” Jan’g Former Bluefield Stars ^ of the Union Agricultural Kalr Mrs. John H. Steel* West Sides Meet Brilliant Play Features Mrs. W. W. Qraat my teeth. I ’ve ah av^ and dressed, voice was so low it waa almost a : M:m GlMly* u. Bice 1 association which embraces the 1 0 WH a . Cbapnwa ia »s, BlaoclMatar 117$-$. RockvtUe .Waihingrton^, July 18.— The But before I tackle my hair, whiaper: ”I think he caret for 61S-U. WUllnuuitlc Dlvlilon towns of Ellington. Somers, En- | M . BoekvIU* oiiUook was brighter today for the pleaae tell mey^hether I -have a aorneone elae. field and East Windsor has been | Mr. and Mrs. L. Ernest Hqll.1'‘ttle man ^th a big idea date with ,yp« or not— ” ,* l , ” I shouldn’t let It worry me,” "ir . 4 .1 ratinninc definitely posiponeapostponed lurfor this,iiik», year i A combined group, selected .. „ , ,, ,, j .jT - War Production Boanf Chair- Bart stood in the doorway, grin-'she said quickly before Christie Dusty LeagijeTea] Miss. Bcmlce Hall and Mrs. has' g.p. Fastest Game-of Season fofT ru ^k V l^iats^ arid farm mal-accnriiing to an announcement of fr„m church, real esUte, and fl- ning at her'. Christie laughed, let- could speak. ” He’s really an awful Vernon Plans' chineryror inicKs, was i held « , at...... the town halS the official^ _ ^ . nancial commitlecs, of the First H. Steele were gueaU of relatives pmved r-rcation of an oJBoe for ting her eyes dwell admiringly on fool, Christie. He says the most Congregational church baa been in Hartford Thursday evening and ; technical development.,^ within her handsome husband. awful things, and he is going to Miss Alice E. Hall returned home i WPB. One of the taakF^ryill be You’ve a date with the fam ily lose his Job at the Wainwrlghta Salmonsen's Throw Cuts | «sUUd'^n‘’the ^S^teTfnT w «e : princlpaUof Jhe E W o n Center chosen to start Immediately a can­ Fast Hartford Workcd Hard 3-Town Fair with them after several days as ' to .see that inventor* with — a luncheon date. And you won’t if he isn’t careful. Ito talki about Plays at the Oval To- Yankees^ Pitching Staff vass for *5.000, which will be used gueat of relatives. for increasing or improving mind because you’ll be the big Versailles and whatL. Ch* Allies Run Off in First; Hutchins, Philip Isham, Miss ; returned home bi4 is still un le In the painting of both the inside Howard Sykea of Siif field. production won't get a ' bt. They’re so proud of your uni-, didn’t do to stop future Wars when * morrow Afternoon at To Pitch Aiid Kristofak Robs Vic I Georgia McDonnal. Mias Florence treatment. and outside of the church. Hollis Conn., Mr. and-Mrs. Ernest Clough brush-off. foi the brass buttons and es^ they had the power . .rhings like Subdues All Opposition. Will Take Place of and' aon Stewart of Slaterville, ’The project, calling for a $100,- that. Betty Wainwright; said he Lane, and Mls.s Gladys Rice. Ellington &>y | cniurch, chairman, has nn.iounceo peciaWv the wings. Get set to tell 4:15 Sharp.x Pagani of Hit; Both I Rhode Island, called on relatives 000,000 appropriation,, has been them hoW ^ood you nee.” would make a perfect 'fifth col­ ’The Red Cross held a work I Patrol Leader . j. that another meeting will be held Counir 4-H Event; and Tolland friends recently. presented to the Bridget Bureau . Just as had' foreseen. Mrs. umnist and she wasn’t Joking Then Got It Teams Play Tight Up meeting at Yeomans Hall on are spending a week camping at Monday night, when persona will The Hertford Cubs, picked team By Judson BaUe.v to the Chicago (Juba again for a Cr>-8tal Lake. T h e y will - be A meeting of town repreaenta- for approval. COlton asked^^Simres of queationa. when she said it.” Other News of Gty. .’Thursday afternoon. be selected to canvass the church from the Hartford Industrial Jea-j, ^ AP Sports Writer 10- 5 victory to take three of the To Final Frame. Joined by the Scoiit Leader Rev. ti.ves pf Tolland County waa held No Decialpfi On Head Yet "But Isn’t It lOfiiwme, Bart? A ll " I t is Billy of Stephen to say four garnes to their rowdy aeries. On Monday evening, July 20. membership for outright tUts or things people might misunder­ The New York Yankees are Theodore S. D.irrah for a few in the office of the County A gri­ Several engineers "'and aclentists those boys had wives, sweet­ gue, will Invade the Weat Side;' Hank Oana Played CTaude I^ s e a u returned to the Rockville. July 18--(SpeciaH^ there will be a public meeting at pledges to range over a period of cultural Agent June 16th to dis­ have been considered to he.ad the hearts, mothers They’vs;,^been ac­ stand," Christie agreed. "He’s aa turning the thumbscrews on the Pagani'a West Sides defeated 1* M S proposed at the- Vernon 4- da VS. . ^ - three years. ' As the. church is in mound for the Cubs oh one day’s 8 o’clock in Yeomans Hall. A t this Hazel I Seifert ha.« been ap­ cuss plana for meeting fuel short. new office,, but no decision has customed to going abouV,^doing loyal aa we are. But he will lose an‘.:.r r u ,.r f: M.ny P«.ition, Belo,. rest of the American League again Hanjllton' Props 1-0 at the Oval] H Alumni club meeting last Thura- time certificates Will he presenle-1 need of repairs, it is hoped that rest, was belted out in the midst pointed administratrix of the »s- age, if one takes place. Mr. Em-1 been reached, associates of Nelson things. Then, suddenly, •- they’re hit job. I ’m going to speak to with four fine pitchers furnishing day evening that the towns of El- to those' who have qualified in the this will also, be Uken care of by rent season. They will play Pa- He Got Chance i.n BoX; of a five-run fifth toning and Buf­ last night In one of best and fast­ tate1^.4- of HenryM»nrv Seifert; late of Ell- ery E. Clough is to'serve Tolland j said. dumped into some 'place with nothr him." most of the pressure. Miiton. Vernon and T®"*"** standard and Junior Red Cross­ the money appro’prilted. Harold aa Wood Fuel Coordinator. . a staff of engineers, chemists ing to do.” ^ \ " I ’m leaving . my. coat,” Jan gahi’i Weat Sides at 4:15 fered hla aeventh defeat.' He has est played game in the Twt league btne to hold a three town *-H Inetoh. - - M. Newberry is president of the aSid, turning to go. ” It’a turning Ntckey Angelo, Weat Bide m an« Set Lei^gue Afire. ‘The world champions have won won 13, more than any other courses In Home Nursing, and Rev .Stanlev Grobel. pastor of Announcement of the engage-| and technicians is to be s e t. up ’’Nothing to do!” Bart laughed. to date. Kimball - 'opened th# to place of the regular Tolland church, and .the Rev. Randall hot as blazes.” She looked st ager, said this mo'mlng that he in­ olx^garaes to a-row and the last major league pitcher. each of, the various war activity the Stafford Springs Congrega­ ment of Miss Adelaide R. Menge, i which would sift through the pro- Wouldn’t the C. O. like to hear seventh with a single after Sal- j Coimty 4-H fair which has been Chaplain Mason is the pastor. daughter of Alderman, and Mrs that. He practically spends his Christi^xjevelly: ’’Stephen is for­ tended to put his be.st team on the By Harold V,. Ratliff four of these were credited to Brooklyn saved ila top talent organiaation.s will be presented 6n posals advanced by private citi­ monsen bad been tossed out at called off this year. tional church will preach • Mrs. Hazel K. Barrett of Col-! Paul R Mengel of Rockville, to time thinking up things for us to tunate in Ti^-ing you for a Httia field tomorrow. The club, fresh Wide WorW Featprcj. Hank Borowy. Alley Donald, Emle for the aerie* opening today with the program, m;- Sunday at the Crystal Lake zens or other governmental agen­ The sUte will furnish r>bl^n» Chester announces the engagement | Stanley P. Campbell, son of Mr. do.” girl scout.” \ from Its 1-0 victory over Hamll- Fori Worth, Tex., July 18—Hank Bonham and-Spud Chandler, who the second-place SL Louis Cardi­ first. Woodend tripled to left and - for such fairs this.year and it Is A straw ride is being planned cies. Much of the requested kp; as a feature of the plcn^ meeting Methodist Ch'urgh. of h#r daughter, Eunice, to Edwin i and Mrs. 'Irving Campbell, of Tol- propriation, lU is contemplated,' ”C. O.