^•^'^..--'-.K.'W f'..-' '“ ■*^.'».- .'yv* *' ■•T— fitSTEEl! FRIDAY, JULY 17,1942 inaiiri}rfitn: £ttnibi0 X m lii Average Daily Circulation ' The Weather Far Sm Month of June, 1842 Foreeaat of U. 8. VPeatlMr Bnrean a delicious buffet luncheon waa ferments due to extenuating cir­ ing failed to appear. They may re­ another large group of registrants cumstances such as a death in the served by the hosteues, a feature port late, or it la posMble ^hey may reported to the local hoapital an­ Keep the Children Happy! Two to Study 56 Selectees family. have enlisted '.n another branch 7,451 Scattered, ehoweiv wid sBghtly A bout Town of which waa a bridal cake with nex on Haynes street for examina­ miniature bride and bridegroom. Three Fall to Appear without notification yet ' having THRESHER’S Member of the AadH warmer tonight tion by the local medical board. As Teachers Miss Galllgan is to be married Go for Exams Of the 59 listed for transporta­ been given the local draft board. PONY RIDES Borea^ of Olzealattona ' Soya and giria of thi^oSalvation on July 27 to Robert F. Brannick. tion to Hartford three failed to Otherwise their names will be re^ Those who ate passed by tha local A m y Sunday achool will meat at make an appearance. Their names parted to the United States DUr doctors Will go to ths Army induc­ At Adams Street' Manche»ter—~A City-of Village Charm\^' tbOsCitadcI tonaorrow at 1:30. From Group Siirprisetl Group LeaVpA This were forwarded to the Army in­ trict Attorney for action; tion center for ilnal examination - Buekland Comers there they will hike, bike and mo­ College at New Britain duction center In Hartford as hav­ Today as on nearly every Friday during August; VOL. LXI., NO. 246 (dnaellled Advertialng on Faga U). MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) raiCE THREE CENTS tor to M idland F*aric for their ao-- Morning for ^Army nual picnic. ITie aporta prograra Enrolls Two Girl Stu­ Bv Early Visitor will include ganaes and races of dents from Manchester Physicals at HartfoP^^ vaiioua a<wt8, with a lunch to Gatherings these days In front round out the . afternoon. The A Selectivs Servlca contingent Manchester's First Hero Copies Home achool faculty would greaUy ap- New Britain. July 17. — ’The of the Postoffice before 7 o’clock Teachers' College of Connecticut numbering 56, left the Post Office British Lose Part praclate the offer of automobile In the momlrig are becoming com- For Summer Comfort at Work or Play! Reds 6 tranaportatlon for the . younger office here announced today the rtonplace: The reason — boy.s se­ building at the Clsntcr at 7:30 this admittance of those , young men children. lected by the Draft Board go to morning for Army Induction phys­ and women In the freshman class Hartford for their Army physical entering September 8, 1942. This examlhatlon. These groups are be­ ical examination in .Hartford. Ur. and Mra. F red/F . Recaye Of Ground Gained win be the first entering clash to coming larger and larger as the Those who are" accepted for aer- • ' « and son Gary, have returned to have a chance to avail themselves, town after spending a week’s va­ war progresses. vlce will be entitled to an auto- i Nazi of the anticipated three semester It was somewhat of a surpri.se matlcT4 days’ furlough. Names of N E W ! cation at the Belgrade Lakes, Me. a year plan in the history of the for those w.ho gathered there this The N^w Cyclotte college. Under this jirogram it will morning to see HaYold C. Alvord. those accepted are not released by I In Northern Area Mrs. Carrie E. Bella of School • be possible for 'students to com­ treasurer of the Manchester ITust the local draft board until a report attest, who has been spending sev­ plete the work toward graduation Co. on the steps o f the pcwtofficc has been made from the examining I w -iM^awa'— A eral weeks in St. Johnsbury, Vt., in the minimum time of two years before 7 o'clock. Comments were board In HarIXord. Counter-AtUcked T w k e ^ ^ ^ P ^ t t o n la expected home tomorrow. Manchestef’a quota for today's Don Re ache and eight months, graduating in heard from several who remarked April 194.V that they thought a banker has army examination was 70, and D r e s s Alter Drive to South; Mr. and Mrs. Ehneat C. Linders It will also be the first time In “bankers hours" and never gets there were three transfers from New Zealand Troops of 258 Parker street, have received which men students may enlist in up before nine o'clock. other boards making a total of 73 Doesn H Fill German Forces l^sl of C h a n g e