1948 the Witness, Vol. 31, No. 13
MAY 6, 1948 BISHOP KARL BLOCK OF CALIFORNIA FROM A PO R TR A IT............... The Church and Social Service Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SERVICES In Leading Churches In Leading Churches T he Cathedral of S t . J ohn For Christ and His Church Christ Church Cathedral the Divine Main and Church Sts., Hartford, Conn. N ew York City E d ito ria l B oard: Roscoe T. Foust, E d ito r; Sunday Services: 8, 9:30, 10:05, 11 A.M., Sundays: 8, 9, 11, Holy Communion; 10, William B.- Spofford, Managing Editor; H ugh 8 P.M . Morning Prayer; 4, Evening Prayer; Ser D. McCandless, John M. Mulligan, William B. W eekdays: Holy Communion — Monday mons 11 and 4. I __ , _ Spofford Jr., Sydney A. Temple Jr., Joseph H. and Thursday, 9 A.M.; Tuesday. Friday and Weekdays: 7:30, 8 (also 9:15 Holy Days Titus, Andrew M. Van Dyke, William M. Saturday, 8 A.M. ; Wednesday, 7 :00 and and 10, W ednesdays). Holy-Com m union; 9, Weber, Hal M. Wells, Walter N. Welsh. 11-00 A.M. Noonday Service, daily 12:15 Morning Prayer; 5, Evening Prayer. Open P.M . daily 7 A.M. to'6 P.M._________ Grace Church, New York Christ Church Cambridge Broadway at 10th St. C ontributing E d it o r s: Frederick C. Grant, Rev. Louis W. Pitt, D.D., Rector Book Editor. F. O. Ayres Jr., L. W. Barton, Rev. Gardiner M. Day, Rector Daily: 12:30 except Mondays and Satur- D H Brown Jr., Adelaide Case, Angus Dun, R ev.
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