— it sounds ike -a labor Christie hung Jan’s coat up m eV tona last night, ia putting on * Dana! at the age of SI hae among them have won 34 games nals, and started Schoolboy Rowe, the ball got away from Kose aa it hoped that enough money determined effort to cop the Twi which Is to be held this coming H. Burnham of Warehouse Point, > land,. Kingsbury avenue, has been wopld be used to build pilot plants brganization.” Mra. Colton aaid. chanically. Funny, Bart hadn’t realized his ambition and Fort and lost only nine this season. Two who didn’t have a decision to the took a bad hop and weht for raised for premiums of "’Commanding Officer— a one- told her they had stopped by San­ league cup. Angelo would not say Worth basebaU fans are as happy, Jimmie Foley Bin Neobauar Mickey Katkaveck of. those last four games were ' National League. He had to have three bases and'a ball game. The plan will be proposed to the Wednesday at the home of Mr. but who waa formerly from-Wap-1 received. for the proving of processes which' ping. Miss Barrett is a member of i • William Sumner Simpson who bor organization. But he’s dra’s. Maybe he didn’t think it waa . who waa *l*te4 for mound duty, as he is abput It. . . shutouts and one was a one-run j help from Ed Head In the laat two It developed into a pitcher’s batcj Vernon 4-H town committee at a and Mrs. Archibald Sharpe. Any seem worthy of-intensive study, ell and nobodv com- important. Then, there, was bu' Pat Murdock seems to be the Hank Is happy ''because he be­ affair— the 8-1 'triumph over the tontoga tie between Krebs and Woodend meeting to be held in the alumni who are Interested in the straw Stafford Springs the Arm y Nurse Corps, and her , was in the first World War enlist- and to construct operating teat i Pf*tty ed and served in the Tank Cofps Stephen ipouting o ff things w'hfch logical choice. lieves, with good reason, Uiat ha Cleveland Indians yerterilay.' right from the start. In the first , a u b house on July 21st and w^h ride are requested to communi­ fiance is at Fort Bennlng, Oa models, machinery, or new-type I P'<*ms.” The Cardinals ajaughtered the John O. Nertn Lloyd S. Grant of the Abe E. and in actual fighting experience "H ave yorixs hostess house ? ' might not have sounded unpatri- Vlaltoni Fast can return to the majors not as an The game waa decided In the Philadelphia Phils 10-1 with How'- frame Salmonsen’s throw from . their approval, Tolland and cate with Mrs. Martha Tlbblts or vehicles. , The 'viaitors have taken a leaf Miller American Legion Pott of in France is now assigned- to the Mra. Colton (otitinued, ’’and ’-do , otic before the United States got outfielder where he failed before Original Bluefields* Club first toning when Phil Rizsuto ard Kriat pitching five-hit ball and right field nipped Hutt yards from Itofton wlU be approached im- Mrs. Mason Nuhfer. 47*4 Sttiford , fiom the Manchester* league and Word has been received by the South Windsor, has announced Procurem

MICKEY FINN A Man of Action! -J'' LANK LEONAjUK Sense arid Nonsense BURN*, WHITt. AMO ___ . iNOQUT ^ CURTIf— TURNING OUNNMON— 'VOU'IIL IP T H lR e 10 A N o m c e FINN— YOU'RE COMING 00 WITH OfTECnVE OKAY. THE L O Q ^ MAN OVER WITH ME— WEHANE A WIU History Eitpeatf r—What will it cost to Did Isaiah Prophesy 'Tire-Ra­ FOR ABOVE TO RENT A COLUNSJ HE'LL POlNr c h ie f ) TAILOR SHOP— OR OATEYMTH MR.HALL., Those good old. days 'Vhen horses car fixed? tioning 7 J RtGMTf fmioENT OF a c m e arageman—What's the matter It may be rather far-fetched to OUT THE PET SHOP, THE THE .BUILDINOS ON ' rsprssented motive pitorer. APARtMENTK W H!^ ^AMMUNTTlONf ^ When narrow, cuffleas trousers h it?* assume that the Bible predicts DRUG STORE, PMO THE EITHER SIDE OP IT/ Owner—I don’t know. tire-rationing, but read the foUow' TMLpR OHOPJ Live Stock— Vehicles Rooms Without Board Wanted to Rent were the fashlo|n of the h o u r,/ Lost and Found Automobiles for Sale 4 Repairing When it was sn Important ti;^ Oarageman — Fifty-two dollars ing text from Isaiah 3:18, and Jeweler Held and sixty-flve cents. 1937 CHRYSLER 4 DOOR sedan, MOWERS SHARPENED, repair­ FOR SALE—FRESH JERSEY a t t r a c t i v e , comfortable MANCHESTER FAMILY of 3 de­ to drink Tom Upton’s tea, .. draw your own conclusions: ^ MancKester l*OST — MlJCTUREl ENGLISH ed, shear grinding, key fitting, heifer A-1 family .cow. Will ex­ double room, in new home. Call sire 4-5-6 .room flat or duplex with And ca'visr was shrouded in a deep- “And in that day the Lord Shepherd and ColUe dog, black beautiful green finish, price 3345, After Slayiug will take away the bravery of ETening Herald terms,, 36 weekly.. 1929 Oldsmo- duplicating, vacuum cleaners etc. change for beef cow. Phone 976-3 6759. garage, by 1st of August. 330 to dyed mystery: 'The disappointed humorist was and brown, white under neck. An* overhauled. Braithwatte, 52 Pearl RockvUIe. G. Risley. 34S. Phone 2-:003S. When boys and girls went spark­ iiits^ed to be bitter: their tinkling ornaments about > swera to Spottle. Tel.-7861. blle coach, good tires, runs like WANTED — GENTLEMAN to their feet, and their cauls and Ghaiified AdTertisementa new, 365. Terms and ^ a d e s ac­ ■treeL (Ooo turned from Page One) ing mounted on a tandem bike. Hoimorlst—Hang it all, sir, you share room with defense worker, And people exercised their legs by their round t lj^ like the COMt sis avsrsst* words lo s lias. REWARD FOR INFORMATION cepted. 1936 Aubura>ConvertlbIe sit on'every Joke,I send yoii. LAWN MOWe RS sharpened, oil- Articles for Sale 45 twin beds, private family. 166. Houses for Sale 72 going for a hike; laiUals, nnmbora sod sbbrsvlstlons leading to recovery of a l>ght coupe, 3225, terms 34.50 weekly. tucked neatly in bed. On a bedside E ditor. (pressing a bell for the sash oonot as a word and compound , ed, adjusted, picked up and de­ Eldridge street, second floor. When it was quite a privilege to visitor to ^ shown out)—Let me hrorda as two w ords Minimum eost blue and white bicycle that was 1937 Packard sedan, radio, h e a t r FOR Sa l e —DUCK' wall tent, FOR SALE—SINGLE 7 ROOM stand was a vase containing k It Looks that Way er, almost new tires 3345, terms livered 31.25. Here 31.00. Repair dosen fresh, red carnations. Near« ride upon a train, * assure you, m y dear sir, I shdlild Is pries e( thrss lines taken Saturday at the. . Circle parts. Power mowers sharpened 10x12, only used once, floor FOR RENT—FURNISHED rooms, .house, with large ' sun room, And chickens croesed the highways Hush, little sugar bowl, don’ t Uns ratss per day lor traastsnt 36 weekly. 1940' Packard 6 con­ by was a phonograph with a rec-. certainly not do that if there were theateiv 423 East Middle Tum- and repaired. We sharpen hedge covering 11 1-2x13 1-2. Phone gentletnen preferred. Ten minutes steam beat, 2 car garage. Located without fear of being Slain; you cry; ads vertible coupe, good Urea, beau­ ord of DcBussys "aalre de Lune* any point to them. ■esetfre Narsh If, 1S3T plke. t and grass shears,"sclaaors, knives, 4740. from Aircraft, Oak street. K m 43 Scarborough ..Road, recondi­ O.-for those good old homey days You will hold molasses by and Cash Chares tiful blue finish, 3895. 'Terms 312 In place. , , SUL etc. Sawa set and filed. Our 16th Hartford. Telephone 8-0602.,. tioned and now ready for occu­ when everj^lng was staid! by. V • Oenaseutlvs l>ars...| T etsi t ota weekly. Finance manager of pancy. Apply Edward J. HoU. "We were' infatuated with each Mgn—^Why did you keep ap­ ' —Ruth T. Ritter. d COBSseatifs D a y s... t ota 11 eta year. Capitol Grinding Co,, 531 other," Dayton quoted Glreth as Will they return to us again ? 'n e y plauding that womah 'Svho was 1 Day ...... Ill otslll ota Announe^menta Brunner Sales, 80 Oakland street. Garden— Farm— Dairy FOR RENT—A, PLEASANT room Tel. 5117 or 5118. will (I’m much afraid!). LydAlL Tel. 7958. saying. "Wednesday night was the singing 7 Her voice was terrible. OCT OUR WAY BY J. R. W ILLIAM S OUR BOARDING HOUSE All orders for Irrssnlar tnssrtions Open evenings. Tel. 5191. Products 50 for one or two meh, private —W. L. Hudson. Young men looking for a good WITH MAJOR HOOPLB r will bs ebaread at tbs ons Urns rats home. 116 North School street. anniversary of our love. So as I Wife—I know it wss, but her sun tan this summer might inves­ SHOP IN THBS OQMFORT of your WANTED TO TUNE repair and VES, OUST POR •pselal rates tor lone term every home....^uat call Montgotnvy regulate. jruur piano or- .player f o r s a l e — n u m b e r ONE Tel. 6898. stayed beside her as she slept, I Wife— What’e the idea coming gowm was so beautiful I wanted to tigate the poestbiUttee o t work on WHUT IE IT W ELL,H E D ID N 'T i NEP/THE MA30R day advertlslne elven upon request. Auto Accessories—Tires . 6 Green Mountain potatoes, also decided to kill her because I had get another look at it. the farm. SUMMER VACATION THAT PUTS US LOOK AT TH’ BACK Ada ordered before tbs tbird or Ward fpr- everything you need. piano. Tel. Manchester 5052. FOR RENT—FURNISHED room, home two hours late? TAVA automobile 7 ORESSIN'. U P- IT’S OUR HAIR NOT SOlA /• Brunner’s, 80 Oakland street. and 1 shot her three times." PICKPOCKET' a l d e r m a n 's YJEAR Tho Berald will net be rtsponalM Household Goods 51 South End Departqient AN’ W E ir^ Bwrs than one Incorrect Inser- FIVE GOOD TIRES with tubes, GIRLS ONLY.—ROOM and quali­ Every mile you drive in July COMBED ENOU&H/' tloa of any advertisement ordered A BEAUTIFUL HOME Full Of ty meals with all home privileges Has New Apparatus ology student, was shot twice GRANOSTANO,' CHAIN,' P A N T * ? ) WANTED — FROM Manchester 4.75x19. Reasonable. 126 Wells WANTED —BAKERY Saleslady. will wear out your tires as much jTS TRIVIAL HAIRS for mors than ons tims ride to Colt's Main Plant, 3 to 11 Furniture. New living, dining, at reasonable prices. Young W o­ through the temple and once as two miles of driving in January Tbs laadverunt omistlon of tn- atreet, after 5 o’clock. .One with experience preferred; bedroom, kitchen, ruga, lamp, In Operation. TH A T k e e p s VOU Sorrsot publication of advertlsins ^hlft, or will take three passen­ men’s "V ” House. 