American-Made Planes a cablegram from their son, Pfc. the armed forces as reserves and To early risers In town, Mr. Al- due to leave. However, thla list '••PAIITEE-SLfiUSE* Repulse Motorized In­ Raymond E. linders, informing continue their education, it was vord's dally visits at the postoffice was reduced to 59 through enlist-, For bowling,Dwlmg, Iblcy- Rostov on Broad Front, o Roar into Titanic them of'his safe arrival in Orest stated. Freshmen are eligible to en­ cause no surprise. He has been do­ menti, requests for examinations cling, golf, sthool, day­ fantry at Eastern End Empty Spot list at once after receiving the ing that f.or years. in other areas, and temporary de­ —Soviet Attacks on Hopes Rest Struggle; Nazi Tanks Britain. $2 .9 8 time wear— or for wo­ Of Ruweisat Ridge. necessary papers from the Faculty Nazi i^ridgehead Re-1 ^ Veer Southward in Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Blckmore Army and Navy Adviser at the col­ and men in any walk of life Emergency Food Supply aad their two daughters who lege. Cairo. July 18.—(/P)— B rit-! pulsed \in Battle of^ O / l S e n a t e Drive Across Steppes. moved to Hartford a few years ago The entering class Includes the today . Cyclotte is For Army Fails to ish troops on the northern Voronezh's at Northern ------ Of Don Below Miller* I returned to Manchester and following from Manchester: the perfect action-free sector of the El Alamein | Measure Up to Steak occupying their house' at 81 Ann Della Fera, Muriel E. dress — styled in the ^ing of 300-Mile Of- ovo; Reds Recapture street. Smith. N • $3 .9 8 front drove southward yes-! And Onions as Meal. House Begins Final Day BEST best shirt-frock man­ terday but later were coun­ fedsiye; Hard Fighting. Of Debate Before Vot­ Five Communities. Misa DbUy Jane Glamann of INVES’TMENTS ner. ter-attacked twice by Mar­ 202 Oak G r^ Greenback Shower ON EARTH shal Erwin Rommel’s Axis By John B. Lewla ing on Measure Mon­ a part of bar -------- New York, July 18— (/P) —The Berlin (Ffotn German Moscow^ July 18.—(A*)— forces and compelled to give mint and uncle, Mt. and Mrs. John By- simply opening Army’s new Ration "K," a tabloid Bl'oadcasts), July. IS.-—</P)—- day ITithout Change. American-inade Douglas Bos­ Oaugl of Stratford, Conn. For Bride-Elect awUHos up some of the ground they BONqS and BEAUTY the 3 bottom buttons food supply developed to' feed The ^jgh command declared ton bombers roared into the gained, British headquarters an­ today’ German forces had Washington, July 19.—(65—Ap­ titanic struggle to stem the Members of Chapman Court, No. , jw k . Wendeftwl bo- the dress becomes a ’ nounced today. On the central fighting men in the field, doesn't 10, Order of Amaranth and H^elr ^TES! We've added another reached the lower Don river parently convinced the House Germans in the Don basin to­ Miss lioyola 3. Galllgan. of 14 ^ good buy to our stock in comfortable divided front, where New Zealand troop.s measure up to steak and onions— families are invited to attend Hie Delmont sereet, was tendered s I . caaea yesT hove m were holding the eastern end of but It does the Job. eSst of Rostov on a broa4 would make no major changes in day as, the onrushing Nazi atate picnic, Sunday, July 19, at- trade.. a companion piece After a day’s "guinea pig" ex­ "Greenback” shower last night at to Beauty.. .Namely BONDS skirt (left leg opens the Ruweisat ridge, 4n attack by ■front. (Such an advance the biggest tax bill in the nation’s tanks, preceded by parachut­ Hammonasset Beach, providing the home of her fiance's parents, ^ ^ skirHaik poppkf oat motorized infantry waa repulsed, periment under Army auspices, I history, administration' leaders to­ their own box lunches. ,^ V . S. War Bonds and\ for-“ peFsonal conveni­ ■feel certain that every soldier will I would place the Germans on ists, veered southward in Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Brannlck of Stamps. So when you’ve the British communique aaid. day cehtcred their revision hopes —H'l year Uaaaa aad ence”). Washes'beau­ There also was activity on the be better fed, in the emergencies | the way toward major objec­ their drive across the Don North Elm street. Relatives and had your weekly beauty Scenes of the first Wortd War were revived last ' i _ In the Senate- M. ^Murphy of the Newington flose friends attended, and Mrs. southern end of the 40-mtte Brit­ when he must resort to Ration tives of the southern campaign, As the Hohse began the final steppes below Milierovo.
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