14 Arch atreet. through the breast . . . This is because heat is a will bs'reetified only by cancelldtion but not necessary. Apply Davis’s tables. Reasonable, Albert’s Fur­ Glreth said he remained in the O U T OP gers. Call 6457. Home Bakery, 521 Main. Tel. natural enemy of rubber . . . A. o f tbs eharda made for the service niture Oo., Hartford. A new system of warning of the cabin until mid-afternoon. Then ' “ hot” tire cauaes the tread to -m SW IVEL roadsred. Building— Contracting'’ 14 9286. All advertisements must conform FOR RENT— LATEST TTPE Wanted—Rooms—Board 62 approach of fire apparatus at he drove to nearby San Joae and wear faster and also develops in­ 55/ laCHAIRS.' hospital bed, for home aM. Rates FOR SALE— 9x12 CHINESE bight goes into effect today, each telephoned his buainess partner In In styls, copy and typoyrapby with CARPENTER WORK and build­ taupe ,rug, 9x8 taupe fug. Can be WOMAN WOULD like room with­ ternal heat that decreases the reaniatlona enforced by the publish* reasonable. Call Kem p^lnc. Tel. ing. Day or contract. Write Box GIRL OR WOMAN wanted. New of the fire trucks and the chief’s Glendale. He continued to Fresno strength of the cords. srs and they reserve the rtsht to 6680. seen at 915 Main atreet. in walking distance of Chehey car having been equipped with a and then telephoned Oakland sdlt, revise or reject any copy con* Z, Herald. Model Laundry, Summit street Mills. Telephone 2-0353. stdsrsd objectionable. • new red light in the front. The police. * A sweet young thing was driv­ WANTED TO SH> from FOR SALE—LIVING AND din­ CtOSINO HOURS— Classified ads FOR YOUR REMODEXLNO or ing roqm suites, and other house­ light is so regulated that on leav­ In the auto court cabin authori­ ing in her beautiful convertible I S bs published same day must bs South Mancheste Hartford repair jdh call Wm. KanehL con­ ing the firehouse a switch is turn­ ties found numerous letters re­ rssslveid by IS o'clock noon Satnr* Help Wanted—^Male 36 hold articles suitable for cottage; Wanted to Rent 68 when something went wrong with Travelers hour*.’^ Free inside park­ tractor, 519 Center atreet. Tele­ ed and from that time on the red vealing the passionate love 'that the motor. The traffic light chang­ dWS lf:S«- ing In Hartfpra. Manchester reasonable. Telephone Manches­ phone ‘7773. DISHWASHER WANTED—Apply ter 2-1441. WANTED TO RENT-^ or 5 UN light makes a half circle and had existed between the two. But ed from green to red and back to Telephone Your Want .\da 3784 after at Silk City Diner, 641 Main furnished roomu wlthLi the next throws the light In front of the ap­ there were other letters which green and still she could not get Ads are accepted over the tela* street. COT BED. 2 BROWN ENAMEL few weeks! three In family'. Call paratus. This makes it possible for indicated Miss Hammer had decid­ the car to start. The traffic officer phono at the CHARGE RATE alven WANTED^TWO PASSENGERS Florists— Nurseries 15 8155. . a car in front of the apparatus to ed on a parting of their ways. to EE a ^ HalHartford Aircraft, third beds with apflngs. One Bideboatd. came up: . Sbovs as a oonveneince to adver* OFFICE itANAGER for local re- notice the red light shining from Sheriff H. P. Gleason of Alameda, Traffic Officer — What’s the tiasrs. but tbs CASH RATES will be shlft/Telephonet/Telep> 4905. 2 boudoir chairs, 1 antique qre'ss- WANTED TO RENT BY young aoceptsd as ruu* PATMENT If tall furniture store. This mana­ er, 1 console radio, Deep' Well aide to side of the road and is a county saw In tbesfi a poasible mo­ matter. Miss? Ain’t we got colors, FYIR 8 ALE 7-CABBAOE Plants. couple five or six room . flat or paid S t ths business office on or be* ..NSPORTA’nO N AvaUable to ger must be capable of supervis­ hand .pump and other' miacel- warning to get out of the way. It tive for the slaying—that Glreth you like? ' rers the seventh day followlnff the Inquire 210 Keeney street, duplex house. Phone Hartford /Md from Colta’ Van Dyke Plant, ing 3 or 4 girls, assuming entire laneous artlclea. TeL'9254. la expected that this will take the fotmd himself unable to face loe- d m litsartion of each ad otherwiM charge of the hooka, be responsi­ 6-6892. U s CHARGE RATE will bs oollec^ / 7 to 3 shift. Call 2-0918 Manches­ place of blowing the siren and will Ing his love. Everybody DtoUkeS To Spend Cbm ble for credit' terms and collec­ not wake prople up during the Glreth, a leader In many civic sd. yNo responsibilitycy tor errors 1 ^ ter. LADY WISHES smaU furnished Attorney—Just where did the teldphonsd ads will he asanmed a M Roofing— Sidijig 17-A tions and preparing monthly FOR SALE—stU D IO couch, al­ night. activities in Glendale, was bom taalr aeonracy cannotmot bo snarpn* atatementis. Apply by writing apat^tment for summer. Will take In Budapest, Hungary. He came car hit you? WE SPECIALIZE IN applying most new,.Phone 8165. excellent care of same. Write Two lights were placed on ap­ Injured Young Woman — Well, Box L, Herald, stating age, edu­ paratus at No. I’s house, one on to this country in 1928, His wife. M a ClftflBiicatIpM Automobiles for Sale roofing and asbestos. siding. cation, experience und salary ex­ Box B, Herald. Anna, recently sued him for di­ if I had been wearing a license CAN'T BR A 9 Workmanship guarantee. Time the old piece, of-apparatus at No. • eeseeeeesesSe see plate it would have been badly . «8PE 7M8RV. pected. .Machinery and Tools 52 4’s and there la one on the nelv vorce, -accusing him of cruel and iTjrS?.— - h e r o e s a r e h^ADB — n o t BORN /./r, EA c»Y A& TH iS eeeeesee s e e • • . FOR SALE —1937 CHEVROLET payments arranged. A. A. Dion damaged. NiJUUStifc MU fire.truck. No. 3 and No. 2 trucks inhuman treatment. She charged e••••• * *** deluxe sedan, perfect condition, Inc., 299 Autumn street. Tel. Ea RMERS a t t e n t i o n —Mow­ he was “not conventional in his sM e Sporis Frock have also been fitted out with one • • s••••« radio, heater, very reasonable. Tel. 4860. Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 ing machine knives ground 15c desires," that he told her she didn't It is a safe bet that the as la also the chleTs car. thousands of automobiles furnish­ ss#4 •••••••#••• 8114, between 7 and 9 p. m. foot. Knives replaced 10c each. know how to love," and squan­ * • / JACK FROST KENNELS offer Ensilage blower knives ground The last of the trucks to be sc ed free by the government, are "Pardon me—1 guess my glassM need diangingl'’* BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES T h e Same Old Steve BY EDGAR MARTIN two more littera of beautiful set­ equipped was No. I ’s trucks and dered money on other woinen. 1941 PONTIAC DELUXE sedan! ftleriiig^Tracking-- 35c each, saw filing. Capitol They were married in 1929 and not being given the care the driv­ Bulck sedan, 1937 Chevrolet ter-red cocker spaplbls. Visitors this was done yesterday afternoon. 1930 Stdi^g* ^ 20 Grinding Co., 531 Lydall street. have two eons. ers would give them if they per­ L4V4D TW Kt LSUKI O \ 0 deluxe sedan, 1037 Chevrolet welcome. 26 Gardner atreet. sonally owned the automobUVs. .. C A T t ? VOWAT P O Q T 1 UliiOLS '^OO’v I . . . Sale ______Telephone 7958. Glreth was hsld on sn open VVWO WE, LOAVATT V O «T W # = > OOVViG ,,w vockmI f o r Bxehanffe SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH town sedan, 1038 Nash sedan, STOfLAGE charge and authorities said there B O O t 'i Y grloe—Ttru s USED CASE TRACTOR on rub­ TAVtNKiS 90C TW^ SoCfeCVMA'^KST, rtaff-FalsS^ 1 1937 Pontiac sedan. Cole Motors Moving anil Packing. Ths Austin Seeking Quick probably would be no charge Old Man (to applicant)—So you TO —4164. A, Chambers Oo. Tsltpbona 6260 ber, Firmalls, used Oliver “ 70' think you vrould be a aifltable W e e ^ e e e e e e • e e a ^ n s t him imtll some relatl've of "L A L L i^ ft HITCHCOCK tractor on rubber with mounted the slain girl—poasibly her mother valet for me? Lmust inform you mower excellent condition, Del­ House Action that I’m prstty much of a wreck. CCQA*?. * INC. —eigns a complaint. F Manchvnter Offlee; ■ - linger hay choppers, one and two- I have a glass eye, a cork leg, an artificial arm that needs looking 95S Main St. , ’Tel. 880t ,,^ r a e mowers. Dublin Tractor (Coattnoed tnai Eaga Om ) Campqpy, Wllllmantlc. after, not to mention a wig and Wlllimantlc Offlc«: Cause of Fire false teeth. FOR SALE 824 Main St. Tel. 1985 (D., M.fifffi-) conferred with Vinson Applicant — That’s quite aii 7 ROOM SINGLE COLONIAL HOUSE Musical Instrameota I on the possibility of House action right, sir. I've had plenty of prac­ MANCHESTER I of the committee’s bill next week Being Probed tice. I used to work In the a£em - F1rs|ilaeew Antomatle Steam Heat and Hot Two-Car DAINTY SPINET, standard m aW I and the Georgian announced bly room of a large automobile • «•e AAlb Oarage. Screens, Awnings nnd Storm Windows Furnished. Large 7- Room Single, Urge lot, floor sample, greatly reduced; “This is going to help the bousing ■tewn heat, 1-car garage. Sale (Ceatinaed from Page One) factory. Lot. Owner leaving town and'wants to selL Price is low for also 2 fine grands. Take 12 I situation,' because a lot o f these this honse. price $4,500. Down payment months to pay. Trade In your old five per cent, influence boys are body repair and paint shop. Fire­ Seet $800. I going to move out of Washington ► ..'• I New 4-Room Single, two nn- piano. A. L Owen Music CO., 265 men said there may have been HOLD EVERYTHING flnlshed np, steam heat. Sale Trumbull atreet, Hartford. ' right soon." some water damage on lower price fSJtOO. Doivn payment Unanlmoos Approval Given STUART J. WASLET FOR SALE—MAHOGANY «p- ‘fh e blU w;on unanimous ap- floors.' Jleal Estate and Insurance 6S00. Oafa Moved from Skop rlgbt piano. Cheap if taken at I proval of the-({aval committee af­ I— GEAttW State Theater Building Tel. 6648 - 7146 Manchester Green Section, once. Telephone 3410. Cars were safety moved out of 6-Room Single, no heat, lava­ ter Robert E . Ktlne,.j^dvisor in the the Harrington-Palmer shop and office of Undersecretary -of the M tory, large lo t Sale price a fleet o f trucks was driven out Navy James V. Forrestal, dhciai:; $4,000. Down payment $800. Rooms Without Board 59 of danger on the lower floor of 2-Faihlly, two 6-room apart­ ed thst “it should be obvious that 162 Chppel street where Thomp­ WASH TUBBS It's Just As Wen BY ROY CRANE ments, all Improvements. Sale I somnUdng is very wrong, and that quick action should be taken to son’s Auto . S w lc e and Storage price $5300. Down pajrment FOR RENT—SINGLE and double quarters are lotateA NUP! HERE'S 60ME* CANT BISK THAT rooms. Telephone 2-0759. I atop profiteering at government ATTENTION, FLIGHT LEADER MATSORl! PILOT AMD 1 fOSR e e e 0 • • e e e • SS 8800. Lieut Raymond C'Boly, driver m i G 1 WON'T COUNTON. A NEW HUDSON . 2-Family Dwelling, two 4- I expense." MTHOUTA MACHINE HUMBER THREE PLANE FOUND ON FIELD, UNCONSCIOUS. The measure would outlaw both for Second Deputy Chief Edward OR NEXT BEST — WE HAVE BOTH! room npartments, 2-ear garage. FOR RENT—FURNISHED room F. McNally, wrenched his bsiSk THE OTHER JAP PLANES (3UNNER IN THE PILOT OF NUMBER THREE PLANE? WHO Sale price $4,300. Down pay­ on Center street, near HlUlard I payment and receipt of “contln ABE ORCUN6«.WAtT\NS 1941 Hudson 2-Door 1936 Hudson 4*Door I gent fees" for obtaining contracts going up a stairway on the Ann REAR. SO I'LL / NUMBER THREE 1939 Hudson 8 4-Door 1937 Nash 4-Door. ment $800. Mill. ChU 4262. street building, according to Chief FOR ME ID JOIN THEIR JOIN 'E M , THEN/ 8- Room Single, steam heat and would establish a penalty up I to s4x months’ Imprisonment -md King, and wae removed to St. FORMATION. |P 1 DON'T, PRETEND 1 HAVE 1939 Hudson 6 4-Door 1936 Graham 4-Door garage. * Sale price $5,400. Francis hospital. He was not a 35,000 fine. As now drsfted, it THEYRE l i a b l e 7D6ET Stake Body, 12 Ft. Long, 7 Ft. Wide, 6 Ft. High Down payment $800. WAR DAMAGE I seriously Injured, however, It was MOTOR t r o u b l e 7- Room Single, 2-ear garage, covers only Naval contracts, but SUSPICIOUS AND AND TURN a V K INSURANCE I the committee agreed to present u ld . large lot, steam heat. Sale The first alarm was recslved st dHUE C H A SE price $4,500. Down payment See I on the House floor an amendment H. A. STEPHENS broadening its scope to cover ail 10:47 and a second turned in a $800. V 1 AT JOE’S GARAGE McKi n n e y b r o t h e r s I departments. few minutes after the first fire­ 2-FamUy Dwelling, large lot SOS Main S t, Manchester, Cono. men arrived on the acene. Chief McKee Street. - Tel. 8129 Open Until 8 P. M. garage, large barm - Sale price Telephone 6000 o f 7482 King said that the blase wss un­ 84,500. Down payment 8800. der control snd nesriy ^tln- 7 -/i The first British settlement in ejjtviei. we. T M w art. 8- Room Slagle, large lot I Australia was established at the gulshed within three-qusrters of A a rm s Bteam heat Sale price 6SA00. bead of Sydney Cbve in 1788. sn hour. "Hey! Forget you were a CAOIOCHAtlBI Dow* payment $800. . toxidermist and clean those "I Wonder what we’re supposed'to do—shoot the enemy 8UAPANESK.. chickeni!” “ > or trample them to dw ocrrrA.KM P Awaff raoMTHAr plaoe, artesian well, all famish­ cut neck and flattering waistline; DECK GUM UNTIL WE IN A Our increased war effort makes it neces­ ed. Sale prion $2,200. Dowa it buttons down tbs back. To " ^ LITTLE CLOSER.SOB WE payment $500. m»ica ths play , suit, uss Mioulder " 1 CAM HIT WHAT we SHOOT sary for us to add additional female help ruffles In pUos o f sleavas, ahortsn EAST WINDSOR HILL the skirt to abovs ths kneas «nd * 7 ^ ’ for work on power sewing machines. IS Miles From Hartford use a contrasting material for 01 ® SO Acres o f Land, 20 aetea of KEMP^S hem, belt and ahoulder nifflea. Experience unnecessary as we will train tobacco land. 8-room dwelling, lae. Tou’U And It a cool, colorful out also S-room dwelling, electricity fit for tennis or ths beach operatives in tl>is work. Make appliei^ and maning water, tobaeeo Pattern No. 6176 Is in slaas 10 shed, on godd road. Sale price to 20. Sins 12 street drees, raoo- tion immediately to ' < 35,000. Dowa payment 81JI00. otons requires 8 8-4 yardA *8* REAL ESTATE Inch material, 4 yardt ric r a ^ WINDSOR SpQiis drssa 1% yards plus 1 1-8 Porehaa* yards contrast. e-Room Brick DwelUag. gar­ That Horae Prora For thU sttraettvs' pattsm, Cheney Brothers age aU ehed. large lo t all im- send 15c in coin, your name, ad­ proveAl^ta. Sale price 87A00. dress, pattern number and else Down payment flJIOO. ARTHUR A . to The " Manchester Evening Employment Bureau-—Main Office Herald Today's Pattern SenriM, I • ■ T' Hartford Road KNOFLA 106 7th Avenue, New York, N, ^ .eox »c T M.»eava»*T e» 875 Msla St. Patterns for every sewing need Read Herald Advi. era to be found in our summer Fashion Book. Ungerls, nproM youngster's styles — ** FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS 'Bit Mystery Solved BY MERRILL BLOSSER BY FRED HARMAN many, nisny designs. Band for No Old Alibis L — ------s vour OMjy today. J ' v [N CAMP rr MEANS Pattern 15c, Pattern Bdok 15^ clevtr aprons from odd Ipngtha o f — AND ME KEEPS W aICHING US. MR. Does HE HAV*r ftow m E Looks HE CAN Te l l By Bfra. Anna Oabot One Pattern and Pattern B o« IsR-ovtr mstarlsla! / KBIT / HE HAS A MOUSIACMS ------DARK. BROWN HAIR. ME^ MR.CANHELO x)S3etN6 tom cr OF THM eATTEtasD 'ALL A0OOT ff." ordered together 26c. Enclose Ic I doubt OOUDt U ir well ws u havenave to Anduau sub-euu- ~ W EIG US A B O U T I60>. A N D IS AND a HE VA^ARING AND HE OWNS lU e , FACE,HE 1 (sCrTTA GO e E E ■mutes for clothespins, > it ws To o b ^ 4 postage for each patlem. might Just as weU be sensible snd Pin Apron (^ttsra N ^ flim M IDDLE -A G E D / BLACK TIeOUSBRS S u t / WHOLE PLANT! BUTTJNe ft/* RESJSTt*E> U TTLE ©£Aa/£R, complets transfer for embroidery WHEN VOU c o m e b a c k ARREST, ears of tbs ones we have! for amhroiderv AND BLUE , , DO So when you hang up ths Uun- design, Instructions on. cutting, SUSPENDERS? VOU HERE, WELl GIVE VCXl dry these fine sununer mornings, sawing and embroidering, sand 10 KNOW OUR F.B.L AWARD/ have a practical (prstty, too, ifu cents in coin, your name and sd- WANTED possibto!) clothes pin epwm__,to'dress and the pattern number to carry your woodaffplna in. This Anne Cabot, TTie Mancheater Eve­ MAN PAMILt-\R WITH apron is mads in tvro ssettona, ths ning Herald, 108 Seventh avenue. front section being cot tn pocket New York city. Enclose 1 cent PLUMBING SUPPLIES ahsps. “Bowser"— 7 inebsa high is postage for each pattam ordered. AND smbroidsssd in quick ootUns stitch My new Album, about which so right onto ths unblsachsd muslin many of you have inquired, to now SHEET METAL WORK fabric. Ha has fluffy brown hair, ready. It to an attractive 32-page Apply in Pertoa At Ones At a big rsd bow around his nsch. snd album of the lovriy designs jmu the clothespin ha Is holding in his have asked for and sdmlred-r MANCHESTER mouth to chsarful yellow. . nssdlswork dssigna of aU typeo— Ths apron makaa a grand gift as for aO ths family — for ths Homs PLUMBING ft SLTPPLY w ^ as a vsrltahls trsasurs of a sad for gifts! H w name, of it la Mvhw^ajitoliito, wasb-daf acosraory. TooTl ths “Anns Cabot Album”. Sand - fiO M PAN Y to rnaks several e f tpera 18 ssBts tediqr flsr fspr sorait • i \ 8ATUBDAT, ^ULY 18,194i, fla«r||r«lrr £ontbi0 UlnaJh Averags Daily Clrenhitlon IlM'Wsatttr Poe Me Moath of done, IMS maal at V.B. Wiumu Throughout the suhuner the tha row t o g ^ s r like sardines. The father grabbeAat the chance when 7,451 Im w a ant soattant i South Methodist church otfice will House Struck Sold lie could hava this place for ■ 1 t , About Tbw^ be open each morning, Mohday Heard Along Main Street me win eat hste tkl an additional $2.75. Tha usher sim­ Member ot the AodM through Friday. The pastor, ReV„, DINE and DANCE at ■I sealer tasdgtit. ply picked'up a seat from some Boieas o t OinsIstlosM Sfr. tutd M n . WalUr WtddeU, W , Ralph ward, Jr.,‘WUl be avatl- Lightning ■And on Somo of Manchester's Side Streets, Too concealed spot but a ahort\ reach t»ho diapoMd o t their bakery hual- abi* for all,parish work *'until away and the father sat down with Manchester -A CUy of VtUage Charm v August 1, after which, time Rev. aaaa th u week, are planning to Last Monday evening when the • course, that ranks above the war a girl on each knee. Of Course the leave next week for Florida where Earl H. Ferguson of the North Bolt Kimcks Off Top of usher got the $2.75.—not the cir­ DANTE’S RESTAURANT 'air raid test sisens. were sounded effort with them. VOL. LXL, NO. 247 Atvertlatoig on Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 20, (FOURTEEN PAGES); PRICH THREE C!ENTS they win apend the next month. Methodist church Will offer his cus. , services. The last union service Chiiniiey,^ Goes Down­ wardens an Center church, and St. Mary’s will Deepwood road was gtruck by week making nut their applica- Hit Advance Axis «yr Center at Fort Knox, Ken­ real gripe. • " . tions for auppleraental gasoline. get-away. Too bad, because there Army Falls Back unite for worship at the Episcopal lightening at 1:52 this morning. NO ORCHESTRA I)URING THE SUMMER tucky. He U taklnr * la" weeks He was walking his post when The questions are tricky €uid no isn’t a more Weioua type alive than haaie training course preparatory church. While no fire resulted a call woman came along as uncon­ a cop shooter. Opinion arouhd --'I brought .Thief Al’oert Foy of the doubt designed to trip up the per­ to duty with the newest and fast- cerned as a deaf guy in a drop son who isn’t inclined to, be hon­ town is that the feUoW must have eat moving: la^jd force of the Miss Barbara Carter of 40 iSoutb Manchester Fire Depart­ forge mill. The warden told her been pretty desperate, else he Airdromes, Bases ment and the cruiser car of the est. / ' ■ anny. Parker street and Miss Virginia she was supposed to be under xov- But the wo{st headache was wouldn't hqve taken the chance he IThomton of 17 Spring street are police deuartment, when the own­ er. "What do you m ean?" the'ask­ for those w’ho drive passengers to did. Opinion around 'town la also on ers of the house telephoned to re­ ed. "This is an air raid test and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bagleaon, spending a week at the MlUie-Ann, an* from work in the city without to the effect that "toipmy guns” : fld 54 Fairfield street and grand- Narragransett Pier, R -1- port the damage. you must get under cover" the should be carried in police cruis­ The top of the chtmny was warden informed her. She turned a livery license, Mos^ of them fiaugbter, Lorraine Mitchell, are have been doing this for. years ers. Orders had been given, the \ (pending a week with Mr. Eagle- Miss Dorothy Denton of New Hnocked srff. The bolt came down toward her home but not until she ^Jto^y. goes, not to carry "tommy New Englanders Are York City arrived this week to into the u'p'per part of the bouse had scoffed "Such small town and haven’t been checked up. aon'a sister, Mrs. Hamilton, in Now they .are asking for addition­ guns" in the police cars. Boston, Mass. The trip was made spend a two weeks’ vacation with and followed along the floor to the stuff.” Local police with the assistance top o f the front door and going al gasoline on the strength that American and British Chase Is Continued to observe Mr. Hamilton's' 80th her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uie warden didn't Ilka her at­ of state police searched the area out burned a hole in the screen they transport a certain number Urged to Fill Their^ Corn Found Mrthday. Denton of 39 Stephen street. She titude and when he inquired from thoroughly after the shooting, but Fliers and Royal Navy i.' has as her guest this week-end. door as it .vent Into the earth. a neighbor later who she was he of other persons to their work. F e a i^ .\ Fire ' * If the information on the raUon- the killer had too good a chance to Mrs. Marion Borst of Oak street Miss Eleanor Garvey of Worcester. found out she was .from Bellows get away under cover of darkness. Strike- Over Week- Good Basis Niuds Pursue Reb’eat- Retreats Toward Rostov Mass. Miss Denton and M i« Gar­ After the lightening struck the Falls. Vermont, population 4,236. ing appllcaUon is checked against Coal Bins Now Will Produce seas noUfied last night of the sud­ members of the household could the license of the car carrying The hunt for the desperado re­ End; 4,000 Prisoners ing^Russian Troops on P den death o f ^ r brother-in-law, vey were classmates at Wellesley Small town stuff, ^ 7 / calls the Kaminski chase in this In Gigantic^ Wasting college. smell the smoke and not being them It would be Just too bad. F or R ubber Qeorge Burke of Fort Eustls, 'Va. able to locate a fire aaked the de­ vicinity in 1934. Kamtuiski, the This represents quite an investment. . Perhaps you Captured in Seven Soutbem Sector as Battle as Germami Mta. Burke who was the former Soma people -look on the tirv Most of them .arc trusUng that Jail guard killer, had eacaped from Goods japan Several Important changes have partment to check up. It wraa also ahoriage as just another wan (care war condlUons will save them. ^ Days . of Battling. • Large Scale Operations y i — MUdred Hall lived in Lydall- found.that a vent In the cellar had effort. They refuse to take it seri­ Hampden County Jail In Spring- haven’t the ready cash to pay for same. Come in and Rush Up Superior vUle and attended Eighth District been made in the interior of the field and was said to be in town. * Excellent Yields* of Princess Restrkurant. New fix­ been blown out by the bolb. ously. But take the word of one Driving along Main 'street in talk H ever with as. Perhaps we can help you. Resumed F oBo wing Has Cut Off Numbers of Men, achools. Mr. Biirke served over­ Rain During Night local service station man—it ia The chase began when local police Cairo, Egypt,. July 20.—) seas In the first World War, He tures have been added, which in­ the vicinity ; of the Center the observed a car under suspicious Pure Butadiene Re­ clude booths and sidewalls. The rain which started to fall at serious! And ha is in a position other day w t slowed, up when a —The big four-motored Heavy’ Rainfalls; So­ Tanks, Other Weapons also leaves sU children. 12:45 lar.t night continued to fall to know. With business falling off circumstances on old Bolton road. yellow and black sign warned us The car was abandoned and a.$:un bombers of the United States' ported in Small-Scale viet Attempts to Re- during the night with heavy show­ at his station this Manchester man that men were at work in the United Fruit Company In Impressive 'Bid ers around 2 o'clock. Once the fire decided to take one last trip in an wais found' in it. Kaminlskl had Tie Manchester Trust Co. Army Air Forces, bombers Operations Test Made, highway. Talking to one of • the brokep out and that gave rise to Take Voronezh Fail. Plans to Grow Rub- ' For Key to Caucasus. alarm system of the South, Man­ effort to round up some second­ highway men we remarked that and fighters of the R.A.F. chester fire department was struck hand tires. He devoted a whole day the belief he was the fellow who Member Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. it WM a tribute to the intelligence bad been in the car that was absin- and warships of the Royal Washington, July 20— ber. Quinine and Oth-\ and the bell and whietie sounded 1 to it taking to b>-ways as well as of the average driver that a sign Navy struck advanced Axis Berlin (From German Moscow, July. 20.— (/P)— once, but there was no other caU | the highways. He figured that doned; For about 10 days Man­ Department of Agriculture today er Essential Supplies, simply reading "Men at Work" chester and vicinity bristled with airfields and bases in a Sbries Broad(»sts), July 20.— (/P)— The Red Army fell back to­ R. J. AMENTA for the department other than | perhaps some stations or garages was sufficient to get the autolsts reported producing "excellent German forces are continuing ------7 ward Rostov in the gigantic, police, local, Connecticut, Spring- the Deei'wood call. off the beaten path; might still of devastating raids and yields” of pure b > t^ene — basic have some good second-hand buys. to slow doa-n. field and .^Massachusetts. But Ka- 3 the pursuit of retreating Rus­ New Orleans, July 20— (JP) — wasting battle of the Don Expert Instruction on He laughingly told^ us that bombardments over the week-end. He worked every minute of the ihinski wasn't found here. Weeks the British announced today. ingredient of A^nthetlc rubber — sian troops on the southern Plana have been made for-foster­ steppes today as the Ger­ formerly the signs read In such later he was picked up in Albany, way,' getting as far as SchenSc- Firmly holding their positions In in small-scale operatlona usin$: Sector of the eastern front ing production in (Central Ameri­ Spanish Guitar, Banjo and Mandolin tady, N. Y. a way aa to warn drivers to slow N. Y., his identity being disclosed butylen^ glycol made from c6rn. mans rush^ up superior Church School down, but the highway workera a week of dusty fighting on the with the resumption of large ca of rubber, quinine and other es­ He canie home with some sec­ by a package he left In a bus sta­ ground in the Battle for Egjrpt, major problem remaining numbers of men, tanks and ond-hand tires— yes, ’ if you can themselves objected to the’ sign, tion. the. British reported, they had la -Mnversion of butylene glycol scale. operations following sential commodities now ciit off by other weapons in an impres­ For Beginners and Advanced Pupils. not the drivers. The highway, em- Japanese Pacific expansion, the call wha* he got "some" Urea. He We have heard since that, be­ captured 4,000 prlsonerz in Um tS butadiene on a commercial heavy rainfalls, the Nazi high sive bid for that''key to the ‘ Private Lessons Only. _ , GivesExhihit brought home exactly two', Just pldyeea objected because the signs fore execution, Kaminski told a scale,” the department said, in diS' United Fruit Company announced. seven days of give-and-take west oomm'and reported today. Russian 'The company, . which in peace Caucasus. Marshal Semeon' Timo­ ask him if there is a serious situ­ read "Slow Men at 'Work.’’ They relative he had never been in this o f ra Alameln. / ' closing also the development of a attempts to re-occupy Voronezh, shenko was assembling all his Telephone Hartford 6-4737, Mornings, for Information. ation in the tire market now and took so much Joshing from pass- vicinity. The story goes that he short and economical fermentation time maintained rf fleet of about Attack Tobruk In DayRght further north, have been repulsed, 100 ships engaged in inter-Ameri­ available forces In an orderly re­ Parents and Friends .At­ he’ll tell you - in no uncertain ersby abqut being "slow men” made a contact with a friendly The attack of.the heavy United process for making butylene glycol Caught.in Kiska harbor, Alaska, by a U. S. Army bomber, a Jap transport burns furiously after the high command added. treat for a stand ' somewhere terms. that they got the highway de­ truck driver almost immediately from such plentiful farm crops as behlng hit by a bomb. Circled i>hipa are those, of "the Jap force which landed on the island, This can trade, has been conducting ex­ tend Program at, the States bombers, now' commanded Loaa Never Acknowledged periments for several years in the along a 40-mUe stretch from partment to change the signs, after his escape from prison and by MaJ. Gen. Lewis H. Brereton, corn and wheat. photo was made from a U. .S. Navy plane soon after the attack. abandoned Voroshilovgrad to the We hava heard several persons eliminating the word "slow.” got to New York. And the map ProduM Bxerileat TMda (T he' Ruaaians never have ac­ growth of such products which South Methodist. recently transferred from India, may be cu ltivate by the small battleground south 'of Millerovo. on the street remark about the And speaking of signs alqng the who was chased by local police, was delivered in daylight against 'Chemists at the Peoria, ni., knowledged the losa of Voronezh. number of elderly men being call­ highway we wonder If some Im­ and who left a gun in the car near laboratary have succeeded in pro­ On the contrary they reported to­ farmer. -| Report New Snccessea A large crowd of parents and the stronghold of Tobruk Sunday. EstabOahlBg Agricultural School ed up for service in the armed pulse to use the vernacular in­ the town’s border, was supposed British air aources, reporting ducing excellent yields of pure day they held the initiative on While the stage thus was being — SPECIAL — frienda attended the demoitatni- forces. Frequently we hear some­ fluenced the state highway depart­ to have been Jacklighting deer out butaiime from corn-made butylene Protest Made that front as a reault of sharp The announcement yesterday set for a momentous new strag­ tlon program of the South the action, said ’ three firgs were American Planes Blast one say, "It’s a shame to take a ment crew when that waming-'Was Bolton w.ay—and that's why he glycol in the laboratory, but they counter-attacks.) laid .the company waa establlahing gle, tbe Russians reported - signifi­ Methodist church' daily vacaUon started in the dock area and that fellow over 40 when there arc so erected at the approach to Man­ ran when he spotted the police car. this blow followed a blasting at­ have not aa yet d evelo]^ the pro­ Thirty-alx o f 60 Red Army an agricultural iKhool in Honduras cant new successes around their Monday and Tuesday Only Bible School last evening. The many young fellowa running cess to a pilot-plant scale and they About Closing tanka which attempted to capture to teach Central American farm­ anchor bastion of Voronezh to tha evening’s program brought to a chester. It reads "Manchester tack by the R. A. F.'s medium around." Others claim they know Thickly Settled.’! We know there And, maybe you’ve heard about bomberi Saturday night, when are not making any definite pre­ Jap Airfield at Canton the German bridgehead on the ers how to produce rubber,. qui­ north, which noW' reaembled a dou­ (July 20th-21f close the two weeks’ series of suc­ of men who have been given de­ this fellow—maybe you haven’t other fires were started and a ship dictions imtU this has been done,” east bank of tbe Don at Voronezh nine abaca or manlla hemp, and bled flat in the German flank. cessful aessioii. are plenty of . "thick" people In ferments who should ’ have gone town, but we didn't know wa had but he went to his doctor and ad­ set burning, the announcemnet said. Of Shipyards were knocked out of action, the palm oil. In hand-to-hand fighting the The program began with an .In­ Into the service. Still others tell mitted that he bad been slipping Chemists at the department's high command reported. The company said it had signed Russ tana took one main German troduction by the pastor. Rev. ,W. gained a statewide reputation for While ths United States Heavy­ a contract with the Defense Sup­ you that they know erf a mother it. in health. Asked by the doctor if were mauling Tobruk tbe northern rsglonal research labora­ .\ bridgehead pointed acroM the Don Ralph Ward, Jr., who welcomed tory at Peoria ate producing buty­ Changes Made The Germans said their advance plies Corporation to plant 20,000 Woolen Blankets who stated with certainty that the he had been taking fruit Juices fighters and fighter-bombers of Business and Labor Or­ on the southern sector was pro­ at V orone^ after a heavy da- the guests and thanked the teach­ lene glycol on, a pilot plant, or aciea of abaca In Costa Rica, to army would never get any of her regularly each day to build up the .British were carrying out one ceeding “in a southerly and east­ feat of the Invaders' 75th dl-vlsion. ers for their work. He then In­ Some of the south end firemen semi-commercial scale through help supply the Navy with hemp Single) sons. ' are still talking about the reck­ necessary vitamins the fellow ad­ O f the heaviest attacks ever de­ ganizations and Feud­ erly direction” and that the Nazi Other counter-attacking defend­ troduced Mrs. Ward who was 8u- the fermentation of grains. fiber for rope. ers of the city grappled with the But, try to pin these critics of less fellow who sold the south mitted that he hadn’t taken any livered against an Axis airfield i By Committee Air Force was delivering smash­ pervisor of the school who In turn The comparatively rare chemi' ing Political Factions —Also Bomb Linchwan *' Last month the company appro- Germans aouth and west o f Voro­ Selective Service down, and they ,end department that big, neW for three or four months. To which in the desert. This was near El ing blows against the Soviet, presented the department leaders. cah't give you a concrete Instanr'e the , doctor replied’ "Long time Daba, close behind the front lines. forces. nezh on tha banks of the Dan. Names of Tesebers fire truck. Seems they took him (CMUaned on Page Eight) Seeking Reopening. (Conttnued m Page Two) of any man of draft age who has out on a party and a little poker no C.” Bombards SCatmli Frem Sea CThungkinff’, July 20.—(JP) In Taxes B ill Destroy Enemy Cotnmna (Thia appeared to mean that $1.25 The following persons assisted really "got away with it." Not in — A. Non Moko This Affraettvo Window tox YonrsoH The Admiralty in London told * tha Germans had been driven back game ensued (not the kiddles -1-Ujiited States bombing "Bomber and- battleplane forma- in the school and superintendents Manchester at any rate. If ther% la «rf the Royal Navy’s salllsa against New Orteaaa, July 20.—(*)—A from the city’s environa on all and teachers: game on the high school lawn). planes blasted a Japanese Uona.” the communique reported, any specific case all the complainr- The fire truck salesman had Just You, toe, can mat* nacaiM^ houMhold articlat with FULL the Axis, and said two consecu­ many-sided movement la which Decides to Recommend sides. Previous dispatches hava (Regularly 85c each) Beginners' feachers: (Supt.) COFRAhl tive bombardments from the 'sea Violent Floods airfield at Canton Saturday, "destroyed enemy cohmina east of Bombers Raid ant has to do is drop a note to'the completed a $9,000 deal. He warn (Known-As Qtwea Allc«) SIZE Eaii-Bild Pattamt. Juit trace on wood-SAW-ASSEMBLE. business and labor organisations Rostov, annihilated important ene­ indicated the Germane had been M « . Helen McKinney. Mrs. Irene draft board and the case will be were carried out Friday and Sat­ planting their bombs among 90 Per Cent Excess routed to. the north o f the city I Your Blankets From Moths. Rand, Mrs. Evangeline Small, in the habit 6f talking in the S P lIim iA L MEUIU.M Easier to use than a dress pattern. No special tools noaded.' urday nights against Matruh, and fsudtng city and state politi­ my. supply lines in the area of the checked up. The Selective Service thousands. When they sat down Seveatb Daughter ot a Seventh Son between 50 and 60 planes on Profits Levy and 40 Don estuary and effectively sup­ and held at bay to the south but Blanket Is Thoroughly Sterilized. Mrs. Grace Hopper, Miss Edna system wants to uncover any cases German Marshal Erwin Rommel's Take 11 Lives cal factions Joined was started to­ Germans’ Sub had held on to the western out­ MuUen. to play cards he said "How much Bom With a VelL You'll SAVE MONEY and HAVE FUN. ^ rything from Lawn most advanced sea base. the ground and leaving six ported pursuit fighting in the Don of deliberate evasion. If such haVe are we playing for—a nickel?” Readtaga Dally, lacliidlag Saaday, day to aeek ' re-opening of the Per Cent Normal Tax. bend.” skirts. Voronezh is about 10 Blanket Given That Huffy New Appearance. Primary tsachers: (Supt.) been committed here the local chairs, Cabinats, Valances, etc. ^ - No details of damage were giv­ S«S,00(>,000 ahipbuUding plant of great fires blazing, Lieut. miles Cast o f the Don.) ' Mrs. Irens Deyo, Mrs. Virginia B A. M. to t P. M. Or By Appolat- Germah air raiders also were board should be Informed. The circus roustabout who dons ment. la the Service of the Peo­ en, but the Admiralty said it light As Tliieir Toll The Higgins Corporation, closed Gren. Joseph W. Stilwell’s reported to have blMted raUways Building Yard Lewis, Mrs. Helen Sbenning, Mrs. warshipa encountered Inconsequen­ Bnlletiii! Yields Oroond Slowly True, there are some older men an official looking costume and be­ ple for SO Yearn. headquarters announced today. In in the Moscow area with devastat­ Lillian Banks. Mrs. Grace Holman. being called up. That is beyond lo­ tial replies from Axis shore bat­ her* Saturday by the United Waahlngton, July 29—(C)— The Red Army above Rostov, ichester Dry Cleaners comes an usher has a racket all IfiB Chnrch Street, Hartford, Coaa. States Maritime Ckimmisaion. a second attack .the American ing effect in days and night at­ while yielding ground slowly, n - Junior teachers; (3upL) Mrs. cal board control. Men have been Phone S4K»7 teries and easily beat off a motor airmen yesterday bombed Linch­ Tbe Houaa defeated today aa tacks. 93 WELLS STREET PHONE 7254 Arieen Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Pat­ his own, those who attended the torpedo boat which tried to attack. Damage or Destroy Hun< The commission announced - it Blow Fourth in as Many fused to let its lines be broken de­ placed In their proper order In ac­ Ringling circus in Hartford this wan, Japanese base in Klangti attetapt by the Waya aad On the Arctic front, meanwhile, terson, Mrs. Muriel Klein, Mrs. cordance with regulations from At least six tanlu were knocked had withdrawn Its contract for Meaaa Oommlttee t* reduce spite the fury of the German ar­ week found out. If they happened dreds of Homes, Busi 200 Liberty ships due to limita­ province. All the planes returned other Nazi warplanes blasted at Days Against 'North­ Louise Lord. National headquartera. Groups out of action by British fighter the proposed oorpotmtlSa nor­ the Russian supply port of Mur­ mored attacks dlvie-bombing and to see it . work. The ushers get bombers m the southern sector of tions of steel and would divert safely from both raids. parachutist landings in its rear, Music teacher, Ferd Werner. called'up for {Msslble Induction nesses and Industrial SoeoBd Bald on Linchwan mal and aurtax rate from 55 mansk, setting big fires among west Reich; Three of The program consisted of a aerv- themselves some extra coin by the 40-mile front and many enemy steel available to existing plants said Russian dispatches from the now range the whole age space simply secreting folded chairs The communique said Japanese to 40 per eeat. By a teOat vote docks, gasoline dumps and con­ ice of worship by the children of from 20 to 45. Men over 36 are said aircraft were smashed by a heavy Plants in 2 States. already In operation since, it said, of 180 t* ISO, tbe Bwnibcis re- centrations of motor tracks, the Raiding Force Missing. about the section they are work­ bombing attack on a German air­ Higgins would not be In full scale headquarters were attacked with the Primary Department, a play not to be used for combatant ser­ TAXK ■lIPPTBOlIK ' exceUent results" at Linchwan in fuaed to naake the laat-mlante' Germans declared. (Oostiaiied on Page Tin) "The (nilldhood of Moses" by the ing. drome west of the battle area, a production until 1943. . reduction aad then refuted to London. July 20.-^AV—Four^en- vice, but that is someAiing for the Chairs are laid out for the eua- CALL SJIliD B O X Ridgway, Pa., July 20—(P>—Vio­ this second raid uix>n that base. Seventeen enemy fighter planes children. The combined Primary communique, said. du uges "Mystertons Elecnenta" rvaise from SIVi'per cent tJ were reported shot down over Ko­ Army authorities to decide, not lo­ tomers-^so many In a row. They lent flash floods rolling through It .first was attacked July 10. gined bombers of the Royal Air and Junior departments under the )^ 'v o al­ Here’s something for daddy * Five Axis Plaaes OoMoed Although shortage of steel was 90 per cent the exoeaa proflta la bay in this action. cal draft boards. aren’t supposed to be crowded to­ 6 5 8 8 north Mntral Pennsylvania and Canton laat waa attacked by U. Force ridded northweat Germany direction of Fred Werner sang as ways wantad. Can M folded to make, mamma to paint Five enemy aircraft, attempt­ assigned by the Maritime Com- rate. Tbe latter propoaltloa Local ifriUcs should remember gether so that a heavily built man 8. bombera on .^uly 4 when the Minor Fighting Reported last night, including submarine SUPER-BINGO a chorql number, '"The Shepherd’s that Manchester is in, a defense Promptl and stored In minimum, and babv to enjoy. The Easi. ing to land during the raid, were Naw York today took at least 11 mission, A. J. Higgins, head " ot whltecloud airdrome on the out- warn voted down by vokw vote. or woman would be uncomfortable. Minor fighting was reported Flashes ! Song" by Young. area where registrants are to a Safe! reported shot down by British lives and damaged or destroyed the corporation, charged i" akirta of the city waa the target. building yards at VegMsek, the The children of the Junior de­ But the ushers do push the chairs space, and it's easy to make Bifd pattern makes it simple statement today there were ''mys­ south of Lake Ilmen, between Mos­ (Late Bollettas of tbe (F) W tn) very large percentage employed in Bervloal fighters escorting a strong force hundreds of homes, business estab­ Today*a official announcement Wa/hlngton. July 20—(F)— The cow and Leningrad, where . the Air Ministry announced today. ^ $200 IN PRIZES partment gave a sendee of wor­ together making room for not one tno Easi-Bild way. to do all three of light bombers which carried out lishments and Industrial plants. terious Clements' behind this defense plants. Deferments must extra chair but several extras. that an airdrome waa attacked, Houn Way and Means Committee, Germans said they had repulsed Vegesack is 10 miles northwest ship led by Beverly ^wallow with be granted auch workers, and the aasault. Railroad roadways and highway thing." without identifying it, indicated a in a last-minute cbssge of atti­ ,of Bremen. Kine Elderly Passerby Gwendolyn Glenney reading the Alpng comes a fellow with his The_attack. which was made Referring to reports from Bir­ local attacks and destroyed 19 many of them are young men. That MANCHESTER TAXI bridges were washed out. Traffic aecond field waa visited this time, tude, decided today to recommend Soviet' tanka. Three of our bombers are miss­ Washington, July 20.—(Fi — A Scripture. All of the children girl, disappointed that hta bleacher near El Daba cloae behind, the was paralysed. Power and tele­ mingham, Ala., that Higgins' plan since the Japanese maintain sev­ ybong man Identified by poUee aa c l u b may account for the remark that seats are so far out of the center M. Orfitein. Mgr. to the Houae a 90 per cnter his prospect for). That extra buck for final passage. Chairman Dougb- the. Ruhr and submarine construc­ (20) <5.00 GAMES! (3) $10.00 GAMES! lee", was presented by the Junior Center SL Phone 5145 rivets In Pennsylvania. 'The Alle­ around Hengfeng and lyang, two ton (D., N. C.) of the committee tion centers at Luebeck and Flens- become an anti-war fanatic ahext any morning during tha week and or two goes Into the usher’s pocket three months ago and his condl- (1) <20.00 GAME! (1) <50.00 GAME! department with the following ll gheny winds northward through pointa which the (Thlneae aasert announced that It had abandoned burg. note the cars driving through. because hq simply digs up on* of Bus Rammed; southern New York before turning WAAC Starts they have recaptured to break the tioa had become arone ia the cxr- ALL FOR <1.00! cast of’ characters; You will soon learn who among FILMS ita previous schedules of 87H per Buffer Zone (The Orman high command Patricia Hawk as Ruel: Donald his concealed chairs and places it Blen. LamBcr A Fuel Co.. * « southwest to its Junction with the in>'adera’ hold on a 15-mile central reat exceuive heat. She said he Ample Parking In Rear of Club.' those bound for work are striving in the row be has previously DEVELOPED AND cent on excess profits and 45 per said Nazi planes scored direct Fla veil as Samuel; Beverly Swal­ Centor. SL Phone 8145 | | Ohio at PitUburgh. section of the Cheklang-Klangai bomb hits on a British war plant wM to have appeared before his to double up to save tlrei and gas. crowded together and nobody is railway. Draft Board tomorrow and had low aa Timothy; Robert Haugh aa PRINTED Five Victims Places Hardest Hit Its Training (Ooattnoed aa Page Twa)' northeast of London In a daylight The aircraft workera ride five and supposed to be any the wiaer. PIcaM send FREE 14i page catalogue The recapture of theae two For Gasoline been repeating the BIMical phrase Joaeph; Jean Wilson as Sarah; 24-HOUR SERVICE Hardest hit wers Port Allegany, raid. The Italian radio* broadcast Gwendolyn Glen'hy aa Miriam; six In a car. You can readily Sometimes by a littls salesman­ FREE! t Austin, Wharton, Ridgway, Em-' pointa were only two of tha victor- T hon Shalt not kill." Tbe dead recognize tl^em." ship he can wangle a good tip in iUeitraling the wide aisortment of iea announced by the Chineae yes­ Treasary Balance a Berlin dispatch identifying tbe man waq identified aa Joaeph La- Barbara Haugh as Dorcas; Sylvia Film Deposit Box 13 or More Women In­ porium and Johnsonburg in Penn*' target of this attack as Chelms­ But along about the hour wrfaen addition to the fee be charges for 16 PAGE Old Army Post Hears terday. The retaking of Wen 162 Counties Lying roppldan, a 12-year-old former Keith as Ruth; Dorothy Davis aa At Store Entrance Easi-Bild Patterns. .sylvania and Clean, Portville and ford, small manufacturing center Deborah; Rev. Ward aa Nlcode- cars that are about due to arrive the chair. We saw one man coma jured as Vehicle Hit Salamahaca in N*w York. ’Shrill Voices of Wom­ chow and Julan, aouth Oiekiang Washington, July .20.-r^(S-i—The street car condnotor who 'lived at in Hartford at 8:30 or 0 a. m. along with two little tots. The lit­ ILLUSTRATED Name porta; were two othera. position of the Treasury, July 17: West of Eastern Sea­ 30 milee east northeast of Lon­ the Little Sister* of the Poor bonM, mua; Hugh Schulz as Reuben; At Port Allegany, where six don.) . • . Janet Tedford as Rhoda; Constance pass through the town you note tle girls did so want to see every­ CATALOGUE Addrau By Trailer Truck. persona were reported drowned, the en Soldiers Today. The Chinese communique today Receipts, $25,297,680.98; expend­ board Area Affected. thing, but their pop had been too itures, $150,658,377.22; net balance. Make DayUght Attacks Pelley Pleads Innocent Flavell as Joab; Roberi Hutson as a ' difference, shiny, neW automo­ KEMP’S Allegheny smashed into the Free Yesterday by daylight .R.A.F. Want A New House? biles, white sidewall tires and all late to get seats in a good aectton. Keller, Va.,’ July 20— (F) —A (Conttniied' aa Page BIgbt) $4,108,920,543.66. bidlanapoHs. Jnly 20.——Wil­ ■ X . V ■ John; Joan Tedford and James Methodist church while 150 per­ Bulletin! fliers in Boston bombers attacked Cook aa other children. the indications of a wealthy owner This father stopped to ask the ush­ l j heavy trailer truck rammed the Waahlngton, July 20.-M5’)—A liam Dudley Pelley,-former SlKer 1 = = = = ! sons were attending a conference. “buffer zone" of 162 counties lying targeta in the German-occupied At l^e close of the 'play the -di- constitute the hurrying tral!(lc. er if there wasn't a peastbtlity of end of a bus crowded with women They clun^ to trees, roof-tops and Fort Des Mataea, lews. Shirts leader, and two co-depead- ptomaa were presented to the chil The driver is either a chauffeur buying bettsr seata. Ths i. usher en route to work at a frcexlng 29—(O —PlfW five .bnadred . west of the eastern seaboard ra­ onta pleaded tanocent at their ar- wewses will be massleg vital tioning area waa created by the (Oontlnned on Fags Ten) dren and also a picture; .of the en­ with the boas riding alone In back pointed to a space he bad managed plant today killing at least five (OsetlBeefi ee Page Eight) raigameat In Federal District tire Vacation School t^ e n at an or the driver ia the boss himself to make right' along the rail. It and injuring IS or-ipore. Army poets by Jan. 1, It was Will Announce Soon Policy War Production Board- today in court today on teditloa chargea. See Jarvis diacloaed tbe first which gasoline deliTcries will be early seaslon. with no pne else in tbs car. was a choice location an right, but State Trooper' Charlea B. U 4m j ma They are to be tried July 28. Thoaa it had been made possible by Btrauaa said the track, pulling a wemeo soldiers hi the aattoe's cut 25 per cent "sTartlng at 12:01 under Indictnwat with Pelley are The Be'ginner’s Department led Wa were walking through the bistocy took ever this old by Mrs. Helen McKinney had their Center the other morning when squeezing the other occupants, of trailer loaded with celery, struck On College Men in Draft a. m.. (e.w.t.) Wednesday. Nazis’ Defense •Mito Agnes Marian Headeiaoa, his Try to Save Army pest. Mn. Oveta Culp Tbe cut in supply is designed to demonstration program yesterday this was called .to our attention. the bus on U. 8. Routs 13 Just secretary: and Lawrence A. Brown, Hobby, director of the Wom­ * prevent rationed motorists from He Has Some!! morning. Songs, prayer and atories It la quite noticeable. Evidently LEGION BINGO south of Keller and “demolished" secretary of the FeHowsWp Preaa, en’s, Army Anxlliaiy Corps, crossing the boundary line to get To Be Opened the lone drivers . art business i t Both vehicles were headed, lac., a NoMetvIIle, Ind- iisM shliig. made up their progranv Following Life of Boy bore for the opening of tbe Washington, July 2(h— Zook's letter carried a statement uhlimlted motor fuel. firm alto ander indlrtilhrnt far this the entire school had picnic executives who own places at. the southward. Manpower Chairman Paul V. Mc­ by 75 collage presidents, who met It’ s not a miracle-it's just- * matter . Free Enlargement * Admission The Northampton-Accbmac hos­ W AAC tralalag poet, sntd in a In addition, the WPB announced priatiag alleged tedlUoas arttoes lurch on the South chufeh lavi-n lakes to the east or have, a coun­ preen oonfSronco 29 compna- Nutt said today the government recently in Baltimore, deploring and were served ISe cream and with Every Roll of Film pital at Naaaav^adox, Va,. said that deliveries to filling stations In Eight Accused Sabq- I repared by Pelley, o|-foresight in planning so that we have try estate. They haven't heeded Baby Found Chained in les of 150 WAAM eoeb, a would announce soon a definite "tha continuing lack of any ade­ seven western New York counties • • « . cold drinks. Many parents of the | the* advice of the government to thirteen peraona ware hoapitallxed Developed and Priated * tw G T onight 50c thera aftar the crash and others total of 2,909 women, will be policy on college men in the draft quate, coordinated plan for the Would be cut 33 1-3 per cent Im- teurs to Have Stories Seen Jap Attack on Redo children shared in the picnic. r| take turns driving with their moat effective utilisation of higher had the necessary materials on hand to given flrst-a44 treatment and to- Attic of West Vip^n- on doty at Army peats by the and coordination of America’a I,- mediatety and that on Aug. 22 Devoaport, England, Jnly 20.— . Arranged In the chapel on .sev- j neighbors. Maybe they don't ELITE STUDIO ' first of tbe year. In addition. 800 oolleges and unlvarstUea with education toward the winning of iPresented 'to Court. The former arar secretary, LeaBe complete projected houses before the lid eral tables were the expressional leased. ia Mountain Home. thaae counties would be brought like their neighbors and, of S5 ee Se W e*B * B * 2,599 etbers wtn bo aosigned the 'wnr effort. the war.” ‘ into the ration aone. These coun­ Hore^Bellalin. said la a epaech to­ actlvUies of. the children. The fol- to tbe aircraft warning ser­ .was cla m p ^ down By "priorities. Cooler Seating Arrangements There erere 25 or SO eromen In George F. Zook, president of the No Detnilo af Program Ghren ties are Niagara, Er|e, Orleana.. Washlngton.~July 20.—(ipp—The day that RuMla might taee aa rt- i lowing work done by the children Parsons, W. V, July 20-Hifl— vice along tbe AUnntlo const. American OouncU on Education, themselves was on exhibit; the bus en rou te' to erork at a McNutt gava no details of his Genesee, Wyoming, Monroe and MUitary Oommlaslon trying eight tack from Japan "at any roome^." freexlM plant in Exroore, Btrmias Doctors and nurses sought today She mid they will work nnder had charged the government with program'hut it warn understood it Ue declared the eucceaefni opemag We also have houses for re-sale Beginners: Flower pots, scrap­ tbe First Fighter Command Livingston. ' " i accused Nazi saboteurs announced said. The machine wap thrown to save the ebbing life of a small failure To use Uit lnat|tutiens.’ probably would atop the conflict in today the defense probably would of a second front Immedlataly books, work txxiks, cut-outs,'daisy boy who "acted Just Uks a little aad wt^ B m ta nalta e f M A n a o t *Daffer Zone" around town. They include a 6 room . 3 - TEN DOLLAR GAMES - 3 over and eB>aehed by tha track Zook wrote MeNutt. tbe secre- rccraiti^ by various branches o: The new "buffer aone” takes In open tbe presentatlen ef its esa* would bring tbe preapect of r i » chain, baskets, mounted heligious Sunday---Like Every Day which also capetead. to* dsciaaad; searad animal” aftar be was found tariM a t war and Navy and draft {ilcturea. tba Army a ^ Navy. . ', all tba other S6 counties of west­ this afternoon. tory near. Ho declared that ths single with fireplace, steam heat and 2 Two Tha five daad erara named by chained ta the attic of his moun­ haadquarters that thia "failure” uiai ghi a t ' ter ittory Baoria atM Primary: ScroUa, shepherds You Get the Finest Food 1 - FIFTEEN DOLLAR GAME - 1 tain home. Fort Dm Motnaa, la., July 20.— Many oducaton aspect that the ern New York, Pennsylvahla. West The noon communique issued 'iy |JUm ottiear aa: Muriel BuQ a t Laa- had confused students and aduca- draft age will be lewered to 18 MaJ Gen. Frank R. McCoy, presi­ oonM M oiflee without gravely ' scenes, hot pads, place mats and A physician reported the two (O —This old Army post, long 'VlrglBia and Vlrginik wh